The Garden Shed

By One-red.

It was the start of the virus. No one knew how bad it would be, so I avoided people as much as possible. I had been on my one shopping trip to the supermarket and had filled my rucksack. The town was starting to get busy, so I decided to walk back across the common and through the woods. I often jogged that way, so I thought it would be ok.

I walked through the common and followed the path along the edge of the woods. When I got to the top of the hill, a few trees had fallen in the high winds. I picked my way around them and continued along.

Then I noticed a large Doberman running towards me. I picked up a large stick to defend myself and started backing up. He continued getting closer, and he was now snarling at me. Then I fell back over one of the fallen trees. My rucksack was tangled in the branches, and the weight of it held me down. All of a sudden, the dog was on top of me, pushing between my legs. The weight of the dog and the rucksack meant I couldn’t move. I tried shouting for help but knew that no one else was likely to be on this path as the trees blocked it. I could feel the dog banging his cock against my knickers. Thank god I still had my sports knickers on. Then I heard a voice.

“Are you ok? Do you need a hand?”

“Yes, please, can you get this dog off me?” I asked.

“I wasn’t asking you… Well, you have got yourself in a bit of a pickle, young lady. Let’s try to get you comfortable he may be some time.”

He grabbed one of my feet and wrenched it over, and jammed it in the cleft of a branch. He undid my shoelace and tied my foot in place.

Oh my god. I couldn’t see a way out of this. I was helpless. He then took my other leg and moved my legs together, and removed my skirt and knickers. Leaving them draped around my tied leg.

“That’s better, isn’t it. Let the air to your fanny,” he said.

Then he wrenched my legs as far apart as he could and tied the other trainer to a branch.

“That’s it, lad. Give it a good lick.” As he shoved the dog’s head between my legs.

Oh my god, I was stretched wide open, and the dog was licking me. All the while, he was videoing me.

“Right, I need to get a few shots of his tongue in you. He shouldn’t take long to get you in the mood.”

I tried to take my rucksack off to get free. He pushed me back down.

“Now you just get comfy.”

He grabbed my hands and taped each of my little fingers to branches. When I tried to struggle, it felt as if I would rip my fingers off.

“Right, relax now. Let’s have a look at these tits.”

He undid the front strap on the rucksack, which meant the weight was all on my arms. I thought it would pull my fingers off. All I could do was to grab the branches as tight as I could. Then he slowly unbuttoned my blouse.

“Nice bra. Oh, it’s a front clasp as well. That will save me cutting it off. Nice breasts. I don’t like them too big. You have really nice nipples too.”

I could feel my nipples hardening as the cool air got to them.

He then started cupping my breasts with one hand, and he slid his other between my legs and started rubbing my clit. With him and the dog, I started cumming. I tried to stop myself but I couldn’t.

“That’s it, young lady. You enjoyed that, didn’t you? We are going to have lots of fun, you and me. Right, young lady, I want to pop this in you before you get too messy.”

He then dropped his trousers and knelt between my legs, and stuck his dick in me.

“Wow, that feels nice and snug.”

After a few pumps, he took his dick out. He obviously had not cum. He then motioned for the dog to mount me.

“Oh my god, NO,” I wailed.

I could see the stranger pointing his camera between my legs as the dog banging his cock against me.

“That’s it, hold still. I want to get a shot of him going in. That’s it, girl, you’re doing well.”

Then he was inside me. After a couple more pushes, he was completely inside. It felt quite a bit bigger than my boyfriends. With all the struggling, I was soon cumming again. As I started to cum he pointed the camera at my face. I looked away.

“Look at the camera bitch. We can keep doing this as many times as it takes to get you to behave.”

I had no choice but to face the camera. He had a close-up video of my face while I orgasmed.

“Relax and enjoy it. I think he will be some time yet.”

It seemed like he had been pumping away for ages. He had made me orgasm two more times. I felt like a complete slut. Then I felt a large bulge being pushed inside me. I could feel the dog wrap his front legs tightly around my waist as he pulled me to him. The bulge finally went all the way in. I thought he would split me. Then I could feel his spunk squirting inside me.

“That looks nice and tight, young lady. See, I knew you would enjoy it.”

Oh, thank god It was nearly over. He lay locked in me for what seemed like a few minutes. Then he pulled away and went and lay down.

“Can you untie me now, please?” I begged.

“We’re not done yet,” the stranger said. “He needs a bit of a rest. While you are down there, you can suck on this.”

He stood over me and shoved his dick in my mouth. He hadn’t pumped away for very long when I felt he was about to cum. Then he took it out and wanked into a paper hanky.

“We don’t want to leave any DNA in you, do we?” he said.

Oh my god, he was going to kill me.

“Please don’t hurt me,” I begged.

“Don’t worry, young lady. I am not going to hurt you. We have got months more fun to come.”

Oh my god, he has this all planned out. Then he knelt at the side of me with one hand on my breasts and the other between my legs.

“OK, let’s see if we can squeeze another one or two out before he is ready again.”

Then he started rhythmically rubbing my clit. He seemed to know just what he was doing, and he had me cumming again fairly soon.

“That’s a good girl lets try this.”

He brought a vibrator out of his bag and started using that on me. he soon had me cumming again. God why couldn’t I stop cumming. Then he pushed the vibrator into my anus.

“Do you do Anal, or is that going to be something to look forward to?” he asks.

Oh god, what was he planning?

Just then, the dog came sniffing and licking me. Then he was inside me again. He must have fucked me for nearly an hour. I lost track of the number of times I orgasmed.

After the dog had knotted and cum again, the stranger took my phone out of my bag and made me tell him my passcode. He photographed all my phone and social media contacts.

“OK, young lady. Let’s get you untied.”

He undid the tape on my fingers and untied my legs.

“Don’t put your knickers on yet.”

He then led me down a side path to a garden shed. It looked like it was a row of about four or five garden sheds. I think this is the back of what used to be a communal garden. There were a hose and tap by the shed door. He turned it on and pushed me against the shed.

“Open your legs. While I wash you down,” he said.

He very gently worked the hose inside me.

“Gods, that’s cold,” I groaned.

He then hosed my legs down. He then handed me a rag.

“Dry yourself down,” he orders. “OK, you can put your knickers on now. I need to know when you can get back here this week for some more fun. Any time of day will do. If you do not return by Friday, the video goes to all your contacts.”

“No, please don’t,” I begged.

“The first meeting will only be an hour. Every minute I wait for an answer, it gets extended.” After a while, he said, “One hour and 15.”

I was trying to think.

“One hour and 30…”

“TOMORROW morning 8 o clock,” I blurted.

“There, that wasn’t too bad, was it? When you arrive, you press this button and wait.”


To be continued…



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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