My Girlfriend’s Daughter

By Anonymous.

My girlfriend, Cass (short for Cassie), was 35 and, with her long black hair, looked a lot like Cher. I’d been seeing her for a month, and everything was going great. The only problem I had was her 17-year-old daughter. Ebony was a little bitch; she did everything possible to make life awkward between her mother and me. What made it worse, she was one of the most beautiful girls that I’ve ever seen — and she knew it. Her skin, like her mother’s, was a light bronze color; she also had long black hair, and her tits weren’t that big but looked firm, and I don’t think she wore a bra much when she went out. She made a point of walking around the house in next-to-nothing and then telling her mother that I was staring at her.

Cass just laughed at this saying, “Well, he is a man, what do you expect?”

Well, one Friday night, Ebony came storming into the house, slamming the door behind her. We’d expected her to be staying at her friends for the night, so we got quite a shock when she turned up. Ebony sat herself down; Cass asked her what the trouble was. It turned out that her best friend had been seeing her boyfriend behind Ebony’s back; mind you, if she treated him like she treated me, I don’t blame him. Cass told her not to worry, there were plenty more boys around, and it wouldn’t be long before she found another. Cass told Ebony that we were going upstairs for a bath and to put a DVD in to watch if she wanted. Upstairs I asked Cass, “What are we doing? I thought we were going to have a bath later.”

“I just thought that she’d like some time on her own is all.”

“All right, good idea.”

We went into the bedroom and stripped off. I gave Cass a hug and kiss and had a quick feel. But because Ebony was downstairs, I didn’t go any further; the last thing I wanted was to give her something else to moan about. Cass ran a bath and got in, and I shaved since I didn’t want to make her sore with my whiskers; that’s if I got a chance to get near her pussy. When we had finished, we both got dressed. I put on a bathrobe, and she put on a big nightshirt. As we were going back downstairs, Cass stopped me.

“Listen!” she said. We could hear moaning and groaning coming from the lounge. “It sounds like my daughter is enjoying herself,” she said chuckling.

As we stood there listening, the sound made me horny, thinking of her brat of a daughter fingering herself. It must have had the same effect on Cass, as her hand came back, slipped into my robe, and grabbed my stiffening cock.

“You naughty boy, getting a hard cock thinking about my daughter.”

I put my hand up under her shirt and rubbed her arse, then sliding my finger down, so it rubbed her pussy, she opened her legs, and I pushed it into her, sliding it in and out.

“Stop it. We have to see what Ebony’s up to.”

So we crept downstairs into the room. Ebony was sitting with her legs open, fingering herself and playing with her tits underneath her top. But it was what she was watching that got our attention! It was a girl with a dog between her legs; the dog was licking her pussy, and she played with its cock. Ebony saw us. Then she shrieked, switched the film off, shut her legs, and went bright red.

“Where did you get the film?” I asked.

“It was in the cupboard.”

“No, it wasn’t,” I shouted, “it’s not mine!”

Cass took hold of my hand. “Sorry, its mine,” she said. “I got it after watching some films on”

I looked at her. I didn’t even know she liked that sort of thing.

I sat down with Cass next to me. Ebony hadn’t spoken; she looked like she was going to cry. Cass asked me, “Are you mad?”

“Mad? No. Shocked! Have you seen the film?”

“No, I was going to watch it with you tonight.”

“Well then, if it’s alright with Ebony, we’ll watch it.”

Ebony looked a bit shocked, so I said, “You might as well stay; we’ve caught you now.” She blushed and said alright. From where I sat, I could see Ebony’s legs, but now they were tightly closed. Cass started the film from the beginning. I was surprised, since I’d never seen anything like this before, and wondered where she’d gotten the idea. The film started with a young girl watching a porn movie. She soon had her hand up her skirt playing with her pussy. Next, she took her panties off and opening her legs, played with her clit, rubbing it, pulling it with her fingers. Of course, sitting there watching this gave me a hard-on, and I had to arrange my robe to stop my cock from showing itself.

In the film, a dog had come into the room and was pushing his nose into the girl’s cunt, trying to lick it. The girl was pushing him away, but in the end, she moved her hands and let him lick her. Moaning and groaning with pleasure, she seemed to be enjoying it. Putting my hand onto Cass’s leg, I started to move it slowly up towards her pussy, but not fast enough, as she grabbed my hand and pulled it onto her beautiful, shaved pussy. I couldn’t believe how wet she was, and I slid two fingers into her and started fingering. Looking across at Ebony, I could see she was watching, so I pulled them out.

Cass asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Ebony’s watching!”

Cass looked at Ebony and said, “You can play with yourself if you want, you were before we came in, so carry on.”

Ebony colored-up but opened her legs, and putting her hand down inside her knickers, started to rub her pussy. Cass grabbed my hand and put it back onto her pussy.

“Finger me; fuck me with your fingers.”

Her pussy was so wet; I soon had three fingers inside her, furiously fucking her wet pussy. She put her hand inside her nightshirt, and playing with her tits, was moaning and groaning with pleasure, and pushing herself down onto my fingers. She got hold of her nightdress and pulled it over her head; she was now completely naked. Ebony had taken off her knickers and was watching the film and her Mum, while pushing two fingers into herself; she had a gorgeous, shaved pussy, just like her mother. Cass opened my robe and leaning down, took my cock into her mouth, running her tongue around the head, and playing with my balls, gently squeezing them.

“Take your clothes off, Ebony,” Cass said, “let’s see your body.”

I was surprised. Without any problems, Ebony stood and took off her top and skirt. Her body was beautiful; her tits weren’t that big, but they stood out proudly with no droop, and her nipples were large. Her legs were muscled and toned, and, like her mother, she had gorgeous skin color that looked like she’d just come in from sunbathing. She sat down, and with one hand fingering herself, she began playing with her tits with the other. As she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, she put them to her mouth and looking at me, licked them clean of her love juice. All the while, Cass was sucking my cock, and I was still finger-fucking her pussy. Ebony gave out a loud moan and looking, and I could see she was watching the young girl playing with the dog’s cock; it was quite big, about 7 inches up to the knot.

“Do you like that, Ebony?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s so dirty, look how big it is.”

Cass looked up, then rising, she said, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Ebony walked over and sat next to me, got hold of my cock, and started gently running her fingers up and down, sending shivers along my spine. I put my hand on her pussy, and she opened her legs to give me better access.

“I’ve always wanted you to do that, that’s why I’ve been a bitch,” she said. “When I finger myself, I dream it’s you fucking me.”

I was shocked; I thought she was a bitch, but all the time she wanted me!

Cass came back into the room, but she had Rex, her Doberman with her, He was already trying to lick her pussy as she led him into the room.

“You two look happy, so I’ll play with Rex.”

Ebony and I watched as she sat down and opened her legs to let Rex lick her pussy. Ebony said, “Oh GOD! She’s going to fuck Rex!”

I’d never been so turned on in my life; I had a beautiful young girl playing with my cock, and her gorgeous mother was sitting in front of me, having her pussy licked by a Doberman! As we watched, Cass put her hand down onto Rex’s cock, sliding his sheath up and down as if she was wanking him. I was fingering Ebony with two fingers now, and I could feel her pussy tightening on my fingers as her legs closed, trapping my hand while she had her first orgasm. She pulled my head to hers and kissed me hard on the lips, forcing her tongue into my mouth as she writhed on my fingers. My hand found her tit, and I grabbed her hard nipple, pulling and pinching it.

“Twist it, pinch it, make it hurt!” Ebony said in my ear, then screamed, “I’M CUMMING!!!”

Her whole body tensed and shook as she came. “Shit, that was good,” she said, as she gasped to get her breath back.

Cass had most of Rex’s cock out now and had gotten onto her knees and took it into her mouth. It was so hot watching; it was just animal lust on Cass’s part, her eyes were glazed, and I could see the look of lust on her face as she sucked Rex’s cock.

Cass was moaning and groaning, then lifted her head looking at us and said, “I want his cock; I want him to fuck me; help me, please help me.” Rex’s cock was fully out now. It was massive, at least ten inches long, and very thick. Ebony started saying, “Look how big his cock is, Mum will never take that!”

“YES, YES,” shouted Cass, “I want all of that big cock in my pussy; I want him to fuck me!”

We got onto the floor and moved Rex behind her. As soon as he smelled her pussy again he licked it, making her groan with pleasure, Rex moved closer and rearing up, tried to mount her; he had a paw on either side of her waist, and his massive cock was trying to enter her. He was having trouble finding her pussy, so Ebony reached out and guided his cock inside. As soon as he felt it enter her cunt, the dog pushed hard, and Cass screamed as half of his cock sank into her.

“Are you alright, Mum? Do you want him to stop?”

“NO, NO, she shouted. Rex was pushing hard now, fucking her fast and hard as she screamed, “I’M CUMMING!! Oh, my God, it’s great!”

She’s covered in sweat, and her body was shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm shook her. I was so hard watching this that I grabbed Ebony, and pulling her arse to me, got up, and sank my hard cock into her soaking wet pussy. So, Cass was getting fucked by a dog, and I was fucking her daughter doggy-style. Ebony must have thought it was hot because she was pushing back onto my cock, matching me stroke for stroke. I could see Rex’s cock as it pounded into Cass, pushing her across the carpet with force. His claws had scratched her sides, bringing blood as he sought for grip, but she was oblivious to this as she screamed, groaned, and moaned in pleasure.

We could hear her saying, “Good-boy, Rex, fuck me, fuck me!” The knot on his cock was getting bigger and was stretching her pussy as it forced its way in and out.

With one last push, Rex locked with Cass. I could see her pussy lips as the knot pulled them out. Cass was still on her knees, but her arms had given way, and her head was on the floor. She was babbling and moaning and seemed to be having one continuous orgasm as she knelt there.

Rex let out a loud howl; Cass screamed, “HE’S CUUUUMMMMIIIINNNGG! It’s so hot; it’s filling me! I’M CUMMING AGAIN!”

Rex collapsed onto Cass, both of them fighting for breath.

Ebony was still riding my cock, but she stopped, turned around, laid on the floor, and said, “Fuck me, I want to see your face when you fuck me.”

I got on top of her, pushing my cock into her gorgeous pussy. As I pounded into her, I kissed her, both of us moaning into each other’s mouths. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I filled her with my cum.

and said to her, “Ebony baby, I’m going to cum!”

“Yes, yes, so am I! Cum in me, baby; fill me with your cum!”

I felt her pussy convulse around my cock as she sank her nails into my back, raking them down from my shoulders to my arse as she shouted, “I’m CUMMMMINGG!”

That was enough to send me over the edge, and I pumped my cum into her, sinking my teeth into her shoulder as I shuddered with the power of ejaculation!

Cass was still locked with Rex and was still moaning, but we couldn’t understand what she was saying. We both got up, Ebony coming into my arms as we watched her mother.

She kissed me saying, “I won’t be a bitch to you anymore, as long as you promise to keep fucking me.”

“I’m too old for you, Ebony.”

“I like older men, and I wanted you from the first time that I saw you.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I just kissed her.

“We’ll have to talk to your Mum.”

Cass let out a loud scream as Rex pulled himself out of her. She collapsed on the floor, her legs open and cum leaking out of her pussy. Rex cleaned himself up by licking his cock, then went to Cass and started to lick her as well.

“No, Rex, no more. I can’t take it anymore.” Ebony and I sat on the sofa with my arm around her until Cass got her strength back. Laughing, she said, “I think I need a shower; I’m all sweaty and sticky — and I heard what you said, Ebony. If you want him, that’s all right with me, and I can get all the cock I want with Rex now.”

So Cass went for a shower, and Ebony and I went to bed together.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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