The Leopard Goddess’ Seduction

By Michelle M.

Being single, fairly good-looking, a college graduate specializing in ancient animals that now may be extinct, I was lucky to land a good-paying position in a large for-profit and a division not-for-profit, helping worldwide to keep the animals in danger safe.

That is what intrigued us when we heard multiple reports of a black leopard coming into the village, seducing then leading away from the young men, never to be seen again.

When you receive one report like this, it usually ends up as a guy who left his wife for another, more exciting companion. But this one was different. First, all of the reports took place in and around a small village in Southeast Asia. We knew of a large leopard colony near this region, but there was no interaction between the cats and humans.

I read ancient folklore about a group of leopards, all-female, using human males as breeding stock.

Taking the ancient folklore account, along with the news reports, I set up a meeting with our board of directors.

Like me, they were fascinated by the ancient records, but all agreed a human couldn’t breed with any cat, even humans and the apes had not been able to cross that line. Still, they were also intrigued with the disappearances of the males in that part of the world. So there were many discussions, but in the end, they agreed on a one-person fact-finding mission to that part of the world to see what was going on.

I was to take as long as needed, being set up in a small village, in a small cabin by myself and remote – do the necessary research of the leopards in the region, then report back to see if we needed further research and funding.

The flight was long but gave me more time to research the missing men thoroughly and if any or all had something in common. The only thing I could see was they were all about my age. All were single. The one thing I did notice, all had reported seeing the big cats long before they had disappeared. As far as being led off, it was dark, no lights, so who was them when they left is anyone’s guess.

The small cabin was just perfect, located deep in the jungle, away from the main gathering of the village.

Within a week, I had located several male leopards and their territories, but no females as of that time.

I had broadened my area, now planning on being out overnight in various areas around my small home, again many males, but no females. This was physically almost impossible. Another thing I found strange was the way they were killing. Normally a cat kills, stores the kill, and feeds on it over a time period. But these males killed, in some cases, more often than needed, but there were no signs of any kills being stored, lots of kills, but it looked like they were taking the kills someplace else.

Returning to the cabin after several days in the wild, I was on my porch one evening, sipping a beer, when I saw my first female come by, just outside the area, back a few feet in the forest. She was beautiful, big, and black. If anything was ever seductive, this one was for sure. She sat there, watching me. I likewise did the same.

We sat there for the longest time, just watching each other, then one moment I could see her and the next nothing. She was the prettiest cat I think I have ever seen, but seducing someone to kidnap them, I laughed to myself, not in my lifetime.

But I had seen my first female, so maybe in the morning, I could see which way she had gone. Maybe this was a strange group of cats gathering in sex-related groups, I never heard of this before, but it’s possible.

The next morning there were no trails to follow, but that evening she returned to me. This time she was much closer to me, setting just a few feet away. As before, she sat, looking at me, while I did the same. This time, “So are you the mysterious leopard that seduces young men?”

I laughed to myself, but there was no emotion from her, just staring, then after a long time she just disappeared.

Now I was interested, one single female, becoming closer to me, the following evening, I was out waiting for her, when she appeared, she came directly towards me. When she was a few feet from me, still no threat, she turned, sprayed her scent marker all over me.

I have been sprayed a few times by animals, but the cats usually make their territory, not a living person or animal. The spray she hit me with was also different, a combination of liquid, usually a urine type of spray, but this was no urine. Instead, a combination of liquid, powder, and a mist, that covered my body went in my pores, up to my nostrils, my mouth, ears, eyes – all over my skin, instantly seeping into my body.

It only took me a few minutes to realize this was no ordinary spray or marking. Instead, it had some chemicals that affected my ability to think clearly and relax, so I didn’t sense any danger.

No longer able to stand, I was forced to sit on the steps, blankly staring at her, wondering what was happening to me. She licked me on the face, then, in one swipe of her razor-sharp claws, my shirt was shredded and off of me. Taking a few more well-placed slashes and I was on the porch nude with only my boots on. She took the opportunity to lick my rock-hard cock, a few times, then satisfied, she gave out a blood-curdling howl in several directions. I didn’t have to wait long; the front of my place began to fill up with female leopards. Each one large and stunning. Each didn’t seem to care I was there, just came in and laid down, staring at me.

When it looked like we had 40 or 45 big cats in the yard, she gave a growl, and one by one, they would stand, spray me with the same type of marking the original one did to me.

Each one would lick my cock before leaving, then go back and relax as the next one did the same.

After around the 5th one, the chemicals they put in me zoned me into an erotic place I never had even dreamed about. Each one’s spray was combining with my body, making subtle changes to my chemistry and particularly to my cock and the seed I was beginning to store up. It felt like my balls were becoming heavier and much larger. The shaft was also enlarging, along with my girth.

By the time the last one had marked me, my mind was so far gone, I could only stare at them.

Somehow, I was helped inside, laid down on the floor, my cock as big and rigid as it has ever been, and my mind confused.

The big black Queen came up, laid on my chest, her tail curling around my cock, stroking it slowly with her soft fur.

She had moved upon me, so our mouths were lust millimeters away from each other. Sliding her tongue into my mouth, some chemical she had in her saliva flipped my world into a sexually erotic adventure. My hips bucked, my cock became even more rigid than it was, and my nipples ached. Her tail wrapped around my shaft, running the tip of it between my legs, over my inflated balls, then back to the shaft to stroke it with the soft fur.

Just as soon as my mind began to clear, the tongue was back inside me, until finally, my mind and body were lost in this highly sexual world I had been thrust into. The more we kissed, the more saliva she gave me, the more aroused I became.

Finally, when it felt like I could take no more, our minds came together. She was speaking to me, not by words, but by feelings, I think. I found out this was a matriarchal society; the males were used for hunting only and protection. The breeding was done by females and a human male, but most of the villagers were only good for one or two. They’d be worthless. She had picked me long ago, I would breed the entire pride at least 3 or 4 times, but I was also hers and hers alone. Her tongue kept depositing more and more chemically enhanced saliva into me, making it impossible for me to ever go back to what I was.

I had lost all human identity as well as almost all of my memory. For me now, I was a male leopard, designated to breed the entire pride of leopards and keep them pregnant for as long as the Queen felt I was useful.

Eventually, I fell asleep with her on my chest, still playing with my cock and balls. There was so much pride in me that I didn’t wake for a couple of days. When I did, I was disoriented but instinctively knew I should follow my Mistress.

The journey was long and hard. Finally, arriving, I had a very nice place under some cover and soft grass to lay on. I could smell the entire pride was in heat, but Bastet would be my first. She joined me in the breeding space, a low growl, and her tail waving back and forth told me she was more than ready. Stepping in behind her, leaning down, licking between her legs, the moisture tasted and smelled like she was more than ready. Standing to rub the head of my new massive cock between her opening, a low growl scared me at first, but pushing the head inside and stopping, she looked back at me, her eyes barely open, her ears flat on her head, and another low growl … that was when I pushed my shaft all the way insider her pussy.

It was like being wrapped in velvety jello-like wrapping, moist and smooth, tight, but giving as I bottomed out. Her body went down lower on the ground, forcing me to my knees. Those huge paws of hers scraped the ground, tearing up everything they touched. Her eyes were a fiery red now, I wasn’t sure if she hated me or enjoyed what was happening, but I pulled partway out, pushing back in, setting up a good slow rhythm of in and out. If she was going to be my mate, my lifetime mate, I wanted her to enjoy what I was doing. I was able to sustain this pace for a long time, she kept growling and scratching, moving her backside to try and push me out, but all the time bearing down on my shaft.

Finally, I had reached the edge. Having no way of knowing if she was there or not, I unloaded all the seed I had inside me. When that happened, she seemed to calm down and relax.

The pride had done to me by all the spraying made my cock continually hard, so it stayed in her as I rested on her backside. Eventually pulling out, hopefully staying in her long enough to make sure a few eggs were fertilized.

She came around. She licked the combined juices off of me, then pushed me back down, crawling up on top, like before, sending her tongue in and out of my mouth, spiraling me to an ever-new erotic high.

We fucked all day long and into the night. Low mournful deadly growls could be heard for miles. Finally, the next day, somehow, she knew the ritual had been successful. I was brought fruit and food, a short rest, and the next female joined me.

This one was more menacing looking, her eyes more deadly. Circling me multiple times, she finally began to growl, a much different noise than I had ever heard, her moisture told me she was ready, but it was wild, almost hypnotic to the taste. Finally, when I pushed just inside her, she came around, pulling me out and facing me only a fraction away from my face. I was shaking when her tongue entered my mouth. This was so different. The chemicals in her mouth shot me into a submissive erotic frenzy. My nipples were hard, my cock rock hard and bouncing all around. Grabbing her by the head, my tongue buried inside her mouth, a frantic movement of my hips seemed to delight her.

The dominance in her came out. She slapped me on my backside, leaving a paw print that would be there for days. I dropped to my knees, my submissive side showing quickly. She batted my cock back and forth, bit down on my nipples, but not drawing blood, only pain, then hit the other cheek of my bottom, a matching welt surging pain all over my body. Her applying pain kept up until I was on my knees crying from the intense surges all over my body, then she backed up to me, allowing me to push deep inside her and, in a few strokes, unload my seed.

As soon as I pulled out, she presented her pussy to me for cleaning.

This painful dominance took place for several days. My body was bruised and red, pain continually shot through me, but eventually, she was pregnant and left.

I had now experienced the two extremes of mating. Then I was with a few one-ways and a few like the dominant one.

Then a beautiful, totally white female walked in. She moved around me several times, sniffing here and there, licking my cock a few times, moving in front of me, pushing me on my back on the surface. Then, crawling up between my legs, letting my bobbing cock rub her underbelly, like my mate, she was on my chest, but instead of her tail playing with me, she began moving her bottom back and forth over me. The experience was new and exciting. I didn’t notice her tail was guiding me up inside her while she lay on my chest.

As soon as I was in her as far as I could get, her tongue plunged into my mouth. That is when I realized each cat had her own chemical make-up designed for her personally. As soon as her saliva took effect in me, I went into sexual hyperactivity, pumping in and out of her muck like a dog fucks, but much faster. Her tongue kept inside of me, pumping more and more of her chemical in me, making me continue to pound into her as fast as possible. I have no idea how long she kept me pounding her, eventually allowing me to unload my seed into her.

I had less than an hour to rest, she had me back in her again, and her tongue kept me sexually pounding her at an unbelievable speed, more seed, some rest, and back at it again. This kept up for three days. Finally, she was convinced her eggs had been fertilized, she quit.

Long after I had worked with every fertile female, this one would capture me, have me fuck her just for her pleasure, then she’d let me go. I never considered the fact there would be a nymphomaniac female leopard, but this one was definitely broke that rule.

From then on, evenings were spent enjoying sex with my mate. She would have me make sure she was pregnant at least once a year, others more often or when they were in heat and needed me.

The different ways the females treated me when they were in heat always kept me shaking but anxious to be inside them.


The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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