My Ecstasy with Charlie

By yael666.

The Story of My First Time.

It happened during spring break of my freshman year in college. I was 19 and had grown into my body, standing about 5’5″ and 115lbs. I have full hips and (I think) a nice ass (I’ve always loved to do squats). In my teens, big butts were not as sought after as they are today, so I was frustrated with my curves. It didn’t help that my boobs aren’t HUGE–it seems like that was the only thing that mattered back then. Even though my boobs are B cups, they’ve always had a nice shape, perky-like shape. At the time, I had a short bob haircut and naturally dark hair, but I had darkened it a bit more, so it was blueish/black. I was going for this whole Amelie thing.

After high school, I enrolled in a university far from my hometown. I would drive back home every few weeks to do laundry and get extra cash from my parents. By the time spring rolled around, I had been feeling pretty homesick. I knew that many of my friends who had gone to different schools out of state would be coming home for spring break–so when my mom asked if I would be willing to house-sit while they went on a road trip, I immediately agreed.

My parents are typical, not overly strict, but they had a few strict household rules, so I was surprised when my dad even offered that it would be OK if I had a few people over for a get-together while they were away. Naturally, my teen logic interpreted this as permission to throw a legit party.

I started texting my friends and making plans–seeing who would be in town, when, and what everyone wanted to get into. I did my share of partying in high school, mostly smoking weed and coke a few times, and of course, I drank a ton. I found in college that I had greater access to more and different kinds of drugs, but honestly, the hard stuff never interested me much, with one exception. I wanted to try ‘Ecstasy’ badly. I went to a rave with some girls in my dorm, and they had gotten some there. I didn’t take any because I’m shy and didn’t know these people too well.

So I offered to be the DD/trip sitter, and holy shit. Everyone that took the Ecstasy was so happy. Everything seemed so amazing to them, and they all acted kind and loving to each other. It made me want to try it. So, in anticipation of being reunited with my high school crew, I used some of the money I had saved up from a part-time job at a coffee shop and bought a bunch from the same guys we met at the rave. They gave me a little aspirin bottle with about 20 little orange pills with playboy bunnies stamped on them.

After my last class on Thursday, I left school and got to my parent’s house later that night. When I arrived, they were packing the RV for their road trip. They took a break after a bit, and my dad ordered some pizza for dinner. While eating, my dad asked if I would watch Charlie during the week. Charlie is my parent’s dog. They had adopted him the summer I graduated, probably in anticipation of having an empty nest, now that I think about it.

He’s four years old and a decent-sized dog weighing roughly 100 lbs. He’s some mutt, like a Rottweiler/Pit Bull mix but with big pointy ears like a German shepherd. He’s a very handsome dog with a short and smooth golden coat. When my dad asked if I would watch him, I was pretty pissed. I had assumed they would be taking Charlie with them, and I didn’t want to worry about caring for Charlie all week. I argued a bit, but my dad said that Charlie got car sick the last time they took him in the RV, so it would be cruel to bring him along. I couldn’t argue with that, so I finally agreed.

I stayed with my parents that night and helped them finish packing. We watched a little TV together, but my parents went to bed early because they planned to leave early the next morning. I stayed up mindlessly, flipping through channels and texting with my friends. Charlie stayed up with me as usual when I was home. My parents didn’t allow Charlie on the couch, but he kept whining at me. He walked up to the couch, put his head in my lap, and stared at me with big golden eyes. So cute!

“OK, fine!” I said, and I patted the cushion next to me.

Charlie instantly jumped up and cuddled beside me, his head pressed against my thigh. I went back to texting my friends, still trying to figure out what the plan for the week was. Out of my whole group of friends, I was the only one that stayed in state for school, probably because I didn’t have great grades (too much weed, LOL!). So most of my friends were flying in on Saturday or Sunday–and pretty much everyone was busy until Monday. Ugh. That meant I was going to be alone the whole weekend. Lame. A couple of hours passed, and I started getting drowsy. I stretched out next to Charlie and pulled the blanket over us. His warm body and gentle breathing lulled me into a deep sleep.

I burst from my dreamless sleep to my mother shouting, “Charlie! NO! OFF THE COUCH!”

Startled and disoriented, I yelled back, “Jesus, mom! I was sleeping!”

“Ana, language! And you know Charlie isn’t allowed on the couch!”

I rolled my eyes and muttered, “Yeah, I know, I was just cold.”

I shoved Charlie off the couch and shivered, wrapping the still-warm blanket around my shoulders. He shook himself awake, yawned, licked my foot, and scampered off to see what my parents were doing.

They left right away, saying they would get breakfast on the road. I stood on the front lawn in my pajamas, the blanket still wrapped around me. Charlie was sitting next to me. I waved goodbye as my dad clumsily backed the RV out of the driveway. Once he got it on the road, he honked the horn several times and drove off down the street. As they turned the corner and disappeared, I looked down at Charlie, and he looked up at me.

“Well, Chuck, I guess it’s just you and me this weekend, huh?” He titled his head like dogs do, “Aww, cutie!” I squealed, leaned down, and cradled his head, squishing his face together and kissing his forehead. He started wagging his tail and gave me a big sloppy lick on the face. “Ugh! Gross Charlie!” I yelled without really meaning it.

I wasn’t that easily disgusted.

We went inside, and I made myself some breakfast. I found a fresh bone from the butcher in the fridge and gave it to Charlie. After breakfast, I smoked a bowl and tried to figure out what to do for the day. I switched on the TV and started clicking through channels, stopping when the movie Closer appeared. I love that movie. I watched with Charlie by my side (on the couch), happily working the butcher bone.

Closer is a very sexy movie, and paired with the weed–and finally having some alone time ( there is zero privacy in the dorms) made me feel horny. I decided to check if any guys I knew were home yet, thinking I could work out a little booty call. No luck. Everyone was still out of town or busy. This was a bit before Tinder, but there were some dating websites I had used a little. I didn’t have any luck there either.

The day wore on, and I was starting to get restless, so I changed from pajamas into a sports bra and running shorts and drove with Charlie. My dad was right. He puked in my car, poor guy. We jogged around the park, and I got some afternoon coffee. I had given up trying to find a guy to hook up with, so I returned to my parent’s house. I was restlessly walking around the house, super bored and increasingly horny. I decided I might as well take care of myself if you know what I mean! I went through the bag I had packed for the weekend, looking for my vibrator. Turns out I fucking forgot it back in the dorm. Such a space case. I was manically digging through my bag to see if it was there, it’s just a little silver bullet, so maybe it had gotten lost in all my other stuff.

I clawed through my backpack and saw the little ‘aspirin’ bottle. I stopped and stood there, staring at it in my hand. I had been planning on waiting to take any until everyone got into town. Then again, I had plenty of pills, more than enough. I started trying to convince myself that I should try it out on my own to see if I liked it before taking it at a big party. I looked up, and Charlie was sitting before me, watching me with his adorable inquisitive face.

“Whaddya think, Chuck? Should I do it?” He gave a sweet little ruff and wagged his tail, which I took as a ‘Go for it, girl!’ “Well, OK. If you insist!” I unscrewed the top and emptied one of the little orange pills into my palm. “Here goes nothing,” I told Charlie, who wagged his tail.

I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed. I put the cap back on the bottle and threw it into my bag. I looked at Charlie and shrugged.

“Well, what now, buddy?” I rubbed his head. He wagged his tail and ran over to get his red ball, his favorite toy. “Oh yeah? Do you wanna play a little catch? Sure, why not? We can play for a bit!”

I changed out of my sports bra into a more comfy shirt, and then we went out back. We played catch for quite a while until Charlie gave up on the ball and began running all over, just enjoying the attention I was giving him. I chased him barefoot in the grass, running all over the backyard. I had taken the Ecstasy on such a whim that I forgot about it, but it began to creep up on me. At some point, I noticed that the grass felt nice on my feet. I was wiggling my toes in the grass, feeling the soft tickling through my feet, legs, and tummy.

“Oh fuck, here we go,” I thought nervously.

I stopped chasing Charlie around, distracted by the sensations of the grass. Charlie barked softly, annoyed that I wasn’t paying attention to him. I looked up, and the moment I saw his face, I felt a crashing wave of serotonin pour out of my brain and envelop me. I was rolling now. Charlie’s curious face and kind eyes were almost too much for me to handle.

“AWWW, CHARLIE!” I exclaimed. “Oh my God, you are so fucking adorable!”

I Squatted him and reached my arms out towards him. His tail began wagging intensely, making his butt wiggle back and forth. I giggled. His pure doggy joy was infectious. He came running over and leaped up to lick my face. We tumbled to the ground. He was all over me-licking and nipping playfully. We rolled around like that until I was out of breath.

I lay on the grass and looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, and the sky was a bright red-orange with little bits of green at the edge. I lay, staring at the sky, with Charlie on his back next to me. The Ecstasy was in full effect, and I was flush with the most intense joy I have ever felt. Everything felt so good. The grass, my shirt, the air, my hair. Every sensation was amplified. The best feeling was rubbing Charlie’s belly. His body was so warm, and his fur was so smooth and silky to the touch. I loved this feeling.

Breathlessly whispered, “Wow.” It was all I could say.

I couldn’t stop rubbing Charlie’s belly; he certainly didn’t mind. I closed my eyes, savoring the last little warmth of the day. The swirling in my tummy had brought forth my lingering horniness from earlier, which was also amplified. It wasn’t a typical arousal sort but a deeper and more mystical feeling. Everything I was feeling became a sensual experience. I got lost in a spiral of erotic thoughts and feelings. I moved my free hand across my chest and felt my nipples straining against my t-shirt as I writhed in the grass.

A different sensation suddenly stole my attention. Something warm and slick had brushed against my fingers. I lifted my head to see what I was touching. Shocked, I saw my hand resting on Charlie’s sheath and peeking out from the tip of his pink dog dick, with my fingers slowly grazing it.

“Holy fuck!” I stuttered, jerking my hand away.

I hadn’t even realized that during the rush of erotic daydreaming, I had gone from mindlessly rubbing Charlie’s belly to stroking his dick.

“Fuck!” I said again.

I looked over at Charlie’s face. He looked at me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and gave my face a big lick.

“Oh, God. Shit. Yeah, no. Definitely not,” I stammered, struggling to my feet.

I wiped my hand on my shorts and glanced down at Charlie. He was laying there with a dopey look, his tail wagging gently. Not at all concerned about what had just happened. The tip of his dick was still peeking out at me. “Shit!” I whispered in a panic, realizing I was on full display in my backyard. I quickly glanced around me. Thankfully I didn’t see anyone outside or peering through their windows. I don’t think anyone had noticed me practically jerking off my dog while rubbing my tits.

“Shit,” I sighed, this time with relief.

Even though I hadn’t been seen, my heart was pounding. I needed to catch my breath. I put my hands on my hips and looked back down at Charlie. Another tremendous wave of serotonin rippled through my body at that moment–making my body shiver. Any worry or fear I felt melted away, replaced by warm contentment and lack of care. I just laughed.

Charlie looked content as well. He was enjoying all the attention I was giving him. I smirked and thought, ‘Yeah, I bet he was enjoying that.’ He still had that dopey look, with his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging with expectation. Seeing him so relaxed and happy made my heart swell, and my palms feel sweaty. I surprised myself when I thought, ‘Well, I guess I didn’t need that booty call after all!’ I giggled at the thought.

“OK, ya’ horn-dog,” I said, reaching down and patting him. “Let’s go inside.”

Charlie whimpered a bit, and after a beat, he rolled to his feet and ran ahead of me. I watched him run up the steps to the back door and shook my head laughing, thinking, ‘Well, THAT was weird!’

We went inside, and I locked the door and closed the blinds. Still giggling at what had occurred, I poured myself a glass of wine. I was rolling hard, and the wine sent a warm glow through my body. I made my way up to my room and put on some music. I stood in my room sipping wine, swaying to the music. I slipped from my shirt and running shorts, standing nude in front of my mirror. As I had said before, I wasn’t very happy with my body then, but I began to admire myself for the first time. I felt very sexy then and decided I wanted to try on some outfits I had bought in anticipation of the party. I threw a new lacy black thong and this cute but ridiculous red gingham sun dress. It was sleeveless and low cut, and I loved how it made me look like a sexy farm girl or something.

I started twirling around in my room, eyes closed and engrossed by the music. I opened my eyes and saw Charlie laying on the ground before me. I stopped twirling and stared down at him, sipping my wine. He had a pouty look, and he was pretending to ignore me. He had followed me to my room, so I knew he wasn’t mad at me. As I gazed down at him, I felt the buzz of Ecstasy coursing through me. My palms got sweaty, and my mind turned back to earlier. I thought about how frustrated I was not being able to get off earlier and wondered if Charlie ever felt the same. He hadn’t been neutered, so surely he still had sexual urges and desires.

I blushed a little, thinking, ‘I bet he was thrilled to get a handjob. Well, not a proper handjob, I suppose. The moment that I touched his dick, I stopped. I wonder if dogs can get blue balls?’

Blushing and giggling, I twirled onto my bed, laying on my propped up on my elbows, head in my hands. Staring down at Charlie laying on the floor. I started thinking about what a good boy he was and how much he loved me. Such a loyal and beautiful dog with such a sweet personality. He was also handsome, with bright golden eyes and an equally golden coat. I moved my gaze across his body, noticing how toned and defined his muscles were. He wasn’t freakishly strong, but he had sturdy genes. I had never really noticed how powerful he looked. At the same time, he had always been so gentle with me.

I felt my love for Charlie swelling, and I even got a little teary-eyed thinking about what a great dog he was and how lucky I was to have him in my life. His devotion to me made me feel almost guilty. I had been so mad when my dad initially asked me to watch him over the week. Charlie had pure love for me, and I hadn’t done a great job returning that affection. Smiling, a few tears rolled down my cheek. I promised myself never to take Charlie for granted again. I knew he would do anything for me, and I wanted him to be able to expect the same from me.

I wiped the tears away and let the soothing serotonin rush wash across me. I continued to study Charlie’s body, and my eyes slowly wandered to his sheath. I thought again about Charlie and how I had cut short one of the few sexual moments he had had earlier. I studied his sheath and then his balls. I had never really noticed Charlie’s balls, dark and smooth skin wrapped around them with just the slightest hint of his gold fur. They were quite beautiful. At this moment, my thoughts began racing, tumbling over each other rapidly:

‘I bet Charlie hasn’t gotten off in years. I would do anything for him. He would do anything for me. He looked so satisfied at my touch from earlier. I wonder if Charlie gets horny as I do. Did my touch make him horny? Do dogs find women attractive? I bet they do. Why else would he have humped at my leg when we first got him? I bet he is hornier than me even. It must drive him crazy that I stopped stroking him. Is that why he is so pouty right now? I don’t blame him. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to get off? I wish I could get off right now. I would do anything for him. He would do anything for me. I want to show him that I love him. I love him. I love Charlie.’

“Hey, Charlie,” I whispered.

He was still pouting and didn’t look at me, which panged my heart.

“Hey, I’m sorry, Chuck, I am,” I murmured.

His tail gave a little wag. I slid off the bed and slowly crawled to Charlie on my hands and knees.

“Hey, don’t be mad,” I said, stroking his head. His tail beat a little harder, and he glanced over at me. “Hey there, handsome, do you forgive me? Can I make it up to you?”

He leaned up and gave my face a big lick, sending a crazy sensation through my body to my toes. I felt something stir inside me. My heart was pounding. I had butterflies in my stomach, and my pussy was beginning to tingle.

“Yeah, let me help you out, Chuck.”

He licked my face again. This time I stuck out my tongue to meet his. He seemed to like this and kept licking, and I licked back. I’ve always been a big fan of making out, and I began leaning into Charlie and treating him like one of the guys back in college. His breath was sweet and clean, not bad at all. Our tongues were in each other’s mouths, and my head was swimming with erotic pleasure. The sensation of our tongues dancing around each other was wild. I reached over to his belly as we continued to make out.

I worked my way down his body, stopping to appreciate his firm muscles. I continued down his belly until I reached his sheath. I grasped it in my hand, relishing the shape of his substantial cock waiting inside. I slid my hands down further to his balls. I gently cupped them in my palm, admiring their heat. I closed my hands around them and gave them a gentle squeeze. They felt so full and heavy in my hand. Charlie needed release. I let go of his balls and returned my hand to his sheath. I held it firmly and began slow rhythmic stroking as I had earlier, except this time, I did so purposefully.

After a moment, his cock began to emerge. When I felt the slick tip of his cock against my hand, I hesitated. I pulled away from Charlie, not sure if I should continue. That moment of doubt dissolved away as quickly as it came, replaced with a deep primal feeling. Before I could return to what I had naïvely thought would be just a handjob, Charlie leaped to his feet. His tail was wagging like crazy, and he kept licking my face. His excitement made my heart melt. I don’t think any guy had been this excited to be with me. I felt such pure love radiating from Charlie. I was on my hands and knees, and Charlie was licking my face so intensely that I turned my head and tried to crawl away to catch my breath.

Charlie ran around me, overwhelmed with excitement. Charlie stopped behind and stopped and began sniffing my ass and pussy. I had been getting pretty wet while Charlie and I were making out, and he must have caught a whiff of my juices. He buried his nose right into my ass and pussy through my dress, sniffing intently. This contact sent a jolt through me like nothing I had experienced before. My head was swimming.

“Woaa,” I said as my arms slowly slid from under me.

I lowered my head to the carpet and left my ass in the air. Charlie was smelling around and whimpering, frustrated by the fabric blocking his access.

I reached back and hiked up my dress, exposing my ass. Charlie must have wanted this because he started licking my ass cheeks. His tongue occasionally brushed my pussy lips. A primal sexual lust had overtaken me. I was panting and whimpering, relishing the feel of Charlie’s flat and rough tongue on my skin. I reached back, my head pressed against the carpet, and grabbed my ass cheeks. I spread them apart, inviting Charlie to the prize he was seeking. Charlie didn’t miss a beat. He began lapping away at my pussy and ass.

“Mmmmm. Fuuuck. Mmmm,” I moaned.

Guys had gone down on me before, but only briefly, and then they expected me to start blowing them right away. Nothing like what Charlie was doing to me. Nothing had made me feel this intense pleasure. I kept moaning, and my eyes were rolling back in my head.

“Fuck, Charlie!” I gasped. Shocked that I was enjoying this so much. “Oh fuck! Charlie, good boy!”

My encouragement must have done something to him because he increased his pace, licking faster. I slid the strap of my thong aside, removing the last barrier from full access to my pussy. Immediately his tongue slid INSIDE me. Thunderous waves of pleasure crashed through me. I was panting, trying to catch my breath. His tongue was sliding the full length of my pussy and ass. I arched my back and pressed back against him. This gave Charlie’s tongue better access to my clit, and he didn’t hesitate.

Such a good boy. As soon as his rough tongue began to hit my clit I tumbled into a mind-numbing orgasm. My muscles tensed up and began shaking uncontrollably. When I could finally catch my breath, I let out a deep moan that turned into a sort of howl.

My shaking must have thrown Charlie off because he had stopped licking. I could feel his breath on my ass. My orgasm subsided with a few short jolts afterward, and my brain and body were jelly. That was the best orgasm I had ever had. With my ass raised to the air, I lay there, head pressed against the floor. Panting in tune with Charlie. Savoring my post-orgasm glow, I felt a wave of Ecstasy course through me. I was still rolling pretty hard, which stirred up immense gratitude for Charlie.

“Oh my God, Charlie. Oh my God. Thank you, Charlie.”

Charlie leaned in and sniffed at me again, tickling my ass cheeks with his wet nose and whiskers. I bit my lip and smiled. He gave my pussy lips the sweetest little kiss, “Mmmh. You like my pussy, Chuck?” I asked in a flirty voice. Slowly I wagged my ass at him. He gave a little whine, and I looked back at him. He was staring intently at my swaying haunches. He glanced at me, then back to my ass. Without warning, he gave a commanding bark, startling me. He pawed at my ass cheeks a bit. I knew what Charlie wanted, what he was demanding. The Ecstasy coursing through me and the lingering glow of that surreal orgasm made me feel more than willing.

“I’m all yours, Charlie.”

I raised to my knees and pulled my dress over my head. Topless, and wearing only my thong, I looked over my shoulder at Charlie. He was staring at me with a very sexy intensity.

“OK baby, you ready?” I purred.

Charlie barked again. He was getting impatient. I smirked, enjoying the effect I was having on him. I leaned forward, taking a position on my hands and knees. Looking back over my shoulder, I spanked my ass.

“Come get me, Charlie.”

He came right up and gave me a few licks, and I reached back and pulled my thong aside, granting him access yet again.

To my surprise, Charlie grabbed my thong in his teeth and began pulling like he was playing tug-of-war. With my thong in his mouth, he dragged me across the floor. I raised my eyebrows, excited and surprised. I gasped, an open mouth smile plastered on my face, “Oh! Charlie!” Charlie wrestled my thong off, dragging my ass first toward him. Once my thong was ripped off of me, there was still a moment. I looked back at him, mouth still agape. Charlie was standing there, breathing deeply. It seemed like he was taking a moment to enjoy the sight before him. My smooth naked ass and dripping wet pussy are just displayed for him. I wonder if he has ever fantasized about this moment, about me in this exact position?

At that moment, Charlie was in absolute control. I was his. I wanted to be his. I wanted to return all the love that Charlie had given me. I wanted to give Charlie whatever he wanted, and I knew he wanted only one thing. Me. Charlie moved in, giving me a few warm-up licks sending shivers down my spine. The sensation made me arch my back.

“Oh, Charlie. Yesss.”

With that, I felt him lift onto me, resting his weight on my back. His fur and skin pressed against my body were the most incredibly sexy feeling. It sent my head spinning.

He danced around a bit, trying to position himself behind me. The anticipation was driving me crazy. I pushed back toward him, reaching out to him with my pussy. I leaned down onto my elbows and felt his paws tighten around my hips. Those muscles I had been admiring earlier gripped me like a vice. ‘Holy Shit,’ I thought. ‘He is REALLY strong.’ I couldn’t have gotten away if I had wanted to–and I did not want to.

Charlie began thrusting slowly at first. I could feel the tip of his cock poking around me. I pressed my ass back to him, encouraging him to find me. Then it happened. I felt the tip of his cock press against my labia, and I’ll admit I did have a brief moment where I thought, ‘Oh shit, I shouldn’t be doing this.’ At that point, I didn’t have a choice. Charlie thrust forward with his powerful hips, and his cock plowed into me. I saw stars. I couldn’t breathe. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a deep moan, stuttered by Charlie’s body slamming into me. The initial pain quickly turned into overwhelming pleasure. I was lost in a frenzy of lust. I was moaning and whimpering while I bucked my hips against Charlie as he pushed deeper into me.

Charlie had started cumming into me almost immediately, filling me with his hot canine seed. His cum was dripping all over me, mixing with my juices. He continued crashing into me with animal lust, pushing me forward into the ground and making my ass jiggle with each impact. I pressed back against his powerful body, grinding my pussy with a want and need that I had never known before. To this day, I am still impressed with how compatible our anatomy was. As Charlie hammered away, his cock was swelling, pulling my pussy lips apart and exposing my clit. His balls would then slam into my clit at the apex of his forceful thrusts. This sent me over the edge, and I began cumming with Charlie. This wasn’t like the uncontrollable shaking orgasm from earlier, but a more prolonged and cerebral orgasm, completely in sync with Charlie’s rhythm.

Charlie’s cock continued to swell, and soon, what I now know was his knot, began pushing into and out of me. This might have scared me had the Ecstasy not caused every sensation to be immensely gratifying. Even the pain his knot caused was a beautiful and heady experience. I was in another dimension. I felt like a pure sex goddess, lost in a sacred ritual of divine fucking. Even though we were fucking with lustful abandon, I also had intense feelings of love for Charlie. It was love, as I had never felt for another being before. It was fucking cosmic!

Charlie kept fucking me like a champ. His grip never loosened. His weight pressed me firmly into the carpet. I was in heaven. His knot eventually grew large enough that he forced it inside me with an extraordinary heave, and we became locked together. Bound by his girth and my grip. Even though I didn’t know about dog knots then, I wasn’t alarmed. Whatever was happening between us at that moment felt perfect.

His humping slowed until he was still. We stayed like that for a long time. Charlie on my back, holding me tight onto his throbbing cock buried deep inside me. I could feel him pulsing within me, jets of his hot cum spraying into the deepest parts of me. Charlie was panting above me, and I could feel his tail wagging. A satisfied smile spread across my face. I was so thrilled that I could make Charlie feel happy.

After a while, I lifted onto my hands, and Charlie’s head rested on my shoulder. I nuzzled my face against him, and I continued panting and whimpering. We awkwardly began making out through the side of our mouths. This brought on another deep, trembling orgasm, and I shook. I could feel my pussy tightening and twitching around his bestial cock, coaxing out his precious canine seed. I moaned Charlie’s name over and over as I came.

After a long while, Charlie’s knot began to shrink, and I could feel him begin to move. I grabbed his hind legs, not wanting him to leave me yet. Not ready to let this magical moment end. I held him in place and pushed back against him, grinding and moaning his name repeatedly, “Charlie, yes, Charlie, oh yes, Charlie” I had another gentle orgasm, like a breeze snaking through my body.

Afterward, Charlie had shrank enough to slide out of me. An impressive deluge of his cum poured from my stretched pussy. I collapsed into a sweaty, sticky heap of bliss.

Charlie gave my slick and swollen pussy a few gentle kisses, making me smile and sigh, “Thank you, Chuck.” He then approached me and sweetly licked my face, and I weakly tried to kiss him back. Charlie then went over to his dog bed at the other end of the room, his receding cock bobbing beneath him. He curled up on the bed and began licking himself clean. I mustered what little strength I had and crawled across the room, dripping canine semen, and cuddled up next to him and passed out.

I woke, from a light slumber, still rolling and in an orgasmic afterglow from the fucking I had just received. Charlie gently licked my breasts while gazing at me with brilliant golden eyes. I felt deep love and affection for him as the memory of what had occurred crept back into my consciousness. I pushed my chest forward, letting his tongue roll against my hard nipples. ‘What a wonderful way to wake up,’ I thought.

As Charlie kissed and licked my tits, I cooed at him. “Mmm, hello, handsome.”

I looked up and saw that his cock was peeking out through his sheath, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Wow, Chuck! You ready for more?”

Charlie gave a short whine and licked my face. I intercepted his tongue with mine, and we made out briefly. Reaching down with my hand, I began playing with my pleasantly sore pussy. After a moment, I stood and walked towards my bed, tickling Charlie’s ears and guiding him.

He followed close, shoving his nose at my butt cheeks. I giggled and ran away from him playfully. He chased me, nipping gently at my ass. He chased me around my bed, and I giggled with flirtatious joy. At last, he pounced, knocking me backward onto my bed. Even though we were playing, his strength was still very apparent. I felt myself blushing. Charlie’s power was very arousing. Charlie pulled himself onto the bed with his front paws and stood over me. This only made me feel more aroused. I bit my lip and caressed his shoulders as I wrapped my legs around him. I pulled him close to me. I grabbed his sheath and began teasing out his waiting cock. He responded instinctually, hunching forward, towering over me with his strong legs.

As he fell into me, I buried my face in his chest and let loose a low moan. I rocked my hips toward him, hugging him with my legs. “Oh, Charlie,” I cried as he began to hump himself into me.

His pace quickened, and I kept moaning into his fur as he began to fill me with his precious seed. Charlie was pounding into me, yet this was much more gentle. More affectionate and steady. It was more like love-making than animalistic fucking. I placed my hand on Charlie’s head and pulled him towards me, needing him inside me as part of me. I began to cum again, tightening my swollen pussy around his girth. I felt his knot begin to push into me, and I slowly reached down to stop it.

“Sorry, Chuck, I don’t know if I can do that again. You beat this pussy up pretty good,” I whispered.

Charlie slowed his thrusting and stood still, allowing me to grind on his full cock without being stuck to him. My orgasm came quickly after that. I began shivering on his shaft, opening my insides to the hot spray of his cum.

When my organism subsided, and without really thinking, I slid down off the bed under Charlie. I was greeted by a completely hard cock and full knot. I hadn’t seen it up close like this, and I gasped.

“Oh my God, Charlie! You’re huge!”

I knew it was big from the brutal pounding it had given me earlier, but seeing it like this was a different experience. I looked at it in awe, amazed (and very proud) that I had held Charlie’s entire member inside me.

His cock was twitching, shooting strands of semen all over me. I grabbed it at the base, just behind his knot, and aimed it toward my open mouth. His cum was a little salty but not bad tasting at all. Honestly, the taste and warmth of his semen drove me crazy.

“Unng, Charlie, yes,” I murmured as his cum splashed onto my lips.

I let him spray into my mouth for a while, savoring the taste, loving that I could give myself to Charlie in this way. I thought of myself at that moment, crouched underneath this impressive canine specimen. The Ecstasy still coursing through me made this scene incredibly funny and sexy. I laughed out loud, thinking, ‘I cannot believe I’m getting a facial from a dog and fucking loving it!’

After allowing myself time to appreciate the moment, I was ready for more. Still holding the base of cock firmly, I leaned in, taking care to be gentle, and wrapped my lips around Charlie’s cock. I let my tongue dance around him, appreciating the clean taste and smooth skin of his penis. I tickled the pointed tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue as Charlie began to give a small short thrust in tempo with my mouth bobbing on him. His hot seed began shooting in greater quantities, and I swallowed as much as possible, but streams of dog cum still ran down my chin onto my chest. I worked his cock as if it was feeding me eternal life. I could feel his seed sliding down my throat into my gut. I whimpered and rubbed my clit as Charlie gave me his precious cum.

After a while, his streams of cum slowed, and I licked the length of his cock, cleaning it as best I could. When Charlie was finished, he hopped onto the floor and gave me a sweet, gentle kiss, and my heart filled with love for this beautiful beast. I kissed him all over his face, hugging him close. I could tell he was as worn out as me.

He began to walk over to his bed, but I said, “Hey, mister, not so fast,” and patted the bed.

We crawled under the sheets together and slept. Our naked bodies pressed against each other throughout the rest of the night.

We had sex quite a few more times that week. Charlie became my secret lover from then on, and to this day, I cherish this moment as one of the best things ever to have happened to me.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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