The House Sitter (Gay Zoo)


I pulled up into my friend’s driveway, his car on the curb so mine could pull into the garage. My friend, James, came up to me and gave me his key. “Remember, the shelter dogs need food three times a day and need to be walked regularly.” I gave him a quick,’ I remember’ and he was down in his car driving away.

He was going to Berlin for a business trip for a month and I and to watch his dogs. He had, all together, five rescues and two dogs he actually owned. All hours of the day they ran around the house and when he would have a party people loved them. He had two Great Danes – Micky and Max, and three German shepherds – Turner, Lyle and Jake. The other two dogs were huskies and large ones at that, named Davie and Hank.

I walked up to the front door and opened it with the key, walking in and almost immediately falling over a dog. I just laughed it off as I looked down to see Max, excited for his master. The other dogs came running to see me, thinking the master was home, I gave them pets and closed the door.

The day passed slowly, of course, I made something to eat, and gave a little to Jake who had jumped up by me. I began to pet him gently and out of the corner of my eye noticed a pink head coming out, which I at that point ignored and stopped petting to resume my TV show.

At about 9:45 I left the warm couch and travelled to the kitchen, getting a soda. It was then I felt kinda hard, alone in a large house with no one outside for miles. The shades were all shut, so I hesitantly pulled my shirt and pants off.

I kicked them into the laundry, then hesitantly discarded my underwear. Max and Turner were watching intently with a happy bark. I kicked my underwear into the laundry room and walked out to the couch, sitting down and stroking my cock.

I opened my phone and looked up some porn, slowing my strokes down to lasting a few seconds. Eventually I blew and my load went over onto the glass table in the centre of the living room. I shot up and got a towel, but when I returned I found my cum had vanished and an interested Turner licking the carpet.

“Hey, don’t lick that up, that’s… Nasty,” I said to the dog.

My dick slightly jumped a little, the head springing to life. I sat back down on the couch and opened my phone again, going to bestiality videos. A sense of taboo came over me when I tapped a video of a woman getting drilled doggy style by the dog behind her. I started stroking again, spitting in my hand now and then.

My cum yet again shot out and landed on the table, Turner licking it up again. I shrugged, having fellated for the day, and laid the towel on the bed and played down on it. Turner hopped up and later down on the other end, curling up. I pulled the blanket over me and stayed like that until ten, when I changed position.

I threw the blanket off and turned over, lifting myself up with my ass in the air to unfurl the towel. I was about to lay down when I felt a weight on my back. It was warm, but furry. I looked under my legs and saw paws behind my knees. As quick as I could, I tried to move forward, but received a low growl, nothing dangerous but certainly frightening.

“No… No, no, no,” I yelled again, just as I felt something wet hit my ass cheeks, poking repeatedly and painfully. Turner was thrusting at my backside searching for a hole to fuck and breed.

I received another growl, more threatening than the last after moving, so I stopped. Turner’s hard red cock piked my butthole, and in a flying motion thrust it deep into me. I cried out in pain, my asshole being stretched by a huge dog cock I never wanted. No lube or anything, I was getting the brunt of an assault. I was getting raped by a dog. Though, his pre-cum lathered my insides I still cried from the continuous thrusting, he was like a full on piston firing into my rear.

After several minutes, I relaxed, the shepherd still continuing to fuck my hole mercilessly. I reached back to try to push him off, but I received a nip, so I retreated. When I least expected it, I was pushed forward harshly and his weight shifted to my shoulders, pushing me down and his cock deeper inside my ass. I felt a large round object pressing against my opening and suddenly it popped through. A loud yell of pain escaping my lips when the knot widened my tender butthole.

Turner thrust a few more times before he slowed to a slight spasm here and there. I could feel his hot jets of liquid splashing into my abused anal cavity and into my stomach, but as I lay there I felt a sort of excitement from it. I realized that my cock was hard again.

I jerked off with Turner’s throbbing penis still inside of me, hot doggy cum running down my balls. I shot my load onto the towel and the couch. Then drifted off to sleep in the bitch position.


I woke up in the morning, dazed and sleepy-eyed. I was cold, and naked as well as sticky. I sat up then it came to me, the memory of being raped the previous night by Turner. I immediately stood and regretted it, dog cum ran gushed out of my ass. I used the towel to mop up what came out, then made my way to the shower. When I got into the room, I closed the door and turned the shower on, remembering the ecstasy I started to feel while being fucked and how I jacked off with a cock in me..

I walked to the door and re-opened it, “Turner?” I hesitated a moment listening for him. “C’mere boy!”
In mere seconds I was joined by the dog that had raped me, and I made my way to the shower opening the door and walking in. The warm water ran over me, not boiling hot, of course, but warm. Turner followed me in, getting wet as well. When the water had sufficiently ran down my body I bent over a little and half squatted in Turners direction, so he could see his cum pouring out of my ass.

Next I felt a hot slippery object in my rectum, I shuddered and gave a small moan of pleasure as a dog tongue went up into me. My knees buckled and I slipped, falling to my knees, hands on the rock wall. My rear was exposed and he took the opportunity to breed his bitch again. As opposed to the night before, I relaxed but he missed, and missed again, the hard cock stabbing my rear. Every time it did so I gave a small cry of pain, until I had enough and reached back under my leg to grasp the long bestial boner. It didn’t fit in my hand and the warmth surprised me.

I hesitantly guided it to my bitch pussy, and when the tip touched he shoved forward, sliding into me. I felt his paws wrap around my sides as he began to relentlessly fuck me, his hard member pistoning back and forth and back and forth into me. I let go of the rock wall now and slid down, my face resting on the linoleum so my ass was in the air. Turner took the opportunity to adjust and went deeper into me. He began thrusting once again, his balls slapping mine as he fucked his new bitch’s hole.

I grabbed my dick and began jerking while feeling his hot cock desperately use me to try to reproduce. When I felt him slow I increased my speed, jerking my cock as fast as I could. Then I felt his knot, the huge ball slamming against my sore and stretched anus. I pushed desperately back against him for it, and he did so against me. Finally, it slid in, eliciting a loud cry of pain from me. He renewed his assault as fast as he could go, I continued jerking off as I was fucked and blew my load. Seconds after I could feel the amazing hot jets of pungent doggy sperm try to impregnate me, the warmth covering my insides and going into my stomach.

It took Turner a while to deflate and get out of me, but when he did, I lay there with doggy and human cum mixing with water all over the linoleum. It was because of this pleasure I felt I didn’t notice another intruder into the bathroom. I looked over just in time to notice the Great Dane called Max.
Max didn’t seem to care that the shower was running or about the fact he was getting sloppy seconds. All the Great Dane cared about was the willing bitch that was on the floor in front of him. His large red cock swollen and ready to mate.

As I saw this I trembled, I couldn’t tell if it was from excitement or fear. My bum had already been fucked hard by Turner, and was still very sore from his merciless thrusts. I thought about buying some time, so I began turning on my knees so I could start using my mouth on him. I had already taken a dog in my ass, so I kinda wanted to taste it.

I didn’t even make it half way. I heard a low growl, immediately making me freeze in my place. I could feel him put his nose into my ass-cheeks, sniffing and licking up the cum. I shivered and slowly straightened out, again stretching myself down so my rump was in the air. When Max was through licking, the Great Dane mounted me, beginning to probe for my pussy. Surprisingly, he found it after only a few pokes in my already sore asshole.

When he thrust into me I gasped from a surge of warm flesh beginning to fuck me. Max already had his paws atop my shoulders, and his stomach on my back as he thrust into me. I pushed back against each thrust obediently, helping the determined beast to mate with me.

When I felt the large knot, I clenched my hands, and in one great push went back against his pumping cock. The ball of ecstasy entered my abused fuck hole. I tightened my jaw, biting down hard to keep from yelling in pain. It hurt really badly. I felt Max push forward and start picking up the pace. His thrusts becoming more erratic as he came closer. I was hard again, beginning to jack my own dick.

A moment later, Max slid forward and began thrusting slowly, long strokes repeatedly entering me until finally he got fast again, REALLY fast. Then it ended with an explosive flow of doggy cum, he thrust a few more times, then settled with his cock in my asshole filling me up to the brim with dog jizz once more.

Max jumped off me, but we were still tied ass to ass, and he dragged me around the room until he found a place to lay and bask in the moment. It seemed like ages, but eventually his cock slid out with a plop, I got up and cleaned myself. Max began to lick his dick clean, he seemed to enjoy the taste. When I got into the living room, I planned my day.


I had the month off, since I currently didn’t have a job. Since I was being paid to be a house sitter I had plenty of time to do what I wanted. I went to get groceries first, only getting what was necessary on my buddy’s budget. The entire time though, all I could think about is how I had been raped, and liked it. Letting the same dog fuck me in the shower just before another one fucked me. I found myself getting hard, the bulge starting to appear in my jeans. I swore under my breath, switching my thoughts to what I needed to get.

“Milk and eggs, milk and eggs,” I said to distract myself.

In the back of my mind was the image of the hard, red cock of Max getting ready to penetrate the willing bitch in front of him. I was resolved to getting groceries, so I again pushed it back. I was practically jumping while I waited impatiently at the checkout. My excitement had been jump started. I was thinking more and more about how I had been raped, and liked it.

I turned up the long gravel road to the house and stopped in the drive in. Getting out and hefting the plastic bags of goods. I came inside and used my leg to close the door, walking through the living room to the kitchen. It seemed the dogs were going about their business, they were outside playing or sleeping. I unloaded the groceries into the proper places and stood for a moment, deciding to take my shirt and pants off. However, I wasn’t deliberately going to get down. I wanted them to make me, to take me.

So I went to the living room and waited, sitting on the couch for a long time before hearing a trotting sound. I put my head up and looked toward the back door threw the kitchen. It was Jake, one of the German shepherds. There was something my friend had told me over the phone I couldn’t quite remember about him, wasn’t important. I shrugged as he walked in.

I stood and stretched beginning to turn and walk away when I heard a growling. I stopped and turned, Jake was full-on growling, he looked very angry. Teeth bared and muscles flexed. He approached slowly and circled once, then came up and quickly nipped at my ankle. I jumped and got a bark and growl once again. He circled a few times, doing this until I finally realized he wanted me to get down. I slowly lowered onto my knees, Jake seemed more content, but nipped at my thigh. I looked around and decided on the most erotic option available. I slowly made my way to the leather comforter on the rug and stretched across it. My ass at an even level. I again watched Jake pace and suddenly felt him nip my ass repeatedly. It got to almost being bitten when I reached back and slowly, but with a tremble, slid down my underwear. Jake paced around me again, without any more nibbling on me.

I felt the large muscles German shepherd pounce onto me, a hot bony object jamming into my ass-cheeks over and over as it searched for something. I began crying from the pain each jab inflicted, but my dick was hard. I knew I was being raped, and every ounce I enjoyed. I made a move to grab my hard on, but in a split second Jake had his jaws around my neck. His front paws scratching my sides during his red penis’ search for my man-pussy.

The pain was tremendous, but I was leaking pre-cum. When Jake’s hot penis finally found my asshole, I felt the thick member go up in me. When he was inside the assault started, his vigour renewed. He began thrusting like a machine, pistoning in and out of my already sore ass. I gave a pained moan, but it was ended quickly as Jake’s jaws tightened. I had tears down my face, still recouping from the pain of the repeated jabbing. Meanwhile, the dog’s thrusts were continuing without mercy.

It was clear that he had some build up to get rid of. Soon enough my butthole had been lubed up, I left it at pre-cum, hoping this forceful beast hadn’t made me bleed. My cock was throbbing now, as I was being fucked with each of the thrusts into me he pushed me forward. Such power made it impossible to resist, even if I wanted to. I felt the knot at my door, each thrust accounting for its girth. I felt it press against me, anxious to enter me. I felt Jake come forward, firmly thrusting into me until I felt his large knot push through, stretching my abused hole. Another pained moan escaped my lips as Jake began mercilessly fucking again, his only thought now was to implant his pungent seed into his bitch – ME!

I felt him speed up and in but a few moments he slowed to a few quick thrusts. The warm penis in me began to spasm as it began to shoot its amazing dog seed into me. I moaned again and felt the balls that had been backed up for who knows how long, empty deep into their whore. Enjoying every moment. When he was done, I slid a hand back since Jake had let go, and when he pulled his member out, his speed spilled out and drained. I caught a hand full and brought it back to me, licking what had accumulated and tasting the puppy making jizz.

“Ah… Ah… I remember now,” I muttered. “He’s a police attack dog!”

After Jake was done with me I had to rest for a while, bending over the comforter. I could feel spunk and pre-cum running down my legs and when I looked at the floor I saw my own sperm spread around. I had just been forcefully raped. Well, I shouldn’t say rape since I obviously liked it. But I imagined it was, since it turned me on even more. Needless to say, I came up with another idea for the next day, one that would make me feel like the lowest whore bitch the dogs could have. Whichever one found me first, that is.


I was looking around the internet for bitch scent, you know, what they use when they want dogs to breed or encourage them to do so. They had some at a gun and hunt shop not far away. I drove over and walked in, throwing the bottle on the checkout with a can of soda and a bag of gummy bears. What? I have a sweet tooth.

Excitedly, I returned to my friend’s home, thankfully, it had rained a little. Even now it was still sprinkling a little. My mind travelled back to the day before, and I looked at the comforter. My asshole too was glad at the thought, and I decided I would have Jake do it again at a later date. Maybe even more forcefully next time.

The day was half over, so I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich, taking a bite. Max came around the corner, and from where I stood, I could see his red member. Immediately I undid my belt and reached down, pulling my jeans down a little. I began stroking my cock, and asked, “Do you want, this?” I moved the sandwich away from my face to the left, but he continued to stare at me. “That’s what I thought… I know exactly what would go good with my lunch.”

Quickly I dropped my pants all the way and pulled a small step stool over, laying across it with my ass-cheeks stretched apart with my hands. I looked back, and Max walked up, lapping his tongue over my butthole. I shivered, then felt it go inside, making large circles inside. I moaned loudly, just as I felt his furry stomach land on my back. I braced with the stool, his hard cock hitting its mark on the first thrust.

He pushed in deep, going in as far as he could, then pulled out and thrust back in. Soon he found a rhythm, and steadily fucked my ass. I reached back and cupped his balls bringing them forward, so I could feel them slap against my own. Quickly, I began pushing back to each thrust so he could reach just the tiniest bit deeper into me.

“Yeah, fuck me, Max… Make me a good bitch,” I moaned between pants.

Maxes knot shoved against me, and I felt it enter. I grunted and took it, feeling Max begin to fuck me harder than before with his plug-in.

At that point. I really wished that I could have gotten pregnant from dogs. I reached for my cock again, stroking my member, which I may add was about to burst. I felt my nut approaching, and so was Max who was trying to go faster and faster. Then he stopped, thrusting very hard once or twice to make sure his knot was securely inside my bitch pussy. I felt his warm liquid worm its way inside me, trying to find ovum to impregnate.

I lay there panting from the experience, waiting for Max to pull out. I had to clean this up, then I was off to the internet again until dinner.

Some twenty minutes later I felt Max plop out of me, so I slowly got straightened out. Cum gushed from inside my bitch ass, leaking all over the floor. I knew he had saved a lot but it was ridiculous, I must have been half a cup of sperm on the floor. I got up to get the paper towels but stopped.

A bitch has to clean up, I thought! I turned around and walked to where the love-making, bitch breeding had occurred, and got down on my hands and knees near the puddle of cum. I leaned down and stuck my tongue out, licking some up. At first, it was a little bad. But then, I continued to lick it up. Savouring the juices until it was clean. When I was done I wiped it down, pet max and then went upstairs.

I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.


The morning was great, I got up a stretched, Jake was at my feet sleeping rolled over onto his back. Not such a tough one now was he? I slid out of bed and opened the window. Again, it was a little cloudy and a very light rain fell. Perfect. I went downstairs, not even bothering to get dressed, I shed my boxers and threw them, then sat and watched TV until I heard the dogs in the house begin running around. When they had all gone outside, I sprung up and went to the kitchen.

I opened the pantry door and reached up to the top shelf, pulling the bitch scent off. My cock was already at attention, pointing straight outward at the thought of what will happen.

I opened the sliding door, then the screen door and walked out. The weather was nice, it wasn’t cold, but the rain kept it from being too hot. I took the bottle and looked at it, then unscrewed the top and walked to a chair, lying down on the cold concrete, I put my ass in the air against it and put a finger in my ass, opening it a little. I began pouring the bottle, then some of the cold liquid travelled inside my rump. I shuddered and let go of my butt-hole and poured some outside. Then I got on my hands and knees and poured some on my back, until I only had a fraction of the bottle left.

I sat on my rump and poured what was left in my hands, then lathered it on my face. Then I sat, waiting until I could feel it dry into my skin. When it did, I got up, and walked out from under the overhang. I just had to wait until the dogs came. I walked around in the mud and rain for several moments before reaching a larger area of wet earth, it was under a tree a little so there was an area where rain wouldn’t continue to hit me. Then I heard it, leash tags hitting together as a dog ran. I contained my excitement and got down just outside the mud. Waiting. I looked around until I spotted Turner, coming up behind me. I began moving like I was trying to get away, like a bitch that didn’t want to be fucked and impregnated, but he was too fast. I had got into the centre of the mud when Turner shoved his nose into my ass, taking huge sniffs.

I could feel his wet nose and tongue back there, and it was good. But his excitement couldn’t be contained for long I guess. He jumped up on my back and furiously began thrusting. I wasn’t prepared, and I slipped, my elbows spreading so I went down into the mud, ass halfway into the air.

Turner layer down on me, not letting me move as he thrust, missing almost every time. He jabbed his hot penis against my ass cheeks over and over, so much so that I was crying from the pain. Then he finally got it, his scorching hit dick entered smoothly up to the hilt, filling me full. It seemed bigger, his penis, maybe because of the female scent.

I tried to move, but Turner growled, then snapped his jaws near my ear. I froze, face pressed into the mud as my hole was fucked by s huge doggy cock. Each time he thrust, I moved forward and got pushed into the mud. It was so hot, being taken outside in the dirt and muck. Knowing that to him all I am is a bitch to fuck. I was being treated like one and was acting like one.

It was great.

Jake was the second to appear, just to my left. Turners knot pressed against my butt-hole then popped in, eliciting a loud yell from me. Tears were running down my face, his knot was definitely bigger. Turner slowed down and then thrust deeply once, his hot spunk shooting out into me.

I moaned with a mix of pleasure and pain, sadly it took only moments for him to pull out because of the lube from the rain, sweat and bitch scent. Jake came up and got onto my back, I lifted myself out of the mud, but Jake pressed me back down with his weight. This time I rested on my arms, Jakes cock had started probing like Turners, but he was just as bad, missing and poking me with the hot weapon.

It wasn’t long before I was sniffling from it. And not only that, but Jake was rough. He was scratching my sides, painfully. His back paws were scratching my legs as well. When Turner found my waiting hole he thrust in all at once and began a furious fucking that I haven’t experienced before, he was going so fast that my arms were pushed into the mud and soon my face was pressed into it again. I felt the pain and pleasure explode threw me when he slammed into me repeatedly.

He fucked me hard enough to bruise, if you could believe it. I felt the large cock travel along my insides, growing in girth and length until the knot hit my asshole. I panicked, how big was it? I tried to crawl forward a little, but no avail, Jake growled and continued fucking, trying to get his knot it. It was just too big.

Then he really pressed hard, using his paws to pull me back a little. I felt it force its way inside me and I yelled in pain. It was giant. It must have been the size of a grapefruit. I was full on crying from it entering. Jake didn’t even notice or care, he just started relentlessly fucking me again. Over and over his cock slammed into me until finally he slowed down to a few thrusts. I felt that it was over, I had already cum three times I was sure.

I moaned with tears running down my face as what felt like cups of doggy sperm emptied into my asshole. Jake was still half thrusting, making sure it was all deposited, then turned ass to ass with me. I go up with my hands in the mud once again but had to time to recover. Turner was rock hard again and began smelling my face.

He hopped up with his belly on my head and back, thrusting. All I could do was open my mouth. Thankfully, he found it within two thrusts and came forward, putting this cock in my warm mouth. I closed and let my lips glide along it, Turner rapidly begins to thrust. It tasted amazing, and I began sliding my tongue all over it was he fucked my mouth. When his knot was beginning to swell I out my hand up, holding it out.

The thrusting continued until Turner finally met release again, his spunk shooting out and down my throat in a flooding flurry of pleasing and good taste. He held his cock there for a few minutes, then pulled out, I tilted my head up and swallowed.

Then I noticed Lyle, one of the other dogs. They come running, including one I hadn’t seen before with the largest cock of them all.

I was so preoccupied with trying to find out what new dog had shown up that Hank moved in behind me. I felt Jake plop out and move, then another furry stomach hopped up, I immediately looked back to check on who it was. Relieved that Hank seemed gentle I resigned to enjoying the thorough fucking I was about to receive but couldn’t. Hank nipped at my back and I stiffened, clenching my ass. He then thrust, stabbing me with his member until finding my hole.

When his tip entered, he moved forward on my back, burying himself within me. I let out a moan, but it didn’t last. He snarled and moved his head close to mine. I froze again as I was fucked. Hank wanted absolute obedience. So I stayed still. He assaulted my hole until his knot appeared, when it did he pushed hard on me and made me go down into the mud. His knot entered me and he started his fucking once again, but with short bursts of thrusts. When he finally reached his breaking point I pushed back into him, and he pushed as far as he could into me.

Then I felt the spunk. It was so nice and warm, filling me up. I haven’t checked, but by now I had to have more than a lot of the dog’s pungent sperm filling their bitch up. And what an unfortunate bitch, I was, just minding my own business and a pack of fuck hungry beasts arrives to impregnate me.

Hank shivered a few times, hips bucking with pleasure as he satisfied himself with me. Then got off my back and went ass to ass. Again, I found a dog in front of me, but I grabbed his cock this time. By the look of it, it was Max. I brought it to my mouth and began sliding my tongue over it, and finally I took it in my mouth, keeping control of it. If it wasn’t for a brief tug I wouldn’t have noticed Hank pulling out of me. No doubt a river of cum flowed out. It should have hurt, pulling out with the knot so big, but my ass had already been painfully abused and stretched.

I continued using my tongue and mouth on Max, then caught a glimpse of the new dog in the corner of my eye. I released his member for only a second d and turned my head. Standing behind me, was a Saint Bernard.

“Oh… Shit,” I mumbled under my breath.

I couldn’t move, I would be bitten instantly I feared. I turned my head and slowly returned to sucking Max’ cock. I felt a warm tongue glide over my bruised ass-pussy, getting inside and sometimes lapping at my balls. I cringed and prepared, waiting for the huge dog to mount. Just as I did, I felt Max spasm and send wave after wave of cum into my mouth, shocked, I opened my eyes wide and jerked back a little. The Saint Bernard jumped onto me, his weight pressing me down to the mud at a harsh angle. He brought his paws to my hips and started thrusting.

At first, his hard fuck-stick missed and stabbed my right cheek a few times, eliciting a small cry from me. Then I felt it rubbing above my hole, near the apex of my back. Like someone who just fucked you in the ass would do after finishing on your back. Then in one mighty thrust, he pulled back and came forward, his red doggy dick entered my poor abused hole, filling me like nothing I had felt before. This dogs cock, was giant. It was bigger than Max’s, he was stronger than Jake. I was now genuinely being raped. It wasn’t a dog I had known for a while, it was a dog I didn’t know.

I immediately regretted letting him take me, because as soon as he got in, the strong dog began fucking me harder, faster and rougher than I had been before. His claws dug into me and scratched and cut. Every time he thrust it he pushed me a little further and he had to move forward. I could feel his breath on the nape of my neck, his rough breathing from his pumping turned me on. I could feel his every move inside, in and out he thrust. All I could think about was his knot is going to be huge.

I estimated his penis length at thirteen-inches, because that’s what it felt like. I tried crawling forward, but he just came with, his thrusting never ceased. I was starting to become more afraid, the knot would come soon. And indeed. It did. I felt my body jerk forward as he began pumping harder, I could feel a large object outside my hole. I couldn’t get my hands back to help him inside, so I closed my eyes tightly and waited. My body jerks from his powerful fucking.

Then it went inside, and I yelled with pain. It was a loud yell, one laced with the pain from a gigantic knot forcing its way I to my asshole with no help besides lubrication. The Saint Bernard began energetically fucking me again, as fast as he could. The hard member that had already been using me had gotten longer and now he wasn’t pulling it all out every time.

Finally, he pushed me down harder with some powerful piston fucking, and I had the side of my face in the mud as he started cumming. I could feel a river of warm doggy spunk begin to flow into me, and I shot cum from my hard cock too. I couldn’t contain myself, I came harder than I had before and just sat there, my asshole being used up by such a strong male dog.

He didn’t pull out for at least ten minutes, and for every second, I was filled more and more with powerful dog seed meant to make me pregnant with puppies.

The End.



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