Special Training

By Michelle M.

When I was in high school, I knew my blonde hair, large natural tits, a body toned and shaped like a model that I could use to get certain things that otherwise may not have been available.

I had skipped school for a fun trip of swimming in a local river with some guys. One of my teachers said the test that was given could not be made up. He decided I would have passed it anyway, so he just gave me the grade. Later that day, in his private office, the door closed and locked, me kneeling between his legs, giving him a fantastic blow job.

Law school was also an easy path, but I did put in the work so that when I set for my bar exam, I was prepared and passed with an extremely high score. What surprised me was a personal secretary of Mr. Grayson, senior partner of one of the largest law firms in the country, made an appointment with me to talk about a possible job offer they would like to extend. I, of course, jumped at the idea, arranging to fly out to Boston as soon as the results of the exam were confirmed.

Linda was a knockout brunette, but when we first meant completely professional, she was all flirty and cuddly when she picked me up at the airport. Something I prefer is a woman over a man. A good cock is fantastic, but for the most part, I prefer women. As soon as we were in her car, “I’ve taken today off to show you around, if it is OK with you, I have a spare bedroom, you’re welcome to stay in, until you, hopefully, will accept the job then Mr. Grayson will probably send you to a special camp, for management training, I went, and since then I just love working under the boss.”

While she was talking, her hand had rested comfortably on my bare leg, moving to the inside of my knee, causing me to open them wide, wanting her to know I was all hers if she wanted me.

We drove around the city, hitting the most known sites. Later in the afternoon, we stopped into a bar. Apparently, the cute bartender knew Krissy, hugging she introduced me as the new employee, then she told her, “Nikki wants to try the house special; I’ll just have a beer.”

As we slid into a table, kind of in the back and out of sight to the majority of the club, “So what is the house special?”

She giggled, “You’ll love it. Mr. Grayson insists that all the new employees have one, it is a fruity type of drink, but I know you’ll love it.”

Her hand had moved up my leg, now two fingers moving back and forth over my panty-covered pussy, making me very hot. The drink arrived. It was a pretty drink, with all different colors, sipping a little, my mouth tingled, a pleasant warmth spread all over my body, not really sure how it happened, I finished the first one, a second one was put down quickly. Halfway through that one, Mr. Grayson slid in by my side, “Nikki, so glad to see you. I own this place and have all of my new people brought here. I know how hot you must be feeling now. Let us help you take off those panties, and this sill bra, so your body can breathe”?

He and Linda helped me out of my clothes, now setting their nude. He looked me over, turning to my companion, “She will be perfect for the new training center. Keep her drugged, then bring her to me in the morning. Oh, and thanks, this one will be perfect. I owe you.”

Two more drinks and I was in an erotic haze that would take me days to come out of. The evening was blurry and fuzzy. I remember her being between my legs, letting me enjoy a fantastic orgasm, then the evening went blank as sleep took over my body.

We were waking the next morning, Linda nude by my side, playing with my nipples, then giving me another drink I had enjoyed the previous night. Helping me shower, wrapping a single small wrap around my body, helping me in the car, two unbelievably cute secretaries helped me out of the car at the office. Entering Mr. Grayson’s office, he stood, “Nikki, so glad to see you. Let me tell you about the position we’re offering to you.”

He explained the package, much more money than I had expected, even though I was having a hard time concentrating on what was being said, so when he had me sign the contracts, then told me he was sending me to a training facility, so I would be better prepared as the person who would start every staff meeting of the upper partners and potential executive staff.

Still, in a haze, I was taken to the airport, put on a private jet, and flown down to somewhere outside Brazil.

A staff car was waiting for me. A cute dark skinned girl greeted me, “You must be Nikki. We’re so glad to have you join us for the month. I guarantee that when you leave, you will be a whole new person.”

By this time, the drugs I had been given were wearing off, leaving me starved. Climbing in the limo, the smell was fantastic. There was a tray of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and some water with the center’s name on the label. My driver turned, “There is a tray of our own recipe of chokokookies. They are made with a berry growing wild around our facility. No one ever enjoys just one. The water is also blended with the berries. Try it also. I think you’ll like it.”

They smelled so good. I grabbed one, ate half of it, rested back in the deep leather seats, sipping some water, finishing the cookie. My whole body felt perfect, much different than it had been earlier. Enjoying two more cookies, plus a second bottle of water, I had taken off my gown, was opening, massaging my breasts, rubbing my hands between my legs, noticing my driver was watching closely, “What is in those cookies and drink? I’ve never felt any better than I do now.”

She laughed, “It’s the berries I told you about. We use them in everything. They are called the fuck-berries. They keep all of us in a sexual haze at all times.”

Lounging back in the seat, legs spread wide apart, snacking on another cookie, “Normally I’d be worried at feeling this horny, but I really don’t care, love the feeling.”

Handing her up a couple of cookies and some water, we pulled over about halfway to our destination. She joined me in the back seat, me slipping down on the floor, between her legs, licking and sucking until she exploded cum all over my face. While I was cleaning her up, swallowing as much of her as I could, then looking up at her, her nectar was having the same effect as the cookies and liquid had on me. She was smiling, “Since I live at the training center and consume this berry all the time, my cum and saliva have the same effects you were feeling earlier. One of our local manufacturers has produced a generic reproduction of the berries drug, so now everything is helping us stay aroused and horny.”

By the time we arrived, my tits were so excited from my massaging, between my legs, everywhere was soaked. I was shown into the main office area, a cute brunette greeted me, offering me more treats and different types of drinks. While she was logging me in, not at all embarrassed at being nude, a strange dog came up behind me, licking his tongue all the way along my now puffy pussy lips, causing me to grab onto the desk I was standing in front of, my eyes rolling up in my head, a small whimper escape me. The secretary looked up, a small giggle, “Oh, I see you’ve meant Roscoe; he is one of the many K9s we have all over the facility. They do love to lick pussies, especially new arrivals. He’ll keep licking until he can give you a climax, then he’ll be on his way.”

It didn’t take long before he had me on the edge, finally exploding cum all over his snout. Just like she had said, once he had me cleaned, he was on his way. Around the same time, I was all checked in. Another cute redhead, this time, showed me to my room. As soon as I was settled inside, she stepped up behind me, pressing her body to mine, kissing my neck while she massaged my breasts. In a few minutes, I dropped down on my knees, licking her pussy, then when she laid back on the sofa, moving between her legs, enjoying how good her juices tasted and how much better it tasted since she obviously consumed the fuck berry.

She left shortly after I had cleaned her up, laying on my bed, my hands playing with my body, thinking of how many changes had taken place, since I graduated and passed the exam, now instead of practicing law, I had just let a dog give me an orgasm, as well as many women.

Slipping off to sleep, I could hear a light buzz, never realizing subliminal messages were being pumped into my room, not really know what was being said, and I was so turned on that nothing was bothering me.

I had a nice breakfast, another dog came up, as before licking me until I screamed when he took me over the top. My first seminar started at 10 am. I was the only person in a small room. The projector showed a lady who talked about how to conduct an exciting meeting. I didn’t know the hundreds of images I couldn’t see of women enjoying being licked and seduced by many dogs.

A dog came up during the lunch break, kissing me a deep passionate type of kiss, something I’d never have expected from a dog, but I also realized the drug from the berries was laced in his saliva.

The next few days, the presentations became more intense, then by the end of the week, I saw women on all fours being sexually taken advantage of by a dog. The funny thing was this did not bother me in any way. When the dogs would visit me, many times I was now inviting them into my room, enjoying them licking me to an intense orgasm, then one day I dropped down on my knees, reaching under this one, stroking his cock, then leaning down, giving him a fantastic blow job, almost passing out when he emptied his load in my mouth. So much fuck-berry at one time took over my whole body, sending it into an erotic haze.

Moving from blowjobs on dogs to being on all fours the first time, feeling a large K9 jump up on my back, sending his huge cock deep inside my pussy. The rapid pounding had my eyes rolled up in my head, my tits shaking back and forth. A total feeling of pure euphoria took over as soon as he began to empty the first of his seed inside me. He emptied so much in me, then locked it in with his knot, spun my body completely out of control, leaving me in a sexually erotic haze.

While I was in this hazy state, I was transported to the clinic. A physician and two nurses began to enhance my boobs to the point of going from a Double D to a large Double F. My pussy lips were injected, making them puffy and so sensitive to the touch. When the procedures were complete, the new subliminal messages dealt with bestiality openly, the subliminal concentrating on how much I am enjoying having sex with dogs.

The last week, I chose a dog as my permanent companion, a large Akita was so soft, and his cock was huge, something I know will keep me happy. Videos were ways the two of us can entertain a large group of men and women. Every chance I got, my new companion fucked me, then it was time to head home.

Arriving back at the office, Linda meant me, surprised at the changes that had occurred with my body, a special condo had been built on the 23rd floor, the executives were a floor above me, and VP’s and assistants were on my floor. A board meeting was scheduled the following morning—three hundred pounds of dog food, laced with the generic form of my favorite berry.

When everyone was settled in the room, many of the secretaries sitting on their boss’s lap cocks up inside them, Aki and I walked in, jumping up on the table, my huge tits bouncing, my pussy being so inviting. Moving to Mr. Grayson, I kissed him, watching his eyes roll up in his head, the first exposure to the Fuck-berry from my saliva. Aki was kissing one of the other girls, then a second one. I picked a big-breasted blonde to kiss, having her join our boss, they immediately began to fuck. The two down at the opposite end were locked on each other’s pussies.

I moved to the center of the table, got down on all fours, looked at Aki, “Mount me now, Aki.”

He immediately moved behind me, licking my pussy one time, jumping up on my back, his cock in the same motion, sliding easily inside me, his knot present but not in me until he released his cum. The speed he could fuck me with was incredible. Glancing around the room, everyone was in some sexual activity. Blowjobs, fucking, anal penetration, pussy pleasure, girl on girl, one guy jacking off his friend – everyone was sexually aroused.

Aki emptied his load inside me. That much cum laced with the fuck-berry was something I wasn’t used to yet, so I plunged into an erotic haze, slumping down on the table. Almost everyone was recovering within the hour. Mr. Grayson remained nude in his chair, “You’ve done well, Nikki, but when you kissed me, your saliva was laced with something. What was it?”

I told him of the Fuck-berry and the fact it could be manufactured now. He immediately ordered a full truckload to be delivered as quickly as possible. A raise and a partner position were given to me, now I have my own suite, entertaining anyone who comes to my area, I am the opening performance for any board meeting, sex is all over the office, on every floor – a long way from wanting to practice law.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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