A Love Story

By rexcanis.

Chapter One

“Oh! What a darling puppy!” Cassie cooed as she stroked the head and ears of the wiggling little fur ball in her arms.

We saw the little black puppy in a box outside the grocery store. There was a sign, ‘Free Puppies To Good Homes.’ I looked at the guy beside the box as Cassie played with the loving pup.

“He’s the last of the litter. If I can’t find him a home today, I must take him to the pound.”

Cassie and I looked at each other as the puppy squirmed in her arms and licked her face. My wife swore she would never have a dog claiming they were too much work and made a mess of a house. I always liked having a dog but abided by Cassie’s wishes. I gave Cassie my ‘what the hell’ look, and she turned to the puppy and said, “You want to come home with us? Do you?”

Cassie cuddled and cooed with the little guy all the way home. The owner said he was part Labrador, but he wasn’t sure of what else since they didn’t know who the father was. I was pretty sure the puppy would grow into a fairly large dog.

“What shall we name him?” she asked.

I came up with several suggestions, but she didn’t like them. She was lost in thought for several minutes, then smiled and held the puppy in the air.

She said, “I know. We’ll call him ‘Black Jack.’ Jack for short.”

That’s how it all began a little more than a year ago. Cassie and I have been married for 15 years, and all through those years, we’ve had a pretty exciting sex life. She’s a gorgeous brunette that looks as sexy as the day we met. Standing at just five foot four, she has an amazing figure. I’ve seen many men stop and give her a leering look.

We’ve enjoyed a passionate and even lustful sex life over the years. Cassie is no prude and has a bit of a dark side when given the opportunity. She’s told me on multiple occasions, after having a drink or two, that she’s a lady for everyone else but wants to be my dirty little whore behind closed doors. I’ve exploited this trait in my sweet little wife on several occasions.

I’ve had her accompany me in public while wearing no panties, take her top off in the car, and flash truckers with her big, beautiful tits, experimented with a little soft-core bondage, and we tried swinging with another couple once. We enjoyed numerous other titillating sexual fantasies and interesting variations.

But there was always one fantasy I was afraid to share with Cassie. While in college, I attended a friend’s stag party. It was your typical bachelor party with porn magazines, strippers, and hard-core XXX films. Late in the evening, after the strippers had gone and everyone was pretty drunk, someone started a movie that showed a woman being fucked by a dog. I was mesmerized by what I saw. The woman in the film wasn’t some used-up skank whore. She was a beautiful woman.

She looked better than the strippers we had all lusted over just a few hours earlier. And there she was, this incredibly gorgeous woman on the screen, not only having sex with a dog but enjoying it. The other guys started hooting, hollering, and making lewd comments until someone stopped the film and put it in a gangbang movie.

The fantasy of a beautiful woman having sexual intercourse with a dog never left me. Whenever Cassie and I made love, and she would position herself to have me take her doggy-style, I would invariably recount the image of the woman in the movie and fantasize that Cassie was that woman and I was the dog screwing her.

Now, as Jack was getting bigger, my fantasy started to shift from imagining the woman and dog from the movie to picturing Cassie being fucked doggy-style by Jack. This always makes my cock extra hard, culminating in an earth-shattering orgasm as I came deep inside her pussy.

Jack was now over a year old and weighed 90 to 100 lbs. He was a handsome dog with a black, shiny coat, a strong, firm muscular body, and a sweet, gentle disposition. Periodically, I would watch him lick himself and check out his package. I never saw his fully extended cock, but his balls were bigger than mine, and his sheath shielded a fairly nice size cock. I wondered how big his cock truly was and if Cassie would be able to take it all just as my fantasy woman had when she enjoyed her canine lover.

Last Saturday, Cassie had been in a flirty, playful mood all day. She teased me with comments about how horny she was and what she wanted me to do to her. After some drinks and a bottle of wine that evening, we retired to the bedroom and soon ripped off each other’s clothes, followed by making love like horny teenagers. We fucked each other in several different positions when Cassie suddenly stopped me and pushed me off with a seductive sparkle in her eyes. She rolled over, got on all fours, and wiggled her ass while presenting her pussy to me like a bitch in heat. She knew how much this drove me wild.

“You want to be my bitch? Do you want to be a little doggy bitch?” I grunted as I shoved my cock into her wet pussy.

“Oh, yes!” she squealed. “Fuck me like a dog.”

Cassie cried out as I drove my cock into her wet, sloppy pussy. Her body quivered with ecstasy as my hard cock pounded her cunt. This was it. It was now or never.

“You like that, you little bitch? Huh? Huh? You like being fucked like a dog?” I slammed my cock deep into her pussy, making her tits swing and slap together as I fucked her hard and fast.

“Yes. Yes. Fuck me hard. Harder! I want to feel your cock deep in me. Make me your bitch!” she screamed while pushing back on my cock. “Make me cum like this!”

“So, you like being fucked like a dog. Huh? How about if I let a real dog fuck you? Hmmm?” Suddenly I could feel her pussy getting wetter and squeezing down on my cock. “You like that idea, don’t you? Don’t you, you dirty little bitch!”

Cassie didn’t say a word, but she started panting and fucking me harder.

“How would you like it if I called Jack in here and let him finish the job? Huh? Would you like that? Huh? Would you like me to have Jack come in and fuck you with his nasty dog cock?”

“Ahhh… I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Cum with me. Please! Shoot your cum in me NOW!” Cassie begged.

With that, I drove my cock as deep as I could into her body and came as if I’d never cum before. Cassie squealed and screamed as her body became rigid, and she came before falling face-first onto the bed. I collapsed in a sweating heap of flesh beside her and pulled her shaking body close to mine.

Several long minutes passed as Cassie and I basked in our shared ecstasy’s afterglow.

“That was great! I haven’t cum that hard in a long, long time.” I said, my heart was still racing at 100 miles an hour.

Cassie rolled over to face me with the glow of a woman that’s just been well fucked. “You were pretty good there, Tiger. You got me all hot and bothered.”

“So, you seemed to get off the idea of a dog fucking your pussy?”

“Yeah, it’s a pretty kinky fantasy. I have to admit, thinking about an animal using my body to satisfy his nasty sexual urges is pretty hot to me. There’s no emotion, just pure, unadulterated sex for his physical gratification. That’s pretty nasty, raw, dirty, and so taboo….” Cassie said with a devilish smile.

“So, what do you think? Would you like to try it for real?” I asked with an equally sinister smile.

Cassie pulled back to look at me with a hesitant and puzzled look.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I mean, there’s another male in this house that would probably love to feel that wet, warm pussy of yours. Like all horny young males, he’s a virgin and is probably dying to get laid.”

The expression on Cassie’s face went from one of puzzlement to a look of shock as she stared at me in disbelief. Once she understood I was serious, she shook her head.

“Uh, no. While I think it’s a hot fantasy, I have no intention of letting Jack fuck me. It’s just not right. I mean, what would people think?”

“First of all, it’s nobody’s business what we do in the privacy of our own home. Besides, I don’t think you or I will be telling anyone about it, and I know for damn sure that Jack won’t tell anyone. What’s wrong with a dog and a woman being consenting sex partners? Hmm? If a woman offers her body to a male dog, and he uses her body for their mutual physical gratification, where’s the harm? Isn’t it just a male and female coming together to enjoy the physical experience their bodies can give each other?”

Cassie studied my face long and hard. Her mind raced as she thought about it before saying, “We can fantasize about it all you want. You can talk dirty to me and tell me how you want me to fuck Jack or any other dog, for that matter. If you want, I’ll tell you how hot it makes me, which it honestly does. You can fuck me doggy-style and pretend you’re a big dog fucking me. We can do any fantasy role-playing, except I will not let Jack or any dog fuck me.”

With that, she turned her back to me and went to sleep.


Chapter Two

The rest of the weekend and the following week were pretty cool around our house. On Sunday morning, Cassie acted as if nothing had happened and was still really flirty. I wasn’t in the mood. She’d crushed my obsession, and I was feeling pretty hurt. I moped around the house that week thinking about how hot Cassie was when we fucked last Saturday, only to have it all turn bad. For the first time in our marriage, I even briefly considered cheating on her. I’d heard about websites on the internet where women solicited men with dogs to satisfy their curiosity. Maybe Jack and I could get lucky with a woman who wanted us both.

When Saturday rolled around again, I was still in my blue mood. Cassie came into my den and asked what I would do today, to which I grunted some meaningless response.

“I don’t know your problem, but get over it. I can tell you one thing you’ll do today is bathe that damn dog.” Jack was lying in the corner and looked up at us. “He hasn’t had a bath in weeks. I mean it. Bathe him today!”

With that, she stormed out of the house to go shopping.

Bitch. I turned and looked at Jack, who started wagging his tail. “Come on, boy. Let’s give you a bath.”

I took Jack into the guest bathroom, got him in the tub, and scrubbed him. Jack was a good dog and never seemed to mind getting a bath. Hell, why should he? I wish someone would bathe me some time. As I soaped his belly, I let my hand slide down to his sheath and balls. I wondered how he’d react to me touching him there. I was talking to him softly, soothingly, calling him a good dog as I slowly caressed his balls.

Jack looked down briefly to see what I was doing, then looked back up and resumed his panting. He didn’t seem to mind me stroking and playing with his balls, and soon his pink penis started to poke out of his sheath. It was only as big as my finger but reached a rubbery point at the tip. This was nuts. I was going to drive myself crazy with sexual tension and frustration. I had to get my mind on something else. I stopped playing with Jack’s cock and finished giving the dog his bath.

Later that night, after dinner, Cassie and I sat on the couch, watching TV and sipping our drinks. Jack was curled up on the floor under the coffee table. Cassie looked down at Jack and then turned to me.

“Thank you for bathing Jack today. He looks nice and clean.”

To which I grunted a cold, “You’re welcome.”

“What would you like to do tonight?” Cassie asked with a flirtatious tone to her voice and a come-hither look.

“I don’t know. I didn’t have anything special planned.”

Cassie snuggled closer and nibbled on my ear, breathlessly and seductively whispered. “Sweetheart, how would you like to tie me up and make me your sex slave tonight?” she said with a nervous little smile.

My heart skipped a beat as my brain registered what she had just said. Cassie doesn’t like to be tied up and would only consent to it occasionally to please me. She likes to be in charge and doesn’t like situations where she isn’t in control. Several times before, Cassie let me tie her down when she wanted to do something really dirty. This way, Cassie could absolve herself of her guilty pleasures and blame me for taking advantage of her vulnerable condition. Was she doing this now? Was she allowing me to fulfill my fantasy?

“You know I can’t be trusted. Given the opportunity, I can do anything to my slave.” I held her head in my hands and looked deep into her eyes. “Do you understand what I’m saying? I’d make my slave submit to my deepest and most depraved sexual desires,” I said in a slow, steady voice.

My heart was now beating hard and fast in my chest. Seconds that felt like minutes passed before Cassie said anything.

Then: “Yes, I know,” she whispered almost breathlessly, her voice and body trembling as she bit her lower lip.

We sat there staring into each other’s eyes for an eternity. I was stunned and tried gauging if my wife did understand. I thought I sensed a bit of an unspoken dare in her eyes; are you sure you want to see your wife, the woman you love, being sexually ravaged by a dog? A fantasy is one thing, but doing it for real is completely different altogether. Then again, why did she insist I give Jack a bath today?

I got up from the couch and quickly picked her up, carrying her to our bedroom. I gently set her down on the bed and went to the closet where we kept the black satin bondage restraint straps. When I returned to the bed with the restraints, Cassie looked nervous, breathing in short, fast, shallow breaths. Her face was flush, and her nipples were pronounced through her t-shirt.

She slowly got up from the bed, pulled her t-shirt over her head, reached behind her back, and unfastened her bra. She cradled her breasts in her arms as she slipped the straps off one shoulder and the other. Holding her arms across her chest for several moments, she paused before lowering her hands to expose her breasts and letting her bra fall to the floor.

Her eyes were still locked on mine as she unfastened the button on her jeans; her short, shallow breaths made her breasts seductively rise and fall. She leaned slightly forward as she placed a thumb from each hand on either side of her waist, hooked them on her jeans and panties, then performed a gentle side-to-side rocking motion to slide them down her hips. Once her jeans were at her knees, they fell effortlessly the rest of the way to the floor. She then stepped out of them and kicked them across the room.

Cassie stood there stark naked, staring at me. She was absolutely beautiful. Her nipples were stiff and erect. Her breathing became even faster now with what I assumed was nervous anticipation of what would happen next. Just when I thought Cassie would stop this game, she dropped to her knees before me extending her arms while holding them joined at the wrists.

“Take me, Master. I’m yours to use as you please.”

My burning lust surged as she’d just thrown kerosene on a smoldering ember. I took the wrist restraints and securely fastened them to each of Cassie’s wrists. She silently stared into my eyes with a far-off distant gaze as I tied each satin bond to her wrists, never saying a word. I then made her stand and fastened a restraint to each of her ankles. Turning to the bed, I pulled back the bedspread and sheets.

As I turned back to look at Cassie standing naked before me, my mind raced with images of Jack fucking her. How would I bound her while giving Jack the access he needed to her pussy? I needed her positioned with her cunt high enough for him to fuck. I wanted her to see Jack. I wanted to see her face as he fucked her. I went to the closet, retrieved our Liberator wedge and ramp, and positioned it in the center of our bed.

Cassie stood silently, watching me prepare her confines. I could see a mild, nervous tremor running through her body. I turned back to my slave and led her onto the bed. I had her lie on her back with her bottom at the very edge of the ramp with her legs spread open. I took the restraint attached to her right ankle and securely tied the end to the foot of the bed.

As I moved to secure her other leg, I gently ran my hand up her right leg caressing her skin, skipping her pussy, then continuing down her left leg to the restraint on her ankle. I gently yet firmly pulled her leg into position and attached the restraint securely to the foot of the bed.

Cassie had her hands pulled tight to her chest, the black satin straps pooling from her wrists. I took her hands and tied the restraints together, binding her hands at the wrist, then slowly pulled her arms straight over her head and securely fastened the restraints to the headboard. She clasped her hands firmly around the straps above her head, almost as if holding on for dear life.

With my slave now tied to the bed and her legs spread wide, I adjusted the position of her hips, butt, and lower back to ensure Jack would have easy access to her body. Her hips were raised about a foot off the mattress with a slight tilt up, exposing her anus and wet, swollen pussy.

I sat back and reveled in my pretty slave lying vulnerable and exposed on my sacrificial altar, ready to satisfy my depraved sexual obsession. While fear and uncertainty reigned on her face, I could see the physical signs of Cassie’s body betraying her arousal and excitement. Her vagina was puffy and swollen, the lips full and pouting, her hard little clit protruding from its hood above the glistening opening to her vagina.

Her breathing continued to be fast and shallow, making her firm breasts and hard nipples rise and fall in an erotic rhythm. Cassie never took her eyes off me the entire time I was binding her, keeping her cold, blank stare fixed on my every move. She pulled lightly at the bonds that held her, testing her restraints and confirming her forced submission to whatever was to come next.


Chapter Three

The time had come. I visibly shook as I exited the bed and called out to Jack. Cassie’s eyes widened as a short gasp escaped from her lips. She looked intently at me but didn’t say a word. I could see the pace of her breathing was now faster than ever. She now knew the answer if she ever doubted my resolve to fulfill my fantasy. When Jack entered the room, her eyes left mine for the first time since we started this game. They darted over to gaze upon the dog that would be fucking her. Cassie bit her lower lip and lightly struggled against her bonds as she watched Jack enter our bedroom.

Jack was innocent and naive about what was happening but looked at me, his Master, for reassurance. He ran up to me with his tail wagging and his tongue panting. He looked over at Cassie on the bed and then back to me several times, obviously not understanding the game we would play. I patted Jack on the back and commanded him to jump on the bed. He jumped up but wasn’t sure where to go as he didn’t want to step on Cassie. He finally just stepped over her and lay between Cassie’s spread legs at the foot of the bed.

Cassie craned her neck to see what Jack was doing, then looked back at me. I could see a mixture of fear and excitement in her eyes. She slowly turned her head back to look at Jack, who was now sniffing the air and turning to look up at Cassie. I assume Jack smelled Cassie’s pheromones and the lubricating secretions from her excited vagina. I saw glistening droplets forming and seeping out of her, then trickling down her anus in a slow, zigzagging path. A small wet spot was forming on the ramp beneath her quivering butt.

Jack looked at me, stood up, and put his nose in Cassie’s crotch. She cried out with a little squeal, and her body tensed as she pulled hard on her restraints when his cold, wet nose met her hot, moist womanhood. Jack jerked back, but as Cassie relaxed, he moved back in and gave her pussy a soft, tentative lick. Cassie closed her eyes and let out a low moan, squirming and wiggling her body, responding to the new sensation. Jack looked at me questioningly, and since we didn’t scold him, he eagerly returned to examine his new toy.

Jack started by licking Cassie’s pussy slowly and cautiously, probing ever deeper inside her vagina with his tongue. He soon seemed to enjoy the taste and attacked her cunt with a newfound purpose. He vigorously licked at her again and again. Snaking his long tongue up and down from her anus to her clitoris. Even probing inside her vagina for the source of her nectar. His tongue was all over her genitals and spread thighs, turning her into a wet, sloppy mess of dog saliva and natural female-lubricating secretions.

Cassie remained silent but was now gasping, squealing, and moaning as she withered and convulsed under the tongue lashing Jack was giving her. Her movements had been fairly passive and reactionary when Jack first started his assault on her pussy. She was now an active participant trying to move and position her hips to assist her assailant in his oral exploration of her sex.

A sheen of sweat formed on her body as Jack’s tongue teased her into a quivering mass of tingling, twitching flesh. I smiled when I saw Cassie’s body go rigid, and her face froze with an expression of a silent scream. I knew she was cumming. It was the first of several as Cassie seemed to have several mini-orgasms while Jack continued licking her. Her body was quivering as she grunted through clenched teeth.

At one point, Cassie convulsed so hard that she pulled on her restraints to the point where I thought she would break her bonds. Several times as I watched her with the dog, she looked me straight in the eyes before falling back and succumbing to the unrelenting pleasures of Jack’s tongue. In those moments, I saw a look of pure animal lust in her eyes that I’d never known in her.

As I watched Jack and Cassie on the bed, I looked down under Jack’s belly and noticed his cock beginning to poke out of its hairy sheath. There was only about an inch of his pointed pink cock sticking out, but it was dripping pre-cum fluid. I watched with fascination as a thin, clear drop formed at the tip and then dripped to the bed with a sticky thread stretching from the tip of his cock to the drop as it fell.

The thought of seeing his cock sliding into Cassie’s body to ejaculate his sperm into her womb was more than I could bear. I grabbed Jack’s collar and pulled him away from Cassie’s pussy. The sudden interruption of Jack’s cunnilingus made Cassie cry out as she frantically rocked her hips, desperate for more.

When she had caught her breath and regained some of her senses, she opened her eyes and lifted her head to look between her open thighs. I had pulled Jack away from her pussy. Jack was standing on the bed between her outstretched legs but was sideways to her so she could see the length of his firm, muscular body.

His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he panted, which caused his rib cage and belly to pulse like a beating heart. What Cassie saw next made her hold her breath. She could also now see his sheath with the small pink penis tip swaying and dripping under his belly.

Cassie’s head fell back on the bed. Her body was limp as a soft, pitiful sigh escaped her throat. This was it. She knew what was coming next. In the next few minutes, Jack would shove that cock into her cunt, fuck her and make her his bitch. Her eyes raced to mine as her breathing returned to a nervous, fast, and shallow pace. There almost seemed to be a bit of defiance in her eyes, daring me to do it as her gaze remained fixed on me as I guided Jack up over her body.

I carefully positioned him so he stood over her with a paw on either side of her heaving chest and his sheathed penis hovering just inches above her wet and waiting vagina. Her breathing quickened as she felt his body’s heat close to hers. His cock was protruding a little more and had swollen to a slightly thicker size. Pre-cum fluid was now spritzing and dripping from the tip, but now it was falling and landing on Cassie’s pussy and belly. Cassie watched as a drop landed on her pubic mound with a sticky string leading back to his penis and remained there momentarily before breaking and pooling on her body.

Jack seemed to enjoy pleasing his mistress with his tongue but was still unaware of the pleasures to come. He stood over Cassie licking his chops and panting with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I couldn’t tell if he understood the sexual nature of the situation, but I could see that his body was reacting to the physical stimulation. The smell of sex filled the room, even my dull human sense of smell. I grabbed his sheath, feeling the firm, stiff cock swelling inside.

Gently stroking his sheath made Jack hump at the air above her pussy. Cassie’s hips and thighs were quivering as she watched Jack’s cock flail above her squirting little jets of clear pre-cum fluid all over her body. She began whimpering and shaking her butt as she stared obsessively at his cock while arching her hips up in a futile effort to reach his cock.

I smiled at her and asked, “Oh my, aren’t you a nasty little slut? Would you like this, sweetheart? Do you want me to put his doggy penis in your pussy? Hmmm? Does that sound good to you? Is that what you want? Hmmm?”

Cassie doesn’t even look at me but swiftly nods her reply while keeping her eyes glued on Jack’s cock. Keeping one hand on Jack’s cock I stopped his humping with my other hand and slowly moved his penis down to position him for entry into my wife’s eager vagina. I placed the tip of Jack’s cock just a heartbeat away from her clitoris, letting his pre-cum squirt and drip down her pussy, causing Cassie to rock her head from side to side, moaning and shaking. She then starts rocking her hips again, trying in vain to get her pussy close enough for Jack to enter her.

I’ve teased her enough. It was finally time to make my fantasy a reality. My hand shook as I lowered the tip of Jack’s cock to the entrance of my wife’s waiting vagina. Once his cock felt the wet warmth of her pussy he instinctively seemed to understand what was happening and began thrusting hard against my hand, struggling to be free to slide into this bitch. I let go and heard Cassie cry out as Jack boldly thrust his cock into her.

Immediately he began a rapid pelvic thrusting action into her vagina, his hindquarters flexing and relaxing in a blur of frenzied motion. His balls were slapping her bottom as he forcefully drove his cock deeper and deeper into her body.

His first few rapid thrusts must have been a little uncomfortable for Cassie as she cried out almost to the point of screaming, but now she was grunting and wailing like a woman possessed. She frantically tried to move her body to help Jack satisfy his carnal desire, but her bonds limited her movements to arching her vagina up to meet his throbbing cock. They soon fell into a steady rhythm, with Jack savagely fucking her and Cassie panting, squirming, and moaning while clutching tightly at her bonds.

I moved down to the end of the bed and watched the view from between her legs. Jack’s balls swung back and forth, slapping her butt as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. His penis, which started the size of my finger, had now swollen as large as my cock and getting bigger. And there, at the base of his cock, was the special treat unique to dogs; his knot. Jack had only been fucking Cassie for a few minutes, but his knot was already beginning to swell. It was the size of a golf ball and could easily slide in and out of her pussy.

I don’t think she could feel his knot at this point, but I could see it rapidly swelling and getting noticeably larger with each fierce thrust of his cock into her body. Her wet and glistening pussy kept stretching slightly wider and wider with each thrust of his cock while her pussy lips obscenely wrapped themselves around his expanding knob. Cassie must have started sensing something was different as she began to grunt, squirm, and pull harder on her bonds.

“What’s he doing? Ahh… What’s happening? Can you see what he’s doing?” she cried with some distress in her voice.

I was so enthralled watching the erotic scene I barely heard her cries. I watched Jack pull his cock back to see the huge red and pink veined ball of his knot partially exposed within the stretched, glistening pink flesh of her vagina. Then it was quickly swallowed up again to disappear inside Cassie’s pussy, her labia closing around his knot, sealing his cock in her body.

Jack made a couple more small thrusts but stopped when he found he was now stuck inside her pussy. His tail curled upward as his muscular body stiffened, and he began shooting his doggy seed deep into my wife’s womb.

“Oh, God. Oh, God.” Cassie gasped for air. “He’s cumming… Ahhh… Ahhh… He’s so big! Oh, God. Oh, God. He’s still growing in me! Ahhh… Ahhh… He’s cumming… Oh, God, it’s so hot… Ugh… Ugh… I can feel him throbbing and squirting in me,” Cassie cried as her body convulsed uncontrollably on the bed, pulling on her restraints.

I watched Jack’s balls twitch, and his anus clenched, then relax in a pulsing rhythmic beat, knowing that each constriction meant another squirt of hot doggy sperm was being sprayed deep in her pussy. Cassie’s body shook as she cried out in unison with his repeated ejaculations. She was having trouble catching her breath as she came with the dog. After numerous convulsions had raked over her entire body, I assumed she could take no more and went limp from pure physical exhaustion.

She started to whimper and cry softly, muttering, “Good, boy… Good, boy…” while Jack remained fixed in her pussy finishing his business.

Jack continued to empty his balls into her limp body for several more minutes before trying to pull his cock out. Jack’s attempt to withdraw brought an immediate reaction.

Cassie’s eyes flew wide open as she screamed, “No, no, no… Stop him! Ouch, ouch… He’s still too big to come out! Don’t let him move! Help me!”

I quickly grabbed Jack’s collar and held him in place over Cassie. Her pussy was still firmly clasped around his swollen cock and knot.

“Relax. The swelling in Jack’s knot will soon subside, and he’ll slide out of you.”

My words seemed reassuring as I watched her calm down and breathe easier. I stroked and petted Jack as he stood proudly embedded in his bitch. As he panted and licked his chops, I could almost swear I detected a smile and a twinkle in his eye. I wondered if the damn dog knew just how lucky he was.

Jack tried several more times to dislodge his cock from Cassie’s pussy, but it was still too big to pull out. Each attempt made Cassie squeal and squirm, but I held Jack firmly in place. Then on his next attempt, Cassie became rigid and held her breath as her pussy stretched and spit his knot and cock out of her body with an audible ‘plop.’ His obscene cock was now dangling under his belly, still throbbing and shooting little fluid jets.

Cassie craned her neck to look at Jack; I assume she wanted to see the cock that had just fucked her. Her eyes grew large, and she sighed when she saw the full wonder of Jack’s cock. His cock had shrunk in size to slide out of her pussy, yet it was still a good six inches in length from the base of his knot to that pointed tip, but the knot was at least the size of a tennis ball. She wondered how big he got when his cock was still swelling inside her and unable to come out.

Cassie relaxed again and seemed to fall into euphoric contentment. Her body periodically shook or quivered as she reveled in her physical gratification. I let go of Jack’s collar and commanded him to leave the bed. He jumped down and went to the corner of the room and began licking his cock and balls clean.

I had refrained from touching myself while watching Cassie and Jack. I knew that if I had, I would explode. My nerves were on edge with sexual tension. Cassie looked so beautiful. I stripped off my clothes and climbed between Cassie’s legs on the bed. Her pussy was slowly closing back to its original shape but still gaped open a little from the large dog cock that had just been there.

Because her hips were tilted up, most of Jack’s cum remained in her. I could see clumps of his cum on and in her vagina. I bent forward and blew softly at her clitoris, then slowly flicked my tongue over it. Cassie began to stir and moan again. I licked her pussy slowly and lovingly, tasting Jack’s sperm and cum. Jack savagely ravished her pussy with his tongue, and now I would make sweet love to her pussy.

I nibbled and teased her labia and clitoris, then softly kissed, licked, and sucked on them. Jack may be able to lick better than a man, but he can’t suck or be tender. Cassie responded to the attention I was giving her pussy. I could tell she was exhausted, yet her body didn’t want me to stop. She begged me to release her so she could hold me, but I ignored her pleas and continued to make love to her.

My cock was as hard as steel, and I was aching for relief. I kissed Cassie’s pussy again and worked my way up her body with kisses. I kissed her labia, her clitoris, and her shaved pubic mound up to her belly button. I playfully stuck my tongue into her belly button and got a taste of Jack’s pre-cum fluid that had pooled there. I continued my trek up her body until I reached her gorgeous breasts.

I paused, slowly caressed, and kneaded each breast while licking, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples. I nibbled on her neck, sucking and biting her with a passion she’d instilled in me. I then kissed her head with a mad, abandoned desire for the woman I love. Our tongues mingled and swirled with an intensity we hadn’t expressed in years.

Pulling her face to mine, I placed my forehead on hers and looked deep into her eyes. “I’ve always loved you. You are my lover, soul mate, and partner, but the feelings I have for you now make everything pale in comparison. It would be like comparing the light of a candle to that of the sun.”

I then sunk my cock into her body and started to fuck her slow and deep. I could feel the sloppy mess that Jack had deposited in her pussy, driving me wild. Normally Cassie is fairly tight, but now I could sense how stretched her pussy got to accommodate Jack’s nasty knot. Cassie just stared deep into my eyes as I fucked her pussy. The thought of Jack’s cock had just been where my cock was, and feeling the gooey mess he left was more than I could take. I screamed and shot my load deep into Cassie as Jack did minutes ago. I fell on top of her, and my heart felt like it would explode.

As my orgasm subsided, I slowly rolled off Cassie. I reached over and untied the restraints from her wrists, and she gradually lowered her arms, cradled my head in her hands, and kissed my forehead. I got up and went to the end of the bed to release her feet. Once free of her bonds, she rolled over on her side, pushing the Liberator wedge off the bed. When she moved, the air pumped into her vagina, suddenly expelled with a large torrent of cum.

“Oh my!” Cassie giggled. “You boys certainly filled me up,” she said with a devilish smile, then struggled to clean herself in the bathroom.

As she walked away, I saw a fluid stream with little white clumps of man and dog sperm trickling down her thighs. My fantasy, which had been so long unfulfilled, was finally fulfilled and much better than anything I had ever dreamed. As for Cassie, we talked long into the night, and she admitted that it had been wonderful, and yes, she would be willing to do it again.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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