Pony Movies

By PonyBoy.

Laura sighed deeply, as Martin rolled off of her. Her body glistened with his perspiration.

Her pussy was still twitching from the thorough fucking it had just received. Her breasts rose and fell with her still rapid breathing. She often fantasized during sex. This had been a good fantasy.

It began earlier in the evening, when she got home from work. Martin was waiting for her. He had received a new videotape in the mail the day before. It was time to watch it together.

The movie had aroused her like nothing before. It had starred three different women, and three different ponies. The sight of the massive erections stretching the glistening vaginas on the little screen had excited her beyond belief. Who would have thought a woman could take such a large prick? Martin had been slowly stroking her engorged clitoris as her eyes remained locked on the thrusting cock on the screen. Her vagina became increasingly wetter. Finally she could stand no more and half-begged Martin to fuck her.

And fuck her he did. He couldn’t remember her ever being more excited.

He knew she was fantasizing about what she had just seen, knew her mind was filled of images of the huge erections shoving their way deep inside her.

She came explosively, her body suddenly convulsing beneath him. Her face tightened, her breathing stopped, her hips slammed one final time into his. Her orgasm thrashed through her body. This caused Martin to join her. He exploded deep inside her, filling her to the rim with his seed.

Then he lay still, gasping for breath atop her heaving chest, neither wanting to move.

Yes, it had been a good fantasy.

Later, as they held each other, he asked her, “Would you like something like that, if I can arrange it?”

She didn’t move. Quietly she asked, “Can you arrange it?”

“I think so,” he replied.

She didn’t reply for a few seconds. Martin knew she was thinking about it. She pulled him tighter against her, and quietly, almost in a whisper, said, “Arrange it.”

Her hand slid down his body to his returning erection. The thought of her taking a pony’s amazing cock inside her excited them both once again. He rolled over on top of her once again, and slowly slid himself into her drenched pussy . . .

Days later, Martin met Laura at the door with a smile. She looked at him quizzically.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Everything’s arranged,” he replied.

She instantly knew what he meant. A rush of excitement coursed through her. Her face began flushing, half with embarrassment. He really did it! Could she? “Do I know the people?” she asked.

“I don’t think so. They know me from work,” he said. “he has four ponies and a donkey.

He’s been curious about something like this for a long time. In fact his wife has come close to doing it herself, but at the final moment, backed out of it. She was afraid of getting hurt.”

“How many people will be there?” she timidly asked.

“Four besides you, three to help with the animals, and his wife will run our camera, and that’s all she’ll do.” They sat on the sofa. “He believes, if his wife sees that it can be done, she won’t be afraid of it anymore.”

“Hmmmpf,” she giggled.

He reached out and slowly stroked her cheek. “Are you still interested in doing it?”

Her head slowly turned, and she met his eyes. A fire burned deep within her, as she recalled the fantasies she had been having since viewing that tape. Her breathing suddenly deepened. Her face flushed deeper. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she nodded.

She put her arms around him, and pulled him close. Her mouth found his in a deep hungry kiss. Hands found zippers, and clothes flew in all directions. He was soon buried deep inside her soaked, hungry vagina. Thrusting madly into her, as she, just as madly, thrust back at him . . .

It was a small ranch, hidden back in the hills. A small, yet comfy looking house sat back under the protective Cottonwoods. A small barn and corral were placed a few yards away. Open pasture surrounded the ranch, the mountains spread beyond.

A man and woman came out of the house at the sound of the approaching vehicle. Martin brought the old truck to a stop a few feet from the porch.

He looked over at Laura. “Ready?”

“Here we go,” she timidly said.

They got out of the car and headed for the porch, and the waiting couple. As the climbed the steps, Martin placed a protective arm around Laura, “This is Laura,” he began, “Laura, this is Mike and Shelly.”

They headed into the house as pleasantries were exchanged. Two other men waited on the small sofa in the living room.

Martin again did the introductions. “Laura, this is Jerry and Bill, they are friends of Mike.”

Laura stepped forward and shook each of their offered hands. They immediately scooted away from each other to make room for her on the sofa. She hesitated a second, then sat between them. The others soon found seats.

Mike quickly broke the ice by saying, “We all know why we’re here, is everyone as nervous as I am?”

Soft giggles escaped everyone, and heads nodded. Mike looked at Laura and continued…

“Shelly and I aren’t new to animals, just new to horses. Have you ever been with an animal before?”

Laura glanced over at Martin, as if seeking approval. He nodded.

“Well,” she began quietly, “We have played with our dog.”

“We have too,” Shelly acknowledged. “We have three dogs out here with us. I’ve enjoyed them all, separately and together.”

“We have some videotape if you’re interested,” Mike offered.

Nervous glances around the room followed, then finally nods and quiet, “Okay’s.”

Mike got up from his chair and disappeared into another room. He quickly returned with a videotape in his hand. As he set up the tv, the others rearranged their seating to better see the tape. Martin sat on the floor, at Laura’s feet, between her legs, facing the tv.

The tape began with Shelly taking her clothes off. It was taken in the very same living room. As her clothes were cast aside, revealing her body to the room full of viewers, glimpses of the dogs could be seen in the background.

Soon Shelly was nude, and one of the dogs was at her side. He was a large Black Lab. He looked to be well fed, but not quite overweight. His tail wagged briskly as Shelly crouched down beside him.

The Lab had obviously done this before, as he nuzzled Shelly’s neck, and licked her cheek. Quite quickly, the Lab buried his nose between Shelly’s legs. Her head flew back suddenly as the dog’s tongue found its target.

“Bo knows what he wants and doesn’t waste any time getting it,” Mike chuckled.

Soon Shelly’s hips were writhing under Bo’s wide tongue. Finally, she pushed him away, and crawled up on all fours. Again, Bo wasted no time. He quickly mounted her. He gave a few tentative thrusts, as if searching for the right spot, then suddenly lurched forward, humping into Shelly frantically. The tv’s sound was turned off, but you could see Shelly cry out at the sudden penetration. Her hips thrust back at the wildly humping Lab, trying to get him completely inside her.

The sound of heavier breathing came from behind Martin as he watched the tv. He looked around to see Jerry and Bill sporting huge bulges in their jeans.

They had also scooted in a little closer to Laura. Jerry’s arm was around her, over the back of the couch.

On the screen, the Lab was slowing his frantic thrusting. He suddenly came to a stop. His head lolled over Shelly’s back as he panted in exhaustion.

A quiet, “Mmmmmm,” escaped Shelly’s lips as she watched herself on the screen. “He was cumming. Man did he get big in me.”

Soon the Lab pulled out of Shelly, and hopped off. He turned and gave Shelly’s pussy a few licks, then began cleaning himself. The next dog approached, a German Shepherd.

Martin felt Laura scoot behind him a bit. He turned to see her hand on the growing bulge in Jerry’s pants. A turn of the head confirmed her other hand was on Bill’s lap. An unidentified hand was caressing her breast through her blouse.

When Martin returned his attention to the screen, the Shepherd had mounted Shelly, and was fucking her deep. His thrusts weren’t as frantic as the Lab’s had been.

It was almost as if this dog knew he could take his time.

“Ranger is a lot more patient,” Shelly said, as if reading his mind.

“He has fucked me for almost 15 minutes according to Mike.”

Martin felt one of Laura’s knees briefly touch his shoulder, then move away. He squinted at the screen for her reflection. He could just make out Jerry’s hand slipping into the waistband of her exposed panties. Her breathing suddenly deepened.

For another few minutes, the scenes around him played out. Laura was groping and being groped behind him, a lady was being slowly fucked by her pet on the tv in front of him, their hosts were in a passionate embrace beside him.

It was Mike who seemed to come to his senses first. “Hey, we’re supposed to be taking care of Laura’s fantasy, not our own,” he laughed.

Nervous laughter filled the room.

Bodies parted, buttons buttoned, and zippers zipped, as Mike got up to turn off the tv.

“Let’s go outside and introduce Laura to the horses,” he said.

Martin got up, and turned to help Laura from the sofa. Her eyes were glazed over with lust. Her breathing was still ragged from the petting she had been receiving. Her lipstick was smeared, and her hair had a tussled look. They had been doing a bit more than just petting. Jerry was wiping the lipstick from his mouth.

As they went outside, Laura heard the dogs barking off in the distance.

“Chasing rabbits again,” was Mike’s comment.

They soon stepped into the barn. It was roomier on the inside than it appeared from outside. There were five separate stalls to one side, with a large common area taking up the front half. Several bales of hay, covered by a blanket, had been placed in the middle of this “room.”

Shelly went to one corner and got a camcorder, already mounted on a tripod, and brought it out onto the floor.

Mike took Laura’s hand and led her to the stalls. They stopped at the donkey’s stall first.

“This is Pedro. Not a very original name, I know. He was named when we got him, and I figured it was too late to change it.”

The next stall held Flash, a white pony. Next to him was Arthur, then Murphy. Laura was surprised to find the fifth stall occupied by a deep black pony.

“That’s Midnight,” Mike explained, “she’s in heat right now. I keep her next to Murphy when they’re inside. He’s older, and a bit mellower than the others. Usually they’re outside when she’s in heat. Otherwise, we’d be over run with ponies.”

Laura was led back to the center of the barn. She blushed deeply as she noticed two pillows and a tube of KY jelly had appeared on the blanket. Looking around, she also saw the camera and lights were in place, two small wooden boxes were laying to each side of the hay bales, and Bill held a set of hobbling chains in his hands. Everything was ready. The only things missing were her, and her first pony.

Martin stepped forward and took Laura in his arms. He felt her body shudder as he kissed her deeply. His hands unbuttoned her blouse, then the top button of her jeans. He broke the kiss and slowly turned her around. As he slid the blouse from her shoulders, Jerry slowly stepped forward.

Martin unclasped her bra, then slowly removed it, releasing her breasts for all to view.

Jerry bent down and buried his face between the soft orbs before him.

Laura closed her eyes as his tongue found her nipple. A groan escaped her lips when he softly sucked it deep into his mouth. She felt her leg being raised, and her shoe being removed, soon the other followed. A shudder slid sown her spine when she felt her jeans being tugged down over her hips, then falling to the floor. She stepped out of them, toward Jerry, hugging him closer to her quivering breast.

Suddenly she was picked up, and carried over to the hay bales. Martin and Jerry laid her softly on the blanket. A pillow was tucked under her head as Jerry returned to her erect nipple.

Martin soon joined him on the other. Hands roamed her body, and she felt her panties slide away from her hot sex. She lifted her hips to help the unknown hands.

Suddenly she felt hot breath on her engorged lips. A beard tickled her thigh. Then a wet tongue flicked out along her clitoris. She jumped at the unexpected contact, but quickly settled back as the tongue parted the lips to explore deeper.

Jerry, hesitantly, let go of the nipple his mouth was making love to, and disappeared. Her cool erect nipple was warmed by Martin’s hand as he suckled the other breast.

A chain rattled, causing Laura’s eyes to open. Mike had led Murphy to the hay bales, and was positioning him so that Laura could see what was to happen next.

Laura looked beneath Murphy. He had already run himself out. His cock hung below him at least 12 inches, and he wasn’t fully hard yet! Her hips squirmed as the Bill’s tongue continued to work its magic on her.

Laura watched as Jerry put the hobbles on Murphy. Mike took the tube of KY and applied a generous portion to his palm. He looked into Laura’s eyes, and reached for Murphy’s cock. His hand closed around the erection, and slowly began stroking. Murphy gave a squeal, at the new attention being paid to him.

Laura stared at the pony’s cock. It didn’t get any longer, just firmer under Mike’s gentle touch. Her stomach leaped as Bill removed his tongue from her steaming crotch. This was it.

Murphy was led between her wide spread legs. She could hear his front hooves scrape the wood as he stepped onto the boxes. She felt his coarse fur brush her belly.

“Relax and enjoy it,” whispered Martin.

Something warm caressed her swollen pussy lips, then spread them.

Slowly it worked its way inside her. She closed her eyes again as the pony speared her on his huge erection. She shuddered as he filled her deeper than she had thought possible. Her lips stretched to adapt to his girth. Then he withdrew.

At the first sign that his erection was inside something warm and damp, Murphy froze.

He then began pressing steadily forward, as if to test the water. When his brain finally registered the fact that he was really deep inside a female, nature took over. He started to fuck.

His haunches withdrew, only to thrust forward once again.

Laura’s eyes flew open at the first thrust. Martin rushed to make sure she was all right.

She was. The concentration on her face was proof enough.

Murphy drove his erect cock repeatedly into the woman beneath him. Her hips rose to meet his underbelly in an attempt to get more of the pleasure giving organ inside her. Her face was taut, her eyes slammed shut. Nothing but the penis inside her mattered to her.

Suddenly Murphy lunged deeper into her and exploded. Laura felt each powerful spurt as the pony emptied his loins into her. His load proved to be too large for her to contain, and it gushed out of her.

His thrusts weakened. His hard prick began to soften, and, all too soon, slipped out of her.

Laura immediately felt vacant, as if a piece of her were missing. She moaned as Murphy withdrew. She was not left wanting for long, however, as Bill, unable to control himself any longer, plunged himself into her.

Laura wrapped her legs around his buttocks as he drove his cock deep inside her. His hips thrust wildly into her. Laura’s hands clasped his driving buttocks, pulling him deeper into her juicy pussy. Her hips flailed as she attempted to bring him into contact with her clitoris, but to no avail.

Bill stiffened, and orgasmed deep inside her clutching vagina. His hips locked forward as he filled her with his seed. Her pussy milked him into her, almost gulping him into her. He collapsed on top of her.

He slowly withdrew and got to his feet. Laura moaned in frustration as her pussy was once again empty.

It was only then that Laura realized that the next pony had been prepared for her. Mike positioned Arthur and she could see his cock was not quite ready to enter her. Mike nudged open Laura’s lips with the head of Arthur’s cock and slowly began to feed a few inches of the flaccid member inside her. This had the immediate effect of stiffening his cock.

Laura started to moan, as she was filled like never before. Arthur was much bigger than Murphy. Arthur was longer, thicker and so much harder.

He was also beginning to warm to the task of fucking. He squealed with each stroke of his prick.

She groaned aloud as he impaled her, thrusting her hips madly, searching for the release that eluded her. His haunches propelled him forward as he drove into her hard. Over and over his massive erection filled her gasping, heaving body.

Mike and Jerry held the bucking pony back, to avoid allowing Arthur to drive his whole member inside Laura. The pony’s hips dipped deep, driving his engorged prick into the female beneath him, searching for orgasm.

Laura’s pussy gripped the huge shaft as the pony dove into her. Veins stood out on her forehead, and her breath came in deep ragged gasps as she concentrated on the giant prick inside her.

Arthur lasted longer than Murphy had, but not nearly long enough for Laura. She was approaching orgasm, when she felt Arthur’s first ejaculation.

“Noooooo!”she wailed as the pony emptied himself into her begging vagina. Tears of frustration filled her eyes, as Arthur began to soften and withdraw.

Martin was again by her side in an instant. He kissed her gently, as if to comfort her.

“Relax baby. You still have two more to go.”

“No,” she panted, “Bring me the donkey. I want him inside me now.”

Martin looked up at Mike. “You heard her,” he grinned, “she wants the big guy.”

Mike led Arthur back to his stall, and went to fetch Pedro.

Martin stroked Laura’s tortured body as Pedro was prepared for her. His hands traced their way down her body to her abused pussy. It was overflowing with the combined ejaculations of two ponies and Bill, the only human to have taken her, so far. She twitched when his finger rubbed her engorged clitoris.

“So close . . . ” she whispered, “So close . . . ” Mike led Pedro over to Laura, and positioned him above her. Laura looked down at the mammoth erection. She reached down and took hold of Pedro’s cock. The other hand worked its way into her already slippery pussy. She rubbed her clitoris while working three fingers into herself trying to get it ready for Pedro’s awaiting cock. Laura let out a moan as Pedro’s erection throbbed in her hand.

By now Laura was ready. She slid the crown of his erection along her clitoris, slowly drawing her orgasm nearer before allowing him to penetrate her. She bit her bottom lip in concentration, as she started forward, slowly letting his enormous cock slip between the lips of her vagina. The huge head of his erection slowly vanished.

Pedro reacted much like the two ponies before him. His hips pressed down, forcing his huge erection into the female. The four men held the donkey back, as he began to thrust into her.

Pedro’s tail started to raise as he thrust forward, filling Laura’s pussy to the brim. Her lips stretched to take him. Her clitoris bounced along the protruding veins of his gigantic cock. Faster and faster he pounded himself into her. The donkey’s cock repeatedly abused her swollen clitoris. Laura started to groan, not in pain but in pleasure. Pedro was now letting this female have his all.

Laura’s hands gripped the hay bale as she ground her hips up to meet his powerful thrusts. Sweat was forming on her brow, as the donkey fucked deeper into her. Her face was a mask of concentration as she humped back into the thrusting animal. Suddenly the dam broke.

The groan became a low wail, then a loud scream as Laura’s body was wracked by spasm after spasm. Her upper torso thrashed madly about the hay bales. Her face became deep crimson, as her gut wrenching orgasm drove the very breath from her.

Pedro exploded inside her, cum was running out of Laura in every direction, around Pedro’s cock, between her legs and down her ass and all over the blanket.

The crown of his penis grew inside her, driving her further over the edge.

Laura gasped for breath, tears ran down her cheeks as her orgasm convulsed through her.

Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she threw her hips up hard into the spewing donkey.

Finally the orgasm began to subside. Her breath came as a loud gasp as she threw herself down on the blanket. She collapsed into a quivering mass, as the donkey’s still frothing erection pulled out of her. He thrust at nothing a few more times, then began softening.

By now Laura was starting to come down. Her breathing began to return to normal, and a low moan of contentment escaped her lips. She cracked open one eye and looked at Martin. A smile slowly spread across her lips as she drifted off to sleep.

Laura came home to find Martin already in bed. She knew what that meant. As she stripped out of her work clothes, she asked him, “What’s going on here?”

“Just waiting for you to get home,” he replied, “We got something in the mail today.”

“Oh, really,” she said, slipping into bed with him, an evil grin spreading across her face.

“What did we get?”

“A friend sent me a new videotape,” he said with an equally evil grin.

“What kind of tape this time?” she asked, wrapping her warm fingers around his already proud erection.

“It’s about a lady who takes on a pony, then a spectator, then another pony, then she practically begs to be fucked by this big donkey,” he said, picking up the remote.

“Oh,” she giggled, “Anyone we know?” she asked as she began stroking his cock.

“Yep,” he replied, as her image filled the tv screen, “I know her quite well.”


The End.

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