The Babysitters Secret

Moe Lester

Pretty eighteen-year-old Kyra Patel waves good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Davis and closes the door. Kyra’s is of Indian descent, not Native American, but the sub-continent India, and is a first generation American, born (as her younger siblings are too) since her parents emigrated to the USA. Her hair is black, yet her skin is a creamy caramel brown, and though small in stature at a slim five foot three, her tits are smallish and she has to wear a B-cup.

Kyra goes to the children’s bedroom and checks on the kids to find they’re fast asleep. She smiles to herself. The Davis’s won’t be home for hours, she thought excitedly. Now I can have some sexy fun. She goes into the living room and perches her cute little ass on the sofa. She leans back and feels her tits for a few moments. Her nipples spike in the tightness of her light dress as she pinches them. She smiles and slips her hands between her curvy brown thighs. She pulls her dress way up onto her belly and exposes her naked little pussy. Her brown eyes grow heavy as she strokes and fingers her juicy little cunt. She stretches her pretty brown legs wide, so she can really get at her hot pussy. Then she calls to the dog called ‘Teddy’ sitting by the door, watching her intently.

“Teddy,” she said breathlessly. “Come here, boy. Come lick Kyra’s yummy pussy.”

The Labrador/German shepherd cross jumps up and runs to her. He pushes his head between her thighs and swipes his thick pink tongue at her open crotch. Kyra takes her hands away and let him lick her cunt.

“Mmm,” she purrs happily as the doggie-tongue starts to arouse her pussy. “I’ve been thinking about this all week.”

Only a week ago, last Saturday to be precise, had Kyra discovered the dog liked to lick pussy. She had been on this very sofa, watching TV, and finger-fucking her horny little cunt, when Teddy smelt her. To her surprise, he jumps up between her knees and sniffs her pussy. She thought he just wants to smell her because she’s a female, however, when he starts licking her cunt, she goes wild with lust. Teddy’s active pink tongue really gets her off this night, so she was thinking about this all week. Eager to babysit for the Davis’s again so Teddy can lick her cunt some more. Now, here he is, lapping away furiously at her furry teen pussy, and she loves it.

“More, more,” she pants, humping her cunt at his wild tongue.

She’s dazed by this turn of events in her sex life. Teddy’s tongue is super compared to her fingers. Kyra never knows she could cum so hard. She’d had nice cums before with her naughty fingers, ever since she started playing with herself when puberty hit, but the doggie-tongue does things to her pussy her fingers can’t, and it makes her cum hard. Cumming hard has become the most important thing in her teen life. Wanting this again, she slumps onto the sofa and holds her dress upon her taut teen belly, and pushes her crotch forward so the dog’s tongue can really go at her hot cunt.

Teddy is more than happy to please the teen woman. Hers is the first pussy he’s ever licks, and it’s a new experience for him, too. The woman’s pussy is nice and wet, brown puffy lips outside, pink inside when she pulls her labia apart for the mutt to lick, and super horny. To Teddy, her pussy smells similar to dog bitch in-heat pussy, and this excites him so much. His hind feet stomp on the floor as he gets excited about Kyra’s cunt. His head twists this way and that, as his long tongue lashes her pussy. Kyra moans after a few licks and humps her pussy for more. Her eyes flutter and her chocolate-brown nipples get hard beneath her dress as Teddy licks savagely at her open, wet cunt. Panting hotly because the doggie-tongue is arousing her tremendously, she pulls her dress down in front and bares her lovely teen tits. Her chocolate-brown nipple’s spike as she toys with them, and she moans when she gets good feelings in her tits and pussy simultaneously.

The dog’s tongue is frantic, slipping inside her tight teen cunt and tasting her very depths, then swiping over her clit, through her slit, and rimming her anus for good measure. The coarse, pink tongue seems to be everywhere at once in her loins. Kyra’s hips gyrate to the invading tongue, lifting her ass off the sofa and giving all to Teddy. The dog even rakes his teeth across her clit, sending bursts of erotic pleasure through her body. His tongue plunges into her tight cunt repeatedly, even licking her cervix, making her shiver and groan in wanton desire and lustful abandonment.

“Ooo—Ooh—Yeah—ahhhhhhhrrr,” Kyra moans, quivering all over and making her titties jiggle too.

She thrust her hands to her crotch and uses her fingers to pry apart the lips of her horny pussy. Then holds her labia open for Teddy, as the dog dines on the supple pink flesh beneath, taking her teen pussy juices into his mouth and tasting her, then driving his tongue deep into her cunt, which make his teeth rake her clit again. Her eyes are clenched, as sharp sex thrills shoot through her whole body. Panting, licking her lips feverishly, she humps and twists her pussy for the licking, lapping doggie-tongue. Waves of sexual pleasure courses through her as she thrust her pussy against the dog’s mouth.

“I’m gonna cum,” she moans.

Grunting as if a little piggy, she thrust her wet pussy crazily against the tongue, and helps Teddy get her off. She humps, screws and twists wildly, her pussy thrusting for the dog, and his tongue laps her viciously. His thick tongue wedges between her trembling fingers where she’s holding her pussy-lips apart, where it thrust into her juicy pussy making loud sloppy noises as it does.

“I’m cumming,” she squeals.

Teddy grunts, stomps the floor, and licks his tongue faster into the woman’s squirmy, jerking cunt. Kyra screeches again as a sharp rush of sexy feelings tear into her taut, heaving belly, then her pussy explodes.

“Ooooooh—Faaaaaaaark—yeaaaaaaaaaah,” she shouts.

Her whole body jerks and twists on the sofa as the dog licks furiously into her pussy. Her pussy rotates and jumps as the doggie-tongue whips her erect little clit, her most sensitive spot. When his tongue lashes this she cums, and cums, and cums. Huge waves of sexy pleasure engulf her teen mind and overwhelms her senses as the doggie-tongue gets her off. She lost all control of her body as she cums wetly, profusely, and wildly. Spasm after spasm of delight courses through her half-naked teen body, as she laughs and moans all through the dynamic orgasm. Kyra loves to make her pussy cum, ever since she had learned how to do it with her fingers. So to have a doggie-tongue do it for her now is a mind-blowing pleasure. She never dreamed cumming can be so good. Now she knows, and she’s hooked on doggie-cunnilingus.

“More, Teddy—more,” she pants, humping her pussy faster against the relentless tongue.

The delicious part for her, is the fact Teddy never grows tired of licking her sweet teen cunt, even when she cums he keeps on licking and she keeps on cumming.

“Ooh, Teddy,” she moans, screwing her cunt round. “Do me more, do me, oh, don’t stop!”

Her pussy burns with lust and she thrust it against the dog’s whipping, lashing tongue. Teddy seems to be thirsty for her juices, he licks crazily and slurps up her cum-juice as he will his water. This thrills the hell out of Kyra. She doesn’t know it yet, but her hot, wet pussy makes Teddy feel very horny too. He makes small animal sounds in his throat as his head twists around her loins. He licks his tongue fast all over her sweet pussy, and his red cock comes out of its furry sheath as his doggy desires are aroused. His hard-on throbs wetly beneath his belly as his tongue dives into Kyra’s hot cunt. She first becomes aware of his condition when he shifts his position between her feet. Still lapping her pussy, he straddles her leg, and as he licks her cunt hotly, and humps it. Kyra feels his stiff cock against her soft flesh.

“Teddy? What are you doing?”

She lifts her head and peers at his fantastic tongue against her pussy, then tries to see what he’s doing to her leg. His cock feels funny, pounding away at her leg.
“WOW,” she said eyes wide. “I got you horny, didn’t I? This I gotta see.”

She takes her pussy away from him by swinging her legs over his head, and drops to the floor with him. He immediately licks her pretty face, then her jutting naked tits. Kyra giggles as his tongue lathes her chocolate-brown nipples and makes them tingle. She let him do this for a while.

“Lemme see it,” she whispers hotly, her eyes riveted to his lower body. She pushes him over onto his back and stares hotly at his exposes cock, all red and swollen. “So this is what your dick looks like,” she said with a smirk. She touches his cock with her fingers and Teddy makes a whine/grunting deep in his throat. Kyra giggles. “You like this?” she said with wonder.

Playful, curious, and horny, she slips her hand over his stiff cock and jerks it slowly to get a feel for it. She moans softly and milks his cock a few times experimentally. It feels good in her hot teen hand. To her surprise, she gets sexy feelings in her body just from playing with the big doggie-cock, it’s exciting because it’s so taboo. Her brown eyes flash naughtily and she licks her lips nervously, because this is the first cock she’s touched.

“I can’t get over how stiff it is,” she said, leaning closer.

Teddy lies still for her, his hind legs fall wide open, and watches her as he pants heavily to expel his inner heat.. Kyra stares at his balls and her fingers follow her gaze too. She toys with his hairy balls for a moment, listening to him whine and make dog noises. She giggles and gives his balls a gentle squeeze. Teddy groans louder, exiting her more. Her left hand goes to her horny pussy, while her right hand jerks his cock. She finger-thrust her juicy cunt-hole and pumps the dog’s cock. Kyra feels really horny now, doing this strange thing playing with a dog’s cock, and her pussy feels creamy and dreamy. When Teddy starts trembling and humping his haunches, it dawns on Kyra exactly what she’s doing.

“Cripes, can I make you shoot your cum?”

Giggling excited, she starts jerking his cock faster. She has seen men shoot semen on the internet, so she knows what happens. However, she’s never seen a cock ejaculate in real life, and wow she wants to badly.

“I’m gonna make you cum, OK?”

She wriggles closer to the supine animal, and still fingering her hot cunt-hole, she jerks his cock faster and harder, hell bent on seeing his cock shoot. Teddy grunts and groans, jerks and shakes, however, does nothing to discourage the teen from getting him off. His tongue lolls out of his mouth and he pants for breath as Kyra stares at his rigid cock and jerks it passionately. His stiff cock enlarges and lengthens, it sticks way out of its sheath into her fist and she jerks it faster. Her eyes remained glued to his cock as her hand pumps and jerks and slaps. She notices how different his dog cock is to a human male. The phallus is so red, and hard, with tiny purple veins throbbing in her hand. The head of his cock is strange too, as it kind of goes to sudden point, from where he dribbles precum constantly. However, the strangest thing she saw is how at the base it swells into a fleshy ball about the size of an orange, and she remembers it’s called a knot. The means by which the dog traps his bitch, and plugs her cunt so his sperm can impregnate her. Teddy starts growling.

“You’re really horny,” she moans, feeling her breathing heavy.

She likes what she’s doing to him, it gives her a sense of power as well as pleasure to make his big cock so stiff. She feels so free to do whatever she feels like to his cock. Teddy makes some grunting sounds and starts humping faster. He obviously approves of what she’s doing. Kyra giggles and jerks his cock harder. The dog-cock grows thick and wet in her fist, then Teddy starts jerking like a wild thing.

“Ooo,” she moans, eyes wide with wonder.

The doggie-cock explodes in her jerking fist, it swells and jerks violently, and spits savagely. Big squirts of watery semen come spurting out of the dog’s piss-hole, and Kyra jerks faster, watching fascinated as he shoots his cum-load for her. Huge streams of whitish/gray cum splashes onto his chest, and the more Kyra jerks, the more he cums. She’s starry-eyed as she watches the beast’s massive boner shoot and gush, and spit so violently. She giggles in an arouses way, and jerks even faster and harder to make him cum more. Teddy squirms, twists, humps, and jerks. Kyra’s horny fist drives him out of his animal mind. No bitch ever gets him off like this. He whines with pleasure and Kyra knows he likes what she’s doing to him. So she does it some more. Laughing sexily, she pumps his cock faster and makes it shoot lots of semen. She wants to witness this for herself. As the doggie-cock spurts hot cum, her cunt gets horny, and she thrust her finger faster in and out of her tight, clutching pussy.

“Did you like that, Teddy?” she purrs, knowing he does.

When his cock stops shooting, she caresses it lovingly and thrust her pussy on her finger pleasantly. She feels real good now she’s made a cock shoot. The dog’s boner is a bonus for her, as she had thought cunt-licking is all there was to this taboo pleasure. However, now she can play with Teddy’s cock too. The permutations blow her eighteen-year-old mind.

“We’re gonna have lots of fun from now on,” she said and laughs.

Her horny mind thinks of the possibilities here. Teddy can lick my pussy, she thought. I can play with his cock, and make him cum. He can make me cum with his amazing tongue. Wow, what fun!

“Teddy,” she rasps hotly. “Jerking your cock made me really horny. Come lick my pussy some more.”

She jumps to her feet and settles her ass on the edge of a sofa cushion again. Leaning back, she draws her dress way up onto her taut teen belly and sprawls her pretty legs wide. Her pussy is nice and hot, and very wet. Teddy leaps up eager to please her, he likes Kyra lots now. He pushes his head between her curvy teen thighs and attacks her furry little cunt with snout, teeth and tongue. He chews at her pussy until she thought she’d die with pleasure, and when his coarse tongue assaults her clit, she almost passes out with ecstasy.

“Ooh, Teddy,” she moans, humping her horny pussy at him. “Do it! Eat meeeee! Um, more, more, MORE, TEDDY—MORE! Oh, God, I’m gonna cum!”

The eager dog attacks her cunt with his mouth, her clit comes out, stiff and wet, and his crazy tongue whips it until Kyra thought she’d swoon. Her cute teen ass jerks and jounces each time his tongue or teeth hit her little clit, and waves of sexual pleasure rushes through her teen body. She bares her tits again and mauls the hell out of them as the dog shoots his tongue up her tight pussy. Her eyes roll and she gasps for breath as the doggie-tongue drives her crazy. She squeezes her tits and pinches her chocolate-brown nipples lustfully as she thrusts her pussy against Teddy’s amazing tongue. Pleasure, as she’s never known courses through her teen body until she’s a humping, cumming mass of hot female flesh on the sofa. She throws her pretty legs wide and humps her juicy cunt against the dog’s licking, lapping tongue and scraping teeth.

“I’m gonna cum!” she shrieks, horny out of her mind. “More—More—Oh—Um—Do it—Do it—Oh, Teddy—Make me cum!”

As if he understands her need, Teddy licks his tongue into her teen love-canal and gets her off a good one. Great waves of spasming pleasure overwhelm her senses and she moans wantonly as she orgasms the hardest she has to date. She thrust her pussy wildly, and it squirts creamy and foamy juices that Teddy is quick to lick and swallow greedily.

“Ooooooo—God,” she moans, massaging her aching teen tits and twisting her horny little cunt. “That’s so goooooood.”


This is an excerpt from the story The Babysitter’s Secret you can buy it at, or read it in full in our members area.



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