Not such an Angel

By photo_wolfy. (

Angel could not believe what she was seeing on her computer screen! The guy she had an IM chat with told her to screw a dog, her dog. An honest to god four-legged dog. She shook her head in disgust. What a pervert this guy must be. Her black Lab/Rottie mutt named Kong had been trying to hump her leg all day.

So she looked it up on google and was blown away at all the sites that featured this stuff. Who in their right minds would do something so disgusting? As if on cue, Kong (my dog) started scratching at the basement door again and whining.

“Shut up, Kong,” she called out, and the scratching at least stopped.

The whining was starting to get on her nerves, though. Still, the bestiality stories and pictures she was looking at just fascinated her. The guy on the IM Chat was pushing her too. It was somehow making her feel horny.

“Yes, but I think that it is wrong making an animal do that,” she typed back. Looking at the other IM windows she had open, she said, “Bye,” and guiltily closed them.

“You asked if it was possible, so what made that thought cross your mind,” the guy typed back.

“My two boyfriends are lame, and I need it but do not want a baby.”

“Just two? So you’re a virgin and a young one at that,” he replied.

“No, I’m not a virgin, just wanna have sex without getting preggers.”

“You said you have a nice male dog that is always horny,” he replied.

“His name is Kong,” she typed.

‘What if someone from school caught me?’ she thought. ‘Oh my god, I would die from embarrassment!’

“Is there anyone there now?” he replied.

The words dinged at her. Angel stood and looked around, again feeling guilt for some reason. Even though she knew her mom and sisters were gone for at least two more hours at her sister Jesse’s state speech contest.

“I don’t think I should tell you that.” She typed and hit send.

“Just how old are you again?” he typed back.

Angel typed what she always did, “Eighteen.”
She was eighteen, but guys always thought she was younger online. Men are such perverts, she thought.

“Okay, well, a dog will not get you pregnant or give you a disease. How old is Kong?” he encouraged.

“He’s almost a two-year-old.”

“Okay, then there must be a female dog in heat nearby. That’s why he is horny. He can probably smell her,” the guy sent.

Angel frowned in thought and then remembered that dog at the end of the block. “There is a bitch in our street, but Kong has
never been near her.”

“See, that’s what your dog is trying to get to. So you said you have a Lab/Rot cross?” he sent.

“Yeah, a black Lab/Rot cross.”

“LOL, must be a big dog, huh?” he sent.

“He weighs more than I do, and I weigh a hundred.”

“Well, this is your chance if you want to get one massive fuck,” he sent.

Angel bit her lip. When had she typed that? She backed up, looking at the chat text but didn’t find anything. “How did you know that is what I want?” she typed and sent.

“LOL, Your screen name is fuckmehard18,” he sent.

“Okay, so I want sex, but not with a dog?”

“Kong is your dog?” he asked.

“Family dog.”

“Is he your best friend?” he asked.

She bit her lip and typed in “BRB,” stood, stretched, went into the bathroom, and did her business.

She looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the door when she came out. In her sleep shirt, her breasts were making arching tents. If she had listened to her body, she would have long since rubbed herself off by now. That was why Kong was in the basement. Every time she started playing with herself, he showed up. She walked around and opened the door for the basement, and Kong had his nose jammed against her crotch that quick, sniffing.

She knocked him away with her thigh and said, “Kennel,” in a firm voice.

He looked up and her and then went belly low to the plastic doghouse.

She sat down and typed in, “I’m back, and yes, he is my best friend. I guess.”

“Wb so?” he typed.


“You interested in learning how?” he typed.

“Well, duh, he sticks his cock in me. How hard is that?”

“That depends on him now, does it not?” he replied.

“I bet doggy style is even the position I use!” Damn, whoever it did not rise to that barb.

“I would recommend that you try lying on your bed or couch and putting your ass up against the edge. But get a towel first; the wet spot will be huge,” he replied.

“I don’t cum that much.”

“You may or may not, but the dog will,” he replied.

Angel looked around and did not see anything she could use in the small apartment. She pulled at the front of the sleep shirt she was wearing to get at her aching pussy. She heard the whine and looked to see Kong was there a foot from her chair with his ears up.

She reached over and typed in, “Okay, he is right here. What do I do now? I’m in a leather chair.”

“Umm, I recommend a sturdier chair, unless you are on one that doesn’t have wheels,” he replied.

“No wheels.”

“Spread your legs so that your knees hook over the arms and put your ass close to the edge or a little over,” he typed.

She did that and looked for Kong. He was right where she had last seen him. “Okay, he is just standing there.” she managed to type.

“Pat your stomach and say here, boy,” he suggested.

“Here, boy,” she said, patting the chair. He took a step towards her and gave a sharp bark.

“He just barked at me.”

“Can he see your bare pussy?” the man asked.

“No, I’m wearing an asleep shirt, and he can’t see me, even if I pulled it up.”

“He needs to see your pussy, or smell it,” he replied.

She smiled, pulled the hem up, and stroked her clit hood. Kong sniffed at the air, and she gasped as he was suddenly under the chair cubby. Then between her legs, his tongue licked her pussy fast!

She moaned and groaned and grabbed at his head because he seemed intent on pushing that nose up into her! She let go to hold at the arms. As she lifted her ass clear of the cushion, she cried out in pleasure again and again.

The computer dinged, and she saw the words, “Is he in?”

She hit the power switch in response, shutting the computer down. Her breasts were suddenly too big for the nightshirt, and her nipples rubbed the material. She moaned and cried out, “YES!” as she felt her orgasm building! She felt the rush and wailed, “YES! YES!”

Then when she could stand no more, her heels kicked into the chair, and she had an orgasm! The dog yelped once, twice, and she collapsed back into the chair, her whole body twitching. She breathed in gasps of air. She just lay there luxuriating in the release. She barely moved when Kong nosed in between her legs. When he jumped up on her, his front paws ripped at her bare stomach, and she screamed. She opened her mouth to yell at him when something hot and long slid into her pussy? She gasped and swallowed and watched Kong as he kept humping.

Then with a wrench that made her gasp in pain, the dog was humping his dripping cock at her face! She rolled out and scrambled over the arm of the chair. She heard a bark from behind her, and Kong was back as he slammed against her back before she could get her legs out from under her, and the two of them went down belly first onto the carpet.

Angel tried pushing up with her elbows as quickly as possible, yelling at Kong as nothing more than a whisper, “Bad dog, bad dog!”

She had her hands and knees up, but he had a mouth full of her nightshirt. She felt it slip off one shoulder, and she bent her arms to stop it from sliding past her breasts, but Kong was jerking it so hard and fast growling that when it pulled from her arms Kong went flying backward!

She turned and scrambled onto her hands and knees for the safety of the bathroom door. However, just as she started to rise, Kong was on top of her again!

“Bad Kong, bad Kong Kennel!” she screamed at the dog.

His weight kept her bent, and he danced around so that he could not throw him off. Then she felt the jaws close on her neck painfully.

She froze, and the same hot thing jammed into her again. “No, Kong, stop, I don’t, oh!”

Kong was ramming her for all he was worth. It was all she could do to hang on! It was not the best at first, but all she could do was kneel there and take it. After a short time, it started feeling better and better. Her nipples began to ache, and she found if she bent down just so, they scraped the carpet when Kong thrust into her, sending thrill after thrill up into her.

In no time, she had second and third orgasms. Was this the right thing to do? There were plenty of old men and older boys that had shown interest in her. So many of her friends either were pregnant or had babies already. She thought back to all of the preacher’s sermons about laying with animals.

They were not far from her mind when she contemplated doing this but doing it was something entirely different! She braced herself and started thrusting back, they never really achieved a rhythm, but she had three orgasms all told, something she had never been able to do on her own that fast!

Then the damn dog tried jamming his balls or something into her, howled, and filled her belly with warm doggy cum. She collapsed on the floor, smiling as her whole body twitched. She barely felt the sprays of fluid that raked her back and ass. She did not even feel the claws of the giant dog as she was scored along her back as he tried getting at her pussy for more.

Oh god, that had been the best fuck she had ever had. Well, who cared if it was only her second? She moved her eyes up as Kong walked by her, and her eyes rounded in disbelief. That had been in her? She drifted off to sleep, moaning in discomfort. Of course, her mother and sisters came back early as her sister stunk and was out early.

They found her curled up covered in semen. She was rushed to the hospital, where she made up a story of some white guy doing it. Hell, they all looked the same to her! When she was sent home from the hospital, the cops came and took her description. Another white guy from cable was what she gave.

She was grounded for the rest of the summer for having sex with a boy, even if she was raped. The shredded nightshirt helped the story a bit. The only person she was able to see was the family pet. No one batted an eye when she started having Kong sleep with her. Especially after she began having nightmares, she was given the little laundry room because she kept waking her sisters. After a couple of weeks, everyone ignored her and her night cries.

Three weeks later, she took the knot.





*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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