
By shygirlnu

A young woman and mother of two young children come out of curiosity through an advertisement on an internet site, in contact with an elderly lady, who is looking for a woman that will take care of her dogs. The site on which the lady advertises is a BDSM site, which surprised Regina quite a lot. But if it turns out that the lady lives in the same city in which she lives with her husband and children, she makes an appointment with the lady for a visit Which leads to a remarkable relationship between Regina and the lady with her dogs.


Regina had changed to go jogging. She came downstairs in her jogging suit, on her running shoes and with her hair in a ponytail. “I’m going to run for a while,” she called to her husband, who was reading the newspaper in the living room.

They were alone at home. The girls were in secondary school and would not come home by half-past three. It was an ideal time to go running for an hour. She ran her usual round. Turn left, out of the street to the park. Then passing the park and turn left around the park and through the street with the villa’s built before the First World War, which was behind the park and from there back home.

A round of less than half an hour of which took over an hour. Regina was still walking at a trot when she walked up the garden path from the villa at number 27. The woman did not ring the doorbell, but she walked around the house to enter the kitchen without being asked. She walked through the kitchen to the hallway, where she knocked on the salon door.

“It is me, Regina,” she called through the closed door.

“Come in,” the old lady answered.

Regina opened the door and walked into the salon.

The old lady sat in the armchair next to the fireplace. The dogs that were lying next to her were fastened to the armchair with their dog leashes. They stood up when Regina entered the salon.

“Glad you’re here,” said the old lady. “Take your position quickly.”

Regina pulled her sweatpants over her bottom, after which she went down on her hands and knees in front of the fireplace, angled in front of the old lady. She pushed her sweatpants further down over her hips to just above her knees, after which leaned forward on her forearms. Regina did not wear panties.

“Crawl a little forward” ordered the old lady.

Regina began to crawl until the old lady called her a halt.

“That’s enough,” said the old lady. Now I can at least see your cunt “.

The old lady loosened the carbine hook that connected the tightly strained dog leash to the collar of the eldest dog.

With a few big jumps, the beast was with Regina.

The dog walked around Regina. He sniffed at her body and licked her cunt and her bottom with his rough tongue. He sniffed at her breasts and her head and licked her in her face.

She saw that about ten centimeters of his dog’s cock was sticking out of the shaft under his belly.

Regina shivered with lust.

She moaned when the dog smelled her cunt again and licked her wet pussy with his rough tongue. She longed for the jerking dog cock in her cunt.

Then the beast jumped on her back!

Regina felt the beast clasping his front legs around her waist. She felt the dog bumping his pointy dog cock against her buttocks, in his frantic attempts to force his sexual organ into her body.

He did not find her opening right away, but after a short series of quick, fruitless punches he found his target, and the beast rammed his dog cock into her cunt.

The dog started to fuck Regina at a furious pace.

Regina was delighted with sexual excitement.

She turned her ass and pushed it backward. She moved her knees closer to each other so that her cunt slightly raised. All to get the dog cock in the perfect line with her cunt.

So the dog could fuck her even better, and his dog’s dick could bump even faster and deeper into her horny, tingling, wet pussy.

Regina was delighted with fucking with the dogs!

Before she started it, she had found it too shocking and repulsive to even imagine that she would do it herself.
But at the same time, she had wondered herself from the time she was a teenager, what it would feel like having a dog cock in her cunt. Even though she had always found it morally unacceptable.

But a lot had happened since the teen years, and a lot had changed.

Regina knew in the meantime who she was and what she wanted. She knew what her needs were. And she knew how to satisfy them.

She felt the dog cock moving into her cunt. She felt how the animal sexual organ stroked every inch of the inside of her cunt.

She felt the pressure of the knot on the dog’s cock against her pussy lips that she relaxed to make the knot on the dog’s cock penetrating her cunt. Her pussy lips relaxed to allow the knot on the dog’s cock to enter her cunt. Then she could close her pussy lips over the knot. While the dog cock began to jerk deep inside her cunt.

Regina shivered with sexual excitement as the dog ejaculated. Although she did not get an orgasm, she felt a pleasant warmth through her whole body. A warmth that made her pussy tingle. That continually contracted her cunt around the knot where her cunt lips were stretched tight. That made her whole body tingle with the exciting feeling of the inside of her cunt jerking, dogs cum squirting dog cock.

The dog lost the iron grip on his front paws around her waist to get off her back, after which the beast lifted his hind leg over her back. In which both the dog’s cock and the knot moved inside her cunt in a violent but pleasant manner. It gave her rising orgasm a new impetus that sent the tingling pleasure in waves through her body.

With both the knot and the dog cock still inside her cunt, the dog stood on all fours behind her. Regina felt the knot from the inside pressing of her pussy against her cunt lips. She squeezed her pussy lips around the knot on the dog cock inside her cunt. To keep both the knot and the dog cock in her cunt for a while. She felt how the dog’s cock ejaculated one last time in her cunt. And how again the tingling pleasure rushed in waves through her body.

Regina was herself all too aware that the old lady was sitting with blushing cheeks watching her how her dog was fucking her. She found it exciting that the old lady saw up close how the dog had put his dick in her cunt. It made the fucking and the dog for Regina extra excited. It gave her an unbelievable thrill that the old lady had seen from close up how her sexual excitement had risen until her body shivered and shocked under her orgasm. That the old lady had seen how she had trembled shuddering and sweating when the dog ejaculated in her cunt.

She had squeezed her cunt around the knot on the dog cock in her cunt. So that the seed that the dog in her sprayed had filled her cunt completely, in all corners and holes. With which her cunt was swollen from the inside, and she felt like she had a pregnancy belly.

The dog had continued to spray his canine seed inside her, which eventually resulted in the dog’s sperm leaked between the knot and her labia lips out of her cunt.

Regina felt how the dog had gone from her back. That the dog with his dog cock still inside her cunt was still standing behind her. She felt how the knot on the dog’s cock with her pussy lips still tightly tightened around it remained anchored in her cunt.

She was sitting naked on her knees on the parquet floor. Supporting herself on her forearms. With her knees a little bit apart and her back hollow. She had crawled a little forward so that her thighs were slightly angled forward. Making her cunt with the knot and the dog cock still inside seemed extremely bulging out.

In this position, Regina came to rest a bit. She regained control, and her body stopped trembling and jerking over and again.

And thus it could happen that the dog, who also was relaxing, had the chance to pull the shrinking knot from between her tight, but more relaxed pussy lips, out of her cunt. Followed by the rest of the dog cock and a big wave of watery dog seed.

The old lady continued to enjoy the full, unobstructed view of the backward sticking ass and the tight buttocks of the young mother from the neighborhood, who liked it to be fucked by her dogs. The woman who seemed thrilled to that someone was watching how the dogs fucked her.

She had never asked the young woman that.

The young woman said that she was called Regina. And that she lived in the neighborhood. But she had startled ending the conversation during their first meeting when it became clear to her that taking care of her dogs meant nothing else than that she would let herself be fucked by the dogs. Her proposal to try it for once was probably not heard by Regina.

But against her expectations, the young woman had been returned after a few weeks with the request to continue the conversation. It had resulted in her being prepared at the end of the conversation to be fucked by one of the dogs. Only to experience what it would feel like.

The young woman had been embarrassed that she had watched her when she pulled down her jeans and panties over her buttocks before she sat down on her hands and knees to let the dog climb on her. But the dog’s cock that had looked so innocent when she saw it a centimeter or ten out of his shaft under his belly had frightened Regina when the beast had him grown to more than double-sized, pushed up and down in her cunt. She had crawled from under the dog with great difficulty before they had the chance to stab the knot inside her cunt, and she had fled home for the second time.

But Regina had not given it up. She had returned for the third time a few weeks later. This time with the request to try it again. And this time Regina had let herself be fucked by the dog until she was tied to the beast by the knot in her cunt while he ejaculated in her. Then Regina also had let herself being fucked by the other dog.
And the young woman had come back a week later. Time and again. First once a week. And later twice a week.

When Regina came, she wore only a jogging suit and running shoes.

Regina only came to her because she wanted to be fucked by the dogs. And the dogs loved to fuck the young woman. And she was glad that she could give her dogs, which she loved very much and wanted them to have them the very best things in their dog life, the chance to regularly mate a bitch. Even when it was a female bitch. And then she discovered that she loved it, to see how her dogs enjoyed themselves with the young woman by fucking her.

It was an arrangement of which all who concerned were satisfied.

She looked at the nice tight buttocks in front of her. She looked at the contracting butthole that proved that the woman was still undergoing her orgasm. She looked at the pussy lips between which the cock of her dog was stuck. They were still thick and swollen and formed an open slit, from between which still a watery ray of canine seed dripped, as an invitation for her other dog to mate her.

The old lady unhooked the carbine hook from the tightly stretched dog leash of the other dog, after which the dog was with a few big jumps with Regina.

Just like the first dog, the animal sniffed all over her body before he climbed on her back.

The beast clasped his front paws in an iron grip around her waist, while at the same time he stabbed his pointed dog cock with the speed of machine gun fire against her buttocks, in his successful attempts to push his sexual organ in her body.

Regina felt how the dog, after stabbing his slimy dog cock against her buttocks, rammed his dog cock into her cunt. After which the beast started to fuck her at a frantic pace.

Still enjoying the afterglow of the orgasm that the first dog had brought her, Regina felt her excitement rise sensationally. She stuck her ass backward. As if she wanted to resist the wild punches of the dog cock that was in perfect alignment with her cunt. Making the dog stabbing his dog’s dick faster and ever deeper into her horny, tingling, wet pussy.

Regina felt how the knot on the dog cock, like a raging dog in her cunt, was growing. She felt the growing knot that was part of the animal sexual organ of the dog was stretching her cunt every centimeter after centimeter. She felt the pressure of the knot against her pussy lips that she relaxed to make it easy for the knot on the dog cock penetrate her cunt. She relaxed her pussy lips to provide knot on the dog’s cock access to her pussy. Then she closed her cunt lips around the knot.

She felt the dog’s cock jerking ejaculated deep inside her cunt.

It was enough for Regina to orgasm again.

Shivering from the sexual excitement, as the dog ejaculated in her, she felt how deep in her cunt the fire swelled up, stirring her lust and excitement into a storm that faded everything. That led her to the tops of the ultimate pleasure that pulled through her whole body as a pleasant warmth. A warmth that made her pussy tingle. That her whole body did tingle. That made her helpless. That handed her over to the all-encompassing pleasure that flowed through her body and that completely controlled her body. That her cunt over and again spastically contracted around the knot on the dog cock in her cunt. Over which her cunt lips were strained. The scorching heat that made her whole body tingle and that made her cunt pulled on itself together around the jerking, dog seed squirting dog’s dick.

The second dog was ejaculating in her.

It was not for long that the beast over shocking, trembling and quivering body stayed in which he had buried his ejaculating dog’s dick.

Still ejaculating, the dog relaxed the iron grip of his front paws around his bitch’s waist, and the beast went off her back, after which he lifted his hind leg over her back and stood on all fours behind her. With his dog cock with a knot and all still inside the cunt of the still cumming Regina.

The actions of the dog had both the dog cock and the knot by moving in her cunt rather violently, her orgasm given a new impulse, so she came again and again.

Regina did not care that the old lady had seen her cumming while her second dog was fucking her.

She found it exciting that the old lady had seen how she shocking and shuddering did cum when the dog ejaculated in her cunt.

And found it even exciting that the old lady now looked at her bulging cunt. In which both the knot and the dog’s cock still pressed from the inside against her pussy lips. Where, despite that she squeezed her pussy lips together around the knot on the dog cock in her cunt, yet a trickle of watery dog seed dripped between the knot and her cunt lips out of her cunt. And when the dog ejaculated again in her cunt, the tingling waves of pleasure again pulled through her body.

Regina had her cunt squeezed together around the knot on the dog cock in her cunt. With her cunt, which was filled to every nook and cranny with the dog cock and the knot and with a lot of dog seed, and which felt as if she had been expelled from the inside? The dog was still trying to spray his canine seed into her cunt. Which make the dog’s sperm to start leaking from between the knot and her pussy lips out of her cunt.

Regina was sitting with the dog cock still inside her cunt, naked on her knees on the parquet floor. Supporting herself on her forearms. Her knees a little bit apart and with a hollow back. Her bulging cunt, with the knot and the dog cock still inside, clearly visible to the old lady. Until the dog, his dog cock with a knot and all between her tight around the knot stretched pussy lips pulled out of her cunt. Followed by a large wave of watery dog seed.

Regina remained seated there for a moment. In the same position, so that the old lady had the full, unobstructed view of her up-stretched ass and her tight buttocks. Between which, under her asshole, her cunt lips thick and swollen still formed an open slit, from which still a watery ray of dog seed was dripping on the more than hundred years old parquet floor. Occasionally a slight shiver went through her body. Shivers that were initially caused by her excitement.

When she no longer shivered with excitement, but with the cold, Regina stood up. She pulled her sweatpants back on and went to the garden doors, where she turned around for a moment before leaving through the garden doors.

“See you Saturday,” she called before she left the same way back to the street as she had come.

Satisfied and full of energy she ran back home. Where she arrived sweating, ten minutes later.

“I’m home again!” She shouted to Bob in the living room. “I am going to take a quick shower.”

In the shower, she washed away the sweat and traces and smell of sex and dogs.

She spread her legs and pressed as much dog seed as possible out of her body before she washed her cunt. She knew that a lot of dog semen remained inside her cunt. And that was a wonderful feeling. She dried herself and went to the bedroom where Bob, her husband was sitting on the bed.

“The children are not at home,” he said. “And I’ve locked the doors. You’re always so fresh and excited after jogging. Shall we fuck? ”

Regina laughed. She got down on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed. Bob went up and stood behind her. He lowered his trousers and his underpants. His cock was hard of pretense, and he stuck it without hesitation in the warm, moist cunt that opened up to him.

“You have such a nice warm pussy after jogging” he continued. “And your pussy is so completely wet.”

Yes, Regina thought. Luckily, you do not know why.

The End.



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