A Big Dog For Us!

Doggie U2

Here is another story for the ladies who are into K9s. It is about Sara and her girl friend, Amy who had been together a couple of years. They find out that there is more to being pleasured than another woman’s tongue when they bring home Rex, a big black Lab. Amy catches Sara as she is letting the big dog lick her. Instead of being mad with her, she pitches right in and helps her out. What turns from a good licking goes to hot fucking as both of them learn all about being fucked by a dog.

Amy and I had been lovers for the past two years, ever since I had gotten a divorce and she had moved in with me. I am an older woman at 42 and Amy is only 28. I am a plump lady with thick thighs and a rather large ass. I have big breasts and I keep my pussy well trimmed, so I can see my thick, puffy lips as my mound is puffy and so rounded. I think I have a lovely pussy. I stay horny a lot of the time and love to masturbate. Nothing excites me more than to lay there and play with my pussy.

Being one that does not go out a lots, I stay at home and have no regular boy friend to please me. I enjoy myself and do not like men around me very much.

It began as I needed to rent out a room in my house to help pay the bills. Amy was the one I had chosen as she answered the small ad I had in the local paper. After she moved in, I became attracted to her and she to me. We were sitting in my living room one night as we watched TV.

I am a little on the heavy side and was laying on the sofa as Amy sat next to me in a recliner. I was feeling horny that night as the picture we were watching was about two women. My pussy began to itch so I dropped my hand down inside my house coat to touch it, hoping see wouldn’t see me. My pussy had grown wet and it needed to be played with as I slowly rubbed on it, trying to be still so she couldn’t see what I was doing.

It started to feel so good to me that I closed my eyes as I gently rubbed my enlarged clit. I was not expecting it when I felt Amy place her hand over mine.

“Here, let me help you. You seem to need some a little help.” Am whispered to me as she sat on the floor next to the sofa I was on. “Just close your eyes and let me make it feel good for you.”

Without saying a word, I parted my thick thighs as Amy brought her fingers to my horny pussy. I held my panties to the side as I felt her fingers probing, searching for my wet slit. She began to lightly rub my thick pussy lips as she paid attention to my protruding clit as her fingers found my love button. She began to work it between her fingers as she made little circles as her talented fingers worked on me. I was so far gone that I closed my eyes as she got to her knees.

Then I felt her as she parted my thighs even wider, as she pushed my inner thighs apart. Then her head went between my thighs as I felt her long hair on my thighs as she flicked her hot tongue to my wet pussy. The feel of her hot tongue on my clit drove me wild as I bucked upwards to meet her hot tongue. She took her arms and ran them under my thighs, holding onto my hips as she pulled me tighter to her.

“Oh, Amy! Do it! Lick me, baby! You are making me feel so damn good!” I cried out as I reached for her head. “Oh, Baby! This is so good. I have never done this with another woman before. And I love it! Lick me! Lick my pussy!”

Amy took her time and was running her talented tongue up inside my swollen slit as she would take the tip of her tongue and lick little circles around my clit before she sucked on it a little. The she would go back and do the same thing to my throbbing pussy as she ate me. Amy was really into eating me as I began to cum. I was having an earth shattering experience as I came, Amy sucking on my swollen clit as wave after wave of pleasure swept over my body.

Exhausted for the moment, I lay back as she reached up and massaged my big breasts, her hands so hot on my tits.

“I hope you didn’t mind me helping you out.” she said as she smiled up at me. “I could see you needed that. Have you ever been with a woman before?”

“No, I have never been with another woman. You were the first.” I told her as I sat up a little. “It was so good to me and I want to try doing it to you. But I don’t know how. You will have to show me what to do if you want me to lick you. I really want to do the same for you.”

Amy was not a real attractive person in the face as she had a boyish feature, but the minute she took her clothes off, Wow! What a hot body she had. As I laid her down onto the sofa and began to help her remove her pants and panties, I saw the prettiest pussy laid out before me. If there was such a thing as a perfect pussy, she had one.

Her mound was quite profound as her swollen puffy lips outlined her smooth pussy. She was completely shaven and not a stubble of hair anywhere on her beautiful cunt. At the top of her slit was her rounded clit, protruding outwards as her puffy lips made it look like so inviting.

I had never been with a woman but now I was about to taste the water. As Amy held onto my head, I lowered my lips to her beautiful thighs. I began to slowly kiss her inner thighs, working my way to her smooth slit. She was damp with her love dew as I saw the drops of moisture between those swollen lips. Her pussy had a sweet smell to it as it smelled like perfume. I took my mouth and kissed on those puffy lips, then my tongue parted those beautiful, swollen lips as I tasted my first pussy.

The feeling of her hot pussy was so nice as I slowly began to do as she had done to me. I took the tip of my tongue and worked it around her entire slit, flicking her clit with the tip as I took it and began to suck on it. I must have been doing good because she started to thrust her ass off the sofa as she pushed her pussy up to me, working her hips as I lapped at her sweet pussy.

“Oh, Sara! You are doing it just fine. Keep doing what you are doing.” She whispered to me as I slipped my tongue to tickle her enlarged clit. “That’s it! Oh, yes! Now suck on it fro me. Suck my pussy, Sara.”

I had her ass in my hands as I brought that lovely pussy to me, sucking on her clit as she thrashed about. She had her legs around me with her heels in my back as I felt her shoving her pussy faster to my probing tongue. I was making her so hot as she began to yell, telling me she was cumming as I continued to suck on her sweet pussy as her body went wild. She held my head
to her tight as she fucked her pussy to my hot tongue, cumming twice before I eased back as she flopped back onto the sofa. I had given her the best sex I knew how to give and she was well pleased with the results of what I had just finished doing to her.

Amy had such beautiful breasts and I grew to love sucking on them. We would lay in my bed at night as I would cuddle up to her and lay there, kissing and sucking on her marvellous breasts. She loved sucking on mine also and some nights we would only make love to each others breasts. Then other nights we would take and rub our pussies against each others as out clit’s touched, grinding our pussies together as we fucked.

I loved to try and put my clit into her beautiful pussy to fuck her with it was so good to me. Another good thing we liked was for me to take one of my big tits and rub it over her smooth pussy as I tried to fuck her with my large nipple. She would cum so hard as I pressed my nipple to her hungry pussy. Then We would both lay there and lick her sweet juices from my tits.

After Amy moved into my bed for good, we got to where we would lick and kiss each other, making love to one another’s breast until midnight. I loved her sweet body and she worshiped mine. Amy knew how to please me and did so almost every night as I also pleased her.

Then there started to be a rash of break-ins in the neighbourhood so I decided to buy a watch dog to keep inside. I wanted a large dog and one that was already trained to stay inside. Someone had told me to get a big male dog if I wanted his protection, saying he would be very protective of me. I started to read the ads in the paper and watch for anyone wanting to sell a dog.

Then I found what I was looking for, a big black Lab. His name was Rex and I fell in love with him the minute I saw him. I had told Amy that I was going to get one to keep in the house for our protection, but little did I realise that he was going to be more than our protector, he was going to be our new lover!

One night as we lay in my bed, watching a video I had rented at the Adult Book shop, I was surprised at one of the DVDs. It was about a woman fucking her dog. I had never seen such a thing and it made me want to see what it was about. Both Amy and myself lay there in each other’s arms as we watched it.

It showed a lady as she let the dog lick her pussy, then she got on her hands and knees as the dog mounted her from behind. The picture showed his big, red dogg cock up close as he slid that big cock into her pussy!

As we watched the scenes before us, it turned me on so much as I put my pussy to Amy’s and fucked her with my enlarged clit. We both had such a good climax as we came, both of us fucking one another several times before the DVD was finished.

“That was a hot movie, wasn’t it Sara? How did you like it?” Amy asked as she lay back. “It really made me hot!”

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess it was OK.” I told her, lying a little as it had made me cum so hard. “I could take it or leave it, I guess.”

“I hope you are taking about taking the movie and not the dog.” Amy laughed as we rolled over and turned off the TV as we went to sleep that night.

I began to think about Rex in a different way after watching the movie. As a matter of fact, my pussy would get wet just looking at his cock. I was wondering if he knew how to lick me too. I told myself there was only one way to find out.

The next day, Amy was in town on business as I took a jar of jelly from the pantry and went to the sofa. I stripped off my panties and lay there as I touched myself, getting my pussy wet. Then I called Rex over to me to see what he would do. I took a little of the jelly and put in on my pussy. I was quite surprised to find that Rex did not need the jelly as he stuck that long tongue to my pussy lips, slowly lapping at me as I held my lips apart.

He was licking my slit so good and his tongue was so fucking hot! I slid my fingers to my clit to rub on it as he licked my wet pussy and with my other hand, I took my tits and began to massage them as I drew closer to a climax.

Then it hit me, one of the best climaxes I had ever had. As Rex licked my wet pussy, I was almost going into convulsions as wave after wave of sheer pleasure rocked my body as I came over and over again. Rex knew how to lick pussy and I was loving it as I came.

After that day, I would seek out the opportunity to be alone with him, to have him lick my hot pussy as he seemed to really enjoy doing it to me. One day I was letting him lick me as I lay on my bed, my ass near the end as it was just right for Rex to get to it as he licked me. I was too far gone to hear Amy as she came up the stairs and caught Rex between my thighs, licking my wet pussy. I was right in the middle of a good, hot climax when she entered.

“Sara! What are you doing?” she asked as my body shook. “Are you letting him eat you? It seems like you are enjoying yourself with him.?”

“Oh, Amy! I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. It just did is all I know.” I said to her. “Please don’t be mad at me. Please?”

“Mad with you? It is your dog and your pussy. How could I be mad with you?” she smiled as she sat down beside me on the bed. “Besides, I bet he was doing it better than me. I saw how he was making you climax. Maybe I ought to try letting him do it to me.”

As Amy stripped off her clothes, getting naked as Rex was watching. I patted the bed, telling him to jump up on it. He knew what I wanted and jumped onto my bed, getting between Amy and me. As Amy lay there, I had Rex get between her thighs as I let him watch me as I played with her smooth cunt. As I saw the moisture form on her beautiful lips, I eased Rex to her as his tongue sought out her sweet pussy.

I laid with my pussy in front of Amy as I turned to hold her lips apart for Rex,as Rex began to lick her pussy, Amy began to take my hips and pull me to her as she started to slide her tongue over my thick lips. I could see his hot tongue on her pussy as he lapped at her, Amy fucking my cunt with her hot tongue as we went.

Then I saw something I wasn’t expecting, It was Rex’s big dog cock sliding from it’s hidden sheath. His cock was so big and so red as I watched it poke out,
the head not too thick as it just seem to grow as I looked on. Seeing his big, red dog cock just made my pussy that much wetter as I started to thrust it harder to Amy as she sucked on my clit. I knew at that moment that I had to try his beautiful cock. Watching him lick Amy and the sight of his big cock was too much as I yelled out loud as I came so hard, fucking my pussy hard to Amy as I came.

“Amy! Look at his big cock! Rex has a hard on.” I said to her as she came from Rex licking her hot pussy. “Doesn’t it look good? What if we were to let him put it in us? Would you like that? Would my sweet girl like to be fucked by Rex?”

“Oh, Sara! That sounds so fucking hot to me!” she said as she lay back after cumming so hard. “Do you think we can get him to fuck us? How will he react to us?”

“There is only one way to find out” I whispered to her as I held her in my arms. “Do you want me to go first? My pussy is so fucking hot right now. I need something in it. Will you help me take him?”

I was on my hands and knees very quick as Amy got behind me and spread my wet pussy open. She began to slowly lick me as Rex started to smell of my wet cunt. I could not stand the anticipation as Amy took him and helped him mount me. I felt his big paws as he took my hips into them, Amy taking his dog cock and placing it to the lips of my cock hungry pussy.

The I felt his cock as she spread me open, putting his cock in me as I felt that hot dog cock penetrate my cunt. It was so hot and he slid it deep in me with one fast thrust as I gasped. There I was, on my bed, my girl friend helping a dog fuck me!

His cock was larger than I thought as he filled every inch of my throbbing pussy. I felt that cock head as it went so deep into me, his hot red cock feeling so good to me as I began to rock back and forth as he pounded my hot pussy. I could not speak as all I could do was grunt as he fucked that dog cock to me. He was going so fast as I loved the feel of his hot dog cock in me.

Amy had her hand around the base of his dog cock, the huge knot was pushing against her hand as she prevented it from going into me. I was ready to cum as he rammed it deeper and deeper, my pussy so full now as he fucked me harder.

“His knot is so big! He could hurt my little pussy. I don’t want him to put it in any more so , Cum, Sara! Cum for me!” Amy said as I rocked rotated my ass, taking all of his big red doggie cock. “Fuck him, Sara! Cum on his big dog cock! Cum, baby!”

I didn’t have to be asked again as my body went wild, his dog cock so hot as I came so much. As Rex hammered his cock to me I just kept cumming over and over as Amy played with her pussy with her free hand as she watched me being fucked by our dog.

Then I felt his dog cock as it started to swell up inside me, wanting to pump his cum to me as I fucked back to take all of his dog cock and cum. He began to shoot it in me, the heat of his dog cum so hot as he filled my well fucked pussy with his hit cum. As he flooded my cunt with that dog cum, I almost passed out as it was so good to me!

It was a really loving the feel of hot dog cum as he just kept pumping it to me. I had never cum so hard and so long in my life! And that was with Amy keeping his big knot out of my cunt! Rex had given me the best fucking a woman could have as his cum leaked from my pussy as his cock went softer.

I was totally exhausted from Rex fucking me! I lay there as Amy took my tits and began to suck on them, reaching down to play with my cum filled pussy. I knew she was wanting to try him too but she was going to have to wait a minute or two until I could catch my breath.

“Oh, Sara! I want him to do me! Help him fuck me, please!” she was saying as she played with my pussy and sucked on my tits. “Just don’t let him slip that big knot in me. It is so huge! He would split me wide open with it. But I want his cock in me so bad. Help him mount me, please.”

As I turned over, Amy got onto her hands and knees, her smooth pussy so wet as I called Rex up to her. I took his slimy cock into my hands as I held her pussy lips apart, taking his big dog cock and placing it to her beautiful pussy. I held onto it as I guided his big red cock to her waiting pussy. Amy shuttered as he sank that hot dog cock to her up turned pussy. I watched as my hand stayed around his cock, not letting him put his knot to her as I saw what she had meant. The huge knot was bigger than my fist! Rex began to fuck Amy’s hot pussy as I looked on, my pussy starting to grow wet once again as he slid that hot cock to her.

I watched as Rex gave her a good hard fucking, slamming his cock so deep in her smooth pussy as she fucked him back, her body going wild with excitement as she took his big, red dog cock all the way inside her beautiful pussy. She was slamming back for more of his lovely cock as I felt her begin to cum. I knew the feeling all too well as she moaned loudly, cumming so hard as that dog cock pounded her smooth pussy. I watched her ass as she rotated it, wanting his hot dog cum as he pumped that cock to her.

Then I felt his big, red cock as it began to throb in my hand, knowing he was about to fill her cunt with his dog cum. I saw Amy as she got the first feeling as his hot dog cum started to fill her throbbing pussy. She was like a wild woman as she felt his cum flooding her pussy.

“OH! OH! OH, MY GOD! He is so fucking hot in me! His hot cum is so fucking good!” she screamed as another wave swept over her body. “Fuck! He is so big in me! I’m cumming again! I’m cumming.”

I saw her body go limp again. her climax finished for now as Rex still had that dog cock deep within her smooth pussy. I watched as he began to softened, his dog cum leaking from Amy’s dripping pussy as he slipped form her aching cunt. I knew she was well satisfied as I took her into my arms and kissed her as the dog cum leaked out of her and onto both of us.

Afterwards, Amy and I talked about Rex and the way he had fucked us both. Then she said that maybe I could take his knot the next time but that she would see that I was well lubricated before we tried. We had found a new lover, Rex.

Sure enough, two nights later, I decided I wanted another good dog fucking as I held Amy to my breasts as she sucked on my large nipples. I had my fingers dancing over her clit as she sucked on my tits.

“I want to try taking Rex all the way tonight. Will you help me take him?” I asked as her smooth little pussy shot upwards as I toyed with it. “I want him to give me that big knot. With your help, I now I can take it.”

We went straight to my bedroom as Rex followed us, sniffing our cunt’s as he loved the smell of our wet pussies. I had bought a tube of KY jelly just for this and I was ready for that big knot. I hopped onto the bed with Rex right behind me as Amy crawled in next to me, her smooth pussy staring me in the face as she helped Rex mount me. As she held my pussy lips apart for him, she took the KY and spread it generously over my wet pussy lips, making sure I was well coated as she reached for his big cock. I was so hot and so full of excitement as I waited for her to put him in.

As she began to put his cock to me, I felt his hot dog cock as the head slipped past my thick lips. Entering me fully as he slid it all the way home.

“Oh, Amy! He is so hot, isn’t he? He has my pussy on fire.” I said to her, “Now bring your hot pussy up here so I can eat you while he fucks that big cock to me. I will take care of his knot and your hot pussy.”

Amy did as I asked and opened her thighs as her beautifully, smooth pussy was displayed before my mouth. As Rex slammed that dog cock to me, he pushed me further to Amy as he fucked me. I could feel that big dog cock as he fucked it to me, filling my wet pussy as it went. He was feeling so good as I felt myself began to cum, me sucking on Amy’s pretty pussy as I did. Amy was cumming too as I came, shooting her juices to my starving mouth as I sucked on her pussy.

The I felt that big knot as Rex began to swell up inside me, that huge knot trying to get into my tight pussy as he shoved it so hard to me. On the second time, his big knot rammed into me, spreading my pussy so wide so it filled my slutty cunt.

His knot was so fucking big and I was so full of him as he held that knot past my pussy entrance as he rammed that dog cock so deep in me and just held it there as he began to cum. His hot cum was filling every inch of my cunt, shooting into my womb as I felt the hot cum inside me. I was cumming so hard as he held it there for me to take as I took all of his hot dog cum and
his huge knot.

There I was, on my hands and knees, so full of dog cock and his hot cum, with Amy’s hot cunt pumping my mouth full of her sweet cum. What more could I ask for? I had everything that could possibly satisfy my pussy.




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