Seal Island


It’s warm for this time of year and the bulk of the research work had finished. The research teams from several associated universities had left last week and the rotating maintenance crew had left this morning. I had volunteered to manage the monitoring stations until the summer crew arrived in the next few days, then I would be heading back to the mainland on the return boat.

It seemed peaceful walking along the shingled beach with the lapping of the gentle waves arriving off an almost dead calm sea. The occasional lonely cry of a gull as it passed low overhead searching for food those cries were the only sounds to break the quiet calm of this lonely little island.

It felt strange to have this Island to myself with no other human even close. It’s a sense of abandonment one only gets from being alone, isolated, and helpless. Cut off from all other humans, separated by hundreds of kilometres of ocean on all sides from all things civilised. On the other hand it’s also a powerful feeling of being in control of my own destiny.

Half way along the cobbled beach I paused to look around, to smell the ocean smells, to look at the horizon, a blurred conjoining of the ocean and sky several kilometres out. In close, maybe a hundred meters out, the dark bobbing heads of a few remaining seals were fishing, topping up their energy stores for the impending migration, a migration that they were already late joining.

Near the narrow bluff at the end of the shingled beach, the rocky profile broke into a black volcanic sand. A sand as fine as any of the great white beaches in the world, but lacking the aesthetic qualities that I for one associate with a pristine surfing beach. However, it’s my beach, at least for a day or two, and I’m going to make the most of it.

I threw my rather large beach towel down and spread it out neatly dropping my bag onto one corner and a magazine onto the other. I watched a long black tendril of dead kelp, rock gently in the near shore surf as I idly unbuttoned my blouse and folded it into my shoulder bag, then my skirt followed leaving me in my bikini that I had optimistically brought with me months before. I hadn’t fully realising how cold it would be and how little time I would have to sunbathe. I had to admit when the opportunities had arisen I was my usual reserved self, unwilling and unable to put myself on display for others to criticise. I’m not the most attractive girl, although some had said I am pretty. I didn’t believe them of course. I knew my nose is too big, my breasts are too small and a little uneven, my thighs too heavy and my ankles too thick. I am plain, but I had learned to live with myself even though I had moments of being self-conscious.

I sat and made myself comfortable. For the next hour or so I read the magazines that had been left by the crew of the boat that took the university researchers back to the mainland. They were a change from the ones I had brought with me. One glossy was a body builder type magazine that had both genders posing, some naked, all oiled and lean, every muscle standing out provocatively, Veins making sinuous trails just under the skin. I felt my body heat rising and I grew a little runny. My heart raced and I felt embarrassed at my reaction to these naked but not explicit bodies.

Then I realised I’m the only human here and I lay back on my beach towel and placed the magazine back with the others. My imagination started taking over now and my hands ran over my hips and belly. Then, under my bikini bottom, fingers teasing my pubic mound, then working lower and lower into my wet folds.

“Oh, bugger it, Val,” I said to myself, and I eased the sparse cover of bikini bottom over my hips.

Raising my knees I slid the tiny piece of material onto my feet and flicked it deftly backwards onto my chest. I looked at the dark, wet stain of wetness in the reinforced gussets and automatically sniffed it before placing it next to my other clothes. Without thinking I removed my top as well and felt immediately the cool feeling of liberated nakedness. I lay back again, my knees bent as my fingers ideally diddled with my wetness as I again flipped through the magazine and let my imagination take me to places of erotic pleasure. Almost without warning I felt a tingling fire building in my groin, I groaned loudly.

My wet fingers, now more focused, teased my hard clitoris with gentle brushing strokes as my tensions grew and grew. Suddenly it hit me, electric charges of painful pleasure shot up into my belly in powerful waves. My eyes lost focus and rolled back. My legs stiffened and trembled and my bum lifted and slammed back down, trembling as five or six climactic contractions slammed trough my groin. My vagina flooded with sticky congestion.

I lay on the towel as my trembling subsided slowly. With one hand across my face I let my heady heights of pleasure wash over me and I felt a tiredness take over. I fell asleep.


The four juvenile bull sea-lions had endured a frustrating season of denial. The old beach masters had protected their harem of females with ever vigilant defiance of all interlopers. The four had challenged and repelled a number of times. Now, as they expected a long wait before their chance to breed and relieve their pressing frustrations, a faint, familiar smell of a receptive female had wafted to them on the offshore breeze.

They were puzzled. There were no females left on the beach. They had gone along with the new season pups weeks before. But the undeniable smell of a female in heat is growing stronger. Curious all four sea-lion bulls were drawn to the beach like an airplane along a landing path beam.

Rounding the low bluff the enthusiastic bulls became cautious. On the beach lay a human. They had seen many people over the last few months. But this one seemed different. This one seemed to be without her skin. This human body is white, perhaps she’s shedding? The receptive odour that came from the human similar to that of a cow seal in heat. Beckoned on by the enticing promise of mating, one of the bulls summoned up his courage to approach the reclining human.

It’s surely a cow, he thought as he approached closer. Her scent getting stronger now. The female is laying on her back one of her flippers, as he saw them, is covering a long groove in her lower belly. He drew closer and stretched his thick neck toward the belly of the reclining form. Yes, it’s a female, there’s no question about that and the odour coming from her fine hair covered groove smelled exquisite. He edged ever closer, then turned his head to survey his three uncertain companions.

Satisfied that they were not going to offer a challenge for the right to breed the small human female, he swung his lower body across the legs of the sleeping form. It’s then the female woke. She seemed confused, but he was determined to mate her regardless of any protests. After all, he’s the bull and she’s only a cow. It’s his right to breed.

I don’t know how long I had slept in the shade of that small headland, it may have been just a short time. Perhaps I would have slept on but the wet pressure across my lower legs brought me awake with a start. Before I saw anything I smelt a fishy smell. A strong fishy smell that came in waves against my face. As my sleep burdened eyes focused I saw the mass of grey fur towering above me. The massive hulk of a fur seal who had flopped his bulky weight across my lower body. The smallish whiskered snout looked down at me with a rather quizzical expression.

Fear gripped me. I didn’t know of anyone who had been attacked by a bull seal, but it was a real fear. I tried to roll, but only my upper body moved my legs were totally immobile, pinned by the pressing weight that pressed down even more as the beasts front flippers pressed into my side his chest sliding over mine. I felt the fat fur begin to move and as it did my right leg below the knee came free of the bulk that pinned me.

I made another attempt to wriggle free, using my arms to push against the rumbling chest of the animal as I pushed into the firm sand with my free heal. This action annoyed the big bull and he let me know by bringing his open mouth down sharply against my face. The bite I expected didn’t eventuate, but the intent is there and the message was clear. I’m going to annoy him if I tried to wriggle. Here alone on this Island is no place to be savaged by an angry bull sea-lion, so I stopped wriggling.

The sea lions head went back up with seemingly disdainful contempt and he looked around and made a barking like sound and a quick glance showed me that he had company. Maybe three other young males were just lurking beyond the area where the gentle waves were breaking. His fat lower body rolled against me and with a sudden reality of what he intended to do occurred me. I didn’t even consider it as something that would happen, but this bull intended to mate with me. I shuddered with renewed fear as I recalled watching the huge bulls mating with the much smaller females. I felt surprised then at the thickness of the male member as it emerged from his slit, seeking the portal to the female seal’s breeding Channel.

Even as I conjured the image of the bull seals’ penis I felt the warm wetness of the extending member slide across the top of my thigh as the jelly like waves of the body shivered across my legs. The seals lower body making prods as he sought my pussy.

My belly tightened, and with fear I felt the pressing smooth flesh slip from the top of my thigh, down my tender soft inner thigh into the valley of my groin. This big, furry bull seal knew what he is about, I’m certain of that. I looked first one way, then another, hoping for some last-minute reprieve, but there was none. No one is going to suddenly appear to save me from this beastly rape, not even the other lurking bull seals.

I shuddered helplessly expecting and fearing the inevitable at any moment. The fat sausage like flesh had following my inner thigh onto the warm, soft folds of my vulva. I felt the pressing thickness, pushing my distended folds of flesh that were either still wet from my masturbation or had grown slick in response to the pending penetration of the seal penis. Somehow I hoped that it’s a residual wetness, I hoped I’m not responding sexually to a furry beast. It isn’t right. It couldn’t be right, in fact, it was just plain wrong.

I looked up at the bulky beast towering over me and although he’s intent on raping me, he seemed totally preoccupied with other thoughts. His head swung from side to side, keeping a close eye on his companions.

His tick fleshy penis stiffened by the baculum bone is now nudging determinedly into my defenceless vulva. I groaned, then yelped as I felt the first stretching as the penis parted the inner folds and pressed against my vaginal opening. I bit down hard on my bottom lip and tried to wriggle free of the gentle prodding of the thickening hardness struggling to part my pussy lips.

Harder and harder the oversized penis pressed against my exposed groin and the discomfort were increasing. First, I thought pain, then realised, although it’s hurting it’s more like discomfort than pain.

When it happened, it came suddenly and it did hurt. It hurt a lot as the thick flesh forced its way into my vagina and without hesitation continued deeper inside me with each thrust. The ever mobile hips of the rutting bull rocked me back and forth, my breasts describing a circular motion on my chest, tugging and bouncing. At some point I had held my breath with expectation and I still held it as the probing penis buried deeper into my virgin tunnel. I had screamed and wriggled as the penis burst into me and for my troubles I had been given a quick nip that drew blood on my shoulder, followed by a sharp slap as he rotated his the deep chest that caught me across the breast.

Fearing another hurtful nip I gave up any thought of struggle and remained unmoving feeling the penis sliding into me, nudging my cervix painfully, then sliding back only to slip in again getting less troublesome for me to accommodate. Each thrust stimulated my body fluids to make the oversized penises passage easier for me and most probably for the huge sea-lion. For many minutes the sea-lion kept the short rhythmic thrusting of lower body, prodding and poking in an almost automatic motion. His body had dropped to cover me, smothering me, and trapping me under his methodically rutting mass. I lay swooning, enduring the discomfort as I am being taken by a sea-lion maybe five times my own weight.

I felt ill at the thought of what’s happening and that thought became a reality as the seal paused and I felt a warm spreading pressure deep inside my vagina and I knew that the bull had discharged his beastly semen into my belly. The bile rose in my throat and I threw up. Not once, but several times I vomited as the bull seals brief pause ended and he again began to rut again, only to pause from time to time to squirt more of his seed into me.

For ten or fifteen minutes the sea-lion pumped his sperm into my ravished body. Eventually, the beast stopped rutting and moments later he lethargically rolled sideways, his flippers clamped tight around my chest held me firmly and he flopped down beside me and I’m forced to roll with him. Now face to face, or more accurately, my face to the seal’s chest, I didn’t move. I’m pinned by a flipper over my breasts.

I didn’t feel like struggling against this dominant bull. He lay there, occasionally throbbing still inside me and I didn’t move except to roll with him as he had flopped down. His penis began to throb less, and it seemed to be shrinking and withdrawing as I now could no longer feel the tightness. Then, with a final parting plop we were parted. I felt the wet trail of his penis as it slithered across my tender inner thigh. My abused cunt felt tender and leaking as my hand went to inspect the damage. For a while I just lay on my side as I had been before the big bull sea-lion had separated from me and all the while a steady trickle of sea-lions semen leaked out and across my thigh onto the big towel.

After several more minutes with the big bull only a few feet away, I decided it’s time to put some distance between me and my rapist. I rolled from the towel ever watchful of the beast. As I rolled from the towel and onto my knees I became aware of the beady eyes of the bull on me. I felt sure he now considered me his mate and with the absence of other females I was also sure if I didn’t get away I may be in for more attention. At that very moment I hurt all over. The big animal made to follow me as I got to my feet, but suddenly he got confronted by two of the other bulls who had waited near the headland. I ran up the beach and then stopped where the shale and the sand met. Turning I watched the seal’s confrontation, but without anything to fight over they were all soon slipping back into the ocean.

Trembling and watching the sleek black, sea wet bodies moving into the surf I sidled down to the beach towel and gathered my things. With a final look I turned and left the beach, fully aware of my wet thighs and making an effort to keep my legs apart trying to ease the chafe of my tender vagina.


My stomach felt as if I had been pummelled by a two hundred pound irate girlfriend of someone I had encouraged too much. Every ache every twinge brought me back to the previous afternoon and the roughly amorous sea lion who had ravished me.

More than my aches served as a reminder of what happened last evening. I stunk and smelled fishy, but there is something else. The entire room smelled of a pungent ammonia like smell, but it’s different. It didn’t take long to realize the smell is coming from the wet mattress under my behind.

“Oh god!” I moaned as I eased my naked butt up to see a large wet patch of what is clearly discharged seminal fluid.

It must have leaked from me during the night and now had ruined my bedding. My foggy mind is clear now and I remembered returning to the shack to send out my evening report, but instead I had laid down exhausted on the bed for a moment, the last thing I remembered.

The computer monitor is flashing with an incoming signal. “Viv, are you there? Viv?”

I looked at the monitor and is glad the webcam is not pointing toward my bunk. I scrambled up stiffly and wrapped my robe around me and staggered stiffly to the computer chair.

“Where have you been girl?” He sounded Irate and my foggy brain is telling me he probably had a right to be annoyed. “You missed last night’s call. Why?”

“Sorry, boss,” I slurred surprised I still felt tired. “I got caught up watching a group of sea lions that haven’t left yet. Thought it’s strange.”

My brain is warming up and I felt a little white lie close to the truth is better than having to actually explain what happened.

“How many?”

“Four bulls, maybe more. I found myself out after dark trying to see if more showed. I was totally exhausted when I got back as it took longer than I thought.”

“It’s essential you report on time, we were starting to hit the panic button here. You know we have other problems?” I waited for him to continue. “It may take longer to get you off of the Island than we had planned. Maybe three weeks, or so. It can’t be helped, sorry. There’s injuries at two of the other stations and to top it off, the boat has some mechanical problems. I’ll know more later today”

“Three weeks?”

The news made me a little numb at first. Supplies I had plenty and solitude is fine, I liked being on my own, but I hadn’t expected that.


For the rest of the day I just read and lay around reflecting on what had happened in the late afternoon I needed to get out and about. I still ached, but I picked up the binoculars and went to the cliff just above the beach. The sea lions still lazed on the beach, which is beginning to take a pounding from the heavy surf. The waves looked bigger and more destructive than yesterday. The roar of the rollers over the rocky reef sending a spray that drifted onshore as a salty mist. Bad weather is brewing and the leaden sky above confirmed this.

I tried to pick out the sea lion who had ravished me, but I couldn’t see any distinguwashing marks allowed me to identify one animal from the other. One of the bulls laid on its side and its thick penis lolled several inches from its sheath.

I held my binoculars on the animal curious and fascinated. One of those things had been inside me, the thought made my groin clenched involuntarily. The seals dick is thick, fleshy, blunt, and appeared to have a glans (head) that emerged from another section slightly greater in diameter. This probably facilitated extension as it grew erect. My immediate comparison is with a stallion’s penis, which dropped thick and flaccid before becoming hard and erect. My thoughts were both troubling and erotic, and my pussy got all runny.


When I returned to the hut I’m still troubled by how I feel and I had to make myself busy to take my mind from the crazy erotic direction its taking. The scheduled time for the evening report gave me more to think about.

Barry’s call summoned me to the computer. “Viv!”

“Here, Barry.” I sidled into the chair in front of the monitor.

“Three weeks confirmed, I’m afraid,” he said.

He sounded genuinely apologetic.

“That’s fine,” I said, and to my own surprise.

I sounded almost excited by the prospect.

“I had a few discussions with the biologists, and they want you to take as many photos of all sides of each of the animals, so they can be identified and tagged next season. Ideally, they should be tagged now, but it’s a job for the experts – several of them. By the way see if you can locate any tags on them now, it’ll help.”

“There aren’t any, Barry. I looked them over closely today, but nothing.”

I’m a self-promoter and it didn’t hurt to let him know I’m on the ball.

“Great! Good thinking. So its photos dates and times that might help explain why the bulls are hanging around. Of course, it may be the weather, but ‘s for the biologists to determine. Good luck, Viv, and again, sorry.”


After dinner, I lay back on the bunk which still smelled of stale seminal fluid. The fluid had soaked into the mattress and I’m going to have to do something about it before the researchers arrived in a few weeks. At least I had extra time to do the washing and airing. For now my thoughts were elsewhere. Just what if I could get close enough to the bulls to tag each one. I know they usually tranquillise them to do it, but I had another way didn’t I. With that thought in mind, I fell asleep and dreams were torrid and graphically recollections of my close, very close encounter with the big bull on the beach. I dreamed of another close encounter several in fact. My dreams that night were many and excruciatingly erotic.


By the cold light of dawn I began to think again about what I had been considering. I shuddered at the thoughts I had. It’s one thing to fantasies and another to turn a fantasy into reality. For a time I lay in my bunk huddled against the extreme cold. The wind had risen overnight and the rain is beating against the bare weather board wall. Where the gaps were insufficiently sealed allowed some water to leak into the hut. None of the huts were lined or even insulated and although they’re basic they’re practical for their purpose.

Later, and with a warm breakfast to warm me, I’m sitting on the low cliff where I had been yesterday looking at the rolling surf. White foam floated into the air from the boiling sea and nowhere below could the four sea lions be seen.

“Damn it, where are you?” I cussed into the wind.

After a thorough inspection with my binoculars I stood disappointed. They must have left. After consideration I decided to move further around the island. It made sense with the way the sea is running the animals may have moved away from the direct hammering of the elements.

The island isn’t big, but it’s cut by a number of sheltered coves. A kilometre and a half from where the sea lions had been yesterday, a small sandy cove cuts back deeply into the western end of the island. This cove offered a likely shelter if it’s what the bulls had been seeking.

The rain is still beating hard, but as I walked west it’s now at my back and not cutting coldly into my face. I marvelled how just days before I had attempted sun baking on the beach near the huts, now I’m shivering in beating raining.

The cove I’m heading to being a hooked-shaped inlet eroded by runoff from the land and from the seaward side by the waves. After I topped the grassy rise near the inlet I walked down a low grade of grass toward the beach end of the inlet. Here the bluff behind me protected the inlet from the worst of the weather. Not more than twenty meters from me the bulk of the sea lions lie huddled against the sandy berms as one large grey-brown mass.

I backed off a few meters and watched the tightly grouped bulls. Like yesterday, one of the group is laying with his penis extended. I shut my eyes and let my imagination take over. There is no reason for me to have the thoughts I did, but I had them now. I felt the bull pushing into me and rutting me. Coming inside me filling me with his animal seminal fluid and the feelings the smells I’m having were so real.

I had thought about it and dreamed about it and now I knew I’m going to do it. I’m crazy, there’s no argument for it. I’m going to tag each of those bulls and earn the praise and favour of my boss. I would be an integral part of the research team if I could do this.

Slowly I removed my back slicker and then with little regard for the biting cold, I undressed and wrapped my clothes inside the folded slicker. I placed the bundle behind some reeds and removed my towel four tags and pliers. It’s really cold each drop of rain on my skin is like a prodding needle and I felt the chill to my bones. I’m shuddering with cold, my skin is little mountains of goose flesh and my nipples were heard.

This had to be the weirdest thing in the world. A naked woman on a lonely, isolated beach in the middle of a vast expanse of ocean. ocean is roaring with anger as the wind pushed the rollers into the rocky shore. Below me one of the bulls raised its head, its small round eyes fixed on me. They knew I’m here. I swallowed deeply pushed my shoulders back and with breasts jutting out proudly I forced my legs into action.

As I got closer to the beach my mind went from blank to total overdrive. I’m heading into unknown territory here. This is dangerous, but to me the dangers were surreal. There were four randy bull sea lions all together on a tiny beach, they were both brothers and rivals. I had seen the bulls on the beaches at peak mating season and they could be mean and angry if it meant breeding a female is the prize. Hopefully, I’ll be OK, is my naive thought. Hopefully they would sort themselves out into some sort of pecking order. One of them I’m sure would become beach master and have me. The others would have to watch and wait, then maybe challenge for his turn.

If the mating didn’t happen, then I would have to become the cautious armourist and make opportunities for each of the bulls to have his turn so I could get close enough to tag each of their flippers.

It’s a plan though not a good one, in fact, a stupid, dangerous plan, but I had become driven to do this. I wondered if it’s actually for recognition or just my own carnal pleasure. I’m still wondering when I reached the end of the little moon shaped beach a few meters from the watchful expectant studs. With shaking limbs from cold and fear I flipped out my soggy towel onto the sand and lay down face up. I placed the tagging pliers in my left hand for ease of access and with legs bent and parted to avoid being trapped under the massive weight of the Bull as I had been the other day I lay there hopefully enticing and certainly wet shivering and cold to the bone.

I’m aware the sea lion group is watching me from my first appearing on the grassy slope all the way to the beach. I felt the eyes of each one burning into me and from where I lay I saw the huddle of animals begin to move. First only one, then as a seething cranky organism of bodies. Only meters from me the bulls with one intention began to fight and posture. I felt the sand shaking as the huge bodies rise threateningly and thumped either into each other with barking yelps of intimidation or back into the sand. It’s little more than body contact but from my lowly position it’s an awesome display of power and dominance. One by one an animal backed down for what appeared to be no apparent reason.

My heart is pounding and in spite of the cold, I felt the hot flush of perspiration and panic. As I watched these dominant bulls fighting over me, I knew I shouldn’t be here, it isn’t a good idea being amongst these bulls as a lone female. I’m stupid. However, I had come among them as a naked offering, and now a beach full of testosterone focused on me. My legs were weak and shaky my heart continued to pound in my chest and in spite of the cold I felt hot and flushed. Just one of the Bulls stood between me and the other less dominant bulls. It’s the one who is going to have his way with me.

I didn’t know if it’s the same bull had taken me two days ago I just couldn’t tell, but with the beach now coming down under control my panic is subsiding. I’m still scared, but I’m also getting wet with anticipation. What I’m feeling is hard to explain or determine. I wanted to feel the bulls thickness inside me, I wanted to feel the rippling power of this animal as it pushed and parted me and cum inside of me.

I grow wetter still and I feel the runny trickle seeping from me as my over congested vagina began to leak between the crack of my bum. I slid my hand over my lower belly and between the sparse thatches of hair between my thighs. I felt my open and spongy folds as I had never felt them before. I raised my shoulders to look at myself. My labia is flared like a petal open and shiny slick with my own lubrication. I’m amused at the sloppy, slippery openness I had happened in spite of myself. I flushed hot and as I looked up the bull is already above me. His head is sniffing my neck. I parted my legs just a little more. My fear had passed, now I just wanted this big bull in a way I had not imagined I could have wanted anything.

I most likely exaggerated to say my fear had passed. The overwhelming fear one feels when something really bad is about to happen had certainly passed, but the fear of something unknown hadn’t. My heart rate is high very high and my legs and arms felt like jelly.

I couldn’t help but feel scared when confronted by the sheer size of the bull seal is now next to me so close so big and so dominantly male. I’m focusing on my breathing as the animal began sniffing me all over. Seemingly satisfied with what he smelled he moved in several ground shaking hops he had turned and swung himself around until his tail fins were covering my lower legs. His chest towered over me and his narrow whiskery face looked down on me surveying me with the deep enigmatic round pools of blackness of his eyes.

His head made a sudden move down toward me and I let me supporting elbows slide away and I lay back feeling the seals’ weight pressing my legs into the sand. The animal moved his body forward into the vacant space between my legs until his lower belly is pressing onto my pubic mound. For a moment I looked up at the still form of the sea lions, he checked out his opponents one of which is coming nearer either curious or threatening, I’m not sure which, but my suitor made growling threats toward the interloper. Even as he threatened the other bull I felt his lower half begin to thrust against me. I raised my shoulders once more to see the thick slug like appendage emerge from the concealment of the sea lions belly slit and slither across my flat taught tummy as it extended.

This close it looked threateningly huge, but I knew my flexible vagina could accommodate this red slug like a penis. The animal realizing he is missing his objective rose in a lethargic ripple and pulled back until the thick redness disappeared between my legs. For a moment all contracts were broken, then the extending penis is pressing into my hair lined wetness. A little higher than practical, but close. I drew breath sharply as he continued to thrust at me and with each thrust the pressure against my wet sloppy and inviting groin grew. Almost anticlimactic the pressure suddenly ceased and all I could feel is the spreading pressure of the sea lions shaft pushing into me spreading my human portal to accommodate something it’s not meant to.

I grunted with each thrust is seating the mass of warm slippery flesh deep inside me stretching me to my limits, but those limits were not the full depth the bull could reach. Each shallow thrust is like a suction against the walls of my tender vaginal opening. Each forward thrust lifting my bottom off the sand as the blunt hardness pressed into the back of my sheath and cervical protrusion. Each backward thrust making wet sucking sounds as it withdrew a little before reentering.

My left leg is now free and I raised it high against the warm fur of the rutting beast. Somehow I felt the comfort of his warmth against my inner thigh. Several sharp tugs brought my right leg free of its entrapment and I raised it high and pressed my heel into the back of the animal now laying over me pressing me into the sandy beach as it began a faster succession of rippling thrusts.

Then the bull’s front flippers pushed forward and he seemed to want to push further up inside me. I heard a weird groan and even as I looked around I realized it’s coming from me as the seal penis impaled me fully. Its penis began to swell alarmingly stretching pressing then discharging his sperm charged seminal fluid into me with such pressure I knew the some must be driven into my cervical orifice, and deeper into my belly.

The first and by far the most powerful discharge is followed by several more before the seal made several powerful thrusts and discharged even more of his potent seed into me. After the first blast the lesser discharges I felt more as an expansion of the beast’s penis and an increase in the spreading warmth deep up inside my body. Four long, breathless minutes the beast lay on me. My heart is racing my breath is short and raspy and my body had turned from a pale white to a hot blushing lust filled pink with beads of perspiration running from my neck along the valley of my chests.

Unable to cope with the seals’ weight any longer, I struggled free and drew back as he deflated slick wet sausage dropped from my distended gash and retreated back inside his own secretive slit which concealed his testicles and penis. For several long minutes I lay there as the sea lion surveyed his conquest. I had almost forgotten the tagging pliers until he swung away from me. I grabbed the cold metal handle of the instrument as the left back flipper landed on my chest scraping me with wet sand. With both hands free I slid the jaws of the heavy tool onto the flesh part of his flipper as I had seen the university people do and pressed. I’m rewarded with a sharp click and suddenly the surprised bull is lunging off toward the surf.

I lay back numb oblivious to where I am and what is around me.

I sidled away from where I lay. Edging bit by bit toward the grass verge where the beach and land meet. The bull, in a characteristically rolling lunge, followed me. He more than followed ad he’s disruptively quick and is soon blocking my path to safety.

When I tried to stand, the bull lunged at me knocking me backward onto the sand. He’s quickly beside me and could feel the air vibrate with his rattling barks of disapproval at my attempt to leave. At that moment I feel like one of the tiny cows I had seen covered by the huge mass of rutting bulls. I recall their doe eyed look of subservience as the bull manipulated them into position to allow him access to their sex. I’m now the doe eyed female and my sex is even more open to the demanding bull. I’m not about to struggle, I’m going to be compliant and to show my submissiveness. I opened myself to the huge mass of testosterone sliding between my open thighs as I surrendered myself to him.

The roaring crash of the surf is the backdrop to the determined rape of my body. Sure, I had placed myself as an offering to the young bull fur seals, but now my ravished body wanted respite and this stud isn’t about to give me any. His first rolling thrust met little resistance from my already ravished and lubricated vagina. The swollen appendage entered me and pushed or extended into the back of my accommodating sheath. The first nudge against my already tender cervix is painful. It’s unforgiving and relentless as the bone stiffened penis bumped and nudged with each rolling thrust. It seemed like an eternity of hurt by this oversized penis. My best guess is I lay there many minutes, covered almost totally by the bull being pressed into the sand by its great weight while being fucked by the second stud.

My mind went numb and I withdrew into myself. I smelled the sea. Heard the pounding rollers sweep through the narrow entrance to the small cove, and felt the bulls racing heart against my chest. I’m trying to remain detached, but the sudden reality of a deep probing thrust and a stretching, expansion of the penis within me heralded the bull’s initial climax. I arched by instinct trying to escape the powerful probing penis, but It did little good as the gushing discharge filled my belly in a hot spreading tide of seminal fluid.

I struggled for breath while diminishing blasts filled my belly for a second time this cold wet morning in the middle of nowhere. Several more minutes passed while the sea-lion covering me finished his ejaculation. Lethargically he finally withdrew with a slithering plop and flopped down beside me one flipper across my chest like an attentive lover.

A half hour later I reluctantly eased from this bizarre embrace and stretching for the tagging pliers laying in the sand just out of my reach. I eventually managed to tag sea-lion number two.

I’m still dazed, my vision a little blurred and I’m dizzy as I bend over the huge male and snapped the tag into his left back flipper. To my surprise the bull seal hardly even reacted to the tag insertion, although he did flinch away from what must have been a stinging hurt from the tagging. When the male didn’t react I remained kneeling looking at his liquid brown eyes, which showed no emotion at all.

Beneath me the sand shook with a sudden thud. The bull seal next to me hadn’t moved, well not at first, and not enough to create a dull thudding impact. Then, with a surprisingly quick reaction he rolled away from me. Suddenly I’m aware the first bull had come from the water and he’s now lumbering toward us. His intent is clear, there’s going to be a fight. A fight over me, and I didn’t want to be near when the two huge bodies met.

I scrambled to my feet and immediately fell backward. Something hard hit my head as I fell and my world became black.


How long I’m unconscious I had no idea – minutes, hours, – I had no way of knowing. My head throbbed and a sharp pain stabbed into the back of my eyes in rhythm to a similar pain in my skull. There‘s an overwhelming smell of raw fish about me, hot gushing burst of foul fishy smells puffed directly into my face in unison with a thrusting of a body above me. Trying to focus is impossible as my vision is blurred, as if looking through a stained glass window. Only the sound of the pounding surf is clear.

As my senses returned slowly I realized I’m being mated once again, and the bull above me is close to completion. I could feel the thick penis slipping in and out of my distended vagina, pushing hard against my cervix as the massive bull possessed me. Minutes passed, then the rocking thrusts stopped. A short pause followed by the familiar burst of the bull’s seed sending a warmth spreading flush threw my tummy as he ejaculated his seed into my tender portal.

I groaned as he pushed hard against my battered cervix. I knew I couldn’t take any more of this without suffering permanent damage and I tried to ease away from the intruding maleness inside me. I’m partly successful, but my legs and hips were held firm by the sheer bulk pressing me into the sand. At the time I realized I had fallen onto a rounded boulder that had been plucked from the rocky headland and rolled smooth before being deposited on the beach in some past storm. Now it’s my pillow. At the same time my vision began to clear, although my head still throbbed badly.

Time passed slowly and the rain began to fall in wet, icy arrows into my already hurting face. The bull remained inside me for maybe ten minutes or more before slithering wetly from my clutching vagina. I’m still held firmly by the bull’s massive bulk, but I knew I’m going to get only one chance to escape. This is when he moved his weight from my hips and legs and I would have to be ready when the chance came.

A long time later, I lay in the freezing cold, sleeting rain, exhausted and numb, willing myself to move to get away from here. I’ve been nude in this environment for hours now and I knew hypothermia is starting to set in. The sea Lions were returning to the surf as I watched in the fading light of the day. Gradually I pulled my aching body to hands and knees, then with a supreme effort to my feet. I wobbled unsteadily at first unable to gain equilibrium, my legs felt like a wobbly mess of Jelly. Unable to remain standing, I had to steady myself by bending and placing both hands on my shaking knees for several minutes. Then more slowly I gradually rose again to my full height.

Step by shaky step I left the small cove, gathered my cloths and added the tagging pliers to the bundle. Then, without even a thought of dressing I made the trek back to the hut, seal cum leaking from my ravished pussy the whole way home.


I’m sick, probably close to pneumonia and all I could do is remain in bed shivering and perspiring. My sheets became saturated, but I didn’t have the energy to replace them at any stage in the first two days. However, I did manage to report back to base each evening, but it took a supreme effort of will on each occasion. I’m not about to let anyone know I’m unwell. Five days passed and I finally managed to leave my sick-bed and have a small meal. My head ached and I had belly cramps. I realized I’m overdue for my period. Considering what I had allowed myself to be put through, I guess it’s not a surprise. At the best of time my periods are erratic, never regular.

The following day I managed to leave the hut and on shaky legs I went once again to the cove where the Sea-lions had taken me so completely, but they were gone. I walked out to the small headland which overlooked the little cove, but there’s no sign of them fishing or frolicking in the now calm waters off the Island. Following the shore line, I looked in each cove but there’s no sign of the young bulls anywhere. My heart sank.


Over the next few weeks waiting to be retrieved by the research boat, I kept a sharp vigil on the beaches. Perhaps hoping for their return, but there is no sign of them. The day before I’m due to be evacuated I sit on the grassy slope near the hut and look out to sea. I had felt nauseous for the second day running and had vomited my breakfast. However, the sick feeling had passed and I had time to think now as I relaxed in the weak sunshine. I wondered why I let the bulls fuck me, and if I would do it again.

In spite of the very real danger of permanent injury, I thought I might do it again. Time has a way of allowing us to remember the good bits and forgetting or minimizing the painful ones. Now, after four weeks all I could reflect on was the erotic and pleasant fullness of the sea-lion as it forced its thickness inside me. I shuddered at the pleasant feelings the reflections brought to me in that moment. As if my groin clenched on the imagined fullness and I could feel the spongy hardness deep inside me spreading its warmth throughout my belly. Yes, yes, I would do it all again, I thought.

As I rose to return to the hut to make final preparations to leave, I stopped. I tilted my head to the side as I counted off the days with a feeling of dread. I ran to the hut and closed the door. The calendar behind the door told me all I needed to know.

I had missed my second period in a row and I had been sick two mornings in a row.

Numbly I staggered to my bunk, head in hands, and I began to cry.

It couldn’t happen, I thought in panic. It couldn’t be! It’s impossible!

I’m pregnant.

The End.



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