Professional Working Dog

By Jade.

The sleekly attractive woman had felt excited waiting for them to arrive and, when seeing them on her driveway, had gone into the hallway. So now it would happen, and Constanta opened the door just as Alma had knocked.

The slim twenty-something appearance surprised Constanta. Such an attractive girl would run such a shady type of business.

“Hello, I’m Alma with Buddy from the Kennel Club. We have an appointment.”

“That’s fine, you’re expected, and I’m Constanta, who you dealt with on the phone, do come in.”

Leading Buddy on a leash, Alma followed the thirty-something Constanta into the posh house. She had never dealt with anyone this side of town and was anxious to do well.

Constanta crouched to admire the animal’s hind quarters. In doing so, her skirt rose up her thighs as she stroked the big brown mongrel. “My, he’s a big one, isn’t he!” said the lady.

“He’s a professional working dog, very well hung, just as you ordered.” Alma admired the woman’s shapely thighs. She’d have a ripe pussy, too, the kind her dog loved to fuck.

“Mm, I can see that,” she chuckled, reaching under the animal and stroking his loin, “I’ve no doubt he’ll be up to the task for him. I may need your assistance if that’s possible?”

Alma’s cunt clenched at the prospect of sharing a bitching session with this lady, who had been impressed with what she had seen so far, “Of course, madam, supervision is an extra I’m pleased to provide.” Alma chirped.

But then they were joined by a younger slim woman, around twenty, dressed in a simple short shift dress and barefooted. She had long fair hair, and her Scandinavian features were devoid of cosmetics. She looked at Alma in an innocent, childlike manner, smiling.

“Oh, there you are, Leslie. Now, this kind lady is from the Kennel Club, and look what she’s brought with her. He’s called Buddy! Do you like him?”

The tall girl politely greeted the kennel lady, then looked at the dog. “Oh yes, he’s such a beautiful creature,” she said, squatting now to pet the dog. “Mmm, his coat is so shiny and soft!”

Alma detected a strangeness in the girl’s demeanor, as if she was sleepy but found the dog pleasing to fondle.

“Leslie has been wanting a doggy of her own for a while now,” remarked Constanta, “but we’re not able to keep one here, so today she’s having one of your home visits, to get the feel of having a dog up close as it were.”

Alma smiled politely, unsure of the relationship between the pair. They were not mother and daughter, yet there seemed to be a sexual link between them. However, it was Consata’s wishes she had to address. “I’m sure Buddy will please her, madam.”

Constanta chuckled, “Yes. I have loved having dogs in the past, so I’m hoping Leslie will find them just as satisfying as I do.”

Alma smiled diplomatically, although still not sure of what was what. Constanta continued, “So with your visit here today, only Leslie I want fucked: but fucked enough to give her a full appreciation of what a dog can do for a girl, do you see?”

“Oh! Oh, yes, quite,” said Alma.

It was clear that Constanta was in charge, and her young companion was a virgin when it came to dog-loving, but what else these females shared was unclear to Alma. She decided to move things, “Em, where would you like Buddy to render his services, madam?” she asked.

“Oh, I’ve made some preparation on the chaise long in the bedroom. Would you take the dog in, and then we can get the session underway. I’m sure Leslie has endured enough anticipation. Constanta felt her pulse quicken, knowing the dog would need plenty of pre-arousal before being paired with her novice.

She had looked forward to this initial task as much as the initiation of Leslie itself, and once in the bedroom, she had stripped down to her bra and panties to enjoy the task of stoking the animal into a sexual frenzy. She now knelt formally before Buddy, standing passively on the chaise long.

The girl novice watched serenely, still wearing the simple shift dress. Alma stood by readily.

Constanta’s head ducked beneath the dog’s belly, her mouth suddenly busy on his sheath.

She flicked her tongue against the animal’s barely visible prick, and in no time, the experienced dog’s pink cock-tip had appeared, but the main cock lay hidden in the leathery sheath. Her tongue tip brushed the pink bulb, again and again, polishing it and taunting it. Soon the entire cock head was protruding proudly.

The girl watching now began to take a curious interest in matters, and she stole a glance at Alma, who stood beside her. “Buddy will be ready for you soon,” she assured the girl.

When Constanta had wreaked havoc with the cock head’s nerve-studded rim, she began snaking her tongue up and down the sloping surface of the bulb. She caressed the meaty prick head thoroughly until the bulb shone with her saliva.

The dog whined some more and began shuffling his feet. Constanta calmed him with both hands as she continued to lick his prick. Her eager licks made the dog’s prick bounce up and down and from side to side, “Oh my God, his cock is truly gorgeous, Lesley!” she exclaimed.

Now the dog’s entire cock was bulging out of its sheath. The grey glistening cock was long, hard, and fat, perfect for busting cherries. But Constanta wasn’t quite satisfied. “He’s nearly ready for you, Leslie!”

Alma looked at the girl and suddenly realized she was responding poorly.

Constanta’s wild eroticism, rather than stimulating and exciting the girl, had instead injected fear and loathing!

Oblivious, Consanter opened her mouth wide and engulfed the greasy prick, which stretched her lips dangerously as she deep-throated it! She grunted and gagged until she finally forced her lips down to the dog’s fat balls!

She moaned mindlessly, with bugged-out eyes, the whole time she held the prick deep. It was as if the prick tasted too good to let go. The animal humped once and began whining.

Constanta lifted her head at last. “Slip out of your dress before you cuddle up close to the doggy, Leslie.”

The girl responded with a pout and shook her head slightly in retaliation. “I can’t do it, Constanta.”

“Don’t start playing me up now, dear. There’s nothing to worry about. You’ll love it!”

In a soft voice, the girl stood and said, “It’s much … bigger than I … I’m scared.”

“Oh, silly girl! Help her off with her dress Alma, would you?”

“Very well, Madam,” Alma said.

The girl passively allowed Alma to unzip the dress from behind and allowed it to fall from the floor. The girl’s exquisite naked figure was revealed, and Alma’s bisexual senses were stunned by its sensuality. Her olive-hued skin clung as silk to her jutting breast, and her protruding nipples questioned her reluctance to participate. Her belly dipped down to a dusky down that lightly covered the mound to her prize. Her long limbs were a symphony of curved sinewy flesh.

But as Alma took the girl’s arm, she felt the girl’s reluctance to move, then realized the girl had begun softly sobbing. Alma looked over to Constanta for guidance.

Constanta’s smile faded, and she spoke with a soft menace, “We’ve agreed on this, Leslie. You’ve promised me to do it so that we can share a dog in the future! So, I will not allow you to back out now!” Constanta stared at the sobbing girl saying, “Alma, bring Leslie over to me now!”

This would not be the first time Alma needed to manhandle a reluctant girl into position for a dog fucking, and she hoped it would not last because she enjoyed doing it. She took hold of both arms from behind with practiced ease until the girl’s elbows almost met and propelled her forward.

The girl was crying, partly in pain and fear, and then began struggling enormously alongside the chaise long, “No Constanta! I won’t do it! I won’t, you bitch! I won’t!”

Constanta snapped an order, “Right, Alma! She’ll have to be strapped down! You’ll find there are ties in place. Quickly hold her over the curve-end, face down!”

They had the sobbing girl bent over the curve-end, her long legs splayed and bound, her arms well forward with wrists pinned down. Her cunt was ready for Buddy now.

The dog was well trained and understood that his stud duties were to commence. He rose on his hind legs with simple grace, and his long juicy cock nearly hit its target immediately!

Amidst the girl’s pleading and sobbing, Constanta took hold of his dibbling cock, and guided it into the girl’s prize hole. A scream came from deep within Leslie’s throat!

Then big brown mongrel gripped her waist tightly and began humping rapidly!

Both Constanta and Alma were rather breathless over struggling with Leslie’s surprisingly strong resistance but could now stand back and relish a spectacle few get to witness.

His hips lunged forward repeatedly, driving his cock through her cunt lips with brutal strokes. “Aagh!” she cried, throwing back her head. Excitedly, she began pumping her cunt muscles prematurely. Buddy continued to fuck her. “Ungh!” she grunted, panting for air and only vaguely aware that Alma and Constanta were relishing her violation.

A trickle of blood ran down her inner thigh, but she gritted her teeth and braced herself against the hard thrusts from the animal in full swing, with his hot breath and course belly hair on her naked back while his claws painfully dug into her thighs. Yet now, she groaned and arched her back, surrendering more of her pussy to the animal’s hard-slapping balls? She began slamming her young pussy back into the dog’s cock.

Constanta looked at Alma with a knowing smirk, and Alma nodded in agreement. The girl had been broken. She’d given herself over to the dog’s demands. Constanta produced a small camera and gave her a few instructions, handing it to Alma.

Leslie’s initial fear and disgust of the dog’s cock had evaporated, replaced by discovering the blissful joy that it brought to her when buried in her cunt. But there was more, a desperate insatiable hunger to satisfy her lust for that cock! It sent a dark perverted ecstasy into her soul that she’d never known, and it would haunt her forever.

She felt the dog’s jaws on her neck. Suddenly the cock swelled within her and began delivering a mother-load.

“Aaagh!” she cried as waves of bliss soared through her body, her eyes rolled into her head, her hips gyrated rhythmically as her cunt muscles pumped. “Constanta!!” she screamed.

“I’m right here, my angel!” And as the writhing girl climaxed, Constanta kissed her mouth passionately.

Alma had been drawn into the drama but felt a particular professional pride in her dog Buddy, who had performed faultlessly under challenging circumstances.

Alma also knew Constanta was influential in her social circle of wealthy women, and some would soon be whispering the name of Buddy, the professional working dog.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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