My Boss Is A Bitch

By Story Teller 101.

I had gotten a job in an Advertising Agency in town. I was the junior even though I was 21yo. I was full of knowledge straight out of Uni, most of which bore no resemblance to real life and a real job. I had been there maybe about 6 months when my boss resigned, and we got a new manager, Ms. Monica Adams. She was tallish, wore business suits, and was very straight-laced. Hair pulled back in a bun and sensible shoes. The younger crowd wore dresses or skirts and heels. I guess we thought it looked trendy. Ms. Adams frowned at us but never told us to dress like her. Frankly, it looked dowdy.

Ms. Adams started to interview staff one by one, and when it got to my turn, it was the usual stuff. My education, thoughts for the future, etc., etc. Looking back, she must have spotted something in me that I didn’t even know what. She began to have little chats with me. Then one night, she invited me to dinner. I have to say that I was a little worried. What was her motive? Anyway, I went, had dinner and a couple of wines, and unfortunately, or fortunately, the wine loosened my tongue.

I revealed that I didn’t have a boyfriend, I wasn’t a virgin, I had sworn off men, and, most embarrassingly, I admitted my sex consisted of sessions with a vibrator. She didn’t seem shocked but asked me if I enjoyed the vibrator, and I then admitted it was a bit boring because it wasn’t real. But better than nothing. In my intoxicated state, I thought she might make a pass at me, but she didn’t. She drove me home, said goodnight, and left.

The next day I was terribly embarrassed and spent the day dodging Ms. Adams. It wasn’t until about 4 pm she called me into the office.

“Pam, about last night. I got the feeling you wanted some excitement in your life,” she said.

I thought, ‘My God, here it comes.’

But she said she was in a small group that met at weekends to compare experiences. “Would you be interested? You could come and observe,” she said.

I was mystified just what she was talking about, but as I never really did anything on weekends, I said, “OK.”

“Oh good,” she said. “I will pick you up at 2 pm Saturday. Is a little out of town, about half an hour’s drive”.

Oh, of course, my mind was running rampant. What was it all about? Was she, in fact, setting me in some lesbian situation? I had never been with a woman, never even contemplating such a thing. I hoped that wasn’t what she was suggesting.


Saturday 2 pm arrived, and I walked out when she pulled up. I looked into the car and got quite a shock. Gone was the business suit and the bun. Instead, she wore a shirt quite short and a loose-fitting top, and it looked like she wasn’t wearing a bra. I had chosen a short skirt and top.

“You look nice,” she said. “You looked surprised. No, I don’t wear work clothes on weekends.”

She obviously knew why I had a surprised look on my face. We drove pretty much in silence and arrived in this large industrial estate on the edge of town. There were several cars already parked outside a factory.

“Here we are, Pam. Now don’t be shocked at what you see. Just observe,” she said.

We walked into the factory and to a large room at the back. There were several women there, and two were holding large dogs. ‘My God,’ I thought. ‘It’s a dog fight or something.’ I could not have been more wrong.

“Ms. Adams,” I began, “this isn’t a dog fight, is it?”

She looked at me and then started to laugh. “God, no, Pam, honey. These women LOVE their dogs.”

I looked around and realized there were only women there. I was so confused. Just then, the lights were dimmed, and two women carried a bench into the room. One of the women holding a dog on a lead spoke.

“This is my darling, Andy,” she said. “I have had him for about a month and trained him myself. The usual commands he obeys. Who would like to try him?”

Another woman put her hand up and stepped forward. “OK, Leanne, take the position,” and the woman took off her panties and knelt. “Andy, lick,” the woman said, and Andy pushed his nose into Leanne’s crotch.

She squealed, and I sat absolutely shocked. The dog seemed to be licking Leanne, and she was obviously enjoying it.

Ms. Adams squeezed my thigh. “Isn’t he wonderful,” she sighed.

I sat with my eyes wide and my mouth open. I couldn’t speak. I was even more shocked when Leanne screamed, “Andy, fuck,” and the dog mounted her and began to thrust at her.

The loud squeal followed by cries of, “Yes, yes, yes,” could only mean one thing.

The dog was actually fucking her. He was mating with a human-like he would with a bitch. The other woman standing around began clapping. The dog stopped moving but seemed to stay mounted. Leanne continued to moan, so I assumed the dog’s cock was still inside her. I was completely stunned. It wasn’t dogfighting. It was dog fucking.

Andy stayed on top of Leanne for several minutes before he pulled away. Even in the dimmed lights, I could see his cock hanging down. It was huge. I guess a guy’s cock would be about six inches, but the dog’s cock was much bigger. Despite my shock, and yes, horror, my pussy twitched. All my senses were trying to forget what I had seen, but I couldn’t stop looking at that appendage. My God, I was even licking my lips. Ms. Adams turned and smiled.

“I bet that would feel better than a vibrator,” she said and smiled.

The penny dropped. She had taken my comment about how I wasn’t into guys and how my vibrator was boring. I had worried she was going to chat me up for sex. What she had shown me was I didn’t need a guy to get some cock. After the little show, Ms. Adams introduced me to the others. Obviously, this group all knew each other, and these meetings were a regular thing. I met Leanne, who was still glowing from her little demonstration.

“Hello, Pam,” she said. “So this is your first time here.”

I didn’t know what to say to her. Only a few minutes earlier, she had been humped by a dog. I looked around, and the dog was looking at me. At least I thought he was. It may have been my imagination, or was it something different. Maybe my twitching pussy was telling me something.

Ms. Adams said it was time to leave. All the women there seemed so ordinary. Like any woman you would meet in the supermarket or on the bus going home. I said goodbye and walked out to the car.


“Well, what did you think?” I was asked.

“It was so crazy, Ms. Adams,” I said.

“Oh my dear, when we are not at work, please call me Monica,” she said.

I didn’t know what to say, but I blurted out, “It was so surprising. Are all those women, you know, into dogs?”

She laughed, “Yes, honey, even me. Now let me take you to my house and meet Pierre.”

‘Oh God, she’s married. Am I going to be part of some kinky threesome,’ I wondered?

We went inside the house, and I was full of trepidation. How was I going to get out of meeting this Pierre and whatever she had planned?

“Hello, my darling. Mummy is home. Say hello to Pam,” she said.

I gasped as this huge white dog rushed up to meet her. I was a mixture of relief that Pierre wasn’t a guy and shock that he was a dog.

“This is my lover,” said Monica. “Isn’t he just the most gorgeous dog?”

I stood there remembering how she had taken me to a dog show. I had seen a woman mounted by a dog, now she admitted to enjoying her own dog. I looked at him, and she was right. He was a lovely dog, and my pussy twitched again.

I regained my senses. “So, Monica, you have sex with him?” I asked.

She didn’t hesitate, “Yes, honey,” she replied. “I trained him to please me. You haven’t lived until you mate with a dog. Believe me, even being licked by a dog is 100 times better than any man. Can I prove it to you?”

I should have said no. After all, it was so left field and so far out of my experience, but at that moment, I don’t know why but I said yes.

“Slip your panties off and sit on the couch,” she said, and I did as she asked. “Now spread your legs and call him and say lick.”

Again I did what she said. Immediately I squealed as he drove between my thighs and licked me with his tongue. It was broad and rough and felt amazing.

“Oh, God, Monica, it is so good,” I moaned as I spread my legs as far apart as they would go.

Pierre’s tongue worked my pussy and clit and even lapped at my back door. I could feel my orgasm building, and all reluctance was gone as I urged him, “Make me cum, boy. Make me cum,” and as if he understood what I was babbling, he pushed me over the edge.

I squealed and groaned, but I didn’t want him to stop. I looked over at Monica, who was sitting in a chair opposite. She had shed her panties and was masturbating. The sight of her pushed me over the edge again. Monica moaned as she too came.

“Would you like to go further?” she asked.

This time I didn’t hesitate. My pussy was crying out for a cock, and Pierre had what I craved.

“Yes,” I shouted. “I want him.”

Monica took time to explain the knot. I now understood why the dog humping Leanne had stayed on top of her. He was tied by a large swelling on the dog’s cock.

Get on your knees, honey,” Monica said, “and rest your body on the couch as he is quite heavy.”

I pushed him away and did as she asked.

“Now say what you want, and he will obey,” she added.

I glanced over my shoulder and yelled, “Come on, Pierre. Come and fuck me.”

Of course, he just understood the word “fuck,” and he immediately mounted me. Like a fully trained dog, he found his target, and my pussy welcomed the intrusion. With each thrust, he seemed to grow bigger and bigger. He reached into me much further than any man or vibrator had, and I squealed and moaned and urged him on.

It must have been only a couple of minutes when I felt his knot as he feverously tried to tie with me. It was running against my clit, and I orgasmed again. Then he thrust harder, and I screamed as I was stretched like never before. The pain was intense but brief as my body took his knot. He stopped moving, and I took a breath. Then I felt this warm rush, and I realized, my God, he is cumming. I am being filled with doggy cum. At that moment, I felt such a slut, and the feeling was so good. I continued to moan, and I even rocked back and forth. His cock filled me, and his cum was trapped inside me by his huge knot. Monica had rushed off, got a towel, and put it under us.

“Just saving the carpet,” Monica explained.

It took Pierre several minutes and several attempts to pull himself free. As he did, I felt his cum oozing out of me. I remained on my knees basking in the afterglow of the most amazing fuck I had ever had.

“Come on, honey. It would be best if you had a shower,” Monica said.

I looked around at Pierre. He was lying on the floor licking himself. I gasped as I saw exactly how big he was. “Oh, shit,” I exclaimed, “he is so big.”

Monica laughed. “You enjoyed it, didn’t you, Pam?” she said, stating the obvious.

I wobbled off to the shower and cleaned myself up. I walked back into the lounge, not even bothering to get dressed again. I got to the lounge room door and stopped dead as I saw Monica now in the same position as me earlier with Pierre on top of her. She didn’t even notice me as she moaned and urged him on.

“Yes, my darling boy,” she mumbled. “Fuck your bitch. You know I love it.”

It wasn’t until Pierre had retreated that she noticed me still standing there. She smiled and explained that dogs have remarkable recovery powers. The fact that I was to find out when I again knelt and Pierre pleasured me again. After again being his bitch he went to sleep in the corner. Monica had showered, and then I did.

“Would you like to stay the night, honey?” Monica asked. “I will make up a bed for you.”

I must admit I was happy she didn’t suggest sleeping with her. She obviously twigged my fears.

“No, honey, I am not into women, and I know you are not either,” she explained. “Anyway, I think Pierre will keep us both satisfied, don’t you?”

I couldn’t agree more.

I spent the weekend with Monica, and we enjoyed Pierre and his huge cock numerous times. I was actually sad when she drove me home Sunday afternoon. That was the first of many times she and I went to the “show” and then back to her home. Several times I put my hand up and was pleasured by dogs at the “show.” I watched as one woman sucked a dog after he had fucked her. I was shocked at first, but I am thinking about it. It would be the final act of being a fully-fledged bitch.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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