My Little Puppy Dog

By Dirty Samone.

The girls at school started talking about sex. Many were having sex and were very excited to tell us ‘Virgins’ about it. They talked about the different sizes of the ‘cocks’ that the boys had and how long they could go before they would cum ( I didn’t even know what that meant). They compared the techniques of the different boys at school. How good they could fuck. Who they wanted to fuck again. There seemed to be a lot of different guys that the girls were fucking. They offered to set the ‘virgins’ up with the guys who did the best job of taking the ‘cherries.’

I was not very popular with the boys, and I could not imagine letting a boy who the girls set me up with stick his dick in me while the other girls watched. I did not go along with the girls who wanted to lose their virginity.

I didn’t want to participate with them, but all that talk of fucking got me wanting to know all I could learn about it. It excited me. The girls talked about masturbating, how they liked to do it, and how good it felt. I listened to this and tried to learn all they had to say without letting them know I didn’t even know how to masturbate or what it was.

I learned a lot of different ways of making my pussy feel good. Many girls talked about laying in the bathtub and letting the stream of water hit them right on the clit (I had learned what my clit was), which would make them cum. Most would lick their fingers and rub their pussy and clit. Many would lay something hard in their bed, lay on their stomach, and put the thing between their legs, and rub it up and down.

They all talked about what they put in their pussy to pretend they were fucking. Some use hot dogs, some used vegetables (cucumbers, carrots), and some found their mother’s dildos. Most would start with their finger or two or three.

I thought of all these things and couldn’t imagine putting a cucumber inside me. Damn, that would hurt. They had talked about the first time you had sex. You would break your ‘cherry,’ which would hurt. Doing that with a cucumber would be a double hurt. I thought I would spit on my finger and try rubbing it around my pussy.

When I went to bed, and my parents were in their bed down the hall, I thought I would try it. I took off my panties but left my night shirt on. I spread my legs, spit in my hand, and went for my pussy. As I rubbed my hand over my clit it felt pretty good. I kept this up for a while and then rubbed it down by my ass, which felt good. I started moving from my ass hole to my clit, circling the clit, and back down to my ass. This was feeling very good. I spat in my hand again and started going faster. I liked it, hell, I loved it. As I ran my hand down to my ass hole, I began to push a finger inside. OH, this was good. I thought it was time to try to go inside my pussy. I started pushing a finger inside my pussy. This was good. I would go from my ass hole to my pussy, go in and then go to my clit and rub it real hard and back to my ass. I was doing this faster and going deeper in my ass and pussy. I noticed that I didn’t have to spit on my hand anymore. It was always wet now.

One time I went in my pussy and hit something that hurt a little. I thought this must be my ‘cherry.’ I quit going in that far, but I started putting in two fingers. My pussy liked this.

I had gone up my ass hole as far as I did in my pussy when I hit my ‘cherry,’ but it didn’t hurt my ass. As I was going faster and faster, I had gotten to where I just used two fingers in my pussy and my ass and pushed real hard on my clit. I could tell something was happening. My body was starting to tremble and shake. My pussy was tightening on my fingers as they were going in. I felt like I was going to pee. I didn’t know what to do. It felt so good, but I didn’t want to pee in my bed. It felt sooo good I just kept going. I was shaking, my pussy was contracting, and I and I thought I would pee and going in my ass hole, now I thought I might shit. Oh, I was getting light-headed, and I heard someone scream. I didn’t know if it was me, but I think it was. And then my pussy was squeezing so tight. I couldn’t get my fingers in. Then I think I passed out.

I don’t know if I did pass out or, if I did, how long I was out. When I could think clearly, I could hardly move. I had no strength. My heart was beating out of my chest, and my body was still trembling. I thought if this is what masturbating is all about, then I am all for it. I slept well that night.

When I got to school the next day, I was so excited and wanted to tell all my friends about my experience, but I decided to keep it my secret. Then I thought about getting home and getting to my bedroom to try masturbating again.

When I got home, mom told me she had to go to a meeting and would be gone for a few hours. I told her everything would be OK. I could take care of anything that would come up.

When she was gone, I was so excited. I could go to my room and masturbate all I wanted to for two hours. I headed up the stairs and into my room, shut the door, and started taking all my clothes off. I did not notice that Tag, my dog, was following me.

I got on the bed and spread my legs like I did the first time. I spat on my fingers and started rubbing. I knew what would feel good, so I started with two fingers and went into my ass hole and pussy right from the start. I rubbed my little clit, and it seemed everything was beginning to feel good so much quicker. I was going well and started lifting my ass in the air to get to my ass hole easier.

I felt great and rubbing the hell out of my clit when I felt Tag licking my leg. He was interrupting my masturbating, and I just kicked him away. He came right back, so I took my hand from my pussy, shoved him away, and told him to go. Instead of going, he licked my slit. Damn, what did he do? That felt good. I didn’t know what was going on, but I liked it and was not about to make him quit. He was licking from my pussy hole to my clit. When I raised my ass in the air, he would lick from my clit to my ass hole. This was great. I spread my ass cheeks so he could get in deeper.

I started feeling all I had when I masturbated the first time. My legs were trembling so much I could hardly hold my ass in the air. I was getting light-headed, and I could feel my pussy contracting. I was starting to feel like I was about to pee again, so I knew I was about to cum, so I didn’t worry about getting the bed wet. Here it cummmmms. Bang, I passed out again.

When I got my bearings, I was weak and light-headed, but Tag was still licking my pussy. I had a lot of liquid leaking out of my pussy, and I thought that it must be what had been keeping me wet. My clit was very sensitive, and I didn’t want Tag licking it anymore. I tried to push him away when I saw his dick. It was red and dripping something from the end of it. It was exhilarating. I kept looking at it, and it seemed to be about the size of the dick the girls said their boyfriends had. My mind was swirling. I knew mom wouldn’t be back for almost 2 hours, so I could try to get Tag to fuck me.

I got on my hands and knees and looked back at Tag. He saw me and went back to licking my crack. OH, it felt so good. I could get him to fuck me, but this was good, also. I could have let him lick me until I would cum again.

A few minutes later, he stopped licking me, and I thought, Oh no. Keep licking. He had stopped licking, but then he was on my back, and I felt his doggy dick hitting my leg. I thought he might be able to fuck me if he could get his dick in my pussy. I looked down between my legs to see which way I would have to move so he could hit it.

My Oh my. His dick was bigger. It was bigger than what the girls said they had fucked with. I thought I should stop before I did something wrong. I was about to quit when Tag hit the spot. He hit my cherry in two shoves, and it hurt like hell. He keeps hitting it again and again. I was about to stop when he went through my ‘cherry.’

OH, it hurt. He was going so fast. I didn’t know what to do. It had hurt, but the girls all said it would, but it would stop hurting and start to feel good in a little while. I waited, and sure, as they said, it began to feel good. Tag was going so fast, and his dick felt better than my two fingers, and I could feel myself getting to the point where I thought I was about to pee, and I knew that meant I was about to cum.

Then pain. OH, Something big went in my pussy. It filled me up so much that Tag could hardly move. Every time he tried to pull out, it would hurt, and he couldn’t come out very far, and then he would jam his dick back in. He kept doing this, and before long, it didn’t hurt when he tried to pull out. He keeps shoving and banging into me. His ass was going very fast, and I got that feeling again. I was about to cum when I felt something scorching inside me. It kept getting hotter and hotter and seemed to make my belly swell. That was when I did cum and passed out.

When I came too, I was lying on my stomach, Tag was still in me, and he was on my back. I tried to move to get Tag off me, but I couldn’t get him out. He was stuck. I could move him to see my pussy and that big thing that went in me and was on Tag’s dick. His dick was too big to come out of me.

I was panicking. What was I going to do? Would I have to go to the hospital to get him out? Would they have to cut him out? How could I tell mom and other people how the doggy dick got in my pussy. I didn’t know what to do, and I started to cry.

I don’t know how long we lay there, but Tag keeps getting up and trying to pull out. Each time he did, it hurt my pussy. I was crying and didn’t want to scold him for pulling, but it hurt like hell when he pulled. All of a sudden, it plopped out. I could feel it, and I could hear it. Plop. OH, I was so happy. No one would have to know I was fucking my dog.

A lot of liquid came out then. I mean a lot. Is this what was burning me and making me feel full? Did Tag pee in me? The girls told me the boys would shoot cum out the end of their dick, and it would go into their pussy, but nothing like this. Could this be doggy cum? Some of the girls said that the boys would cum in their mouth, and they would swallow it. It tastes good.

I thought if this was Tag’s cum, maybe I should taste it. I put my fingers in it and brought it to my mouth. It didn’t taste bad. Tag was in the corner licking his dick. I thought if he liked it, it must be something special. I ate some more of it and thought it was good.

I cleaned up the mess on the bed and thought the next time (and there was going to be a next time), I would put a towel down or something to catch all Tag’s cum.

After hearing the girls talk about giving blow jobs to the boys and how the boys enjoyed a good blow job, and some of the girls enjoyed it, I decided to give Tag a blow job. He deserved it. When he came, there was no way I could swallow all his cum, but I tried.

I was young at the time and continued to fuck and suck (after some practice, I could swallow all his cum) Tag until I left for college. When I was in college, I fucked my first boy’s cock. He was nowhere near as good as Tag. When I finish school, I know I will live in some place where I can have a dog, and he will have a giant cock, and I will be happy with my dog and never need a man.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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