Spring Break Gone Astray

By Michelle M.

Pamela, a tall thin brunette with giant boobs, flawless skin, Natalie, thin and just as tall redhead, equally boobs to die for, and myself, Nikki, who look enough like my two friends to be sisters, but my hair color is blonde, a natural blonde were best friends. Not just best friends, but best friends who were constantly looking for ways to get in trouble. Our bodies, the fact we had no real sexual hangups, everything to do with sex, was viewed as enjoyable, all of this and the fact all three of us came from extremely wealthy parents, who viewed our adventures as just ‘normal girls experimenting with fun and games most young people enjoy.

This lifestyle took us on an adventure none of us ever thought was possible. It all started just after the holidays. We had all turned 18 by this time, and we had gathered in Pam’s bedroom one Friday evening, looking for a fun place to spend Spring Break. Nat was looking over spring break locations. I was the first to speak up.

“You know most of the popular areas for spring break are all the same, a bunch of guys looking for some free pussy, girls looking to get laid, and everyone becoming drunk beyond any reasonable way. We need someplace where mostly girls go, enjoy days and nights of lesbian sex.”

That brought on a flurry of laughter, but when we recovered, what I had suggested, was exactly what we were all looking for but had never heard of such a place.

Nat was our computer expert, hooking up her laptop to Pams’ screens. She had access to the dark web, a place where just about anything could be found.

Laying on Pam’s bed, all of us scantly outfitted, running my hand up and down her bare legs, taking time to massage her soft, perfect bottom, easing a finger between the mounds, satisfied when she spreads her legs wide apart, both of us watching what Nat is doing, while I explore her moist lips, bringing on soft moans, making me move closer to her, just as Nat announces she has located the area where the unknown resorts are located, then she stops, turns to see why the moaning and whimpering are taking place.

She was smiling when she saw what was happening. “I’ve found some possibles, but we have to be careful. Some of these sites are ways of luring us in then kidnapping us so we can be sex slaves for them.”

That was when Pam lifted her head. “So, what is wrong with being a sex slave?”

We laughed, just at the same time. I pushed two fingers up inside her, bringing on a whimper at the end of her statement. For the next few minutes, I pumped fingers in and out of her, having her legs clamp on my wrist, both of her hands pushing down between her legs, in a short time, her body convulsed, hips writhing, then soaking my hand with lots and lots of golden nectar.

Bringing my hand out to suck off the juices, Nat moved between her legs, drinking and licking all the creamy liquid our host was producing.

Finally, all of us calming down, we gathered around what our computer nerd had found. There were multiple places that looked like they had a dark side, something we didn’t want to fall into. We’d be perfect for these sites. We were white, pampered, initially sexually active, adding some drugs to us, we’d be a slave master’s dream come true.

The three of us studying the information we could gather from what was provided, we started to get a possible list, finally, one that promised a multiple-day adventure, including an opening party, an erotic adventure up the local mountain, then back down for a closing party. The main thing that really caught our attention, there were only females at the party and only female staff to help us up the mountain. Calling the representative, Cindy, asking her to tell us what we could be expecting if we came for spring break.

“Ladies, thank you for calling. As you can see, we have a small private island in the Jamaican area. We have a private yacht that picks up the patrons, bringing them to the island, where once settled, we open with an evening of partying, dancing, and getting acquainted with our staff, who have some fun toys, helping you enjoy the various unique toys for women only. The following morning we lead individual parties up our small mountain to enjoy the fun and games we have planned for you there, then after two days there, back down for a closing party, departing the following afternoon.”

Then she laughed. “I guarantee the three of you will not want to leave, no matter how good your life is now.”

We took a few minutes to talk about it. Obviously, all three of us were aroused, so that may have clouded our normal judgment, but we gave credit card numbers to reserve us positions for spring break.

While the time passed slowly, we tried everything we could about the things that happened to make this one of the most erotic experiences anyone has ever experienced.

I have my pilot’s license, so we flew into the meeting place in one of my family’s planes. As soon as we got on board, the other women who had arrived were all beautiful. Surprisingly only a few of us were guests, plenty of stunningly beautiful staff, all dressed in the skimpiest bikini any of us had ever seen.

We were the last guests to arrive, drinks were served, and we were off. There were two sets of three girls and one with just two girls, making our small group a total of 11 girls in all. The staff on the boat were well over 15, plus pilots of the vessel. The drink contained some sort of a fruity taste, making us finish it quickly. Everyone was ready for a second round before we were out of sight of the dock.

I relaxed back in my seat, the sun feeling wonderful on my body, without thinking, pulling my loose-fitting top off of me, for some reason looking at my two friends, they seemed to be enjoying the sun and drinks the same way Nat had her top off, and Pam was now totally nude. I had worn a short sun skirt but no panties, so when one of the cute staff members came up behind me, leaning down, kissing my neck, rubbing and massaging my tits, I let out a soft moan, completely enjoying what she was doing to me and the pleasure it was giving me.

I knew the drinks we had been given were spiked, but whatever drug they were using made me feel wonderful. I think she moved around in front of me, or by my side, a hand moved between my legs, circling my clit, moving back and forth over my excited lips, then pushing two fingers up inside me, pumping vigorously, triggering the first of what would end up being, many orgasms before we reached our destination.

I heard Pams scream, the one she always has when she topples over the cliff. I figured she was being aroused by someone the same as I had been. A different tasting drink was given to me, along with a pretty purple pill – then someone was rubbing a gel of some sort all over my anal area, up inside me, all over my pussy, and up inside there as well.

The effects were immediate. My whole area between my legs ignited on fire. The need for some relief was surging all over me. Someone pushed a pulsating dildo, a big pulsating dildo up inside my pussy, secured it, then set it to pump, swell and fuck me, giving me more and more pleasure. As I mentioned, there were multiple climaxes. I not only lost track of them, but I also had no idea where I was at or even what was happening to me.

By the time we docked at the resort, my body was as sexually aroused and in an erotic haze, deeper than I ever knew possible. Two young ladies were standing by my side. One snapped a collar on my neck, a leash attached, both of them helping me stand. My mind finally cleared.

“We didn’t sign up for a slave collar to be put on us. Please, take—” and that was all I was able to say.

When someone gave me an injection, sending me quickly back into the sexual haze I had been in.

We all enjoyed the food. All of us being nude was not a distraction. It just seemed normal. Pam, Nat, and I sat at the same table, but it was easy to see, we were in a drug-induced haze, not really sexual, just in a foggy haze.

We were helped to shower, pampered with oils and a wonderful massage, ending up triggering a much-needed climax, one that sent me slowly into a deep sleep.

Waking, looking around, it was evening – the long shadows were creeping in the room. I felt wonderful, better than I have ever felt in my life. Two young ladies came in and applied some sort of gel between my legs. As soon as she rubbed it all over that area, an intensified sexual urge shot through me.

Escorting me to a large open building, the music loud, the women who had already arrived, including Pam and Nat, were dancing. We hugged each other, all three of us, feeling the increasing tingling between our legs, grabbing a drink, we started dancing, our hands exploring other women’s bodies, while strangers’ hands on my body were more than exciting.

Suddenly a smoke began to be pumped into the room, a mixture of Reishi, GDP, and a marijuana mixture – it only took a few minutes while the smoke filled the room. For me, it intensified the need to have some help between my legs.

That was when the staff began to move around, each lady having some type of mask on to prevent them from becoming subject to the drug-filled smoke and a large strap-on dildo. One of them moved in behind me, pushing the large shaft inside my pussy, holding my hips, fucking me until I screamed with the much-needed orgasm.

As soon as she pulled out of me, another one pushed her welcomed cock inside my anal opening, making me scream – the pain was intense, never having anything in my back door, but someone kissing me, someone’s hands rubbing my pussy, the one fucking my rear door, soon became a welcomed addition.

More drinks, inhaling the smoke being pumped in, each of our openings was assaulted on a continual basis, triggering a new sensation, mini-orgasms thundering through me on a nonstop basis.

I didn’t see the changes, but apparently, every hour, the staff switched sizes of their dildos, increasing in length as well as girth.

The bigger the rubber shafts pounded in me, the more mini-explosions ripped through my body, eventually happening even when nothing was in me.

So far under the influence of the drugged smoke, the spiked drinks, and the constant pounding of my body, when a staff member snapped a leash on my collar, leading me to a separate room, filled with small benches to be kneeled over, my leash attached to the device, then my wrists secured.

That was when the staff began banging me in my pussy with a dildo bigger than the largest ones in the dance hall, but this one only banged me for a short time, then a liquid emptied out of it, just like it had emptied an orgasm in me. As soon as it was pulled out of me, a new one entered my ass, pounding then emptying the liquid inside there.

One of the young ladies knelt by my side. “The liquid we’re emptying in you now will keep both openings in the shape they are in now. You’ll need this to help you with your new purpose.”

I knew deep down inside something was wrong, very wrong. This was not what we signed up for, but the drugs and what was happening to me had me in such a sexually induced haze the ability to link multiple thoughts together was impossible.

Looking around, my two friends, along with the other guests, were in the same predicament I was now enjoying.

I have no idea how long this has been happening to me. The mini earthquakes rushing through my pussy were continuing, eventually leaving me exhausted, slowly dropping my head on the bench, sleep taking over.

At some point, I woke, my pussy and anal opening sore. Reaching between my legs, both openings were so large my whole hand easily slipped inside without touching the sides. Standing on shaky legs, a much-needed shower began to calm me down, but nothing was making any sense to me yet.

The collar felt funny, but I couldn’t get it off, it didn’t seem to have any lock or way of opening it, but when I saw the large banquet put out for all of us, I was famished, joining my friends. I noticed they were in the same way, their sexual openings huge, but I also noticed their boobs looked bigger than they had been. Feeling my own, they were heavy, almost like they were being changed to get me ready to lactate.

Looking around, all of the guests who had been on the boat had collars, and as far as I could remember, we all had bigger boobs.

The three of us were so hungry we didn’t spend much time talking; however, all of us were confused by what was happening, the drugs were still controlling our thinking.

As soon as we had fulfilled our hunger, a group of hideous creatures I’ve ever laid eyes on came in. They all looked like a cross between a human and a dolphin. Their huge tits told us they were all female. Then an even bigger shock hit us when they spoke.

“Good morning, ladies. We are here to escort you to your new home, where you will be of great service to us being added to our ever-growing herd.”

She went on to tell us she and her sisters were part of a new species, one that, with our help, can produce the same drug we were all given in our drinks when we first got on the yacht. As soon as it entered our bodies, sexually, we began to spike, becoming hornier by the moment. Given in large doses, the male or female becomes submissive to the point they will do as they are told, no matter what they have felt in the past or any objection they may have had in the past.

This drug is in such high demand from anyone in the sex trade, with only a few doses changing the person into a sex slut, willing to enjoy anything erotic or sexual. This drug is produced when one of their species, the males, has intercourse with one of us, producing milk in our tits that can be pumped from us on a regular basis. Looking down at my tits, the thought hits me, so that is why my tits and everyone has grown so much.

“But this wasn’t what we signed up for. It was supposed to be a fun spring break trip. You can’t do this to us. People will be looking for us.”

I was surprised to hear Pam speak up. That was when one of the human females began to attach the leashes to our collars. “Oh honey, no one knows where you are. Our address is the place where your plane is parked, and since we provide the local crime boss free samples of our drug, he makes sure no one knows where to even look for you.”

Attaching Nat’s leash to the back of Pam’s collar, then mine to Nat’s, one of the strange creatures began to lead us up the small hill to our new home. All three of us knew this was wrong, knew we didn’t want this, but the drugs had indeed made us submissive, so I just followed behind Nat, walking nude up the hill.

When we arrived at the top of the hill, a huge building looked out of place. Inside there must have been close to 50 women, all in their own stalls, all locked in position with their legs spread wide apart, so their pussies and rear doors were visible. Each one had automatic milking pumps attached to each nipple, all pumping while gallons of the drugged milk flowed to a distribution center located in the middle.

That was when we saw the male species. They were just as ugly as the females, but instead of huge tits, they had cocks, the size of baseball bats, hanging down between their legs.

My leash was unhooked from my friends, moved to an empty stall, my neck hooked up in the stall, then pumps were added to each breast. After a few tests and the sucking started pulling on my nipples. The feeling quickly made me wet between my legs. That was when one of the males moved in behind me. Pushing his cock deep in my ass, he started rocking back and forth. The feeling felt so wonderful, then the more he pumped, the harder it became until finally, it was rigid and hard, that is when he pulled out of my ass, pushing all the way inside me, bottoming out, the full twelve plus inches was in me, his balls slapped my legs, then he began really pumping in and out.

Dropping my head, realizing I’ve never felt more pleasure than I do right now, no matter how I got here, what is happening to me, was something I never even dreamed of happening, then suddenly he stopped. I could feel the huge head of his cock swell, then dump a warm seed, much warmer than anything I’d ever had in me. Load after load after load filled me. He stood behind me, his cock still pulsing more and more, finally pulling out. I was amazed that only a small amount of the liquid leaked out of me.

I was fucked two more times that day. The next morning when the pumps were turned on, a small amount of milk began filling the tubes. Fucked three more times the second day, the next morning, I was pumping large amounts of the sex liquid into the big vat, contributing my amount.

Turning to look at my two friends, feeling so bad I had suggested we go someplace else. “I’m so sorry, guys, for getting us into this.”

Pam laughed. “Yea, but no one ever dreamed we’d end up being fucked like we are several times each day.”

That made all three of us laugh, just as a huge cock entered my ass.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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