Mother’s Happiness

By Houndddog.

The two couples Peter and (dog bitch) Sara, and, Ann and Bruno (dog), have had four months of sexual passion and delight, sharing each other often when the need arises neither one refusing the other. One night while they are in bed, Ann softly squeezes her son’s cock and can feel it stiffen, she says in a soft voice, “Sweetheart, I’ve never been so happy and fulfilled.”

Peter kisses her softly on the lips, and said, “I am so proud of you.”

Ann replied, “In what way?”

“When I think of the transformation you have experienced.”

Ann returned his kiss as she felt his hand on her ass and replied, “Your mother wants to hear more.”

Peter whispered, “You are now more animal than human. You no longer have any inhibitions.”

By Hounddog.

The two couples Peter and Sara and Ann and Bruno have had four months of sexual passion and delight, sharing each other often when the need arises neither one refusing the other. One night while they are in bed, Ann softly squeezes her son’s cock and can feel it stiffen, she says in a soft voice, “Sweetheart, I’ve never been so happy and fulfilled.”

Peter kisses her softly on the lips, and said, “I am so proud of you.”

Ann replied, “In what way?”

“When I think of the transformation you have experienced.”

Ann returned his kiss as she felt his hand on her ass and replied, “Your mother wants to hear more.”

Peter whispered, “You are now more animal than human. You no longer have any inhibitions.”

Ann smiled and said, “Do you like the change?”

“Yes oh yes,” Peter said as they kissed more passionately.

Ann whispered, “I am almost jealous of you and Sara.

Peter replied, “Jealous?”

“It’s just the woman in me,” Ann said as she felt her son’s hand cup her pussy.

Peter asked, “Whose baby maker is this?”

“Bruno’s” Ann whispered. Ann smiled as she gently fingered her son’s balls, and said, “This is where Sara’s babies are hatched.” They kissed again. Ann could feel her nipples harden as she whispered, “Do you find Sara’s pussy better than mine?”

Peter said, “She is smaller and tighter.”

Ann feeling the excitement rise said, “Is it wetter?”

Peter whispered, “When you both cum, yours is wetter.”

Ann gave him a long kiss. “That’s what I wanted to hear, sweetheart.”

Peter still holding her vagina said, “When will you bitches be in-heat?”

Ann said, “I’m expecting my period in two weeks, and Sara will be in-heat next week.” Ann continued, “We both desperately want to get pregnant. I’ll call the gypsy tomorrow.”


The next day the phone rang and to Ann’s surprise at the other and was a familiar voice Ann said with a smile, “I was just about to call.”

The gypsy woman answered, “How is everything going?”

Ann said, “I’ve never been so happy.”

The woman replied, “Good, any news?”

Ann said, “No not yet.”

The woman said, “Why don’t you drop by and see me, maybe I can help.”

Ann was thrilled. “Oh, could you? I’ll be there today.”

No sooner had she hung up the phone then Ann found herself at the gypsy’s store. She opened the door, the woman smiled, and happy to see Ann. “Won’t you come this way?” she said motioning to the back room. “We can talk privately in here. Please, sit down.” Once seated, the woman clasped her hands. “Now, tell me, dear, how are your orgasms?”

Ann smiled and replied, “The best and most I’ve ever had.”

“I am happy to hear that, have you had any signs of pregnancy?”

“No,” Ann replied, “not yet anyway.”

“Is Sara pregnant?”

“Not that I know of,” Ann answered.

The woman seemed puzzled. “That’s strange, maybe we need to try something unusual.”

“Unusual?” Ann said with a quizzical look.

“Yes…” the woman said. “Sometimes, to make a woman fertile requires her to have multiple super orgasms.”

Ann said, “Please, tell me more.”

The woman spoke further. “It’s done by making love to two large snakes.”

“Snakes,” Ann said.

“Yes, we have two large males ‘Jake’ and ‘Victor,’ they have had much sexual experience. Would you be willing to try it?” Ann was first hesitant but bit her lip and said yes. “Then come with me.” The woman led her to the room where the wedding gowns were kept she pulled something from the rack. “Now, take off your clothes.” the woman said.

Ann stripped naked, and the woman pulled out a leather thong that parted her vagina and slipped between the cheeks of her ass. Then she gave Ann a leather bra that exposed parts of her breasts as it circled each one allowing her nipples to show. Ann looked in the mirror and felt overwhelming sensuality. The woman told her to lie on a mattress on the floor. Once she was lying down the women brought in two large snakes their tongues darting in and out. She placed them on the floor. The woman then instructed Ann that she must arouse them. She must be the female snake that wants to mate.

Ann instinctively began to crawl in their direction moving her body snake-like over the floor. When she reached the first male who was closest, she started licking his long body soon found his hole with her tongue and began reaming. The snake now moved to place his head on one of her breasts she felt her nipple harden as his flicking tongue coiled around her left nipple then the right one. The other snake was now on top of her as she could feel their weight. He moved his darting tongue in front of her mouth. She started moving her tongue in and out hoping to touch his soon both tongues met and began coiling and uncoiling.

Ann felt her passion rise as she began to spread her legs whimpering, “Yes, oh yes…”

She felt her vagina begin to accept the large tail as it pushed deeper inside her. The walls of her vaginal lips expand slowly, feeling the movement rubbing the small knob of her clit so sensually. The snake knew the pleasure point and drove her sexual passion to new heights.

She began to moan, “More, more, please, more…”

She felt his pace quicken as he moved deeper inside, she felt the other male slowly penetrating her asshole as he moved she attempted to spread her cheeks to allow him full entry. She was now being split in two by the magnificent males they were both in rhythm moving in and out. Ann responded by matching them moving her vagina back and forth faster and faster she was now about to orgasm. She felt her juices flow over and over again cumming like never before. She was wet with sweat as if she had taken a shower, and could feel their juices fill her vaginal pathway like never before.

Ann was now panting. The woman kissed her gently on the lips. Ann returned the kiss and whispered, “I love them both.”

The woman said softly, “They love you too.” They kissed again. The woman then said, “I’ve got one more thing for you…” She gave Ann two dog collars handing her the diamond-studded one. She said, “This is yours, and the ruby-studded one this is Sara’s. I want you both to wear these when you have sex with Peter and Bruno. They have some magical quality that guarantees pregnancy.”

Ann said, “Thank you,” and put the collars in her purse.


That night proved to be warm, at about two in the morning Ann gently tapped Peter’s shoulder. He woke from a sound sleep. Ann moved her shapely legs off the bed and from the top drawer pulled out the two collars. She turned on the small lamp and held them up.

“Aren’t they lovely?” she smiled.

Peter nodded and smiled. Both were completely naked. Ann sat on the bed handed the collar to Peter who placed it around her neck. Ann said, “This one is for Sara.”

Peter went over to Sara and placed the collar around her neck. Bruno took notice. Ann smiled. “What do you think of your bitches,” she asked.

“You both look inviting,” Peter said. “I think your husband thinks so too.”

Ann responded, “Your wife is in-heat.” Ann smiled.”And so is your mother.”

Peter said, “Why don’t you two bitches go into the living room, we’ll follow.”

Soon, Ann was on all fours next to Sara, both bitches with their legs spread apart and were leaning slightly forward allowing exposure of both holes. Ann could feel Bruno’s tongue to lick her ass and her pussy. Peter was doing the same to Sara. Both females spread their legs wider, and soon each can feel their husband’s penetration. Ann felt Bruno’s huge cock push her vaginal lips apart pushing deeper inside her. Sara began to whimper as Peter did the same parting her canine pussy lips and moving deeper.

Soon, the two couples had established a rhythm, moving in slowly and out. Ann could feel his knot begin to grip her pussy and lock them together. Sara began to whimper with pleasure and Ann was whimpering like a dog too. Soon the tempo increased as male and female were now joined ever tighter the females were giving pleasure and getting pleasure as Ann knew she was ovulating and Sara knew she was in heat. Sara and Ann were the first to cum letting juices flow like a flood they could feel their husbands explode inside them as their sperm met eggs. The females were now crying with pleasure knowing what was in their bellies.

Ann moaned and whispered, “I m so proud to be his bitch and the mother of his babies. Do you like the change?”

“Yes oh yes, Peter said as they kissed more passionately.

Ann whispered, “I am almost jealous of you and Sara.”

Peter replied, “Jealous?”

“It’s just the woman in me,” Ann said as she felt her son’s hand cup her pussy.

Peter asked, “Whose baby maker is this?”

“Bruno’s,” Ann whispered. Ann smiled as she gently fingered her son’s balls and said, “This is where Sara’s babies are hatched.”

The End.



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