Servicing His Dogs (Gay Zoo)


I put an ad out one evening for a guy to let me suck his cock and to fuck me like a bitch. I got a few replies but nothing solid. I went to bed and thought oh well another time. I got up and checked my e-mail, and this guy responded. I would love to get my dick sucked, and oh yeah, I have a 7” cock, and I’d love to fuck a guys ass. I liked that and wrote him back saying I was interested. I’d really love to suck that cock, and I’d beg to be fucked like a cheap whore for his use. Later that evening he wrote me back. You sound like my kind of fuck. As luck would have it, he was online too.

We e-mailed each other. Talking about sex and our fantasies. He asked me what the nastiest thing I had ever done. I hesitated but thought what the heck and told him I let a neighbors dog fuck me. He didn’t respond, and I thought I had gone too far. Finally, he answered and said, wow, that’s kinky, and I like it. I felt relief, and he asked me to tell him about it. I told him one night after 2 am, I climbed the neighbor’s fence, and I petted him and stroked him until he was humping. I pulled my shorts down and got on my knees. He mounted me and fucked me good. His knot went in me, and we were tied. I was hoping I didn’t get caught. I finally got loose and went home. He told me he was stroking, thinking of seeing me getting fucked by a dog. I told him how glad I was that I hadn’t freaked him out.

He said it really turned him on.

He wished he were there to see that. He told me he had two male dogs, a lab, and a shepherd. He was wondering if I would like to get fucked by two dogs. He said it would be so hot to see that. He told me he would fuck me too. I told him I’d have to think about it. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. I watched a few vids one evening and,

I was so turned on by this point that I told him yes, I would. He asked where I was located, and he was only 10 minutes away.

He also asked, would you suck dog cock? I told him I had never done that, but yes, I would. Awesome, he said. He sent me a pic. of his dick and his dogs. I told him his dick looked great, and so did his dogs.

My heart was really beating, and I didn’t know what to say. He said if you don’t agree, then we are done. Let me know.

The ball was in my court, and I was so horny. I told him, OK.

Good, he said. When can you get away?

I told him Friday and Saturday, and he said Friday would be great. He gave me his address and time to meet. Sheepishly I said OK. I had just agreed to meet a stranger to have sex with him and his dogs. Wow, this was crazy.

Friday afternoon, I did a cleansing enema and finally got in my car and drove to his address. I got out and walked to his door. I knocked, and I could hear the dogs barking. He opened the door and said hi bitch. Glad you came. This is really going to be fun tonight, come on in. I came in, and the dogs sniffed me, and he shooed them away. He let them outside. He asked me if I wanted anything to drink. Beer if you got it. He pulled out 2 Budweiser. He put a porno on, and we sat and drank our beers. He also rolled a fat joint, and we smoked it, and I got pretty buzzed.

He stood up and pulled his shorts off. His dick was hard and pointing at me. Well, there you go, suck it, bitch. I got on my knees and sucked on his cock. It felt so good in my mouth, and I loved it. Oh yeah, baby, suck my dick. After a few minutes, he pulled me off and said I have to be the 1st to fuck that ass. He got behind me and rubbed some lotion on my ass. He pushed in all the way, and I gasped. Slowly he worked his cock in and out of me. Oh yeah, my boys are going to love this ass. He pumped in and out, and I could hear him breathing hard, and he yelled out, “Oh yeah, take this, slut.”

He came in me and pulled out. He turned around and told me to clean his dick. I licked and sucked the best I could. OK, you ready for my boys? I looked up at him and said, yes, sir.

He got up and walked to the back door and let his German shepherd in. This is Rocky.

He went to me and sniffed me all over and licked my ass. He stroked his cock and got him humping. He led him to my ass, and he found my ass and started fucking me. After a couple of minutes, he jumped off of me. I said I liked it, and he said oh he isn’t done. I stayed on my knees, and he licked me and then jumped up on me again. I could feel him trying to fuck me. His bone was really hurting me.

I guided him to my ass. Wow, he was like a piston fucking me. It felt so good, and my friend was yelling, Holy fuck. Fuck that bitch, he yelled.

He finally knotted in me, and we were stuck. It felt good, and I could hear him taking pics. So fucking hot, he yelled. I grabbed onto his left back leg to keep him from jumping off of me. I knew he was cumming in me.

His knot felt like a baseball in my ass. It hurt a little but at the same time felt good in me. I loved it. He kept snapping pics. Good dog, he said, breeding this bitch. You like this, don’t you slut? I was almost in a trance, and he pulled on my hair and said you love this, don’t you, you dog slut?

Yes, I do, I said. Call me, sir, he yelled at me. Yes, sir, I love this. Goddamn right, you do. All dog sluts love a big cock in their ass, and my boys know how to fuck. I got some great shots of Rocky fucking you. You can see his knot pulling on you. I could feel his cock squirting into me. Finally, he was able to pull out. Cum started leaking out of my ass. He was taking pics. Rocky came over and started cleaning my ass. His tongue felt so good. You ready for round two? Before I could answer, he let Rocky out, and the 2nd dog the black lab came in.

This is ‘Demon,’ and he’s a fucking machine. He loves a good bitch. The dog ran all around me, sniffing. He stopped and licked my ass. Sir came around to Demon and stroked him a few times. He started humping, and he led him to my ass. He jumped up, and he found my hole and started pumping for all his worth. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out. Relax Sir said he ain’t done with you yet. He walked around me and again licked my ass. Suddenly he jumped back up on me and jabbed at my ass with his bone. I reached back and guided him in. One in, he was on a mission to fuck me. OMG, could he fuck? That’s it, boy fuck this bitch. Show him what you got.

It was amazing, and I had never been fucked like that. I could feel him growing, and he started slowing down. I could feel his knot expanding in me, and he stopped. Good boy, good boy, give him your seed. Give it all to him. Again I could see flashes going off and knew he was taking pics. The dog turned on me, and suddenly we were ass to ass. Wow, you should see how this looks, he said. Damn, it’s so hot to see a faggot dog slut getting used. Tell me how much you love being a dog’s bitch boy. He smacked me on top of my ass, and I told him I love it, sir. I live for this.

Good boy, he patted me on the head like a dog. He walked around and stuck his hard cock in my face. Suck it dog slut. I opened my mouth and sucked his hard cock. Damn, I was so turned on and was loving it. I could feel Demon pulsing in me. I knew this was really kinky, but I really loved it all. The guy suddenly yelled out here it comes bitch, and he was squirting into my mouth. I took it all and swallowed. He snapped a few more pics. He walked back to where Demon and I were attached.

Good boy Demon, such a good boy. Finally, Demon pulled out, and he pushed Demon away, and something cold touched my ass. Oh yeah, let that cum out slut. Let it all come out. I pushed it out, and it felt like there was a lot. He moved and let Demon out. He told me to turn around, and he had a video camera set up, and I knew he had filmed the whole thing. You never said anything about pics or recording me.

Shut the fuck up dog fucker. I am calling the shots here, do you understand? Damn, he had me by the balls. Do you understand bitch he yelled at me? Yes, sir, I said. Good glad you understand. Now drink this, and he handed me a glass I think he held as dog cum leaked out of me. I looked at him in disbelief. I’d hate for this tape, and pics to get out because you don’t do what I tell you. I sighed and took the glass from him. It had quite a bit in it. I put it up to my lips and took a sip. It was watery and not like a guys cum at all.

I took another sip and gagged a few times. Swallow it all, bitch. Eventually, I got it all down. Good dog, fucker. There’s more where that came from, and you’re going to drink from the tap in a little bit. I was in deep here. He was taping me, and I felt so used. Don’t you want more dog cum Bitch? Answer me, he yelled. Yes, sir, I do. I want more. Good boy, that’s what I like to hear. He let Rocky back in. Rocky wants more bitch. You know what to do. I got back on my hands and knees, and Rocky walked around me and sniffed and licked my ass again.

Sir stroked him again, and he got right up on me and started wildly fucking me again. Oh man, I was a dog slut, and this dog was really fucking me like he would a bitch dog in heat. I could feel his knot growing and knew once again, we were locked together. It didn’t last as long, and sir told me to get under him and suck his big dick. I don’t know why I did it, but I got under him, and damn his dick was big. I put my mouth on his cock, and he was squirting into my mouth. My gosh, he had a lot of cum. I kept at it until Rocky pulled away. Sir said I got some really great pics of you sucking his dick. It was so freaking hot.

You really are a dog slut. My boys love fucking you. I felt ashamed as my mouth and ass were full of dog cum, but I loved it too. I can’t wait to see all the pics and vids we took tonight. It’s going to be priceless. Please don’t post this anywhere, sir, I begged. I can’t let this get out. Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? From now on you will do as I say, and come and let me or my dogs fuck you anytime I want. Do you fucking understand? You are my bitch to use, and fuck as I want. Otherwise, this all get’s out, and I won’t have any control over how it gets on the net.

Yes, sir, I understand, and want to be your dog slut for you and your dogs to use. Good boy, now get the fuck out, and I’ll let you know when I need you again. I got dressed and went home. He called me 2 days later, and I had to comply.


The next day I got an e-mail from sir. He told me how hot it was to watch the dogs fuck me. He also sent me a few of the pics he had taken—some of the dogs fucking me. One of the dogs knotted in me, and a few of me sucking Rocky’s dick. I felt a little ashamed and dirty. He said his boys were really horny for some more pussy. What if I didn’t want the pics and vid. To get out, I would come over next Fri. evening to satisfy them. I e-mailed him I already had planned on Friday and couldn’t come over. He wrote back a little bit later. Well, suit yourself, he said. I can’t wait to post this stuff. You have until 7 pm Thursday to let me know you’re coming, or this goes out.

Fuck what did I do? I couldn’t have my face posted knowing what a freak I was. He really had me by the balls. 5 pm Thurs. I wrote him back. All right, I’ll be there Friday night. At 6 pm he wrote me back. I knew you would come around to my way of thinking. Be here at 7:30. It was a little hot thinking about his dogs fucking me. I really did like it, but had that guilty feeling too about doing it. Friday all day, I walked around thinking about being fucked by dogs. I did another cleansing enema and got dressed. I got in my car and headed over to his house. I walked up to the door and knocked. Sir opened the door and yelled out, dog slut there you are.

Come on to the party’s ready to start. I sheepishly walked inside. He told me to get naked, and I stripped in the living room. He motioned me to follow him. We walked into the kitchen, and there were 3 other guys sitting at the table. One of the guys yelled out, is this the guy? Sir told him, fuck yeah. The one and only dog fucker. They were all drinking beer. Pull up a chair, they said. I was handed a beer. Sir looked at me and said I knew you wouldn’t mind a few of my friends coming over and watching the show. They all loved the pics and vid. These 3 guys all looked a little rough, and all were smoking. A bearded guy on my left said, yeah, we want to watch.

Nothing like watching a live sex show, the other guys laughed. I had finished my beer and was handed another one. Drink up, they said it’s a party. Someone also passed me a joint and said here this will help get you in the mood. I took a couple of good hits on it. They all looked like a bunch of bikers. The joint was passed back to me, and I hit it again, and I started feeling a pretty good buzz. Sir looked at his friends and said anybody wants a blowjob? The guy on my right said yeah, I could sure use one. He stood up and dropped his pants and underwear. OK, slut, get over here and suck.

I got down on my knees, and he had a semi-hard cock. He pushed his cock in my mouth and told me to start sucking. I worked his cock up and down, and it tasted like old piss. I almost gagged a few times but kept at it. He got harder and was maybe 6”. He yelled out, hey, this bitch ain’t half bad. Everybody laughed and clapped. He started breathing heavily, and before I knew he squirted in my mouth. Oh yeah, baby, take it all, he said. I swallowed all, and he pulled out. Not bad at all. I can’t wait to see what the dogs can do. They had me stand up, turn around and bend over for them. The bearded guy came over and pushed a couple of lubed fingers in my ass.

Damn, that’s a nice ass. No wonder the dogs like fucking him. He slapped my ass and said, well, let’s get this show on the road. Sit led me over to the center of the living room floor and told me to get on my knees. At this point, everybody got up and came into the living room. Most had cameras. Sir yelled for Rocky. I could hear his nails as they hit the floor. Soon I felt a familiar nose at my ass. He gave it a few licks. It felt good to be licked. Suddenly he jumped up on me and started thrusting. I could hear all the guys cheering for him to fuck me. Come on, Rocky, fuck that bitch. Give it to him.

A few jabs and he was in. Once he was in, he really started fucking me hard and deep. It felt so good, and I loved it. I could see flashes going off. An occasional shout of encouragement and then Rocky jumped off me. A round of applause erupted as they told him what a good dog he was. Rocky circled me a few times, then remounted me, and with a few painful jabs in, he went. He was really giving me solid fucking. I was moaning from the good feeling he was giving me. One of the guys noticed this and said, hey, look at this bitch. She loves it.

Sir yelled, of course, she loves it. She’s a dog bitch. I could feel him swelling in me. I knew we were tied. I gained my composure and looked around. They were all taking pics and drinking beer. I could one of them say I can’t fucking believe it. He took the whole thing damn. I felt ashamed and so turned on at the same time. I couldn’t stop thinking about that beautiful big dog cock buried deep in me. I loved it. I was a dog slut. These guys couldn’t take that away from me. I could feel him shooting inside me. Damn, his knot was so big.

Suddenly a cock was thrust in front of me. Suck this bitch. I opened my mouth and in it pushed. This was a pretty big dick. So hard and thick. My mouth worked his cock the best I could. I gagged a few times from his thrusts. Again I could hear cheers egging him on. I almost felt like I was impaled by two cocks.

Flashes were everywhere. One guy was filming. I was sure of it. The dick kept working in and out of my mouth. I was really enjoying sucking it. My God, what was happening to me? I was a dog slut. The guy suddenly yelled, take it all you fucker, and his cum burst into my mouth. I swallowed it all. He pulled out and told everybody what a good cocksucker I was. A few more minutes and Rocky pulled out of my ass. Guys were taking pics, and they asked to see me suck his cock. Sir slapped my ass and told me to go over and suck that big dog cock.

I crawled over and felt Rocky’s big dick. I put my lips on it and started sucking. Rocky was still squirting into my mouth. I heard somebody say that’s the dirtiest thing I’ve ever seen anybody do in my life. I can’t believe he’s sucking a dog’s dick. Lots of pics were snapping away. Rocky pulled away, and I hear, sir say, OK guys here comes round two. He yelled at Rocky and put him outside.

I got back down on my knees, and here came Demon. He gave me a couple of courtesy licks, and up he went. A few hard pokes and he found his mark. Man, this guy was a machine with how he fucked. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else, but that big dog cock fucking me like there was no tomorrow. Another cock was pushed in my face. I opened my mouth and greedily sucked away. It was smaller and maybe five inches. Oh shit, the guy said damn what a great cocksucker. I was sucking away as the dog pounded deep in me. He didn’t last no time at all as I felt him squirt into my mouth.

Demon got bigger, and then I knew he knotted in me. Fuck this is a real dog bitch, He told sir what a lucky SOB he was. Don’t I know, and he laughed. Demon was filling me with his seed. Once again, I could see flashes going off everywhere. A few cheers for Demon. Telling him what a good boy he was. It looks like we really found our bitch. I heard one guy say. I thought, what the hell?

Sir said now boys, boys, there’s plenty of him to go around. This freaked me out a little bit. What were they talking about? I had a hold of Demon’s back leg to keep him from trying to dismount. He pulled a few times but stayed. Finally, he was able to pull out. I could feel cum dripping out of me. Demon was led outside. Somebody was behind me. I didn’t know what he was doing, filming maybe. Sir said OK guys make sure you get lots of pics and film this. He held up a wine glass. He had been behind me filling it dog semen. He handed it to me and said swallow it dog slut. I looked at everybody and knew I didn’t have a choice and took a few sips. Finally, I got it all down, and everybody cheered. One of the guys got behind me and said I got to fuck this dog sluts ass.

I felt a cock enter me and boy I loved this. He grabbed onto my hips and slowly worked his dick in and out of my pussy. Fuck me, I yelled out. One of the guys said this is the best bitch you ever got us. I didn’t care at this point; I just wanted to feel his cock slide in and out of me. Oh yeah, I love fucking this dog slut. She’s got a pretty good cunt to fuck. I could feel his cum dripping out of me. I felt fingers on my ass, and they came around to my mouth and said lick it up, bitch. I licked it all up.

They did this a few times until I didn’t have anymore. I was told to come into the living room and was offered a beer. Dog slut your all right, the bearded guy said. Someone else said pretty damn kinky. Sit down dog slut. You deserve a break, sir said. Let’s watch a few clips we got tonight. The TV came on, and there I was in all my glory being fucked by a dog. Then I was sucking the dog’s dick. It made me feel a little ill. The next clip showed me drinking the cup of dog cum out of my ass. One of the guys said that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever watched. I looked at sir, and he said I think the guys are satisfied, and you are one hot dog slut.

You may now get your clothes and leave. I stood up and walked and got my clothes, and left. The next day I got more pics of me sucking dog cock, reg guy cock sucked. Being fucked by dogs and showing the knot in me. Sir said a good job. My friends are pleased with your work. We can do so much more. I suddenly felt so dirty and ashamed of what I had done. We will be in touch with you soon. I asked sir about the pics and vid. What was going to happen to them? Don’t worry, bitch. We will let you know. With that, I left but was really worried about what was going on. As I drove home, I thought about all the pics and vids they had taken. I knew that would be trouble.


Sir sent me an e-mail a few days later. Hey, I have a friend who wants you to service his two dogs. He saw your film and some pics, and he really wants to see you get fucked by them. How about Sunday afternoon or evening dog slut? Let me know so I can set this up. I know your dying to get dog fucked again. Again he sent me a few pics. Sucking a dog’s dick and knotted up by one of them. Man, he really had me by the balls. I looked at my schedule, and reluctantly I answered him back Sunday afternoon around three would work.

He wrote me back and said shave all your pubic hair off and your ass too. Also, buy a pair of pink girl panties and have them on when you come over. I thought, really? He really wants me to do this?

I sighed and said, I guess. Great he answered back, send me a pic of you wearing those panties.

I’ll see you Sunday at three.

I had totally lost control of the situation, and I was in deep. I still couldn’t let the film and pics out to the public. It would destroy me.

The next day I went to a chain store and found a pair of pink panties. They looked like they would fit. I bought a few other things and a Birthday card. Like I’m buying these for a girlfriend or something. The salesgirl didn’t even make conversation. She just rang it up. I made it back home and got undressed and tried them on. They fit nicely, and my ass looked pretty good in them. Later that evening I took a pic and sent it to him. It was Thurs. And I wasn’t going to shave until Sat night or Sunday morning.

I kept thinking about what was going to happen Saturday all day. Late Saturday night, I got a pair of clippers and trimmed my public area the best I could. I got in the shower and lathered up and shaved the remaining hair. I also got the hair on my ass shaved. It felt nice to be bare. I stuck a dildo in my ass and pretended that it was a dog fucking me. Man, I was so horny. It felt so good and made me really want to be a dog’s bitch again. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted it.

I went to bed and had thoughts of tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday came, and I slept in. I felt so naughty being shaved. My dick and balls felt great. I started thinking about what kind of dogs did this guy have? I forgot to ask. I’m sure it would be OK, but I still wondered. I did another cleansing enema and did a little toy play to make sure it was clean. I put on the pink panties and got dressed. It was time to leave, and I was so nervous. I got in my car and drove over to his house. I knocked on the door, and my friend said all right, everybody let’s get this party started. I walked in, and I could hear a few people cheering me.

There were maybe 10 guys sitting around his dining room and living room. My friend said all right guys this is the dog slut you have seen on tape and pics. He’s here, and I know she won’t disappoint you all. Strip, he ordered me. I stripped down to my pink panties and got a few whistles and catcalls. I felt funny having all these guys look at me. A guy with a beard and biker jacket yelled at me. Hey, sweetie, come over here. I need to get this sucked.

Sir motioned me over, and this guy pulled his now growing cock out and said suck this. I dropped to my knees and put his cock in my mouth. It tasted of stale piss. It was gross, but I sucked it. It grew in my mouth and got pretty big. He forced his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. It was hard to breathe, but I kept at it. I could feel my panties being pulled down. A finger found my ass, and it felt so good. The finger left, and I could feel a nice hard cock, and suddenly it plunged in. I could feel it entering me. I was in heaven. Suddenly the other guys didn’t matter.

It felt so good to have a dick in my mouth and ass at the same time. The guy in my mouth tensed up and came, I swallowed it all. Another cock found its place, and I started sucking. It felt so natural to suck cock. The guy at my ass suddenly came, and he pulled his dick out. I could feel cum leaking out of me. Sir, suddenly said gentlemen, we know why we are here tonight. Let’s get this going. He called me up front.

I walked up next to him. Everybody here’s the dog slut. I know you all have seen his vids and pics. Well, we have some new meat tonight. I know that everybody has been eager to see this event. Well, without further adieu here we go. Bitch, drop to your knees, and get ready.

I got down and assumed the position. I could hear a dog’s nails hitting the floor, and I knew something had been let in. I felt a dog sniff my ass. I heard a man say this is Mickey, and he loves to fuck. A few licks on my ass and balls. I turned to see this was a big rottweiler. I had never played with one of them before. He got up on my back and began thrusting. His bone hurt a few places, and then he hit his mark. Once in, he fucked me for all he was worth. He was huge, and he was fucking me so deeply. A lot of the guys were cheering the dog on. Fuck that bitch, I heard, among other things. Holy fuck, I’ve never seen anything like that before. I was getting into it. He was a pure machine, and I loved it. Hey, look, the dog slut likes it. Somebody yelled, make sure you guys are getting this on film.

I could feel him growing inside me.

I felt his knott grow. We were locked. A lot of cheers for the dog were called out. That a boy, way to fuck that bitch. Good boy, God, he was big. I was being stretched good. My friend yelled out I told you guys this slut was good, didn’t I? Somebody said yeah, you got us a really good bitch. The dog tugged, and they helped him turn around, so we were butt to butt. His master called the dog, and he started moving away from me. It really hurt, but I had to crawl back to where ever this dog went.

His owner said good boy, that’s the way to fuck a bitch. He said you guys ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait till you see Butch. Now he can really fuck. I didn’t like the sound of that, but I was helpless to do otherwise. He made the dog move around a little more, and I felt like a slut as I heard guys laugh and jeer at me as I tried to keep up. I felt embarrassed, but all I could do was stay mounted to this monster of an animal in my ass. Finally, he pulled out of me, and I could feel his seed running out of me. Going down my legs and balls. Wow, look at that guys and take pics.

He really fucked him up. Look at all that coming out. Now that’s a stud dog. The dog’s led away, and a few guys taking pics and filming were moving around me. The dog’s master said anybody wants sloppy seconds? A couple of guys said yeah and hell yeah. A cock was thrust in my face and told to suck it. His cock went in, and he started thrusting in my mouth. He was fucking my face, and at the same time, a dick entered my ass.

I was coughing and gagging as this dick was way too big for me to suck. He kept at it, though, and wouldn’t stop. Take it, bitch. Come on, you know you want it. I did my best, and within a minute, he came in my mouth. Swallow it like the slut you are. I swallowed it all. The cock in me suddenly stopped, and I knew he was pumping me with his seed. He pulled out and said, now that’s some good pussy. Anybody else wants some of that? Suddenly I felt my ass again filled with dick. This guy was not big, but he worked it good. Another dick slapped my face and said suck this dog fucker.

I opened my mouth and did my best to suck him. It was hard to concentrate as this guy was fucking me good. I was really loving feeling his dick in me. The guy in my ass came quickly, and it felt like he really came a lot in me. The guy in my mouth also came, and I swallowed like a good girl would. Suddenly this guy got up and yelled at everyone.

Gentlemen, you have all come here this evening to watch this slut get fucked. Get your cameras ready for the main event. Let’s welcome Butch, my best Pitt mix. Everybody cheered, and to be honest, I was a little scared. He was led into the room and walked around me, sniffing my ass. He was big and very muscular. Eyes were focused on us, and he moved around me. I wondered how big his dick was. He sniffed a few more times, and suddenly he jumped up, and his dick found a home.

Oh my God, this dog could fuck. I got lost in the moment. I kept seeing flashes from cameras. Man, this dog was really fucking me like it was his last day on earth. Wow, it felt so good and man, I loved it. The guys were all cheering him on. I didn’t care I just wanted his cock in me. Fucking me deeply. He had shorter big strokes than the last dog. He grew thick, and suddenly he stopped, and I could really feel his knott swelling inside me. This dog did have a really big knott. It felt like a baseball was shoved in my ass. I moaned, and everybody noticed it, and they were giving the dog congrats. That a boy, fuck that bitch, give it to him.

Suddenly I heard a growl, and his face was on the back of my head. I didn’t move. He sniffed me and growled again. Oh crap, I didn’t want to get bit. I stayed still. Letting him do his thing. I could feel his knott in me, and it was so big. I was hoping he didn’t last long. That was the first time I was afraid.

Good boy was said to him, and I was worried he would bite me.

Finally, he was able to pull out and man I was relieved. Pics were taken of my ass and how much dog cum was leaking out of me. He was lead out, and finally, my friend told me I could get up. Guys, did I disappoint you? Everybody clapped and told him how good the evening had gone. My friend looked at me and said, OK, slut, you can go.

I got up and got dressed. I could still feel cum leaking out of my ass. After I got dressed, he told me we will be in touch and your such a good girl as he patted me on the head. I looked at him and smiled. I got out of there as quickly as I could. I sat in my car for a long time, thinking about what I had done. I drove home, and when I got home, I fingered my ass and jacked off at the same time. Licking my fingers off my ass before I came. Oh, that was great.

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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