The Hobbler 8: Fresh Meat (Excerpt)

By Sheela B.

The hobbler Sarah is now known as Kelly, She decides to allow it, she could use a night off anyway.  The car stops near a stall.  There isn’t anybody around even though tomorrow is race day.  It amazes Kelly there’s so little security, and what there is looks the other way thanks to a bribe.  Standing near the stall is a skinny black girl, nineteen-years-old, with a nearly flat chest.

“This is Tina,” Ike said, introducing the two.  “Tina, this is Kelly.”

“Hi Kelly,” Tina said in a soft voice.

“So, you wanna get a horse cock up your cunt,” Kelly said coldly.

Tina shuddered and shrugs.  “Might as well, I got nothing else going for me right now.”

“Ike told me.  Why don’t you just become a prostitute then?  A pretty young woman like you could make good money.”

Tina smiles slightly and nods.  “I tried it, but I just don’t like men.  I’m not gay or anything, I’m a zoophile.”

Ike’s eyes bulge.  “A what?

Kelly took his arm and said, “Tina means her sexual preference is for animals, not humans.  I’m the same, really.”  Then to Tina, Kelly said, “You do realize a stallion’s cock is way bigger than a dog’s, even with the knot.”

Tina nods.  “Yeah, I have seen it online.  I got the idea.  But the dog I was fucking when I was busted was a fully grown Great Dane.  I can assure you, he had a huge cock and knot, and I could take it all.”

Ike grimaces, listening to his younger sister talk this way was too much for him.  “I’m gonna leave you ladies to it,” he said and got in the car.  “I’ll be back at four to pick you up.”  The car drives off.

“I’ve never fucked a Great Dane,” Kelly said after the car left, “but I could imagine it.”

“Have you ever fucked a dog, or do you just do horses?” Tina asks.

“I’ve done dogs, sure, and other animals.  OK, let’s get started, we don’t have all night.”  Once inside the stall, Kelly closes the door.  She takes a lamp from her bag and turns it on to illuminate the stall.  “Alright, Tina, take your clothes off.”

The girl complies, and she has a beautiful body under baggy clothes with a big black bush at her groin.  Apart from the visible signs of puberty, Tina looks more like a girl than a woman due to her flat chest and young face.  Kelly hands her some lube.  “Rub this inside your cunt, this cock is gonna stretch you like no dog ever has,” she said.

The brunette leads Tina to the animal’s head.  Tina leans her head back, staring bug-eyed at the large animal, a thoroughbred called ‘Bad Apple.’  The horse’s big black nose quivers, and it steps forward, sniffing the strange naked woman in front of it.  Satisfied the girl isn’t a threat, the horse peels back its thick black rubbery lips and reveals a set of large, yellowish teeth.  Then they part, and a long tongue comes out.  Tina shudders, jerking her head to the right and letting out a rush of air when she feels the horse start licking her chest.

“He’s just trying to be friendly,” Kelly said, feeling her pussy moisten.

There’s something incredibly exciting in Tina’s utter willingness to do this.  A shock of sexual lust rippled through Kelly’s body.  Tina moans while the animal licks her chest and neck in earnest.

Oh God, God,” Tina groans, feeling her knees turn rubbery then buckle.

She’s in a faint, leaning heavily against Kelly.  “Hey Tina, take a look,” Kelly said, pointing to the behind of the horse.  The horse’s cock has begun to stiffen, slithering out of its brown leathery sheath.  The big black greasy cockhead is visible now.  “Take a long look down there,” Kelly said softly in Tina’s ear.

Tina rolls her eyes down and sees the horse’s cock hanging like a large dark brown funnel from between its hindquarters. The animal’s sides are heaving with excitement.  A dull coat of sweat has begun to break out on the horse.  Tina feels a shriek rising in her throat.  Second thoughts rush through her head staring at that giant cock.  Kelly pushes her around to the animal’s ass.  The smell of piss and shit is almost overwhelming.  Tina twists her head away and wrinkles her nose.  She struggles with the thought of letting this horse fuck her then feels Kelly start to push her toward the ground.

“What are you doing to me?” Tina asks.

“Don’t ask questions.  Just get down there and start moving up,” Kelly said, pushing the black girl toward the big horse, then driving her back down.

Tina’s knees buckle suddenly.  She falls to the soft floor quickly, the force of her crashing knocking the wind temporarily out of her.  She feels Kelly pushing her forward again shortly afterward, telling her she’ll have to lick the animal’s hanging balls.

Oh God,” Tina said, grabbing her stomach with both hands to keep from throwing up.

To have something of that animal in her mouth is revolting.  Tina thought she only had to let it fuck her, not this.

“Come on, we don’t have all fucking night,” Kelly barks.

Tina crawls reluctantly forward, feeling the straw stubble digging into her knees.  The horse is prancing slightly back and forth.  She can hear its dense, shallow breathing.  Bad Apple is unsure about what’s going on behind him.  The horse can hear Tina’s occasional groans.  But nothing tells the horse what that girl is doing now between its hindquarters.

“That’s a boy,” Kelly said consolingly, going to the horse’s head and stroking it.

Meanwhile, Tina slides under the animal’s balls and is looking up at them.  They’re huge-big, fat, shaped like ripe coconuts, hanging down from the horse’s sheath.  She touches the right nut lightly with her fingertips.  The horse neighs loudly, its sides shivering with excitement while its hoofs stomp the ground menacingly.  After Kelly stroked the animal’s head and neck a few more times, it calms enough for Tina to keep going.

“Keep it up, Tina.  He likes it,” Kelly said, nestling the horse’s head between her torso and right arm.  “The more we get him worked up before the sex, the more energy the orgasm will take out of him.”

Tina reaches up again, touching the hanging brown sacs.  The only reaction now is an excited snort.  ‘At least he isn’t trying to trample me to death,’ Tina thought.  She toys with the big balls, pushing them from side to side, letting them go and watching those sacs swing like pendulums from right to left.  After a while, the teenager thought it fun doing this.  But then the thought of what’s to come sobered Tina.  She let go of the big balls, dropping her hands to her sides and pushing up her face.  Now is the time to take a good taste of those balls.

Uhhhh,’’ Tina groans, running her tongue lightly along the crack separating the horse’s fat nuts.

The smell of piss and shit nearly makes her want to vomit.  She’s close to the asshole now.  Between the trembling hindquarters, Tina can see the horse’s black tail swishing jerkily from left to right.  The horse’s belly sags in the middle, pressing on the back of her head.  Resting her hands on her thighs, the black teenager continues lapping at the horse’s balls.  She drags her lips along the sacs until she finds herself bumping against its cock.  Tina keeps on repeating this action for several minutes while Kelly watches.

“OK, OK,” Kelly said, bending and reaching under. “Time to get this horse off.”

Kelly goes to the corner and grabs a bale of hay, carries it, and places it in the middle of the stall.   She does this with several bales until she has built a platform approximately four feet from the ground.  She then throws a blanket over it.

“Over on it, Tina. You’re gonna love this,” Kelly whispers.

The young black woman sucked in a deep breath, then did as told.

Kelly turns the horse around, leading it to the girl’s exposed ass.  The big animal’s brown eyes roll around in its head.  Dropping its mouth down, the horse peeled back its thick lips and dropped out its tongue.  Tina shudders, feeling a sudden warm breath of air against her ass crack.  That’s quickly followed by a warm, wet sensation across her right buttock.  The horse is lapping at her ass, letting its tongue slosh around her butt cheeks as it neighs nervously with excited expectation.

Tina presses her thighs harder against the edge of the hay platform, now ignoring the knife-like stabs of the stubble.  There can be no excitement this time, although she must admit her clit is responding slightly to the hot, wet licking.  If only for the sudden fear of that cunt-splitting horse cock ramming her, she’d have let herself go and drink in that wonderfully moist sensation taking over her ass.  But all Tina can think of is how her vagina will stretch and stretch until finally tearing wide open.

Kelly was right, not even a Great Dane can compete with that monster horse cock,’ Tina thought.

“Up,” Kelly suddenly said.

That simple word sends shivers of terror through Tina’s body.  She feels her shoulders and thighs quivering with fear.  In a moment, the animal is coming toward her, pressing its flat black nose against her lower back. There’s some commotion behind her, and then the hay shudders as the big animal rears back, lifting its forelegs, then resting them on either side of Tina’s hands.

The young black woman shrinks away from the horse’s belly.  She’s completely covered by the animal.  Her knees shake, threatening to give way, and then the girl is aware of something incredibly hot and moist pressing against her ass cheeks.  It’s the animal’s cock, hot, hard, ready to ream out her vagina.  Tina curls her fingers and digs them into the hay platform.  Her eyes close, and she utters a muffled prayer.

Kelly bends, positioning Tina’s ass so it’ll tilt more and take the animal’s cock easily. Tina holds her breath and waits for the horse’s cock to start in on her pussy.  It comes quickly.  The girl’s eyelids flutter open, and her lower jaw slackens.  She feels a steady hot pressure against her pussy lips, forcing them in with the downward thrust the cock is making.

Ahhhhh,’’ Tina groans, digging her fingernails harder into the hay.

Kelly is making the animal fuck her hard and fast.  She feels her sensitive cuntal walls stretching apart incredibly, strained to the ripping point by the horse’s fat cockhead.  Tina wants to vomit, to scream, to do anything to get away, yet she can’t; this is her only hope of getting out of this terrible place in her life.

Down, down went the animal’s fat cock.  The young girl’s legs shudder, then fly apart to either end of the hay to make the horse fuck easier.  Tina’s face flushes red and pinches with pain.  The cords in her neck stand out while the tendons in her thighs and arms bulge.  She seems like a piece of wood spiked by a long black spear.

AHHHHH,” Tina moans.

The pain is too much.  She shudders, clawing wildly at the hay as the first five inches stuff themselves into her cunt.  More and more of that hot horse meat feeds into her belly.  The pain is radiating through her cunt, to her ass and breasts.  How much more could she stand?  Yet amazingly, Tina finds her cunt is more elastic than she thought.  Sprawled across the hay bales, the young black woman finds her cunt able to take the animal’s cock more easily as her muscles relaxed.

“He’s halfway in, a good ten inches,” Kelly said, nodding.  “Impressive.”

Tina let out a breath with a whoosh, then sucks in another.  Her cheeks puff out while her face turns redder than before.  The animal snorts loudly above her, then starts pulling out its massive cock.  The girl let out a moan, fearing the cock is tearing out her insides with that movement.  Then the horse stops, seems to catch its breath, and feeds its meat back into the black teen.

“OHHHHHHH,” Tina cried.

‘Bad Apple’ is fucking her now.  Really drilling its cock into her vagina.  The horse won’t be able to feed all its cock into the moaning, twisting teenager, but it’s satisfied to fuck half its cock in and out of her cunt.  Tina starts babbling, digging her toes into the loose dirt underneath and begging the animal to stop before it rips her apart.

But Kelly isn’t controlling the horse.  It starts curving its equine back, arching it up as it fucks the black girl faster and faster.  Hot tears of shame and agony roll down Tina’s flushed cheeks.  She sobs, chokes, gags, praying to God to make the animal get off her.  But the young black woman’s prayers go unanswered.  The big horse hammers away, pushing its cock deeper and deeper until Tina thought it might come out of her mouth.

After what seems an age of fast, hard-fucking, the horse suddenly stops its movements. Tina opens her eyes and sees a myriad of bright lights flashing in front of her.  Her body feels light and on fire.  The killing ache that surrounded her violated cunt replaced by a hot, tingling sensation.  It isn’t the feeling she’d had with the other men, or even with the two dogs she’s fucked. Nevertheless, the pain is gone.

Tina sees Kelly smiling at her from across the stall.  “Bad Apple’s gonna dump his load,” Kelly said in a soft voice but loud enough for Tina to hear.

The young black woman feels her flesh crawl at the sound of those words.  “AHHHHH,” Tina moans like a wounded animal

She knows it’s true.  Tina hears the big animal’s breathing catch, then become shallow and irregular.  Rolling her head to one side, she gazes up and sees the horse’s brown eyes quivering and glaze over. It’s that same dull, dumb look she recognizes in the men who had fucked her just before they sprayed their jizz into her cunt.

“There he goes,” Kelly said.

Tina sucks in a deep breath and holds it, feeling her brain spin around then go numb.  It’s true.  She can feel her itchy cuntal walls spread apart, pushed out by the ballooning of the big horse’s cock.  It’s swelling with lust, getting ready to blow the first thick wad of animal jizz.  Then it happened.  Tina drops her head to the hay, banging her forehead in despair against the dry grass as she feels something hot and sticky burn into her cuntal walls.  Then another wad comes, and then another and another until she feels her vagina drenched with horse semen.  It’s filling her tight little hole, scalding the walls of her cunt, finally spilling out from the corners of her tightly stretched pussy lips.  The girl can feel the horse’s sperm running over her pubic hairs, matting them down with its sticky, disgusting consistency.

The shooting seems to last forever, although in truth Tina’s fucking is only a matter of minutes.  When the animal’s done, it backs carefully off the makeshift platform, dropping to the ground while pulling its cock out of the still-moaning girl.  Tina slides off the hay after the animal moves back, crumbling into a useless heap on the floor.  She lies stretched on the straw, her legs crossed at the ankles one over the other while her arms are high above her head and over her face.

“Come on, Tina.  It isn’t all that bad,” Kelly said softly.


This is an excerpt from this eBook, buy the book to read every nasty detail or join the publishers Members Area to read this and hundreds of taboo stories.



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