Sneak Attack

By ArtOutOfMyMind.

My wife and I enjoy very active sex life. We want sex in every way imaginable. We are independently wealthy and live on a large isolated tract of land away from prying eyes, so we can explore indoors or out when and where we want without worrying about anyone seeing.

We’ve tried various variations indoors and out, but there was one more that I wanted to try but was afraid to ask. As open as we were, I was still scared to ask for this.

You see, I wanted to see a dog fuck her. This was something that we had never even talked about. I happened to see a short video online and was intrigued. The dog in the video had a huge cock and fucked at such a fast pace. It was just amazing. I got a massive hard-on from watching the video. I just had to see it in person. And I wanted to see it up close with my wife.

The first thing I had to do was to arrange to find a suitable dog. I was going to try to dog sit for friends but thinking about them, none of them had a dog of any size. That wasn’t going to work, so I had to think of something else. This was going to take some time, and I was patient.

I started to talk to my wife about getting a dog for protection when I was away. We talked about it for a while and discussed different breeds and the cost of purebred dogs. We decided against a purebred because of the problems associated with them. We decided to try to get a big dog of some sort.

We started to look in the papers and talked to friends about looking for a dog. A friend at work said his neighbor told him about his friend giving puppies away. I followed him home after work and went to the neighbor’s friend’s place. He only had two puppies left. They were ten weeks old and were huge. He said they were very smart and were already house-trained. I asked what kind they were, and he either didn’t know or wouldn’t say. He had one female and one male. They both were very friendly. I said I’d take the male as I didn’t want the chance of dealing with a puppy maker.

When I got home, my wife wanted to know where I’d been as I’m never late. I told her I had a surprise for her. I showed her the puppy, and she was all excited. I told her I had already named him Rambo. I was thinking about seeing him ram her when I came up with the name.

Over the next three months, he grew a lot and was a great pet. He listened well and was good in the house. When my wife was out, I played with him in other ways. I was preparing him for eventually fucking my wife. I would stroke him every chance I got. At first, he didn’t get it, but he slowly enjoyed it. I even put his cock in my mouth to see what he would do. He liked that. He would hump my face like crazy but was too young to cum yet. Eventually, he started to cum in my mouth when he got a little older. It tasted pretty good, and I was beginning to enjoy it. I let him fuck my mouth a lot.

I started to have him try to mount me, but he didn’t seem to understand. I figured that maybe it was because I had clothes on, so I stripped down, and we played that way for a while before I had him try again. I alternated between sucking him and trying to get him to mount me. He was starting to get frantic to cum, sot his time. He seemed to be more interested. He licked my ass a little before jumping up and trying to mount me. I kept moving away so he would get used to a moving target.

I doubted my wife would be a willing participant the first time, so I wanted to ensure he wouldn’t give up easily. He quickly caught on to the game, hung on, and chased along with me. I froze when he got the tip of his cock in my ass because I wasn’t expecting that.

When I froze, it gave him enough time to catch up with me and ram it in deep. I tried to get away, but he held on very tight. He was pumping my ass like a demon dog. It wasn’t hurting me, so I just gave up and let him have his way with me.

I was getting turned on by this, so I reached down and stroked myself. In no time, I was cumming like crazy. This felt so good, cumming while he was fucking my ass. I had never felt anything like it before. He seemed to finish up soon after I did and jumped off me. The only thing was, he was knotted to me. I was so caught up in getting myself off that I didn’t even notice the knot going in me.

I panicked initially, but my wife wasn’t due back for a while, so I waited for him to shrink and pull out. After about 10 minutes, he did pull out and cleaned up his mess. I cleaned up the rest of the mess before my wife came home. My ass was a little sore for a while after that.


We repeated this exercise many times during his training. My ass was getting a workout, and he was growing bigger. He was about 150 lbs of what looked like a Great Dane-Saint Bernard mix. His cock was getting hard to handle. It was a good thing I started when he was smaller because he broke in my ass slowly over time. His cock was about 10 inches long and almost as thick as my wrist.

I constantly planned how to get my wife involved when the opportunity rang. We were playing around on our couch when Rambo started nosing around. I had been rubbing her juicy pussy and letting him sniff my hand behind my back when he jumped up and started humping me right there. We jumped up, and she suddenly said she had to go outside to weed some flower beds. She was wearing a pair of those loose short shorts without panties. The kind that showed her goodies when she bent over just right. I’d been rubbing her through the leg hole.

I had an idea. She went outside, and I went upstairs to set up the video camera. I didn’t know if it would work, but if it were, I would get it on tape. When I had the camera set up, I went back down to the door leading outside with Rambo by my side. He was still excited after licking her juices off of my hand. I knew that she was still juicy and Rambo was horny. I was watching her work and stroking Rambo. He was seeking relief, humping my hand and trying to mount me, but all I was letting him get was more and more excitement.

I saw my chance coming up and waited for the perfect moment. There was one place in the flower beds where she had to stretch between some bushes that would leave her vulnerable. I could see whenever she leaned forward. Her shorts would creep to the side and show her pussy wide open. Rambo would have to be a little lucky, but I thought he would jump right on and plow into her in his excited state.

I gave him a couple more good strokes and quietly let him outside. He was still humping the air a little when he went out. I ran upstairs to the window and watched from above.

He went straight over to her, but she didn’t notice. She was into her weeding. Just in time, she reached the area I expected. Rambo took one sniff of her back end and jumped on. She jumped and screamed a little but Rambo had her pinned between the bushes where she couldn’t escape.

She was wiggling and calling for me, but I couldn’t hear her. Rambo was humping for all he was worth but must not have been able to penetrate her. She kept trying to escape but couldn’t get away. All of a sudden, she stiffened up as Rambo must have hit his intended target. She started to call for me then, but I still waited. I waited until I saw that she was beginning to enjoy it.

Eventually, she started to move with him and also started moaning. I ran downstairs and outside and asked what the hell was going on. She didn’t answer since she was in the middle of an intense orgasm. Rambo was also cumming, so I tried to pull him off her. She yelled for me to stop. She said it was too late. He was locked into her.

She had her hand underneath, rubbing her clit furiously. She was going for another. Right when she started cumming Rambo jumped off her and was ass to ass and still locked with her. She went wild as she came. She was moaning about all kinds of things. She said she never imagined it could be this good, and he was so big and filled her up.

When he finally pulled out, she came out from between the bushes and started to apologize. She said she was sorry and didn’t mean to do that with him. I told her I didn’t care and that it was the hottest thing I’d seen. It turned me on, and I was hard as a rock.

She told me to straddle her and look at the mess Rambo left while she sucked me off. She had slid the shorts to the side so I could look at her dog cum drooling pussy. I climbed on her and faced her soaked crotch. She started to suck my cock slowly and pinch it once a while to keep me from coming too quickly. I was going crazy and begged her to let me cum.

I was fucking her mouth, and she was taking it down her throat but still applying the pressure to hold me off. She reached up with her legs and pulled my face down into her crotch, and now she was grinding her sloppy dog cummy pussy on my nose and mouth. I was ready to cum when I felt Rambo jump on my back. When he did, he pushed me deeper into my wife’s throat, and my face was pushed deeper into her sticky crotch. This pushed me over the edge.

I wanted to cum too bad to try to stop Rambo from doing what I knew he would do. Rambo started fucking my ass for all he was worthwhile. My wife choked on my cum, but she was swallowing it all. I felt like I would never stop cumming.

This was as depraved as it could ever be. I was eating dog cum out of my wife’s pussy as my dog ass fucked me, and my wife sucked me dry, and I loved it. Rambo pulled up tight as my wife was getting off again. He unloaded in my ass as my wife was cumming on my face. After my wife got off on me, she slid out from under me. She sat back and watched as I kneeled helplessly with Rambo’s cock stuck in me, ass to ass.

She said she had to rank with some of the best sex she had ever had. And if she didn’t know better, she was set up. I had it all on tape, and we watched it repeatedly.

I admitted that I had wondered what it would be like to have her have sex with a dog. And when I saw her bent over outside weeding with her pussy showing, I devised a plan. But the plan didn’t include me getting boned by the dog.

After Rambo came loose, he licked my ass clean and went over to clean himself. We lay there talking when Rambo came back and sat with us.

He rolled over his back and started showing some pink doggy cock. We laughed at his display. This made him show more pink. I told her that it looked like he wanted some more attention. I suggested that he might like a hand job.

She reached out and slowly stroked him, and he showed some pink. She said she couldn’t believe it all fit inside her and me. As she stroked him, more and more of him showed, and his knot started swelling. She really couldn’t believe that the knot was inside us. It was bigger than my fist.

I told her to see how he tastes. She didn’t want to at first but eventually did give him a tentative lick. After seeing it didn’t taste that bad, she stuck it in her mouth and made a show of giving him a quality blow job. He was humping the air, trying to get more in her mouth. I was impressed that she was doing her best to get it all down her throat.

By now, I had a massive hard-on myself. I got behind her, rammed my cock into her pussy, and gave her my best while looking over her shoulder. I was pushing her onto Rambo’s cock even more than she was herself. She was swallowing his cock right down to the knot. It looked like she was also trying to get the knot into her mouth. She was really into this.

I knew the signs from experience and saw that Rambo was about to unleash a torrent of cum into her throat. He was making familiar noises when he was about to cum. I sped up to cum with him and was surprised when she started cumming also. Rambo let out a growl, my wife moaned over his cock, and I groaned as we came.

We all fell in a heap after that. Rambo cleaned himself, then us, me first, then the wife. She had to push him away as she was sore from the workout.

We all three slept great that night in the same bed. I woke up twice to Rambo fucking my wife. She fucked him doggy style on the bed and missionary off the edge of the bed.


I woke up and went to the bathroom to piss, and when I got back and sat on the bed, Rambo jumped up and knocked me onto my back. Once on my back, he was standing between my legs on top of me, humping me. I tried to get up and mistakenly raised my knees, and he humped right into my ass. He was fucking me silly before I knew it. I gave up fighting him and just let him have his way with me. This gave me a hard-on with his furry belly rubbing against my cock.

I started to hump at him so hard that it woke my wife. She rolled over, saw what we were up to, and was amazed. She pulled my cock to the side and started to suck on it as Rambo fucked me. Rambo was taking longer than usual as he probably came eight times already during the last 24 hours.

My ass was burning from the abuse it had taken so far, and my cock felt like it was going to spew hot molten lava. I screamed out that I would cum just as Rambo pulled up tight to do the same. My wife took me out of her mouth and jerked me all over her face. I came so much I couldn’t believe how much I came. There was something special about cumming while being fucked in the ass by a dog. This time I was being fucked missionary style, which was new for Rambo and me.

My wife admitted that Rambo had fucked her missionary style twice and once in the ass during the night. She said that it was the best she had ever had. She had never had anything that deep in her, and it felt unbelievable. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she woke up and found him fucking me the same way. I told her how it happened.

Training him to let us be when we didn’t want sex took a while. We called him a rapist because he didn’t understand and would overpower us occasionally. Luckily this didn’t happen while guests were visiting. We had to keep him locked up while guests were visiting.

One female guest insisted that we let him out while she was there, saying that it was unfair to keep him locked up just because she was there. She was a wild friend of my wife’s, so I relented. Surprisingly he behaved himself.

When it was time for bed, he was stuck to her side. We joked that it looked like he wanted to stay with her tonight. She said that would be fine and let him out if he wanted to go outside.

Luckily we had arranged for her to stay in a room with a hidden camera in a corner facing the bed. We went to bed, turned on the TV, and tuned to the guest room. I was happy I had spent the money on a good camera because the picture was incredible. I put a tape in the VCR and hit record. We watched as she got ready for bed, and Rambo just watched.

When she got into bed, Rambo jumped up with her and laid down. She tried to get him off the bed when he rolled onto his back and showed some pink. She stopped suddenly, looked at his cock, the door, and then back at his cock. She slowly reached out and gently stroked his cock, and about 6 inches of pink showed.

On TV, we could see her mouth. Wow. She continued to stroke him as it grew to bigger lengths. Then she brought her hand to her mouth to smell and taste his juices. When she seemed to approve of the taste, she looked back at the door before going in for a more direct taste. She first lightly licked him, then quickly sucked in a mouthful.

This caused Rambo to start bucking and fucking her mouth. She stopped quickly and seemed to make a decision. She jumped up, took off her panties, and leaned over the bed, presenting her ass to him. He was up in a flash and was on her back before she could change her mind. He was in her deep and fucking hard and fast before she knew what was happening. She was cumming right away. We could hear her moaning even without the TV. He fucked her through what seemed like continuous orgasms.


The next morning she slept late, and after a shower, she left, saying she would have to visit again soon. We told her she was welcome anytime. She said Rambo was great company during the night and that he made her feel safe. We left the VCR running all night and later found out that he fucked her seven times during the night and hit every hole at least twice. She has been back several times, and we have several tapes of her episodes.

That dog has been a faithful companion and part of our sex lives.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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