My first doggy experience

By Tabitha.

Hello, my name is Becky, I’m 18, and this is the first doggy experience that has led me to years of pleasure and a lot of sex! To start, I should tell you about myself! I am a petite blonde. I weigh approximately 90 pounds I have shoulder-length hair and I small A-cup breasts. I have had sex since I was 17 but only with a guy! I have a younger sister who is 14, and we live with my mother as our parents got divorced when I was 12. My stories start when our neighbors, the Andersons, came over and ask me If I could take care of there animals as they were going on vacation for two whole weeks. I agreed to watch both dogs, and there three horses. Little did I know it would be the best thing I ever did! They lived about a mile from us, so they said I could stay at there house for the two weeks they also said they stocked up on food and things for my stay, so all I had to worry about was getting there.

The next couple of days went by, and I gathered a few extra clothes and had my mom drop me off and the Anderson’s. When I arrived, Mrs. Anderson showed me around a little, and I met Buddy and huge German shepherd and Gus, a Great Dane! They seemed nice, and I petted then both. Then Mrs. Anderson took me out to there barn to meet the horses! Once inside the barn, I saw a huge black horse in a stall but didn’t see any other, so I ask Mrs. Anderson where the other two horses were at since the told me there would be 3 of them! She laughed and told me the black one is stan he is a stud horse and that the other two were mares and they were in-heat, so they only let then in at night from the back pasture. I replied, ok, and we went back to the house.

Soon after, they left for the airport. I just relaxed and watched tv until it was time to feed and let the mares into the barn for the night. When I got to the barn, they were waiting at the door for me! I fed them some hay and then went inside and fed the stud while the mares were eating! After the finished, I opened the doors and the mares went running though. Immediately the stud was sniffing the back end and throwing his head up sniffing. I had just turned from them and was headed to the front door when I heard one of the mares whinny. I turned and looking to see why and just as I did, I saw the stud mount the shorter mare and I was frozen just watching as I saw the biggest cock in my entire life just a couple of feet from me! It was huge, at least 2 feet long and bigger around than my arm.

I just watched in amazement as the stud hit his mark and thrust forward, slamming his cock deep into the mares pussy. He thrust it in 5 or 6 times, then tensed up, and his whole body shook. I knew he was filling her tight pussy with cum! Then he pulled out, and when he did, I noticed his cock had flared at the end, and it was huge. When it came out of her pussy it came out with a pop, and I could see his cum gushing out! I thought, omg, that’s a lot. There must have been a gallon splatter all over the floor! It’s then that I realized I had my hand inside my shorts and was rubbing my pussy! Embarrassed as I was, I couldn’t help myself.

I finally broke my hand away and headed to the house to feed the dogs! As I was walking towards the house, I noticed my pussy was soaking wet, and since I wasn’t wearing any panties, the crotch of my shorts was actually wet! As I made it to the house, I opened the door, and both Buddy and Gus were waiting at there bowls! I chuckled and went to the pantry to get their food. As I bent over to get their food from the bag, I felt something touch me on my butt. I jumped and squealed from getting touched there since I was the only person in the house. When turned around to see who it was, I realized it was only Buddy! I scolded him teasingly and told him it wasn’t appropriate for him to touch me there! He just cocked his head to the side like he had no clue what I was talking about. I giggled again and turned back around to get their food.

As I bent over again, I just happened to look behind me through my legs just in time to see Buddy slap his big red tongue against my shorts about wear my clit is and run his tongue up my pussy to my ass. I jumped and turned towards him just as he licked again at my crotch. This time he bumped his nose right against my clit, and I about orgasmed right there in my shorts. I punched him away and told him to sit! He obeyed me and let me finish getting their food. I fed them both then went upstairs to change my clothes since my shorts were soaked from my pussy and Buddy’s saliva. It was then I realized I had forgotten my panties and the other pair of shorts. The only thing I had was a pair of black yoga pants, so I slid them on and went back downstairs to make myself dinner! After dinner, I went into the living room and sat on the couch to watch tv.

After about 10 minutes, I saw Buddy come into the living room, and he walked up to me, put his head on my leg, and looked up at me with those big brown eyes like he was saying sorry about our earlier mishap. I reached down and started petting his head as I was watch tv! That’s when I noticed he was inching his way up my leg towards my pussy. He was about an inch from my pussy when I noticed I was getting wet again! What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought he is a dog! After fighting with myself for a couple of minutes, I drifted off to the event of earlier when the stud Stan was fucking the mare! When I came out of my stupor, I realized that I had spread my legs, and Buddy licked away at my yoga pants. I looked down, and in between licks, I could see I was soaking wet, and my yoga pants had ridden up into a massive camel toe( I could even see my clitoris hood peeking through).

At this point, I was so horny I couldn’t stand, so I thought I might as well let Buddy finish me off with his tongue. No harm in the right? I stood up and put a thumb on either side of my pants and pulled them down and off. I then played back on the couch and spread wide. Buddy knew exactly what to do as he thrust his head forward and gave my wet pussy a lick. I almost shot up off the couch. I didn’t expect his tongue actually to go inside me as he licked. It was the most intense feeling ever as his rough tongue ran over my clit. After about 2 or 3 minutes of his licking, I was breathing hard and thrusting my pussy towards his tongue. All of a sudden, I felt my orgasm coming fast, and my whole body started shaking! Good boy, I said and put my hand on his head. He must have gotten really excited as I squirted my pussy juice into his mouth because he picked up the pace of licking me, and he was humping his haunches into the air. As I came down from my orgasm, I o myself poor guy I got off, but he didn’t.

Just as I thought that, he jumped up with his front legs on either side of me, which pushed me back on my back. Now I was in the perfect position for him to fuck me. I realized it was almost too late as I felt something poking around my pussy. I reached down and grabbed it and thought, wow, it’s small, so I guess you can get off by fucking me. I guided his little cock to my entrance and then moved my hand, so he had more room! As soon as I moved my hand and his little cock touched my pussy inside, he thrust really hard and buried his not so little cock as I thought into my pussy. He started slamming me then, and I could feel his cock getting big then huge. Omg, was I wrong about his cock being little?

He kept jumping and thrusting for a good couple minutes then I felt something huge at the opening of my pussy then he slowed down a bit and then it happened one last thrust and bang he rammed the thing at the base of his cock all the way in me! I screamed it was so huge! As he got it in me, there was so much pressure I had a massive orgasm! I’m not sure if it was my pussy squeezing his cock or f they do that, but he started swelling, not only the lump, but his hole cock was swelling. (I found out later it’s called a knot and it swells inside the female’s pussy to ensure a successful mating). When I felt him swelling I got a nervous, but just as I started to panic, Buddy let out a deep growl, and his cock throbbed and omg he blasted my womb with a scorching hot blast of his cum!

It was so hot and deep. I orgasmed for the second time! I couldn’t help myself by then, wrapped my legs and arms around him and squeezed him tight! I called out his name. Buddy, Buddy, cum in me, baby! Give me all your cum! Fuck me and make me your bitch!  As I was coming down from my second orgasm, Buddy decided he would bath me with his tongue and started licking my face. I reached down and pulled my tank top up over my small titties, and Buddy obediently dropped his licking from my face and started licking my cute little nipples. When he did that, my pussy clamped down on his cock one last time as I exploded into my last orgasm! My body shook as my tight little pussy spasmed on Buddy’s big cock! It was such a big orgasm I actually passed out. For how long I’m not sure, Buddy was licking his now deflated cock! I looked down, and the whole couch was soaked in his cum and mine! I got up, went upstairs, took a shower, and went to bed.




*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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