Isabella and Ingrid in the Dog House

By Lord Naughtius.

Isabella and Ingrid followed their tour guide through the Dog House facility. The two had booked a week to relax after exams. Isabella’s friend Madeleine had arranged the contact. How she knew about the place, neither girl would ever know. Maddie hadn’t mentioned anything beyond saying cryptically she went for a true vacation every so often. The pair now found themselves in a secret location, walking naked through their modern open spacious lobby led by a nearly naked concierge. Her only article of clothing was a white choker style dog collar around her neck. As they walked, she gave them an introduction to what they had to offer.

The Concierge said, “The Dog House is a hotel to several species. We host a vast number of animals here. Some are celebrities, such as the horses that played Sea Biscuit. Many of the others are pets of wealthy and elite people. The majority of those are dogs. Outside of our animal clientele, we have women who enjoy the lifestyle.”

The trio arrived at the elevators where there was a map of the hotel. There were several floors, each with one or two themes.

“The first few floors are devoted to dogs. There are several themed rooms such as the Dog Park, Dog Sledding and Unleashed Beach. Below that are the Stables, the Ranch and the Wild West, devoted to horses. The next floor is The Farm, The Carnival and The Zoo. Each has a mix of animals.”

She continued, “The basement floor has our most advanced room, the Holodeck. Using holograms we can create any fantasy environment for you. You can experience any fantasy creature you want. If you want to bring in a real animal we can create a holographic skin for them. It’s kind of like having the best of both worlds. We can create skins for you as well, so you can be fully immersed in your world. All environments are open to everyone so you will see sex out in the open and you will be seen by everyone else. The only exception is the Holodeck. Everyone’s fantasy is separated from everyone else’s. Enjoy.”

With that their guide pressed the button for the elevator, ushered them in and gave them a cheerful wave as the doors closed.


“Was it just me or did she look kind of like that actress who was in that cheerleader movie. The one with brown hair,” Isabella asked.

“I think so. Was it Eliza Dushku?” Ingrid replied, sounding not as sure herself.

“Maybe,” Isabella said, pressing the button for the dog floor.

The elevator opened in the lobby area of that floor. It was full of plush couches and chairs with tables between them. Along one wall was a bar with a bartender waiting for orders. They could only see her breasts, but Ingrid bet she was fully nude behind there. A couple of the tables were occupied with women in their twenties enjoying drinks with dishevelled hair and wearing only satisfied smiles. The girls could see there were more rooms than the concierge mentioned. The floor also held a Dog Pound and Vet Office.

The girls chose the Dog Park and stepped inside. Through the doors was a refreshing sight. It held a sprawling park with real grass beneath their feet and what they assumed were real trees. The sky was a picturesque sunny day with only fluffy white clouds drifting against a clear blue sky. There were rolling hills and a couple ponds there as well with dogs and women splashing about.

Here and there were dogs fucking women, men fucking (dog) bitches, men taking dog cock anally, and both sexes sucking dog cock and licking dog pussy. There were even human couples copulating alongside others with dogs. Every so often they would hear a people in the throes of passion. The sound of dog barks and people calling dogs filled the air.

The girls started walking aimlessly, not really knowing what to expect. They passed several couples intertwined with each other. Most were on all fours with a dog mounting them from behind and thrusting hard into them. They could see the dog’s muscles ripple as they drove their cocks deep into vaginas, mouths, and asses. Men and women alike. People in orange overalls pushing cleaning trolleys appeared here and there to clean dog waste, semen, and sex juices from the ground to keep the place hygienic.

Others had mounted the dog and were fucking slowly as they would a man. Other women were having sex with each other with a curious dog looking to see where they would fit in. Still others were having sex with multiple dogs. “Oh my god, I recognise them!” Ingrid said, pointing to two women in the distance who had a small pack between them.

One had black hair and the other was blonde. The black haired girl was giving a Black Lab a blowjob while she as mounted from behind by a Rottweiler. The blonde was sitting back with her legs spread. A Golden Retriever was straddling her upper body and face-fucking her while a Dalmatian was licking her pussy.

“That’s Jamie Chung and Hayden Pannetiere,” Ingrid exclaimed.

The two watched the group, amazed that such well known actresses would enjoy bestiality.

Suddenly Isabella let out a shocked scream, followed closely by Ingrid as they each felt a tongue lick up their butt crack. While the two had been staring at the celebrities, they failed to notice the two dogs coming towards them from the side. They had managed to circle behind the girls and were now trying to get between their legs.

Isabella submitted willingly and got on all fours. The dog, a Mastiff, mounted her without a second beat. She moaned as she felt him penetrate her and shook with his thrusts as the large dog pounded her. Ingrid stayed standing, spreading her legs a bit and let the Husky rim her anal entrance. She attracted another dog, a German Shepherd, which came up and licked her pussy.

Ingrid let out a moan and her legs collapsed under her. The German Shepherd continued licking her pussy while the Husky was left hanging Ingrid lay down on her back, letting the dog lick her until she came. Once her head was clear she got onto all fours. Both dogs mounted her; one from behind and one from the front. The German Shepherd thrust into her right away. The Husky’s followed suit, thrusting his cock into her mouth.

Ingrid’s eyes bulged wide in surprise. She had never had sex with a dog that knew what to do from the front before. Clearly the dogs in this place were much better trained and more used to having sex with women. She relaxed and let the dogs have their way with her. Nothing out of the ordinary happened with Isabella. The dogs were soon banging away while the girls moaned beneath them.

The dogs fucked the girls hard and fast. The ones mounted from behind finished first, knotting their bitches and filling them up. They each dismounted and faced away from the girls, still tied for the moment. The Husky finished soon after, flooding Ingrid’s mouth with his cum. She swallowed eagerly, not wanting to spill a drop of his seed where it would be wasted.

The Husky squirted his last into her and dismounted. Isabella and Ingrid rested their heads on their arms, panting from the orgasms their vigorous new lovers gave them. They were so isolated in their own world that they weren’t aware of the actresses they were previously ogling walking up to them.

“Hello,” Hayden said, shocking the two girls out of their post sex revelry.

The two looked at them.

“We just wanted to welcome you. We work here taking care of any dogs that need assistance. ”

“Do you take care of the women that need assistance too?” Isabella asked.

Jamie and Hayden shared a look and smiled. “If you ask, we’ll be glad to help,” Jamie said

“Well,” Isabella replied with a mischievous grin. “I wanted to taste that Rottweiler’s cum, but he seems to have run off. You wouldn’t happen to know where I can get some of that vintage.”

Jamie sat down in front of Isabella and spread her legs. Isabella dove right in, licking and sucking whatever the dog had left in her. “Would you like any ‘assistance’?” Hayden asked Ingrid.

Ingrid thought for a bit. “This big boy has put too much cream on my pie. Would you mind taking some of it off?”

Hayden knelt behind her and broke the German Shepherd’s knot. Ingrid shifted positions and got onto her back with her legs spread for the blonde actress. Hayden leaned in and ate her out slowly. Ingrid grabbed her hair and held her in place, appreciating her soft touch after taking the dog’s hard cock earlier. Isabella and Hayden were very good at cunnilingus and soon had both Asian girls moaning and writhing in the grass. They both came and the actresses walked off to continue their duties, leaving two very satisfied girls.

The girls lay back in the grass and enjoyed the sun. Though it was artificial every ray it gave off felt like the real thing.

“How about we split up and meet back at the entrance in about an hour?” Isabella suggested.

“Sounds good,” Ingrid agreed.

“See you then,” Isabella stood and walked off in search of more dogs or celebrities to fuck.


Ingrid took a minute to tidy her hair and then walked off in the opposite direction.

Everywhere she went she saw women indulging their freedom to have sex with animals that they previously kept hidden. Now they could do whatever they wanted in as public a place as they wanted. Ingrid passed a log that had been placed as decoration.
In a facility like this it didn’t seem likely that things were allowed to rot and decay. Women had taken to using it as a sex aid. There was a line of five young women on all fours on one side with their arms on top of the log to support themselves. Behind each one was a dog happily thrusting away. A dark skinned, dark haired Brazilian girl got on all fours at the end. Soon an Alsatian bounded up and mounted her offered ass.

Ingrid took her place beside the Brazilian. She barely got her arms onto the log when a dog mounted her from behind. The force made lose her purchase with her arms, slamming her stomach into the log. She got her arms back up and tried to ignore the dull throb in her stomach as the dog ploughed her pussy. The dogs elicited moans up and down the log and Ingrid’s soon joined theirs. Her mystery lover had a nice thick cock that spread her pussy apart just enough. His knot was a nice treat as it hits her clit every so often.

A girl somewhere to her left screamed her orgasm like a wild animal. The Brazilian beside her came in a more sensual way, moaning deeply and cried out with an, “Ahh!” As the dog knotted her.

Ingrid felt the dog speed up, a sign he was about to cum. She felt his knot hitting her clit with each stroke now; his entire member making her pant and moan as her orgasm built. She felt the dog grip her tightly around her waist and fuck her even harder than before. She felt her pussy begin to open wider as he tried to fuck his knot into her. A few more thrusts and the entire thing slipped into her.

“Ahhh… Fuck… YES…” she moaned as she came and felt the dog fill her up.

She leaned limply on the log, resting off her orgasm. The dog dismounted and twisted away from her, his cock still tying them together. A few minutes later and all the girls were knotted. All that could be heard was hard panting and the occasional moan as the girl felt the dog’s cock move inside her when he twisted around.

About five minutes later an employee of the Dog House came by to assist the girls unknot from their dog. When she came down to Ingrid she knelt in front of her face and asked her the customary question, “Would you like some help getting up Ingrid looked into the face of Emma Stone and nodded after a momentary shock. Emma smiled and walked around behind her to break the knot.

Ingrid felt the dog’s dick slide of her and a flood of blocked dog cum spilled out of her onto the grass. She turned around and sat down on the grass with her back against the log. “Thank you,” she said, looking up at the red haired actress.

The girl beamed a winning smile in return and walked off, looking for more girls in need. “And thank you.” Ingrid said, patting the head of the amiable Great Dane that had been her lover.

The Brazilian stepped into Ingrid’s line of sight. “I just wanted to say… I admire you.”

Ingrid looked questioningly. “I could see the both of you as he fucked you. Given the difference in size between the two of you, well, you looked amazing.”

“Thank you,” Ingrid said, smiling.

The Brazilian smiled and walked away, like the other girls, off to find more satisfaction in another species. The dogs went off too, satisfied for the moment. Ingrid stood and continued on her way. She walked up a small hill that gave a view of the area. She saw a small pond a short distance away and decided to make her way there.


She passed by three dogs resting underneath a willow tree; a black Lab, a Rottweiler and a Husky cross with dark fur. When she approached, they stood and regarded her almost expectedly. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw their red cocks emerge from their sheaths with nothing further from her than a glance.

“Alright boys, let’s go.”

She walked up to the trio, who were only too happy to see her. She knelt in the middle of the group and grabbed the Lab’s and Rottweiler’s cocks. She stroked them gently, sizing them up. She did the same for the Husky before getting the Lab to roll over on his back. She sucked his dick a few times to ensure his full hardness before straddling him, sliding his entire length into her pussy.

She leaned forward on top of him, exposing her ass. The other dogs needed no further encouragement and leapt forward, each trying to push others away. The Rottweiler won out and mounted her from behind. Ingrid felt him slide over her butt crack a few times and reached behind her to guide him into her ass.

“You’re a lucky dog, you know that?” She said, as she felt him slide into her tighter entrance. “You’re the first to have my ass today.”

The Husky mounted her from the front, placing his fore paws on her upper back. He shuffled forward and Ingrid grabbed his cock to guide her to her mouth. The Husky joined the Rottweiler in fucking their newest bitch between them. The Rottweiler couldn’t wait any longer and had begun thrusting away once he felt his cock enveloped by Ingrid’s tight asshole. The two of them pushed and pulled against Ingrid, pushing her back and forth and sometimes thrusting into her at the same time. Ingrid tried to get into the action herself, grinding her hips against the Lab beneath her.

Ingrid moaned around the cock in her mouth as her orgasm built. The twin shafts inside her ass and pussy felt wonderful. She could tell these dogs had been expertly trained in pleasuring women. They fucked slower than an average dog, but still faster than a man.

The dogs pumped their red rods in and out of Ingrid as Ingrid thrust her pussy up and down the Lab’s shaft. Behind her, the Rottweiler sped up as he prepared to cum in her. Ingrid had been fondling the Husky’s knot every so often, nearly salivating at the thought that the Rottweiler was going to shove his inside her The Husky began thrusting faster as well, with an added side effect of thrusting deeper into Ingrid’s mouth. Ingrid felt the tip of the dog’s cock nearly touch the back of her throat and tried to relax as much as possible while keeping up the suction.

The Rottweiler pounded her ass like she was his favourite bitch. He gripped his forepaws tight around her waist and thrust hard and fast with his muscular hind legs and fucked his knot into her. He ended up pushing her forward onto the Husky as he was thrusting in. The combined force forced the Husky’s cock into her up to the knot and cause Ingrid to gag. She mentally calmed herself as the Husky continued to fuck her face in blissful ignorance. Soon he shot his seed into her mouth. Ingrid swallowed every few spurts, letting the dog fill her mouth enough to have a taste before getting more.

The Rottweiler and Husky dismounted, leaving the Lab beneath her. Stuck as she was, she couldn’t fuck the Lab in this position. She shuffled backwards on all fours, forcing the Rottweiler forward. His red hot hardness slid out of her pussy, over her clit, up her stomach, between her breasts and popped up at her lips. She went down between his legs, sucking his cock into her mouth.

She gave him the best blowjob she could, to make up for teasing him with her pussy. She slowly went all the way down to his knot, feeling his cock fill her mouth and a bit of her throat. Then she went quickly up and down, sucking and slurping his slick prick. It only took a few minutes for the dog to blow his load from Ingrid’s magnificent oral skills. Ingrid held his cock in her mouth until she felt the spurts subside and his cock stopped pulsing. She slid her lips off his shaft slowly while keeping a seal around him in order to keep every drop of his cum in her mouth. She swallowed slowly, savouring his taste.

Now that she was done satisfying all the dogs she stayed on all fours waiting for a Dog House employee to help her out or for the Rottweiler to pull out on his own.


Meanwhile, Isabella had wandered into one of the ponds in the park. She could see it was a popular place with many girls around the water’s edge with a dog mounting them. Others were using strategically placed boulders to either fuck larger dogs or lay on them and be fucked missionary.

She ran a hand over one of the large stones and realised it was actually a firm foam material. She sat on it experimentally and found I gave a little under her like a firm couch. She felt something brush against her calf and looked to see the largest dog she had ever laid eyes on. It was an Irish Wolfhound. Its body was nearly as tall as she was standing and its head reached a head higher. It looked down at her and mounted the boulder. Isabella was forced to lay flat on her back. The dog’s fore paws were a foot above her head.

Looking down her body, she saw his cock come out of his sheath. She was fascinated by its size. Its girth was already larger than any dog she had taken and its length kept growing. She estimated it was nearly six inches now and it didn’t seem to be finished growing by a long shot. She felt it rest on top of her, just below her belly button. She could feel its slickness and heat. It pulsed with the quick heartbeat of a dog. As it grew, she felt it move up her body. It went past her belly button, up her chest and stopped just below her breasts.

She stared at the literally foot-long this dog was packing. She didn’t think she had it in her to handle this much dog. She slid her body down, inching off the boulder until the tip of his penis reached her neck. Then she pressed her breasts together and enveloped his hot rod between them.

The dog acted on instinct when he felt something around his cock and thrust forward. His dick slid between Isabella’s soft breasts, alongside her neck, past her chin and touched her face just beside her lips. The dog kept thrusting, keeping a rhythmic pace. Isabella just kept her breasts pressed together and occasionally stuck her tongue out to taste the dog. Despite the odd sexual circumstances the dog didn’t last long. He shot his load on an in-stroke, sending a spurt up Isabella’s face and into her hair. It took nearly twenty spurts until the dog emptied his balls, leaving Isabella with a mess on her face and damp hair.

The dog dismounted, leaving Isabella to clean herself off. Next time, she vowed to herself. I’ll keep Ingrid with me for these kinds of situations. Maybe we’ll be able to take it on together. Who knows, maybe after we’ll do a horse.


Isabella looked over at the neighbouring boulder. There was a blonde girl lying on it. The boulder was wide enough to support her body, but her head and legs hung off the edges. There were two lines of dogs waiting to fuck her offered holes. Apparently Isabella’s tits weren’t enough to satisfy the Wolfhound. He forced aside the next dog to mount the blonde girl’s pussy and mounted her in his place. There was a muffled scream as the huge dog penetrated her and then moans as the dog thrust in and out of her.

Isabella was amazed that such a girl could handle such a beast. She hardly looked bigger than herself.

“Hello,” Isabella said, hoping she wasn’t interrupting too much.

The blonde girl looked, and replied, “Hi.”

“I saw you from over there,” Isabella said, pointing to her foam rock. “I couldn’t take on that Wolfhound. I was wondering, if we ever saw him again, perhaps you could help me?”

The blonde girl smiled and got off her rock to greet her. “Portia,” she said, extending her hand.

“Isabella.” Isabella replied, accepting the handshake.

“Well, Isabella, what brings you to the Dog House?”

“A friend got me a week’s pass as thanks for a favour.”

Portia raised an eyebrow. “Must have been some favour. Passes can only be earned by employees here.”

“Really?” Isabella said, astonished.

Portia caught her look. “Perhaps I’ve said too much. I’m sure she didn’t tell you for a reason. Although since you’re here, I can’t imagine what that may be.”

Isabella took a leap of intuition. “Are you a long-time customer here?”

“Yes, and part time employee,” Portia replied.

“Perhaps you know my friend. Her name is Madeleine.”

Portia’s face brightened. “Yes! She and I have had a couple assignments together,” she said, and looked Isabella over with new eyes. “It’s good to know she has friends that are kindred spirits.” She leaned closer to Isabella. “You know, if you want to work here, even part time, you can ask Madeleine, or even me to recommend you. I’m sure you’ll be great at it.”

Isabella beamed at the compliment and was intrigued by the offer.

“Who am I kidding?” Portia said, catching herself. “You’re a natural! By the way, if you don’t mind me asking, what ethnicity are you? Russian?”

“Half Japanese, half British.” Isabella replied.

“All ethnicities are welcome here, but Asian seems to draw a bigger crowd. I have to finish my shift here and in the Wild West later this week. After those I’m free. Do introduce me to your friend.”

The two shook hands again and Portia walked off. A few paces out, she turned her head quickly back towards Isabella, catching her staring at her ass as she left. Isabella met her eyes and grinned. Portia knew she was going to like this girl. Isabella took a short dip in the pond to relax. The cool water soothed her worn muscles somewhat. She made a note to visit the sauna afterwards.


She got out and made her way to where she promised to meet Ingrid. The simulated sun was a wonder. Its heat dried the water from her skin quickly, leaving nearly no time for her to feel a chill. Coming up to the meeting place she spied a small dark haired girl lying on her side with her back to her. She had her head between the legs of a Malamute and was busy fellating him while he ate her out. Isabella sat down watched as the two sixty-nined. She plunged two fingers into her pussy and rubbed her clit with her thumb while she squeezed her left breast and rubbed her nipple. She watched the girl’s head bob up and down and fingered herself in time. The two went faster and faster; each chasing their orgasm.

The girl’s head suddenly stopped and Isabella knew she was chugging down a freshly made protein shake. Isabella pulled her wet fingers out of her pussy and licked them clean. The girl in front of her finished swallowing the dog’s load and leaned back to enjoy being eaten out. She saw now that it was indeed Ingrid and got up to join her. It was all too short for her and she needed to get off. Ingrid smiled when she saw her. Isabella returned it and straddled the Asian girl, placing her pussy in front of her face. Ingrid pulled her down and happily licked around her clit while grabbing Isabella’s toned ass with both hands.

The two soon attracted others and a Mastiff took over at Ingrid’s pussy where the Malamute left off. He slurped her from the bottom of her labia to the top of her clit with his big tongue, making her moan into Isabella’s pussy. A Collie and a Hound took up position at both of Isabella’s breasts, each licking one of her fleshy globes and teasing her nipples.

Isabella panted as all the various tongues stimulated her erogenous zones. She could feel her orgasm building. She thrust her hips at Ingrid’s wonderful tongue. The Asian girl responded by exploring the inside of her vagina.

Isabella felt her tongue touch something inside her and she saw fireworks.

“Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhhhhhhh!” She moaned loudly as she came.

Ingrid held her ass tighter and pressed on, flicking her tongue quickly over the same spot. Isabella came again, just as loud. When she was done, she looked past the dogs at Ingrid with a wide smile. She turned herself around and straddled Ingrid in a sixty-nine, displacing the dogs at her breasts. She placed a hand on Ingrid’s bare pussy, blocking it from the Mastiff’s tongue.

“This is mine now, boy,” she said, and leaned in and licked Ingrid’s pink folds, determined to give her as good an orgasm as she gave her.

Ingrid bent her legs at the knees and moaned when she felt Isabella’s touch. The Mastiff was more than a little put out now that his pussy was taken. No matter though. He walked to the other end of the couple and mounted Isabella’s raised ass. It took a few tries, but he successfully drove his dick home straight into her ass.

“Ah!” Isabella cried out as her ass were unexpectedly filled with a large, thick dog cock.

She was pushed forward a little every time the dog fucked her. She hung onto Ingrid’s thighs and flicked her tongue rapidly back and forth across her pussy entrance. Ingrid laid back and relaxed. This was one time she didn’t have to do anything in the sex equation and she was going to enjoy it. She squeezed her breasts gently, rubbing and pinching her nipples while Isabella worked magic with her tongue. Isabella plunged two fingers into Ingrid’s pussy and finger fucked her while she teased her clit with the tip of her tongue.

All members of the threesome were panting and moaning from each other’s touch. Above her Isabella felt the Mastiff tighten his grip and fuck her faster. She fucked and licked Ingrid faster, in turn, wanting to get her off before she was lost to the orgasm the dog was about to give her. Soon after she felt the dog unload into her ass, shooting spurt after spurt of doggy cum inside her.

The Mastiff dismounted, having been unable to knot in Isabella’s tight ass. Isabella eased herself down onto Ingrid’s body. Both girls were panting from their orgasms. Isabella rolled off Ingrid and onto the grass, lying on her back.

“How about we head out now?” Isabella suggested.

“Yeah,” Ingrid replied. “Let’s get out of here.”

The girls sat up and nearly passed out from shock. Their fucking had attracted a huge pack of dogs. They currently had them surrounded. The ones in the first row were sitting on their haunches, displaying their large, log, red penises lewdly at the girls. Those behind them were either standing still or were lying down. Isabella was surprised at how restrained and obedient they were.

“Well…” Isabella said. “It seems we’ve drawn quite the crowd.”

“I did fuck a few of them before you got here. Maybe they spread the word?” Ingrid replied.

“Excuse me, are you saying they’re more attracted to you than me?” Isabella asked in an incredulous tone, half-jokingly.

“Well, I do have a pretty hot ass.” Ingrid replied smugly.

“Well, then, let’s settle it.” Isabella said, kneeling up and putting her hands on her hips. “Anything you can do, I can do better.”

“Fine,” Ingrid responded, also kneeling up and putting her hands on her hips.

The circle of dogs stared at them curiously. “I bet that you will cum before me,” Ingrid said.

She beckoned to a German Shepherd directly in front of her, who trotted over obediently. She sat down and spread her legs. The dog immediately dove between her thighs and licked her pussy. Isabella sat down and pointed at a Greyhound and then pointed between her spread legs. The dog dove straight in as well, eating her out with quick licks. The dogs soon had the girls panting and moaning while the rest of the pack looked on. Isabella could feel an orgasm building and started thinking unsexy thoughts to keep it at bay. She was so close it was hard enough not to touch herself and bring herself off. Beside her she could hear Ingrid’s mewling moans.

The Greyhound moved up from between her folds and licked her clit, bringing her over the edge. “Ahhhhh,” she moaned as she came.

A second later she heard Ingrid’s cry of orgasm join her own. One damn second, Isabella thought as she lay panting in the grass. “See?” Ingrid said between pants, “I told you.”

“Double or nothing,” Isabella challenged.

She pointed at two more dogs, a Dalmatian and a Golden Retriever. She switched the dog between her legs, putting the Dalmatian there while, the Golden Retriever and the Greyhound got her breasts. All three began licking her sensitive places, making her moan and pant quicker than before. Ingrid was no slouch and got a Rottweiler and a St. Bernard to join her German Shepherd. The new dogs got her breasts while the Shepherd got to taste more of her delicious pussy.

Both girls were panting hard and had flushed faces. Either one could cum at any moment, but neither was about to admit defeat. Isabella gritted her teeth and ground her fingers into the soil, hoping to hold off her orgasm, but the dogs were just too much. She let go of everything she had been holding back and came. Beside her, Ingrid orgasmed just as loudly.

The dogs backed away as the girls writhed in the grass. “Double or nothing,” Isabella said with a wide smile.

“That was a tie,” Ingrid retorted.

“Well then,” Isabella said, scrambling for ideas. “I bet I can make my dog cum before you can.”

She got on her knees and got the Dalmatian on his back. It was her turn to dive between his legs now. She grasped his hard, slick shaft and sucked it into her mouth. She slurped up and down his pole noisily. Beside her Ingrid quickly did the same with her German Shepherd. The girls bobbed their heads up and down, racing each other to their dog’s orgasm. Ingrid started slow and increased her speed until she found something her dog was comfortable with. Isabella settled on a medium pace, but moaned here and there, using the vibrations to stimulate the dog. Both girls fondled their dog’s balls, coaxing them gently.

Isabella was pleased when she felt her dog shoot into her mouth. She relaxed her cheeks and let him fill her completely. Then she took her mouth off his dick carefully, keeping a seal with her lips. She turned to see how Ingrid was doing and was happy to see she was still working her pole. Ingrid bobbed up and down a handful more times before sliding her lips off her dog’s red meat. She turned to see how Isabella was doing and was surprised to see her already done.

Isabella caught the look on her face and smiled. Then she opened her mouth and let the dog’s load drip out of her mouth onto the grass. When Ingrid saw that she simply swallowed her saved load in resigned defeat.

“What next?” Isabella asked with a grin.

Ingrid wasn’t about to let her get away with that. “A sixty-nine. You have to outlast your dog.”

Isabella raised an eyebrow. She was confident in her oral skills, but Ingrid seemed to be able to control her pussy. “You’re on,” she replied, getting the Greyhound from her earlier foursome on his back.

She straddled him, placing her pussy near his snout and went between his legs to suck his cock. Ingrid did the same with her Rottweiler. The couples licked and sucked each other. This time Ingrid took a lesson from Isabella and moaned as she sucked as well, though it took no extra effort. Her Rottweiler seemed to know how to use his tongue. He licked all over her labia, paid special attention to her clit and even licked her asshole. Isabella noticed she didn’t have to try as hard for her blowjob either. Her Greyhound licked her with long, quick licks along the length of her pussy, going from her clit until nearly touching her asshole.

Both girls moaned freely as they bobbed their heads up and down. Ingrid and Isabella could feel their orgasms building. Ingrid unconsciously started thrusting her hips against the Rottweiler, and without meaning to, Isabella reached both of her hands down to her pussy and spread herself open for the dog. Soon both girls moaned louder as they came, dripping their juices all over their dog’s tongues. When they came down from their orgasms, each snuck a glance at the other. They gave each other a knowing look and resumed sucking their dog cocks. A few minutes later and the dogs shot their load in their bitches.

“Well, I guess we both learned something,” Isabella said, as she rolled off the Greyhound.

He and the other satisfied dogs went back into the pack. The dogs in front moved aside so they could leave. “Yeah… What is it, one-one?” Ingrid asked as the German Shepherd left.

“Yup,” Isabella replied. “You’re pretty confident with your pussy, but I don’t think you know how to use it.”

Ingrid shot her a look that told her she shouldn’t dare continue. Isabella skirted the edge of danger and proposed her challenge. “Let’s actually fuck a dog now. Reverse cowgirl. Whoever makes their dog cum first wins.”

The girls got the last dog from their earlier foursome on their backs. Isabella got on top of the Golden Retriever while Ingrid did the same with the St. Bernard. As one they grabbed their dog’s shafts, placed them at their pussy entrances, gave each other a look and slid down their red, hard, poles. Both girls moaned softly as they penetrated themselves on some thick, hard cock. After all the tongue action it felt good to have something hard inside them. Paradoxically, they had spent the last hour or so offering their pussies to any dog that would have them, but it still felt so good.

The girls slid down until they kissed their dog’s knots with their pussy lips. Then they got started and began thrusting their hips, sliding up their pussies and down their dog’s shaft. “Oh, fuuuuck…” Ingrid moaned softly.

Isabella panted beside her, enjoying her cock, but still not wanting to lose. She thrust faster and was soon rewarded when she felt the dog’s cock pulse inside her and felt hot streams of cum shoot inside her.

“Ohhhhhh… Yeessss…” she moaned and leaned back to relax against the dog. Beside her, Ingrid hadn’t noticed that she lost.

She was still fucking her dog. Isabella carefully slid off her dog, keeping her body horizontal and cupped her hand on her pussy to keep his cum inside her. The Golden Retriever left and Isabella laid on the grass, waiting for Ingrid to finish. It took Ingrid nearly five minutes before she stopped thrusting. She laid back on the St. Bernard to catch her breath. Turning to look at Isabella, she was surprised to find her dog gone.

“No way,” Ingrid said, disbelievingly.

Isabella smiled and carefully got on all fours and pointed her ass at Ingrid while keeping her hand in place. She removed her hand and a torrent of dog cum leaked out of her pussy onto the grass.

Ingrid couldn’t dispute the evidence. “You win this round,” she conceded. “Let’s do it again, but this time I choose the position.”

“Very well,” Isabella replied. “How shall we fuck them?”


They each chose a new dog from the pack, which had been waiting patiently and obediently. They all knew they would get a chance at these horny bitches. Ingrid got a Pit Bull while Isabella got a Boxer mix. They each got them on their backs and straddled them. They guided their dogs to their pussies and slid down the red pole again.

They started thrusting quickly, each wanting to beat the other. Isabella glanced at Ingrid and noted she looked like she enjoyed being a cowgirl more than her alternative. Ingrid was fully riding the dog. She had her hands on the dog’s body, supporting herself on an upstroke. When she thrust her hips against him she pressed her clit against him. Using her legs, she pushed herself up his pole and rubbed her clit against his fur, giving herself orgasmic chills before sliding back down his cock. Isabella was no slouch either, but she loved being penetrated more. She leaned forward into the dog’s body and thrust her hips quickly up and down.

The dogs couldn’t last long with the girls’ treatment. The Pit Bull came first. Ingrid remained still while the dog filled her with his puppy makers. Then she carefully slid off the dog with her hand between her legs. She backed herself towards Isabella and took her hand away, revealing her gushing pussy to her. Isabella rolled her eyes slightly. She supposed she deserved that. She finished fucking her dog and dismounted in defeat.

“I guess we both have our strong positions,” Isabella said. But she knew she would win the next round. “My turn. Anal… In Reverse Cowgirl.”

Ingrid frowned slightly at that. Isabella’s strategy was clear. She would have to counter accordingly. They both chose new dogs. Isabella chose a Husky and Ingrid got a Lab mix over to her. They got them on their backs, got on top and slid their cocks up their narrow anal alley. Ingrid had never done anal in this position before while Isabella clearly had. Isabella used her legs to raise her hips up, nearly to the tip of the dog’s cock before coming back down and penetrating herself fully on his fleshy spike. Ingrid quickly worked out the logistics issues and caught up with Isabella.

The girls panted and moaned as they fucked themselves. The dogs followed suit as they had their dicks milked by their bitch’s tight holes. Ingrid’s right hand strayed between her legs and rubbed her clit while Isabella fingered herself with her left and squeezed her breast with her right. The Husky came suddenly, just as Isabella thrust herself down. The feeling of being filled with hot dog cum pushed her over the edge and she came with her dog.

Ingrid rubbed herself faster as she approached her orgasm. Her dog was nearly an afterthought. The girl panted loudly as she was about to cum, and then let out a scream as her orgasm took her. Beneath her the Lab felt his dick being squeezed tighter as Ingrid convulsed above him. He began shooting into her tight passage, making Ingrid cum again. The girls rested off their orgasm and lazily slid off the dogs, letting them leave. They looked at each other, with Isabella smiling.

“I’ll win the next one,” Ingrid promised. “We’re doing a double penetration. Reverse Cowgirl.”

Isabella was surprised at her suggestion. The girls chose two dogs each. Ingrid got a Black Lab and a Doberman while Isabella chose Poodle and a Malamute. Ingrid got the Lab on its back and slid his cock into her asshole. The lean, muscular Doberman mounted his Asian bitch, sliding his cock into her pussy. Ingrid moaned as the dog splits her open. This one was thicker than the others. She used her hands to spread her legs wider and nearly raising them above her head. The dog used the extra room to lean in further when he fucked her, hitting her pussy with his knot on each in-stroke.

Isabella got the Malamute beneath her and slid his cock up her ass. The Poodle quickly mounted her, driving his slick shaft into her pussy. It was now that Isabella saw Ingrid’s strategy. She was betting on the Doberman to finish first in her pussy, leaving her more time to get the Lab off. Whether Ingrid’s pussy gave her an advantage or not was lost on the dogs. They fucked both girls just as happily.

The two girls lay sandwiched between their dogs with both of their holes stuffed. The dogs above them were happily fucking away at their pussies. The Doberman gripped Ingrid firmly at her waist, pulling her towards him a little as he thrust forward with his powerful hind legs. She was panting and moaning while he fucked her and let out a yelp whenever he fucked her particularly hard.

Isabella was moaning as well and had her legs wrapped around the dog. The Poodle’s fur was cut in stereotypical fashion and she felt skin instead of fur. It was a most curious sensation when she had a dog dick inside her. The Doberman fucked Ingrid harder, trying to knot his bitch. With a cock stuffing her asshole that had a knot just as large, however, he couldn’t find the space to get past it. The Poodle had the same problem, but it didn’t stop them from trying.

“Mmmm… Yes… Fuck me… Yeeessss…” Ingrid screamed as the Doberman made her cum.

She gripped him tightly with her legs and held him as he filled her. Without his knot plugging her up, his large load started leaking out of her pussy and dripping down to her asshole. The Poodle wasn’t far behind. He plunged his cock into Isabella’s pussy one last time and gripped her tightly as he filled her up. Isabella let out a slow, low moan. She shuddered and her toes curled as she came. The Doberman pulled out first. A flood of cum immediately followed when the tip of his penis exited Ingrid’s vagina.

“Ohhhhhhhh…” Ingrid moaned and shivered when she felt the torrent of hot liquid touch her asshole.

The Poodle pulled out as well, leaving Isabella’s reluctant clutches to rejoin the pack. The girls panted and rested themselves on top of their dogs. They looked at each other with wide smiles before Ingrid remembered their competition. She narrowed her eyes and mockingly glared daggers at Isabella. She began raising her hips up and down, fucking herself on the Lab’s cock. Isabella took her look in a friendly manner and began fucking her Malamute the same way.

“Ohhhhh…” the girls moaned as their puckered holes gripped their dog shafts.

Having been inside their bitches with no way of release, the dogs came rather quickly. Ingrid’s few seconds head start made all the difference as the Lab flooded her ass with his cum, followed by the Malamute a second later in Isabella’s ass.

“Yes!” Ingrid exclaimed, raising her arms in a celebratory pose.

She rolled off the Lab, letting him leave. Isabella did the same with the Malamute, only not as triumphantly.

“We’re doing this again, only this time it’ll be doggy style,” Isabella declared.

She immediately called over a Collie and a Boxer. She got the Boxer beneath her and straddled him, sliding his cock up her pussy. She laid on top of him, pressing her breasts against his fur and presenting her asshole to the Collie. The dog mounted her with no hesitation, thrusting his slick cock up her equally slick back door. Seeing no way to challenge her decision, Ingrid called over a Husky and a Dalmatian. She straddled the Husky and the Dalmatian mounted her from behind.

Once again the girls were sandwiched between two dogs. If they noticed the dogs were fucking them more frantically, they were not wrong. They had made their way through over half of the pack and the remaining dogs were more than eager for some release. The girls lay still between the dogs as they were fucked in the ass. Though not overly large, both dogs set their hind legs as close to their bitches as possible so they could fuck them as hard as they could.

Ingrid moaned as the Dalmatian pounded her ass. He pushed her forward with his cock and pulled her back with his forepaws. Initially Ingrid found it a bit rough, but now she was enjoying it. The Dalmatians motions rubbed her back and forth on the Husky’s fur, rubbing her clit against the shorter fur between his legs and her breasts against his softer chest hair. Isabella was receiving the same treatment. Every time the Collie thrust into her, she felt his knot at her anal entrance threatening to tie them together. Luckily the Boxer’s knot was in the way or she would lose her own challenge.

Isabella was enjoying having her entire body stimulated. The Boxer’s short fur was a bit rough on her nipples, but felt wonderful on her clit. Through the haze of multiple orgasms Isabella had a flash of inspiration. She thrust her hips forward whenever the Collie fucked her, using the Collie’s motions to help her fuck the Boxer.

“Mmmmm,” Isabella moaned.

She could feel both cocks moving inside her. The best was when she and the Collie thrust at the same time. She could feel both dogs fill her up completely. They always shifted slightly when their knots knocked against each other, and in random directions, adding a sense of mystery to their lovemaking. Isabella and Ingrid hugged their dogs tight as they were fucked between them. The Boxer licked Isabella’s face occasionally. Isabella didn’t know what made her do it, but she licked him back. On the lips at first, but then on his tongue as well when it flicked out. Then she full-on kissed him, pressing her lips against his.

The Dalmatian barked and howled as he came in Ingrid’s ass. Ingrid’s eyes opened wide when she felt his hot cum fill her. She moaned with him as she came, louder than the dog.

“Ohhhh… Fuck… Yes… Fuck me like a fucking bitch…” she screamed.

Her back arched and she threw her head back, hitting the Dalmatian in the snout. Her body spasmed, and she thrust her hips against the Husky beneath her, penetrating herself on him up to the knot. “Unnnnngh… Yes,” she moaned.

Isabella and her dogs were cumming as well. Isabella’s little trick worked and both dogs came at the same time. Her eyes opened as wide as Ingrid’s when she felt twin jets of hot spunk fill both her holes at the same time.

“Unnnngh… Ahhhh… Ahhhh…” she moaned unintelligibly as she came with them.

Her legs bent upward, leaving her supported only by the Boxer beneath her. Her toes curled in and her eyes rolled up, nearly going inside her head. When that orgasm subsided, she had another one close on its heels. It wasn’t as powerful but it caused her to thrust her hips back and forth, having the unintended effect of spreading her pussy lips wide around the Boxer’s knot. She hugged the Boxer even tighter, feeling the excess cum from the Collie leak out and flow over her well stuffed pussy.

The Collie and Dalmatian dismounted when they were done and left satisfied. The girls were left panting on top of their remaining dog with their assholes gaping and leaking cum. Ingrid pushed herself up on weak, post-orgasmic arms and rode the Husky. She slid up and down his red pole, his body heat giving her micro orgasms as she fucked herself on him. As she went on it was clear she was tired. She began dropping down on him, slamming her pussy onto his knot. This was a bit of serendipitous pleasure for Ingrid and she kept at it, only mixing it up by grinding her clit against his fur.

Isabella relaxed on top of the Boxer, enjoying the sensation of cum cooling as it leaked out of her ass. The dog eventually got impatient and got up, rolling Isabella off him in the process. She flopped onto the grass on her back, now feeling the cum leak out of her pussy to join the flow coming out of her ass and pooling onto the grass.

“Ahhhhh…” Ingrid moaned when she felt the Husky cum in her.

It was the complete opposite of the earlier ones. Ingrid felt worn out from cumming so often in so little time. She got off the dog and lay on the grass like Isabella, feeling the loads the dogs left in her leaking out.

“I won that one,” Isabella said weakly, but smiling wide.

“Wha? I didn’t even see you fuck the other dog,” Ingrid complained.

Isabella held up two fingers. “Both at once,” she said triumphantly.

Ingrid had no answer for that. The girls rested and recuperated for a few minutes with the remainder of the pack waiting and looking on impatiently. Ingrid sat up first. “My turn,” she announced.

Isabella was surprised at the energy in her voice since she was close to falling asleep earlier. “We’re having a foursome. Reverse Cowgirl,” Ingrid continued, with the same pep. She called three dogs over to her, a Rottweiler, a Doberman and a Black Lab. Isabella wondered if this counted as Black on Asian in porn lingo.

Ingrid got the Doberman beneath her inserted his cock into her asshole. The Lab mounted and thrust into her pussy. She led the Rottweiler around to her head where he awkwardly straddled her, placing his forepaws to either side of her body. She grabbed his cock, tilted her head back and sucked his entire seven inch length into her mouth.

Isabella had no choice but to follow suit now. She picked a Chocolate Lab, a Labra-doodle and a Labrador Retriever. She got the Chocolate Lab on his back and put his fleshy pink spike up her ass. Once she laid back and spread her legs the Labra-doodle mounted her immediately. She had to lead the Labrador Retriever to her head as well. The dog stood to the side of the rutting threesome and let Isabella grab his cock and suck on it.

Despite the marathon sex the girls had been having, they hardly showed any sign of slowing down. Ingrid had her legs wrapped around the Lab, who was pumping like a jackhammer between her legs. The Rottweiler stood still at first, but was now pumping his cock in and out of Ingrid’s mouth. Despite not being able to thrust, the Doberman could feel his dick being rubbed by the Lab’s through Ingrid’s thin anal membrane.

Isabella was enjoying the Labra-doodle’s enthusiasm very much. These dogs from the last of the pack were so pent up they were glad to do most of the work. Not that it stopped her. She tried her strategy from the last round and used the Labra-doodle’s motions to help raise her ass. When the dog pulled out she relaxed her legs and slid quickly down the Chocolate Lab’s pole, plunging his nice, thick cock up her narrow anal alley. Every so often she could time it so she could raise her hips up so the Labra-doodle could fuck her just right, slamming his knot into her and hitting her clit.

The Retriever was the only one to start in an odd position, but even learned to move around and get better use of his bitch. He was standing perpendicular to Isabella’s head and thrusting. She could control him by grasping the base of his shaft, but he still forced her to deep-throat him a couple times.

The girls laid back and let the dogs have their way with them, except Isabella, who was intent on winning this challenge. She was trying her best to fuck the Chocolate Lab beneath her with any semblance of rhythm, but she was getting interrupted by the multiple orgasms the dogs were giving her. Ingrid just enjoyed the ride. Only time would tell which strategy would work. The dogs started barking and howling as they came. The ones fucking their pussies came first, flooding them with their puppy juice. The ones in their mouths came next, dropping an equally impressive load. The Chocolate Lab was the last to cum, filling Isabella’s ass once again with dog cum. Isabella’s strategy was proving to be a winning one.

Ingrid swallowed quickly, not wanting to spill a drop, however it was just too much for her to handle. Little rivulets dripped from the side of her mouth and became streams when she was forced to take a breath. The dog sprayed the last of his load on her face and walked off. Isabella tried her best as well, but her swallowing skills were not like Ingrid’s. She managed two loads before pulling her mouth off his prick. The dog kept spurting, coating her face in his spunk and getting a few stray squirts into her hair. Once satisfied, he walked off as well.

Determined to beat Isabella this round, Ingrid began fucking the Doberman, using her legs to raise her ass up and down the dog’s cock. She was so absorbed that she didn’t realize she had already lost. The dog didn’t mind. He needed release in the worst way. The Doberman came quickly, filling Ingrid’s ass with his cum. There was so much of it, it began seeping out, despite having a thick dog cock plugging her up. The girls rolled off their dogs to rest in the grass again. Isabella propped herself up on her right arm to face Ingrid and simply raised two fingers.

“Want to try again?” Isabella asked. “I think I’m up by two rounds now.”

Ingrid looked around but only saw four dogs left. “You win,” she conceded. There weren’t enough dogs to even guarantee a tie. “Let’s fuck these dogs and go.”

“Alright… What’s your favourite position?”

Isabella felt bad for her. She hoped if Ingrid enjoyed herself in the last round she wouldn’t stay mad for long.

“The foursome,” Ingrid said, with a silly smile on her face. “But there’s not enough. Let’s do a spit-roast instead.”

The girls called the last dogs over; a German Shepherd and St. Bernard for Isabella and a Rottweiler and Greyhound for Ingrid. The girls got on all fours. The St. Bernard mounted Isabella from behind, thrusting his cock into her pussy. The German Shepherd was left with no alternative except the front. Isabella watched his slimy red rod get closer and closer to her face. She deliberately avoided it until she could wrap her lips around it without using a hand to guide it. She sucked on his tip and the dog shuffled forward, sliding the rest of his cock into her mouth until her lips kissed his knot.

Ingrid’s dogs mounted her at the same time, the Rottweiler from behind and the Greyhound from the front. The Rottweiler slid into her smoothly while the Greyhound gently plied his way into her mouth.

The dogs gripped the girls around their waists and shoulders and pumped away. The girls were completely at the mercy of the dogs. They pulled them back and forth, they fucked them hard and fast, and slapped both their mouths and pussies with their knots.

“Mmmph… Mmmph…” the girls moaned, muffled by the dog cock in their mouths.

These dogs fucked the girls like the previous group did. They were fucking them so hard they were all but fucking their knots into them. The Rottweiler and St. Bernard howled as they came in them. The girls came with them, screaming their muffled moans as loud as they could. They felt the dog’s grip them tight around the waist and push hard. This is it, Isabella thought as she felt her pussy being stretched wide. Being filled with dog cum gave her first orgasm. Being knotted was about to give her another.

Beside her Ingrid was in the same situation. The Rottweiler was still shooting into her while he pushed his large knot past her pussy lips.

“Mmmmph…” both girls screamed as they were both knotted. The dogs dismounted, passed a leg over their butts and faced the other way.

The Greyhound and German Shepherd were close to busting their nuts as well. A few more strokes and Ingrid and Isabella’s mouths were filled with dog semen. This time the girls aimed to swallow it all. The only sounds for the next few minutes were slurps and swallows as the dog’s large loads went down the girl’s gullets. Once done, the dogs dismounted, leaving the girls tied for the time being. Ingrid and Isabella looked at each other, smiling. They stayed on all fours for a while until a blonde girl came up to them. They assumed it was a Dog House celebrity here to help them in their predicament.


“Isabella?” The girl asked.

The girls raised their heads in shock. No one aside from Madeleine knew they were here.

“Portia!” Isabella said, immensely relieved.

“I assume this is the friend you told me about earlier?”

“Yes,” Isabella responded. “Portia, meet Ingrid. Ingrid, meet Portia. She works with Madeleine.” “Madeleine works here?” Ingrid asked, incredulously.

“Yes. Speaking of which, do you two need some help?” The dogs had fortuitous timing and pulled out right there. “Oh, never mind.” Portia continued.

Ingrid and Isabella got up, brushing dirt off their knees, but could do nothing about the grass stains. “I saw what you girls did,” Portia said, smiling. “I believe you’d be excellent new additions to the Dog House.”

Ingrid and Isabella looked at each other, smiling. “We always get more dogs than we can handle,” Portia said, selling the position. “If you ever need a quick spot of cash you can always pop in and do a performance or screen job.”

“Performance?” Ingrid asked.

“Some theme rooms need people to give additional realism. The Wild West, for example, has a burlesque show. This is usually a dog a pony show,” Portia explained.

“And screen jobs?” Isabella asked.

“Those are special assignments. Rich customers will pay a premium to have their pets fuck a beautiful girl. These pets can be anything. The majority are dogs and horses, but I have seen girls fuck a tiger, lion, gorilla, zebra, pig, a dolphin even! Others will pay to have a girl play out their fantasy. These use the Holodeck. The requests are very open-ended, but the girl gets to choose what she wants. One time I saw a screen job for a girl who fucks zombie dogs that eat her at the same time.”

Both girls’ jaws dropped at hearing that.

“Don’t let that scare you,” Portia said, backpedalling. “Those are the rarest requests. You don’t have to let me know right away. Tell me any time.” Portia stepped closer and spoke softer. “On my off days I’d like to get to know the both of you better.”

With that, the three parted ways. Portia headed off back into the Dog Park while Ingrid and Isabella exited.


The two stumbled out of the room with the same dishevelled hair and wide smiles they had seen on the women when they got out of the elevator. They slouched into some stuffed easy chairs, legs splayed out and displaying their well fucked pussies. The bartender sets some drinks on the table between them, which the girls thanked her gratefully for. Ingrid noted that she was right. The bartender was fully naked.

“So, where now?” Asked Isabella after taking a long draw on her drink.

“Lunch first. I’d like to try the Wild West, Carnival, maybe the Stables, and then the Holodeck,” Ingrid said, scanning the floor plan across the room from them at the elevators.

Isabella raised her eyebrows when she heard the schedule. “Sounds good,” Isabella replied apprehensively. “You want to save something for the rest of the week?”

Ingrid laughed at herself. “Sorry, I meant one other room today, the rest we’ll save for the rest of the week.”

“Splendid. Let’s stop at our room for a shower first.”

The girls got up from the table and pressed the button for the elevator. The doors opened, revealing half a dozen naked girls in their early twenties. They were talking animatedly. Two were telling the rest all about their exploits the previous time they stayed at the Dog House. They quieted down when they saw Ingrid and Isabella with their messed up hair and dried dog cum crusting on their thighs. In contrast, their neatly styled tresses showed they had yet to enjoy any of the Dog House’s amenities.

Ingrid and Isabella stood to the side to let them out. As they filed past Isabella noticed the two girls sharing their story wore matching necklaces with Greek letter pendants. Iota Kappa Theta, Isabella thought. However, in Ancient Greece they used the alphabet to represent numbers. Their pendants could mean ’10 20 9′. Or even simpler, ‘I K9’.

The two stepped into the elevator. “I think they’re a sorority of dog fuckers,” Isabella said when the doors closed.

“Seems like I went to the wrong school,” Ingrid replied, smiling.

The girls exited at the lobby and made their way to their room via the residential elevators.


After a relaxing shower the girls went down for lunch. Neither opted for any clothes. The two took the elevator down to the lobby and went to the cafeteria. It was nearly full at this hour. The two filled their plates from the buffet and sat down to eat. It seemed a little surreal to Isabella to be doing something so mundane in a room full of naked or nearly naked girls who had likely had sex with an animal earlier.

Ingrid seemed to be right at home, even though it was Isabella’s friend who introduced her to bestiality. She was eating her meal and looking around the room. Every so often she would point out a celebrity she recognised. So far she had seen Grace Park, Scarlet Johansen, Mila Kunis and Jessica Alba.

“This place is amazing,” Isabella said, and Ingrid just nodded.

The End.



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