Roscoe’s Crush on Megan

By Lacy22.

“Roscoe, No!” Megan’s voice cut across the room. Startled, I yanked my head up out of the laundry basket, purple panties dangling from my teeth. “Give me those!” Megan demanded, lunging towards me.

I scampered from the room with my prize, tasting the tantalizing sensation on my tongue. I shot into the hallway and down the stairs with the girl in hot pursuit. We completed a couple of skidding laps around the kitchen table, running a merry chase. Launching myself at the back door, I squeezed through the pet door just as Megan’s fingers started to close down on my tail. The pet door flap clunked shut, and she issued a pronounced “Fuck!” of exasperation. Clad only in a short tee shirt and socks, she seemed disinclined to follow me onto the exposed deck behind the house. Wagging my tail in victory, I settled down, nuzzling my snout into the crotch of the moist panties, savoring the sticky wetness.

With a huff of irritation, Megan whirled and disappeared from the back door. My sensitive canine ears perked as I heard her stomp back up the stairs. Thumping my tail on the weathered deck boards, I returned to licking out the deliciously flavored undies.

A while later, abandoning the spent panties on the deck and having issued an errant squirrel a sound barking, I heard the back door unlatch. Megan appeared, now more fully dressed in a blue pleated miniskirt and fresh white cut-off tee-shirt. “Roscoe!” she called. My ears perked. Putting off my ongoing excavation project in the flower bed, I raced for the door, excitement bubbling over as I saw the leash in her hand. “Park? Come on, ya big lug — you wanna go to the park?” she teased, apparently forgiving me for the earlier panty incident.

I lost my mind, whirling in circles and barking my fool head off with approval. It had been FOREVER since we had been to the park, maybe even a whole day or so! We hopped into her car and were off riding shotgun with me. She triggered a button, and my window rolled down. I poked my head out, ear flapping, savoring the spring air. “Good sniffs today, boy?” she inquired. I looked at her with a satisfied doggy grin. She got me.

The parking lot was crowded. We eventually found a spot as my nervous energy threatened to boil over. Megan clipped the leash onto my collar, and I launched, forcing her into a run to keep up with me. Despite her protests, I knew she loved the exercise, so I gave it all I was worth. She finally managed to drag me to a halt, both of us panting with the effort.

“You look like you need a rest,” a lady on a park bench offered with a smile, hurrying over to make some room.

“Th… Thanks…” Megan replied with a gasp, taking the offered seat. The woman’s Doberman and I gave each other wary looks, exchanging tentative sniffs in a tense standoff. Combat averted, we both sat down to enjoy the goings-on around us.

The Doberman turned his gaze towards Megan, his eyes traveling up her smooth, tanned legs. “So… you hittin’ it?” he inquired.

“Excuse me?” I replied in confusion.

He gave a nod of his furry head toward Megan. “You tappin’ that? You know, playing bury the doggy bone?”

I was appalled. My sweet Megan didn’t do things like that! He took my silence as a negative response.

“Mmmm, mmm… Damn shame, letting prize poon like that go to waste,” he observed, shamelessly gazing up underneath Megan’s short skirt. He extended his tongue, panting. “Oh, yeah, that is a tight and juicy bit of…”

“HEY!” I barked, feeling my anger build.

“Roscoe, hush!” Megan absently chided, returning to her conversation with the woman on the bench.

Undeterred, the Doberman made a show of sniffing the air. “Drives you crazy, doesn’t it, the smell of young cunt in heat? Man, if that were my bitch, I would be sliding her the old doggy trombone until she squealed!”

“Look, Pal…” I growled menacingly.

A snap at my leash served as a warning from Megan. With a grumble of a complaint, I settled down on the ground, refusing to make eye contact with this hooligan.

The Doberman chuckled. “It’s OK, man. I’d be pussy-whipped too if that was the pussy doing the whipping.”

I ignored him. But as the silence prolonged, curiosity overcame me. Despite my irritation, I couldn’t help but ask, “You and the lady… you’re not really…”

“Slipping her my rawhide doggy chew toy?” he finished for me.

Despite myself, a minor smirk crossed my jowls.

“You better believe it. I’m poking her like a pin cushion, and she fucks like a freight train. Trust me, once you mount and knot a bitch, human cock just never satisfies them again.”

“I don’t know…” I pondered, turning an appreciative gaze up at Megan.

She was a petite brunette, her hair tied back in a ponytail, with stubborn, errant strands making their escape. Meg wasn’t much for being fussy about her appearance, but she still managed to pull off cute in a waifish way. I had a clear view under her blue mini-skirt from my vantage point. Trim, creamy thighs led my eyes up to the crotch of her impossibly tiny pink panties, snuggled up tight in a revealing camel toe. Her small, firm tits pushed her cut-off tee shirt out just a touch, exposing plenty of firm, alluring midriff. White ankle socks and a pair of well-worn tennis shoes completed the ensemble.

“Look at you, mooning over her,” The Doberman snorted, interrupting my lustful inspection. “You just gotta dog up and show her who’s boss,” he said with complete assurance. “I mean, look at you. What are you, a mutt of Siberian Husky and maybe some German Shepherd? You’re a big boy. No problem at all for you to take charge of a girl like yours. And she’ll love you for it, trust me.”

I offered no response, my mind a whirl of confusion.

“She is seeing anyone?” the Doberman continued after a few moments of silence.

I shook my head. I recalled the last time we had seen Steve, her last boyfriend. I didn’t understand calendars, but it had been a long time.

“Oh yeah, she’s primed for you then, my friend. Primed and ready.”

Megan finished her conversation with the woman on the bench, and we moved on. Normally charging in the lead and choking on my collar, today, I found myself walking several paces behind the girl, focused on the enticing view of her swiveling hips from my up-skirt point of view. I licked my chops, unable to stop my imagination from running amok. What would it be like to feel her squirming underneath me? I inhaled deeply, letting the wafting scent embrace my senses. The Doberman might have been a jackass, but he was right — the smell of young cunt in heat was driving me out of my mind.

I was a nervous wreck the rest of the day, trying to get the conversation with the Doberman out of my mind. I tried to be a good boy but found myself spilling my water dish, tracking mud on the carpet, and even jumping on the couch, where I knew I was not allowed. After numerous chastisements, I curled up in my doggy bed in the bedroom, watching Megan surf on her computer. Her trim little ass occasionally shifted in her chair, having my undivided attention. An embarrassing hard-on raged, and I whimpered quietly to myself.

Finally, it was time for bed. I hoped my distracting urges would settle after a good night’s sleep. Megan stirred in bed, seeming restless also. Curious, I raised my head, tilting my head off to one side as the bed frame picked up a steady squeaking sound. The steamy scent of pussy, already lingering on my senses all day, became more intense. Curious, I quietly rose, laying my furry head on the bed to see what was happening.

Megan sighed, her fingers working in a rhythm underneath the covers. Drawn by the irresistible smell, I nosed my snout under the covers from the foot of the bed. Illumination from the streetlight outside the window permeated through the thin bed sheet, providing plenty of light for my sensitive eyes to make out details. Megan squirmed, grinding her naked thighs together. Her fingers worked steadily in her pouty little hairless pussy. Glistening wetness coated her digits and vaginal lips. The scent of hot twat trapped under the sheet made my mind reel with lust.

I jumped lightly onto the bed. Megan sighed, seeming too distracted to notice. Her legs spread open, and she issued a series of quiet gasps. Almost in a trance, I slowly crept closer. She withdrew her fingers from her silky snatch, drawing a sticky trail of wetness up over her firm belly as she clutched her small breasts in each hand, rolling erect nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. A deep breath escaped her, and the muscles of her inner thighs shivered. The fleshy lips of her pussy blossomed open before me, revealing the moist pinkness within. Megan’s fingers lazily trailed back down over her tummy, manicured fingernails lightly raking the taut flesh as she indulged in a subtle moan.

Unable to resist any longer, I prodded my snout into Megan’s creamy pussy. My cold nose made contact with the over-stimulated flesh, and she squealed in shock, yanking away the covers. I looked up, vaginal fluids dripping from my jowls. I wagged my tail in a friendly greeting, washing my long tongue around my snout. The taste was positively divine!

“Roscoe! No! Naughty Doggy!” Megan shrieked.

Alarmed, I took a step back, my tail drooping in dismay. With an apologetic whine, I settled between her spread legs, gazing up at her with big, brown eyes. The thought of displeasing her tore my heart in two.

“Oh, baby, it’s OK,” she offered. “You just can’t be sniffing your mommy there, OK?”

I tilted my head sideways. Humans sure had a lot of silly rules, most of which I could never understand. But I thumped my tail repeatedly on the bed, relieved to still be in her good graces. She gazed down at me, seeming to ponder deep thoughts.

“Maybe just a little sniff,” she whispered, biting her lower lip in uncertainty.

I thumped my tail more rapidly, trying to convey the assurance that just one little sniff wouldn’t be so bad and it would be our special secret. She squirmed further down the bed, wriggling her sexy legs as she inched closer to me. The wafting scent of slippery, wet cunt beckoned, and I eased my nose into her ruffled vaginal lips, taking in a deep, intoxicating sniff. Megan gasped, arching her back and clutching her hands around my ears, drawing me in deeper.

Tentatively, I extended the tip of my tongue, unsure if licking was allowed. A passionate groan from the girl suggested she was on board with my plan. She drew her legs back, bending at the knees and spreading herself wider. I pressed my furry snout into the tight confines of her snatch, letting my tongue explore. Megan shivered, biting back a cry of passion. I dug deeper, my canine mind reeling with pleasure as the delectable syrupy wetness oozed from her tight, fleshy folds onto my burrowing tongue. Megan’s hips rolled in a sensuous motion, then bucked as she gasped.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed through clenched teeth.

Her unexpected flailing pushed my snout out of her twat, and she groaned in frustration. Bracing her hands underneath the firm cheeks of her ass, she arched her hips up, shamelessly presenting her loins to me. I nuzzled back in, easing my snout into the inviting cleft of her rump. My tongue whipped out, probing, discovering an inviting little dimple hidden deep within her ass crack. Her eyes flew wide open in surprise.

“Roscoe! You can’t get your tongue in there!” she exclaimed.

I begged to differ, feeling the tightly puckered little orifice already begin to tremble and give way under my unrelenting oral attention. I felt it pulse back and forth, shuddering with growing excitement. Megan hissed a desperate inrush of breath, panting in response. She wriggled, changing position. Lying on her back, she drew her knees back to her chest, spreading wide open. Her impossibly tight little rectal pucker quivered, easing open a tantalizing bit as she clutched at her ass cheeks with both hands, spreading herself for me.

I cocked my head in fascination, watching the wrinkled gateway of her anus throb with excitement. “Please…” she begged in a quivering voice. “Lick me. Eat out, my hot little shitter, Roscoe!”

Always eager to please, I prodded my cold nose against the tender ring of wrinkled flesh, letting my tongue wash over her intimate nether portal. The tight orifice quivered at my oral caress, stretching further open as Megan tugged her firm rump cheeks wide. I probed forward with my tongue. She squealed as my thick oral organ pressed into the clutching confines of her rectal tract. The muscles in her firm tummy rippled, and the loving embrace of her rectum gripped down my tongue. I paused, trapped in her grasp, savoring the sensation of her squeezing anus. With a shudder, she relaxed, and I plowed deeper, twisting my furry head back and forth as I drilled my long tongue into the depths of her tasty butthole.

Megan squirmed, the tips of her fingers digging deep into the firm flesh of her rump cheeks for a firm grip. I gave her good rimming, running my talented tongue around the inside of her taut little anus. She gazed up at me with glazed eyes, her breaths coming in short, desperate puffs. I pulled out, and she wailed in protest, appeased only when I stuffed my tongue deep into her silky snatch. She was overflowing with girl goo, and I lapped it up eagerly, thinking that no bowl of doggy treats had ever tasted so heavenly. She cooed with passion, bringing her hands once more to my head and lovingly pulling my snout deeper into her cunt as her silky thighs trembled, wrapping me in their embrace.

I pulled out with a wet slurp, my extended tongue casting off an arc of vaginal juices that splattered onto her naked tits and belly. She wriggled enticingly beneath me, teasing me to dip my tongue into her oozing fleshpot once more. But I couldn’t take it anymore. My raging hard-on throbbed, aching for attention. A dribble of precum drained slowly from the tip, the slimy strand reaching down to form a wet spot on the sheets. I stepped forward, straddling my front paws on either side of Megan’s chest. Tentatively, I thrust forward with my haunches, feeling the tip of my cock slither up through the girl’s slippery cunt lip. She gasped in shock, looking in wide-eyed amazement as I pulled back and tried again to get my cock on target.

I tensed, awaiting Megan’s scream of protest. Exploring fingers found my prick, wrapping around the rock-hard shaft. “Oh my god, it’s huge…” Megan breathed, finding she needed both hands and fingers to encompass my girth fully. She stroked her hands up and down the length. “It’s got to be over twelve inches long,” she breathed in a ragged whisper.

I didn’t know what the inches were, but I was happy that Megan seemed impressed. Dipping into her pussy, she retrieved a generous coating of slippery pussy lube. She once stroked her talented fingers up and down the length of my quivering prick, lending it a glistening sheen. She squirmed into position underneath me, firmly grabbing my doggy cock and easing the tip into the tight little gateway of her twat.

I eased forward with a gentle thrust, burying a couple of inches. She sobbed with lust as the incredible tightness of her pussy closed down around my prick, my forward motion grinding to a halt. I drew back and pushed forward again, glancing down as a stunned look of panic crossed her face. I made scant progress, burrowing only a bit deeper before, once again, her clutching vaginal embrace dragged me to a stop. Biting her lower lip, she squirmed enticingly, adjusting her position. With a tentative expression, she slowly nodded, convincing herself she could do this. She raised her legs and wrapped them around me, locking her ankles across my lower back.

I gave her another thrust, harder this time. She cried out in pain but bucked her hips, countering my motion. A bit more of my cock punched into her silky snatch before fleshy resistance stopped my progress. I widened the stance of my haunches for better balance, my tail wagging furiously of its own accord. Megan drew back her hips, poised and ready for my thrust. I lunged into her with a punishing motion, determined to give this bitch a proper mounting. She squealed with lust, driving her hips upward.

Dog cock hissed into tight little girl cunt, vaginal fluids frothing up from around my fleshy piston as I plowed in deep and hard. Tears welled up in Megan’s eyes as she clutched her arms desperately around me. I could feel the erect tips of her perky nipples pressed up hard against my furry chest. She gulped back a sob of pain as I withdrew and hammered her again, and then once more, each brutal fuck thrust pillaging deeper into the uncharted vaginal territory.

Three-fourths of my cock was finally buried. Megan cried quietly underneath me, only the eager grinding of her hips betraying her passionate response. I stroked out, feeling the girl’s impossibly tight little pussy begin to stretch and loosen. With a wet squelch, I pounded back in, forcing a squeal of delight from her. A slow trickle of satisfied drool oozed from her slack lips as she gazed up at me with a dazed look of unbridled fuck lust.

I withdrew and plowed into her again, feeling her well-lubricated twat take me easily this time. I threw myself into a motion cycle, driving my furry haunches rapidly back and forth. Megan met me stroke for stroke, lunging upward with eager bucks of her hips, grunting as each pussy-stuffing fuck thrust gave her an obscene and satisfying stretching.

Feeling an irresistible urge begin to build, I desperately thrust harder, driving more of my cock in deep. Megan mewled in protest, already reamed out beyond her limit. But one crucial element yet remained. As my punishing fuck strokes reached a fevered pitch, she squirmed in panic, trying to escape me. But she would be granted no reprieve until we saw this through. It was time to knot this saucy bitch. Her screams only served to urge further stiffness into my raging cock, and I felt it swell even larger.

I pounded her without mercy, noting that despite her protests, her hips continued to buck with unbridled enthusiasm, matching me stroke for stroke. I was so tantalizingly close! Then I felt it — the soft kiss of her widely stretched pussy lips against my furry loins, wrapped in a loving embrace around the thick base of my huge doggy cock. I was fully hilted in her snug little cunt.

She panted underneath me, glistening with sweat. My knot began to expand, and panic once more gripped her as she felt her aching pussy stretch obscenely. Tears poured down her cheeks as blood pumped into my sexual organ, swelling my knot and binding me inside her. She shrieked, trying to squirm away. But there was no escape now. I cycled my haunches, unable to stroke out but still sending a wonderful tremor through her stuffed little cunt. I hammered her again, and she began to wriggle most delightfully, her tummy and inner thighs quivering.

She gulped, looking up at me with a desperate, lust-filled expression. Then she writhed into a series of convulsions, crying out again and again as her hips shamelessly bucked and twitched in the grip of her powerful orgasm. A wet gush of her cunt sent a pulse of vaginal fluids oozing from her overstuffed snatch, trickling down into the crack of her ass and dripping onto the bedsheets.

The rippling of her twat drove me over the edge. I lifted my head and howled out a prolonged bellow of victory, feeling a massive surge of cum launch down the length of my buried prick as my balls contracted. My cock swelled, and Megan squealed with delight. An eruption of scalding dog cum blasted into her womb. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt my sticky seed pump into her. I thrust again as my balls convulsed once more, short-stroking her hot little snatch. Her pussy lips bulged obscenely as my knot pulled back. She grunted as I hammered forward.

Panting desperately, she wrapped her athletic legs around me tighter. Another geyser of frothing canine cum spewed in a seemingly endless spray, causing her trim little belly to swell. I stroked again and hosed into her. Her pussy overflowed as my torrent of cum filled every nook and cranny. Bubbling cum foamed from the clutching grasp between my throbbing prick and her widely stretched twat lips. My flanks heaving with exertion, I pumped again, hearing the satisfying gurgle of overflowing doggy cum pour from her snatch and puddle on the sheets beneath us. Exhausted, I managed one more thrust, dumping the last of my seed into her greedy little twat.

She shuddered, clutching herself tightly to me with her arms and legs as a secondary orgasm trembled through her body. Then she collapsed, her breath coming in desperate, ragged bursts. I tugged back on my cock, attempting to retreat. She cried out, shaking her head as her snug snatch refused to release me. There would be no yanking out of this tight little pussy trap prematurely. I settled in for a long wait, savoring the continued twitching of her pussy as my knot stayed swelled to its cunt-busting dimensions.

Finally, I felt myself begin to shrink. Tentatively I tugged backward on my cock. My knot was still swollen to massive proportions, but Megan’s exhausted pussy lips bulged outward, their velvety grip faltering with exhaustion. She whimpered as her twat stretched painfully, allowing my knotted cock to pull free. A cascade of canine and pussy cum poured out, hopelessly soaking the sheets with a spreading puddle. Megan’s pussy gaped in a wide cavern, and she lazily stirred her fingers through the gooey mess, giggling quietly to herself.

I turned around several times in the sheets, trampling them to my satisfaction. I settled in, gazing at my girl with adoration in my eyes. I twisted around, licking the matted fur around my loins, trying to clean myself. Megan squirmed on the bed, her fingers finding my wet, limp cock and wrapping lovingly around the fleshy shaft. I trembled and rolled over onto my back, loving the feel of her delicate touch. Her soft lips pressed gently against the tip of my prick, enveloping the head of my cock in an intimate oral embrace. Slowly, she stroked her fingers down the length of my shaft, finding my balls and giving them a light squeeze. More of my prick slipped into her velvety mouth. She looked up at me, brushing the hair from her eyes with one hand as the other continued its stroking action on my prick.

To my surprise, I felt a familiar twitch in my cock, vague hints of it stirring back to life. Megan pressed her mouth further onto my prick. The tip of my cock found the opening to her throat and slipped inside. She swallowed, the milking action working a revival miracle on my spent doggy dick. She drew back, pulling off my prick. Glistening strands of saliva and a mixture of cunt and canine cum spanned from her lips to the tip of my cock shaft. It twitched in her grasp, gaining hardness. She eagerly slipped the growing prick back into her mouth, taking me down her throat. Her pretty lips pressed up against my nut sack, lovingly nuzzling the wrinkled flesh. Her tongue lashed out to stroke my leathery balls before returning its wriggling attention to the underside of my face-fucking cock.

The girl pulled back off my prick, gasping for breath. Drawing a desperate inrush of air, she once again pressed down, fucking my cock deep into her throat. A warm trickle of spit oozed from her lips as they lovingly kissed my balls. My shaft twitched, restored to a full and raging erection. Megan pulled off, once more brushing her tussled hair aside as she gazed at my glistening and now fully erect shaft with a look of hunger. She positioned herself on her hands and knees, looking back at me over her shoulder with an alluring glance. She wriggled her naked hips in invitation. I sprang to my paws, needing no further enticing.

“I’ve always wanted to try it doggy style,” she whispered shyly.

I figured that I was up for the challenge. A long stream of shimmering pussy juice oozed from her well-pounded little snatch, hinting at the steamy wetness that awaited me within. I moved behind her, tentatively placing one front paw on her firm little rump. She shivered in expectation, curving her back down and rolling her hips up in the act of submission. I reared up, mounting her naked back and wrapping my paws tightly around her heaving chest. I prodded forward with my twitching doggy dick. Already drained of its first load, I knew I would have more stamina this second time before exploding. The girl was in for a savage reaming. Judging from the eager wriggle of her hips, she knew a rough ride was in store.

I prodded forward. My cock skimmed up between her ruffled pussy lips. She groaned in frustration, lowering her head down to the pillow and clutching at her ass cheeks with both hands, spreading herself wide. I scooted around on her back, panting deeply as I adjusted my position. Pressing forward, my cock slipped into the deep crack of her ass. Megan’s head lifted off the pillow with a gasp of shock as the tip of my prick zeroed in on the sweet little dimple of her anus.

“Roscoe… no…” she breathed. The puckering of her anus, however, offered a resounding ‘yes,’ pulsing back and forth with excitement. “Oh… fuck…” Megan moaned, grinding her hips in a lewd circle as I applied more pressure.

She gave a prolonged squeal, panting desperately as the incredibly tight little anal portal eased open, allowing the tip of my cock to slip inside.

“God! OK, but just a little bit, alright, Roscoe? You can’t put your whole cock up there.”

I loved Megan, but sometimes she just had the silliest ideas. Grasping my front paws firmly around her ribs, I struggled to press forward. Megan stifled a passionate howl, burrowing her face in the pillow. She released her grip on her firm little rump, and those heavenly ass cheeks closed down in a sweet embrace around my embedded cock. She rose onto her hands and knees, raking her fingers through her silky hair to lace it behind her ears. I lunged, driving my haunches forward. Megan grunted in surprise, taking more of my throbbing doggy cock up her ass. Her muscles tensed, and I could feel her rectal tract defensively tighten down around me, shivering through a series of convulsions. I pulled back, the incredible tightness raising a wonderful sensation of friction.

“Oh my god, Roscoe… butt fuck me!” she urged in a ragged whisper.

A satisfied doggy grin crossed my jowls. I gave her what a girl desperately needed, rewarding her with a powerful thrust of my haunches. Half my cock spiked its way into her hot little shitter. She hissed a breath of panic but met me with a return lunge of her hips. I drew back, and she reached up to wipe an errant tear from her cheek. Her firm little body quivered as I hammered home, driving her hips upward with a powerful fuck thrust. She bit her lower lip but took every bit of it. My cock throbbed, almost fully buried. The tender, widely splayed flesh of her puckered little anus stretched wide to accommodate my massive cock.

I pulled back. Her sweet little butthole distended as I withdrew, clutching feverishly as my retreating cock meat. In my excitement, I drew back too far. The tip of my cock slipped from the embrace of her anus, leaving it puckering in unfulfilled frustration. “No, no, no, no…” Megan pleaded, desperately reaching around behind her, flailing to wrap her fingers around my bobbing prick and bring me back on target. She pressed the oozing tip of my rigid cock back against the quivering pucker of her butthole, her hips grinding in a circular motion as she tried to force me back in.

I reached down with my jaws, snapping a firm grip on her bouncing ponytail. I yanked, drawing her head back and causing her to arch her back downward in a submissive gesture. Her eyes were wide, a compelling mix of fear and animalistic lust. “Please… give it to me,” she begged.

With a growl, I lunged into her. A cry of pain and passion burst from her as my cock slid into her steaming bowels. With a fleshy slap, her creamy white rump cheeks quivered, pressed flat against my furry haunches. A sob of satisfaction burst from her lips, feeling me fully hilted in her tight little asshole. I panted, my breath hot on her neck. Her breathing shifted to match my own, two lustful animals bound together in ass-fucking passion.

Megan’s fingers clawed and clutched at the sheets as I drew back, tears of joy clouding her eyes. I fucked her hard, and she groaned with delight, rolling her hips to meet me. Her teeth clicked as I bottomed out, driving the wet, matted fur of my loins hard against her ass. Megan’s rectal tract relaxed as she sighed, savoring the deep, stretching insertion. I wriggled on her back, firmly gripping my front paws around her chest. Her small, perky breasts jiggled as she thrust her hips hard against me, urging me into action.

“Fuck me, baby. Give Mommy what she needs,” Megan begged in a breathless voice.

I stroked back, the dragging flesh-on-flesh friction turning her back passage into a steamy tunnel of lust. I fucked her, a hard and punishing stroke that she took with a passionate moan. Her upturned rump cheeks jiggled with the impact as I immediately reversed and fell into an unrelenting motion. Megan dropped her pretty face back down into the pillow, her clutching fingers reaching back and digging deep into the firm cheeks of her ass. She spread herself wide, whimpering, wanting – no, needing — me ever deeper.

I pounded her like a machine. The bed frame creaked alarmingly, the headboard beating steadily against the wall, setting picture frames rattling. Her skin became slippery with perspiration. Her ponytail slipped from my jaws as she flailed underneath me, the band slipping off, allowing her silky black hair to spill free. I felt my cock knot begin to swell, but delivering full-length cock strokes in and out of her heavenly shitter was all that mattered. I plunged in; my progress halted for only an instant as the swelling knot forced its way into her impossibly tight little asshole. Megan grunted as the thick knot popped inside. Her bunghole distended outward as I drew back, unwilling to release its feverish grip on my knot.

With a wet slurp, I tugged free. Her anal ring shuddered and clamped down on the shaft of my retreating cock. I plowed forward. She took me easier this time, her anus instinctively expanding to welcome my full-depth insertion. I stroked back and forth with growing ease, picking up speed as my flanks heaved for breath. A wet popping sound issued each time my knot pulled free and reinserted. Megan took every ass-fucking thrust with glee, squirming delightfully underneath me as she thrust her hips to meet me.

A shriek of passion exploded from the girl, and her asshole clamped down in a spasm of orgasmic pleasure. I ground to a halt mid-stroke, locked in her convulsing anal embrace. Panic surged within me as I felt my balls begin to tremble. I knew I had to knot her in a hurry. I urgently thrust forward. My cock knot butted up against her tightly clenched little rectal pucker. It shuddered around my embedded shaft, soft, wrinkled flesh rippling as she came. Gripping my forepaws tight around her chest, I hammered her again, desperate to sink my knot into her bowels. Megan spread her knees wider in an accommodating stance. She dropped her hands from her rump, reaching forward to get a firm grip on the rails of the headboard as I fucked her ass without restraint.

Again and again, I short-stroked my cock into her ass. The tightly puckered orifice resisted, clenched too tightly to allow my fully swollen knot to enter. Eyes wide in animalistic passion, I stroked back full length and gave it to her with a brutal lunge. She screamed but responded with an enthusiastic roll of her hips. Puckered ass flesh gave way, and with a satisfying, gut-wrenching pulse, my huge cock knot plowed its way past her resisting rectal gateway and sunk deep into her convulsing anal tract. It was not a moment too soon. My balls contracted almost painfully, and I blasted an eruption of churning doggy cum deep into her asshole.

Megan sobbed with satisfaction beneath me, feeling my hot cum coat her bowels. The torrent of frothing canine sperm urged new life into her faltering orgasm. Her anal tract convulsed in a fresh series of trembling contractions, rippling along the length of my fully embedded cock. My balls unloaded a second seething fountain, gushing a powerful stream of cum. The girl shuddered, whimpering with delight. I stroked back just a bit, her trembling rectal orifice bulging as my withdrawing knot built the pressure.

I lunged back in and howled with delight as a powerful orgasmic contraction hit me. My balls unloaded as I bottomed out, frothing a seemingly endless blast of cum into the girl’s quivering butthole. She squirmed underneath me as her tummy swelled from the massive load of doggy sperm. My balls fired off another blast, adding to the growing pressure. Finally, I collapsed onto her back, my tongue lolling out and my breaths drawn in frantic, desperate heaves as my cock continued to twitch and pulse within her.

A silence fell over the bedroom as the creaking of the bed frame finally ground to a halt. “Good boy,” Megan praised in a tired whisper. Exhausted, I lay heavily upon her back, panting. I steady dripping sound arose as the overflow of cum slowly found its way between the tight seal between my cock and her straining rectal pucker. My cock knot still throbbed, maintaining its massive, swollen girth. I knew it would be long before it finally subsided, and Megan and I could uncouple. Her rectal track gave a post-orgasmic tremble, and we settled in for the prolonged but delightful wait. My mind wandered, and I knew that stupid Doberman would be insufferable about being right the next time we met at the park.


The End.


*This story has been edited by AI to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). Also, AI can be inaccurate at times when editing grammar. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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