Stacey Revealed

By petlover54.

Stacey blushed furiously as she watched herself, stunned into total silence, but unable to look away. Her nipples involuntarily hardened as she watched the video of herself entering a room that looked like a classroom, but with no windows and no desks. She saw herself begin to react as the dog pheromones immediately began to affect her. Viewing it this way brought back memories of very strong physical sensations. She watched her steps falter, and then stop… Her nostrils flared as she unconsciously tried to suck more of the pheromone laden air into her lungs, beginning to pant with her efforts. For the first time, she witnessed her own eyes glaze over with pure animal lust. It was as if she were watching herself lose her humanity second by second, and her body turn into a writhing caldron of animal heat. That’s exactly what had happened; she had been completely helpless as her body had been forced into an animal like heat cycle.

It was so terrifying to witness her own body betray her. She wasn’t able to completely avoid the physical reality as she watched her video self. The residual effects were still strong in her, her cunt was soaking wet and the sexual need was increasing involuntarily. She tried to ignore it. It was disturbing to watch herself on the screen, watching her video self’s body give in to the intense and agonizing sexual need building up in her belly, the inescapable craving that had made her weak. The deep, agonizing itch, the overpowering longing to be filled with something long, thick, and deliciously hard inside her had grown in minutes, and become a fanatical, single-minded desperation to feel the thrusting and vigorous stroking of dog cock deep in her liquid center. All of this happened before she was ten feet into the room.

She watched as her video self slowed to a standstill, rocking unsteadily on her feet… She watched as her supposed best friend knelt down behind her, reached out toward her and pulled her tight skirt up above her waist. She watched as her friend slipped her fingers into the top of her panties as she stood there helpless, and pulled them down until they lay loose around her feet. Stacey felt humiliation as she watched her body sway slightly back and forth in the video. The actions of her friend had gone unnoticed in her pheromone drugged state. She flushed as she saw that her hips were making little pumping motions in the video. Her friend watched her and smiled in triumph.

She could see the lips of her sex and inner thighs glistening with wetness, her body automatically responding to forces of nature she didn’t quite understand fully. Her mouth opened in shock as she watched her best friend stand and place her hands on that other Stacey’s shoulders and gently push down onto her hands and knees. It was so unreal to see herself lower herself to her knees in her drugged state with so little effort by her friend, as if her legs were too weak to hold her up. The pushing persisted until she saw herself down on hands and knees. Her head hanging down and she could hear herself panting in excitement. Her ragged breathing in the speakers made her ashamed. She heard herself let out additional little quivering, whimpering sounds… Definite sounds of a building and uncontrollable need. Stacey could remember the irresistible need to be dominated, to be controlled, to be taken and violently mated.

Stacey could vaguely recall the agonizing wait, though it was only a few minutes, to feel the weight of the dog on her back, to feel the soft fur of his belly against her back and bottom. She recalled the desperate need of her body, and the almost intolerable eagerness to feel the first touch of the gloriously rigid shaft of her lover to be. She recalled the deep yearning for the first touch of the solid, heated point of his cock, and anticipated its first touch on the lips of her slit before he claimed her as his own.

She recalled herself mindlessly promising him everything and anything if he would just hurry to satisfy the terrible itch between her legs, the age-old longing to fill the terrible emptiness inside her that had built to such a fever that it would insure her willing submission. She waited in agony for the feeling of relief that the burrowing shaft would bring her, along with the bliss of full penetration, and if she were lucky, the feel of the knot as he claimed her as his property.

Stacey felt herself become wet, and it embarrassed her to know that watching herself had that effect on her. She knew that her cunt was still saturated with the dog’s sperm, and that thought brought a surprise twinge of pleasure so great that she had to put her hand between her legs in an effort to give herself a bit of relief, though it wasn’t near enough.

It was so strange to see herself in this situation. She was usually so entranced by the pheromones that she was unaware of anything but the physical act itself. Stacey saw her friend led in the first dog. He sniffed and licked her perfunctorily before he mounted her. She heard herself wail in… Was it pain…? Bliss…? Relief…? Or was it just plain animal need. Whatever it was, it was obvious that it was far more than welcome. The dog found her entrance without trouble, piercing her cunt hard and deep, thrusting frantically and forcefully. She was struggling to hold him up, her breasts were swinging wildly under the blouse, under which there was no bra. She remembered the friction of the fabric against her nipples had driven her animal lust to an even higher plane.

The mating went on and on, and Stacey watched herself go into a kind of subspace. She remembered her pleasure had been so great, and the relief so profound that she had never wanted the dog to stop. She felt the liquid heat as the dogs seed spilled into her, and the heavy throbbing of the knot as the sperm passed through. She had felt the waves of pleasure as they radiated through her belly and on to every part of her body. She felt an odd satisfaction in knowing she had been found worthy by the dogs, the proof being the seed in her belly. How strange to be proud of that, even as she watched the video.

There was hardly a break as her friend pulled one dog off, and encouraged the next to mount. It was all the same to Stacey, as the bliss went on and on, just as her orgasms went on and on, her brain was flooded with the dog pheromones. She was seeing herself fucked again and again, by dog after dog. All the while, her friend was video taping what was happening, always seeming to be at the correct angle, with the correct lighting. It was all laid out before Stacey as she watched herself being bred, and recalling how everything she was watching felt, moment by moment. She watched as the first drips of semen oozed out around the knot to fall to the floor, and how, as each dog mounted her and filled her with sperm, that drip turned into a puddle, and then a pool. On gawd, so much sperm in that pool… It made her wonder how much sperm had already made it through her cervix, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or was it millions?

She watched herself as the last dogs cock finally slipped from her well used cunt. A flood of semen followed, and she watched as that Stacey softly sank to the floor, to weak to stay up. She watched as her friend put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, and remembered the first blast of clean air. She saw herself collapse onto the floor, her shaved pussy centered in the pool of dog semen, and her slit entirely coated with it. It made her wetter than ever, she couldn’t help herself anymore than she could help reacting to the pheromones. There was nothing she could do about it, no way of knowing when and where she would be exposed again. Being in an enclosed room with even one dog was enough to send her into heat now. She just prayed that it wouldn’t happen in a public place. And then she had a thought… Why had her girlfriend set her up this way? Why had she video taped it? What was she going to do with the tape, and why show it to her?


The End.

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