The Dog Pound


Chapter 1: The worse Day of Her Life

Mia got the news in Boston and almost passed out from shock. Her aunt, back home in Michigan, told her that her mom was in a serious car crash and had died and to please come home.

It was the worst day of her life.

She packed and caught the first red-eye available. She knew she looked awful. Red puffy eyes from crying always did that and, of course, lack of sleep. But even then, she was extraordinarily beautiful, like her mom.

Mia looked at the last picture she had taken of her mom and her. It was like looking at sisters. Her mom had long black hair like her and the same crystal green eyes. Their bodies, though different only by age, were similar. Petite and shapely, with large breasts. Both spent much time keeping toned and tight in all the right places.

As she stared at the clouds beneath her through the window on the flight, she thought of all the e-mails they shared when she moved, all the tearful goodbyes by a child who was leaving the nest. Though they kept in contact with each other, they hadn’t seen each other in over a year. Mia was scheduled for a vacation from the company in another month and was planning to come home. Now, this.

When they landed, her aunt met her at the gate and hugged her, both shedding tears. She needed to see her mom one last time and went to the funeral director, who brought her to see the body before it was cremated. Her mom’s face was untouched by the accident, and she kissed it and wept. She noticed on the inner thigh, which showed a bit beneath the cloth, a tattoo. She looked more closely to see a tattoo of an animal paw. It was small and delicately placed near her vagina, which to her surprise, was cleanly shaved. She filed it away and left.

The funereal was the next day, and she prepared herself for the worst, not knowing how she would be able to take it all. Family and friends filled the home, and she did not know most of them. Many were women that approached her and tearfully gave their condolences. All were stunning in their beauty.

By the end of the day, she was spent and went to stay at her aunt’s house. According to the will, she had inherited her mom’s house, their house. She called Boston to tell them that she could set up her computer at the house and work there temporarily until her mom’s things were cared for. They accepted.


The house looked no different, and she hesitated to enter, knowing that she was once again engaging in a history she longed for, a past that she wanted to remember fondly. She loved her mother and wanted her back but knew that it was not to be.

The house was clean and near spotless. Her mom was always a fanatic about cleanliness. The house was a beautiful Victorian and was worth six figures even in the market today. She knew she would have to sell it, but first, she needed to go through her mom’s things and make sure all was cared for.

Her mom’s bedroom was large and brightly colored. Pictures hung on the wall, and little knick-knacks were placed all over. She was very surprised to see that all the little toys and statues were of dogs. She had to laugh. Her mom had succumbed to being like so many others who collected frogs or elephants. They were everywhere. She opened drawers and found old envelopes and various memorabilia. One drawer was filled with lacy panties, and Mia held one up. It was sheer and see-through. Her eyes opened wider to see that the crotch was open.

“My. my, mom, there was a hidden side to you after all,” she said aloud.

But more was forthcoming, and she found several vibrators of various sizes in a drawer by the bed. She stared at them for a long time, amazed at how sexual her mom was, how very sexual.

She reached down and took one out. It was at least eight inches in length and very thick. Mia couldn’t believe her mom took that inside her. She sat on the bed and looked at the others. One was oddly shaped, and for the life of her, she could not see a human shape to it.

Mia was not ignorant about sex. She had a lover back in Boston, a business associate, who came over once in and while. “Fuck buddies” was the term used. Nothing serious, just pure sexual satisfaction.

In the drawer was a black card, the shape of a credit card. She removed it and turned it over to read the writing. “The Dog Pound.”

There was no address or other identification. It had a security strip on the back, which meant it was used to open a door, but little else was remarkable about it. Mia would look into it later.

In another drawer, she found several very sexy bras and, to her amazement, dog collars. She held them up and saw her mom’s name on each one. One had diamonds on it, other studs.

“My God, mother, what the hell was you into?”

She placed them back into the drawer and quickly shut it, and hopefully, the image forever.


Mia got back into a routine of running every morning and working throughout the day on her laptop for the Boston firm. She needed a better exercise routine and found a health club only a few blocks from the house.

She joined it and began to visit it three times a week. While there, she noticed one of the women who came to her mom’s funeral. She was beautiful, with short-cropped blond hair and grey-green eyes that lit up when she saw Mia.

“Hi,” said Mia putting her hand out. The other took it and gave her a small smile.

“Hi, yourself. How are things going? I know it’s only been a few weeks.”

Mia gave a wan smile and nodded. It would actually take forever. But the woman was so sincere.

“I’m doing alright. Living in the house. I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

The woman laughed.

“Dina. I already know your name. We all do. Mia, is that right?”

“You all do?” Asked Mia, looking confused.

“Yes, all your mother’s friends. You saw a number of them at the funereal. We loved her greatly. She told us all about you.”

“I see,” said Mia, more relaxed now but still not understanding where all these friends came from. She had never met any of them.

“I know it might be a bit strange to know that your mom had friends that you may not have known. But she had many, and we loved her,” said Dina moving closer to Mia and taking both her hands.

“I hope to see more of you here and around,” she winked at Mia and walked away. Mia watched her, seeing how incredibly stunning the woman looked, even all sweaty from her workout.

Later she went to the showers and saw Dina in the midst of taking one herself. She watched her briefly, not as a voyeur but as someone of interest. Immediately she saw the tattoo on the woman’s inner thigh. At first, she thought it amazingly weird that someone would have the same tattoo as her mom and be in the very same location.

Dina looked up and saw her staring and smiling. She approached her as she grabbed her towel.

“Did you see something you liked, Mia?” she asked in a sultry, deep voice. She walked past her and to her locker as Mia stood there in mute, shocked silence.


That night she lay in bed wondering what sort of friends her mom had. All were beautiful, and if they were anything like Dina, sexual to the max. She had the black card in her hand and studied it. She would have to find out more about this place.

She looked in the yellow pages and found nothing under the name; “The Dog Pound.” No matter what she looked up, either online or elsewhere, she found nothing.

At the health club, she approached Dina, who was on the running machine, and slowed it to a stop to speak with her.

“Hi, Mia,” she said softly as she looked deeply into her eyes.

Mia felt strange and yet excited at this beautiful woman’s intense look. Mia held out the card, and Dina saw it and smiled.

“I hope you can help me with a mystery, Dina. I found this, and I was hoping that you could tell me what it is?”

Dina stared at the card and then back at Mia.

“It’s a very special pass to a very special club. One your mother was a member of.”

“I tried to find it, even looked online. I can’t find such a place,” said Mia, who was beginning to get upset, and Dina saw this.

“I’m sorry, Mia. You won’t find it listed anywhere. It’s a private club. Only members can go to it. I’m sorry you went through all that trouble,” said Dina.

“What kind of club is it?” asked Mia, afraid to really know.

Dina’s smile widened, and she shook her head.

“I’m sorry, Mia, I can’t tell you. I wish I could. You look so much like your mom.”

“I’d like to see this club, Dina. I wanted to know what my mom was into. Is it some sort of sex club? I found things back at the house.”

Dina could just imagine what sort of things she had indeed found. But she would not help the girl.

“Let’s go out for a drink, and maybe I’ll be able to help. Are you sure you really want to know?”

Mia nodded and put the card into her pocket.


“First,” said Dina, “why did you approach me with your question and the card?”

They sat in a bar not far from the health spa. They shared a booth. It was private, and the music was loud enough for no one to hear.

“I saw your tattoo in the shower. My mom had one just like it, in the same place. I assumed that the title of the club and the tattoo went together. That’s all.”

Dina nodded and leaned closer.

“I’ll answer your question only because I respected your mom and the others did also. But you may not like what you hear.”

Mia thought about it and knew that her mom was into something sexual. She needed to know, wanted to know, and told Dina so.

“To answer your question, yes, it is a sex club, a unique club, only for women.”

Mia felt her heart skip a beat and her breath catch in her throat.

“You mean my mom was a lesbian…?” she said haltingly.

“Your mom loved women, yes. But it’s much more than that. I know this is hard for you to understand. Your father divorced her, and she turned to others, and we gave her comfort and so much more. We all loved her,” said Dina.

“I can’t believe this,” said Mia, feeling her mind spinning with so much information.

“I found dog collars and dildos in her room. Also clothing…” said Mia taking a long swallow of her drink.

Dina took her hand and squeezed it. She felt for the girl. She had no knowledge of her mom’s sexual life.

“I’m sorry, Mia. But she was a queen among us, a very loved woman. Many will miss her. I can’t tell you everything.”

“The tattoo, what does it mean?” asked Mia, now a feeling the drinks she had.

Dina sat back and shook her head.

“Only members have a tattoo. I won’t tell you what it means, Mia. You have to be a member.”

“How can I be a member?” asked Mia.

Dina moved closer, making Mia very aware of her presence.

“How sexual are you? You have to have one of the members offer you to the club.”

“Offer me?” said Mia, her voice soft.

“Yes, Mia. A member must offer her to the others and that only after making sure she is sexually qualified to be part of the club.”

Mia sat stunned. Her mother was used and offered. She accepted this and became some sort of “queen” among them. It was all too much, and she told Dina so.

“I think you’ve had enough, Mia. I’m taking you home.”

Dina drove her home and brought her to her front door. It was late, and the street was quiet. She helped her with her keys and opened the door. Then, unexpectedly, she kissed Mia on the lips lightly.

Mia felt the woman’s lips on hers, the soft warmth, her breath. She felt her body tingle and almost go limp from the touch. No other woman had ever kissed her. Dina pulled away and told her goodbye. Mia watched her go to her car and drive away, leaving her breathless.


Mia lay in bed thinking about what Dina said, but mostly about the kiss. That kiss. The one that made her body so electrified. She was never one to imagine herself as a lesbian or even bi-sexual. Her lover in Boston liked to imagine such a thing and even used it as a fantasy with her in it. But to actually think of doing it, no.

She looked at the drawer next to the bed and opened it. The dildos were still there. She did not move them. Why she didn’t know. But she removed the eight-inch plastic cock from the drawer and held it. No doubt her mom used it, and she wanted to very much right now. Her pussy was on fire, whether from Dina’s kiss or just the drinks. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she needed some loving. Her nipples were rock hard, and her clit was swollen. She rubbed the cock up and down the length of her body, always rubbing it over her large clit.

She groaned as she twisted the dial and felt the vibrator hum into action. Her clit sent waves of pleasure through her, and she immediately squirted. She cupped one of her breasts and squeezed her nipple as she continued to rub the plastic cock back and forth over her soaked slit.

“Ohhhh god, this is so good. I need this, ohhhh…” she moaned.

Her legs opened wide as she aimed the head of the cock against her wet opening and pushed. Slowly the cock entered her, inch by inch, the thickness stretching her insides so nicely. Then she began to push it back and forth, imagining her mom doing the same, cumming on the cock just like she was doing now. The cock was covered in hot wet juices as she squirted over and over.

Soon she let the cock rest inside her cunt, and she raised her thighs off the bed. Both hands squeezed her nipples, and she came again.

‘My, God, what was happening to her,’ thought Mia. The dildo fell from her wet pussy, and she lay still and soon fell asleep.


She could not get the image of Dina kissing her from her mind. It was difficult to do her work. Her body was telegraphing to her cunt that it needed more sex, more excitement. But she fought it, determined to finish her job.

The phone rang, and she picked it up. It was Dina.

“Hi, Mia. It’s Dina. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for, you know, kissing you last night. It was a, how do you say, impulsive act on my part.”

“It’s alright, Dina. Really it is. We were both a bit drunk, and now I know what your preference is. It’s understandable. Don’t worry about it.” Said Mia, somehow feeling a bit disappointed that Dina thought it a mistake.

“Good. I was hoping that we could go out again tonight and I could buy you another drink? If that’s ok, I promise not to attack you.” she laughed.

Mia thought about the invitation. Yes, she would like it. She needed a friend right now, even if that friend was a lesbian.

“Alright, same place?”

“Yes.” Dina’s voice sounded so excited. And Mia felt it too.


Mia saw her first, sitting at the bar, drink in hand and another by her elbow. They waved at each other, and Dina grabbed the drinks and headed toward her. She looked especially sexy as all eyes at the bar and those sitting watched her. She wore tight low fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt with no bra. Her breasts jiggled, and her nipples poked against the fabric, making most guys grab their crotches as she walked by. But she paid little attention to them. Her eyes were on Mia only.

“Here you go,” said Dina handing her first drink of the night.

“Thanks, I need it. Lots of work,” said Mia as they both found a booth. Mia sipped her drink and found it very strong. This one drink would really tip her over tonight.

“You always look so hot, Mia. Like your mom. She was especially hot,” said Dina looking at her up and down like a lioness looking at its next meal.

Strangely, Mia liked it. Liked knowing that her hard work at keeping her body in shape paid off, even if it was a girl who appreciated it. She relaxed, liking Dina’s company. They joked and talked about work. Finally, Mia brought up the subject of the club.

“I want to know more about the club, Dina. I want to understand why my mom went there, what she did there.”

Dina sipped her drink and gave her a long look.

“You have to be invited. Only the really sexual women can be invited, Mia. You have to prove it.” She gave her a sexy smile.

Mia drank more, and her body suddenly turned on by the thought of doing such a thing. Her mom did it, wanted it, and was accepted. She must have been extraordinary. Was she like her? Had her mom known this all along?

“I want to see it…please,” said Mia, in a soft, almost begging voice.

Dina drank the rest of her drink and got up, taking Mia’s hand, leading her out of the bar. They drove to Dina’s apartment in the city, and both went inside. As soon as Dina shut the door, she pushed Mia against it and kissed her hotly. Mia, surprised, succumbed to Dina’s sexual advances. The kiss was so hot, and Mia felt Dina’s tongue enter her mouth. It was so wet and so very sexy.

Dina wasted no time and slid her hand between the girl’s legs, rubbing the palm of her hand over the jean-clad pussy and making Mia moan into her mouth. She broke off the kiss and whispered in her ear as she groped her harder. “Show me how hot you can be, baby.”

Mia groaned as she began to move her thighs hard against Dina’s hand, rotating her ass and making Dina kiss her harder. Never before had Mia felt like this. So on fire, so sexually turned on in every way.

“Mmmmmmm, that’s it, Mia. Yes, just like your mom, so fucking hot.”

Mia felt the woman’s fingers pulling down her zipper, unbuttoning her jeans, and sliding her fingers inside her soaked panties.

“So wet, Mia… yesssss,” hissed Dina as she drove a finger up inside the girl.

Mia moaned as she felt the finger slide deliciously inside her. She began to cum fast and hard as Dina moved it in and out, flicking her clit along the way.

They got naked quickly, Dina dominating Mia, making her perform for her, making her cum. Mia was so turned on at this first encounter with another woman. She now understood why her mom did this. Dina licked at her swollen clit, sucked it inside her hot mouth, and made Mia push her ass upwards, wanting more.

Dina wanted to make her orgasm over and over, realize her potential. Then she would tell her about the club. Soon Dina straddled her cunt over Mia’s face, rubbing her pussy over the luscious girl’s face. She took to it like a fish to water, and soon Dina could feel Mia’s tongue sliding all over her ass and clit. She came hard and squirted into the girl’s mouth and face. Mia swallowed and groaned with each orgasm.

After an hour of this, Dina lay next to her, holding her and kissing her mouth tenderly.

“You are very good, Mia. You learn fast.”

Mia, her world turned upside down, smiled and looked at her new lover through lust-filled eyes. Yes, she wanted to learn, to make love to her the way she wanted. Dina was aggressive and so very sexy. She loved it. Loved to be taken.

“You wanted to know about the club and my tattoo. I’ll tell you, but promise not to hate me, or more importantly, your mother,” said Dina lovingly.

Mia nodded, waiting, almost holding her breath.

“The club is hidden in the city. The building is owned by the members. Only a member can use the card you own to enter. It’s a key card, and it opens the door to a new world. One that has been in place for many years. Your mother loved the club. In fact, she soon became the leader of all of us. The tattoo is given once the new member becomes initiated. You must have it done. It’s a sign that you’ve been taken and used.”

Mia remembered the tattoo and wondered why it was in the shape of a paw.

“The women of the club not only have sex with each other but with the animals within. It’s called the Dog Pound for that reason.”

At first, Mia didn’t quite understand. Then it quickly dawned on her the significance of Dina’s words. Her mind raced with what she was being told. How could her mother have sex with—she couldn’t even say it. But the image forcefully entered her mind. A dog.

Dina, seeing her anguish, kissed her softly. Mia’s eyes sought hers.

“You’re telling me that my mom had sex with dogs? Real dogs, the four-footed kind?”

Dina nodded.

“We all do. It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever done, still do. I cum just thinking about it, Mia. I’d love to see you do it too, and maybe then you would understand why your mom loved it so much.”

Mia felt Dina’s fingers toying with her swollen clit, rubbing it, pulling it. Her mind, though disturbed over this new revelation, still felt incredibly hot with this woman. In no time, Dina had her cumming again, squirting over her fingers that were deep inside her slippery wet cunt.

Later Dina watched Mia dress as she called a taxi for her.

“Do you still wish to see the club, my darling?” asked Dina, still naked on the floor.

Mia, her body, still filled with pleasure from Dina, nodded. She wanted to very badly. She needed to know, to understand. Her body also did.


Continued on the next page (link below).



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even the limited editing done here doesn’t always mean the narrative/plot flaws in a story are fixed.

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