The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 20: Got Wood?

By Barbie Lez.

I was spending the weekend at my mother’s country house. Before going any further, let me clarify; I mean a house that happens to be in the country, not an actual country house (I wish). So, after a long bus ride, I finally arrived at the miniscule bus station that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere (which it was). My mother was already waiting for me and did not leave my side until hours later when we finally decide to retire for the night. As much as I loved my mother, I was feeling smothered. That is why I decided to go for a walk when I awoke at 6:07 the next morning.

Slipping into one my usual skimpy outfits (a tank-top and a short skirt), I stepped out into the chilly morning air, which hit me like a ton of bricks. I was no longer used to breathing in car exhaust-free air—that is what I get for spending the past four years of your life in the biggest city in the province. Memories of my childhood came flooding back and I started to wonder what had convinced me to move to the city after all those happy years spent living in the country. Ah yes, the shattered dream of becoming a screenwriter. Then again, I am kind of happy that dream never came true because I might not be writing this now. But that is enough reminiscing, let me get back to the story at hand.

Closing the door behind me, I stepped out into the rejuvenating morning air and strolled down the driveway. But halfway there, I stopped. Doing a one-eighty, I marched toward the house. Instead of heading for the door, I circled the building and entered the wood behind it. Following a narrow path that meandered through the trees, I inhaled the familiar smells of the trees, moss and dirt. A satisfied sigh escaped me; it was good to be back. Having forgotten all about my smothering mother, I strolled through the woods, a giddy smile plastered across my face. I was so pleased to be surrounded by nature once more that I almost started to skip. Almost.

After a few minutes, I heard a branch crack. Freezing, I glanced around and soon spotted a deer strolling through the forest. From the massive antlers that stood atop his head, I instantly knew he was a stag. Standing perfectly still, I watched him wander around. It was obvious he had not seen me because he soon came to a stop to relieve himself—something deer never do when they feel threatened. It was not the first deer I had seen (far from it), but it was the first stag urination I had ever witnessed. As you might expect, I felt a powerful wave of arousal wash over me as I saw his cock slip out of his prepuce. I watched it grow longer and harder as he got ready to pee. But before that could happen, I felt a wave of arousal wash over me.

“Fuck!” was all I had time to mutter before the fantasy took over and reality faded. My overly-imaginative mind now in control of my world, the fantasy deer heard my swear. His tail shot up and so did his ears.

“Fuck!” I muttered again. Hearing this, the stag turned toward me. Oddly, he did not bolt away like all the other deer I had come across. Instead, he took a tentative step forward, soon followed by another. Within seconds, he was strolling toward me.

“Uh-oh!” I thought as I considered turning tail and running. But I knew that was be the worst thing to do when faced with a dangerous animal. So I just stood there and waited for the woodland creature to reach me. When he finally did, he lowered his head and, for a second, I was certain he was about to impale me. But instead, he shoved his mussel in my crotch and started sniffing. Unable to resist, I started to laugh in a mixture of relief and amusement. Scarred off, the large best took a step back.

“Oh no!” I muttered as I felt a wave of arousal wash over me; I had just seen the large dick that stood erect between his hind legs. It was kind of shaped like a dog’s, only much longer and thinner. The pink member measured about ten inches in length by less than one in width. Still, it was enough to force the most perverse thought into my head. Drunk with arousal, I could not help but make one of my typical double-entendre jokes.

“Got wood?” I asked as my eyes remained glued to his cock. Obviously, he did not reply, but that did not stop me from chuckling. However, I soon forgot about my witty comment when a question formed within me.

“I wonder what it tastes like,” I thought as my eyes continued studying his manhood. Before I even knew what was happening, I walked up to the large beast and, kneeling beneath him, grabbed him dick. I felt his body jerk in surprise, but he calmed down when I started to stroke his schlong. Encouraged, I opened my mouth and leaned forward.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned as I felt the hot shaft slide into my mouth. Though I knew what I was doing was extremely dangerous, I started jerking my head back and forth, using my lips and tongue to stimulate his shaft. After only a few seconds of this, I heard my woodland lover snort. I took it as en encouragement and leaned forward, forcing his rod to slide past my uvula. Pushing on, I forced as much of his prick into my mouth and throat as I could. I then pulled back and started all over again. The stag seemed to appreciate because I soon felt his dick start to shake and shiver. I was stunned at how quickly he could climax, but forgot all about that when I felt his first wave of orgasmilk shoot into my throat. Having bypassed my mouth entirely, I did not get a chance to taste his semen until he released his second wave directly into my mouth.

“MMM?!” I moaned as I felt his surprisingly salty and slightly bitter cum fill my mouth. Coughing madly, I pulled away, forcing his schlong out of my mouth. But that did not stop him from squirting his hot load all over my face. Eyes closed to keep from being blinded, I just kneeled there, waiting for him to be done. When I finally felt his last wave hit my face, I wiped the cum from my eyelids and stood up.

I was totally repulsed by the taste of his jizz, but at the same time turned on beyond all reason. I could feel my pussy grow wetter with every passing second. Before I could even formulate the thought, I knew what I had to do. Once again kneeling, I managed to grab hold of my lover’s cock before it vanished back into his body. Using my fingers, lips and tongue, I soon got him ready for round two. Not wasting a second, I turned around and presented my ass to his erect shaft—I was not wearing any panties beneath my skirt, so access was not a problem. Apparently as turned on as me, the large deer jerked forward, forcing his prick deep into me.

“FUCK!” I moaned blissfully as I felt the long shaft jerk past my lower lips. But the fervent penetration also made me lose my balance. Toppling forward, I managed to grab on to his front legs. I barely managed to remain upright as he started pounding away at my soaking wet cunt.

“Oh god!” I moaned again as I felt almost every last inch of his rock-hard rod dive in and out of me. I hung on for dear life as I was shaken about by his powerful thrusts. My powerful moans echoed throughout the woods as wave after wave of arousal washed over me. Fortunately for me, my wild lover had climaxed less than a minute before, so it took him much longer to cum. In fact, it took so long that I was the first to reach orgasm.

“FUUCCCKKKK!!!!!” I shrieked blissfully as I felt the first wave of cum flow up from the depths of my cunt. Fortunately for the horny stag, his cock started to jerk about less than a second later and I soon felt his first wave shoot out of his erect manhood. Mixing with mine, the two cums blended, creating a human/deer cum cocktail that started shooting out of me as I continued moaning loudly.

After a while, my sexual spasms came to an end and I soon felt the final wave flow out of me. Moments later, my large lover pulled out for the final time. Luckily, he remained in place long enough for me to recover. Rather, he would have if I had not been snapped back to reality by the sound of cracking branches.

Glancing around, I realized not a drop of cum clung to my body and the stag was nowhere me. In fact, he was bolting away through the wood; no doubt had he finally noticed my presence and been sacred off. I watched him dart through the trees and could not help but sigh. But I soon realized it was not because I hoped to actually have sex with him; it was because I had just remembered I would have to spend another full day with my clingy mother…


The End.

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