Keio: The Green Pills

By Guzzler21. “Get your body toned! Get in shape! Become the girl of everyone’s dreams!” The commercial message had been hammering down hard on Keio’s mind now for months. She saw the ad several times a day – on FB, via mails in her apps… She had always, at least since her school-years (which weren’t that long ago), had issues with her height and heavy-set figure. She was aware of her own hang-ups. Probably the algorithms of the different social

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Alma’s Rite

By Tyrynth. Her Rite had gone smoothly so far. As one of only five youths deemed by the shaman to be ready, she had been drugged and abandoned far into the winter wilderness, tasked solely with making it home alive. It was as much proof that they could pull their weight in the village as it was proof to the totems that chose them that they were worthy. As a testament to the tenacity and heartiness of her people, most

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One Mistress. One Beauty. Two Beasts.

By SilkMoon. “We’re going to miss you,” I said. The short busty blonde gathered the last two bags and glanced at the waiting car. I’ll miss you too.” the blue-eyed young girl replied. “And the Boys. I learned so much. I just have to take this job. You understand.” “Of course. Your obligation has ended.” “Thanks for everything,” she said, turning and walking down the path to the car. The Boys stood on either side of me, watching her go.

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Ms. Jensen

By Subpam. It’s another Saturday night, and I’m babysitting for Ms. Jensen. Even though she doesn’t have any kids, she does have a couple of dogs. I just tell my parents that so I can be with her. I’m sitting by the front door naked, except for the collar she had put on me. Her taxi just pulled up. I quickly got up and ran to the taxi cab. I opened the door and helped Ms. Jensen out of the

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A Desert Encounter

By newatit33. My wife and I stopped for gas at this little place out in the middle of nowhere. The only reason we stopped was that my wife had to use the washroom, and rather than stopping at a rest stop, we decided to stop here. As I started to fill up the gas tank, my wife disappeared into the washroom. I was just about halfway through when an older woman came out of the office over to me. We

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