The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 20: Got Wood?

Barbie Lez I was spending the weekend at my mother’s country house. Before going any further, let me clarify; I mean a house that happens to be in the country, not an actual country house (I wish). So, after a long bus ride, I finally arrived at the miniscule bus station that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere (which it was). My mother was already waiting for me and did not leave my side until hours later when

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A visit from Ted’s Dog

olestray It’s cold this weekend. Miserably cold. I had a lot of yard work to do and not nearly enough time to get it done. I had already cleaned the leaves and pine straw out of the pool, put the giant candy canes on the cedar tree out front, and walked over to my sister’s weekend retreat on the big lake and borrowed an extra trash can. I am in the process of gathering up trash from all of the

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