Dog Sitter Comes to Visit

By Risandtylersexscapades. As Esmerelda punched her code into the glowing screen mounted to the thick wooden door at the top of the marble flight of stairs, she wondered how much it must have cost. The door, the security system, the stane work, all individually seemed more expensive than her entire family home. Just as she walked through the immaculate vestibule, her phone dinged, “Right on time! Thank you, dear! The boys are waiting! Buxter and Charlie are in the drawing-room

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Little Momma gets the Swamp Eel

By mandawg.     I had been working in the swamps of Louisiana scouting and clearing the swamps of any alligators, which could harm the line layers behind us. The thing of it all was that while doing all this, I soon discovered a species of something at that time I never knew even existed, let alone seeing it live and up close as I had caught one and made notice of its strange and totally unknown fish type. Actually,

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