A New Place Opens Up Possibilities

By Michelle M. Ever since I visited a friend’s home in grade school, I’ve wanted a home in the country, away from people and just a few animals to take care of. The summers were spent at Jenny’s home when I could get permission. We’d help with the animals, do various chores, gathering in the evening for a nice dinner her mom always had prepared. That was also the place where I first learned about sex. The animals were always

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The Leopard Goddess’ Seduction

By Michelle M. Being single, fairly good-looking, a college graduate specializing in ancient animals that now may be extinct, I was lucky to land a good-paying position in a large for-profit and a division not-for-profit, helping worldwide to keep the animals in danger safe. That is what intrigued us when we heard multiple reports of a black leopard coming into the village, seducing then leading away from the young men, never to be seen again. When you receive one report

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Survivors: Part 1

Sheela B. “Omigod, what the fuck is your problem,” Melissa said, blushing, as she turns her head in embarrassment, not daring to look into the arrogant eyes of the man who stands at ease beside the partly demolished fuselage of the wrecked plane. “What’s the matter, Mrs. Paxton, haven’t you ever been propositioned before?” he asks, his eyes, crinkling at the corners into deep crow’s feet, his disarming smile revealing straight, white and even teeth contrasting with the deep tan

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