The Shepherdess/Teaser Ewe

By Easy Gurl. I grew up on an upland farm, and as was typical for country kids, I worked with the stock from an early age. My favorites were the sheep, of which we had a flock of several hundred that were spread over many square miles of rugged hilly ground. Keeping track and managing them was arduous work, particularly at lambing and shearing. But, despite that, shepherding was rewarding. I enjoyed every moment, even the wet and windy days

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Larry had a Little Lamb

By Edd Patrick. Larry was a sheepherder. He lived with his mother in the western United States, growing sheep for the market. They sold the wool from their sheep to the Textile industries in the eastern United States and made a lucrative living doing so. Larry was 30 years old, divorced, and fortunately didn’t have to worry about paying alimony or child support because his marriage had only lasted a couple of weeks. His wife had discovered that Larry was

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Mary Had a Hot Ram

David Crane Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there — because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven hoofs. He

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Ewe Will Never Believe It

BR549M1 Dear Penthouse Forum, I know you’re probably going to dismiss my story as fiction, but like Forum writers usually say, ‘every word is the truth’. You’re under no more obligation to believe my story than you are to believe any story submitted to your magazine. However, your belief or unbelief won’t change the reality of what happened. This is the tale of how I fathered nine – that I can be sure of – lambs over a span of

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The Farmhand (Gay Zoo)

By Misfit Mind ( The animals seemed to be acting strange recently. I had been living in a cottage and working on this farm for the last three months as one of those “character building” lessons life pays rebellious teenage boys. The pay was crap but then again I spent most of my day shovelling crap so that was no big surprise. The routine was simple and started every day by getting up early to feed all the animals. With

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