The Fallen Cheerleader

I.P. Daley

All eyes were on the blonde on the bed in the center of the room.

“Oooohhh. Ohhh yesss, do it to me like that. Feels so good” she moaned. She tossed her lovely long hair from side to side. Her eyes remained closed. Her face wore a dazed grin.

Three shapely young women sat around her, caressing her lightly. She wriggled and squirmed in eager appreciation.

The three young women wore simple white tunics. The blonde was naked.

“God, yesss. Your hands feel so good on my titties— and my belly—oh yesss, play with my clit like that, pleeeeze ,”

Though one of the young women had grazed a hand over the blonde’s pubic mound she quickly moved it onto less sensitive parts of her anaBrady. The blonde writhed in frustration.

“Please play with my pussy some more. Ooo, it feels so wet and excited. Won’t somebody make it feel better for me?”

Her hips began to churn more and more heatedly. She jerked her cunt upward in search of more of the maddening finger caresses.

“Mmmmm, ooh, feels so nice. Uuhhh, my pussy’s so excited, darlings…

She snaked her own hand down over her firm flat belly in search of the swelling nub of her clitoris. One of the other women grabbed her hand and swept it abruptly away. The blonde groaned in frustration.

“Oh, let me touch myself there. Please. I’ve got to do something to make it feel better. It’s driving me crazeee,”

Her last word ended in a shrill crescendo. One of the women was sucking her tit harshly, grasping the little nipple between her teeth and pulling on it.

“Aaagghhh, feels good. Mmmm, your mouth feels so nice on my tit, honey.”

Suddenly the mouth and the hands deserted the blonde’s body. Stunned into semi consciousness, she opened her eyes and raised herself onto her elbows to look around.

She was in a large comfortable-looking room that had a kind of club atmosphere. A fire roared in the fireplace at one end of the room. Well-dressed men and women, about a dozen in all, sat in the overstuffed chairs and on the couches, watching her intently.

One or two of the audience was partially undressed. All looked eager and excited.

The blonde looked around for her three attendants. She saw them disappear through a doorway near the fireplace. She had begun to pout when she noticed there was a man standing near her. A large black German shepherd on a leash sat quietly at his side. The man wore the same kind of short-skirted tunic the women had worn. Only his was bright purple. The blonde who was probably no more than eighteen stared at the man for several moments. Then her face relaxed into a broad grin and she lay back down on the narrow bed.

“Are you going to make me feel good some more?” she asked in a low sultry voice.

The man said nothing. His handsome harsh-featured face betrayed no emotion. He tugged lightly on the dog’s leash. The animal jumped obediently up onto the bed positioning himself between the girl’s legs. Though her eyes were closed, she seemed to be aware of the dog’s presence between her thighs. She opened them wider to give him room. Another light tug on the dog’s leash brought his muzzle down closer to the pink slit peeking out from the soft down of her pussy hair.

“OK, boy, go ahead” the big man growled in a deep voice.

The animal had obviously been well trained for his part in the lewd melodrama. As soon as the man had spoke the dog’s tongue snaked out and lapped wetly up the gaping gash of the blonde’s cunt. It tantalized her asshole, caught a moment at the entrance to her cunt, then swept on to the hardened peak of her clitoris.

“Oooooh! Ah,” the girl moaned wantonly. AuBradatically her pubic mound jerked upward a little to give the dog easier access to her hot pussy.

“Feels good doggie. Mmmm feels soooo good. Lick my cunt some more—uuuhhh Jeeesus—it’s fantastic!”

Her young face wore an expression of debauched excitement as her whole body writhed in response to the dog’s tonguing. It was as though she lived for nothing but her own pleasure… For the quelling of the hot fire of desire in her cunt…

“Fuck,” she moaned as the dog’s tongue jabbed her asshole. “Oh God, what are you doing to me doggie? Fuck, I love it, I love it—do you hear me? Do it some more—Aaaggghhh—that’s the way,”

As the dog lapped his tongue again and again up over the girl’s seeping pussy the man stood motionless over her. He looked down at her with an expression of cold contempt on his hawk-like features.

From time to time, she opened her eyes and looked at him. Each time she looked away quickly as though she couldn’t stand the hot brand of his gaze, searing through to her very soul.

Once she said, “But it feels good. It feels so good I can hardly stand it. I have to have it. Don’t you understand? I need to feel pleasure, lots of pleasure. That’s all that matters.”

He seemed to ignore her. But a moment later he reached down and pinched one of her nipples. He pinched it hard twisting the rubbery flesh between his fingertips.

“Ooh, God, that hurts” she moaned.

The look on her face did not betray pain though. She was obviously enjoying the big man’s sadistic caress. She thrust her chest up in search of more of his cruel touch. But he pulled his hand away. Again he just watched betraying no emotion as he looked from her gleaming pink pussy responding to the dog’s tongue up to her lust-contorted face. The young blonde ground her ass-cheeks obscenely down into the mattress as she worked her pussy-mound against the dog’s muzzle. His long pink tongue jabbed tirelessly again and again into her aroused cunt. The animal was obviously enjoying the piquant taste of her gushing juices. Several times he licked his chops appreciatively between swipes.

“Ohhhh, do it to me like that, doggie darling” she groaned. “You’re making my pussy so nice and wet, baby.”

She reached down to her firm up thrust tits and began to pinch the nipples between her fingers. She groaned excitedly as she provoked tantalizing rushes of pleasure-pain from her tensed nerve endings.

“Mmmm, feels so yummy” she moaned. She rocked her head hypnotically from side to side. Her eyes remained closed. Her mouth still wore its dazed grin. “I love to feel good like this. I love to feel my pussy all hot and open and ready for cock. Ahhh, shit, I love it, I love it.”

She grunted hungrily. Her hips began to grind more enthusiastically up to meet the dog’s rough tongue-stabs.

“Fuck, you’re a greedy bitch aren’t you?” the man said at last.

His words sounded harsh and unfeeling. He threw them out almost as though he couldn’t stand talking to the woman. As though she weren’t good enough for him to talk to. The teenager looked up at him, surprised. Slowly her seductive grin returned to her face.

“I love it. Yes, I love it,” she told him defiantly. “I’ve gotta fire burning in my cunt, and I’ll do anything to put it out. Do you hear me? I’ll do anything. Anything.”

By the time she finished, she was almost shouting. Her pussy slammed fiercely up in search of the dog’s tongue. It was as though she were challenging the man’s contempt. Daring him to respond to her wanton needs.

“Ooh, Fuck,” she grunted. “My cunt’s so hot. Ah, fuck, ah, piss, shit—I need more—I need more!”

“OK, bitch,” the man said.

He reached down and grabbed her harshly by the hips. Before she had a chance to even think of resisting she was flipped over onto hands and knees. Her ass flared invitingly in the dog’s face.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked breathlessly.

She looked behind her as she spoke. A man on a couch had his fingers shoved up inside the cunt of the woman next to him while she sawed on his prick with her hand. A woman sitting in an overstuffed chair had her hand up under her own skirt. Another woman was kneeling on the floor facing the blonde while a man investigated her pussy with his face. The blonde caught the contagion of the erotic mood she herself had established. These people were all here to watch her. They were all sexually aroused by what she was doing. The perversity of it all made her little cunt flutter excitedly. God, she was so hot she can hardly stand it!

“What do you think I’m doing to you, baby?” the man asked her harshly.

He rammed a finger up inside her cunt and wriggled it around. The dog sat back and watched waiting for the man’s next command.

“Oh God, feels good, feels soooo good,” the blonde moaned. “I don’t care, you can do anything to me you want. Just make me feel good some more. Pleeeeze!”

For the first time the man grinned. It was not a pretty sight. It was the grin of a hawk who is sure of his prey. He pulled his finger from her cunt as abruptly as he had shoved it in.

“OK, cunt, you asked for it,” he told her. “Get ready ’cause you’re about to get the fuck of your life.” He slapped her on the ass so sharply the sound echoed around the room. “Come on, boy. Get up here. Up, boy, up,” he commanded the dog.

The big animal rose awkwardly onto his hind legs and clasped the blonde’s full white hips. The audience had a clear view of his red swollen prick that dangled lewdly beneath him. He began to hunch forward in search of the warm wet hole of the human female’s cunt. The girl didn’t seem at all shocked by the man’s scheme. In fact, her eyes grew wider with excitement as she felt the harsh pressure of the animal’s forelegs on her hips. And as she felt his heavy cock graze incitingly against her thigh.

“Oh God, it’s so exciting,” she mewled. “My pussy’s all wet and ready, doggie darling. I need to feel your big cock in me, so bad,”

Her words come in short gasps as she was buffeted forward by the harsh slams of the dog’s pelvis against her ass. Again and again his cock sought purchase up along the wet slit of her cunt. But each time his cock slipped free leaving the woman more disappointed than the time before.

“Having a little trouble baby?” the man asked sadistically. The cruel grin played over his features as he watched the growing frustration on the girl’s face.

“Ooh, I need it so bad” she groaned. She thrust her ass back hard against the dog’s loins to no avail.

“Would you like me to help you out, doll?” the man asked her.

She looked up at him. She winced slightly as she saw how his cold eyes laughed at her, but the longing in her cunt was stronger than her pride.

“Help him, put it in me, please?” she asked in a little-girl voice.

For just a moment the audience caught a glimpse of the girl she might have been once.

“Would you care to make that a little plainer, baby?” he asked.

He was teasing her, and loving every minute of it. Again, her eyes met his. They wavered with indecision. Once again the dog’s cock-tip caught at her cunt-hole, then slipped free. That did it. She couldn’t take any more of the agonizing frustration: Her pussy was pulsing with heated frustration. She had to have something long and hard and filling up in her wet cunt. And she had to have it now.

“Oh, please, God,” she moaned. “I’ve got to have him fuck me! Help him fuck me pleeeeze! Stick the dog’s prick in my cunt! Now! I need it right now,”

Smiling with satisfaction, the man obliged. He reached down and grasped the swollen shaft of the animal’s cock. Then, he guided the pointed tip toward the shimmering wet hole of her cunt. Once cock had made contact with cunt, he let go. The dog did the rest. The shepherd slammed hard against the yielding moistness of her pussy sending his tapered prick soaring far up into her ready welcoming depths.

“Aaaarrrrrgggghhhh,” she groaned, savoring the agonizing pleasure-pain of the animal’s relentless cock invasion.

She thrust her head back and stared unseeing at the ceiling. Her whole being concentrated on the filling sensations as the dog established his harsh staccato fucking rhythm in and out of her clenching cunt.

“Fuck it feels so good, so good, soooo good,” she moaned. “That’s the way doggie darling! Fuck meeee! Fuck my cunt like that! Ooh, I love it so much,”

Like a mindless thing she swayed and churned her ass-cheeks back against the hard-driving pole of the animal’s turgid cock. When she wasn’t groaning or mouthing obscenities her jaw hung slackly open while she concentrated on the dog’s tantalizing fucking.

“Oh, fuck, oh piss oh shit! Mmmmm, it’s so yummy. My pussy needed this so bad.”

For a moment, her gaze fell on the big man’s glowering stare. She grinned at him defiantly now. Obviously she was enjoying her pleasure far too much to be bothered by his opinion of her.

“It feels good,” she said. “Uuuhhh, my pussy feels so alive! His big hard prick is spreading my cunt-walls so wide. Fuck, I can do this forever. Mmmmm—ahhhh—oohhh! Do you like watching your dog fuck my cunt, mister?” she taunted him recklessly.

Wordlessly the big man raised the skirt of his tunic. Beneath, his thick cock stood out long and hard and erect.

“Oooohhhh,” she mewled appreciatively as she gazed at his enormous prick. “What a beautiful big cock you have, mister! Did it get all excited from watching me?”

She smiled crazily up at him.

“Sure, even a shameless slut, like you, can turn me on,” he told her.

He grasped her head by her long blonde hair and pressed his cock-tip harshly against her mouth. She was forced to open wide and let his prick penetrate to the back of her throat. Hungrily she began to work her mouth up and down over his swollen cock-shaft. She seemed to enjoy her work.

“Mmmm, what a yummy cock” she managed to gasp as she struggled for a fresh lungful of air. “It tastes so good in my mouth. Oooohh—Mmmmmpphhh.”

He forced his prick again up into her mouth as far as it would go. The first sign of humanity he betrayed was the surge of passion that lingered in his eyes a moment while she stabbed her tongue-tip into the little slit on the tip of his cock.

“Ah, Fuck,” he groaned. “What a sweet little mouth you got, baby,”

He looked down at the way her ass-cheeks ground back to meet each renewed lunge of the dog’s swollen cock. The grip of the animal’s paws contrasted lewdly with the alabaster white of her hips. He can tell she was matching her cock sucking rhythm to that of the dog fucking her pussy. Man and animal were face-to-face, each taking his lewd pleasure from the hungrily aroused woman beneath them. The man looked around at the audience. Couples were fucking wildly on the floor on the furniture. Most had chosen doggie position so they can still watch the show.

One woman sitting in an armchair had pulled her skirt up over her hips and was drumming her fingers obscenely in and out of her cunt. She watched the spectacle on the bed with unabashed lust. The young blonde worked slavishly between man and beast. Her cunt sought out more of the dog’s tantalizing fucking strokes while her mouth sucked greedily on the man’s smooth rubbery prick.

“Mmmmm, I feel so good,” she grunted. “The dog’s prick is making my pussy feel so nice. And your cock feels so hard in my mouth. I love that little drop of stuff that comes out of the top. It’s yummy.”

She looked up at the man for a moment, her tongue licking lewdly over her lips as she did so.

“Keep sucking, slut,” he told her as he rammed his cock back in between her gleaming lips. “I want you to make me cum like I’ve never cum before, you hear me?”

He didn’t look nearly as detached now though the grimace of contempt still lingered at the corners of his mouth. From time to time he closed his eyes and let his head loll back as he concentrated on the buttery feel of her talented mouth on his hard cock.

“Fuck, woman” he said “you must have had one hell of a lot of practice to suck cock like this.

She broke free of his grip. “I’m a natural,” she told him saucily. Then her lips clasped around his prick once again before he can force her to it. “Mmmmm,” she mewled.

“You’re a natural whore, that’s what you are” he told her.

Her impertinence had angered him. He grabbed her head roughly closing his palms over her ears. Then he moved her back and forth over his cock forcing her to maintain a faster stronger rhythm. She struggled to break free but it was no good. He held her fast. His grip hurt her, but she had no alternative but to keep on sucking to try to drive him to orgasm so he would let her alone. Her mouth worked eagerly up and down his 5lick cock-shaft.

“Mmmmm,” she mewled.

“Keep sucking, whore” he grunted. “Fuck, my prick’s pounding like a goddamned sledgehammer! Fuck—suck, suck, suck it—bitch,”

Dutifully the blonde sucked. The pain in her head provoked by his grip was not nearly strong enough to override the growing pleasure that was tantalizing her cunt-hole. nThe dog’s cock seemed to be growing inside her filling her with more and more urgent lust-sensations. She ground her buttocks furiously back to meet his strokes encouraging him to fuck her even harder and deeper.

“Ung—mmmm,” she grunted around the filling presence in her mouth.

“Like that, cunt? Like that, huh?” he taunted her. “You’re getting it like crazy from both ends. You must be in paradise, baby. How does that slick red dog-cock feel up in your cunt, huh? Good? Is it good, slut?”

She can tell by the urgency of his words that he was becoming intensely excited.

Though she didn’t miss the contempt in his voice, if she can have spoken she would have told him how much she liked it. How good it felt to feel the dog’s cock fucking her while the man drove his rubbery prick back and forth between her lips. She felt an obscene surge of excitement between her cunt-lips as she recalled the strangers all around her, who were watching her lewd double ravishment. It gave her a perverse thrill to think that other people were being driven to depraved arousal by watching her shameless performance. She can hear the moans of some of the other women in the room. She was reminded absurdly of her days as head-cheerleader at her high school.

In those days too, the rest of the crowd took their cues from her. She had been the center of attention-the belle of the ball whenever there was a big game. How did that innocent young teen ever become this wanton slut, she wondered? But she didn’t have long to ponder the question. Things were happening. The man’s cock was growing longer and thicker in her mouth. His harsh strokes between her lips were becoming more and more abandoned. She slaved like a mad woman to keep up with his erratic motions.

Any moment now, she told herself

“Uunhhh, Fuck,” he grunted.

He began to shoot his thick juices far into the back of her throat. She swallowed excitedly making a brave effort to consume every last drop of his cum. The blonde can feel the dog jerking into her cunt. She realized that he too was cumming. She was being filled with hot, thick semen from both ends. The thought drove the teenager over the top. While she continued to gulp and choke on the wet flood of the man’s jism, she ground her ass fitfully against the dog’s pelvis.

“Aaaahhh—mmmm, I’m cumming,” she grunted around the dick in her mouth.

For a moment her mind blanked out as she reveled in the sheer euphoria of being totally used and abused and sated by two big males-one human, one animal. She was in seventh heaven. A heaven that would have been far beyond the imagination of the young teenager she had been six months before. As the man and the dog climbed off her she looked lazily around at her audience. Most of them had cum too and were lying around dazedly in various states of undress. Who do they think I am? she wonderers. Would it surprise them to know that I was vice-president of my class last year? That I won an award for good citizenship last spring?

She looked more closely at the well-fed sensual faces around her. All at once she realized with cruel clarity that none of them can care less who she was. She was a hot cunt who put on a good show, that was all. Sophia Burton might just as well be dead, she thought resignedly

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