A visit from Ted’s Dog

By olestray

It’s cold this weekend. Miserably cold. I had a lot of yard work to do and not nearly enough time to get it done. I had already cleaned the leaves and pine straw out of the pool, put the giant candy canes on the cedar tree out front, and walked over to my sister’s weekend retreat on the big lake and borrowed an extra trash can. I am in the process of gathering up trash from all of the Christmas tree decorations and burning the boxes. Ted’s Dog decided to sneak over and watch for a little while.

Ted’s dog is a very handsome Redbone (coon) hound. He is rather thin, his ribs show slightly and his body is sleek and slender. He is well fed, but very active and doesn’t seem to ever put on any weight. I don’t know his name, but he lives in the house next door to mine. He has about a half of an acre of fenced yard that he calls his home, but occasionally he decides to get out and stretch his legs a bit. I am pleasantly surprised to see him. He has a very gentle demeanor and tons of energy. He is watching intently as I piddled around the yard, trying to figure out how to get him away from the sight of my house and away from his own for a little while. I think he is thinking the same thing.

After he had made it clear he is going to hang out a little while, I went inside and gathered up more boxes, grabbed some sandwich meat out of the fridge, and picked up the keys to my sister’s house. When I came back out of the front door, he is standing on the porch waiting for me. We walked out into the yard where I had the fire going and I tossed some boxes on it. I sat on the ground and Ted’s Dog bounded over to me. I patted his head as he ate the turkey I’m holding. I asked him if he is ready to leave the warmth of the fire and go for a walk with me. He didn’t answer, but is more than willing to walk the short distance to my sister’s house.

When we reached the front porch of the lake house, he sat by the front door while I fumbled for the right key. He and I had been there once before about six months prior. I finally managed to get the door unlocked and barely got it open before he bounced through it. I walked in behind him and pushed the door closed. He is eager, I truly believe it is because he knew exactly what he is there for. I knelt down on the cold floor, stroked his back with my left hand and slipped my right underneath his belly. I took a firm grip on the sheath of his cock and stroked him slowly. He sprang to life rather quickly, ready to take care of the business at hand. I released his cock and walked down the hallway to the thermostat.

The temperature inside the house is forty-four degrees. I turned the heat on and walked back down the hallway to my waiting friend. He hadn’t moved from the spot inside the front door.

I unsnapped my blue jeans and eased the zipper down. He is anxious, tail waving like a flagman at a race. He is trying to push my hand with his nose, fully aware that he is about to be allowed to mount. I slid out of my jeans, knelt down on the welcome mat on the floor so I would not be against the cold, hard linoleum. He immediately walked behind me and I bent down to get on all fours. His nose is cold against the bare skin of my ass. I reached back and grabbed his cock again and began stroking him. He mounted me, but is in too big of a hurry. His cock is swelling inside of his sheath and, while he is able to penetrate me, he is not able to get it fully out before the knot became too big and couldn’t fill me.

I sat back up and talked to him and offered encouragement. I stroked his beautiful auburn coat and waited until he is ready to try again. After only a couple of minutes, I reached underneath his belly and gently feel his cock. He’s no longer swollen and we were ready to try again.

Once again, I got on all fours and again, he circled around behind me. I moved my ass as far around as I could and still be able to reach his cock and grabbed it and gave a firm stroke. He immediately is on my back and is fervently searching for a point of entry. It only took a few quick thrusts and he found his mark. As I stated before, he is full of energy. Once he had penetrated me, he began thrusting as hard and as fast as he possibly could. In a matter of about a minute his cock is fully swollen, the knot locked into my ass, his claws digging into my hips and thighs as he tried to push further and further into me. It is sheer ecstasy, a beautiful dog who is excited to be with me, a very hard and swollen cock buried deep inside of me, and even the nails scratching my bare flesh is intensely satisfying.

Ted’s Dog, my part-time lover, only went for about five minutes before he is ready to dismount. It is 5 wonderful minutes where I am certain neither of us were thinking about anything, just following the most primal of urges. I wasn’t ready for him to try and pull out yet. I lay my head against the cold floor, reached back and took a hold of his front paws and lay there, feeling his cock throb inside of me and talking to him. I knew the time was almost at hand, but I wanted to drink in the moment as much as I could. I lay there, and didn’t think of the cold. I didn’t know there was a world around me for a few minutes. He began to get anxious and I let go of his paws. He scrambled to pull free for a moment and then with a pop, he is. He licked me for just a moment, then licked himself. Not a huge cock, but beautiful and exciting nonetheless.

I gathered myself as he lay there, licking his fully satisfied member, and wandered down the hallway to the restroom to clean myself up. I stopped to turn the heat back off, I knew we were finished for now. It had only risen to forty-nine degrees. I felt a chill as I stood there and realized how cold it really is. A smile crept across my face, I hadn’t even been the least bit concerned about the temperature a few minutes ago. I got myself cleaned up and walked back to the front door where my jeans still lay. Ted’s Dog is standing there, waiting for me. He seems to know at least as much as I do and he stood there, tail still wagging as I dressed.

When I opened the door, he is again the first one through it. I turned and locked the door and closed it, he is standing next to me. We walked across the yard and towards my house, he stayed at my side until we were passing his front yard. He nuzzled my hand as if to say: See you next time


The End.

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