Witch Bitch

By Sailor.

She was pissed off. It was her fault, and she knew it. Her sister’s birthday, and she had left it to the last minute to do the shopping – again. She didn’t want to spend ages looking for a car space and didn’t have the time or patience. So when she turned the corner and saw a car ready to leave a parking bay, she put her foot down to get there quickly. She knew that the other driver had seen the car park first but barged in regardless. Guiltily she quickly got out of the car and hurriedly rushed into the sanctuary of the shops without looking back.

The lady was annoyed as she saw the car barge in and the young girl get out and hurry into the shopping center and, without even a backward glance, raise her middle finger as she went through the door.

“Typical,” she muttered as she viewed the girl disappearing. She couldn’t help but notice the beautiful blush of youth: attractive face, long hair, slim body, and full breasts.

When the girl left the shops, she glanced around to see if any disgruntled person was hanging around, but the way was clear. She had never done anything like that before and was embarrassed by her actions. On the one hand, she would have liked to apologize. On the other, she was scared of meeting the lady. She loaded up her shopping and drove home without another thought. She didn’t notice the other car parked some distance away: a snappy little car with the license plate: ‘Bitch Witch.’

Later that afternoon, she answered a knock at the door. As she opened the door, she saw a lady in her mid-late twenties, attractive in a homely way. She wore a head scarf and was dressed in long flowing robes. But what attracted her attention was the animal with her: huge, jet black, short hair shining where the sun caught it, and when he moved, his muscles rippled with undisguised power and sexuality. He was a magnificent animal. She was a dog lover, particularly Great Danes, as she had a female, so she couldn’t help but admire the sleek animal.

“I heard you were planning to mate your Great Dane,” said the lady. “So I thought I might approach you to see if you wanted to use Horse here as the stud,” she said.

“I wasn’t er, at least I hadn’t planned to breed her, well not at this time anyway,” Cherry stuttered. “But, Horse? That’s a strange name for a dog. Look, I don’t know where you heard that I was planning to breed my dog, but seeing as you are here, why don’t you come in, and we can discuss it? I’ve never bred dogs before. I don’t know what’s involved”

At that, the lady’s face broke into a smile, and she chuckled. And with a hint of a smile, she said, “Don’t know what’s involved in breeding? Honey, you’ve got to get out more”.

Cherry could feel herself profusely blushing as she stammered, “I-I… That’s not w-what I meant.”

“It’s OK,” said the lady laughing. “I knew what you meant, pretty girl like you.”

Still embarrassed, Cherry invited the lady into her house.

“My name is Mandy.” said the lady.

“Why don’t we put Horse out the back where he can get acquainted with Sofi? I believe your dog is called. I believe Sofi is in heat now, so I thought that Horse, that’s not his registered name, by the way, could service the bitch,” Mandy said.

Although she hadn’t thought about mating her dog, Cherry felt obliged to agree with Mandy’s proposition. They opened the door and let Horse out into the backyard.

“Horse knows what to do, so why don’t we just leave them to it,” she said.

Cherry felt uneasy as Horse ran straight over to Sofi and barrelled her. Sofi cried and started running, but Horse effortlessly caught her and bowled her over again. Sofi jumped up, her fear clear to Cherry as Horse again brought her down, biting and pawing her.

“Oh, they are playing already,” said Mandy smiling. “They seem to be getting on so well, don’t you think?”

It didn’t seem that way to Cherry, who saw her beloved Sofi being bullied by Horse. Suddenly Mandy’s mobile phone rang, and she turned away to answer it. Cherry could only watch in stunned silence as Sofi, whimpering, tried vainly to escape Horse. If she didn’t know better, because they are only dogs, she would have thought that Horse seemed intent on dominating Sofi: more just brutalizing her for the sake of it. Mandy finished her call.

“Honey, that call was from a friend who has an emergency. I have to go out of town for a while to help her. Seeing as the dogs are getting on so well, perhaps I can leave them with you till tomorrow if that’s OK. Horse knows what he is here to do.”

With that, she gathered up her belongings and headed for the door. Cherry followed in her wake, unsure that she really wanted Horse but not seemingly having any say in the matter. She heard herself agreeing to keep Horse but didn’t know why. Cherry watched as Mandy jumped into her car and drove off. She had a feeling of something familiar but couldn’t place it. She noticed the license plate ‘Bitch Witch’ with some amusement.

‘What happened there?’ she wondered. ‘Ten minutes ago, I was alone with one dog. Now I’ve got two, and one wants to mate.’

She could hear Sofi and Horse out the back, but guilt led her to ignore her dog’s cries. She knew too well how hard it was to deal with aroused males. She sat on the sofa in her lounge room, unsure how the events unfolded. Suddenly Sofi came into the room. Cherry was taken aback as she was sure the door was shut and the dogs locked in the backyard. Horse padded into the room behind Sofi. Wide-eyed with fear and whimpering, Sofi crouched in front of him. Cherry could see Sofi trembling as Horse moved to her.

Cherry couldn’t believe what was happening. Although Sofi was already close, Horse started to herd her, growling, nipping, and pushing until she was on and across Cherry’s knees. Sofi was happy to be on Cherry, who patted her to calm her. In this position, Horse then started to walk. Strut was the word that came into her mind around the sofa.

To her horror, Cherry noticed that his dog’s cock had started to protrude from its sheath. And she now had no doubts as to why he was called Horse. Cherry couldn’t move. She knew her mouth was open in surprise and shock. It kept growing, huge, bigger than any man she had been with, much bigger, hanging down obscenely, red, thicker in the middle than at the ends, and dripping pre cum. She was transfixed, terrified, aroused.

Horse padded behind Sofi and reared up, initially putting his paws on Sofi’s back and then dropping his body weight on her. As he wrapped his paws around Sofi, his front legs reached over Cherry’s legs, pulling them back and effectively locking her and the dogs together on her lap. His back legs took a few short steps forward as he positioned himself behind Sofi.

“No,” cried Cherry in alarm as she suddenly realized what would happen.

She started to push the dogs away but jumped in alarm as Horse snapped at her hands, his upper lip drawn back in a ferocious snarl. Her hands quickly withdrew in a reflex action. Time stood still. Instinctively she knew that the moment was about control, pack animals, and their order of leadership. If she was to have control over this animal, she had to assert herself now. The moment came and went.

His face was inches in front of Cherry’s. He stayed that way for what seemed an eternity. With each passing second, she felt the power of his dominance, the humiliation of her submission. The abandonment of Sofi to him.

Cherry could not tear her eyes away from Horse as he mounted Sofi. She heard the cry as much as she felt Sofi squirm as he entered her canine cunt. Cherry could feel the unrelenting power of every pounding thrust of his body, his long quick strokes. Virtually a party to the act, she couldn’t help but see the rippling muscles and feel their power at work as he hunched over her dog. The woman also couldn’t help but see the now glistening dog cock as it pistoned relentlessly into her Sofi.

As much as she tried to avoid it, she found her eyes irresistibly drawn to the intimacy of the mating. She was used to men cumming in a matter of minutes and felt a pang of envy wash over her as the dog showed no signs of stopping. Her immediate fear subsided. She was ashamed as she slowly but surely noticed a warmth growing between her legs in response to the erotic nature of the mating. Her hand had involuntarily gone her breast and gently rolled her little bud between her fingers in a way many men had dreamed of doing and a few had.

Finally, Horse gripped Sofi tighter and filled Sofi with his sperm. Unaware of dog mating habits, Cherry was amazed as Horse turned around to see that he was still inside Sofi. Sofi was dragged off Cherry, and the two dogs, still joined, lay down. Cherry didn’t move. After half an hour, Horse popped out of Sofi. He lay on the rug licking his balls nonchalantly.

Cherry got unsteadily to her feet, wary of the dog. Slowly she went through the house. Aware of the time, the woman prepared her meal and fed the two dogs outside. Both dogs seemed to get along OK from there, so she prepared beds for them in the laundry. With Sofi in heat, she was not sleeping inside, and Horse was just wary of Horse. Sofi would have to take her chances.

Satisfied that the dogs were secure, she went to her room and showered. She was surprised to see Horse sitting on her bed when she stepped out of the shower. Slowly she toweled herself off as she tried to remember closing the door. She was sure she had. Still, she would dress and then put him away. Wrapping the towel around her, she approached her drawers to get a pair of knickers. She stopped as Horse jumped off the bed in front of her.

“Good boy,” she said uncertainly, trying to step around him.

The Great Dane Horse stepped to the side, blocking her way.

“Sit, Horse,” she said as she stepped the other way.

The big dog stepped to the side again, moving in front of her. She stood for a few seconds trying to understand what was happening. Unsure of herself, she put on her sternest voice.

“Get out of the way, Horse,” she said with authority, moving purposefully toward the chest of drawers.

But her bravado died when Horse again took one step to the side, cutting her off but this time showing his fangs, a low growl rumbling from his throat. She stopped in her tracks, fear and uncertainty rising within her. Then without warning, Horse snapped at her closest foot. She let out a yelp and jumped back.

“Good boy, Horse, good boy, down,” she said nervously, trying to calm the dog and her fears.

She was scared now! Half bent over and feet apart as a basketball guard might take a defensive position, she intently watched as Horse moved. She was directly between the door and the dog. He lowered his head. Again she jumped backward in alarm as Horse snarled and snapped at her feet, his head ripping from side to side as he nipped at one foot and then the other as she effectively danced terrified backward down the corridor.

Suddenly he stopped and stood in front of her. As if attached by a cord, she stopped when he did, too afraid to move, her hands spread in front of her, hands spread in futile protection.

Nothing moved. Cherry’s eyes were wide with fear, seeing nothing but the dog in front of her. She could hear her breath coming in short terrified rasps and feel her heart pounding in her chest and her body trembling. She was unaware that she was naked, the towel having slipped to the floor, but the woman was too frightened to move even if she had been aware. Her wet hair was slowly swaying, a drop of water gathering at the tips and then falling to splash on the carpet: the same carpet in the same room where Horse had taken Sofi.

Without warning, Horse jumped at her, bowling her over. A small scream escaped her lips as she went over backward, legs and arms flailing in the air. As she hit the floor, she immediately rolled onto her hands and knees, prepared to jump up and bolt for the door as her instincts for flight took over. Her instincts for preservation were stronger, and the snarling dog’s face an inch in front of hers stopped her.

Not a muscle moved as she stared into the dog’s eyes. They stayed that way for a full minute: an eternity. His upper lip was drawn back, exposing those massive fangs, the low growl more menacing in that it was constant. She didn’t dare to speak or move, too afraid to even move her eyes from his.

She didn’t have any thoughts, didn’t move a muscle: she just froze. Not even when the Great Dane slowly stepped back and walked around her in a complete circle did she move? While her mind froze, deep in her subconscious mind, a small note was taken that she had seen this before. As he walked around her the second time, she didn’t need her subconscious mind to tell her anything as now her eyes goggled wide open at the huge dog cock swaying obscenely between his legs.

“Nooooo,” she cried as she saw his dripping meat.

And despite her fear, the adrenaline rush burst through her body, and she tensed to run. But as she rose to her feet, her eyes opened wide in horror as he reared before her. The silent scream froze on her lips as she toppled over backward, with the dog collapsing on top of her. Desperation again made her rise. But she stopped on all fours as his snarling face again confronted her.

The dog started to circle her again. They both knew it was a display of male dominance. The Great Dane stopped as if taunting her, and she saw the pre-cum dribbling off his throbbing cock.

“Please God, no, please God,” Cherry heard herself praying. “This can’t be happening. Please, nooooo,” she whispered as the tears slowly ran down her cheeks.

She sensed as much as felt the dog behind her. Too afraid to move, too afraid to look, she waited. She felt the dog’s paws touch the inside of her calf muscles, and her legs instinctively parted a fraction. She was aware now of the feel of hot breath on her rear. The warmth was accentuated by the well-groomed pussy.

She kept her pussy trimmed in a small triangle and hairless on either side of her cunt lips. His domination was complete as she knelt submissively, waiting for him to mount her. And she waited. Her nerves were stretched, and she could feel herself start to tremble.

“Arrrggh,” she cried as the dog mounted her grasping her waist with his paws.

She could feel him taking those little steps with his back legs, pulling himself inexorably closer to her sex, the warm fur of his stomach on her back. Her mind recoiled as she felt the first jabs of his cock on the back of her legs as he sought to find her cunt. Shock forced her to take the smallest crawling step forward as if trying to escape.

She could feel the wetness all over the back of her legs as the pre-cum dribbled and squirted from him. A thought flashed through her mind that he may not be able to find her cunt and may just cum over her legs. But the small movement she made altered the angles slightly, and the tip of his cock touched the soft outer pouch of her sex.

She screamed in pain and humiliation as the dog took one small shuffled step forward and buried six inches of his cock in her body. The male dog lubrication allowed him to force himself inside her, and he started humping immediately, withdrawing slightly, then ramming another three inches inside her. A forceful entrance left her impaled onto him, momentarily buried to the hilt.

Her head flew back, and she screamed again in pain at the violent intrusion. Her cunt was tight at the best of times and was now being stretched wider than it had ever been. Unlike a man who might take his time to let her accommodate him, the dog was pistoning into her. No man’s cock she’s had before was this big, and her insides were being stretched and pummelled mercilessly as the dog pounded her.

She spread her legs to accommodate him and reduce the pain and was successful to some degree, but his enormous size and the speed of his thrusts didn’t give her much relief. Her magnificent breasts, the erotic fancy of many men, shook with each thrust until they bounced wildly beneath her to their macabre rhythm. The nipples were excited by the movement puckering as a physical betrayal of her mind.

Through the eons of time, each species’s survival relies on mating. After the initial assault, Cherry’s body instinctively produced its own lubricant to accommodate the thrusting penis. Her cunt also stretched, and the pain receded. Aware that there was nothing she could do to stop the violation of her body, she leaned her head forward as the dog had his way with her.

‘He’s fucking me. I’m being fucked by a dog,’ Cherry thought.

As the humping continued relentlessly, she became aware of the small things. The smooth warmth of Horse’s fur on her back and the slap of the dog’s balls against her legs. She felt the increasing trickle of fluid dribbling down the inside of her legs and, inevitably, the slow spread of arousal in her lower regions.

‘Please, God, not that. No, not with a DOG, for Christ’s sake,’ she thought.

Like most women, she had never been brought to an orgasm with a man through fucking. She orgasms through masturbation and oral sex but not through penetration. Her cunt lips had become puffy and open like a flower in spring, she could feel the noticeable difference in the consistency of her sexual fluid, and she could not help but notice the intense feeling in her sensitive, aroused clit.

Cherry dug at the floor, clenching and unclenching her hands. Never had she been taken so roughly or by anything so large. It made her crazy with passion, and she doubted she would ever think of making love again without comparing it to this rough fuck. He was hurting her. His massive cock pounded in and out, pushing against her cervix, causing ripples of deep pleasure she had never felt before.

Deep—Moving—Touching the woman’s insides everywhere—Stirring her.

A sensation so intense it was like a warning of pain, but one that made her unconsciously push herself against him, seeking more. It was a pain she was beginning to find pleasurable and emotionally destroying.

She fought against the rising tide of passion with increasing disgust. She was aching to cum so badly but was reviled by the thought. Then she felt the knot, and a sickening feeling took hold of her emotions. But it was too late. The Great Dane had hit a powerful rhythm, pulses on a beat, hitting her core on every massive thrust, and suddenly the tight knot of heavy pleasure came undone, and her sex, belly, and whole body collapsed in spasms.

She had seen it with Sofi. God knows it was inches in front of her face. Now Cherry felt it was battering her swollen cunt, trying to force itself in. She tried to tighten her muscles to prevent it, but her mouth formed an involuntary ‘O’ as the dog forced the knot inside. A forlorn wail escaped her as Cherry realized she was fully mated with him, his bitch.

Numbly recognizing the quickening thrusts, the tightening of the balls, the panting (panting, she thought, how appropriate), she could feel his paws grip her more tightly than the rush of repulsive sperm as each ejaculation was forced into her unwilling body. The cry of her final humiliating submission. All she wanted was to get him out of her, but she knew she had to stop him from turning around. She kept him on her and was rewarded fifteen minutes later when he withdrew from her with an audible ‘plop.’

She stood up unsteadily and staggered to the shower in her bedroom. Her mind was numb from the ordeal. Given the cum she felt being pumped into her, she was surprised but uncaring about the little that had seeped from her cunt and down her legs. Somewhere in her mind, she realized that more of a man’s cum would have leaked, but she was too dazed to care. His cum was thicker and stickier than she was used to. Although she was relieved to note that there was no blood.

Turning the shower on as hot as she could bear, she started to wash, then scrub her sex frantically as if she could somehow erase the event. The tears came before she started to sob uncontrollably as she slowly sank in a heap to the shower floor. Then she started vomiting as shock set in. She stayed that way until the water turned cold.

She dried in a zombie-like state and went to bed naked, afraid to walk past the dog to her undies drawer. The tears fell on her pillow as she cried herself to sleep. In many ways crying for the physical rape but more so for the emotional rape, disgusted with herself that he had been able to control her feelings against her will. Surprisingly she slept.

The previous night’s events came to her when she awoke in the morning. A wave of nausea swept over her but was gone as soon as it came. Only to be replaced with tears. She could feel the crusty dried sperm inside her thighs and between the crack of her ass as it leaked out of her during the night.

Numbly she got out of bed and went again to the shower. When she was finished, she nervously dried herself looking all the time at Horse, who was now lying on the end of the bed. When she was dry, she started to inch toward the chest of drawers to get some knickers but stopped when she heard the low growl start. She took another small step toward the drawer but stopped again when the growl got louder. Horse climbed off the bed and sat between her and the drawers. Her eyes watering, she backed off.

All she had was her dressing gown, and she slowly reached for it. The dog didn’t seem to mind that, so she quickly put it on, feeling security in covering her nakedness. The gown hung down to her ankles and was wrap-around with a tie around the waist with no buttons. Slowly she edged out of the bedroom and, never taking her eyes off Horse, resisted the almost overwhelming urge to run and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. The Great Dane just sat between her and the door watching peacefully.

Just as the kettle came to a boil, she heard a knock at the door.

“I’ve got to answer the door,” she said to the dog, somehow feeling as if she had to get permission as she headed in that direction.

The dog’s stumpy tail was wagging, and the dog padded to the door with her. She almost broke down with relief when she saw that it was Mandy.


“Sorry I’m so early,” Mandy said as she breezed in. “I’ve been up with my sick friend all night and came straight over. Took less time than I thought it would.” Bending over, she put both arms around Horse, who was pleased with the attention. “And did my baby enjoy servicing the bitch,” she said to the dog rubbing behind its ears. “He did service the bitch didn’t he?” Mandy inquired, turning to Cherry.

Cherry could feel herself blushing. Unable to trust her voice, she gave a crooked smile and nodded.

“Good,” Mandy said and patted her dog.

And a chill went down Cherry’s spine as Mandy said, “Who knows, you could be lucky and find that the bitch might even be pregnant after the first mating.”

“I’ve been on the road. Would you mind terribly if we had a cup of tea, honey?” Mandy inquired. “I’m so tired and thirsty.”

Relieved to be able to do something, Cherry mumbled an acceptance, and they padded off to the kitchen. When the tea was made, they sat at the kitchen table. Cherry had a large round wooden table. They sat opposite each other.

“Oh, he must like you,” Mandy commented as Horse went past her toward Cherry. “He always sits with me,” she said matter of factly.

‘And I wish he would sit with you again,’ Cherry thought in alarm as she felt Horse walking straight to her pushing his head between her legs under the table.

Smiling awkwardly in an endeavor not to draw attention, she put her free hand down and tried to clamp her legs together to stop the dog from coming any further, very aware of her nakedness underneath her gown. But she stopped pushing when she felt the Great Dane’s mouth close over her hand, biting hard enough to let her know to stop. She could feel the silent rumblings of his growl, so she slowly withdrew her hand. The roles were already established.

Mandy kept talking. Not looking at Cherry and unaware of the silent battle underneath the table.

Cherry could feel Horse push her legs apart as he slowly inched toward her, then the warm breath on her sex as she involuntarily closed her legs, trapping Horse’s head inches from her cunt. But she knew what it meant when she felt him turn his head and bite warningly into her leg. As Cherry released the pressure, the woman felt him nuzzle up to her sex. And when he started nipping the inside of her thighs, she slid down the chair so he could access her cunt.

‘This can’t be happening,’ she thought as Mandy continued her story smiling at Cherry.

Then she almost fell off her chair as Horse licked her cunt. An electric shock went through her as his tongue, so different from a man’s, licked the full length of her slit. It was warm, wet, and erotic. She knew she should say something to Mandy to get the dog to stop, but for some reason, she couldn’t. Then it all seemed too late. She clung to the side of the chair, trying to look casual and relaxed and interested in Mandy’s story as Horse sat between her spread legs, giving her cunt the most sensational licking she had ever experienced.

She shuddered as Horse sank his tongue deep inside her cunt, licking her G-spot and nuzzling her clit. Her cunt was dripping from her juices, and she could feel the wetness oozing between her ass cheeks over her puckered hole. Fortunately, Mandy hadn’t noticed anything unusual, but Cherry knew with a growing certainty that that would change. She could feel the intensity of her engorged clit as he continued to lap at her dripping cunt.

Never before had her clit been so sensitive, so excited. It took everything she had to stifle a cry as Horse nipped her clit gently with his teeth. She was practically laying on the chair now. Legs spread wide, fighting a losing battle against the inevitable orgasm. She was sure that Mandy could smell the sex on her by now because her head was lolling back, all but panting. The woman’s eyes were rolling in her head to control her body as the first ripples of her orgasm started deep inside her body.

Then Mandy’s cell phone rang.

Cherry could only nod, fighting to control the building climax as Mandy answered the phone and said, “I will just duck out that back and take this call if that’s OK.”

No sooner had Mandy shut the door than the most intense orgasm Cherry had ever experienced exploded through her body. She moaned in uncontrolled ecstasy as wave after wave of incredible pleasure built in her cunt, then tore through her body only to be replaced by another. The nectar was flowing in copious amounts from her dripping cunt, and Cherry could feel the wetness on her gown. Then she could feel a second orgasm build, and she doubled over as her muscles contracted again.

Cherry was on the verge of blacking out from the pleasure and effort when Horse decided he had had enough and lay down at her feet. With an effort, she dragged herself back into a sitting position and then, with shaking hands, took a couple of deep drinks of her tea. Cherry clasped her legs together to try to stop the tremors down below. She took another drink and then ran her hand through her messy hair.

As she felt herself gaining some semblance of control, Mandy opened the door and came back in. Cherry gave her an embarrassed grin as she entered, knowing that only a miracle had spared her the most embarrassing scene imaginable.

“I’ve got to go,” Mandy said as she collected her things.

“My friend has had a relapse. Tell you what, honey, seeing as Horse likes you so much, and I know how he loves to service a good bitch, I’d like to ask a big favor from you and get you to look after Horse for me for a while. Only till my friend gets over her problem, of course,” Mandy said.

She stood unsteadily, aware of her wetness dribbling down the inside of her thighs as she moved. It was the last thing she wanted to hear. A wave of fear came over Cherry as she looked back at Horse. She was alarmed to see the pink tip of his doggie cock starting to protrude from its sheath. And while she meant to say, ‘No, take the disgusting animal with you,’ she heard herself saying, “Yes, that’ll be fine,” as she saw Mandy to the door.

The moment the front door closed, she bolted for her bedroom just a few feet away, intent on locking the door. But the animal was inside the room before she had time to turn. She backed away from the Great Dane and screamed as Horse reared up in front of her. Standing, he towered over her, and as he put his paws on her shoulders, she stood momentarily, staggered under the weight, then fell backward onto the bed.

She was not completely on the bed, the bed was mainly supporting her back, but half of her ass was hanging over the edge. Horse was on her immediately. Horse took the familiar shuffle forward as if in a lover’s embrace. He poked twice before finding the soft warmth of her cunt, still dripping wet from her orgasm, and with the sound of her screaming, “Noooo,” in his ears, buried his cock into her again and immediately started humping.

It had all happened so fast.

Just the other side of the wall, Mandy stopped as she heard a muffled noise from within. Within seconds she could hear another scream of ‘Nooooo’ and a quick thumping noise as the bed rocked to Horse’s thrusts.

Cherry tried to adjust her position on the bed to relieve the searing pain of his forced entry. But with the dog lying on her and a massive rampaging cock thrusting into her at 100 strokes a minute, there was little she could do. Fortunately, Cherry was still wet from the orgasm, and his cock slipped readily into her. With her ass hanging over the edge of the bed, she maneuvered between thrusts to get the best angle. This way, his cock pumped as smoothly as possible into her cunt.

“That’s good,” she muttered as she felt his cock hit the right angle.

But the right angle meant she had nine inches of cock smoothly pistoning in and out of her well-lubricated cunt. To her dismay, she realized that her body had not yet come down from that high. Her clit was still swollen and excited, and with the dog’s thrusting, she could feel the passion rising again toward the inevitable climax.

Still standing outside the room searching for her keys, Mandy heard Cherry’s voice rising in volume and despair. “Get off me, you bastard. It can’t happen again. Oh God, please, no, no, no, noooo,” Mandy heard Cherry cry.

But to no avail. With a wail of despair, Cherry came. Trembling and jerking spasmodically, Cherry creamed around the dog’s burning, thrusting cock. Every inch of her body quaked uncontrollably. She screamed incoherently at first and then was able to create actual words.

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” she repeated.

The last utterance came out as one long wail of pleasure and horror. Cherry squirmed and shook as the Great Dane continued ramming into her, her hot liquids gushing over them. But he didn’t stop, didn’t pause. Within minutes she was screaming again as Horse brought her to her third climax of the day. This time he did stop momentarily, and his cock popped out of her dripping cunt. She could feel her fluids pouring down the crack of her ass.

She was exhausted from the combined effects of continuous orgasms and her stomach and legs supporting their combined weight. She tried to ease her discomfort by flexing her pelvis, but at that exact moment, Horse’s cock came out of its sheath, and he started poking around for her hole.

She bucked in terror as she felt his cock at the puckered entrance of her asshole and started to push inside. She began to shriek and thrash on the bed. Her eyes popped wide, and her mouth gaped. Cherry shook her head back and forth, tossing her curls, and her fingernails dug into his shoulders. Her sphincter resisted, but it was a losing battle as this huge animal pushed forward with his hips and pulled her back with his paws. The sheer girth of his member was pushing her to breaking point as his penis ground into her resisting asshole.

Mandy heard the blood-curdling screams as the dog forced his thick meat into Cherry. The pain was excruciating as Cherry felt the head boring into her bowels. The crinkled skin of her asshole slithered wider around his fat shaft, stretching her hole unbearably. Her screams were continuous but jerked with each thrust into her torn ass.

The walls of her rectum collapsed around the dog’s prick, seizing him with a thousand rippling muscles. She took him deeper with each thrust, and it felt like his cock was boring into her heart. She bucked against him to escape, but this forced him deeper into her, and she felt him stretch her as he slid his hard cock deep into her deflowered asshole.

After the initial assault, the feel of that cock in her ass was unreal. She felt funny and full, but at the same time, incredibly turned on as Horse pulled his cock almost out and then slid back. He started hammering her stretched anal sphincter with his pulsating tool. Never pausing, bringing her to an earth-shattering climax. Then she was there. Arching her back on his hard dick, she rubbed her sopping sex for all she was worth, feeling something tremendous building inside her. The incredible fullness, the constant pressure deep inside her, it was all too much.

“Oh God, oh God. YYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS,” she screamed, clutching her muscles around the cock in her ass.

Spurt after spurt of hot dog cum sprayed inside her asshole, filling her bowels with his semen.

Mandy smiled as she heard the scream as she walked to her car.

“You don’t mess with the witch if you don’t want to become the bitch,” she said aloud as she walked to her car. “And Cherry, honey, you will love it when you realize how many times a dog can do it in a day.”

Exiting the driveway, she saw another car waiting to turn in. The young girl waved as they passed. ‘Same face, same hair, obviously a younger sister,’ thought Mandy.

And the chuckle became a full laugh as she accelerated away.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, formatting errors, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t always mean a story’s narrative/plot flaws are fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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