My Sister-In-Law

By Anon.

My sister-in-law came to stay with us for a week or so, and I hated it! She kept me from my getting pleasured by our male dog pepper! I had trained him very well in the art of pleasuring me, and he sure provided plenty of that at least 2 or 3 times a week.

But she came and stayed with us for a bit as my brother worked on their place in a nearby town. She already knew I was getting it regularly by Pepper when she came over one day uninvited, and I hadn’t locked the damn front door! And Pepper and I were locked together like two criminals in a cell! And in she came and caught us! So, I swore her to secrecy about it all, telling her he had raped me and not tell a soul about it (a total complete lie, of course)! When she saw him pull out, she was wide-eyed with seeing his cock, and I could tell by how she was acting a damn bit excited about it too.

The bitch called me every damn day for weeks after that wanting to talk about our ‘SECRET’ and kept asking this and that about it and how it felt, what it was like, and such things as that. But, oh, I laid the sugar on about it and told her just to come over here and see for herself what it was like and that Pepper would be glad to have a new bitch to take care of.

That seemed to quieten her from calling me about it.

Then this all came up some months later. And the first couple days, she was here damn if she didn’t wear loose-legged shorts around our house all the damn time. And Pepper is a male dog and trained as he was would poke his nose up into them and try to get at her spot.

She would let him get right there, and if I came into the living room, kitchen, etc., she’d push him away. But hell, I know Pepper too damn well to know it was more than just a polite “sniff” given especially since she didn’t wear panties hardly at all!

I saw her dark blonde hairy bush more times than one in those loose-legged shorts! And told her as we were alone I didn’t mind that one bit, But around my husband when he was home oh hell no!

But a few days later, after my husband had gone to work and I had set about cleaning the house, doing laundry, and such things that I noticed Pepper was not right there with me as he usually was. I really paid no further mind to it, especially when I began to vacuum throughout the house because he hated that thing and would run to our bedroom and crawl under the bed.

I was doing the hallway and had just gotten it all done, shut the vac off, and put it away.

That’s when I heard it all! At first, it was just some groans and moans, but then I heard her really cry out, “Oh no, Oh please no!”

It instantly hit me that she was in the guest room and had to be somehow getting either eaten out by Pepper or outright fucked by him one.

As I got to the door of that room, there was no damn doubt he was fucking the hell out of her and opened the door. There she was, laying on the side of the bed, her ass nearly off it and no shorts on and Pepper up between her widespread and feet planted on the mattress, and he was atop her and fucking her fast and furious! She was swinging her long dirty blonde hair about everywhere as her head was swinging about in utter pleasure of his cocks deliveries to her pussy and beating at that ass of hers with his huge sack of balls. Finally, she swung her head up and saw me standing right there and then really screamed out something huge was forcing itself into her!

I have never been a woman that has ever been actually right beside another woman getting pleasured. But I was here! I went over to that bed where she was laid out and leaned on it and said, “You’ll have to let him finish now!”

Because she was trying to get, me to make him stop! Screaming out, he had something inside her that was tearing her apart and swelling the way to hell out! But she was coming the whole damn time. She was screaming all this to me because I heard how damn sloppy wet it was between them.

Now Pepper will stay tied inside me for at least 15 to 20 minutes, sometimes longer, and she was really jumping and jerking about now as I knew all too well he was shooting that hot come of his way up inside her!

She was trying everything she could to get him off and out of her! But he swells out about the size of a large orange, and no way’s coming out unless you want your pussy wrecked and torn out. So I had to console her and keep her calm as he lay atop her now up to her breast panting and tongue out and breathing heavily as he pumped that hot come inside her as she was loudly grunting and jerking every time he did this. I caught myself telling her the dog’s cum is hot.

All she did was half nod her head yes and continued grunting and jerking and finally said, “Yes Oh Yes. It’s filling me up and hot!”

I so wanted to tell the bitch that’s what you get for running around here with those damn loose shorts on all the time!

This all lasted a good 30 minutes until, at last, Pepper arose off her and pulled his spent cock out.

She was a complete mess. Her belly swelled out. Juices pouring out from her now widely gaped open pussy. Her hair a wreck. She was damn sure a wreck. And undoubtedly fucked as never before.

I got ahold of Peppers leash and dragged him out of there and shut the door. Because believe me, if I hadn’t about long enough to get his dog cock fully hard again, he’d be right back up on her fucking her some more and more and more!

Pepper pranced over to his laying spot on his pet pillow, licking all the juices of the two of them all over his sheath, his balls, and his underbelly. Looking at me like, “Oh yeah, I got her really good and looked what all she gave me up under here!”

Some time passed, and she finally managed to come out of the room no shorts on, only a T-shirt on that half-covered her soaking wet bush, and their juices running down her damn legs holding her belly, walking bow legged, and grunting painful groans as she tried to walk halfway and headed straight to the bathroom, her large round ass cheeks soaking wet, and jiggling as she went to it.

Neither of us saw each other at all for hours and hours after that, and she had fallen asleep and woke up mid-afternoon finally came into the living room. Upon seeing Pepper jump right up to go to her, She put her hand up and said, leave me alone, don’t touch me ever again.

But she damn sure didn’t have those loose-ass shorts on anymore. And dressed like fort Knox around where she got poked by him, lol, and we finally talked. So she spilled the beans about how she had her shorts off and was changing, and he started licking her pussy, and she couldn’t stop him and fell over onto the bed in such a state of pleasure and opened herself up to him, and he gave her a licking alright!!

And as she was coming down from all that, he jumped up on her and proceeded to fuck her as she said, and I had just walked in then! So I asked her, well did he give it to you really good? So she then told me he got inside her so far she felt something he was hitting way up in her give way and he went in further then and that damn ball, whatever it was, went in to, and that’s when all hell broke loose inside her.

Oh, she never wanted any more of what Pepper had to give her. I can sure vouch for that. Me on the other hand, I still get it myself 2 or 3 times a week from him.

After she got back home, every once in a while, she would call and talk about our ‘SECRET,’ and after many months, I could tell by her voice and how she talked to me that she wanted more!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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