Stray Dog Delight (Gay Zoo)

by Gottabme

My name is Johnny. I was 17 when I got a puppy for Xmas one year. He was a medium-sized mutt my mom got from an animal shelter. I loved that puppy like a family member. I named him Jet. Every day after school I would play with him. In one year he was weighing about 40 lbs. I figured he wasn’t going to grow much more. I noticed my dog was starting to get horny because I would see him hump some of his soft toys he had.

One day while we were playing around in my room, he started to hump my leg. It startled me, and I pulled away quickly. Jet just sat there looking at me. I felt sorry for him and felt he was going thru puberty the way I was. I was already masturbating so I figure Jet was in his own way trying to do the same thing. I kept playing with him, and at one point while I was trying to get away from him, he had hold of my shorts with his teeth. As I pulled away, my shorts came off leaving me in my underwear.

Jet shook his head back and forth and swung my shorts toward my bed. As I crawled over to get them, I felt Jet climb up on my back, and he started humping. I could feel something hitting me on my ass cheeks. As I looked back, I could see Jet’s cock was exposed. It was bigger than mine. As Jet kept humping I could not believe that my cock was hardening. I was actually getting a boner. I got up quickly knocking Jet off me. My cock was hard as a rock. Jet jumped up and knocked me down. Without warning, he began to lick my cock.

OMG, it felt great. I let the dog lick, and I could see the dog’s cock was peeking out again. Jet kept licking and soon I was shooting a load of cum which Jet happily licked up. Now I felt bad that I had shot a load and poor Jet was still horny as heck. I had seen dogs fucking before. I don’t know what possessed me, but I took off my underwear and got down on the floor on my hands and knees. Jet looked at me for a while then went behind me. He began to lick my ass and balls from behind. OMG, I was getting a boner again.

Jet suddenly climbed up on my back and began to hump. I could feel his cock hitting my ass cheeks. He was gripping me tighter trying to find somewhere to put his cock. Suddenly I felt him poke his cock between my ass cheeks. He lunged forward and was in me. My cock was bouncing up and down as Jet started to hump like crazy driving his cock deep inside me. This made me cum as I felt something wet inside me. Jet must be cumming also as I felt him thrust more slowly. When I felt him pull his cock out of my ass, I squeezed instinctively trying to keep his cock inside me. Jet got off me and went to a corner. I saw him licking his cock clean.

I had a lot of fun with Jet after that, letting him mount me anytime we were home alone. In school, I was starting to notice the girls, and I would come home and masturbate thinking about some of them while at the same time letting Jet fuck me at times. We kept this up all thru my middle school years. Once I got to high school, I was a popular guy and had the girls lining up for me, so I started fucking with them. Jet didn’t know why I wasn’t letting him play our games anymore.

I have since those days, graduated from high school and college. I got a job as a lawyer and was still popular with the ladies. So I had plenty of pussy to pick from. I enjoyed fucking them, and some of them were more than happy to give me a blow-job. It reminded me of the first time Jet licked my cock when I was 16 years old.

I got married when I was 31 to a young lady (Becky) I met in court during a case. We had 2 children, a boy, and a girl. They are now grown, and Becky and I divorced after 25 years of marriage. There were no hard feelings between us. We just kind of drew apart the past couple of years. Our children live with Becky but come see me often as we all live in the same city.

I was getting close to retirement, and as I was heading home one day, I passed by a warehouse that was on the way. I noticed a security guard at the gate, and 3 dogs were laying near him that I could see. One of the dogs looked a lot like Jet, and it took me back to the days I was letting him fuck me. I got a hard-on thinking about it as I drove home. I never thought I would work again after retiring, but I got to thinking about being a security guard because it seems stray dogs are always around them.

I would get a hard-on thinking about it always. I started looking thru the classifieds for security guard positions. I found one looking to fill a vacancy for the 11pm – 7am shift. I thought I would go look into it. As I drove to the site, I learned it was off in a rural area. As I pulled into the lot, the guard checked my ID. I told him I was looking into a job posting. He pointed me to the office. As I drove in, I noticed 4 dogs, all male mutts, near the guard shack. There were 3 medium-sized dogs and one larger one. I noticed this one seemed to have a sizeable cock stored in his sheath. This gave me a hard-on imagining that dog mounting me.

I interviewed and was told since I was the first to apply the position was mine. I stopped at the gate and told the guard there that I was starting at 11:00pm Saturday night. His name was Joe, and I would relieve him. I asked about the dogs. He said they hang around. All the guards feed them. They come and go as they please, and they see them outside screwing any bitch that comes by and lets them. This got my cock growing as I thought of maybe being a new bitch for them.

On my first night on the job, all 4 dogs were around as Joe gathered his things to leave. I petted all the dogs and took out some scraps I brought them. After they ate they all lied down next to me. I was getting horny thinking of the possibility of at least one of them fucking me. I walked behind the guard shack and noticed one of the dogs followed me. I unzipped my fly and let my cock hang out which was already throbbing. The dog slowly walked up to me and licked my cock. Oooh, my cock pulsed and got hard as a rock. I let him lick me a while but soon stepped back. I dropped my pants and slipped off my underwear.

I then got on my knees as the dog walked up to me and again licked my cock. Precum leaked, and the dog kept licking. I noticed his cock peeked out of its sheath. I then got down on my hands and knees and tried to coax the dog behind me. He did and started to lick my ass as my cock bounced up and down leaking precum. I suddenly felt the dog mount me as he started to hump. I impatiently tried to move to allow him to penetrate me. However, he jumped off me. He started licking my ass again. Then he mounted me again and started to hump. I felt him so near my asshole until at one point he hit home. He quickly gripped me tighter and began to fuck me at a wildly rapid pace.

I shot a load when he penetrated me and began to push back. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed getting fucked by Jet in my younger years. I began to push back to meet his thrusts. Ooh, good doggie. Fuck your new bitch. As he was fucking me, I noticed one of the other dogs had come around. He walked up in front of me and started to lick my face. I noticed his cock peeking from its sheath also. Then I felt the dog fucking me starting to shoot his cum inside my ass. I pushed back to finish milking him. When he finished, he quickly climbed off and before I could do anything the other dog took his place. I wasn’t knotted, so I wasn’t sore yet.

The other dog mounted me and quickly found his mark as I began to receive another fucking. Oh, it felt so good. This dog felt a bit larger than the other one. I felt the dog grip me a bit tighter which usually means he wants to push his knot in me. Remembering how good that felt with Jet, I let him and even pushed back. I felt the knot slip in as he began a more furious fuck pace. I shot another load when I felt the knot slip inside and grow. The dog started to cum inside me as I pushed back against the knot. We stayed tied for about 10 minutes, and the dog jumped off me. I quickly got up as I saw the other 2 dogs coming around the corner. I quickly dressed and went back to the gate to finish my shift. The other 2 dogs were by me wagging their tails. Don’t worry boys, tomorrow’s another day. You’ll get your turn.

My shift ended and the next guard took my place. I went home, showered, and went to sleep. I got up later that afternoon and called a lady friend of mine to see if she wanted to get together. She said yes so I took her out to dinner and took her back to my place. I was 58 years old now, and she was only 40 but looked more like 35. She had a body of a college student with long blond hair, C-cup tits, and long legs. I’m a leg man, so I always look for ladies with nice legs that are cute.

We watched TV for awhile as I leaned over to kiss her. We made out, and I began to run my hand up her leg. She had on a mini skirt. I slipped my tongue into her mouth as she spread her legs a bit to allow my advancing hand access to her cunt. I slid it all the way up her crotch and massaged her pussy. She was wet already. I pulled down her panties then slipped off my shorts and underwear. I drove my cock into her wet pussy and began to fuck her hard. She was moaning as I mashed my lips against hers. I wish I had a knot to drive into her so I could go deeper into her cunt. I shot my cum into her and collapsed on top of her.

As we rested I let her know I had to go to work soon, so she got up to shower. I followed her in a couple of minutes later and fucked her again in the shower. She then dried up, dressed and kissed me good night. I started getting ready for my shift. As I drove to work, I thought about the 2 dogs that haven’t fucked me yet, one of them being the biggest dog who I noticed had a nice cock in his sheath. I started to get hard thinking about getting fucked again. I pulled into the lot, parked, and relieved the guard that was on duty. The 4 dogs were all there and came to greet me.

I was 2 hours into my shift. The dogs had wandered off shortly after I started but are back now. Hopefully, they were looking for a bitch but didn’t find one. As they came up to me, I put some food in some bowls, and they each came to eat. I went to one of the mutts who hadn’t fucked me and rubbed his head. I unzipped my pants and took my cock out. He looked at it strangely but gave it a lick. My cock throbbed. I saw his cock peek out of its sheath, so I walked around toward the back with the dog following me. I quickly dropped my pants and underwear and got on my hands and knees.

The dog came up behind me and sniffed my ass. My cock was about to explode. He then licked my asshole a little while then mounted me. Yea boy here’s the bitch you were looking for. Give me a good fucking. The dog started to hump frantically as I moved my ass around trying to help him find the mark. Uuuhnn – he was in. I was so high I shot precum as he penetrated me. He gripped me tighter and began a quick fuck. Ooh this is soooo good. Fuck me buddy – yessss. He pulled out suddenly, precum from his cock hitting my ass and legs. I think my excitement startled him. He gave my ass some quick licks and mounted me again. He was in me quickly and started to fuck me in earnest. I began to push back against his thrusts.

I suddenly saw the bigger dog come around the corner. The dog stopped and looked at us. I saw his cock peek out as the dog in me started to cum. He didn’t knot me so as he pulled out I remained on my hands and knees hoping the bigger dog wanted some of this bitch. He came around behind me and started licking the other dog’s cum from my legs and ass. That got my cock throbbing again. Then he mounted me. It seemed he was in me on the first thrust. I was so excited I shot a load as he penetrated me. He was fucking me harder than the other dogs. I wanted this one to knot and tie me. I wanted all of his cock in me, and I wanted all of his cum. I began to push back when I felt the knot at my asshole.

The dog gripped me tighter and with a couple hard thrusts had his knot in me. I felt it growing as I continued to push back. My cock was throbbing as I felt his cock hitting deep inside me. I knew he was close. As I felt him slow down his thrusts, I knew he was ready to empty his cum into me, so I pushed back hard just as I felt the first spurt deep inside me. I started to cum at the same time. He stayed tied with me for about 15 minutes before pulling out. Cum leaked out of my ass and down my legs. I stayed there a while just savoring the feeling.

I then got up and went inside to clean up. I thought about letting the other 2 dogs fuck me again, but this last fucking by the big mutt was what I wanted to remember most for now. There would be plenty more times to be fucked by all of them. And there would be nights I would let them all fuck me. I really love this job.

The End.



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