My First Time Taking Dog Cock

By Ashley.

Hi, my name is Ashley. I’m 19 years old, and I have long light brown hair. I stand at 5’3 with 36c cup breasts and a nice round ass. I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anyone I know because I’m a bit insecure about it. I moved into a small house I had recently bought after moving out of my parent’s house. It wasn’t a HUGE house, simply a two-story house because I was planning on moving in with my friends. I was the first to move in, so I had a lot of space, and my friends would move in roughly around two weeks after I did. I had brought my precious baby boy, Jewel, with me. He’s a large and somewhat aggressive Doberman I had bought from my friend when he was born. One hot summer day, I was outside, basking in the sun next to the pool while Jewel splashed and ran around like crazy.

I was laid on my stomach with my head in between my arms, trying to get a nice tan in my bathing suit. Jewel ran over, climbed onto the extendable chair, and stood above me with his favorite ball, wanting me to play with him, but I was too tired to do so. I remember the wet drops of water that fell onto my back and legs as he hovered above me. He dropped the wet and slobbered ball onto my back and leaned down to nudge me with his nose. He nudged my ass, reached behind, and tried to swat him away gently, but he refused to leave without the ball being thrown.

“Jewel, no! I don’t feel like playing right now”.

Jewel lowered his head and shoved his cold, wet nose between my legs and into my crotch. I quickly sat up and pushed him off the chair.

“Bad Jewel, bad! Go away.”

The rest of the day, I tried to ignore what had happened.


After that day, when it was getting dark, Jewel and I went back inside, and I decided to take a nice shower after being outside all day. I opened a can of dog food for Jewel before going to shower. While in the shower, I pleasured myself just because I felt horny. When I was done, I dried myself off and changed into an oversized loose shirt without a bra because it’s uncomfortable to sleep with the one on. I also had tiny lacey panties that were covered by the shirt.

When I went downstairs to watch tv, Jewel was already on the couch waiting for me like a good boy. While watching TV, I noticed that jewel was getting a bit horny because I could see the tip of his cock as he rubbed his belly. For some reason, I continued to rub his stomach, but my hand trailed down to his crotch and gently touched his tip. Suddenly more of his length continued to show, so I pulled my hand away, unsure what to do. That day I decided to sleep and get some rest, but the next day, when I woke up, Jewel was standing above me as I looked up at him. He greeted me with a few licks on my face and patted his head.

“Good morning Jewel, are you hungry? Let’s go feed you.”

When I stood out of bed, I couldn’t see my slippers, so I got down on all fours and moved my hair out of the way as I looked for them under the bed, when out of nowhere, I felt Jewel’s cold nose against my pussy. For some peculiar reason, my pussy started to get wet as I tried to push Jewel away with my foot while I continued looking for my shoes. When I found them, I lowered my head and reached under my bed to get them when I felt Jewel mount my back. I freaked out and pulled my hand out, but Jewel was too heavy. I tried to crawl away from under him, but he let out a thunderous growl which scared me since I was in such a vulnerable position.

I felt something long and wet rub against my inner thighs when I realized it was Jewel’s cock which made my pussy even wetter. Jewel wrapped his paws around me and thrust his hips forward, trying to look for my wet entrance to stick his hard ten inches (which I later measured). I could feel the rock-hard tip of Jewel’s cock push against the thin fabric which prevented him from impaling me, but I was so horny that a soft moan escaped my lips. I couldn’t help myself and knew Jewel wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted, so I reached behind and slipped my panties down to my knees. After many failed attempts, Jewel managed to impale me with his tip, and boy did it catch me by surprise. I yelped in surprise as more of his length began to sink in me. I spread my legs further apart as I moaned. First, it was a bit painful, but it soon became a pleasure as Jewel began to pick up his pace.

I reached under me and touched my wet pussy, and with one hand, I began to fiercely rub my g-spot, which made me achieve my point of climax. I moaned out loudly as I cummed on the carpet floor. Jewel, on the other hand, wasn’t done with me, so he kept on thrusting fiercely until his knot got stuck in me. It swelled up so much that it hurt me when he pulled back to push back inside again. Suddenly my body went limp and collapsed when I felt Jewel empty his balls in me. After a while of being stuck with him, we finally managed to separate, and I let Jewel lick my clit until it was clean. Jewel laid down next to me, lifted his leg in the air, and presumed to lick his balls.

I glared at him, crawled over, and told him, “You silly dog. Let me help you out.”

I leaned down and licked his still erect cock until it was clean from our messes. I took in as much of his cock as I could and began to bob my head up and down. He was enjoying himself because he laid down and lifted his leg slightly. When I finished him off, I felt Jewel’s warm cum ooze into my mouth and out of it onto the carpet. I licked my lips clean and led him downstairs to feed him.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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