Doggie Dick (Gay Zoo)

Ryan Zabor ( Hey! My name is Ryan, I’m 18, and I live in Washington State. I’ve known I was gay ever since I can remember. I’ve always liked guys, never really ever saw girls as more than just good friends. I never thought about having sex with a dog before, until a little while ago when I came across a site banner on a gay porn site. It was an advertisement banner about a gay beast sex site. The

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The TR Ranch (Gay Zoo)

Anonymous Author (the Oracle BBS) Summer was just beginning, and I still didn’t have a job between my junior and senior year at CU. I didn’t know how I was going to spend my summer or how I was going to pay for next year’s tuition. Spring in Denver is always pretty so I wasn’t in too much of a hurry, but something had better happen before all the other students got the remaining summer jobs. I went down to

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Fun With My Dog Bud 1 (Gay Zoo)

By ArtOutOfMyMind Until recently, I thought I was a normal 23-year-old single guy enjoying life a day at a time without a care in the world. My job in construction gave me lots of money and a decent apartment that I didn’t have to share with anyone but my dog, Bud. My only sexual thoughts were of the hot women that I met at the local clubs. They were constantly trying to move in with me, but I let them

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First time (Gay Zoo)

Anon The best thing about having a dad that travels a lot for work and mom and sister that get cabin fever easy is I got most weekends to myself. It happened to be a Friday and dad was at work, my mom and sister had left early for a four hour drive to Denver for some summer shopping. I stayed home like usual it was a nice 80 degrees outside, hot for Wyoming but good for swimming in the

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The Farmer (Gay Zoo)

Anon My story begins in a small grocery store in a small farm town. My first job was at simple foods grocery I had just turned 19 and had worked there for nearly a year today was a big sale event. All the farmers in town were gathering outside the store to show off their produce so the customers would get to know where their food comes from and who was making it. It was a happy small town and

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