Tending my Aunt’s boys

Michelle M.

My dad’s younger sister moved back to our state after the family had spent some time in California. They had two boys and both of them were cute beyond anything I could imagine. The older one was around 11 and the younger one about 8 I think.

I was 18 and had a secret crush on the older one, but obviously since our ages were apart there was nothing I could do but maybe wait until he got older.

I received a call from my aunt one-day asking if I thought I could tend the two of them, while she and her husband did some house hunting on the following Saturday – I readily agreed and looked so forward to being with the two of them again.

When they moved back home they had also brought with them a large German Shepherd named Buck – he was a light brown in color and had all the personality of any dog I have ever seen, so I was more than happy to be spending the day in their home while the parents were away.

That morning I let my mind wander and dreamed of the older son and I spending the time together while we did terrible things together. I had gotten myself so worked up that when I checked the clock I was running behind, so I put on a light summer dress quickly, no bra and being naughty as I was no panties jumping in my car I headed for their home.

My Aunt and uncle were on their way out just as I arrived and I hugged the two boys, petted Buck, who put his nose straight in between my legs and we all went inside. No sooner had the parents left the driveway than Mike the oldest said they really did not need a baby setter but I could watch TV – they were going to a field some place nearby to play some baseball and would be back before their parents got home.

I of course put an end to that and said we would stay in the house and play something here – I was thinking of maybe house or something. This didn’t seem to upset them at all. The younger one said maybe we could play cowboys and Indians, they could be the Indians and they had just captured me and had me tied up. Sounded like a good plan, and before I knew what was happening they produced a straight back chair from the kitchen, had me take a seat, my hands were handcuffed behind me with some rope thing and each leg was pulled to the side and secured to the chair legs. This was a large oak dining chair and my legs were really pulled to the side, I was so thankful I had decided to wear a dress – then the checked the ropes, “Yep she’s good and tied”

They grabbed their mitts and out they went to play baseball. “It’s cool inside so we think you’ll be fine. We’ll be back to let you out before mom and dad gets back, see you”

And they were gone. I screamed and yelled but soon realized I was tied to a chair and two sneaky conniving little shits had had me. In my yelling and bouncing, trying to get free I had slid down to the front of the chair and had no leverage to get back up.

That’s when I saw Buck wagging his tail and just looking at me. He slowly got up, came to me and sniffed the air, fuck I was still hot from the morning and I know he could smell my arousal. His head came to my lap and he pressed his nose between my legs and sniffed again. Then he pulled back, lifted my dress with his nose and came up to my pussy …. I screamed for him to stop and go lay down as soon as I felt his tongue lick my pussy the first time. The second time it began at the bottom of my pussy and dove deep in me to the top – running the rough tongue over my clit … sky rockets and sparklers went off in my head and my body thrust forward capturing my dress at my side and exposing my whole pussy to him and the world. My mind went into overdrive and I began to pant.

What the hell was I going to do, what if the parents came home early and found me like this – what would the boys do if they found me like this – then the tongue repeated the process, my toes curled and I moaned …. “Oh fuck that feels so good but you are a bad doggy and must stop – go lie down please”

The third lick gave me a mini-orgasm and I gushed some liquid out – which he readily licked up. His tongue this time went in much further, maybe even as deep as it could get, because I was a virgin and had never been with anyone – but whatever was happening to me I wanted it to continue but to stop – my mind was swirling when he backed away and I felt some relief – then he jumped up on the chair, placing his two front paws on the sides of the seat and jumped forward, licking my face when I felt his cock brush just above my pussy and up to my tummy.

“No, no, you can’t do this, you have to get down – bad dog … get down I’m a virgin – I can’t be raped by a dog”

The fucking dumb dog didn’t understand English and kept trying again and again – finally hitting the mark and driving in deep inside my pussy.

My eyes went wide and I gasped, he hopped and the next thrust tore through my membrane and I was no longer a virgin. The third hop and he was all the way in me –then I felt something big at the opening of my pussy – what the fuck was it, did their dog have a growth. I had no idea what was banging at the entrance of my pussy but it was big and part of him and it was trying to go in me.

Rapid succession he was jamming in me until that thing broke through and he was in me – the pain was so intense I thought I would pass out then my body betrayed me and pleasure shot through my whole body – his thrusting back and forth while locked in me with that growth on his cock was igniting mini orgasms hitting me so fast I could only gasp and moan – thrusting to him to fuck me more.

Then he stopped and I felt warm liquid begin to fill my pussy and I knew he had impregnated me and wondered if I could get pregnant from this rape. My mind was hazy and clouded as more and more cum filled my body – I could feel my tummy begin to expand as more and more liquid poured in me.

My pussy was still convulsing and I was cumming again and again and again – my own juices mixing with his.

Finally, he licked me on the face sending his tongue deep in my mouth and letting it explore the interior of mine – I could taste my own pussy on his lips – then he raised one leg over me and all four of his were on the floor and looking down I began to cry he was stuck in me – when the parents got home they’d see their dog was stuck in me and I’d be shamed for the rest of my life.

After what seemed like a long time he pulled out of me, turning he licked up the gobs and gobs of cum that ran out of my pussy – all over the chair and down on the floor

My body was still panting, my pussy, now empty was convulsing and I was on fire – his licking me clean had not helped my situation and now I was tied up sprawled wide open in a chair and completely nude from the waist down with dog cum leaking out of my inflamed pussy.

I must have fallen asleep from exhaustion, suddenly awakened with him licking my pussy again.

My eyes shot wide open, “No Buck, no get away, I can’t take you any more, you’ve raped me once and I’m so sore now and my pussy is throbbing – get away – no Buck bad dog”

He looked at me and kept right on licking, and as before my body betrayed me, soon the feeling of his tongue against my sore and sensitive pussy was more than I could take and soon began to moan.

Panting now and thrusting my hips to him, “O Buck what the fuck are you going to do to me, you’ve had me once – I don’t think I can take you again”

He looked up, stepped back and raised up on the chair with his front legs – kissed me on the lips again, letting me taste how hot and horny I was becoming – this time he knew exactly where my pussy was and filled me in one thrust – I felt his cock hit the back side of my cervix – his knot bump at my opening – the next thrust – the knot was in and began to grow inside me – locking me in place and he began to jack hammer that thing in and out of me … again and again

As soon as the knot entered me and rubbed on a very sensitive part of my pussy – I had an orgasm. It washed over me with lightning speed, leaving me panting and breathless – not able to speak – just whimper. He jack hammered for what seemed like hours but was more like five minutes or so – then I felt the all too familiar felling of the warm cum entering me and filling me – some ran down my leg … he had stopped and was laying on me, kissing me, my mouth and my neck – my breasts ached with him lying on them and I wanted to pinch them or play with them, but his body moved only a few times and I had long lost count of how many orgasms I had this round.

As before he lifted one leg up and over and we were locked butt to butt until the knot came out and he again licked me clean, giving me more orgasms – then licked my legs of the cum that I felt run down them. He again moved to the corner of the room and lay down to clean himself.

The shadows told me it was 11 or noon and maybe those little shits would come home and untie me – although I had no idea what I was going to say to them about why my pussy was so wide open and leaking cum out of it.

The phone rang – then the answering machine came on, “Hey Flow it’s Mike. I know you can’t answer this but we’re having lunch at Chucks – see you soon.” And it hung up.

I sighed and began to cry – why was this happening to me – it was all that little shits fault and I’d get him back if it killed me.

Buck was sound asleep and I needed some attention – and worst my pussy was beginning to ache from being so exposed and open – the air conditioner kicked on and the cool breeze set me on fire – I realized I now needed to get fucked … no I wanted to get fucked. What had happened to me and what had this dog done to me.

I think once again I dozed off for a few minutes.

The fire in my loins woke me from a deep sleep and I was out of my mind – it was if I had been drugged or something, but I knew I needed Buck to take me once again – coaxing him to come her – he finally stood and came over giving me a lick from the middle of my ass to the top of my clit – then licked the clit several times – then he looked directly in my eyes and walked around kissing me and licking my ear – I think he then wandered in the kitchen and I heard him drinking some water.

When he returned he went to the corner, circled his bed again and laid down – looking at me with those big brown eyes – I was begging him now to come over here and fuck me – I wanted him to do me – to take me, to put that monster cock and that knot in me. but he just looked at me – finally getting up and coming back over to me again.

One more lick – he grabbed hold of my dress pulling on it – covering me up – then a kiss on the mouth again and he was back on the pad looking at me.

My mind was in total shock, why had he pulled my dress down and then just walked away.

A few minutes later the boys came rushing through the door and stood looking at me – my hair was a mess – the room smelled like sex – but they had no idea what they were smelling …

I looked at them with fire in my eyes, “You little fucking monsters get your asses over here and get me untied – then we’ll think about how much trouble you are in”

Their eyes were as big as saucers and Mike scrambled to untie me – “I’m so sorry Flo – we didn’t mean anything by it – I promise we didn’t mean to hurt you, we just wanted to play some baseball.”

Then Dennis began to cry and Mike was on the verge – I headed to the bathroom, took a wash cloth and cleaned myself as much as I could – came out and opened the back door and spayed some spray around the room to freshen it – then I sat down on the sofa and looked at the two of them

“You two fucking monsters have no idea what went on here today – but I’ll get you, I’ll get you back believe me – when you’re older I’ll get both of you”

We went in the back yard and sat on some chairs in the shade of the evening – the parents came home and I said the boys had basically taken care of themselves while Buck and I entertained each other. My Aunt gave me a knowing look, “Yes Buck can be a great companion to me when I’m here alone as well. Maybe when we go on vacation you might want to stay and house set Buck”

I smiled and said, “I’d love to, he’s such a great dog”

All the way home I kept thinking of what dog I was going to get to fuck me tomorrow – I had been broken in by one of the best and I was not a bitch for male dogs.


After the incident at my Aunts house with her two sons and her marvelous dog, I spent the rest of the day laying around my own house and when no one was watching rubbing my still very aroused but sore pussy.   I had taken a long shower and cleaned up inside me as much as I could but the taste and smell of dog cum still was oozing out of me every so often. As soon as I felt some come out I’d scoop it up and taste it – closing my eyes and re-living what had happened to me. I’d lost my virginity to a dog; I’d been fucked by a dog and liked it so much I had several orgasms from a dog. I knew now in my heart I was a bitch to any and all dogs that approached me.

My parents came home, asked if I was ok – I told them it was the two boys, they have far too much energy and I just needed to get some rest. They were going out, so I turned in early after watching and reading some zoophilia stories about women and men who had become, like me, bitches to dogs. Turning out the light I drifted off to a much-needed sleep.

Since I went to bed so early I was awake early on Sunday morning. I figured if it was normal my parents just barely made it to bed and both were trying to sleep off way too much booze – so I came down stairs – glanced at the paper left on the front porch and settled down on the porch to enjoy the morning.

We have a nice front porch. Bushes hide who is setting on the porch from the street, but you can see who is walking down the walk from the porch. It was a typical Sunday morning not much activity going on when Max the neighbors Bernese Mountain Dog came around the corner plopping his big head on my lap. A normal thing for him when he sensed I was out.

Rubbing his head and talking to him, I sensed something different in me – I was getting wet from him so near me. Some light panic was beginning to take over, as flashes of questions appeared – what had Buck done to me and was I now going to get turned on by all dogs?

Max’s keen sense of smell did not take him long to know what I had become. He moved his head quickly under my night gown sending his nose directly to my pussy and feeling his tongue lick my clit – my legs betrayed me and opened wide for easier access to me – as he licked the full length of my opening, starting at my anal hole and ending at my clit – my head went back in the chair and my eyes rolled up in my head …

Moaning .. “Oh fuck Max I’m still so sore from Buck, are you going to fuck me as well now?”

I had no sooner said that, then he pushed into me forcing me off the chair and onto my knees – grabbing the cushion off the chair, I put it under my knees, lifted me nightgown – no sooner had this happened then he was up on me and in two or three misses he hit his mark in a single motion was buried deep inside me.

He was a lot bigger than Buck had been, but it didn’t seem to mater – his cock seemed to fit in me – then I felt his knot hit my opening – this was by far bigger than I had taken the day before – I cried out while he tried to push it in me … I was afraid I would alert someone walking down the street and they’d come to investigate, but I was lucky it didn’t happen. His knot however finally entered me and began to run on my sensitive “G” spot, something Buck did not do.

I grabbed my mouth as I came, and came again within a few minutes while he was still hammering in and out of me – that dammed knot was driving me crazy. I came again – this time I had to give a scream that could only be partially muffled

That’s when I heard the car drive up in our drive way and park. Hearing the door open I panicked. I couldn’t see who it was – when Max took me I was facing the street and not the driveway – I was also tied to a dog that weighted more than I did, and no where to go except wait for him to calm down and release me – of fuck – then I saw a pair of running shoes come along the edge of the sidewalk near the porch and turn – looking up I saw my Aunt looking down at my predicament.

She sat down in another chair, petting Max’s head and telling him how good he is – then turning to me, “I was afraid this had happened to you – that Buck had taken you. We need to talk about what happened, the real story – but for now enjoy him and I’ll watch out for you”

A sense of pure relief washed over me. I had someone who I could share this with and someone who wasn’t going to be judgmental. Max continued to fuck me, finally stopping when he released his first load deep in my pussy – it was so warm a lot warmer than Buck’s and I had another orgasm – then two more as he pulled out of me – my aunt rubbing my hands and my neck while I went through this.

Finally he pulled out of me, causing another orgasm to rip through my body and leave me totally used. He, like Buck, cleaned up my pussy – giving me yet a mini orgasm that seemed to take out of me all that I had in me and slumped to the porch and just lay there basking in the afterglow of pure sex – my pussy still throbbing from the abuse.

My Aunt slipped down by my side, placing my head on her lap while she waited for me to come around all the time rubbing my back and my bottom. Occasionally running her finger down between my legs and gathering cum that was leaking out –

“Mmmm, your neighbors dog has a nice flavor of cum, taste some” She put a large gob in my mouth and I had to agree it was very nice.

Finally setting up I told her the whole story of what happened to me yesterday at her house.

“Honey we need to go someplace where we can talk and not be bothered by dogs or people. Go inside and leave your mom a note telling her you and I are going to the cabin for some girl-to-girl talk. Get changed and I’ll run to the store to pick up some goodies for us – what do you say?”&nb

I loved the idea, my aunt was always my favorite person – in a few minutes we were on our way to the cabin my grandparents had owned now the two sisters owned it.

On the way we talked about what had happened and Kris told me she and Buck had been fucking for years now, that is why he knew just what to do. But she like me realized after the first fuck that we have changed and for some reason all male dogs sensed we were now bitches and took us when they pleased. Bucks seed must have had something in it that made it impossible for us to say no to a dog – we just open up and the fuck is on.

I sat there with tears in my eyes, sobbing “He took my virginity and now you’re telling me from now on any male dog that gets around me will have me on my knees fucking me – how can I go on living?”

She drove for a while, letting me cry it out – suddenly I turned to her, “But I’ve seen you at parties and on vacations – you’re not embarrassing yourself by letting every dog that walks by fuck you – how do you do it?”

We had just arrived at the cabin, “Let’s take the goodies in and go out on the deck where we can talk private and I’ll explain some things to you that I think work”

We got everything unpacked from the car. She sent a text to her family and to my mother – telling them she and I were taking the day off and would be back later on this evening. I knew my mother would not see the text until just before we got back, so I wasn’t worried.

She popped a cork on a bottle of wine; poured both of us a glass full then went to the porch in the cabin to set down on the sofa – both of us setting side by side each other.

“I guess I should start with some background first. When Buck was a year old he began to sniff and lick me in the morning after everyone left the house. I can’t tell you how many orgasms he gave me during that time. Things progressed to where I was, in turn giving him blowjobs to say thank you. During one of these session Mindy, the cute blonde across the street came over and walked in on us – he had just brought me to several orgasms and of course I was soaked between my legs and I was on my back, under him sucking on his cock. Most people would have screamed but Mindy quietly sat down and watched while she played with her own pussy – eventually bringing her own orgasm on – this one was so intense she screamed out in lust and I damn neared died.

Later we both had a good laugh and I then told her the whole story. She was not offended but instead opened her legs wide for him to lick as well. To shorten the story the two of us would get together each morning from then on and share Buck and his magic tongue”

She took a sip of the wine and looked at me placing a hand on my bare leg – rubbing it slightly.

“We Ok so far?”

I nodded and put my hand on top of hers as she moved between my legs causing them to open immediately.

“One morning, both of us were totally nude and Buck had just satisfied both of us, but we had not taken care of him. Mindy dropped her coffee and immediately got down on all fours to clean it up. Buck seized this moment to mount her, both paws around her waist and her body being pushed into he sofa. Two or three quick stabs and he was in her before either of us could do something. I jumped up yelling at him, her eyes were vacant and fluttering, several thrusts later his knot was in her and – well the rest is history. When he finally got off of her – we cleaned her up as best we could, she was not angry but instead saying I had to try it – the best fuck she had ever had and she went home”

Taking a sip and rubbing between my legs now just along the edges of my pussy, she continued. “The next morning she came through the door in tears. Apparently she had gone home, taken a shower and went out back. The neighbor dog came in the back with her and as you know fucked her. Two more dogs came over and both of them fucked her. She finally got inside took another shower and stayed inside until her husband came home. He was feeling frisky as well. So she fucked he hell out of him – the late in the evening went to set on the front porch. A stray dog came by and in no time she was on all fours being fucked by him.

The next morning she came to me in tears, telling me all that had happened to her. I held her and rubbed her back, eventually we kissed and the one kiss led to an all out lesbian love fest on my bed. Being fully exhausted she headed home and Buck seemed to not be interested in licking or fucking either one of us.

I watched her cross the street; just as Morrison’s big black lab came down the street. She froze in place – he came up sniffed her – she petted him on the head and he was gone down the street.”

I was hotter than hell from the story and her rubbing my pussy.

Leaning to her I barely whispered, “Kris I am so horny and I need to cum so badly will you help me?”

She leaned in to me kissing me on the lips and running her fingers under my shorts to my leaking pussy. She got up, took my hand – led me back in the house down the hall to the master bedroom. Standing at the foot of the bed she took off all of my clothes then removed all of hers. For some reason this did not seem to be a bad thing or wrong. She pushed me back on the bed, crawled between my legs, began to give me butterfly kisses on the bottom of my feet, sucking on each toe while massaging my feet – kissed the ankles – then my lower leg – always staying on the inside – moved up to my upper thighs and again gave me the butter fly kisses.

My body was on fire, moaning and twisting, pulling and pinching my own nipples – my mind had gone someplace nice and peaceful – my toes were curling so tightly and my legs were spread as wide as humanly possible – a mini orgasm washed over me – causing me to cry out … “OH FUCK KRIS – I CAN’T TAKE ANY MORE – PLEASE STOP – I THINK I’M GOING TO DIE”

She didn’t listen to me but continued to move upward eventually running her tongue over my lips from my anal opening to my clit – then circling my clit and sucking down on it – she plunged a finger deep inside me, locating my “G” spot easily as a second mini hit me

Raising my head, I grabbed her head with both hands, trying to pull her off of me, screaming again, “KRIS NO I CAN’T TAKE A FULL ON ORGASM – I’M TOO SENSATIVE, IT WILL KILL ME, STOP – PLESASE STOP – OMG NO HERE IT COMES – OH FUCK KRIS NO STOP .. OHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”

It hit me at exactly the same time she began to suck on my pussy and sending her tongue deep inside me – fluids rushed from my body – my hips bounced off the bed and my arms went back to the bed – I knew I was dying as wave after wave after wave washed over me. Finally it became just too much for me and I simply passed out.

I have no idea how long I was out, but when I woke, my pussy was still throbbing and I could feel it still leaking. Kris was lying next to me – running a finger over my nipples

“Hi, it looks like you’ve come back to us. I’m sorry I had to take you all the way but I wanted you to understand what a true orgasm is like. How do you feel?”

I gazed in her eyes, “I thought it could never be any better than to have a dog fuck you, but this was amazing also – but why did you do this to me?”

Continuing to play with my nipples she went on with her story. “Mindy left wondering what had happened to her and looking at Buck it didn’t take long for me to get down on all fours and have him fuck me. He took me twice and I was barely able to clean up before school was over and the family was home. After everyone went to bed and I had fucked my poor husband until the only strength left in him was to go to sleep – I walked out on the porch, waving to Mindy across the street. I joined her on her porch telling her what I had done – just then one of the neighbor’s dogs came by, zeroed right in on me and while Mindy watched he fucked me. A few minutes later the same thing happened – but it was only me they were after. Mindy was the one that suggested it. We went in her house and down stairs – making love to each other – then in our afterglow we went back out on the porch and coaxed two different dogs to come to us as we rubbed their heads – neither of them fucked us, although both gave us a good licking since we still had our own cum wet between our legs. This is what we have found out. First we need and can get any dog to fuck us now – we are indeed their bitches. Second it can be our choosing always, but to keep it that way we have to be making love to another woman at least twice a week. If we go dry the dogs come a fucking and we have no will power to turn them down”

She kissed me – “Any questions?”

“Yea, I’m kind of screwed. The only lesbian I know is you and now I suppose Mindy – so what do I do?”

“Let’s have a party, here at the cabin for two of your best friends next weekend. I’ll help with the drinks and food, it will be a sleep over and I’ll bring Buck. He’ll take care of the two friends – then we’ll go for a walk in the woods – when they’ve been fucked by all the strays around here, we’ll bring them back and you and I will make love to them – it will be a start. What do you say?”

My two best friends are Barb and Elaine but we call her Elle. I think I have had a crush on both of them now that I think about it, so I readily agreed to have the party and invite them. The two of us hugged again – kissed and enjoyed a session of one more intense love making before we headed back down the canyon.

I called both of them on a Skype with all three of us on line. We all jumped for joy when I told them how cool the cabin is and the lake – we even giggled when I suggested we go skinny-dipping. They both knew my aunt and really liked her, and it helped convince their parents it would be OK to spend the weekend there.

The week seemed to pass slowly, but when I was home alone and sometimes at night I go out and find a dog to take me over the edge – I was truly a bitch now for all of them – and since the last time Kris and I had made love was Sunday I found out Friday morning, her theory on lesbian love making had some merit.

I was on the porch, bags all packed and waiting for my two friends to arrive as well as Kris. A dog I had never seen before came walking down the street – stopped dead in the front yard – looked directly at me, then came up and barked – something inside me came awake again, pulling down my pants and panties I got on all fours as he entered me in one smooth motion.   My pussy was so wet, his knot easily slipped in me as he pounded my pussy then emptied his seed deep inside me – we lay on the porch for the longest time, finally the knot slipped out of me, he cleaned me up – I had my usual three orgasms while we were knotted and I collapsed on the porch. Knowing the group would be here soon I finally got up – went back inside and took a quick shower – sent a text to Kris telling her what happened. I got one back that she had not thought of that and we could only hope Buck behaved maybe knowing this was all for him.

I stayed inside until everyone arrived. I had not known my aunt was down the street with Buck watching until the girls arrived – then she came up. We all greeted each other, all my things were loaded in the van and she stood guard for me until it was safe for me to get in the car.

I was riding shotgun when we stopped at a red light – a beautiful boxer came walking bye – looked at me, sniffed the air and barked – my whole body reacted and I reached for the door to get out, but Kris locked the doors and drove off through the red light.   The two girls in the back were busy playing with Buck and never noticed what had happened.

We arrived at the cabin and everyone was out taking the supplies and luggage in – Buck was running around – then suddenly walked up directly in front of me – pushed his nose in between my legs – stepped back and wagged his tail – looked me straight in the eyes – then went on his way. I knew before long he would have me but for now he had let me pass.

We fixed a mid afternoon meal and had some wine – I was not aware that Kris had spiked the two girls drinks with a drug that lowered their inhibitions and made them very horny. She asked who wanted to explore the lake and Elle said it sounded like fun – so the two of them were off. Barb and I and Buck stayed back to relax on the front porch. As soon as the two of them were out of sight Buck got up walked up to Barb and flopped his big head on her lap – I noticed as he did he also hiked up her dress. Kris had given each girl a second glass full of wine – so when Buck took his first lick of her pussy – she was lying back in the chair and only moaned, spreading her legs wider for him to have access to her.

Glancing sideways to look at her pussy, I smiled to myself – she had no panties on – Buck would have her in a few minutes – the continued licking had her slump down in the chair and her legs were as wide as they could possibly have gone. Buck easily hoped up on the chair, kissing her and licking her nipples as he found her opening and plunged all the way in.

Her eyes came open wide – she looked at me in amazement, “OH fuck he is fucking me, help me”

I took her hand and began to massage it … “Once he is in you, no one can stop him, just lay back and enjoy becoming one of his bitches. You’ll have so many orgasms it will amaze you”

“He’s done this to you and you knew he was going to do this to me … what kind of a frien….OHHHHHH FUCK .. .I CAN’T TAKE IT .. .OMG I’VE NEVER HAD AN ORGASM LIKE THAT … OH FUCK ANOTHER ONE IS …. OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOO”

Smiling and getting so wet – “I’m the kind of friend who shares with you all that makes me happy”

I watched her reach orgasm after orgasm and at first look at me pleading – then love was filling her eyes – at that moment I got up leaned over them – Buck had knotted with her easily and was now butt to butt – Kissing her and letting my tongue run in over her lips at first – then deep in her mouth

“How do you feel? In a few minutes he’ll shrink down and you’ll be able to have him come out of you.”

She looked at me for the longest time “I was so scared and I’m still having a hard time wrapping my mind about what just happened, but I have never had so many orgasms and so intense as these were – I suppose he fucks you all the time. So thank you. Are we going to get Elle here so we can watch him take her as well and I assume your Aunt gets fucked by him since he is her dog?”

I smiled, Just rest – we’ll all take care of Elle and bring her in the family, but you need to rest. When he leaves you a few more orgasms are waiting”

Buck finally pulled free of Barb and she orgasmed like I had the first time he took me – then when he cleaned her up a few more ripped through her body. Finally getting her up and showered, I put her to bed and waited for Elle and Kris to return.

They came walking down the lane, holding hands and kissing every once and a while – it was obvious Elle was now a confirmed lesbian – now we just had to wait for Buck to do his thing.

The asked where Barb was and I explained she was really tired and had turned in early. So Elle flopped on the lounge and Buck was right on Q flopping his head in her lap and smelling the fresh sex that oozed from between her legs. She had on a very loose pair of short and I saw Kris had made sure she was not wearing any panties when they came back.

Kris brought out a drink for all of us and as soon as Elle had some of hers I could see how relaxed she had become, flopping her legs open while Buck was laying on her lap – soon his tongue went between the shorts and her pussy – first lick sent rockets off in her head – the second one had her panting – to help the situation Kris leaned in and kissed her massaging her breasts while I pulled off her shorts – I don’t think she even knew – Buck mounted her and in one plunge was deep in her pussy while Kris and I began to make out on the sofa.

Kris brought me off several times while Buck took good care of Elle and like Barb, when it was over she also went to bed, Kris and I shared the master bedroom for the first night.

The next morning was interesting to say the least. The drugs had worn off and both girls came down to breakfast a little sheepish looking. Apparently Buck had made the rounds early in the morning – fucking both of them before anyone got up.

Kris was cooking breakfast and I was setting plates at the table, “Good morning you two – how did you sleep?”

Barb was the first to speak, “Buck came in and fucked me this morning – I tried to say no, I tried to resist but all I did was get on all fours and let him have me. What has happened to me?”

Elle a little bit more shy said, “He got me up at 4 and did me – I guess he then went to you – I could hear you moaning and begging for him to do you harder – then he came back in and got seconds from me. Is this why you asked us to come up to the cabin – to be fucked by a dog to become a bitch to a dog? I thought we were friends”

Kris spoke up asking that we all set down and have some breakfast – then head to the lake – she knows a private place where we can all set around and explain what had happened. She agreed to lock Buck up and keep him here – everyone calmed down and we all ate in silence – each of them shooting evil stairs at me for doing this to them.

After breakfast we all showered and headed to the lake – we were not even out of sight of the cabin when the first stray came up and sniffed Elle, barked – she got down on all fours immediately, in front of the three of us and let him fuck her. No sooner had he left her than another one came up and fucked Barb – by the time we arrived at the secluded place Kris had told us about – the two girls had been fucked three times –

As we sat down both of them began to cry – “We can’t say no to any of them, they bark, we get on all fours and beg them to fuck us. We’ve got to drop out of school and our lives are over, but then Barb said, “I assume you two have had the pleasure of having Buck do you – so why are the dogs not getting in your pussy?”

Kris spread out a blanket, we all set down and poured some wine for the four of us and she explained how it happened to her and then her neighbor – then by a mistake how I had become a bitch for all dogs – we all agreed on one thing – dog sex was wonderful – then she told how being in a lesbian relationship would hold off the dogs. How I had sex on the porch before everyone arrived because I had not been with anyone since the previous Sunday and that basically we had to be with a girl preferable two to three times a week.

“Let’s face it girls we are all dog bitches who love fucking and licking pussies”

We all laughed, finished off the wine, had a foursome and a two some and switched back and forth until we had eaten and sucked each of us – then we invited a few dogs in later on in the afternoon and fucked all of them – Buck was waiting for us and attacked me first – then the others – we all put out meat scraps that night and in the morning went out on the porch to at least a dozen dogs waiting.

By the time we packed up and drove back down on Sunday – we had been fucked by so many dogs and had so much cum in us – we began to smell like a dog.

I now had my two lovers and the neighbors dog – what more could a bitch want.

The End.



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