By dogupme.

Strange how a random series of events can escalate and pile up into a big event that completely changes your life. At least, that’s how Mandy saw it. a sequence of circumstances leading up to what she called ‘the incident.’ But in fact, the events were carefully planned and far from random. Mandy had been set up from the very start.

As she was known to the Pack, Randy Mandy was an obvious choice. She was known to be a girl of easy virtue since she was a teen, and it was common knowledge that she was anybody after three snakebites. Mandy was nobody’s girl but was always invited or taken to most of the wilder parties. Once she had her legs in the air, it was a lot easier to persuade all the other girls at the party to cast off their inhibitions.

She wasn’t a minger, but neither was she a natural ten.

It was no secret that she hung out with the Pack because she had the hots for JD and hoped he’d take her as his babe once Mandy could show him what a hot lay she was. Of course, she had no chance. JD was the top dog, tall, good-looking, ripped body, and reputedly hung like a donkey. There is no way he would hitch himself to the town bike, which had not only been fucked by every gang member but also a healthy proportion of the men in town.

So when Davey picked her up at the Crown and Cushion and suggested they go on to a little party at the boat club, she was extra interested when he mentioned that JD would be there.

The party wasn’t until ten, so they had more drinks. Mandy was already drunk by the time they got to the boat club.

“Where’s JD?” she asked, looking around the clubhouse and not seeing him.

“We’re a bit early. JD’s probably still taking his dog for a walk.”

Mandy vaguely remembered that JD had a dog. A sandy-colored large dog named Bruce, Butch, or something like that. She didn’t know the breed, and dogs weren’t really of interest to her. Not then, anyway. Davey went to the bar to fix Mandy another snakebite. Her fifth. While he was gone, she looked around. It was mostly bikers at the party and far more guys than girls. She only saw three or four girls and didn’t recognize them except Babs, who was currently Tony’s squeeze.

Her heart fluttered as the door opened, and JD came in with his dog. She considered walking over and petting the big animal (maybe if he thought she was a dog lover, JD might take some interest in her), but the heavy-set Boxer/Mastiff mix looked a little scary.

So she just shouted, “Hi, JD,” to him and waved.

Davey returned with the drinks and tried to chat with her. But the heavy rock music was too loud for her to hear what he was saying. She was feeling a bit dry and thirsty, so she finished her drink faster than she intended, so Davey went to get her another. He came back a little later with a small tumbler of something purple.

“They didn’t have any lager left to make a snakebite, so I got you this cocktail instead.”

She shrugged and sipped the sweet-tasting liquid, not knowing what it was or what Davey had put in it.

“Hey Davey!” someone shouted. “We’re playing truth or dare. You two joining us?”

“Sure. I’m up for it.” Davey replied. “Are you playing?” he asked Mandy.

She noticed JD was in the circle, so she readily accepted. She almost stumbled and felt very dizzy, but Davey helped her. Soon they were all sitting in a circle on some cushions. JD ran a large needle through a cork and dropped it into the water bowl in the circle’s center. It immediately pointed at Mandy (the electro-magnet sewn into her cushion).

“Truth or dare?” JD asked.

Mandy decided to play it safe at first. “Truth.”

“Okay,” JD said. “Have you ever had sex with more than three people simultaneously?”

Mandy blushed and nodded. “Yes,” she admitted.

“Right. Take your T-shirt off,” JD demanded.

“What?” Mandy was confused. She’d just done the truth.

“House Rules,” Shawn told her. “Every time you take a truth, you have to take off an item of clothing.”

Mandy took off her top and dropped it behind her.

“Your turn to challenge. Spin the pointer.”

Mandy spun the cork, and it settled on one of the bikers whose name she couldn’t recall. “Truth or dare?” she asked. He picked the truth. “Have you ever kissed another guy?”

A few people laughed.

“Yeah. I have done that,” he laughed.

“Okay. Off with the shirt.”

He took off his shirt and gave the cork a spin. JD discretely pressed the button on the remote control on his keyring, and the needle settled on Mandy again.

“Truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Mandy said.

He looked at her dead and smirked, “Have you ever been fucked by eight guys at once?”

Mandy thought for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. She’d got too drunk on snakebites last month and ended up in a gang-bang. There were a few guys there, but was it eight? She was certainly sore the next day.

“Come on. If you don’t answer, you have to pay a consequence.”

“Erm, I think I might have. Yes!” she finally answered.

There were a few cheers and whistles from the group.

“Cool. Off with your bra, then. Let’s see those titties.”

There was another round of cheering as she removed her bra to let her generously sized bosom spring free. She was rather proud of her breasts, and with her inhibitions shattered, she enjoyed the admiration. The game continued with the needle pointing at her almost every other turn.

“Truth or dare?” JD asked with a grin after she had got his pants off.

“Truth,” she said.

“Are you sure?” he said with a grin. “You’re down to your knickers now.”

As far as Mandy was concerned, this was now a strip game, and she was winning. “Sure.”

“Okay.” he paused momentarily, then said, “Have you ever played with a dog’s cock and balls?”

“No! Never!” she replied, quite shocked.

“Would you like to?” he asked quietly.

The room was deathly quiet. The DJ had stopped playing the music ages ago, and everyone at the party was gathered around watching the game unfold. Mandy gulped her glass, which someone had refilled for her. She glanced across at the dog and saw a red tip glistening at the end of his thick sheath and a pair of huge balls beneath.

“Th-that’s two questions. That’s cheating,” Mandy said.

“Doesn’t matter. From now on, it will be ‘dares’ unless you are willing to pay the consequences. Now take off those wet panties.”

Mandy’s head spun, and she couldn’t think straight, but she felt hot and horny. “So what are the consequences?” she asked as she struggled to remove her underwear, getting her foot tangled in the thin black material.

“If you can’t remove clothing or refuse a dare, you lose. Game over. You are ours. Permanently. You become the club’s sex slave and will service every member. Make yourself available at any time. If someone goes for a piss, you hold his cock for him and lick it clean afterward. If he goes for a shit, you lick his ass clean. You belong to us until we decide to sell you.”

That was it. All or nothing. Mandy had to take and accept every dare until the game finished with everyone naked. ‘But it can’t be me every time,’ she thought. It barely occurred to her to grab her clothes and run, but then again, in her present state, Mandy could barely stand, let alone run. She spun the cork and was delighted it pointed at JD again. At least Mandy would get to see his famous cock. She could see the shape of it bulging in his shorts and was hungry to see more.

“Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” JD replied.

That surprised her. What could she do? Unable to think clearly and wanting desperately to see that famed penis, she said, “I dare you to wank on my tits.”

JD grinned and stood up. He walked over to Mandy and pulled his jockeys down to his knees so his ten-inch long cock hung just inches from her face. It was almost erect already, and soon he was fully erect and beating his meat in front of her. Mandy was feeling so horny now and was wishing she had dared him to fuck her. But that could come later, perhaps. Her cunt was wet and dripping by the time his face contorted as he gasped, and she felt his warm cum splatter over her breasts.

“My turn,” he said as he wiped his huge cock on her cleavage, tucked his cock back into his underwear, and walked back to his cushion.

He leaned forward and spun the cork, then felt under the cushion for the cheat button with his left hand. The needle pointed to Mandy again. Without saying a word, he looked at Mandy.

“Dare,” she said, knowing there was no other choice.

JD turned and picked up a small silk bag with his clothes behind him. “I dare you to put this in your asshole,” he said as he took out a faux fur tail with a butt plug at the base.

Mandy leaned forward, took the tail from him, and tried to insert it into her back passage.

“You can use some of that cum on your chest as lube,” he said helpfully.

Mandy ran a finger across her chest, smeared the cum over the butt plug, and winced as she pushed it into her anus. She tried to sit back down cross-legged, but the extra pressure on the butt plug was uncomfortable, so she knelt on her knees.

JD spun the pointer again, and it rested, pointing at Mandy. She didn’t even register that it was her turn to spin, which was hardly surprising as she was drunk and drugged as they had spiked her drink with something to make her a little more suggestible and less able to think for herself.

“Dare,” she said.

“I dare you to suck off Spike,” JD grinned.

It wouldn’t be the first time she had sucked a guy off at a party, and Mandy considered herself pretty good at fellatio.

“Okay. Erm, who’s Spike, though?” she asked as her eyes wandered around the room.

Her vision was blurred now, but the shape that trotted towards her was not standing on two legs. She tried to focus and quickly realized that Spike was JD’s dog.

“You’re joking! You have to be kidding me,” she slurred.

“You know the rules, Mandy,” JD said. “But I’ll tell you what. I’ll make it easier for you.”

Mandy hung on his words, waiting to hear his proposition.

“You don’t have to suck his cock if you let him fuck you,” JD declared.

‘Wow, not much of a choice,’ she thought. ‘Either give a dog a blowjob or let it fuck me.’

If she had been in a clearer state of mind, she would have laughed and said no way, but then if Mandy had been less drunk and roofied, she would have grabbed her shoes and run the moment JD laid down ground rules. She would have realized before now that she had been set up.

“You already look like a bitch in heat with that tail hanging from your ass,” someone commented.

Mandy felt shamed, but she would soon be a hell of a lot more ashamed. She crawled to peer under the big dog’s belly to look at his equipment. A deep red pointed member glistened as it peeked out of the hairy sheath. She couldn’t bring herself to put it in her mouth, so she finally said, “Okay, he can fuck me.”

The trap was sprung.

A loud cheer from the audience gathered around, and one of the guys helped Mandy get into position immediately.

“Keep your ass high and both your palms flat on the floor,” he advised as Spike started to sniff at her pussy.

Even in her drunken half-drugged state, she could feel his rough tongue lap at her wet cunt and shiver in anticipation. He quickly mounted her, and she felt his sharp claws dig into her flank as his paws gripped her tightly, thrusting his bony member at her sex. The first two or three thrusts poked painfully at her ass cheeks, but then his hard bone found her cunt and sank in like a knife through butter.

His cock felt warm, hotter than she expected, and much warmer than a human cock. Spike jackhammered his groin at her rump, and she expected this to be over very quickly, but she was in for quite a surprise. It seemed like he was swelling and getting bigger inside her. He thrust harder with such great force that Mandy squealed as he rammed his knot into her pussy.

Spike gripped her tummy tightly as he thrust with all his might, knocking the breath out of her as she gasped. One of the guys held onto her shoulders to prevent her from being pushed away by the force as she panted with eyes now wide open in surprise as the dog spurted hot pre-cum inside her. Spike’s knot was firmly embedded inside her and growing rapidly. Then the massive hound stopped thrusting as he flooded her womb with hot cum.

“Oh my god!” she yelled. “I can feel Spike cumming inside me! I can’t take it. It’s too much!”

Mandy’s belly visibly swelled with the huge cock and doggy cum filling her uterus. Mandy began to panic.

“Get it out! Get it out quick!” she screamed. “PLEASE!! Make him stop!”

“Sorry, sugar, he’s tied.” JD said, “He couldn’t pull that knot out now if he wanted to, and it would rip you open if he did.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she shook uncontrollably with the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt. Her legs suddenly turned to jelly and collapsed under her, and she fell belly down onto the cushions someone had pushed under her, with the great hairy weight still on her back and the huge cock that she felt throb with each fresh spurt of cum firmly planted inside her.

Mandy’s head spun around and around, and her vision was now a red blur. She felt Spike dismount her and turn around, his huge cock still wedged inside her, making her aching pussy throb with each beat of his heart. She felt her cunt intolerably stretch as he dragged her backward, then there was a loud popping sound as he finally freed his knot, and his hot cum gushed out of her gaping pussy.

Mandy groaned and then passed out on the pile of cushions.

“Okay, everyone. You know the drill,” JD said loudly to the audience. “You can keep all the pictures and vids on your mobiles and cameras if you like, but nobody is to share anything or post it anywhere unless I give the order. Clear?”

Everyone agreed. If the plan worked, that word would never come, but at least they had these hot pics and the promise of even greater entertainment to follow.


Mandy started to come around thirty minutes later to find she was still belly down on the cushions, on her knees with her ass in the air, and being fucked by Nigel, one of the gang. Of course, she didn’t know it was Nigel. It could have been anybody (and often was at these parties), and Mandy had no idea how long he’d been fucking her or who else had fucked her while the woman had been oblivious. She was still drunk and barely aware of what was going on around her, and after the intense fucking by Spike could barely feel Nigel poking away at her wet pussy. She didn’t feel Nigel cum, but assumed he had when he withdrew from her, to be followed a moment or two later by Bob.

Bob was a heavily built man in his late thirties who was pretty well known for the size of his member. He grabbed her wolf tail and lifted it so he could see his cock plunge deep into the slack cunt, and tugged it towards him, pulling Mandy deep onto his nine-inch cock. By now, Mandy was so relaxed and her cunt so dilated that even Bob was in for an easy wet sloppy ride.

Even so, Mandy could feel his cock inside her and murmured happily, “Oooh, Spike.”

“Ha-Ha! I think she’s in love with Spike,” someone said.

“Finally, Randy Mandy has an official boyfriend,” one of the girls said.

Then everyone started to chant, “Spike—Spike—Spike!”

Richie turned to JD. “Do you think Spike can perform again?”

“Sure! He’s a horny stud, and he’s had enough time to recover. I bet he could fuck all night,” JD said.

As Bob was close to cumming he pulled back on the tail in his left hand real hard. Too hard, and the plug flew out of Mandy’s anus. Bob couldn’t resist as the slightly loosened hole pouted at him, so he pulled his massive cock out of the slack pussy, and thrust it hard and deep into her asshole. Mandy yelped in pain and surprise as the throbbing meat penetrated her back passage. She was no anal virgin, but this was a complete surprise, and Bob’s cock was bigger than any other cock that had entered through her back door.

Unlike her poor abused pussy, this hole was still tight, and it only took a few strokes for the tight ring of muscle to bring Bob to orgasm. The huge cock throbbed and pulsed deep in her rectum as Bob filled her bowels with his cum. With a sigh, Bob emptied his balls into her and pulled out, leaving her anus gaping momentarily.

Almost immediately, Spike was on her back and rapidly jackhammering his hot thin member between the girl’s buttocks. His canine penis was still in its barely aroused state, so just a thin fleshy bone scarcely bigger than a man’s finger, so it easily slid into her still pouting anus like a knife through butter.

“Oooh, that feels nice,” Mandy slurred, unaware of what was happening.

Having found a hole to fuck, Spike settled in enthusiastically and quickly buried his bone balls deep into the girl’s back passage. Knot and all. Mandy grunted as the hard hot organ puked deep into her gut, stretching her sphincter briefly as the as-yet small knot breached her ring. Then he became fully erect, and as the blood filled his organ, Mandy felt him grow bigger inside her with every throb of his pulse until he was fully engorged.

Suddenly, Mandy felt like she was about to take the biggest dump of her life but couldn’t. She panted heavily, her eyes suddenly wide open in horror as it dawned on her that the dog’s huge cock with that impossible knot as big as a man’s fist was firmly locked inside her. She needed it out of her immediately, but Spike had already spent his load less than an hour ago, so this time was in for a very long, hard fuck.

Mandy had no other choice but to ride it out. Even if she could find the strength to crawl out from under the heavy-set dog, there was still the matter of them being tied, and there was no way that knot was coming out.

Spike continued to thrust his cock as deep as he could, even though the tight ring of muscle was holding his swollen hard knot inside the warm wet passage. Mandy wailed between breaths and felt as though her tummy would burst if the relentless pummelling of her guts didn’t cease. She almost puked as the force of Spike’s thrusts shook her aching belly that swooshed with booze and cum.

Suddenly she felt an overwhelming pressure and heat spread through her insides as Spike finally ejaculated once more, filling her bowels with his puppy batter. Mandy felt an unbearable pressure build up as her over-filled guts strained to evacuate. Spike could feel the pressure, too, and cocked his leg over the girl’s ass and tried to pull away. Mandy’s body shook violently as the most intense orgasm ripped through her body, and she lost all control.

Finally, Mandy screamed in pain as her sphincter could take no more, and with a loud pop, Spike’s knot was free. Mandy felt the huge swollen cock slither free from her as her back passage disgorged its contents, and she slumped down, barely conscious as her gaping asshole blew a series of cum bubbles.

Everyone agreed that they had been fully entertained and, unable to hold back, fell upon each other with lust in an orgy that lasted almost til dawn.


Mandy woke up at eleven thirty in the morning with a pounding head and an aching tummy. At first, she didn’t know where she was, but crawling out from under the throw that someone had thoughtfully covered her naked body with, she soon recognized the boat club that was often the venue for some pretty wild parties.

She couldn’t remember much. Just that she had let Davey chat her up at a pub and that he promised to take her to a party at the boat club. After that, it was a bit of a blur. She vaguely remembered playing some silly dare game and was sure she won or was close to winning. Then she recalled some really weird dream about being fucked by a dog. ‘Wow, where did I get that idea from?’ she wondered.

Her belly was aching pretty bad now. She needed to use the loo. So she staggered to her feet with the throw wrapped around her and made for the ladies. Her tummy was a little swollen, making her wonder how many guys fucked her last night. She knew she had fucked a lot because she vaguely remembered getting well and truly shagged by at least two of the gang, and her pussy was feeling pretty raw.

Come to think of it. Mandy’s asshole was feeling pretty bruised too. She sat on the toilet and let everything go. It was all fluid, so her aching belly had nothing to do with a dodgy kebab. She’d gone through the whole night on an empty stomach. Well, apart from the booze. She knew she had started on snakebites. A pretty strong mixture of cider and lager, known to the local lads as the liquid thigh spreader.

As she emptied her bowels, she noted that what sputtered out was a jelly-like mess with a strange doggy smell. She tried to recall that strange dream. Surely that’s all it was? Her mind was still fuzzy, and she couldn’t remember anything clearly. She cleaned herself and staggered into the dance hall to find her clothes. They were folded neatly in a pile on one of the barstools not far from the pile of cushions she had woken up on.

“Morning, Mandy. I hope you got a good rest after last night,” said JD, coming from the kitchen with a bacon sandwich in his hand.

“Thanks. Yeah. I’m still feeling a bit rough,” Mandy said.

“Do you feel up to giving your new steady boyfriend a blowjob then?”

‘Oh boy,’ she thought, ‘I did it. I landed JD at last.’ “Sure,” she said with a big smile as she began to pull JDs zip down.

“Not me, you daft tart. Spike.”

“Sp-Spike?” Mandy stammered with a feeling of dread.

The room lurched, and she felt sick. ‘Was it really true? Have I been fucked by JDs dog?’ she wondered.

“Yeah. You two got it on last night. You spread your thighs for almost everyone last night, but it was Spike you loved best. He owned your cunt and your ass. Only one hole that hasn’t satisfied him yet. So isn’t it about time you had your breakfast?” JD said with a smirk.

“The dog fucked me?” she said, unable to take it in.

“Sure did. Watch this if you don’t believe me.”

JD clicked the remote to turn on the big TFT screen behind the bar and started the video. There in clear view, was Mandy on her knees being fucked by the big hound with a crowd around her laughing and making lewd comments.

“Got some really good close-ups of your face too. Every angle is covered. Lots of people with mobiles and cameras catching every moment,” JD informed her smugly.

Mandy felt the bottom drop out of her world. Things had all gone horribly wrong.

“I bet this would go viral on the internet, eh luv?” Then he put on a mock frown. “Oh, but I just thought. What would Mr. Thompson think if he saw it? I think you would have to wave goodbye to your cafe job, don’t you? And you were doing so well.”

Mandy started to cry.

“Mind you,” JD added. “If you are a good girl, we might decide to keep this a secret, eh? The gang does as I tell them, and as long as you keep them entertained and are a real good bitch to Spike, we could keep it a club secret. What do you say?”

Mandy realized she was cornered. There was no other choice but to do as JD told her.

“Y-yes, p-please,” she managed to say between sobs.

“Good girl. Now get down and give Spike his blow job.”

JD called Spike over, and Mandy sat cross-legged on the cushions as the heavy-set animal trotted over to JD.

“Blowjob time Spikey. Go to your bitch.”

The dog turned towards Mandy and walked eagerly up to her. She reached under his belly nervously and gently began to stroke his sheath. She could feel his bone inside the warm hairy sheath and rubbed at it until the tip of his ruby red rocker peeked out. She leaned forward and pulled his prepuce back to expose more of his glistening member.

Mandy twisted around to get her head under the Boxer/Mastiff’s chest and tentatively licked the thin pointy member. Spike whined slightly as his cock quivered and dripped pre-cum onto Mandy’s lips. ‘No point in putting this off,’ she thought, and pursing her lips, she sucked on the end of the dog’s cock.

At first, she felt utterly repulsed, but she recalled the first time she ever sucked a man’s penis. She had felt repulsed then too, but eventually got used to the idea and realized she liked the taste and couldn’t get enough. She told herself it was just a matter of getting over her initial disgust and getting used to it.

Spike’s warm pre-cum did have a nice salty taste to it. She closed her eyes and took the hot member deeper into her mouth, drinking in the thin ejaculate as it spurted down her throat. She felt the organ throb and grow bigger and opened her eyes to gaze upon the strangely shaped penis. Though the tip was bright red, the quickly swelling shaft was a pale white with a myriad network of blue and red veins. The bulbous knot she remembered being stuck inside her was at the base of the shaft, throbbing hard in her hand.

Spike reared up with his front paws on the back of Mandy’s head and tried to thrust his cock deep down her throat, but his cock was too big for her throat, and she was well used to men doing this, so with her hand firmly round his knot she controlled his cock. She almost choked, though, as his hot cum spurted down her gullet and into her stomach. She swallowed as she expertly suckled his cock until he was completely dry.


JD let her clean herself up in the showers, then gave her back her clothes. Once he was sure she was properly awake and sober, he presented her with the contract that he and the gang had spent several weeks preparing. H wanted her to know what she was signing now, so there would be no confusion or protestations later.

Mandy read the document. It was insane, crazy, but very cleverly worded. In essence, it was virtually a marriage contract between herself and Spike. Nothing about the contract was illegal in itself. Still, reading between the lines, it was quite clear that by signing it, she would be committed to performing unspeakable acts of depravity for the entertainment of the club members whenever she was called to do so. She would not speak of it to anyone outside the club, nor could she move away or do anything that would impede their contact. And, of course, she was to allow Spike to use her body sexually at any time.

“Of course, you must always wear a tag,” JD explained. “So we can track you. It’s just like a court order tag. It can’t be removed without us knowing about it instantly.”

Mandy tried to take in all the implications and figure out how to escape this. “What if I don’t sign?” she asked nervously.

“Then you will no longer have our protection. Two dozen people were at the party. They all saw what you did. Most, if not all of them, took pictures and videos with their mobiles. Everyone will be free to do what they want with those images of you and Spike. What you did happens to be illegal and taboo in so many places. They might decide to expose you, or they might decide to blackmail you.” JD grinned as she struggled to find a solution. “You will need to find out who they were, track down each of them, then try to strike a deal with each of them.”

She thought of leaving town and starting a new life somewhere. Somewhere where she wouldn’t be known. But where? How? They had so many pictures of her and knew so much about her. She would need a fake ID for a start. Otherwise, they would find her in no time.

“Sign this, and outside the club, you can lead a perfectly normal double life, apart from Spike being your husband,” JD said.

She thought about it. ‘Is it so bad? Spike was one hell of a lover. I have to admit.’

“I can assure you my gang knows how to keep a secret. If I tell them you are Spike’s bitch, they will respect that and never speak of it to anyone. Tell them you have betrayed us, and your life won’t be worth living. Your call,” JD pushed.

If she had time, she could have figured out a way to get out of this, but time was something she did not have. She picked up the pen and signed.

JD smiled. “Excellent. Welcome to the family.”


There was a ‘wedding’ of course. It took place on the jetty outside the club and was attended by the whole gang. Mandy wore a white gown that was not only devoid of a train but open at the back to reveal her bare ass with a fluffy dog tail butt plug buried into her butthole. There was a fresh tattoo on her right buttock that declared ‘Spike’s Bitch’ over a picture of Spike sporting a massive red erection. The tattoo artist had done a very good job. Mandy was well aware of the implications of that tattoo. She would never be able to let anyone outside the club see her naked again or even wear a bikini that showed too much ass.

She wore a dog collar around her neck, attached to a leash that JD held in his left hand while holding Spike’s leash in his right. Spike was not alone. Several of the guests had brought their dogs with them to the wedding. Well, this was an opportunity not to be missed. It’s not every day you get to attend a doggy wedding. The ceremony was presided over by a disgraced vicar from a nearby town that JD knew. He felt a little uncomfortable about reading the marriage vows out over a depraved harlot and a dog, but he’d committed worse acts of blasphemy before now.

Eventually, he got to the part where Mandy said, “I do.”

And he said, “You may now kiss the groom.”

She squatted down and kissed Spike on his lips, with tongues, as JD had instructed her. Then everyone went inside the club for the reception, and as everyone enjoyed food and drink, Mandy positioned herself over an unusually shaped stool with straps. It was padded for comfort, but it was shaped so that Mandy’s belly was angled, her head was low, and her ass raised high. JD fastened the straps to her wrists and legs so she couldn’t move. Finally, he smeared something cold and slippery over her pussy and ass, then let Spike off his leash to complete his bride’s humiliation.

The dog was a little overwhelmed by the day’s proceedings. He didn’t know what was happening but understood he was somehow important to the whole thing and the center of attention. But this was something he did understand and knew what to do. Heading straight for his bitch, he lost no time sniffing at her rear and eagerly began licking her thighs and pussy.

Mandy gasped as the rough tongue turned her on and shuddered as Spike began to lap at her moist pussy. She squirmed and tried to move but couldn’t. The straps kept her firmly seated on the saddle stool at the dog’s mercy.

Spike’s balls were impressively large at any time. Still, they were even more intimidating right now, as JD had kept him celibate for a week to ensure he could fully appreciate tonight’s festivities. They were so full and bursting with testosterone that nobody could take their eyes off the huge swollen orbs. Naturally, it was not long before he was eagerly mounting his new bride. Mandy felt his great weight on her back and moments later felt the hot tip of his wet bone prod at her exposed pussy.

Having quickly found her inviting hole, Spike gripped her waist tightly with his forepaws and rapidly jackhammered his swelling organ in and out so fast that Mandy thought she would cum before he did. She was so wet and ready for him that he had no trouble ramming his hard knot deep inside her, and after the initial shock, she eagerly accepted the swelling bulb of hot flesh, her vulva closing around its base.

“He’s inside me. We’re tied,” Mandy cried out enthusiastically to the crowd watching the spectacle.

She still felt shame at being watched by so many people as an animal mated her, but overriding that was realizing she was getting their full attention. What Mandy had always needed and desired was attention. It was what drove her. It was why she had once sucked off every man at her friend’s birthday party and let herself be fucked on the pool table by eight guys at the back of a rowdy pub (seven of which were total strangers).

Well, now she had all the attention of everyone at her wedding as they watched her get fucked by her new husband. She was the star of the show.

Or was she the co-star? Were they watching Spike fuck a little whore senseless? Was he the real star? In truth, there were at least as many spectators wishing they were the ones getting fucked by this horny beast as there were imagining they were the ones fucking the bride.

Mandy felt her womb fill with the warm pre-cum as Spike’s massively swollen cock throbbed inside her, and his hot fluids mixed with her own as she orgasmed. Her fleshy thighs shook like jelly as Spike ejaculated, his cock balls deep inside her convulsing cunt. He twitched a few times as his groin squeezed every last drop of his cum inside her, then gripping her tightly with his front paws, lay still on her back, his only movement being the rhythmic flex of his buttocks and thighs as he flooded her womb with hot seed.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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