The Gang Bang

Moe Lester

It’s Friday night and Maggie is watching TV and trying to take her mind off her aching cunt when she heard the doorbell ring.

“Hi, Mrs. Burrows.”

Maggie peered through the screen door and sees it’s Kyle Hansen, the sixteen-year-old boy from next door. She’s always admired his thick, muscular body as she watches him work and sweat in the yard, but she never thought of cheating on her husband with him, that is, not until now. A patch of black hair peeked over the top of his clean, white t-shirt. Both the shirt and his faded Levi cut-offs are stretched tightly over his muscular body. For the first time, Maggie is wondering what that teen of eighteen would feel like inside her spasming cunt.

“Something wrong, Kyle?” she asks.

Maggie tries to sound just friendly, but the husky tone of her voice sounded like the moan of a bitch spaniel in heat.

“Oh, my folks are out, and the television’s not working. I thought I’d stop over and talk to your husband.”

Maggie opened the door and let him in. “Mr. Burrows isn’t home right now, but I’m not doing anything.”

She bites her lower lip as she thought of that last remark. I might as well have unbuttoned my shorts and slide them to my knees, she thought as she walked to the kitchen. “Want a beer?” she asked as she opened the refrigerator door.

“I want something else,” Kyle said.

There is something in his voice that made her heart beat faster and her flesh crawl with pleasure.

“I don’t know what you—”

Maggie stops in mid-sentence as she watches him close the door and lock it.

“I’ve been watching you all week, Mrs. Burrows, or should I call you—Maggie? You’ve been staring so hard at my crotch the last couple of days that I thought you’d burn out my cock.”

“I don’t know what you mean!” she growled as she flushed red.

Maggie has wanted the teen in her pussy all week but now is a little afraid of going through with it. She walked briskly through the living room and is about to unlock and open the front door when she feels Kyle’s big right hand grab her arm and spin her around.

“Let me go. Let me go, Kyle!” she moans as he pulls her tightly against his broad chest.

“You really don’t want to get away, do you?” he said huskily as he relaxes his grip slightly and slides his hands down her body and onto her ass.

As he pulls her tighter, he gives a slight hunch to his hips. He is right. Maggie did not want to pull away. Kyle starts squeezing her ass cheeks slowly, kneading the firm flesh between his fingers.

“Oooooooh,” Maggie groaned as she pulled her hands up and wrapped them around the teen’s thick neck.

She feels him rub against her harder. This time she feels something big and hard pressing against the front of her shorts. Maggie knew it’s his cock, and knew that if she is going to stop anything more from happening, it would have to be now. However, his straining cock feels so good slamming against the hot, itching spot in her crotch.

“You really want my cock!” he said so matter-of-factly that Maggie almost broke out laughing.

“I-I—” she stammered, then gives up fighting. “Oh God, yessss. YES. Oh, Kyle, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeee!” she groaned as she ground her hips against his.

Her heart is pounding like a trip hammer now, and her cunt is hot and slippery.

“Wrap your fingers around my cock, Maggie,” he said as he unzipped his shorts and pulls out his cock.

“Oh, please,” she said weakly as she feels him pull her hand toward the throbbing head of his big cock.

Maggie feels her cunt getting hotter and wetter as her nipples ached for relief.

“Rub my cock, bitch. Wrap your fingers around my cock and start pumping,” the teen said as he ran his hands under her halter and traced his fingertips across her erect nipples.

“UNNNNNGH!” Maggie groaned as she wrapped her fingers around Kyle’s cock.

The hot flesh throbbed under her massaging as she feels drop after drop of juice ooze out of his piss-slit and coat her fingers. As his hot meaty cock spasms repeatedly, Maggie greedily squeezes it.

“Oh, shit. You’re gonna make me cum. Get down on your knees and wrap your lips around that fucker for a while.”

Maggie didn’t think twice about what the teen told her now. Anything he said is like a command she can’t resist. Obediently she sank to her knees, unbuttoning his shorts on the way down and pulling them to the floor as she runs her tongue down the center of his heaving belly. Suddenly she feels something hard and hot bang against her chin. Maggie pulls back and stares at the young teen’s cock.

That cock. Maggie’s husband’s dick is thicker, but Kyle’s is much longer and curved up at the tip. The base of it buried in an incredibly thick matting of black pubic hair, a continuation of the forest that covered the rest of his body. Maggie reaches up and pulls a few wiry hairs out from between her teeth before she parted her lips again and stuck out her tongue, moving it around his cockhead. She paid particular attention to the underside of his bobbing cock. Her tongue swirled and around as it teased, poked and stroked at the young teen’s aching cock.

She drew the head between her lips, sliding her tongue over its taut, purple surface and drawing off the beads of cock-juice that are now leaking freely from the piss-slit. She teased the edges of the tiny crevice with her tongue and feels new fluid seep out into her mouth.

“UNNNGH, YOU BITCH. UNNNGH, OHHHH, SUCK IT. OH FUCK, SUCK THAT COCK!” Kyle screamed as he clamped his fingers hard into Maggie’s scalp and jammed her head against his groin.

Maggie pulls away slightly, lowering her head down to Kyle’s balls and popping them into her hot, sucking mouth. She runs her tongue along the bottom of his sack, exploring every wrinkle that runs around the skin of those balls. She moves her mouth in tiny sucking motions, drawing his balls deep into her mouth before shoving them out again with her tongue.

“Oh, SHIT,” Kyle groaned, staggering back a few steps and pulling his wildly jerking cock out of her mouth with a loud ‘pop.’ “Oh God, baby, I want to see how you look with all that shit off. Hold up your arms so I can pull that halter off.”

Maggie looked up as she raises her arms and sees the teen standing there with his shorts wrapped around his ankles and his t-shirt sticking to his sweaty chest as he grabbed the edges of the halter and pulls up. She feels the heavy weight of her mammoth tits pull at her chest as they flopped free of the material.

“Oh man, feel those tits!” he whispered hoarsely as he bent down and cupped them in his hands, pushing his fingers deep into the spongy, swollen flesh.

He works his hands around to her nipples and squeezes them between his thumbs and forefingers.

“UNNNGH. OH, MY GOD. MASH MY TITS! AWWWW, FUCK,” she moans hysterically as she threw her head back and almost fell to the floor.

Kyle pulls her up roughly and tears open her shorts, sliding them just below her ass cheeks. Maggie can feel the teen’s hairy, muscular legs pushing against hers and his cock shaft spasm against her swollen outer pussy lips.

“Let’s get on the couch,” the teen groaned as he pushed her back gently until she fell onto the soft cushions. Before she realized it, Kyle is between her legs. He lowers his head and starts running his tongue up her naked belly and straight into the crevice between her tits. She can feel his tongue sliding between the hot, sweaty mounds of breast flesh.

“Ohhhhhhh, nooooo!” she cried as she feels Kyle’s mouth suck on her nipples so hard that she thought he is going to tear them off

His teeth bite, trying to get a tight hold on her while his rough tongue lashed over the tight brown nipple.

“Pull your legs up,” he panted.

Maggie stretched her legs wide obediently and threw them into the air. The teen pushed his head between her thighs after reluctantly letting go of her tits, nuzzling through the kinky curls covering her pussy as he opened his mouth wide.

“MY G-GOD. OH, FUCKIN’ SHIT. OH, NOOOOOOO. OH CHRIST, SUCK ON IT,” Maggie screamed out as she feels his mouth closed over her cunt.

His teeth sank into the blood-engorged fleshy lips as his tongue snaked up her cunt. He ate her cunt until Maggie is thrashing and moaning and screwing her ass up to his face. Her legs clamped over his head, trapping him tightly against her body. She feels his large, thick tongue rubbing over her throbbing clit until she thought she is going to come in his mouth.

“Oh fuck,” he moans as Maggie reached between her legs and grabbed his cock, trying to draw the eight inches between her legs.

Her ass wriggled up higher as she tries to position herself for the fucking that would satisfy her aching, throbbing pussy. Her tits, cunt, and ass are spasming with tension. She can feel her fat juicy pussy lips spring open as the teen’s tonguing became more and more furious.

“Oh, no—Oh Jesus—Fuck me—Ooooooo—Fuck me—Ung—AHHHHHRG,” Maggie screeched as she feels Kyle’s cockhead push into the juice-soaked pubic hair around her slippery hole.

“You’ll get it now,” the teen moans as she feels her outer pussy lips force open by his hard, throbbing cock. She feels it sink into her sensitive membranes, pushing at her cuntal walls as it buried itself in the hot juices of her pussy. Maggie thought she can hear it slurping its way in deeper and deeper as she hunched up her hips to swallow it faster.

“Ohhhhh, baby, you’re one hell of a fuck!” the teen groaned as he kept jamming his cock in.

Gradually their bodies came closer together. Maggie can feel his body hair tickling her sweaty skin as she feels his hot, uneven breath against her cheeks. Sweat dripped off his forehead and from under his arms as he shoved the last inch of his jerking cock into her.

“Omigod—Ahhhhh—Oh yes—YES—FUCK ME—Oooooooo—Jam it in—Fuck me hard,” Maggie screamed mindlessly as she screwed her ass cheeks into the sweat-stained cushions under her.

She hadn’t has any cock for the last two weeks, and now her cunt is stuffed with eight inches of hot, young cock.

“I knew you wanted it. Oh fuck, I knew you wanted it,” the teen panted as he slammed his crotch faster and faster against her upturned ass.

Her cunt is getting hotter and hotter under the teen’s frenzied fucking. She feels torrent after torrent of hot cunt-juice spilling out of her wonderfully stretched pussy and running down her thighs as her clits rubbed up to an explosive climax. Gradually Maggie feels her womb beginning to spasm as she feels his cock swell deep inside her pussy.

“Uhhhhhh—NOW—Oh fucking hell—I’m cumming—I’m cumming,” Maggie wails

Kyle starts slamming his cock in and out of her pussy like a piston. His balls are so full of cum that they ached. He starts moaning as he feels his jism bubbling up out of his balls and spurting down the long inner tunnel toward his spasming cockhead.

“Ugh—Shit—I’m gonna cum,” Kyle yelled.

That is all she needed. Maggie dug her fingernails deep into his heaving back and slammed her head deep into the couch cushions as she arches her back and jerks her hips off the material, swallowing his spurting cock between her fluttering cuntal flaps.

“AAAAAAGH—AAAGGGHHH,” Maggie screamed as she feels spurt after spurt of thick, hot jism splatter against her throbbing cuntal walls until his cum leaked out of her swollen pussy lips.

Her cunt and womb and ass squeeze tight as the young teen’s cock kept exploding more and more cum into her pussy. Maggie’s second orgasm came seconds later. Everything around her disappeared from sight. It’s as if the entire room is inside her pussy and is exploding. Her cuntal walls throbbed as her cunt clamped tightly around Kyle’s shooting meat, holding the squirming, hot cock as his balls lost their load in her.

“Oh, wow!” Kyle said as he collapsed on top of her still-thrashing body.

Maggie blinked her eyes as she tries to focus her vision. She glanced at the wall clock and sees that it’s ten. “You’d better leave,” she said, squirming up on the couch and pulling free of Kyle’s soft cock. “My husband will be home soon. He can’t find you like this.”

Kyle smiles as he still crouched over her, tracing his right hand over her cum-stained cunt. “He won’t be home ’til after midnight. I talked to him today, and he said he’d be at work late tonight.”

Maggie’s eyes opened wide as she sees the teen leer at her. “You knew all the time that he wasn’t going to be here. You know, and still, you came over.”

“The whole neighborhood knows you want my cock. Christ, the way you’ve been hanging over the back fence, pretending to talk to my mother while you try to stare up my shorts to see if you can spot my cock and balls.”

Maggie blushed red and turned her head away. Everybody can tell that she is in heat. She never considered herself a sex maniac. Then, her husband hadn’t been able to fuck her in the past week. What is she supposed to do? Put on a habit and become a nun?

“So what?” she said defensively, spinning around on the cushions and throwing her legs over the side of the couch.

She stood up and walked toward the kitchen, reluctantly pulling away from Kyle’s grasp around her left leg.

“Oh, baby, you’re what I want. You’re what half the guys in the neighborhood want. The girls at school know it and hate you for it. They’re OK, but there’s something about the way you walk and look at a guy that makes his cock sit right up in his pants.”

Maggie smiles to herself as she bent to pick up her shorts and halter. She slid the tight material up her creamy thighs and turned around to pop her tits back in the halter as she feels some of the young teen’s cum ooze out of her pussy lips and down her thighs.

“You did have a heavy load,” she said calmly, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

She can’t believe it, but she feels her clit rumbling again. The one-week forced vacation her cunt has is giving way now to a desire for cock, cock and more cock.

“Boy, I can’t believe you,” Kyle said, getting up from the couch and stroking his cock. Maggie turns around and sees that he is trying to get it hard again. She knew that he’d picked up the trembling in her voice, and knew that she wanted more. “You just can’t get enough of this meat, right?”

“I-I—no—I’ve had plenty, Kyle. You’d better be going home, anyway. I don’t want to make a habit of this,” Maggie said unconvincingly as she feels her cunt contract as the young teen wrapped his arms around her waist and pulls her against his muscular chest.

She feels his cock rising slowly against her shorts.

“You do, you really do. You know what, I think I can go at you again.” Kyle looked down at his fully extended rod, then looked back at her. “Yes, ma’am, I think I can ream the fuck out of your pussy all over again.”

“Oh, nooooo,” Maggie said, letting her head fall back as she reached down and starts running the fingers of her right hand over his jerking cock.

It’s a replay of what happened only minutes ago, but it excited her as if she were doing it for the first time.

“Hey, not here. Let’s go over to my place. Just in case your old man does come home early, he won’t find us.”

“But your parents,” Maggie protested as Kyle fumbled nervously with his Levi shorts as he tries to stuff his steel-hard cock into the tight material.

“They’re gone for the night-really,” he panted, finally buttoning his fly successfully.

Maggie is glad it’s night. The neighbors won’t see the two of them running between the hedges, and especially the massive bulge that threatened to tear the snaps right off Kyle’s shorts.

“OK,” she said under her breath as she reached over to turn off the television. The late news is on, and she didn’t hear the announcer report on an accident that has just happened at her husband’s plant.

“Wait. I think I heard something happened at—” Kyle starts to say, but Maggie is too hot again to listen to him. She cups the bulge between his legs in her left hand and squeezes it gently. “Ohhhhh, you bitch. You fuckin’ bitch. You really know how to get a guy going again, don’t you?”

Maggie looks down and sees the tip of his cockhead poking up from the tight waistband of his shorts. She bent her head down and opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue and running the tip of it lightly over the slit.

“MMMMMMMMMM—Oh, Jesus—Oh fuck, I want your lips around that fucker,” Kyle groaned as he closed his eyes and pushed her head down further.

“I can’t get my mouth on it with your shorts on, and you don’t want to get it on here,” Maggie said hoarsely.

She can’t believe she is talking like this, a typical slut. However, her cunt has a mind of its own now.

“Right. Come on,” Kyle urged, turning around and disappearing through the doorway into the night. Maggie thought she detected something sarcastic and cruel in the tone of his voice now. However, Maggie is too hot to analyze any motives now. All she wanted is that young, magnificently long and throbbing cock stuffed up her cunt again.

Maggie is so hot for the young teen’s cock that she didn’t notice the number of cars parked on the street in front of his home. When she tiptoed into the darkened house, she didn’t even hear the sound of chuckling coming from the living room. Only when she feels someone grabs her roughly and pins her arms behind her back while somebody else tears open her shorts and pulls them down to the floor did she realize that she’d been set up for some kind of gang bang.

“Oh, Kyle—what’s happening? Oh Jesus, what’s going on?” she moans as she feels a tongue burrow into her cunt, snaking its way up her fuck-tunnel while another finger jammed hard between her ass cheeks and buried itself in her asshole.

“Oh Kyle, what’s happening?” Maggie heard someone mimic her.

Kyle turned on the lamp, and she sees five young boys, all his friends, standing in a tight circle around her. One is between her legs, already tonguing her toward orgasm while another stood behind her rubbing his cock against her right ass-cheek while he wriggled his finger back and forth in her asshole.

“Omigod,” she moans as she realized that all the boys are naked and rubbing their hands back and forth on their cocks.

“Come on, bitch, show them how hot you are,” Kyle said cruelly as he stepped out of his shorts and walked jauntily up to her. His heavy cock swung from side to side with each step he took. Even knowing that Kyle had set her up for this, Maggie can’t help wishing the teen would stick his cock up her twat right now. “Jesus, you really want this, don’t you?” he said, pushing his friend away from Maggie’s cunt and pressing his hard body against hers.

“Hey, Kyle,” the teen who has been tonguing her pussy called out. “Come on, let’s get her on the floor doggie style like you promised and fuck her.”

“Right, Joe. OK, Maggie. You’re a regular bitch in-heat, so we all thought that it’s only right that you get fucked like a bitch in heat.”

She can’t protest. It’s useless. Besides that wiggling finger in her asshole is doing a strange thing to her cunt. Jack has never fucked her in the ass, and only occasionally jabbed his fingers in her asshole. Even those little bites used to make her clit throb harder and faster. Now, she feels tiny flutters of sexual pleasure grip her clit as the teen continued to move his finger in and out of her ass.

“P-please,” she said as Kyle forced her to her knees.

“Get on all fours,” he said as he reached down and tears off her halter.

“Jesus!” one of the boys exclaimed as her tits flopped onto the carpet.

“Look at those jugs!” Joe said as he dropped behind her ass and stuck his tongue into her pussy.

“Hey, guy, you don’t want to get her cunt all sloppy with spit, do you? We want her as tight as possible. God only knows she’s gonna be soaked with cum by the time we get through with her.”

“Kyle, please,” Maggie said again. This time she can’t finish the sentence. He moves around to her face and jams his cock into her opened mouth. “MMMMMMGFFFFF,” she groaned as she feels the tip of his cock bang against the back of her throat.

Joe kept tonguing her swollen outer pussy lips, and soon she’d forgotten about the trick Kyle has played on her. All she can think of is that roomful of hot young cocks waiting to get stuffed in her cunt, asshole or mouth. She starts sliding her tongue back and forth under the teen’s sensitive cock as she feels Joe’s tongue land on her clit and starts swirling around the erect organ.

“Ohhhhh, Jeeeeeeeusssssss. Somebody fuck that bitch now. I want to see a cock sliding in and out of this bitch!” Kyle groaned.

Joe pulls away and smiles. “Since I’m the closest,” he said as he got up and aimed the tip of his heavy cock shaft at the juicing slit. “Hang on, honey,” he warned as he shoved his cock into her throbbing cunt.

He is just the first of a long series of fucks Maggie is to get that night. One cock after another slammed into her cunt, firing its load of jism deep into her fuck-tunnel. After a while, the boys didn’t even bother wiping her thighs and ass clean. They jammed their cocks into her hole one after another with hardly more than a few seconds’ breathing space. While one fucked her in the cunt, another is jamming his cock in her mouth. Eventually, Maggie feels herself becoming a giant fucking-sucking machine. All she can see and think of is hot cock-meat-miles and miles of it, ramming its way up her pussy and into her mouth, spewing out gallons and gallons of thick, hot jism.

After what seems like hours, the teen’s stop. Half of them are lying on the floor, exhausted by the ordeal, while the others collapse on the living room chairs. Only Maggie is ready for more.

“Jesus, look at her. She still wants it. More cock-meat. Anybody got more for the bitch?” Kyle asked.

“Are you kidding?” Joe said in disbelief. “I won’t be able to cum all this week. I don’t know what I’m gonna tell Sally tomorrow night. Jesus, she always expects a good fucking on Saturday evening. My balls ache so much from all this shooting I don’t think I’ll even be able to get a hard-on.”

“Yeah, most of us are all played out, but we’ve got something planned for old Maggie here, right boys?”

Maggie looks around and sees several of the boys winking at one another while Kyle got up and walked to the kitchen. She didn’t know what he’s gone for, but she guessed it would be something else to jam up her dripping cunt.

“Here you go, Maggie, something else to jam up your twat tonight,” she heard Kyle say from behind her.

She turned her head and looked over her left shoulder. “Wha-what’s that?” she said nervously as she sees Kyle standing next to a large boxer dog.

“You don’t recognize King? He’s my dog, remember? Hey, somebody get her!” Kyle said as Maggie sprang to her feet and starts running out the door.

Joe is the first to reach her, clamping both his arms around her throat and dragging her back to the center of the room. Maggie struggled desperately in his grip, tossing her body from side to side and trying to kick herself free as she heard the dog barking excitedly behind her.

“NOOOOOOOO,” she screamed as she feels Joe and Kyle push her to the floor.

“Get in that crouching position, you bitch, or I’ll beat you into it!” the teen said savagely.

This is a new side to Kyle and one that frightened her. Maggie looked first at him, then at Joe, and then at the dog. Her skin crawled in horror as she sees his red cock slowly lengthening and sliding out of its furry sheath.

“Oh God, Kyle, don’t do it. My husband and I never hurt you. Why are you doing this?” she whined as she cringed away from the animal.

“C’mon, Maggie. You know you like any kind of cock. You don’t want to admit it, but you do. Just bend over and relax. King here knows what to do.”

“What?” She can’t believe what she has heard.

“That’s right,” Joe said. “You think you’re the first woman he’s had. Shit, half the girls in school have had him between their legs. It’s the latest thing, Mrs. Burrows.”

Maggie can’t believe her ears. All those young girls-they all looked so sweet and innocent as they passed by her home on their way to school. She’d guessed that some of them are probably fucking their boyfriends on the sly.

But this?

Fucking animals?

She’d always thought that it’s the act of a sick person.

“Come on, somebody hold her. She’ll have to get used to the dog before we can let her go. Ten bucks say she gets hot over the dog the first five seconds King does her,” Joe said.

“Hell, she’ll get hotter sooner,” Kyle said to Joe. “Ten bucks says she starts juicing as soon as King starts licking her off.”

Maggie can’t believe it. They are betting on her climaxing with a dog. She shuddered to think of the animal’s cock buried in her cunt, but she knew it’s inevitable. There is no chance for her to escape, and the boys are determined to make her go through with it.

“C’mon, teen, don’t you smell it? Smell the cunt-juice?” Kyle said to the boxer.

It didn’t take the dog long to smell the aroma of her violated pussy. King barked twice, then broke free of Kyle’s loose grip and trotted quickly toward Maggie’s exposed cunt. He jammed his flat snout between her thighs and rammed it up close against her pussy.

“Unnngh,” she moans, shrinking away when she feels his cold, wet nose against her slit.

Kyle moved to her face and shoved her shoulders back, forcing her cunt against the dog’s snout. King whined deep in his throat and burrowed deeper into her moist, juice-slick pussy.

“Oh, noooooo, d-don ‘t,” Maggie protested.

Even then she is beginning to feel a growing tingle in her nipples and clit as he starts licking her pussy with his hot, wide, rough tongue.

“Look at her,” Kyle said to the rest of his gang. They are all standing around the kneeling woman now. “She’s got her eyes closed, but I’ll bet it’s not because she’s disgusted. Look at her mouth. Jesus, she’s moving her lips in time to King’s licking. I told you this bitch can’t get enough cock-any kind of cock!”

“Aaaaaagggh,” Maggie moans, thrusting and writhing against the dog as his tongue slithered up and down her spasming cunt.

Maggie feels disgusted with herself she can be turned on by a dog. However, at the same time, she feels something gentle and sensuous with the dog’s tonguing. The boys have been so rough, and King is so gentle. It’s as if he knew what she’d been going through and is trying to make it up to her.

Maggie shuddered and bucked with pleasure as the big boxer tongued her pussy faster and faster, licking her clit, cunt, and asshole over and over again. She feels her cunt begin to spasm wildly and knows she’s cumming. The homemaker is actually reaching a climax with a dog. However, by this time, that fact didn’t surprise her. Another long thrust of the dog’s tongue brought her off. The orgasm exploded deep inside her cunt with the explosive force of dynamite.

“ARRRRRGH,” she screamed, tossing her head from side to side as a series of violent contractions tears through her sensitive cunt.

“Shit, look at her. She’s cumming harder and faster than she did with me, the bitch!” Kyle said as he watches Maggie hunch her hips hard against the boxer’s snout.

She repeatedly moans, grinding her crotch against King’s muzzle as bolt after bolt of sexual pleasure shot through her thighs and crashes through her nipples. She pushed her cunt against King’s snout repeatedly until she gave a weak cry of exhaustion and sank down to the floor.

“Hey, you don’t think you’re through, do you?” Kyle said as he pulls her back up into the crouching position. “You’re not gonna leave poor old King here with a hard-on.”

Maggie is too weak to protest. Let him fuck me, she thought as she feels the boxer scrambling onto her and curling his massive forelegs around her waist. He starts humping immediately as his cock jerks wildly in the air.

“C’mon, Maggie, help him out,” Kyle said from behind her.

Mechanically, she reached back and closed her fingers around the boxer’s stabbing rod. She heard him whine desperately as she guided his cock to her pussy. She can feel how hot King’s cock is and the streams of juice that are dribbling out of the dog’s cock.

“C’mon, hurry up, Maggie,” Kyle said impatiently.

She finally got the red, pointed tip of his cock against the opening of her twat. King lunged forward again when she let go of his cock, spearing it deep into her jerking pussy.

“Ohhhhh, nooooo,” Maggie moans as she lowered her head and looked between her bobbing tits. She can see his long red cock each time he pulls it out. It gleamed with her cunt-juice now as his heavy balls swung back and forth with each thrust.

“Omigod—I like it—Oh fucking God—I like it—AHHHHHRG,” Maggie moans.

She didn’t care what anybody thought now. She loves the feel of the boxer’s hot, hairy body clamped close to her sweaty skin. She loves the feel of paws wrapped around her heaving belly. And she loves the sensation of the animal’s knotty, pointed cock sliding in and out of her hot, juicing fuck-tunnel.

“OH, KING.—OMIGOD—AGGGGHHHH—FUCK ME, DOGGIE—OH, SHIT—C’MON, FUCK MEEEEEE,” Maggie wailed as she began swirling her ass on his stabbing cock.

“Christ, you can’t hear yourself think in here,” Kyle said jokingly, but even he is surprised at Maggie’s sudden hots for the dog.

Most girls have to be forced into it a couple of times before they got to like it. However, Maggie has warmed up almost immediately.

“ARRRRRGH,” Maggie shrieked as spasm after spasm broke loose in her body again.

Grunting, screaming, sobbing, she thrashed from side to side as she feels King’s cock swell inside her cunt and starts firing his load of doggie-jism deep into her pussy.

“WWWWWWWAAAHHH—ARRRGH—UNNGH—OH, FUCK MEEEEEEE,” Maggie shrieked mindlessly as King whined and growled.

Eventually, the last of his load dumped into her cunt, and the boxer jumped off the exhausted woman.

“Jesus, Maggie. You’re one hell of a broad-a real bitch,” Kyle said in disbelief.

She looked through the strands of blonde hair that hung in front of her eyes and didn’t know whether to vomit or come at him with the intention of tearing out his eyes.

“You made me do this!” she sobbed, struggling to get to her feet.

She feels a stream of cum leak out from between her sore pussy lips and tries to squeeze them together to keep in the jism. She didn’t want to give them the pleasure of seeing it run down her legs.

“Sure, but you wanted it. Your old man hasn’t been giving you any cock lately, and you wanted plenty of it. Well, honey, you’ve got it, now get out of here.”

Maggie bent down and picked up her shorts and halter. They’re torn to shreds. She prayed her husband hadn’t come back from work yet. She wanted to take a good hot shower and throw away these clothes.

“Oh, and whenever you need cock, you know my number,” Kyle said with a smile as he held the kitchen door open for her.

She runs home, locking the front door behind her when she finally entered her living room. That’s when she realized the phone is ringing.

The next few minutes are a blur to her. Someone at the other end of the line is telling her about an accident at the plant, something about one of the machines breaking apart and catching her husband in the middle of the mess. His death was almost instantaneous; he probably didn’t even know what happened to him.

All she can think of is that she is busy getting fucked by a gang of young boys and a dog next door while her husband is getting smashed to pieces only a few miles away.

Maggie faints.

The End.



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