Little Momma gets the Swamp Eel

By mandawg.


I had been working in the swamps of Louisiana scouting and clearing the swamps of any alligators, which could harm the line layers behind us.

The thing of it all was that while doing all this, I soon discovered a species of something at that time I never knew even existed, let alone seeing it live and up close as I had caught one and made notice of its strange and totally unknown fish type.

Actually, it was no fish at all, as I took it back to the boat and asked the guide what to heck this thing was?

He told me it was what they called a swamp eel and totally harmless and actually damn good eating since it did not have a true bone of any kind in its body nor fins or gills for that matter, and it certainly had none of those for sure.

As my days on or “hitch,” as we called it, got closer to my getting days off and going back home, at last, to be with my wife and at last at home sweet home.

My mind kept thinking of that all meat and no bones swamp eel and thinking, damn, I wonder how many of those things have swum up into a woman’s pussy if they swam in these swamps and rivers these things were known to be in here in this part of our country?

So my last day on the hitch and out in these swamps, as usual, I was and wanted this day over with to go on days off and go back home.

Being repulsive as I am, my mind was outright thinking what pleasure one of them could give a woman.

I know that is devious and absolutely downright demented thinking and the worst of it all was I would catch one and take home with me in a bucket of water and use it on a woman! But, of course, my fantasy was using it to please my wife!

The guide had asked me that morning just what in the hell was I loading that 5-gallon bucket into the boat for?

I had told him it was so I could catch one of those swamp eels and take it home to cook and eat.

He just told me they were damn good eating and skin them, gut them, and cut the head off and batter them up and fry them once you filet them, as he explained.

Now truly, that was my thought as well if plan A failed.

So I caught one, took it back to the boat, filled that 5-gallon bucket up with enough water to live in, and take it home.

The one I caught was not by any means the biggest of the species by no means, but it was indeed pretty big around in size at the head and fairly long as well. In fact, it all but would fit in the bucket it was that long.

So back base camp we were, and I loaded all my gear and clothes into my pickup, got that 5-gallon bucket with that swamp eel in it, put it in the back of the pickup, and secured it so it would not turn over or slide around back there and put a lid on it with holes I cut out in it so if needed it could get air.

And towards home, I headed some 8 or 9 hours driving to get there.

I got home, and my lovely little Hispanic wife greeted me with loving arms and did we ever have a long kiss right out in the yard where all our neighbors if they were outside, could see it.

21 days on sure had a man horny and wanting to fuck when he got home. So I’ll sure say that, and boy, howdy did we do that.

We fucked nearly all night long; I ate that fine delicious pussy of hers over and over again!

10 days off, and I was going to fuck her in every way imaginable, and that next morning Witchy Woman stopped by giving me a big ol’ hug and telling me she worried like hell my working in those swamps like I was.

Well, I got a chance once my little wife left the room to tell Witchy Woman to follow me. I have something to show you.

We snuck outside and went to the back of my pickup, and I pulled that lid off and showed her that thing, and she was in total absolute awe seeing it as I pulled it out of the bucket squirming and wiggling like crazy, and told her it had not one bone in its whole body.

Witchy Woman just looked at me and said, “You didn’t get that thing for what I think you did, did you?”

I told her hell yeah I did but how to go about using it in my wife’s pussy was another story.

She just looked at it one more time and then up at me and said, “I think it’s party time again, don’t you!”

“Hell yeah,” I said, “and this is going to be wild and wicked!”

Oh, she was looking at that thing, and when I had told her what I had intended to do with it, she shuddered all over, thinking I know damn good and well how that thing would feel like squirming and wiggling up inside her pussy.

I told her she could take it home in the bucket, put fresh water in it, lay back, and see what it did to her.

Oh, she gave it a long thought and told me to bring it over later on and have it there so my wife wouldn’t know what to hell I was carrying in a 5-gallon bucket with something in it.

So we decided that was the best way to do it, so she didn’t know a thing about it.

I, of course, put fresh water in the bucket and slid that wild thing back into it, taking note of just how slimy that thing was. It was so slick with slime now it was hell to keep hold of around its body, and I had to get it by its sucker mouth flat and put it in the bucket.

Then I went inside after putting the bucket in the back of my pickup, putting the lid on it, and telling my little beautiful wife I was going to the store and if she needed anything.

Of course, I wasn’t headed to any store at all where I was headed Witchy Woman’s house to leave that bucket with that swamp eel in it.

She saw me drive up and came outside immediately, and I grabbed the bucket, and we headed into her house and took it back to the black door. As she unlocked, it told me to stay there and took the bucket inside and came back out and locked the door and gave me a big hug and even a deep kiss, something that she and I had never done as yet.

I left after we agreed to bring my hot little wife over that evening, and we would watch this happen!

Witchy told me she was thinking about that thing ever since she saw it and wondering just what it would feel like squirming and going up inside a pussy, in this case, her own pussy.

I told her if I wasn’t in such a big ass hurry to get all this set up for Little Momma, I’d damn sure stay and helped her get it in and be damn glad to assist her at it.

I backed into the truck and went home the entire time every time I saw my hot little Mexican wife walk around, and I got a hard-on. I was fantasizing about that damn swamp eel in her tight little hot pussy squirming and wiggling around inside her and driving her to powerful orgasms from it.

Well, party time came, and we went out to Witchy’s place and got the usual welcome and began drinking as we always do. Then Witchy gave me that wink which I knew meant the potions were going in the drinks.

On our next round of drinks, I knew soon Little Momma would be fried up and serving that pussy to what we had awaiting her in the Room of Evil.

Since this was not one of their summon to fuck rituals, we got so involved with just a mere look what I found honey to bring home and fuck you with things.

Witchy didn’t want to even use her potion for ritual summoning and, according to her, just made a little batch of this will get you hot and ready to fuck potion and had it in her drink she was sipping on now.

Soon Little Momma was starting to show the potion’s effects as I began to tell by her motions and movements and the look in her eyes that she was affected by it, And of course, Witchy knew it too and smiled at me.

My Little hot Mexican wife got pissed, and I mean pissed at both Witchy and me when she started getting the full effects of the potion in motion per-say and lit into us both about her coming over here and getting shit thrown in her drink to make her fuck what we wanted her to.

Witchy just walked over to her and told her then and there nearly every time she’s potioned, it’s been because her little Mexican bitch ass already knew the shit was going down.

Oh, it got real heated there for a moment, and I seriously thought Witchy was going to deck her right on her little ass.

You don’t piss off a Witch and sure as hell don’t get right up and into a major argument with. And I seriously thought that Witchy was going to really fuck her up and I mean fuck her little ass up.

But cooler heads prevailed, though when she turned away from her, Witchy just smiled and winked at me.

I truly think she did that to hear the truth about these ritual summonings that had happened now several times.

We didn’t have time to discuss that further as Little Momma was starting to get a bit hot in the pussy and not the mind well that too but in a totally different manner from being mad as hell to be wanting to fuck like hell. And damn sure, in fact, that very thing had happened a few times she did indeed get fucked from hell alright, and hell that was called up and summoned up to fuck her.

But Witchy went to her to assist in her normal mothering way to my wife to calm and relax her from the strong effects all these potions did to her most of the time. So DON’T GET BORED YET; KEEP ON READING. IT GETS A LOT BETTER!

My wife looked at Witchy and said, “What am I being prepared for?”

Witchy said, “Oh, I know this one wasn’t planned by us together at all, but I do certainly have something special for you tonight, and your old man brought to me from where he’s been working.”

There it is. She winked and smiled at me to burn me with now, knowing all along with my wife, and she was both involved in these ritual summonings.

And she threw me in this to humiliate my wife that she and I alike indeed set this one up.

My wife looked up at her and asked her if she had to go to that room again for it?

Witchy replied, “Yes, Little Momma, your pleasure awaits you back there.”

Little Momma was now starting to ask and beg not to be taken back there. She didn’t like it back there.

Witchy just told her that, oh yes, she liked it back there and loved it when she was all bound upon the altar and getting fucked by Master Beast.

Then and there, Witchy told her to put her drink on the table and let’s go.

My wife looked at me and then Witchy and ask us just what we had back there this time for her pleasure?

Witchy just told her as she grabbed her by the arm and began leading her in that direction that she’d soon find out what awaited her tonite.

So down that hall, we all went right up to that black door to the evil room as Witchy unlocked and unbolted the door and opened it and led my wife right into the room and after I had entered, she shut the door, bolted, and locked it and took Little Momma right over to the day bed and sat her down.

She then turned that red light on, which really made my wife apprehensive now for sure. That to her meant she was going to get Demon Beast Fucked.

Of course, this night it was not to be, but she sure was going to enjoy a creature alright, a swamp eel creature, close enough to a snake and cultism it could be like a cousin family-wise.

Witchy said, “Get undressed, Little Momma, and get ready for your pleasure after you do that.”

So my little Mexican wife, now fully under the potion she drank, just stood up then and there, and all on her own undressed and then just stood there totally naked now, her hands folded right over her tight and deliciously hot pussy and mound.

With that done, Witchy had walked over to the altar and stood beside it and told Little Momma to come to get up on the altar and ready for her pleasure to begin.

My wife walked right over to it, and Witchy helped her upon the altar. She got on it, lay on her back, and scooted her ass and body down to the very edge on the end of it with her legs and feet dangling off the end and her little ass right on the edge.

Witchy told her she wasn’t going to be tied all up and strapped down at all. Instead, she was going to per-say freelance this one.

Little Momma just shuddered all over and said, “I don’t know if I can lay here like that and just let you do what you’re going to do.”

Witchy asked her if she preferred to be tied up, and my wife nodded her head yes. Now in times past, it was well known we all but had to fight with her to get to this stage nearly, and I always assumed my wife hated being tied and bound up!

Hell, she didn’t hate. She loved it and wanted it that way.

Witchy and I then just went to her legs, and she raised them and spread them wide open as she could freely and openly, this time as we tied her legs and feet up and out in the air, making her pussy as vulnerable as it could be now before us.

She then asked Witchy if she was going to get a shot or was this not that bad to need? Witchy just looked at me and smiled and looked up at her and said, “That’s your choice tonight, Little Momma.”

My little Mexican wife just told her to give me one. I know i’m going to need it more than likely, and besides, I’m so much hotter and orgasm way more when i’m loaded with that.

Witchy just shrugged her shoulders, looking at me with, wow, do you hear your little wife wanting it like she is. So I walked right over to that cart, searched through the ancient potion bottles, found what she wanted, grabbed a syringe, and loaded it up a bit with the potion.

The whole time she was doing that, my wife was laying there looking over there and shuddering and shivering, and not from fear, oh hell no, it was outright doing it with anticipation of it coming for her.

This night so far had brought enlightenment to a whole lot of things for me.

Witchy returned with the syringe in hand as I moved slightly away, but she told me to squat down on the floor and grab my wife’s ass cheeks and prepare them myself for her heat potion. I did it proudly, serving the pleasure of the evening for my wife.

I had her little tight brown ass cheeks spread wide open one in each hand as Witchy leaned down and told my little wife, here it comes, Little Momma, as that made her ass shiver. At that moment, the needle plunged into her right one and the liquid being injected as my wife was thrashing and screaming out it was so hot she was on fire from it.

Then the second plunge in her left ass cheek, and she really began to cry out, and her little ass, once I freed them, started churning about in response to that fiery hot heated potion.

Witchy just looked at me as she tossed and thrashed her body about and just whispered to me to get down there and eat her pussy right now.

I did that without one problem at all, and the moment my lips touched her cunt lips, my wife screamed out and began jerking and shaking from head to foot. Then, the moment my tongue raked over her clit, she orgasmed then and there. But I kept it up and began tonguing into her fiery hot pussy, feeling just how damn hot she got when given these shots as she was cumming as I drank down her hot and delicious juices.

She was primed and ready to fuck.

I stopped and stood back up, and damn if Witchy didn’t just come right up to me and then there kissed me, and we shared my wife’s juices tongue to tongue.

Then she broke our kiss and leaned right down, and she began to eat my wife’s pussy, and believe me, that woman can eat pussy better than any man ever could as my wife was thrashing and churning about knowing her best lady friend was between her legs eating her pussy for all it was worth.

As she stood up and again gave me a hell of a tongue to tongue kiss, sharing with me the hot juices she had gotten out of my wife’s pussy.

Witchy and I didn’t do this kind of thing often, but sometimes hell yeah, we would tag team my wife or them me.

Oh, several times, Witchy would be eating the hell out of my wife’s pussy as I was fucking Witchy really good. Or vice versa, for that matter.

But my little wife was primed to get fucked now, and so it was time to bring out her new lover.

Witchy looked at me and then up to my still churning in heated lust wife and waved her arm at me to signal me to get the bucket and bring it as she told my wife tonight the pleasure would be all hers and that her chosen partner would get only the thrill of her pussy and juices out of this session.

I had gone over, got the bucket and brought it back, and sat it down right at the end of the altar where my wife lay tied up and awaiting this pleasure.

Witchy told her to close her eyes and not look as yet, then decided it would be better to blindfold her and went over to the cart, got that blindfold went over, put it on her head, and returned.

She then looked at me and said, “Oh, this is going to be so damn wild even I want some of it.”

Then reached down into that bucket, grasp the swamp eel just behind its head, and had to really carefully get it out of the bucket first of all due to how slimy and slick their bodies are and secondly to make sure she had it secured so it wouldn’t squirm and wiggle out of her hands.

She brought it right up out of the bucket, held it up as we watched it squirming and wiggling all about, and she whispered to me, take her blindfold off now I want her to see this.

So I went up and removed the blindfold and hurried back to watch in full up-close view as this creature was feed into my wife’s pussy as she was clearing her eyes and adjusting to the light from the total darkness. Then she raised her head, looked down, saw it, and was really thrashing and squirming about.

Screaming out, what the fuck are you going to do with that thing, and neither Witchy nor I really paid her no mind. I was myself glued to looking at this damn thing there squirming and wiggling and thrashing its tail about my mind only imagining what that was going to feel like doing all that inside my wife’s pussy.

My wife was screaming, “Oh, please, don’t put that in me. Oh my, that thing is awful. Oh, please don’t do it!”

Witchy just took it and put the head first atop my wife’s black-haired mound, set it there and let go of the head and watched as it swung about and wiggled all over my wife’s mound area and was squirming upwards as my wife’s eyes were wide open. So she was seeing it squirming and wiggling and feeling it on her body doing so.

It was wildly whipping Witchy’s other hand that held it at the tail about as that thing crawled up into my wife’s lower belly, now the head thrashing about side to side in wild fighting to go further.

My wife flung her head back and cried out. It was crawling up her belly, screaming out it was so hot on her skin and slimy and wicked.

I thought hot, and Witchy looked at me and said, “I’ll put it in hot water,” just as we were headed over to have it all warm for Little Momma.

That thing had squirmed and wiggled and crawled itself all the way to my wife’s belly button, and just the back of the tail where Witchy held onto it was free from her mound and body.

My wife was thrashing about and trying her best to get that thing off her belly as it was wildly fighting to go further up now but held back.

Witchy left it there like this for several moments as we watched that thing doing absolutely wild erratic squirming and wiggling.

Then she pulled it back and grabbed the back of its head as it was about of my wife’s now slime-covered and sticky mound.

I moved the twisting squirmy slick head up to my wife’s pussy, just barely letting the suckermouth of it nip at her clit and top of her cuntal lips, making my wife cry out and swing her head about screaming out. Finally, it was too much as each time those sucker lips closed and bit over her now really elongated clit, my wife jump and jerk and shiver all over.

Then having gotten her really wet and ready, she took the head shoved it against my wife’s pussy as it squirmed against her cunt lips, thrashing them wildly about, and then the very tip of that sucker mouth buried into them.

My wife was going absolutely crazy as it still was swinging that head about thrashing her opening out to take it, and into the very eyes, it went.

As she came totally unglued and really tossed and churned her body as that thing began to make more progress into her pussy the head buried solidly into it and making her whole ass and that area twist and churn to the power of that head, making it all do so.

It began to squirm and wiggle and swim itself deeper into her pussy, the slime gathering around where the boneless body of that thing had my wife’s lips tautly spread open to its body as it was thrashing and getting ever wilder beating her pussy this way and that where it was buried as yet.

Oh, believe me, my wife was absolutely screaming out that thing was absolutely making her vagina. It was in the move and shook to its head movements. She was screaming as if her pussy was being shaken and thrashed apart. Still, she was sure having one hell of orgasm as her juices washed over the thing’s body in her as it twisted and squirmed and swam even further up.

Then just above her upper mound of hair that things head was showing up through my wife’s lower abdomen area, and it was swinging side to side then it would push upwards and thrash about, making her pussy walls pull and turn and swing upwards with its strength to make it do that.

As higher and higher and higher this thing went into her, the head going further up into her pussy and showing it every step of the way through her belly as it squirmed and swam itself and forced itself deeper and deeper.

And when that thing got to her navel, my wife’s whole upper body swung up off that altar. She screamed out and fell back down at that moment in total limpness as her pussy absolutely gushed her juices over that thing’s body, the tail barely out of her pussy now and swinging and twisting and thrashing against her pussy lips and clit.

You would swear a demon was inside her making her belly do all this as she had orgasm after orgasm from it all.

And as she began to come back to life, she flung about wildly again, screaming something was sucking at something really deep inside her and squealed out it was too much to take and again had a mind crashing orgasm.

Oh, we knew what it was, and I knew for sure from watching and studying the damn thing that it had its sucker mouth right up against the bottom of her pussy and sucking at her very cervix area.

Now I’ve never known any woman that’s ever had anything in that deep buried to her cervix and had it use its mouth to suck at and work that cervix area over.

But it sure was doing that as Witchy looked at me with her eyes wide open in total disbelief herself seeing that thing twisting and squirming and snaking itself through my wife’s pussy walls and hearing how it was using that sucker mouth against my wife’s very cervix I think Witchy herself had an orgasm.

We both just then stood back and watched the action as it worked here, and she rewarded it with juices, and I mean juices like a faucet broke spraying everywhere way of juices.

My wife could take no more the whole thing doing all that inside her pussy was too much an overload, and she lay limply as it worked itself like crazy in her pussy, her eyes in the back of her head crazy!

We finally had to reach and grab that thing by the tail and pull on it to get that sucker mouth free of her cervix and bottom and pull it from her pussy, and my wife was still squirting juices everywhere.

When finally freed from her pussy she has trashed out all upside here, and I swear her pussy walls were pushed this way and curved that way, and she finally was gushed out. Dried up! That ocean turned to dessert from the well going dry!

It took more than an hour before my wife even halfway recovered from that thing we had pulled out of her and put back in the bucket.

And when we untied her and got her off that altar, her legs folded, she was so weak and given out from the intensity of that pleasure.

Witchy swearing she was buying a damn aquarium, and that thing was going to be her newest pussy toy!

And it was! She later told us both, she used that thing, and it absolutely drove her to madness, and she about didn’t have the strength to get it out of her.

Oh yeah, the ultimate orgasm is a swamp eel believe me!


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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