The Farmer (Gay Zoo)


My story begins in a small grocery store in a small farm town. My first job was at simple foods grocery I had just turned 19 and had worked there for nearly a year today was a big sale event. All the farmers in town were gathering outside the store to show off their produce so the customers would get to know where their food comes from and who was making it. It was a happy small town and everybody was friendly. Except for the store manager my boss. He was such a hard ass. Always giving me such a hard time. Today was so busy for the big event, I did not even have time to take my morning break and was working furiously to get the place in order.

I had trouble with that manager since I started working there, and he had it out for me from the beginning. As I was stacking the shelves in a hurry, I had tripped and dropped a box of pickle jars that then broke all over the floor. The manager heard the commotion and made his way to me. “I figured it was you,” he said. “Clean up this mess immediately, then get back to work. We will discuss what you owe later. If I catch you screwing up one more time, you’ll have to find another place to work.”

The event had begun it was my duty to make sure all the farmer booths were prepped and ready. “Hey kid, you mind giving me a hand with that barrel of apples there?” said one of the farmers.

“Sure,” I replied.

As I picked up the barrel and started to move with it. I then saw out of the corner of my eye my friend Emily which I knew from high school. She approached me and asked how my day was going. At first I did not know what to say seeing as how I had a crush on her. We knew each other and were best friends, but after high school, we separated and did not see each other as much. I told her I was doing well and that it was good to see her, she then told me she came all this way just to see me and did not care about the event. She gave me a hug and told me we should hang out more, then left.

Surprisingly the manager was watching our conversation and had approached me, and said, “That’s the last straw, I can’t have you flirting with the other customers. You’re fired.”

As I put down the barrel of apples I tried to explain, but he did not want to hear it. The apple farmer had seen what was going on and approached the manager and said “this boy has done nothing wrong, you should be ashamed of yourself talking to him like that”. The manager stormed off with an angry look.

“Hey kid, how would you like to work on my farm” he said.

I replied, “Sure, I could use a job seeing as how I just got fired.”

“My name is Bill, nice to meet you, we can begin tomorrow if you like. Just meet me at my place bright and early at 8:00 am tomorrow morning. Here is my address,” he wrote on a small piece of paper.


The next morning I arrived at his farmhouse. He had opened the door and invited me in for coffee. He told me he needed help with the stables and asked if I had any experience with horses. “Well, no,” I said, “But I have always wanted to work around them.”

He told me that the first thing I had to do was cleaning the stalls and feed them. Now and then I can let them out to graze so I could clean their stalls easier. “There’s a lot about horses, I can teach you,” he told me. As he led me into the stable he pointed out his horses by name. The first one he introduced me to was named Buddy, he was a large Clydesdale stud clean and well-mannered. “Buddy is my show horse,” he told me. “So you better take extra care with him. He’s a big boy, so be careful,” he said with a strange-looking smile on his face.

The next one he showed me was his two miniature stallion paint ponies he called Nimbus and Stratus. Then he showed me his younger stallion crossbreed he called Lightning. He was magnificent to look at. He was a cross between a zebra and a horse. I gazed at his long shaft hanging down beneath him. Bill saw the way I was looking at him, and said with yet another strange smile, “Yup, they get that way sometimes.”

The last one he pointed out was Trixie, a small petite caramel coloured pony mare. “Yea, that’s a good girl,” he said petting her head. “Well, that’s all of them, 4 stallions and 1 mare. It’s important you don’t let the stallions get into the mares stall,” he told me. “I’m not ready for any more horses at the moment.”


For a week, every day seemed the same: clean the stalls and feed the horses. I would occasionally help him with some housework as well, seeing as how he lived alone and took care of the apple orchards all by himself. I absolutely loved working on Bill’s farm, and being around the horses all day. This had been the best job I ever had. The time came for him to show off his Clydesdale and produce at another market in the next town over. “Today I’m going to teach you about grooming, and sheath cleaning,” he said.
“OK,” I replied, not knowing anything about what I was going to do.

“OK, look here. The first thing you need to do is grooming him, then when he is aroused, we can clean his sheath,” he said.

I was a little confused at first, but then realized there was no reason to be grossed out, it was a good job after all. So I would do my job, whatever the task. I had seen horse cocks before and was not surprised by them, however, when buddy dropped his enormous cock I was in awe. As I groomed him, Bill had brought a bucket of warm water with a sponge and soap. “I see he likes you,” Bill said, as his cock began to swell.

Bill then took the horse’s enormous dick in his hand and began to stoke it. I realized Bill was really enjoying himself by the bulge in his pants. He took the sponge and began to wash up and down the long massive shaft. “You can touch it if you like,” he said.

“No thanks.” I said back to him, secretly wanting so much to play with that big horse penis.

Bill then said, “You don’t have to, of course, but it sure would make my job a lot easier if you wanted to help me do this. Here, just hold him while I clean around his balls.”

“Well, OK,” I said, with such a secret desire to do just that.

As I got closer to him, he began to belly slap his enormous three-foot long dick and shot streams of precum. “Just try to hold the head of his penis so I can get all his shaft clean,” Bill said.

I had to grab the head of his cock with both hands just to hold him still. I could feel him swelling in my hands bigger, and bigger. I began to get horny myself. He was so big and wet. His dick shot so much precum it was like lube on my hands. He began to buck a few times, and to my surprise shot his load all over the floor. A stream shot out between his front legs about five feet ahead of him, then several smaller streams of cum with each throbbing pulse. His cock flared up, he was so big and wet. I could smell his cum, and saw the puddle of sperm on the floor.

With his throbbing cum soaked member hanging down in front of it. I was so horny I let out a quiet moan, and creamed my pants totally forgetting that Bill was right there standing next to me. He then put his arm around my shoulder, and said, “Well, that was not too difficult now, was it. Looks like you got quite the mess to clean up.”

He looked at me again with the same strange satisfied smile. Then took buddy’s reigns and walked him out the stable, leaving me there all by myself, hands soaked in horse cum trying to get my mind around what I had just done and how I enjoyed it.


The next morning, I met Bill at his farm-house as usual at eight a.m. He had a hot cup of coffee ready for me, and as usual told me the list of daily chores I needed to do. The only thing different about this morning was the way he was looking at me, and speaking to me. There was a softer tone in his voice, and that strange smile on his face. He was a handsome man around thirty-seven. I began to realize he was flirting with me, and I got nervous seeing as how I was unsure of my sexual orientation.

He had been so kind to me, I did not want to offend him, and I needed the job to pay rent, so I smiled back at him and told him how much I enjoyed working for him. He then said, “You know what! It might make it easier if you come and stay with me at my house. I have lots of empty rooms, seeing as how I’m all alone on in this big place my parents left me. And besides, you got rent coming up so why don’t you move in with me and save your money, I won’t charge you anything, seeing as how you help me so much and I can still pay you so long as you need me to.”

Wow, how lucky can a boy get, I thought to myself. “I would love that, Bill,” I replied.

He sat down next to me, put his hand on my leg, and said to me, “I’m so glad that you will stay with me. I get lonely around here, and would like some company now and then.” He then stood, and said, “Well, looks like we got some work to do.”

We walked out the door and went our separate ways. I knew he was going to be gone in the orchard all day and he left me to take care of the horses by myself. Trixie was out grazing, so I could clean her stall first. As I was cleaning, I looked over at Buddy and saw the way he was looking at me. “Aw, you want some attention, don’t you, big boy,” I said to him.

His ears perked up and he began to swish his tail. I walked over to him and began to pet him. He reached back with his mouth and started to lick my hands. “You’re a good boy,” I said, giving him a hug and a pat on the shoulder.

I started petting him more, and then began to hear a familiar sound. I looked under him, and saw his big throbbing cock belly slapping, beating against his chest. Each horny throb making a thumping noise as his three-foot cock beat against his furry abdomen wet with precum. “You big stud, do you want me to touch you as I did last time?” I whispered to him.

Then I reached beneath him and pet his soft underbelly. I could feel his warm fleshy cock slapping my hand as I pet him. This made me feel so horny. He was such a big stallion and was so gentle. I cupped his big horse dick in my hand and began to rub his full three feet of cock from the tip of his penis to the base of his shaft. He was oozing out so much precum, it lubed his cock and he began to gently thrust back and forth in my hand. I was once again finding myself with a raging hard on. This time, I was alone. I slid my pants off and began to stroke myself with my hand, wet with horse precum.

A wave of ecstasy rushed over my body as I was fully caught in the moment. I wanted to feel him in my mouth, so I knelt beneath him and put my mouth on his big veiny throbbing horse dick. It was way too big to fit in my mouth, so I licked his shaft up and down and worked my way to the massively flared head of his penis.

It was at least the size of a grapefruit. I could taste his precum. It was warm, wet, and tasted kinda like slimy salt and pepper. I loved the taste and tried to fit as much of his hot flesh as I could in my mouth while with the other hand, reaching as far back as I could along his shaft. He was getting bigger and began to gently thrust back and forth. My lips and mouth firmly sucking on the end of his penis barely holding on.

I could feel him leaking out in my mouth what seemed to be a cup of precum. I swallowed it, loving every drop. Then suddenly, he let out a grunt, tensed, and shot his full load of hot semen right down my throat. Then another pulsing squirt filled my entire mouth, and then another. It was so much cum I could not keep my mouth on him anymore. I released my mouth as cum was pouring out all over my shirt, then more pulsing squirts. Hot loads of horse cum shot all over my face and body some even got in my eyes. It seemed as if someone had taken a bucket of seamen and dumped it on me.

Once again, I could smell his cum, and felt it dripping down, lubing my cock. I began to cum all over myself, mixing the stallions’ hot semen with my own. As I knelt beneath him in bliss, I realized I was totally gay for this horse. He had given me a cum-bath, and I liked it. Oh crap, I thought to myself, I can’t let Bill see me like this, my clothes are soaked and I reek of cum. Then seconds later to my surprise, Bill came through the stable doors to see how I was doing. My heart raced as he saw what I had done. I thought for sure he was going to kick me off his farm, but before I could say a word he spoke.

“Look at you, beneath my horse covered in his cum. Why it looks like yawl decided to have some fun and didn’t invite me to join. I figured you’d be into this stuff, that’s why I hired you. A young horny buck like you with nowhere to go. Now, what am I going to do with you? Oh, I know what I will do with you,” he said.

He approached me with that same strange smile, and put his arm over his horse buddy while unzipping his pants. I was still in shock, kneeling under the stallion with Bill standing over me. His pants unzipped with his big floppy uncut farmer dick poking out through the slit of his jeans. “Well, what are you waiting for? You must be good at giving head, why look what you did to my horse. I have never seen him cum so much.”

This was certainly a day of strange events. At first I thought I was going to be in serious shit, but to my surprise Bill was happy to see what I had done. The first words out of my mouth was, “Thanks for not being upset with me.”

He then softly spoke, and said, “I would never be upset with you, cos you remind me too much of myself when I was young and experimenting with horses. You know seeing you soaked in cum like that is a fantasy come true. You’ll be my little stallion, and what I want now is to feel your sexy mouth around my cock.”

I took his penis in my mouth, I could feel him getting hard and pushing toward the back of my throat. “Aw, that feels good,” he said, bucking back and forth between my tight lips.

I could still taste the horse cum as it dripped down my face and on his cock being thrust into my mouth. “Oh, almost there,” he said, ramming deep down my throat.

I began to gag, so he pulled out, and asked, “Are you alright, my little stallion?”

“Oh yes,” I said with delight.

He then took his long nine-inch dick and began to rub it all over my face, covering it in horse cum. Then he put his dick back in my mouth, and said, “You like the taste. Don’t ya?”

“Mmm,” I said, with his cock in my mouth.

As he began to thrust himself back and forth in my mouth, I could feel him tense, much like Buddy did. I knew he was close. “Oh, I’m gonna cum,” he shouted, then thrust himself deep in my throat once more.

I could feel him pulsating as he shot load after load of hot cum down my throat. He then went limp, pulled out of my mouth, and began petting my head with his limp cock in front of my face. “You’re very special,” he said. “I want you to take it easy the rest of the day. Go on in and take yourself a hot shower, and I’ll have clean clothes and a dry towel waiting for you when you are done.”

Sure enough, when I came out of the shower he had cloths and a towel ready for me as he stood outside the bathroom door. “Here you are, ma little stallion. I’ll have dinner ready soon, make yourself comfortable. The room you’ll be staying in is right down the hall, to the right. Although I’d prefer you stay in my room with me, if you like.”

At the dinner table, he began to speak to me about how he had been alone to take care of his farm after his parents had died in a car accident. He told me how he had lived alone all his life and had only his horses as friends. He had wanted someone like me to stay with him so he could have more human interaction. After dinner, I left for my new room. And shortly after I heard Bill knocking on the door. “Come in,” I said.

He gave me a deep desiring look, sat down next to me on the bed, and asked if I have ever had sex with anyone before. I replied, “Other than sucking on your cock, I’m still a virgin.”

Shockingly, he told me he had never had sex with another person too. I knew where he was going with this conversation. He asked, “So would you be willing to try anal with me?”

Nervous, but wanting to try, I said, “Yes.”

He put his hand over my cock and began to gently play with it. He told me how his small pony stallions Nimbus and Stratus had fucked his ass before, and how much he enjoyed it. He said it was painful at first, but he did not give up, and wanted their cocks inside him. “After a while, it began to feel really good,” he said, “But in the beginning it was no fun.”

At this time we were both hard and horny for each other. He laid me down spread my legs and began to suck my hard dick. I never received any attention like this before. “Oh yes, it feels good,” I cried.

He stopped before I could cum, and began to kiss my knees working his way to my ball sack, then started to tongue my asshole. “Oh, what are you doing?” I said. “It feels so good, yet so strange.”

“It’s OK,” he replied. “My little stallion has such a tight, clean, little asshole.” He then positioned himself on top of me and began to kiss my neck and nibble my ear lobes. Then whispered in my ear, “My sexy little stallion, I want to fuck your tight, little ass so bad.”

I could feel him, pressing up against me, waiting for me to let him in. “Oh yes, fuck me,” I moaned, caught in the moment.

“It may hurt a little, but I promise I won’t injure you,” he said.

“OK, I’m ready,” I said as I looked him in his deep green eyes.

He then pushed the head of his penis inside me.

“Ouch, it’s so big,” I cried. “Please, go slow.”

He paused for a moment, not wanting to hurt me, then pushed his way deeper.

“Oh my God, it hurts so much,” I yelped.

“Are you OK? Do you want me to stop?”

I remembered what he had told me earlier, and knew that if I did not give up it would eventually feel better. “No, don’t stop,” I said.

He slowly began to thrust back and forth in my tight asshole deeper and deeper with each thrust. I could tell he was really enjoying himself at this point, and wanted him to cum. The thrusting got faster and I noticed I was sweating profusely. It actually was beginning to feel kinda good, but still painful. He started to tense, and thrust all the way deep inside me. I held him tight to my body and felt him pulsing inside me. I could feel his hot cum filling me up. “Oh yes, I can feel it,” I shouted.

He went still for a moment, then pulled himself away from me. “That was good,” he said.

I could feel cum dripping out of my ass. His shiny cum covered, floppy cock dangling in front of me. He laid down next to me and began to suck my cock once more. “Now I want you to cum in my ass, I’m not just gonna leave you hanging, you know,” he said.

I was once again raging hard with a sore ass. He positioned himself on top of me and started to ride my cock. “Yes, it feels so good, please don’t stop,” I cried.

I could tell he wanted my semen. I could not hold back any longer and started to cum. He did not slow his pace one bit. I was cumming while he was bouncing up and down my wet shaft. I noticed cum starting to ooze from his ass as he was riding me. He then got himself off my wet cock, and laid there next to me. “Wow, that was good,” he said, holding me safe in his arms as I felt blissfully sleepy.


The next morning, as I woke I hugged my pillow knowing this was my new home and I was very comfortable. I felt safe and wanted. I got up, got dressed and walked into the dining room where Bill was making breakfast. “Hey sexy, did you sleep well?” He said to me.
“Yes, I slept very well,” I told him.

He then set a plate of bacon, eggs, and hash browns on the table and said, “Eat up, we got a big day ahead of us. Today I want to start training Lightning. He’s now turning the right age to start breeding, and with your help I want to see if I can get him to mount me.”

As we made our way into the stables, Bill first went over to Trixie’s stall and took her out in front of all the stallions. He then said, “I want you to fuck her good in front of the males. They’ll smell her, and watch. It’ll be torture for their horny cocks.”
Trixie knew what was happening as I could tell she has done this before many times with Bill. She began to back into him and swished her tail as her pussy began to wink. She took a stance and began to pee, then started to wink more as I could smell her estrus. The stallions, one by one also noticed the scent, and began to stick their noses up in the air as they took in breaths of the little mares flowing pussy juices. I had got horny just watching her wink in front of me.

Bill began getting undressed than came up behind me and pulled my shirt off over my head, and pulled down my pants. He began to wrap his strong muscular arms around me, and hug me from behind. I could feel his big dick getting hard between my ass cheeks. He reached around and began to stroke my cock. Trixie looked back at me and then began to back into me. “See how she wants you,” Bill whispered in my ear. “It’s OK, she’s a good mare,” he said, as he took my hard throbbing dick and rubbed the head up and down her clitoris.

She then backed up a few more inches to get her pussy around my dick. As I slid in, I moaned, “She feels so warm!”

I began to slowly thrust back and forth, as I could still feel Bills hard prick precuming against my tight ass hole, and suddenly he pressed into me. “Eh…” I cried, still bucking into the mare.

With each thrust, Bills big cock kept getting deeper inside my ass. He whispered in my ear again, and said to me, “Fuck her, my little stallion, and fuck her good.”

I was beginning to like the feeling of Bill’s cock in my ass, and was thrusting in and out of Trixie’s’ wet winking pussy. I could feel her clenching tight around me, then suddenly she went loose and began to pulsate around my cock as a flood of hot oestrogen began to shoot all around my hard dick flowing out soaking my legs and the ground beneath me. The stable reeked of mare juice, and the stallions at this point were making loud noises as they banged against their stalls. I realized Bill was right, this was torture for them.

I looked around and each one of them was fully erect. At this point, Bill tensed, held me tight and began to cum. I could feel him once again throbbing cumming in my ass. He squeezed his hand around the base of my cock as I was still inside Trixie’s sloppy wet pussy. My senses seemed to overload and then I came shooting several squirts into the small little mares pussy. “Oh yes,” I said loudly, as I began to get limp.

Bill pulled his now flaccid penis from my loosened ass as Trixie walked off, her pussy dripping with cum and estrus juices. “Now let’s see if I can get my ass lubed by Buddy’s big dick over there,” he said.

We made our way to the enormous Clydesdale stallion with a fully erect cock three feet in length, and about five inches wide. Bill bent over next to him and said to me, “I want to use his cum as lube, I think you know what to do.”

I took the big cock in my hands, led the flared head of it between bills ass cheeks, and began to stroke him. My hands still wet with mare juice I rubbed back and forth the full length of his massive veiny cock. Bill was rearing himself to where the stallion’s urethra was pressing against his asshole. He was obviously way too big to fit inside. I continued to stroke his long shaft with one hand, then reached back with the other hand to fondle his enormous swollen horse balls. As I rubbed and stroked I could feel his balls starting to retract, then he tensed, and gave out and adorable grunt as his cock swelled.

Spurt, splat, squish was the sounds made when he shot his messy load in and around Bill’s ass. I could feel cum pumping through his enormous shaft with each pulsating throb. It seemed as if he was cumming for a full minute as a puddle of white seamen pooled on the ground. The smell and sight of so much stallion cum were making me horny again. Buddy’s hard dick turned limp and dropped from Bills butt cheeks, still streaming loads of cum that grew smaller with each squirt.

Bill stood, stallion cum flowing down his legs, and said, “Wow, I think I’m well lubed now. Although I’ll need to loosen up before I get Lightening to mount me.”

I gave buddy a kiss on the nose, told him he was a good boy, and then we made our way to the next stall where Nimbus and Stratus were housed. Bill opened the gate to Nimbus’s stall, told me to put Trixie back in her stall and to let buddy out of the barn to graze. After I did just that, I walked back over to Bill. He was holding Nimbus and passionately petting him, whispering sexual loving things in his cute little pony ears. I could tell this was his favourite out of all of them. “Good boy,” he said, as he began to erotically pet his hind quarters and underbelly. “Good horny pony. You know I love you, don’t you Nimbus,” he said, as he grabbed at Nimbus’s throbbing little horse cock.

Bill looked at me, and said, “You know, this little pony was the first I ever had sex with. He’s so smart and gentle. I’ve had him for about fourteen-years now, and we love each other very much.”

Then he began to stroke his adorable little penis. His cock was smaller than the other horses. It was black at the base and hot pink halfway down his shaft towards the tip. He was only about thirteen-inches long and about three-inches wide. Bill looked at me and said, “You know, I think this might be a good time to break you in.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready yet,” I said.

Bill then genially smacked Nimbus’s butt, and said, “Down boy.”

Sure enough Nimbus sat and laid down on his side. I could still see his black and pink little cock limp on the hay as he lay in front of me. “You’re such a smart, sexy boy,” Bill said to his well-trained pony as he knelt to hold his head in his arms. “Would you like to lay with him?” Bill asked me in a soft voice.

I laid down next to him and began to play with his cock, he then got hard and started to drip precum from his urethra. My mouth began to water and I put my lips around his pink tip. It fit in my mouth perfectly and was so fun to suck on. He thrust and his head swelled in my mouth. “Mmmnnnphf!” I moaned.

I could taste his hot precum running down my throat. Bill stuck his finger in my ass and said, “I want to see him cum in you.”

I took my mouth off the adorable pink knob and then turned my body so I had my back to his chest in the foetal position. I could feel his hot wet cock touching me. I moved my head up between his front legs and held on to his cute little hooves. Bill was guiding him to me, and with a few short thrusts, he found his way into me. “Auaaah,” I screamed, as he began to push deeper and deeper into my ass.

Bill positioned himself, kneeling in front of me, his dick brushing against my face. “That’s it, just let him in,” he said.

It felt like he was pushing his way through my intestines. “Oh, it hurts,” I yelped. Bill worrying about me asked if I was OK. “Yeah, I’m alright. It’s just so big,” I replied.

“Don’t worry, he’s all the way in. You’re taking all of his cock now.”

I looked down at my abdomen to see a slight bulge in my tummy. I took my hand and pressed on it and began to feel it move back and forth a few inches with every thrust. I looked at Bill’s hard dick and began to suck on it while his little pony was fucking the shit out of me. Then I felt his front legs pushing me down on his shaft as deep as he could get it in. The end of his penis swelled and flared deep inside me as the bulge on my tummy got even bigger. “Mmmmphf,” I moaned, with bills cock in my mouth.

Then nimbus started to cum. I could feel him pulsing, shooting me full of his hot horse semen. He pumped load after load deep in my ass, then went loose. His body limp lying next to me. His once hard dick now turned soft and began to feel so good inside me. Bill took his dick out of my mouth and began to softly rub my belly noticing I was loving his pony’s soft dick in my ass. “It feels good doesn’t it?” Bill said.

As I lay in a blissful state, holding Nimbus’s hoof in one hand and bills cock in the other, I told bill, “Yes, it feels good. I want to hold onto his cock as long as I can.”

Bill began to pet his well-trained pony saying, “You’re such a good boy. I love you so much.”

Nimbus’s limp cock pulled from my ass, I heard a slight popping noise, and I felt his hot cum running out of me over my ass cheeks. I had been fully pony fucked and loved it. Bill let me lay there for a few more moments, holding and petting his prized pony, then he began to help me up. Nimbus stood up, shook himself off and walked satisfied back to his stall. “Now I know why you love them so much,” I told Bill as I stared in his ever so happy eyes.

“Yeah, it’s not something most people know about or are willing to accept, but at least now you see and understand. I’m so proud of you taking his cock like a champ, and now it’s my turn.”

He went over to the stall Stratus was in, telling me that Nimbus and Stratus were half-brothers and how he bought them from the same owner who owned a pony farm not too far away. Stratus I could tell was younger than Nimbus and had a bit of a wild side to him. His erect dick was bigger than Nimbus’s and hung down about eighteen-inches or so. He was a pretty little paint horse, and his cock was painted with black, pink, and brown splotches.

Bill opened the stall door, letting him out and bent over clutching the side of the stall. Stratus quickly noticed Bill’s desire for him, and mounted him. He thrust once sliding his dick on Bills back, shooting precum on his ass. Then reared back and thrust again, nailing his target.

“Uhhhh!” Bill shouted as Stratus shoved half the length of his cock into him. Then he began to buck back and forth, deeper and deeper, with each thrust. Bill was still well lubed from Buddy’s huge cum shot, so it was easy for Stratus to slide in and out. He thrust about five times and came quickly. His tail twitching with each spurt. I could see the base of his cock throbbing delivering load after load of hot cum into Bill.

“That’s a good boy,” he said to Stratus with a satisfied voice. Stratus then hopped off him to the side, and his still squirting cock fell from in between bills legs. Cum oozed from the now used hole making a puddle on the ground. “Oh yeah, he sure knows how to fuck well,” Bill said, as he put him back in his stall.

The End.



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