The Farm’s Bitch


Turbulence jostled the plane and Aria lifted her head from the window. The announcements made that the plane was landing. The news gave Aria a start of energy, and she took a deep breath to calm her racing heartbeat. She was finally about to meet her longtime online lover, David. She opened her phone and used the camera as a mirror as she fixed her hair and touched up her makeup. She wanted to look perfect when David saw her in person for the first time.

It did make her a little nervous to be meeting him. He was a much older man, almost twice her age. She had just turned nineteen three weeks ago, and David was nearly thirty-eight. David had recently divorced and moved down to a rural part of Texas, and bought a ranch. The two had been in contact for nearly a year, and their contact is part of the reason David had bought the large, secluded property. Aria shivered as she thought of everything she would be doing while she was here to visit, and the visuals repeatedly played in her mind.

The moments ticked by endlessly as each one of her raunchy thoughts played out in her mind, making her tight cunt glisten with arousal. When the plane finally landed and pulled up to the gate, Aria stood up so abruptly that her short little skirt flipped up, and she accidentally flashed the men sitting next to her. She blushed, but said nothing and picked up her purse. She ended up sitting in the very back of the plane. When it was finally time for their row to step into the aisle, the men to her left motioned for her to walk out first. As she passed him, the man in the middle seat brushed his hips against hers and smirked.

“My colleague and I enjoyed that little glimpse. We have the rest of the afternoon off, what do you say to come back to the hotel with us?” The man in the middle seat whispered softly into her ear.

She turned, smirked, grabbed both of their hands, let them both feel her wetness, and giggled.

“I’m so sorry gentlemen, but I’m afraid I’m actually here to solve this problem. My lover is waiting for me.” She smiled sweetly at them then pulled their hands away and scooted out of the aisle, “If I were here for anything else, I would. Have a lovely day, you two.”

She strutted down the aisle, pushed her chest-length grape hair over her shoulders, and smoothed down her dress. She wore a solid black mini dress with a deep v-neck top that hardly covered her G-cup breasts. The top of the dress leaves none of her curves to the imagination. The dresses skirt hardly covered her ass at all; as it bounced with every step, she took in her black leather heels. She threw her purse over her shoulder as she stepped out of the plane, and went to the baggage claim area where David was waiting for her.

As she approached baggage claim number three, her heart began to race again, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She turned the corner and saw her lover in person for the first time.

David was leaning up against the door in a three-piece tailored grey suit, glancing down at his watch. Her heart stopped, and she couldn’t help the wide, goofy grin that stretched across her face. When he looked up he saw her, he began to walk towards her, and she ran the rest of the way into his arms.

“Daddy,” she squealed as she tossed her arms around his neck.

“It is amazing to finally see you in the flesh, baby girl.” He whispered as he wrapped his arms around her.

She giggled and gazed up at his face. His hair was a deep chocolate color with hints of grey, and his full, trimmed beard was the same shade. His eyes were the color of a clear sky, and he had a large, sturdy frame that was soft and warm.

“I can’t believe you’re real!” She gasped and nuzzled her head into his chest and took in his scent. “You’re even more handsome in person!”

He pulled away and twirled Aria around, “Baby girl, I don’t think I can find the words to describe how fantastic you look.”

“I’m glad my outfit meets your approval, Daddy.”

“Mmm,” His deep voice rumbled in his chest. “Let’s get going on home, darling. I’d hate to make you wait much longer.

Aria blushed and took his arm, and the two walked over to the valet parking. The valet pulled their car forward, and the deep, glossy blue Cadillac came into view. David smirked as he tipped the young man who couldn’t keep his eyes off Aria’s thick and curvy body and opened the passenger door for her.

Aria slid in and buckled up. Her heart fluttered. She was here. She was really doing this. It was happening. She opened her purse and made sure she had everything. Even though she would be here a full two weeks, David had given her explicit instructions to not take anything but a purse with only a makeup bag, her phone, wallet, keys, and one comfy outfit to wear on her way home. He told her everything else she needed he would provide her.

David sat in the driver’s seat and started the car up. “Are you ready to go, babydoll?”

“Y-yes.” She stuttered.

David smirked and put his hand on her inner thigh as they drove off onto the highway. The ranch was an hour and a half from the airport, and over the drive, David kept moving his hand up and down Aria’s thigh and squeezing it in his hand. They talked the entire drive, and while Aria was more than happy to finally spend some time with David, his teasing only made her pussy more eager for attention.

The couple eventually pulled up to the small ranch style home that was freshly built on nearly thirty-five acres. The long driveway ended at a garage, and after an eternity in the car, David put it in park and helped Aria out of the car.

“Welcome home, baby girl.” David smiled. “We’re going to have lots of fun back here; I had the house built here because you can’t see a damn thing from the road, which is exactly what I wanted.”

They walked in and the house, even though new felt very homey. Aria laid her purse down on the entry table and took David’s hand. Neither one of them said a thing, but David led her to the master bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Aria close to him so that she was standing between his legs. Aria blushed, even when sitting down, he was taller. She gulped as she felt his eyes examine her body, and when he locked eyes with her, she climbed up on his lap and pressed her soaked pussy down on his already hard and throbbing cock. David started to kiss her neck as he lifted her skirt and gripped at her huge, firm ass. He couldn’t fit all of it in his large hands, so he gave each cheek a firm spank that elicited a slutty moan from Aria. Slowly, he pushed the shoulders of the dress down, and her massive tits came into his view. He kissed and licked his way down from her neck to her tits and didn’t stop teasing her until her voice shook with each moan.

“Before I take you outside, I need to have that tight little teen pussy wrapped around my big, thick cock.” He growled into her ear.

Aria’s entire body shook, and she nodded as he quickly shoved his pants down and pushed her young body down on his dick. They both moaned, and Aria squirmed as David’s fat cock shoved its way inside of her. He was the biggest she had ever taken, at ten inches in length, and almost just as thick as it was long. Even though she was drenched, taking the whole thing inside her cunt was difficult.

Once he had filled her all the way, he flipped them around and pushed her back down into the mattress and wrapped his strong hand around her neck, and started to fuck her wildly. Aria screamed as he destroyed her little pussy, and couldn’t help but moan for him as he deeply thrust in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and his other hand gripped her wrists and pinned them above her head.

“You are my dirty little whore, and you will fuck whatever I tell you to, whenever I tell you to, isn’t that right, baby?” He grumbled in her ear.

“Oh fuck yes, Daddy!” She croaked, “I promise Daddy! I promise I will!”

“That’s my good girl,” He moaned and freed her neck from his grasp, using his now free hand to rub her sensitive clit.

Aria’s body writhed in pleasure as he expertly toyed with her, and it wasn’t long before she could feel herself shaking and on edge.

“Please—please—please!” She sobbed, “Please, Daddy!”

“Mmm, please what, baby?”

“Please, can I cum Daddy? Please!”

“Yes, baby girl!” He groaned and gripped her neck tightly once again, “Cum for Daddy!”

Aria’s entire body convulsed, and she came with a fury she didn’t expect. Her cunt gushed as she squirted all over David’s cock. She squeezed him tightly inside of her and felt him twitch and fill her cunt up with his thick cum.

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He held her there for a moment, and then kissed her deeply as they both came down from their orgasmic high.

“It was worth the wait, babydoll.” He sighed into her hair. “You are amazing.”

She giggled and looked up at him, “I’m amazing? Can we talk about how you forced the soul out of my body?”

“I’m glad you’re having fun so far, baby.” He laughed and gave her a firm spank, “But, the day isn’t over yet. Keep your shoes on and wear nothing else. I’ll meet you in the barn in a few minutes.”

“Yes Daddy,” Aria sighed dreamily and stood on shaky legs. She walked out the back door of the house and headed off to the large barn, her face flushed and hair tousled.

As she approached the barn, a new wave of excitement rolled through her, and she slowly opened the door. The barn was dark, but she saw a large leather swing in the middle of the room. The scent of leather and horses hung heavy in the air, and she laid her bare body back on the cool leather of the swing. She couldn’t keep her hands at her sides, so she crossed them behind her back and waited.

She didn’t know how long she waited there in the dark, but suddenly the lights in the barn came on, and she was blinded. David had Aria sit up so he could secure her hands behind her back, and he attached a spreader bar to her legs and clipped it down to the floor.
Aria breathed in and out deeply and looked up at David as she gnawed on her lower lip. David whistled and suddenly five dogs appeared in the doorway.

“Slut,” David began, “I have my five best studs here for you. A Mastiff, a Great Dane, an Irish wolfhound, a Saint Bernard, and, of course, my wolfdog. They know why you are here. They know what to do. They know a bitch in heat when they smell one. None of these boys has been fucked in a while, and you are here just for them to empty their balls in all of your slutty holes. Once I give the command, they will all be on you, and they will not stop. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Daddy!” Aria said excitedly.

David spat the command, and suddenly Aria was swarmed with all five of the massive dogs. The Dane rolled under her and lay on his back, and he started to lick and nip at her tits. The Irish wolfhound put his paws on her back, and his already hard, bright red doggy cock was right in front of her face. Aria moaned and leaned forward and took the hot red cock into her mouth. The taste was different, but fucks, she loved it. Aria greedily slurped on the Irish wolfhound’s cock as the other dogs bathed her backside with tongues. She felt one of the dog’s tongue brushes past her clit, and she shook. Another snaked his tongue into her cunt, and the third licked her asshole.

She couldn’t handle much more, and she already felt herself on edge because of all the dogs’ attention on her holes. The Dane under her suddenly jerked his hips up, and she felt his burning hot cock poke at her clit twice, before he finally found his mark and started jack hammering his massive doggy cock in her slutty, cum-filled cunt. She heard a growl behind her and then a sudden, sharp pain as a gigantic dog cock was shoved into her ass full force, and she came hard from the pain and pleasure. From the sheer size of the cock in her ass, she assumed the wolf was in her backdoor. Aria screamed at the wolfhound’s cock from the pain, but she didn’t protest as she slowly came down from her second orgasm of the day. She sloppily sucked on the huge cock in front of her face as the wolfhound fucked her throat and forced her to choke and gag over his doggy dick.

She heard David snapping pictures, but she couldn’t pay any attention to him as she was stuffed full with huge, juicy dog cocks in all three of her holes. Aria didn’t see which one nipped at her hair and pulled, but all of her holes clenched as her body trembled, on the edge of yet another orgasm. The Dane under her continued to lick and nip at her nipples, tits, and face, and she slid back and forth on all three cocks, stuffed to the brim. The Dane got more frequent, and with one, hard thrust he slammed his full knot inside Aria’s abused cunt. Her body trembled again, but she couldn’t stop the next orgasm when the wolf in her ass bit the rope around her hands and jammed his knot all the way into her ass. The two dogs in her pussy and ass came with her, their steaming seed pouring deeply inside her. The wolfhound stepped down and licked her face as she came, and she opened her mouth so he could kiss her, and kiss her he did. The wolfhound probed his tongue in and out of her mouth and the two made out as she remained tied to her other two lovers.

The Mastiff and Saint Bernard didn’t want to be left out, and both came over to lick and kiss her as well. The two remaining dogs in her thrust a few more times before they both popped out of her and forced her to cum yet again. The wolfhound didn’t wait, and as soon as the Dane was standing up, he took his place. The wolfhound’s hot, throbbing cock didn’t hesitate, and he jammed his cock all the way up to the knot inside Aria. He opened his mouth and held one of her massive tits in his jaw, using his tongue to lick her nipple as he fucked her as deeply as he could. The mastiff went behind her and followed the wolfhound’s lead, and bucked his cock all the way inside her stretched little asshole. The Saint Bernard was content making out with her for now; his soft mouth and tongue were gentle against hers. He only jumped up and put his paws on her back when the other two dogs forced their knots inside Aria’s abused holes. Aria cried and slurped up and down the Bernard’s cock, and he grumbled as he started to fuck her throat. Aria could hardly see anything under his long, warm coat, but she didn’t need to. She felt his drool leaking down onto her back, and as all three of these dogs ravaged her, she squeezed her holes down and groaned out for more.

The mastiff was relentless in his attack on her ass, and as she swayed back and forth on all of the huge, hot red cocks, it pulled on both of the knots that rested in her. This seemed to aggravate both of the dogs, and while the wolfhound sunk his teeth down into her breast, the mastiff wrapped his jaws around her neck and placed his paws on her shoulders to keep her still. Both dogs bucked their cocks inside her, but locked in by their knots, they just pulled and further stretched her holes, forcing her to cum until she was dizzy.

Finally, the wolfhound and Mastiff pulled out and then went to lie down and clean themselves off. The Saint Bernard quickly popped his cock out of her mouth, darted over to her ass, and humped his cock into her cunt. The wolf stalked back over and lay underneath her. True to his nature, the wolf did not wait and did not care what happened to the bitch. He forced his entire cock inside of Aria’s stretched cunt in one motion. The Bernard seemed to be surprised, but he didn’t stop his fucking of her cunt. She had two of the biggest dog cocks here inside her cunt, and she couldn’t believe it was happening. She was being double fucked in her cunt! Aria screamed and buried her head into the wolf’s fur; her poor little pussy was stretched right to the max.

The wolf grumbled deep in his chest, and as soon as Aria lifted her head up, the wolf gripped her neck and slammed his knot inside her. Not wanting to be outdone, the Bernard followed suit, and soon not only did Aria have two dog cocks in her, but she also had two thick knots. The Bernard licked Aria’s back and did long, slow thrusts, while the wolf jabbed inside her erratically. Aria nearly passed out from the intensity of her constant orgasm, she couldn’t stop cumming. Between the sharp teeth digging into the sensitive flesh of her neck, the coarse fur brushing up against her hard nipples, and the two pulsating, burning cocks dumping cum inside her at the same time, she couldn’t handle it all. As they filled her with cum, Aria screamed and squirted hard, her entire body trembling to the point where she couldn’t see straight, and then, Aria passed out.

She came to when the wolf and Bernard pulled their cocks out of her cunt with an audible ‘pop.’ Her body was still shaking, and she could hardly form any words.
“Are you okay, Aria?” David asked as he opened a bottle of water and helped her drink.

“Y-ye-yes Daddy!” She sighed blissfully. “That felt so amazing!”

“You made me so proud baby girl. That was so hot.” David said with pride as he rubbed the back of her head.


“Yes, baby?”

“Can I please fuck the horses next?” She asked timidly.

“My god,” David sighed lovingly as he kissed her forehead. “Of course, anything for my baby girl. Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Yes!” Aria beamed. “I promise!”

David smiled, and he pulled out a taller, padded bench. He undid her hands and legs and helped Aria move over to the bench. As she walked, dog cum gushed out of her cunt. Once she was on the bench, David secured her hands and feet but keeping her face down, ass up.

He brought over a beautiful chestnut stallion.

“Open your mouth, little one,” David said.

Aria obeyed, and soon enough she got her first taste of horse cock. She could hardly even wrap her lips around the head of the horse’s massive cock, but she sucked him until he was fully hard. David then led him behind her, and the horse took over from there.

The stallion neighed, and wrapped his front hooves around her back before he jammed his full cock into her stretched, dog cum filled cunt. The horse didn’t hold back at all, he pumped her and fucked her just as he would any other mare. Aria was crying and screaming because even though she had just been stretched and lubed up, the size of the horse’s cock was more than she had ever taken before, and he did not care that he hit, or was trying to push past her cervix. David brought out another horse, but this time, the stallion was grey. David instructed Aria to suck off the grey horse while she was being fucked,

Being an obedient slut, Aria did as she was told, gagging and choking and drooling all over the grey horse while the chestnut one bucked inside her roughly, destroying her insides and fucking her with wild abandon. Both horses suddenly jerked roughly, and all Aria could see was stars as she came. The last thing she remembered was being filled to the limit with warm, gooey horse cum.

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Aria’s eyes slowly fluttered open as the scent of bacon filled the air. Her holes were tender and sore, and she realized that David must have carried her from the barn, cleaned her and put her to bed. She gave a small stretch, then stood up out of the comfortable bed and made her way down the hallway, not bothering to cover her nude body. She heard David’s deep voice echoing from the kitchen, and she assumed that he was on the phone.

When she turned the corner into the kitchen, Aria gasped. Standing next to the fridge there was a man she didn’t recognize. She froze and stood in front of the two men completely naked, and very confused.

“Good morning baby girl,” David smirked. “Did you sleep well?”

“Oh! Umm…” Aria mumbled and turned around. “Sorry. I didn’t realize you had company, I’ll just go and put–”

“Aria,” David said firmly and cut her off.

“Y-y-es?” She stuttered and turned back to face him.

“Come on in here, baby girl,” David grinned over his shoulder. “I’m sure my friend Carlos would love to get a closer look at your body.”

Aria’s cheeks went bright red, but she didn’t protest, and she slowly made her way over to the man David referred to as Carlos. Carlos smirked, and as soon as Aria was within reach, he reached out and slapped her large ass with both of his hands. He then pulled her body right up against his and ground his hips up against hers. With one hand, he gripped one of her tits, pulled it up to his mouth, and started to suck.

Aria let out a whimper and wrapped her arms up around his neck, and pulled herself closer to him. She heard Carlos chuckle before he switched what tit he sucked and nipped. Aria started to gasp and moan as she pressed her cunt right up against the hardness in his pants. She turned to look at David, who gave her a wicked grin.

“That’s my good little slut,” David praised.

“Mmm, she is a good, thick slice of fuck meat.” Carlos grinned as his deep brown eyes wandered her body. “You see, slut, I’ve been friends with David for a long time. He told me about your filthy ideas, and I just had to come down here with my best breeders and see how much horse cock you can really take.”

Aria’s eyes lit up, “Wait, really?”

“Really,” Carlos said.
“Can I fuck them now?” Aria moaned, “I took my very first one last night, and it felt so good…I need more!”

“My god,” Carlos laughed and ran a hand through his short black hair. “Dave, you weren’t lying about this one, were you!”

“I wouldn’t have had you drive all the way out here if I was.” David laughed as he brought the food over to the table. “Come on now baby girl, you need to eat before you can cum.”

“But-but Daddy!” Aria whined.

“If you keep giving me attitude like that, someone will be locked in the basement and punished. It will not be fun for you, I can promise you that.” David reprimanded her.

“Y-y-es Daddy,” Aria mumbled and walked over to the table and started to eat her breakfast.

Aria kept quiet at breakfast, mostly so she could finish her food quickly. She needed to be fucked again, and soon. The only thing that kept playing in her mind was horse after horse filling her cunt up, and how much cum she’d be covered in by the time all of the beasts were done with her.

She was about to stand, but David gave her a look that made her sit back down in her seat. She felt like the two men were taking forever to finish, and she needed cock. As she imagined the different horse’s cocks twitching and throbbing inside her, her little pussy cried out for attention. Finally, David and Carlos were finished, and they all stood up.

“We can’t go outside just yet,” David smirked as he led Aria down the hall. “You need to prepare yourself for your new suitors.”

Aria looked at him quizzically, but when he opened the door to the master bath, Aria realized what he meant.

“Now go ahead and shower baby girl, but don’t take too long.” David kissed her head and left the room.

Disappointed, Aria turned on the shower and stepped inside. The shower was huge and had a seat against the back wall made out of the same white marble the rest of the shower was. The glass doors fogged up from the steam as she slowly washed. She slowly massaged her scalp and conditioned her deep purple hair. She made sure she cleaned every inch of herself because she wanted to be ready for anything the two men had in mind for her.

As she was rinsing off, she heard the bathroom door open, and a smile played across her lips.

“Have you come to join me, Daddy?”

He said nothing, but David stepped into the shower and roughly gripped Aria’s hips. He forced her body straight up against the marble wall and shoved his massive ten-inch cock all the way into her pussy. Aria cried out and closed her eyes. Her cunt was slick, but having him so forcefully shove his whole length in her hurt.

Aria whimpered as he continued to slam in and out of her. One of David’s strong hands pulled roughly on her hair as he drilled into her tight little cunt. Aria gasped and squeezed his thick cock against her walls, and David let out a low grumble.

“Fuck yes,” David moaned. “That’s my good little girl. Milk Daddy’s cock, baby.”

“Yes, Daddy!” Aria cried out and pawed at the shower wall.

David was fucking her so hard, and deep her feet weren’t even on the ground anymore. The marble was cool against her chest, and her nipples were rock hard. She tried to rock her hips back against David’s, but he just gripped her hair tighter.

“Don’t you fucking dare?” He growled deeply into her ear. “You’re MY little slut, and I get to fuck YOU however I please. You only sit there and take my cock like the fuck hole you are, do you understand?”

Aria whined out in agreement. She couldn’t form any words. She felt his cock pushing into her cervix, and it was hard to breathe. She felt her pussy start to tremble and pulse, his huge cock felt so good inside her! She needed to cum! Just as she was about to open her mouth and beg to allowed to cum, David let go of her and pulled out.

Aria froze for a second as she realized what had happened. She had been so close, and she knew David was too. Frustrated, she turned around and saw Carlos step into the shower with them. Carlos sat down on the marble bench, and Aria knew what was expected of her. She positioned her knees on either side of Carlos and slowly sank down on his cock.

Carlos wasn’t as long as David, but he made up for it in sheer girth. Aria cried out as the thick cock stretched her little cunt wide, and she leaned forward with her hands on the wall for support. Once she was all the way down on his cock, Aria let out a long moan. David took this as his cue, and he came up behind them and shoved his massive cock into Aria’s ass.

Aria screamed as both men filled her up. They fucked her in perfect time, alternating from having one of their cock’s balls deep inside, and the other pulling out, to having both jam in and out at the exact same time. Aria was lost in the pleasure. David pulled her hair and Carlos bit and sucked her tits until they were all marked up. She felt their speed increase, and she started to clench and pulse around both cocks.
“Mmmm, fuck yes.” Carlos moaned, “You wanna cum so bad, don’t you, you little whore?”

“I do, Sir!” Aria cried, “I wanna cum so fucking bad!”

“Beg, little girl. Beg, let Daddy and Sir know how bad that filthy cunt needs to cum.” David growled as he buried his cock all the way in her ass.

“Please! Please, can I cum? I wanna squirt all over your cocks! Please—please—please—please….” Aria paused, her entire body starting to clench up as she came nearer to her release.

“I don’t think she wants it bad enough, Dave,” Carlos grunted.

“You have to be more convincing, baby girl.” David moaned out and gripped her ass tightly in his hands. “And you better convince us quick.”

“I’m such a filthy slut!” Aria cried out. “It feels so fucking good to be used like a whore! Please, can I please cum? I need to cum while you both empty your balls inside of me! Pleaaaasseeee Daddy? Please, Sir? I’m so fucking close, please!!”

“Good girl,” David gasped, “Cum for me baby girl!”

Aria screamed, and her entire body shook as she squirted over Carlos’ cock. She gripped tightly down onto his shoulders as she came. She felt both cocks twitch and spurt deeply in her holes and that furthered her own orgasm. She kept cumming until she was only a whimpering mess in Carlos’ lap.

Eventually, both men pulled out of Aria’s holes, and they all rinsed off again. They all washed each other, and Aria playfully rubbed up against both men. David was the first to get out, and as soon as he closed the shower door, Carlos forced Aria to her knees, shoved his entire cock down the back of her throat, and held her head there. Aria gagged and choked so hard she started to cry. Carlos smirked, then pulled his cock out of her mouth and got out of the shower. On shaky legs, Aria stood, turned off the water and followed the men to the bedroom.

“You’re such a good girl,” David said as he pulled Aria in for a close embrace and kissed her head. “You make Daddy very happy little one.”

Aria blushed and gave him a quick kiss before she went to dry off.

“You think she’s ready for my boys?” Carlos asked.

“I think so,” David grinned and zipped up his pants. “What do you say, baby? Are you ready to take some horse cock?”

“Yes please!” Aria grinned. “I’m ready!”

David chuckled and threw on a tee shirt. “Alright. I’m going to get her set up. Whenever you’re ready, bring your horses over into the pasture.”

“Okay,” Carlos smiled and reached over to pinch Aria’s nipple. “I hope you’re ready, slut. My boys are big.”

Aria sighed blissfully, and David chuckled as he led her out the back of the house. David led her to the pasture where she would be fucked. Another leather bench rested out in the center of the field, and Aria ran over to it. Once she was close, Aria threw her leg over the side and laid back on it. David walked over to her and pulled her legs back to her chest. He then tied her legs there so she could not move them. He then fastened her arms down at the front legs of the bench.

Satisfied with his work David slowly rubbed Aria’s clit up and down. “Are you sure you wanna do this, little one?”

“Yes Daddy,” She breathed and tried to buck her hips up to his touch. “I need to have my little cunt stretched by horse cock…”

“Oh you need it, do you?” He asked as he rubbed her clit faster.

“Mmhmm,” She moaned. “I really do.”

“Fuck, you really are such a dirty little girl. You just had both of your little holes stretched and fucked, but now you need a horse cock? You’re so fucking filthy!” David growled and slapped Aria right on the clit making her cry out.

“Ye-yes!” Aria whimpered. “Yes, Daddy I am!”

“Looks like you don’t have to wait any longer, you dirty slut. Your horses are here.” David whispered in her ear and lowered the front of the bench, so her head was lower than her hips.

Aria looked behind her, and she saw Carlos walking up, leading one brown and white painted horse and another that was solid brown. Both horses were beautiful, and Aria was squirming in anticipation.

“Well slut, I figured I’d start you off with these two. These are the smallest, the horses are only gonna get bigger from here.” Carlos smiled as he handed the painted horse to David and led the brown one over to her face.

Aria gasped when she saw their cocks already stiffening, the size alone made her tremble. David loosened his grip on the painted horse’s lead, and that was all he needed. The huge horse put his two front hooves on either side of the bench and forced his fourteen-inch cock as far in her cunt as he could.

The painted horse snorted when he hit Aria’s cervix, and started to pull his cock out of her. Aria whimpered but then screamed as the horse shoved his cock into her cunt again. This time, the horse pushed in so hard he pushed all the way past her cervix. Aria sobbed from the pain, but the horse didn’t care.

Carlos led the other horse to be standing in front of her. When Aria saw his huge cock and massive balls she drooled. The horse stood right over her face, so she leaned up and licked the entire length of the horse’s cock, from balls to tip, then back down to his balls. As she sucked, the painted horse drilled into her cunt hard. Forcing her head up and down as she licked the brown horse.

The brown horse brushed his hoof back and forth in the dirt. Aria took this as him wanting more. She licked back up to the head of his cock and opened her mouth wide. Aria was planning to take the brown horse’s cock in her mouth slowly, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the painted horse thrust hard. Aria choked as the brown horse’s thick cock was shoved down her throat and the horse whinnied. Carlos held him steady, and Aria was forced to be throat fucked by the painted horse’s movements.

The taste was something entirely new to her, but Aria didn’t have much time to contemplate. The painted horse bucked deeply inside of her cunt, and she felt his long, thick cock pulse in her womb. Aria gargled on the brown horse’s member and sucked hard, knowing what was coming. The brown horse bucked his hips and forced the head of his cock down her small throat. Aria almost threw up and started to sob again. It hurt so much, but she was here to make these horses cum, and that’s all she wanted to do. The pain and pleasure mixed so beautifully. She loved being just holes for these beautiful beasts to dump their cum into.

She clenched her cunt around the painted horse and forced the brown horse just a little bit deeper into her throat. Suddenly, the painted horse neighed and bucked into her so hard Aria almost blacked out. That didn’t stop her body from twitching and squirting hard all over the horse’s massive cock. Hot cum flooded her cunt, and the paint pulled out of her as quickly as he delved in. Aria slurped on the brown horse’s cock as it pulsed and throbbed in her throat, tears streaming down her face as she choked on him. It didn’t take much longer, and the brown horse dumped his load down her throat. There was so much cum, she could barely swallow any of it, and Carlos helped the brown horse aim onto her chest where her tits and stomach got what her mouth couldn’t hold.

“Holy fuck, that was so hot.” Carlos grinned. “You did such a good job, slut.”

“Mmmm, yes you did baby girl!” David cooed. “Do you need a break, or do you need more?”

“I need more!” Aria whimpered. “Please, can I please have more horse cock?”

“Fuck. Yes, you can.” Carlos sighed and adjusted the huge bulge in his pants. “I’ll be right back.”

David took pictures of his little girl covered in horse cum and Aria lay back on the bench breathless. The warm, gooey horse cum dripped down across her tits, chest, and stomach and leaked out of her abused cunt. She wondered how much bigger her next lovers would be.

Carlos was back in only a few minutes. This time he brought a stunning all white horse, and the other was a deep brown that faded into solid black. The white one was led over to Aria’s cunt, and with its already rock hard cock, he didn’t need to be told what he had to do. The beautiful white stallion pounded his entire length in her all the way to the balls. Aria screamed, but this time, it was out of pure bliss. The white horse was longer than the other two she had taken, but because she had already been wrecked and stretched by the painted horse, she was able to feel nothing but pleasure.

“Hey, Dave?” Carlos asked. “What do you think about putting those big, slutty tits to use?”

“Well, I think you’re a fucking genius.” David laughed, and the two men stood on either side of her.

David grabbed Aria by the back of her head and forced her to gag and suck on the brown and black stallion’s cock. He forced her head down as deep as it would go until she was gagging and choking she was crying again. Once David was satisfied with how wet the horse’s cock was, so he placed the brown and black horse’s cock in between her massive G-cup tits. Carlos held one tit up against the hot cock and David the other. The two men pressed her tits in, and the brown and black horse did the rest. The horse’s balls were right on her face, so Aria licked and sucked at his balls as he fucked her tits.

Between getting her tits fucked and cunt destroyed, Aria was only focused on the sensations going through her body. The white stallion was one of the roughest fucks she had ever had, he was slamming into her so hard his balls hit her ass and smacked so hard she was sure there would be a bruise. The sensations were so intense she felt herself writhe under both horses and her cunt gushed for the third time that day. The white horse seemed excited by that, and he bucked in and out of her faster.

David and Carlos leaned down, sucked, and bit her large nipples as they forced her tits against the brown and black horse’s 15-inch cock. Her tits were so large; they were almost able to cover the girth of the massive dick. Both men pulled their pants down and started jerking off to Aria.

Aria hardly noticed what the men were doing, she was lost in the bliss of being stretched, fucked and used. She felt herself start to squirm again and both horses enjoyed her sensual movements. The white horse bucked hard three more times, and then emptied himself into Aria’s womb, filling her to the brim with his cum which forced her to have her fourth screaming orgasm of the day.

As the white horse pulled out, the brown and black one had more room to buck and grind. It wasn’t long after the other horse had gotten off that the brown and black horse’s cock shuddered and spurted cum all across Aria’s body.

“Fuck.” David moaned. “I wanna see you take a horse cock in your ass.”

“Mmm, that would be such a fucking sight to see.” Carlos agreed.

“Can I? Can I please?” Aria begged. “I wanna try and fit a horse cock in my ass!”

“I don’t wanna rip you open baby girl,” David smirked. “I have an idea. How about Carlos and I both fuck you ass at the same time to stretch out?”

“Fuck yes,” Aria moaned. “Please double fuck my ass so I can take a horse cock!”

The two men didn’t have to be told twice. David freed her hands and got underneath Aria’s body. Using the four layers of horse cum on her body as lube, David slid all the way into her ass easily. He slowly started to fuck her as Carlos grabbed some more horse cum and lubed up his thick cock. Carlos stood in front of her, pushed her legs further back, and then slowly pushed his girthy cock into her ass alongside David’s.

They went slow, stretching Aria’s ass a little at a time. It hurt more than Aria had ever done before, but both men were reassuring and took it at her pace. Tears freely flowed from her eyes, but she never asked to stop. She wanted to be able to do this. She had to! She wanted nothing more than to stuff her ass full of a horse cock, it was the only hole left she hadn’t had filled with horse cum yet. She also knew that by getting her ass stretched, it pleased her Daddy, and if she could get her ass fucked by a horse, she knew that would please him even more.

Eventually, both men were balls deep in her ass, and they started fucking her. They went slowly at first, but that didn’t last. Aria had never felt so full in her life, and she started moaning as she rocked down onto their cocks. Her ass was so tight, and the friction of her ass alongside the other cock felt amazing to both men.

“Fuck yes little girl,” David growled as he gripped both of her cum covered tits in his hand. “You’re gonna take a horse cock in your tightest little hole for me, aren’t you baby?”

“Yes, Daddy!” Aria cried as David bit down hard on her neck, which sent a shudder through her whole body.

“What a good little slut!” Carlos praised as he rubbed her swollen clit.

The two men plowed into her and teased her until all three of them came. First Carlos exploded deep in her ass, and David wasn’t far behind. When both men pulled out, Aria came once again and shuddered on the bench.

“I’m going to get the last one,” Carlos said as he slipped his pants back on and walked away.

David untied her legs and helped Aria bend over on the bench. He kept her ass higher than her head and positioned her how he wanted her. Then he bound her arms back down to the sides of the bench, and her feet to the edge.

A few moments later, Carlos came back with one of the biggest horses Aria had ever seen. He was solid black, and his coat was so shiny it reflected the sunlight. She saw his cock and her eyes almost popped out of her head. The black horse’s cock had to have been close to twenty inches. Aria shuddered as she thought what it might feel like to have this monster to rip apart her holes nightly.

Carlos led the stallion to her rear, and this horse went up on his hind legs. Carlos helped guide his cock into Aria’s ass, and as soon as he found his mark, the horse forced his enormous cock all the way up her ass.

Aria sobbed as the monstrous cock tore apart her insides. The horse was relentless; he simply was using Aria as a human cock sleeve. Aria almost asked to stop, it was too much, but then the horse slammed into her even harder, and his balls hit her clit. Fuck. She wanted that again. She bit her lower lip, and the horse continued his rough thrusting, and slowly the pain became less, and she started to feel good.

Aria was so deep in subspace, all she wanted was to be a good slut and make her lover cum. She started to whine and buck her hips back up against the stallion, which in turn bucked up even further into her ass. She squeezed her ass around the stallion and pushed further back onto his cock.

The horse snorted and slammed his cock harder into her; his massive balls slapped her clit with every thrust. His cock began to twitch, and Aria couldn’t help herself from begging.

“Fuck yes! That’s a good boy!” She screamed. “Cum in my ass, you beautiful beast! Give me all of your hot horse cum!”

The stallion snorted again and forced his cock balls-deep into her ass, and let out a torrent of cum deep inside her. Aria screamed as she felt him fill her up and she came a sixth time that day. Used, sore, and dirty, Aria sighed as the stallion pulled out of her ass. A sense of bliss and pride filled her and David picked her up off the bench.

“Come on now, little one, we need to clean you up.”

The End.



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