Sarah’s Decision (The Golden Pendant) Part 1

By Sue Martin.

Webmasters Note: This story has been edited to fix spelling, grammar, punctuation, and some style issues, but has only been done to the point where we haven’t had to change the writers story.


Part 1

The first bloom of independence had faded, that first year away from home for Sara and the reality of working, paying rent and buying groceries forced her to realize that it hadn’t been so bad living with her parents after all. Now she was back home and looking for work, any sort of work.

She wanted to keep a low profile, not yet able to explain to people how she had failed to cope with the big bad world on her own. However, her need for companionship remained, and to that end, a visit to the homeless pet shelter had resulted in her selecting a rather large brown and black brutish looking dog.

It wasn’t what she had in mind for a pet at all. She had arrived at the shelter with the idea of something small and fluffy. Something to keep inside, a lapdog she thought they were called. This animal was none of these things.

Brutus, Sarah instantly thought of the dog as Brutus, it just flashed into her subconscious. The name seemed to fit the ugly looking animal. He climbed on the wire almost begging to be adopted and perhaps he was. There’s something about the dog that appeals to Sarah, she didn’t know what that something was, but it was immediate. It was like oysters Sarah thought. You can’t stand the site of them but you must have them, and she knew she must have this ugly scared dog.

Brutus was an alert, appealingly virile looking animal battle scared and definitely ugly. He stood on his hind legs front paws gripping at the wire mesh of the yard. His big head and sad eyes looking straight at the girl on the other side of the fence. Many people had passed by the kennels looking over the assorted castoffs for a potential pet, but Brutus was always overlooked in favor of the cute fluffy yapping ones.

To be honest, Brutus hadn’t cared much for he didn’t care for children or families and usually hung back in his kennel as they passed. Former experience had given him a total disrespect for humans with one exception and that woman had looked a lot like this girl here.

Memories of the lady who had owned him previously and the way she had treated him came back to the big dog. She had been kind and affectionate and they, he and the lady, had crossed the border of what humans considered appropriate many times. He again felt her wet warmth clutching him and her smooth, soft, plump, compliant buttocks molded against his hot groin.

They had been awkward at the beginning. To neither of them was it a natural thing but they had worked it out, and Brutus had found his persistent probing needed to be lower than with a bitch of his own kind. In the end, he and the human had found that they complimented each other well.

The last time the human bitch’s husband had caught them and resulted in a brutal kicking for Brutus. His immediate eviction from that comfortable home had been sudden and painful. Now he was here in this unpleasant place, and things for him looked uncertain at best.

Looking at this young human, he saw in her his previous owner, and the good memories came flooding back to him. Now he had a burning need to be with another human bitch, and his beastly instincts took over. He felt his loins aroused and that delicious tight feeling as the blood began to fill his penis as it pushed from its moist sheath. The cool air on his peeking redness felt good.

Sarah saw the tall animals peeking penis tip and wondered what he was thinking. If she had known, she may not have decided to choose him as her pet but choose him she did.

“Hey, Picco! Take a look up yonder there,” Darrell pointed through the trees, “Is that sweet Sarah Woods walking that big mutt?”

“Where?” Picco looked around confused

“Up there…” Darrell pointed. “Just below the ridge there.”

Picco peered up the slope through the thin covering of scrubby brush that had re-populated the hillside since the devastating forest fire ten years before. The slope, formerly a thick tangle of brush, was now more like an open wooded parkland.

“Yah! Looks like her Dazza. Never seen Sarah in short-shorts before but that sure looks like her cute ass.” Picco peered harder at the slim girl who walked the big black and tan dog through the woods. “Thought she’d moved away,” Picco mused.

“Me too,” Darrell studied the distant figure intently. “It’s her alright, I couldn’t mistake that ass anywhere.”

Darrell and Picco both had attended the same school as Sarah Wood. She was cute maybe no more than 5’1” and always a bit aloof with both of them. Understandably, as they were from the bottom end of the academic ladder and generally dropkicks. School had been, as work now, not high on their primary life agenda. Not to say Sarah was academic, far from it, she always considered she could do better and took no nonsense from the rougher crowd, especially the course boys like Picco and Darrell.

“Let’s catch up and say hello,” Darrell suggested.

“I’d like to do more than say hello,” Picco replied as he threw a small stone into the creek and followed his friend, Darrell laughed.

“Yah! Me too, but that won’t happen, that dog may have something to say about that, and from here it looks like it might be capable of inflicting a nasty bight.”

“Yeah, well that don’t matter none, let’s go and see if she’s mellowed some since she’s been away this last twelve months.”

Sarah hadn’t seen the two young men lower down the slope. She was out here for some ‘me time.’ Time to think and just be with Brutus. The dog and girl had taken to each other in the first week of their new arrangement. Sarah was overjoyed at the dog’s apparent loyal affection; he was always there beside her.

At times Brutus got a little to forward and was constantly rubbing his powerful body up against Sarah. His pink penis at this time was always on show. It could be embarrassing for her if others were around and Brutus had his willie showing, but she pretended she didn’t see it. Sarah, he had rubbed Brutus’s sheath fleetingly several times when he demanded belly rubs. Her eyes lingered on the tapered tip, and she wondered what the dog was thinking. Did he think about sex or was it just a natural reflex thing.

Brutus could have answered her thoughts if he could have humanly communicated with her but of course, he couldn’t. He was doing all the canine things to stimulate the bitch, rubbing, nudging, licking and sniffing and his instinct told him he was making progress. He looked on her as a replacement for his old mistress. He had become used to the human female attention that he had received from the mistress and needed, desperately, for this female to take his old mistresses place.

It had been months since he had felt release and he knew that the uncomfortable tightness in his groin would only get worse until he could take this woman as his bitch. Perhaps today, on this walk, with her he could make her his mate. His previous mistress had shown him that humans, unlike his kind, liked to mate in private and it was private out here in the bush. He boldly pushed his wet nose into her groin.

Yes, he was convinced that this girl, this human bitch was going to allow him to mate with her today. He nudged her again and licked the inside of her exposed thigh, close to her covered crotch, as they walked. She shuddered a little and Brutus detected almost instantly a change in her body odor.

Sarah patted Brutus and looked down at the powerful shoulders and flank of the animal walking beside her.

“What are you thinking boy,” She genuinely would have liked to know as she looked under his smooth belly. Her lips parted a little in just the hint of a smile. “I think I know,” she decided then tasseled his head playfully. “OK, maybe just a little look, just for you, my lovely,” Sarah said to the less than lovely animal.

They left the narrow ridge track that headed down to the creek and crossed over the ridge onto the old mining road. Sarah’s pace quickened. A distant rumble made her look up at the gathering clouds. “We’re going to get a storm here later boy. Maybe we will just go down to the old mine village for a quick look around and a little reward perhaps.”

Sensing here receptive mood change Brutus was on his toes and became increasingly frisky as they quickly negotiated the rutted, unused road down to the old mine.

On the other side of the ridge, the two young men followed the creek along in the general direction that the girl had been taking, all the while keeping their eye on her progress. The ridge sloped down toward the nice little flat spot where the creek took a big sweep and the closer the men got to the apex of the bend the closer they got to the girl. At least that had been their plan.

“Hey Picco, she’s gone. Where did she go? Did you see …? Both young men stopped and scanned the bush but saw nothing.

“She must have turned back, damn it.” Picco vented his disappointment by kicking the ground.

“Yah … maybe … maybe … but I reckon she crossed over the ridge onto the old mine road, she was there just a minute ago and then gone. Maybe she’s heading for the old mine village, or maybe she turned back. We’ll keep going this way it’s a long way around to the mine anyway. Perhaps we can still catch up.” Darrell suggested optimistically.

Brutus strained at the led with enthusiasm as he bounded down the slope almost, at times, dragging Sarah from her feet. Lightning flashed followed by a rumble of thunder, not yet close but moving quickly. Sarah now hoped that she could find shelter someplace in the tumble downtown.

“Easy there, Brutus,” the girl panted as she tried to avoid the sometimes deep ruts of the old town road.

It hadn’t been used in years, there was a deep layer of leaf-mold in the hollows along the rutted track, and it was clear from the state of the overgrowth hanging over the road, the track actually, that no heavy vehicle had passed along here for a long, long, time. Occasionally Sarah saw some signs of narrow tire marks that were not very fresh and suggested that perhaps a single trail bike rider was using the access road from time to time.

However, Brutus bounded and strained at the lead until they reached the bottom of the incline where Sarah managed to stop the enthusiastic flight. She patted the heaving sides of the big dog and gave him a squeeze about the neck with both arms. The wind seemed to be increasing in strength.

“How about a drink, fella,” Sarah suggested when she saw the narrow runnel that emanated from a spring a little further up the slope.

Brutus drank greedily as the girl looked around at the now mostly vanished town. There were the vestiges of roads, even some stone curbing but mostly there were piles of timber and corrugated iron sheeting littering what individual house sites were. In a clearing, about two hundred meters or so from the old town stood a small, square, round-topped, brick building that Sarah had remembered being told years before was the old powder Magazine.

Seeing that the dog had finished drinking she tugged at his lead. “Come on, fella,” she encouraged, and Brutus looked around at the flushed girl and again sidled along her side rubbing her naked thigh as he ambled alongside her.

The thunder rumbled and rolled it was moving quickly Sarah realized.

The old magazine was a sturdy building with the remnants of a thick wooden door hanging from rusted hinges. Inside the concrete floor was generally bare with just a few signs of previous animal occupation. Thick spider webs hung from the ceiling. However, there was little sign of any living spiders or their eggs in the misty swaying webs. Outside of the three-meter square building was a scatter of bricks and a few planks mostly overgrown with grass. Sarah tied Brutus to the bottom hinge of the door.

A quick look around and Sarah found a suitable plank, partly rotted underneath but mostly sound. She dragged the timber into the small space of the magazine good side up. Some of the old bricks staked four high at each end of the plank made a passable bench and Sarah. There were now scattered drops falling as the wind swirled. Sarah was glad of the shelter this was going to be a big one.

The rumbling of the approaching storm seemed close, and the girl looked skyward, worried. The wind had increased, and Sarah knew she wasn’t going to get back home any time soon, It was going to be nasty for a while as Summer storms can be.

Untying Brutus, she led the dog into the dim interior of the magazine and removed his collar. She sat on the bench and looked at the ugly dog. Brutus made a quick inspection of the small space before he came back to the now sitting girl and sits beside her, resting his head on her lap.

Sarah placed her hands either side of the dog’s jowls or looked directly into the dog’s big brown eyes. “What’s going on in that little brain of yours, Brutus?”

Brutus didn’t understand, of course, not the words anyway, but he did realize that the girl was showing confusion. His ears pricked up and his tail wagged, and he made a grunting whine. Outside the wind was whirring through the trees and making an eerie whistle through the Magazine opening. It was getting colder quickly.

Brutus licked Sarah’s leg and looked up at her. Goosebumps covered Sarah’s skin partly due to the cold and partly to the presence of the dog. Unexpectedly, a rifle discharge like crash sound, but louder, was followed by something that sounded like the rendering of timber. The sound made both Sarah and the dog jump. Lightning had struck close buy the girl had seen a close lightning strike on a tree before, living with trees all around almost guaranteed that. Although she couldn’t see it, she realized that chunks of smoldering timber would have been showered all around a now smoldering tree carcass. Brutus was trembling with fear; tail down ears back while Sarah cuddled his massive frame.

“Hey, where’s my big brave boy then?” Sarah chided the big dog as she would a child. “It’s only a storm, baby. I’ll protect you.” She giggled.

For a while, both the dog and the girl sat on the bench as the storm raged outside. Occasionally the wind whipped rain penetrated their solid shelter, and Sarah shivered. When she did, Brutus seemed to snuggle closer his face in her lap. Sarah wasn’t sure how long it was, but the thunder and the lightning moved off to the east but the rain continued to fall in sheets, there was going to be no time soon that she would be able to leave the shelter. The dog, gaining courage lifted his head and looked at the girl who had reassured him during the worst of it. He rose up and licked her face and Sarah melted.

“I love you too, baby. Storms scare you, don’t they?”

The dog licked her again and then slid from the makeshift stool and stood in front of the girl and whined softly.

“I know, I know, they scare me too,” Sarah repeated as she cradled Brutus’s head in her lap.

For a while, he continued to tremble then slowly settled. His closeness to this gentle female stirred him, and he felt his groin tighten as his testicles rolled and shortened. He sniffs at the sweet female smell of her groin. She didn’t stop him but held his head close patting him. This action the dog saw as encouragement for what he was doing and continued to explore. He understood that when a bitch responded to his advances, she would accept him as a mate. Maybe not immediately but she was not going to reject him. At least that is what his dog brain understood.

Sliding his nose under her loose-fitting blouse and running his nose along her soft tummy, several times his lolling tongue began to lick her with long wet strokes. Gradually he worked up across her navel then down her hips toward the band of her jeans. It was Sarah’s turn to shiver but not from fear. Her mind was imagining all sorts of things. As the dog pressed its snout into the valley between her hips and her soft, slightly rounded tummy pushing the stretched denim down firmly so that his tongue was just able to slide under the band. Sarah bit hard down on her lower lip, and she shut her eyes.

No, she told herself. “No, no, no…” she said aloud, but she took no notice of herself, her right-hand slit to the clasp and flicked it free.

As the flap of her shorts fanned open just a little. Enough to just reveal the taper toward her pubic mound. The brown dog pressed its muzzle forward. Sarah felt the tickle of the searching tongue. She shivered.

“No…” Sarah mumbled to herself, but contrary to common sense she pulled at the zip, sliding it down to reveal the top of her pubic hair.

The cold nose and hot tongue followed. Again Sarah bit her tongue, it felt nice, and her bottom lifted to the searching tongue.

“Oh, bugger…” the girl expressed her defeat and she slid the zip full down and raised her hips than with both hands shimmied them down over her knees.

Watched the girl remove her clothes and although he had always been fascinated by the ability of humans to remove their covering in this way he was only distracted for a moment. This girl like his former mistress was offering him full access to the thing he most desired, and his penis protruded a little further. He wanted desperately to mate with this human bitch, and the storm outside was no longer a distraction.

The wafting female fragrance came to his nostrils, and they flared marginally to allow the delicious muskiness to stimulate his olfactory senses. He lowered his nose into the hairy v between Sarah’s creamy, smooth, clamped legs and sniffed at the inviting odor emanating.

“You like that, don’t you, Brutus,” Sarah played with the crown of the dogs head and rubbed gently between his ears.

The dog licked the curly bristles and sniffed alternatively. The girl lay back hard against the rendered brick wall and ran her feet out straight before her. This is so sick and weird, Sarah thought silently, but it felt nice. The warm chest of the dog pressed hard against her knee, and the big heavy head rested across her upper thigh. Brutus whimpered as he endeavored to insert his tongue into the groove made by the tightly clamped legs. Unable to force her thighs open the tongue explored the girl’s lower belly in long wet lashing strokes until her sparse pubic hair was dripping with dog saliva.

Outside the rain continued to tumble down. Occasionally the wind-driven spray entered the opening of their shelter, and the floor was now sheen with the wind-driven spray. Sarah allowed the dog to continue with his luscious licking and slowly, ever so slowly she began to open up to his persistent searching. No longer was she forcing her knees together, the decrease in pressure had allowed her thighs to relax and part just a little. However, a little was all the invitation the enamored dog needed. Along with the parting thighs came increase of aroma that flooded his sensitive nostrils with her feminine musk.

The more Brutus insisted on inserting his searching tongue, the more Sarah’s willpower retreated until with a groan of need and defeat she shuffled her feet apart. Her surrender offered the demanding tongue full access to her delicious most secretive place. However, outside, the two boys scurried for cover.


Caught by the storm Darrell and Picco had sought the refuge and shelter of the old hermit’s shack snugly clinging to the ledge under the protective sandstone cliff. It was not far from the drop-over of the creek and perhaps no more than three hundred meters from where at that very moment Brutus was administering his sloppy tactile tongue to the spreading folds of Sarah’s increasingly receptive femininity.

“What you boys doing here, in dis wedder,” Old Joe said.

The old man was an ageless figure may be as young as fifty, or as old as eighty. It was hard to tell. He looked the two young men up and down suspiciously. The old man was wearing long trousers but no shirt, his bare, lean chest showed off his dark, hairless skin stretched over sparse sinews, bones, and muscles.

The two drenched figures standing in the low annex of the shack dripped dejectedly. “We were just out walking Joe, didn’t expect no rain,” Picco said.

“Just walking’ was you, not likely. I know you two, and you wouldn’t walk nowhere for nothing. You out looking for a small plot of weed? Looking for some Jim’s free puff maybe?”

The old man looked at them cagily.

“Honest, Joe, we weren’t looking for weed, we were following a girl.” Picco felt the need, to be honest.

However, honesty to Picco was something of a foreign concept to be stretched whenever the occasion arose.

“A girl was it? Ain’t seen no split tail hereabouts in a many a time.” His eyes twinkled at the thoughts running through his mind and memories long past came flooding back. “Used to have a girl once. Pretty little thing she was. That was years ago. Still haven’t forgotten her though.” He paused with his memories then lifted his head, “Say, you boys look like you could do with some drying and some soup while this here storm wears itself down.”

Silently the two bedraggled men stripped their clothing and wrapped the proffered tattered but clean blankets about themselves. This done they sat at the crude table and ate the soup that Jim had ladled from a huge iron pot sitting on the open fire. With it, he served a generous chunk of homemade bread.

“Why’d she leave Joe? This girl of yours?” Picco asked looking at the old man critically finding it hard to imagine that he had ever had a woman and wondered what Joe really called pretty.

Joe didn’t answer for a bit, the burden of his lost love still rested heavily on his mind. “Hard to say, boys, hard to say.” He took maybe three or four spoons of soup before he continued then he straightened in his chair, “Maybe it was shame.”

Both young men were listening intently now.

“Shame?” Darrell looked puzzled “Shame about being with you?

“Heck no, she was happy enough being here, she liked this sort of life. No, it was another shame altogether.” he looked from Darrell to Picco. “Boys, I’ll tell you what that shame was, but you gotta make me a promise.”

“Sure, if we can,” Darrell answered then looked at Picco who nodded his consent to the promise.

“Well, I did promise myself never to tell anyone about what happened, but just lately I have had me a hankering for some female company if you know what I mean.” Again, the boys looked at each other and just nodded. They thought they knew what he meant. “OK, then I’ll tell you what happened if you bring this girl of yours here.”

“Hang on, Joe,” Darrell again took the role of spokesmen for them both. “This girl, we know her but she ain’t ‘our girl.’”

Joe nodded but continued. “You boys will do your best when I tell you my story. I’m certainly sure of that.” The wind was picking up again, and Picco wondered just how this shack held together. The old man refilled their soup plate. Then took a kerosene lamp down from the shelf. “It’s getting dark outside, you boys planning on walking back in the rain?”

“No, Joe. We don’t want to get soaked all over again.”

Joe stoked at his fire. And pushed the water kettle over the hot coals before resuming his seat.

“We were pretty happy this girl and me. Would have married her but she wasn’t too keen on the commitment thing that goes with marrying. She was the sweetest little thing I have to say, and she couldn’t get enough of the rumpy-pumpy. She was a firecracker, I tell you truly boys. To be honest, at first, I was more than willing to keep pace with her. But later on, I couldn’t meet my commitments all the time. It was then I caught her…”

Joe had a far off look in his eye.

He continued, “Well, I was pretty shocked at first I can tell you that. There she was in the cattle shelter, the one you passed on the way in. It took me back some, I gotta say. Naked as a Jaybird she was, and the red hunting dog we had at the time was on her back going sixty to the dozen. She was moaning and groaning, but that dog was serving her good.

“I didn’t say a word, I couldn’t, but she must have sensed me there or something and turned her head. Neither of us said anything, boys, not a word until that dog had finished with her. Took a while he was well planted as dogs get and it wasn’t until he got his leg over her back and tried to turn that he broke free. She let out one almighty yell and hung her head then casual as you like she got herself up, butt naked and just walked by me tears streaming down her face, all disheveled she was but she said nothing. I followed her out of that shelter all confused like. In a strange kinda way, I didn’t hate the lass at all.”


As old Joe was telling the boys his sad tale, Brutus was enjoying the open offering before him. The open female flesh all pink and pretty as a butterfly on a black furry plant and it kept giving delicious nectar to his long, demanding tongue.

Sarah laid her head back on the rendered bricks with her eyes closed tight. This was so wrong, she thought, but so deliciously divine. She had to stop the dog, but instead, she flicked her shorts free of her joggers and opened herself more. It was a contradiction of feelings. On the one hand, she knew it was wrong, on the other hand, she wanted more, so much more. The warm, long slashes of the slightly rough textured tongue that lashed her from anus to clitoris following the trail of her running nectar that seemed never-ending. Sarah closed her eyes even tighter and could feel the pressure building in her groin and someplace even deeper.

Every time the tongue hit her extended button or slipped partially into her vagina on its journey of discovery between her labia, she gasped. Her toes curled as her tension grew. Her legs trembled, her spine tingled then Just as another clap of thunder shook the very air she was breathing her entire body trembled and jerked her groin clasped and unclasped and her legs stiffened and shook uncontrollably. Sarah Threw her head back opened her mouth and gasped then followed a piercing scream that joined with the rolling thunder outside. Her back arched, her naked bum rose from the makeshift bench vibrating several exhausting times uncontrollably as she felt a succession of clicking spasms of electric intensity rack her tiny frame.

“Oh God, oh … my … God, that didn’t happen. It couldn’t have. It’s not right. Oh damn, damn, damn.” Sarah admonished herself as she came down. Brutus continued to lick but Sarah pushed him away, her entire body felt too sensitive for even her to touch. “No, Brutus, that’s enough,” she mumbled as her legs closed blocking access to that wonderful tongue.


Just when the two boys thought that Joe had finished telling them all he was going to and both of them wondering what his point was he looked at them with a fixed gaze as if remembering something?

“Boys, I’m a telling you there ain’t nothing in the world like seeing something like that. A dog doesn’t have to be just a dog, mind, but that day it was that red dog stuck in her. I tell you those whimpering sounds they were both makin’ were spine-tingling, and I just gotta see that again. You understand me, lads. I couldn’t make that woman understand but … understand just how a man felt at a time like that. I just couldn’t, no-how.” He pointed to his pants. “Just look at it boys. See, boys, I even now get all hard just remembering, it sure was something to see, nothing like it noting at all. There’s something about a woman and an animal that brings out the worst in me, or the best, don’t know which…”

Again, Joe had that far away stare as he rubbed his crotch.

The storm had passed and although the rain hadn’t entirely gone Darrell and Picco had decided to leave.


“What do you reckon, Dazza?” Picco finally asked as they picked their way back along the barely defined track dodging puddles as best they could in the dark.

“Damned if I know, Picco.”

“I sure would like to see something like that I surely would,”

“Me too, Picco, me too… But it ain’t going to happen. You know what Sarah was like in school and I bet you any money she ain’t changed. She wouldn’t give us the time of day then and she won’t now. Fare less let her watch while she fucked a dog.”

“Guess not, but I sure would like to see it. God, Dazza, I’m as hard as a board, no kidding.”

Little did the boys know but just fifteen minutes later Sarah crossed over the ridge on the path she had taken coming to the old mining town and was following close behind the boys having the same problem navigating the dark, fallen branches and puddles.

“Hey, settle down, boy. That’s it, you can’t do that anymore.”

She eased Brutus away as she wiped her matted pubic hair and dripping gash as best she could with her small handkerchief. The copious saliva that plastered her sparse pubic hair to her belly and groin saturated the small piece of cloth. Then gathering her hurriedly discarded garments she slipped into her panties and shorts.

Dressed she gave the frustrated dog a cuddle and led him from the shelter.

That night she tossed and turned in her bed unable to sleep. That had been her worst of times her best of times. She had some degree of self-loathing for letting this happen, but even now, she felt that delightful tongue lashing her engorged pussy. Fitfully she fell asleep only to wake at first light thinking of how wonderful it really had been. Yes, she realized it was nasty and evil to let a dog do that to her but who would be hurt, it was only a licking. She snuggled beneath the sheets and relived every single moment in the old powder magazine.


Old Joe was already up and around inspecting the damage around what he considered his town. Well, not a town anymore but it was his. The reality was that it was actually owned by Joe. Passed onto him by his father who had purchased the land from the mining company when they closed down their operations. Worth very little these days of course but it was his.

There was a still a little gold in the creek, even more after each storm as the flush of water in the stream revealed the gold that was missed by the old prospectors, then the company minors who followed and in recent times the metal detectorists looking for a fortune that seldom came.

Joe always found enough for his needs; maybe more than enough at times so today he was going to pan the creek again in the most likely places. As he walked across the clearing where the powder magazine stood, he noticed the disturbed ground where the log Sarah had removed for her seat had been.

“Well, well what’s this he muttered as he walked over to the doorway of the sturdy structure. “I’ll be beggared,” he muttered again. “So this was where the lass was in the storm. He looked at the seat and smiled. “Smart girl,” this time he spoke quite loudly but still to himself. Then from the corner of his eye, he saw behind one of the stacked bricks, a piece of white cloth. He picked it up between two fingers; it was still damp and a little stiff. “A girl’s hanky, it surely is.” He brought it to his nose and sniffed. There was the expected perfume but more. For a moment, he looked confused then he grinned broadly. “Maybe lass, you won’t be so hard to convince at all.” He sniffed at the hanky again then stuffed it into his top pocket.

Darrell and Picco were already settling in to fish in a nice looking prospect Darrell had spotted previously. It was on the bend where they had expected to find Sarah the previous day.

“Reckon she’ll come out this way again, Dazza?”

“Nah! Not really,” Darrell flicked his line into the fast running current. “Well maybe, I don’t know. She was out here yesterday maybe she walks the dog this way every day. Don’t know where else she might go, do you?”

“Nope! Anyway, she ain’t gonna go with us to the old man’s place even if we do see her, not on our say so, she never did like us a whole lot anyway.”

“She never did, but if we run across her let me do the talking.”

The boys were right, well Darrell was right to an extent. Sarah did walk the dog out this way taking a different track each day. She had done since she had adopted him from the dog shelter. Today was different though. Brutus was extremely frisky after the previous evening and the short walk from her parent’s house, where she was using the granny flat as her home, to the forest road the dog was jumping up on her and sniffing her crotch shamelessly and she hardly noticed, well not as much as she should have.

Sarah’s mind was in lots of places at that moment. She needed work desperately, money was running out, and so were the Job interviews. She was at that low point where she would take any work she could find just to see a paycheck. She had intended taking the ridge path as she had done yesterday. However, even before she discovered it had been blocked by some fallen trees from the storm, she had already changed her mind and was looking for the track along the creek.

Sarah had decided while she was in bed that she would go back to the powder Magazine with Brutus another session with his tongue would enhance her guilt, she knew, but it would also lift her up from her morbid depression. It was disgustingly wrong, but she needed to feel again the way she had done last night.

“Stop bouncing about,” she chided.

But Brutus was fixated on this human bitch, she was his bitch, he had claimed her and wouldn’t be satisfied until he had relieved his built up tension inside that sweet open pinkness he had explored with his tongue.

He remembered how the tight folds had opened under his exuberant licking, the innermost sweetness had been exposed to his tongue and it had oozed its copious nectar for him. The girl was struggling to keep Brutus from tripping her up while endeavoring to make him walk straight. Her concentration was not on what was around her it was on the dog and on her own growing need. If the dog had intended to make her aroused it was working, she was now dripping with expectation.

“I’m disgusting,” she said aloud.

“You’re hard on yourself,” a voice said.

It was close, and Sarah stopped abruptly, looking around in all directions as she did. On a ledge, almost concealed by the berm of the creek, the two young men were sitting, fishing. They had seen Sarah heading along the track some while before she arrived. They had both observed the playful dog bouncing and sniffing at the struggling girl’s crotch. Sarah looked over the berm edge at the two ostensibly fishing pair.

“Darrell, Picco?” She enquired.

Both of the boys stood. “Well, damn me,” Darrell proclaimed, looking the girl up and down, as the big dog stopped and looked in their direction ears pricked tail curled. “Look who it is Picco, Its Sarah Wood.”

“Hi, Sarah,” Picco raised his hand and Darrell did the same.

“Hello, Picco… Hello, Darrell,” Sarah replied coolly.

She looked a little flustered at the same time, as if the last thing she had expected was to meet them, anyone, out here.

“Thought you were away working someplace?” Darrell attempted to look cheery.

The girl stroked the dog along the neck gently and felt him vibrating tension in the animal, she whispered “Steady Brutus…” Then to the boys, “I was away, but I’m back home again now.”

Sarah didn’t elaborate.

“Uh-huh, well it’s nice to see you again,” Picco attempted to be friendly. “Nice dog.”

Sarah seemed anxious to move on. “Yes, he is.”

“Where you heading, Sarah?”

“Just walking my dog, that’s all. It’s usually quiet out here, or it used to be.”

Sarah patted the burly dog on the head again, and it nudged her hip with its cold, wet muzzle. Sarah ignored the nuzzle but Picco, maybe three feet lower than the girl and dog was quick to see the dog’s penis poke out a little from his sheath. He nudged Darrell and inclined his head to draw his friend’s attention to the dog.

“What’s your dog’s name,” Picco asked

“I call him Brutus; I haven’t had him for long. I got him from the animal shelter a few weeks ago, and he answers to Brutus.”

“Nice, the name fits,” Picco sensed he was onto Sarah’s favorite topic, so he persisted in pushing the conversation further in the dog’s direction “He seems to be taking to you alright then, a bit randy though.”

Again, the dog nuzzled Sarah’s leg affectionately. She eased his head away gently but firmly.

“What do you mean?” she snapped back rather too sharply.

Picco pointed to the hindquarters of the dog. “Lipstick popped out when you patted him.”

He grinned laconically. Sarah looked down at the dog and blushed.

“You’re still as disgusting as you always were, Picco!” Sarah admonished.

“Hey, girl, it ain’t me with my dick hanging out, it’s the dog you should be cranky at,” Picco replied curtly,

Darrell suppressed a sniggered behind his hand while cranky at Picco for mouthing off. Picco grinned broadly. Still blushing at the embarrassment Sarah turned and moved off.

Darrell turned to Picco when Sarah walked away. “For Christ sake Picco, I said let me do the talking,” Picco shrugged, and Darrell called after Sarah.

“Hey, Sarah, can I speak to you, just for a moment, I won’t keep you.” He assured as he jumped up onto the bank of the creek. Sarah didn’t look back but stopped. Darrell scampered after her. “Sorry about Picco,” He apologized, “He can be crude sometimes.” Sara looked at him expressionlessly.

“Well, is that it?”

“No … No, it’s not just the apology although I had to do that. You see, I thought you might be interested in speaking to the old hermit fellow up in the old village. He owns this land, I’ve heard. If you’re going to be using his land, maybe you should say hello. He won’t say no, he didn’t to us, at least, and he’s an interesting fellow, I reckon.”

“Not interested … Excuse me,” and with that Sarah made to turn from the track.

Standing no more than ten meters away was a thin, wiry-looking man that Sarah gauged to be in his mid-fifties, maybe older. He carried a shovel, and what looked to Sarah to be a gold miner’s pan. His clothes were clean but well worn, and his boots were of a similar appearance.

“Hello again, Darrell, Picco, who’s your pretty friend,” he invited the boys to introduce Sarah.

“This is Sara, Joe. Th…” Darrell was about to say the girl we told you about but stopped himself mid-word.

“Nice to meet you, Sarah,” Joe said and doffed his battered old soldier’s hat with an exaggerated flourish.

“Likewise, Joe,” Sarah replied not sure what to think or say.

She was hoping they would all go away and let her continue with what she had intended.

“Heading back to my shack for a spot of tea and a biscuit, cookie the yanks call them, he grinned and walked ahead expecting them all to follow. Sarah hesitated then with a sigh, she followed the three men. Ten minutes later, they arrived at Joe’s shack they walked through the annex into the main room where Joe pointed to a chair at the end of the table for Sarah to sit at. The old man spoke quietly to the boys, and they disappeared.

“I should tie the dog outside,” Sarah offered but in truth was much more comfortable, in this stranger’s presence, with Brutus by her side.

“Not at all,” Joe smiled, “here give him this to eat,” and he handed a hard homemade dog biscuit to Sarah for Brutus “I give them to my own dogs for a treat,” he explained as he went to the fireplace.

He reached a tea canister down from the mantle. In ten minutes he had the tea made and opened a metal biscuit tin and offered Sarah a homemade biscuit from the tin then he tipped several others onto blue china patterned plate, they looked like one of those ANZAC oatmeal biscuits but rather big. Brutus settled on the floor at Sarah’s feet, and she could hear him gnawing and crunching on the hard tack. Joe handed Sara another dog biscuit, and she reached down and received a grateful lick from Brutus as she handed him the second treat.

Joe was easy to talk to, Sarah found, and even before she had finished her first cup of tea, she had loosened up quite a bit in the stranger’s presence. He handed Sarah another biscuit which she accepted graciously, they were delicious, a strange flavor but no less delicious. Then as they chatted, Sarah found everything Joe was saying funny and was responding more and more with her girlish giggle.

“These biscuits are delicious, Joe. What’s in them, I would love the recipe,” Sarah said.

“You shall have it before you leave,” the grinning Joe replied.

He was thinking this was going to be easier than he had anticipated. Brutus had somehow wedged his head between Sarah’s knees. In her relaxed state and with no one to see her the unsuspecting girl was no longer sitting as a young lady in company should. To Brutus, with his human female experience, this was all he needed as an invitation. With open access, he began licking her soft inner thigh. Sarah giggled and pushed Brutus away.

“What’s the matter, Sarah?” Joe looked at the girl quizzically, but he had seen her arm moving and realized what was happening.

“I should take Brutus outside,” She blushed. “He’s naughty.”

“Naughty?” Joe frowned, paused then grinned, “Oh, I see… Naughty.” Joe feigned concern than almost instantly dropped the pretense as Sarah made to rise from her chair. “No, Sarah leave the dog, he’s OK, have another cup of tea,” Joe held up his hand and spoke firmly almost commanding.

Sarah flopped back into the chair, she felt ashamed, and a little unsteady and she didn’t want to fall in her attempt to stand.

“Is the dog licking you Sarah?” Joe asked.

Sarah flushed a bright red and nodded.

“Like he did last night, Sarah?”

Sarah’s eyes shot open wide, very wide and her mouth hung open in surprise. Joe reached into his pocket and produced the small white handkerchief that he had retrieved from the powder magazine this morning. He slowly brought it to his nose. A gold chain that must have been entangled in the handkerchief fell onto the table. He sniffed the cloth deeply than handed it to Sarah.

“This is yours. Isn’t it, young lady?”

Sarah looked at the lace-edged hanky lying on the table between her and Joe and giggled. She didn’t mean to giggle, but she couldn’t help herself. Brutus was again lapping his way along her thigh.

“What were you doing in the old powder magazine last night, Sarah?” Joe quizzed pointedly, wanting Sarah to say what she was doing, exactly.

He knew what she had been doing but wanted her to say it. Brutus had worked his way to the fork of Sarah’s panties, and her knees fluttered to close access. However, her willpower failed her, and she remained open to let the dog lick her crotch. The wrap around skirt she wore had seemed like a good idea for what she had intended to do today, but right at that moment, she wished she had worn her jeans or at least her cutaways. Joe pushed his chair back and looked under the table. Sarah saw what he was doing but only made a token effort to conceal what the dog was doing to her.

“Let him lick you, Sarah. Take your skirt off and those floral panties. Let your dog lick you, Sarah.”

Joe’s voice was almost droning, reinforcing her name every time he spoke.

“No… I can’t do that.” Sarah’s words were positive, but she was clearly in two minds, “I won’t!”

Joe ignored ‘the won’t’ and continued. Joe knew that she had let this sleek, brown, uncertain breed of dog lick her pussy last night, he had the white hanky as proof. He also knew what she would be doing right now had she not came across Darrell and Picco. Yes last night for her had broken down the barrier and she desperately wanted that powerful tong on here pliable folds of lusciousness.

“Don’t be silly, girl. You want him too, you know you do.”


Continued on the next page (link below).


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