The Horse Fucker

Lexi Lust


It had started with a flash of pink light. It was only fair that it would end in the same way. Unfortunately, such hopes faded along with the light. One look at my surroundings revealed that my adventure was far from over.

The sun was pink, which meant that I was no longer on Planet K-9. It also meant the magical dildo had failed to send me home. I had no clue where I had been sent, but it was clearly not earth.

I stood up and took a moment to take in my surroundings. The trees appeared normal, though the pink light of the sun gave the green leaves a slightly eerie appearance. Same for the grass. Even the water appeared unusual—it was purple, no doubt a result of the pink sun and the blue sky. Speaking of water, before me stood a beautiful fountain. An intricately carved stone basin encircled it, allowing for water to gather within it. It was quite beautiful, but it wasn’t what caused me to drop to my knees at the sight of it.

I was parched. I couldn’t recall the last time I had drunk, but it was long enough that my throat now felt like sandpaper. I was about to submerge my head when I noticed a warning engraved on the lip of the basin.


That’s what is said. Upon further scrutiny, I discovered that there were more words carved into the stone. Momentarily forgetting about my thirst, I went about reading them.

He who drinks from this fountain will see his humanity forever retracted. Equines rule this world. Unless you wish to join their ranks, steer clear of this fountain.


From what I could gather, drinking from this fountain would turn me into a horse. I had no way of knowing if the warning was genuine, but I wasn’t willing to risk it. I had seen too many insane, impossible things to doubt the plausibility of a magical fountain.

I was about to step away from the stone basin when I noticed more words appeared on its outer perimeter. The writing was small, but I had no trouble making out the words.

She who bores the name Ava Long should seek audience with the king and queen. Follow the path to the castle and see your heart’s desire come to pass. Do not linger!

An ominous carving was one thing. One that bore my name was quite another. Whoever had carved it knew I was coming. What did it mean? I knew not. I did, however, feel drawn to that castle. What if “my heart’s desire” was being reunited with my parents? Then again, it could as easily have been the ability to return home. Speaking of earth, I still had the magical dildo.

I stared at it. It was just as pink as it had always been, only it no longer felt warm to the touch. The buzz of magic that had once inhabited it was gone. Terrified at the thought of being stranded on this mysterious—and possibly hostile—planet, I decided to test the dildo’s effectiveness. I sat on the edge of the basin, spread my legs, and pressed the tip of the sex toy to my pussy.

Moans fell from my lips, but no amount of thrusting could will the magical light into existence. I came twice, just to make sure. But not once did the pink light envelop me. The dildo remained cold and inanimate. Whatever magic had once inhabited it was gone. And with it, my hopes of ever getting home. Of course, there was still the mysterious message on the basin wall, but there was no telling if I was the Ava Long from the carving.

There’s only one way to find out, I realized. But first I had to finish what I had started. All that thrusting had lured massive amounts of arousal to my frame, and it was illogical to believe that I could come up with a proper plan of action without first getting rid of it.

I was nearing my third climax when a powerful, pain-filled shriek filled the air. The voice belonged to a man and seemed to come from the nearby forest. I hesitated for a moment, then yanked the dildo from my slit and jumped to my feet.

I knew it was foolish given the fact that I was new to this world and without weapons, but I sensed I was the only person capable of coming to the endangered man’s rescue. Dildo still in hand, I rushed toward the forest, following the sounds of the pained shrieks.


Part 1: Saving Stud

I darted through the maze of tree trunks like a hare being chased by a fox. Had I been an actual hare, I would have been devoured. I kept misjudging the distances between the trees and the impact that the branches would have on my progress. I eventually had to slow the pace and raise my hands to protect my face from the branches. It helped somewhat, but the fact that I was still naked from head to toe ensured that I was constantly being struck by a branch.

The progress was slow. It was slowed to even greater extent by the fact that I came across a stream. There was no telling if it was the same stream which fed the fountain, but I was too parched to care. I drank deeply. I didn’t turn into a horse, though part of me thought it could have been kind of cool. But I forgot all about that when a particularly pain-stricken scream reached my ears. I continued my journey and soon reached the source of the screams. It was a small clearing. At the center of it stood six horses. The largest—a massive black and white horse with powerful muscles and a lustrous coat—stood at the center of the clearing. Four lengths of rope were attached to his legs, keeping them spread wide and the stallion in a constant state of near tumble. The extremities of each rope was held by a horse. They were slightly smaller than the central stallion, yet still quite imposing. They held the rope with their mouths, tugging on it whenever the stallion struggled too much. The final equine was far smaller than the others. In fact, he was more pony than horse—I believe the appropriate term is miniature horse. I would later learn that he was a Shetland pony. For now, I was too busy watching him try to mount the massive stallion.

The Shetland pony’s massive—at least, for him—cock was fully erect, making it clear that he was aroused. Only he was too short to mount the restrained stallion and only ended up repeatedly losing his balance and crumbling to the ground. It probably would have been funny it not for the fact that he was clearly trying to rape the muscular steed.

I forgot all about the fact that I was witnessing a rape attempt when I realized something I had up until now failed to take into account. The horses were talking. I don’t mean communicating with one another using snorts and whinnies. I mean speaking in plain English.

I couldn’t believe it.

I know what you’re thinking. You just spent the past few weeks on a planet populated entirely by bipedal talking dogs. While you would be correct, it didn’t change the fact that I was stunned by the unexpected discovery. I remembered the warning I had seen carved into the stone basin. “Equines rule this world.” That’s what was written. Clearly, that was not a euphemism. The inhabitants of this world were thinking, talking horses. And one of them was about to get raped. That is if the Shetland pony managed to find a way to penetrate the massive stallion. Nonetheless, I felt the urge to help.

The stallion was yelling. His voice was deep, indicating that he was the one whose voice had drawn me here. The Shetland pony also spoke, though his voice was an octave higher. The remaining stallions—I had come to the conclusion that all six of the horses were male—insulted their captive through gritted teeth.

“Stop moving!” growled the Shetland pony, his voice high-pitched and whiny.

“Get away from me!” yelled the stallion. He tried to kick his assaulter, but his restraints kept him from succeeding.

“Get him, boss,” muttered one of the four remaining horses as he struggled to hold on to his length of rope. Clearly, the Shetland pony was the leader, and the four other stallions his goons. This seemed irrelevant until I realized something. I couldn’t stand there and let that poor stallion get raped—even though it seemed unlikely the diminutive equine would ever succeed in penetrating his massive captor I could not risk doing nothing. I had to help. The only question was: How?

I studied the situation for weak points. It didn’t take me long to find one. The Shetland pony was the leader. If I could convince him to release his prisoner, then the rest of the gang would follow suit and desist. All I had to do now was figure out how to pacify the small horse. Nothing came to mind, so I decided to change tactics.

I stepped out of cover, took aim and threw the now worthless dildo. It sailed through the air and smacked the Shetland pony right in the head. He staggered back, tripped on a root and crumbled to the ground. For a brief moment I feared I had killed him, but then he struggled to his feet, swearing like a sailor.

It wasn’t until he stood, staring at me with rage-filled eyes that I realized my mistake. The trapped stallion was no longer the priority. For now, all I cared about was putting as much distance between me and the Shetland pony as possible.

I turned tail and ran. I was now accustomed to weaving my way through the trees. Unfortunately, so were the two stallions that pursued me. They caught up to me in mere seconds and used the lengths of ropes they carried to lasso me. Within seconds, I was bound. I was then hoisted onto one of the steeds’ backs, and we began the short trip back to the clearing.

A lot had changed by the time we reached our destination. The large equine lay on the ground, his legs bound in such a way that he could not so much as move. The Shetland pony stood above him, his cock still as erect as ever. Luckily for the prisoner, he no longer seemed inclined to rape him. His anger was now directed at me.

I was roughly thrown to the ground. I was now in the exact same situation as the stallion I had tried to save. The irony of the situation was not lost on me, though I was in no mood to laugh. Still, I felt grateful that the Shetland pony and his goons were too busy discussing what to do with me to actually do anything.

“What the hell were you thinking?” asked the large stallion. He was close enough that we could speak without being overheard.

“Excuse me?” I asked, unsure I had heard correctly.

“What made you think throwing a dildo would help?”

I couldn’t believe it.

“I was trying to save you,” I snapped. “I apologize if my technique does not match your standards,” I added sarcastically.

There was a moment of silence during which the stallion’s expression changed from incomprehension to shame.

“I’m sorry,” he finally said. “It’s just that now we’re both in trouble.”

I hated to admit it, but he was right. And things were about to get even worse. Our captives were done discussing. They surrounded us, the Shetland pony taking the lead.

“Who are y—” he began, but I cut him off.

“Shut up!” I ordered. I was just as surprised as the Shetland pony when I heard the words tumble from my lips. I hadn’t planned on acting so brashly, yet now that the words were out of my mouth, there was no way to take them back.

I took advantage of the Shetland pony’s momentary disbelief to come up with a plan. It was very rudimentary and would most likely fail miserably, but it was the only one I could come up with on such short notice.

“Excuse me?” finally said the short equine. I guess he had recovered from the initial shock.

“I said ‘shut up,’” I repeated. “And I’ll say it again if you continue to speak.”

“I’ve never—” he began, but I once more cut him off.

“Shut up!” I ordered.

“No one tell me to—”

“SHUT UP!” This time I spoke with such force that the Shetland pony had no choice but to stop talking.

“Are you done?” I asked.

He nodded, looking more stunned than I felt. And given how incredulous I was that my insane plan was working, that was saying something.

“I have a deal for you,” I said, putting the second—and riskiest—part of my plan into action.

He nodded for me to continue.

“You need help with that,” I said, nodding to his still engorged cock. It wasn’t a question. It was a simple statement of fact. “I can help.”

“I don’t need your help,” boasted the Shetland pony. “In fact, I was just about to take care of it”—he nodded to his member—“when you interrupted us.”

I scoffed.

“Not very likely,” I said. “And, even if you had somehow managed to penetrate my friend here”—I nodded to the bound stallion by my side—“that would make you gay.”

My comment had the desired effect.

“I’m not gay!” claimed the Shetland pony. The other stallions chuckled but fell silent when he glared at them. He may have been small, but he knew how to handle his men—or horses, whatever.

“Are you sure about that?” I asked. “There’s nothing wrong with being gay.”

There was another round of muffled laughter. This time, not even the leader’s glare could silence the stallions.

“I’m not GAY!” he growled, his anger flaring. He was on edge, which meant that my plan was working.

“Are you trying to convince them or yourself?” I asked, nodding to the laughing stallions.

The Shetland pony opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to the punch.

“I have a proposition. A way for you to prove that you’re not gay.”

The small equine’s anger was replaced by hopefulness.

“In order to prove that you’re straight, you must have sex with a female,” I said. “And since I’m the only female here…” I let the thought trail off.

I could sense the Shetland pony was about to speak. If that happened, my plan could very well come crashing down around me. I needed to retain control.

“You could rape me, but that won’t do much good,” I explained. “You need to make love to me. Only then will you succeed in proving your heterosexuality. I’m willing to have sex with you… on one condition.”

I paused long enough for everyone to grow uncomfortable with the silence.

“I’ll have sex with you,” I finally said, “but only if you promise to release both my friend and me.”

The Shetland pony took a moment to consider my proposal. I could tell he was leaning in favor of refusing and that scared me. Luckily, my fellow captive did something that probably saved both of our lives.

“Gay!” he said. It was such an unexpected exclamation that all four of the Shetland pony’s goons burst out laughing. The leader glared at them, then turned to me and nodded.

“All right,” he said through gritted teeth. “I agree to your proposal.”

I couldn’t believe it. My plan worked. It was the most insane, ridiculous strategies I had ever come up with, and it had gone off without a hitch. Well, almost. If not for the massive stallion’s help, things may have turned out quite differently.

I considered forcing my lover to be gentle and lick me to climax, but I feared that would be too risky. If the Shetland pony lost his cool, there was nothing stopping him from reneging on our deal. I thus decided to compound our chances of survival by giving my lover the best sex of his entire life.

I took the message carved on the stone basin to heart and didn’t linger. Moments after my restraints were removed, I leaped at the Shetland pony. While I could easily have encircles his neck with my arms and squeezed, it would have done little good as his four goons would have been on me in a matter of seconds. I thus kept things purely sexual.

I slid to a stop by the small equine’s right flank. His cock seemed larger up close than it had from far. It was slightly larger than Kandor’s member. While it may have been small for a horse—more on that later—it was still the largest cock I had ever handled. It was thus with a sense of unease that I grabbed hold of it and guided it to my mouth.

Unlike canines, stallions have a long, thick shaft and an even larger head. Blood coursed through it, making it pulsate softly. It was with a mixture of dread and giddy excitement that I wrapped my lips around it.

“Yes,” whispered the Shetland pony in a barely-audible whisper. He had clearly been looking forward to this moment for a very long time. Perhaps I had not been his intended lover, but the end result was the same. He was about to climax and I’m pretty sure nothing else mattered to the horny animal.

I closed my eyes and focused on the task at hand. Speaking of hands, I kept both of mine wrapped around my lover’s spear. I slid all ten of my fingers up and down the length of the shaft as my lips and tongue got to work. My tongue massaged the pulsating head while my lips kept it trapped within my mouth. Meanwhile, my head began rocking back and forth, forcing the equine’s shaft in and out of my oral cavity.

I worked long and hard. What I mean by that is that I worked my lover’s member and it was long and hard. Close enough, right?

“Faster!” ordered the Shetland pony.

I considered ignoring the request as a way to remind him that I was in charge, but in the end, I chose instead to comply with his demand. Why? Perhaps it had to do with the fact that I was incredibly turned on—determining whether that was a result of the perverseness of the situation or the fact that I had failed to come was impossible. Perhaps it was because I knew the only sure-fire way to ensure my lover didn’t renege on our agreement was to make him come fast and hard. Perhaps it’s because I wanted to prove myself. To who? I have no idea. I guess it doesn’t really matter.

I paused halfway through the interspecies blowjob to glance at the restrained stallion. He had stopped trying to free himself and now lay there, staring at me with unwavering focus and curled lips. It was creepy, but also kind of flattering.

I resumed the blowjob just as the Shetland pony requested another escalation.

“Deeper!” he begged.

I tried. I really did, but my lover’s cock was far too massive for deep throating. While the length was only slightly superior to Kandor’s member, the width was far more imposing. As such, no amount of willpower would allow my lover’s cock to make it past my uvula. I was thus forced to double the intensity of both my hand and tongue thrusts to make up for it. The small horse didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he appeared quite pleased with the outcome.

It seemed like a good time to make him climax. I once more increased the intensity of the blowjob. Moments later, the Shetland pony was warning me of his impending climax. I barely had time to prepare myself before the first squirt was released. Unfortunately, no amount of preparation could have readied me for what happened next.

“FUCK!” yelled my lover, his climactic scream stretching on for what felt like an eternity.

The first squirt hit me square in the mouth. It was so powerful—not to mention voluminous—that I nearly choked. At least, for the first few seconds. But then the second squirt was released and all hopes of continuing the blowjob faded. I pulled away, eyes closed to avoid being blinded by the onslaught of cum. It was a good thing because squirt after squirt of hot nectar gushed out of my lover’s convulsing cock. It slammed into my face, coating it in mere seconds. But still the cum kept flowing. I opened my mouth, welcoming the hot semen into my mouth. Now that my cough had ceased, I was able to enjoy the tasty nectar. The semen’s flavor was similar in taste to that of a dog, only slightly more pronounced. It was thus with a satisfied moan that I allowed the gooey liquid to slide down my throat. More soon followed as the equine’s orgasm raged on.

By the time the final squirt oozed out of the now limp cock, I had had my fill. In fact, I had never felt this full—at least, semen-wise. When it came to sexual hunger, I was far from satiated. In fact, that was the very reason I decided to alter my plan. While I had technically upheld my end of the bargain, my desire to climax led me to prolong things. Within seconds of deciding this, I sucked my lover’s cock back into my mouth. It took a while, but I eventually managed to lure the blood back to it. Only once it was completely erect did I finally pull away.

I considered glancing at my fellow captive, but I was afraid I would find reproach in his eyes. I thus ignored him and focused all of my attention on the Shetland pony. I dropped to my hands and knees and peered back at him with lust-filled eyes.

“Fuck me!” I ordered.

Under normal circumstances, my lover would have refused to obey such a forceful command—especially one voiced by someone he perceived as being inferior to him—but his throbbing cock would not be denied. He rushed forward, positioning his small, yet muscular frame, so the tip of his member pressed against my labia. He paused just long enough for me to voice another command.

“Fuck me,” I repeated. “Fuck me HARD!”

He did. In fact, he thrust into me with such force that I slid forward a whole foot before the oversized penetration finally overtook forward momentum. By the time I came to a stop, more than half of my lover’s rock-hard cock was buried deeper within me. I thanked my lucky stars that I had been dripping pre-cum for the past few minutes. Without all that natural lubricant, I never could have survived such a massive penetration. Of course, that didn’t mean I wouldn’t allow the rest of the equine’s cock to penetrate me. That was a good thing because that was exactly what happened next.

“Fuck!” I moaned as the last few inchs slid into me. My pussy was now stretched to its very limit—at least, that’s how it felt at the time, though I would later learn that I could handle much more than a simple pony’s member. It was almost painful, yet at the same time, I had never before been this turned on.

“Faster!” I begged, mere seconds after the Shetland pony began thrusting. Moments later, he was riding me like I had never been ridden before. My lover may not have possessed the necessary musculature to drill me as fast as my past animal lovers, yet he fully made up for it with the intensity of his thrusts. Of course, that didn’t stop me from begging for more.

“Deeper!” I demanded though I knew it was impossible. I expected my lover to ignore my request. He didn’t. He simply increased the force of his thrusts. While it failed to increase the depths of his thrusts, it did cause his balls to repeatedly slam into my frame. Although completely useless, it turned me on quite a lot. It was thus with an increased level of arousal that I sprinted toward the point of no return. I reached it in record time. My orgasm, on the other hand, seemed to last forever.

“I’M COMING!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. My voice echoed throughout the woods as squirt after squirt began gushing from my slit. At first, they belonged to me, but then my lover’s cock came to life and his hot semen mixed with my own climactic juices. It was thus a blend of equine semen and human cum that spilled from my slit. The hot nectar flowed down my legs, drenching them in mere seconds. By the time the final squirt oozed out of me, and my lover’s cock slid out of me for the final time, a small puddle of cum had appeared between my legs.

I tried to speak, but my tired body would not allow it. It gave out moments after my lover pulled away from me. I lay in the grass for the next few minutes, struggling to recover. By the time my strength returned and I was able to stand, the Shetland pony had another raging hard-on. While I had both come down from my sexual high and more than held up my end of the bargain, I chose to play it safe. I grabbed hold of my lover’s cock and guided it to my mouth. I sucked it until semen once more gushed from its tip. Only once the final squirt had oozed out of it did I finally release it.

I stood up, realizing for the first time that I towered over the Shetland pony. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I had proved myself his superior. Of course, I didn’t say this aloud, though it was obvious to everyone present.

“I held up my end of the bargain,” I said, my voice surprisingly firm. “Let my friend go.”

I glanced at the shackled stallion for the first time in quite a while. He wasn’t smiling, though he seemed quite grateful for all I had done for him. Though our initial interaction had been far from friendly, I could tell we would become fast friends. For some reason, that thought reminded me of Kane and I felt tears come to my eyes. I fought them, knowing now was not the time to cry. Kane was my past. This mysterious stallion was my future. Whether he was my immediate future or my distant one remained a mystery, but I could tell we would one day grow quite close.

Against all odds, the Shetland pony kept his word. I guess he knew breaking our agreement now would ensure the loss of what little respect his goons still had for him. Still, I could tell he wouldn’t hesitate to punish me for humiliating him if ever we crossed paths again. I really hoped that wouldn’t happen.

“You still owe us,” the small equine said to my massive companion once he had been released. I had no idea what kind of past those two had, but I could tell their relationship was not a friendly one.

“Next time we cross paths,” continued the Shetland pony, “you’ll need more than a hot piece of ass to save you.” Without so much as final glance in my direction, the small equine galloped off, vanishing into the forest after a few seconds. His four companions soon followed. Before long, only my new friend and I remained.

There was a moment of silence before he finally spoke.

“Thanks for saving me,” he said. “I’m not sure what I would have done had you not come along when you did.”

“There’s no need to thank me,” I assured him. “I would, however, welcome an explanation as to what it is you owe that psychotic pony.”

“It’s complicated,” sighed the stallion.

I was about to insist—after all, I had just saved his life—but he cut me off before I could even begin.

“My name is Stud, by the way.”

I was well aware of his deliberate change of topic, but I chose to ignore it. For now.

I considered giving my real name, but I chose instead to retain a certain degree of anonymity. After all, I had only just met Stud. For all I knew, he was the bad guy. Of course, that would make the Shetland pony the good guy, and that thought alone was enough to persuade me to trust my new friend. Still, I opted against giving my real name.

“I’m Avalon,” I finally said, offering my hand for him to shake. It wasn’t until he stared at it quizzically that I remembered he had no hand with which to shake it. I rescinded my offer.

There was another awkward pause before Stud spoke.

“So,” he said in what was clearly false nonchalance, “where are we going?”

“We?” I asked.

“You saved my life,” explained Stud. “I am at your service. And I will continue to be until such a day when I shall be able to repay the debt I owe you.”

I probably should have been suspicious of the stallion’s willingness to serve me, but I was too glad for the company to question his motives.

“In that case, take me to the castle. I have a meeting with destiny.”

Stud suddenly seemed nervous.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I can’t take you to the castle,” he said, stomping his hooves nervously.

“Why not?” I asked, suddenly suspicious.

“It’s complicated,” he admitted. “All I can tell you is that you cannot go to the castle. At least, not yet.”

“Why not?”

“I know this realm better than anyone. Heed my advice, and I promise you’ll find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

That wasn’t actually an answer, but there was something about the way he spoke that made me want to trust him. I had only just met him, yet I could tell he only wanted what was best for me. Still, it was with a slight pang of apprehension that I agreed to follow my new friend’s advice. Moments later, we were on our way. I glanced back as Stud wove his way through the trees and caught a quick glimpse of the fountain and the stone basin that housed it. The memory of the message carved upon it made me wonder if perhaps I was making a mistake in not heeding its advice. But, in the end, only time would tell.

Read Part 2….



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