The Dingo Pack

By kangaroo08.

It wasn’t what I expected. When I married Steve. Living on an outback cattle station was lonely and frustrating. Steve was often absent for days or weeks as he patrolled the fences, making necessary repairs. The cattle also needed drenching, branding, and general mustering, and moving across vast tracks of land. It was impossible to bring the stock to one point, so Steve and the men went to the stock and did the necessary work at one of many mustering encampments.

Steve had just left to round up the stock in the far northwest corner of the holding, and I was again on my own. It was most lonely at night when every sound had a different meaning. To say I was scared wasn’t far from the truth. I looked out on the vast rolling planes to the west until the inevitable heat haze blocked my view. I sighed and decided that keeping busy was the only cure for loneliness. A large mob of Kangaroos moved lazily into the home paddock, seeking the sweet grass they knew could be found around the water troughs. A bonus was the spilled grain that accumulated around the feed shed. The big red male, who seemed to be the mob’s boss, was paying close attention to a much smaller female. Big red kangaroos were often called old man Kangaroos, and they grew to be over six feet tall and were very dangerous if someone or something cornered them or got between them and one of the does.

I sighed again and headed for the laundry,, a separate room detached from the house. It was made that way because the laundry in the early days had a copper pot for boiling water for baths and washing clothes. The danger of an accidental fire was always present. No one had seen a need to put a laundry inside when the first electric generator was installed on the cattle station.

I had put a load of washing on before Steve had left and it was now ready to hang on the line. I was usually very careful about not dropping pegs because of the red dirt in the yard, but by the time I got the washing to the line, the mob of kangaroos was very near the clothesline. The old man kangaroo was having little luck with his conquest and losing interest. I was a bit wary as he was very close to the clothesline as he held the rest of the mob forward. Distracted, I didn’t pay attention to the difference in height between the red dirt and the concrete pad around the base of the clothesline and the washing cart tipped over. The mob started but didn’t hop off.

“Dam the bloody kangaroos, dame Steve, god, I hate this place,” my melancholy mood was back as I bent to collect the pegs and the spoiled washing that would now need redoing.

I had collected about half of the pegs and all the clothes when I felt the warm breath of a kangaroo on my bare behind. I hadn’t changed since I got out of bed after a farewell quickie from Steve. I had just put on a housecoat, intending to change later. There was no hurry to do so because there was no one within sixty miles.

I began to straighten slowly but stopped in the crouched position when I felt the kangaroo move closer and place his short front paws against my sides. I looked back between my parted legs and saw the crocked penis of the old man kangaroo fully extended.
“He wants to fuck me,” I grumbled out loud, “Now how much worse can my day get?”

I wasn’t going to fight him one rip from that big middle tow and he could disembowel me so I grabbed hold of the cloths trolley for support and waited.

Using his tale for balance, the big red kangaroo moved his powerful hind legs forward until I felt the first tickle of his wet misshapen penis on my inner thigh. I didn’t move until the kangaroo gripped me more firmly and pulled me back toward his belly. He hunched over me, his head between my shoulder blades as he gripped my waist tightly with his front paws. His shaft began to probe for my still sticky groove. I should have been afraid or disgusted or something. instead I felt excited at the prospect of having a wild animal inside me. I really didn’t know what to expect but I had seen kangaroo’s mating and it always appeared slow and deliberate.

The searching point of the thin penis poked at my buttocks. First one side then the other and in short jabs as he gradually began to centre on my vulva. All the time the kangaroo was making clicking sounds and as his upper body moved across my back in a swaying movement. I felt the power of the rippling chest muscles. I turned my head as much as I could and looked up into the kangaroo’s face as he stared straight ahead. I could see the concentration and ever ready alertness on the wild animal s face. Off in the distance a dingo cried, the Old Man herd it too and raised his head higher to focus the sound in his long radar like ears. For that moment he stopped searching for my sex to listen. Satisfied that the Dingo offered no immediate danger the kangaroo again began to probe.

He must have felt the sticky wetness of my protruding inner lips which marked the entrance to my vagina because when his searching penis passed over them he pressed forward rather than prodding. His rewarded was my warm wetness beyond the opening and he slipped the sharp point of his tapered penile shaft into my groove. I gave a soft “Ooh,” as a pleasant chill ran along my spine.

The kangaroo humped vigorously once inside the outer portal until he was firmly embedded full shaft inside me. The fury animal warmth against my bare flesh was exciting. The kangaroo had now commenced to move in a rhythmic fashion and his penis continued moving, arching so strongly I lifted with it . I didn’t realize he was not yet finished his task. Then the exploring member poked into my cervical opening.

I was startled and gave a cry and moved away from the sudden stab of pain. Because of the sharp reaction I knocked the cloths trolley over spilling the cloths once again. I didn’t care, I was being screwed by a big red kangaroo and I was trembling with excitement. The kangaroo came with me holding me tightly, I was now bent under him with no support.

Momentarily I had dislodged him from my cervix, when I jumped forward but he soon found me again. This time I just winced as he pushed himself into the tightness of the neck of my womb. We stood bound together with the big red kangaroo rocking gently. Then I guessed he was coming. A warmth began to spread deep inside me. For maybe ten minutes we stood as one and the Kangaroo remained ever alert. He gazed about with raised head as the sound of distant dingos began again. Big Red was nervous and made a clicking noise to the other kangaroo’s. I hardly noticed when he slipped from me and withdrew his tapered shaft back into his body.

I stood hastily and lowered my housecoat while looking about furtively for any sign of people, people I new weren’t there. I felt deliciously guilty. Hurriedly I picked up the washing and headed for the laundry room. As I rounded the corner of the room I stumbled into another of the male kangaroo’s and fell headlong onto what was probably the only grass patch worth mentioning in the home paddock.

“shit, what else can happen,” I yelled then I found out.

This kangaroo had clearly been watching the dominant male mate me and his penis suggested he wanted a bit of the action. The smaller, but not much smaller, red kangaroo male stood facing me and only feet away. His prehensile penis was extended downward in an ‘s’ shape. The penis was heavily veined and there was some matted hair sticking to the pointed end. What I hadn’t noticed when I had been mated previously was that the shaft was tapered and it was quite thick at the base. His testicles hung down like a bulls sack but they were much smaller and covered in hair. Then the kangaroo stood back on his tail and his penis became rigid and pointed upward. I had never taken much notice of kangaroo anatomy before and I didn’t realize that there penises were so long. This show was obviously put on to impress me and I was impressed.

If he wanted me he could have me. I turned but stayed on my hands and knees. The shed obscured the view of the yard and I couldn’t see the other Kangaroos. I knew that they were not far away probably near the feed shed. I looked back at the Big Red as he closed in smoothly. His paws slid down my waste and hooked into my hips. I lowered my head to look between my slightly parted legs. I could see the penis arched upward and bouncing as the kangaroo closed in. His arms held me firm and his lower body and chest rested on me. He was standing semi erect, watchful, listening behind me. Again I herd the distant cry of a dingo perhaps two. The kangaroo had his powerful lower legs clamped against my hips and outer thighs. I felt snug in his embrace. The athletic penis was bouncing against my pubic mound as he moved his hips to become better seated. Still I looked back as his penis almost formed a U shape as it searched for me.

My still wet vagina was still distended and puffy from my two previous bouts of human and Kangaroo sex and his genital searching finally found me open and receptive. He plunged in and began to hump vigorously. If he entered my cervix I wasn’t aware but his vigorous thrusting gradually subsided and I could feel a warmth flooding inside me. Now all I could see between my legs was his testicle sack that seemed to be on elastic as it swung freely. I could also see beads of liquid form on my pubic hair and drip to the ground. The penis was fully implanted inside my sheath. The thick end stretching me slightly. I knew it couldn’t stretch me enough to take all of him so I guessed his dexterous penis must be bent around inside.

The kangaroo had remained inactive for several minutes. The only thing that was happening was an occasional renewal of warmth deep inside that I guessed was the kangaroo’s next discharge. Then, without warning he was gone. I looked up startled as he flew across my back ripping my house coat from me as he did. He stumbled, regained balance and moved off about ten yards. I turned then as I herd an angry sound approaching me. There closing fast was the big red kangaroo. Both kangaroo’s faced off with each other for maybe half a minute before my latest lover deferred to the bigger kangaroo but remained fairly close.

The Old man kangaroo cam over to me and sniffed me. All the time he watched the smaller kangaroo, I giggled as his whiskers brushed my tender pussy.

“Checking to see if he got a bit are you, you old bugger,” I again giggled as I wondered what would happen next.

I suspected that the Old man would try me again so I remained on all fours for several minutes but detecting no action from the big kangaroo I rose to my Knees.

There was still tension between my two lovers as they eyed each other off. The smaller kangaroo moved toward me, just a yard but that was enough for the Old Man to move toward him clicking threats. They stood like that facing each other down for a minute before the young kangaroo again backed off and the big kangaroo returned to my side. He reached out for me as he sidled behind me and I rose to all fours again. Slowly watchfully the Old man kangaroo covered me.

The growing sexual tension between the two big kangaroo’s had drawn two more of the group in to watch. The warmth of the old man kangaroo was cosy and I drooped my head to watch his dancing dick search for me. By now I was very wet and Open. And he dipped into my sloppy pussy without any searching at all. Then without warning he bounded from me making threatening noises once again. I hadn’t been watching but the other kangaroo must have moved closer, to close for my big red lover.

“Dam,” I muttered out loud at the younger kangaroo, “Go away and let him finish.”

The gentle breeze on my rear felt chilly on my wetness. The big kangaroo returned ever watchful of the interloper and commenced mounting me yet again. I shuddered with pleasure as he pushed his powerful hips forward. Then he went still. I looked in the direction of the other males but non had moved then I herd the distant sounds of Dingo calling there were at least three now. The delicious contact of the big kangaroo as he pumped his seed into me was suddenly broken and this time he was really pissed. So was I. Big red bounded from me and began to chase the other kangaroo. This time he didn’t stop and both kangaroo’s disappeared round the corner of the house and out of the home yard.

I was about to rise frustrated and annoyed at the constant interruptions when I saw one of the younger kangaroo’s approach boldly penis extended. I stayed down as he slid Kangaroo fashion up behind me and immediately grabbed my hips with his forearms. This ones marksmanship was perfect and he plunged into me first time. I sighed and pressed back as he began to hump.

I loved the feel of the soft warm belly fur of the Kangaroo on my naked back and the powerful drive of there hips. Through the gape between the house and the barn I could see the two Kangaroos fighting for me while I was getting serviced by one of there kin. Ten minutes later my Vagina had been filled with kangaroo semen and the smug young buck slid from me. The other youngster had moved close and it was clear from his slapping penis that he was also prepared to steel some of the big red kangaroo’s less than private human pussy.

“Come on, boy, Elizabeth is waiting,” I patted my rump.

I was getting a little tender around my well used vaginal opening. I could feel the sloppy openness of my engorged inner folds but I still wanted more. The hit and run fight of the two big kangaroo’s had taken them out of my view and I didn’t know if they had come to a decision about who had mating rights. The young buck couldn’t see them either but decided he would risk the wrath of Big red, or the other kangaroo, depending on who won. The now familiar gripping arms folding about my hips and tucking into my groin heralded the coming of my forth different Kangaroo lover.

The cries of the dingos were a little closer and the number joining in seemed to grow every time I took time to listen closely. The young buck was slapping my tummy with his damp penis and I wanted to move away to let him find my sloppy hole but he heaved me back with his two strong forearms. After some time and searching he dipped into my honey pot and almost immediately began to flood me with his contribution to my semen cocktail that slopped about in my vagina. He had been shagging me for several minutes when we both herd the noise of warning clicks somewhere close.

From around the corner the big red kangaroo appeared slightly battled scared. A red welt on his stomach was bleeding and there were patches of fur missing. Perhaps it was a case of if you think I look bad you should see the other guy. The young buck saw non of Big Reds wounds he was gone in a flash. I felt the warm stickiness of a misfire trickling down my rump.

Big Red finally unchallenged took me once more. He took his time and I felt the tightness of his tapered shaft expand my opening and the swinging testicles slapping my mound as he humped slowly. He dragged me back onto his deep-seated appendage as he fucked me thoroughly. I was feeling a warm glow in my groin and reached back to feel him as I did I touched my clit. Instantly an electric like shock crashed through me and all my pent up frustrations exploded in the stars of a violent orgasm.

Wave after wave of contracting Thwacks clenched at the centre of my being until finally they subsided. I was covered in a fine glow of perspiration and my legs and arms were not able to hold me. I slumped forward only to be drawn back by Big Red as he continued to unload his semen into my already full body. Time slipped by on a fog of euphoria that seemed to last forever but eventually he withdrew and I immediately staggered to my feet using the shed wall as support.

My heart was still racing and I was shaking as I picked up the spilt washing and finally returned it to the washing machine. When I looked at the clock I thought it was wrong. I had been with the kangaroo’s for more than three hours. I was naked covered in red dirt and short lengths of Kangaroo fur. There was blood on my side the result of Big Reds wound and I leaked kangaroo semen but I was happy. I felt in dire need of a bath but I also hoped that the kangaroos weren’t finished with me.

The big red kangaroo was still close by when I finally got the cloths to the washing line. He followed me back to the laundry, never more than three yards from me. I decided that I would take the initiative and returned to the grass outside the laundry. As soon as I got to the grass I went to my hands and knees. The big fellow didn’t leave my side during the afternoon and he took me twice more. As dusk fell I herd the plaintive cries of dingos begin once more they were perhaps a mile off, no more. The Kangaroos under the clicking guidance of the Old Man left the home yard and headed east away from their nemesis the wild dingo.

As I was near the laundry which doubled as the bathroom I decided to clean up. I was dirty, sticky and smelled like Kangaroo. I was surprised to find my vaginal lips still puffy but only a little sore. The kangaroos penises had probably did some damage inside but there was no outward indication. The bath felt good and I spent more time in it than I intended to do. It was now almost pitch black outside and I realised I was hungry and thirsty, I hadn’t eaten all day. I reached for my clothes before I realised that I had not brought them out as I usually did. It didn’t matter, It was dark and there was no one about so I left the laundry shed and started for the house ten yards away.

A low growl stopped me dead in my tracks.


I peered through the darkness but I could only make out a vague shape of a dog. Then it disappeared. The security light flashed on as the animal broke the beam but I didn’t get more than impression of something dark. Left frightened, naked and alone I ran the rest of the way to my back door.

Inside I began to feel safe but I was still shaking from the experience. I opened a bottle of wine and drank a glass quickly. While I was cooking dinner I consumed the rest of the contents of the bottle. Then the radio crackled it was Steve.

“I called an hour ago, where were you,” he grumbled when I answered.

“Oh great, now how are you? I was worried when you didn’t answer, instead where were you, you are one self-centred bastard sometimes Steve.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled back.

“If you really have to know, I lost track of time, and was having a long bath and I forgot you were calling,” I lied.

“Yeah, OK, I surrender. How are things any problems?” he asked.

“No, no problems, not really, I did have a visit from four of my lovers and they stayed all day. With any luck they’ll be back tomorrow for a another session. But that’s not a problem is it?” The wine was kicking in and I was feeling light headed and cheeky.

He laughed, and after a little more banter signed of with a promise to call tomorrow. I ate dinner and was sound asleep before eight o’clock.

With such an early night I was awake before dawn and decided to have breakfast and do the chores early especially the ones I had neglected yesterday. It would be another warm day but at this time in the morning It was cool and quiet. I was dressed in a light summer dressing gown and as I had slept nude I had nothing else on. Secretly I had hoped the kangaroo’s would be back but they weren’t.

I fed the animals and was preparing to let them out to forage in the yard when, from the corner of my eye, I got a glimpse of something moving. For a heart stopping moment I thought it may be the red kangaroo’s returning but no it was smaller than a kangaroo.

I walked toward the spot near the tractor shed where I had seen the movement, then stopped remembering the nasty surprise I had received the previous evening. There it was again, this time I got a better look at it, it looked like a very large dingo, probably a dingo cross. It was about twice the size of a regular dingo probably fifty plus pounds and it had a dingo posture tall and rangy. Then there appeared another then a third dog appeared. There was something unusual going on here dingos are normally solitary beast sometimes forming loose family of maybe twelve animals with a male and female dominant pair.

These three dogs were all male, then another and another dog came into view, finally I counted eight dogs. Most were larger cross-bred animals rusty red in colour. One was black and white and there were three pure-bred fawn dingos in the pack, probably a hunting pack. The coloured dog closed on me quickly teeth bared and head low in an aggressive posture. The others followed his lead, My legs went to Jelly I hated dogs domestic dogs, little dogs, big dogs all dogs and especially the wild native variety.

“Shoo, go away,” I began to back up toward the animal barn shaking visibly and just oozing fear.

I had to suppress the desire to run which I wanted so badly to do. Running I new I wouldn’t get me very far.

“Go away you nasty beasts,” I mumbled as the big coloured animal was now close enough to bite if he wanted to and he sure looked like he wanted to.

Instead he came right up to me still in a threatening posture, but instead he sniffed my leg and then circled me slowly before licking my hand then he growled lowly and bared his teeth at the closest red dog as he went behind me still growling he shoved his nose under my dressing gown and sniffed at my behind.

“Go, shoo!” I hissed, trying not to wave my arms in a way that might provoke this dog or the pack.

Then the coloured dog, Ill call him patch, came around to face me. Without warning he jumped at me knocking me flat on my back. All the animals closed in. I read something about playing dead when confronted with wild beasts, I lay still. The Dingos were sniffing and licking me all over. One began to pull at the cord of my dressing gown with success. Without the tie the gown parted and the dogs started to lick my breast belly and pubic hair. I kept my legs closed but I could feel at least to of the dogs trying to nuzzle between my clamped thighs. Another of the dogs had a firm grip on my dressing gown and he began to tug on it.

The other dogs thought this looked like fun and in moments my gown was in shreds. They were playing with me with only a hint of aggression I tried to get up , thinking that while the dogs were distracted I could escape but I was wrong the pack would have none of it and I was knocked down again. This time I lay face down my ass in the air. I tried to rise again but to hold me one of the big red animals Jumped on my back In what seemed like an effort to mate. Another of the red dogs knocked him from me and this one was humping at me ass.

A raging I had been getting had suddenly turned into an attempted rape. First one then another tried to hump me before being knocked down by one or another of the other animals. I was screaming for them to stop as their claws tore at my naked flesh as they pushed and shoved for the right to take me. Dogs were flying every where and the red dust was thick in the air.

Several fights had broken out among the bigger dogs. This gave one of the red dogs a chance to have a turn. He was instantly on my back and uninterrupted by his pears he lined up directly behind me. He got me in the familiar animal mating grip with his front legs firmly tucked around my hips and into my thighs. The red dog began to poke at me rapidly. The dingo cross kept humping rapidly and his hot tip nudged my clit hurting me and I jumped forward to escape the pain. Finally his rapid fire thrusts found my slit and once in he shoved hard. With one drive that help extend his shaft deep into me full length. Once inside he continued to hump vigorously until I felt the hot thin shaft become engorged enough to fill my sheath. The part of the dingos penis just inside my sensitive entrance expanded to an uncomfortable size.

Now filling my hole to an extent that the kangaroo’s hadn’t the red dog slowed his thrusts then stopped. His head lay on my shoulder and he was panting vigorously, his hart was thumping at a rapid rate. The first spurt of dog semen fired into me. It was hot enough for me to feel each squirt as it coated my vaginal walls and pooled near my cervix. A few minutes later my panting rapist was done and trying to disengage. He threw his lift hind leg across my back and I felt his penis twist inside my clasping sheath.

But to Butt we stood. I looked around at the now quiet pack. Most of them were crouched tongs out panting. Some stood watching us with seeming disinterest. The red dog tugged, I yelled and he yelped. He stood still for a minute then tried again this time his tug was so strong that I tumbled sideways onto the red dirt and screamed with pain as the dingo almost pulled me inside out but didn’t brake free. We both lay breathing heavily tied by his knot. We lay like that for a long time. Patch came over and sniffed my vagina. The red dog growled, showing a vicious mouth full of teeth. Patch moved away and lay down. Maybe five minutes later we were still Joined and Patch again got curious or impatient and returned. The red dog Jumped to his feet and at the same time braking our tie. It was then I saw the extent of his engorged penis and couldn’t believe it had been inside me. I also couldn’t believe it must have been even bigger before it deflated enough to brake free of my clutching vagina.

“That hurt, you bastard,” I yelled at him as I lay in the red dust that now clung to my sweating body.

The dog was to engrossed in licking his well soaked purple and white shaft free of our juices. I lay watching the dog as he cleaned himself oblivious of the other dingos until Patch Idled over to me and began to lick at my hand that covered my leaking vagina. I moved my hand away from my tender pussy and let him lick me.

Laying in the red dirt I reflected on what I had become in just a little less than a day. Patch didn’t give me much time to think as he became impatient with me. His licking stopped and he stood away from me and barked in that distinctive dingo tone. I began to stand and he jumped on to my side and worked his way to my rear humping as he went.

“Go away,” I snapped, but he growled and began the short sharp jabs to find my sore pussy.

It didn’t take long before his searching jabs found my distended vaginal opening. He heaved forward climbing high on my rump as he sunk his lance into me. The pointed tip jabbed the end of my sheath, this dog was long and it didn’t take any time at all for me to discover that he was also quite thick as his shaft engorged to fit my sloppy pouch. His knot also grew to block my opening as he began to add his donation to the substantial semen pool within my vaginal depository.

Patch took several minutes before he grew restless and wanted to dismount. However, I was again impaled and locked to my dingo lover and instead if throwing his leg over he just lifted his front legs to the ground and stood next to me. For some reason I felt the need to speak.

“What’s going on here, big fella?”

He just looked at me with his cold brown eyes and squirted another spray of seaman into me. For ten minutes we were locked together until I felt him begin to shrink and suddenly a sloppy plop announced his departure. He was followed in quick succession by both pure bred dingos and even though they knotted with me the larger beasts had left me so open that they were able to pull out easily when they had finished. The next dog was one of the red crosses and he quickly entered and locked with me. As I was being taken for the fifth time I felt the first of the warm blasts of wind from the west. Today would be hot and dusty.

The sun was growing uncomfortable on my bare skin and I decided to make for the shelter of the water tank stand some ten yards away. With the dog in tow, piggy back style, I managed to reach the shade and there I stopped while the dog continued to service me. The knot of the cross-breed’s was large and although I had been well used by now this dingo also found immediate release from my clasping pussy impossible. My knees and hands were sore by now and they cried for relief. It came when he threw his leg over my behind allowing me to flop down in the wet red soil under the tank. The dog also lay down panting from his sexual exertion. We had remained tied for some time when I saw the ears of the dingo laying next to me prick up.

Then a bark from another of the Dingo’s, I didn’t know which one, Indicated something was disturbing them. I listened carefully but herd nothing. My dingo lover stood and as he did he lifted my behind painfully in the air. Then my weight and the forward motion of the dingo allowed him to brake free of me allowing a gush of dingo semen to spill from my numb vagina.

All the dingos were now very agitated as they looked toward the west. Then as one, they took flight. At first they headed in the direction they had been looking then they veered away from the track. Now they were heading in the direction of the lone rise in the ground that we call a hill some ten miles away. Near the hill is a spring that most of the wildlife in the area use as a watering hole. In truth it is a gorgeous place and Steve and I have picnicked there often, The last time just two days ago. A column of red dirt down the track indicated a vehicle was coming. Whoever was coming were probably about ten mile away. They would be here in ten minutes.

It was then that I realise what a sight I made. Naked and covered in red dirt and dust with my blond hair matted from the wet dirt and the slobber where the larger dingos had rested there heads. I new I had to shower quickly. I hurried for the laundry shed and claimed under the relieving spray. Five minutes later I felt a little more human. As I dried myself tenderly where the claw marks had broken flesh and of course between my legs, I went to the side of the shed to see where the vehicle was. Now less than a mile off I could see the colour of the vehicle, as much as wasn’t covered in red dust that is. It looked like one of ours, I couldn’t be sure.

I ran into the house wrapping the towel about my wet hair as I ran. I didn’t have time to choose clothes and I threw on a floral dress without any panties. I went to the Kitchen where I could see the track getting there just in time to see Steve pull up. He had one of the aboriginal stock men with him.

I went to the door to meet him. “What’s up?” I inquired.

“Truck broke-down, an axle, we have a spare one here so I came back to get it. We could’ve continued on without the truck but we were close enough to come back here and still be back in camp by noon,” Steve said.

I followed Steve to the shed. As he helped the aboriginal stockhand with the axle.

“Saw some dingos heading for the hills, going fast too,” he informed me. “Five of them, three big crosses, and a couple of pure bred’s. Probably hunting, better look out for the house stock,” Steve told me.

I nodded. “I heard them about the house last night, that’s why the chickens and the other stock are still in the barn,” I lied and just as well. As Steve and the stockhand carried the axle to the pick-up truck, he saw the dingo tracks in the dusty ground.

“There they are.” he pointed to a number of clear tracks in the dust, “Don’t seem very old, probably here at sun-up.” It was now about nine thirty. “Want you to be careful of those devils, the crosses are worse than the pure breads, mean, big and pretty cheeky. They may venture back here tonight if they know about the stock, and think they can get an easy feed. Get the shotgun and the rifle out of the repair shed, and have them handy,” he said most of this as he climbed back into the Ford and prepared to leave.

“Don’t you want anything to eat,” I asked.

“No time, I had an early breakfast, and we’ll be back in camp for lunch,” he called as he drove off.

I sat on the veranda and watched the car leave. Why didn’t I tell him about the dingos attacking me. I couldn’t explain even to myself. I felt ashamed, afraid, but most of all confused. I just sat staring after the dust until it finally vanished. Then I remembered Steve had said five dingos. I was sure there were six.

When I looked away from the horizon there in front of me was a big red dingo cross, there had been six. Why hadn’t this one gone with the others I wondered. The dog just sat on his haunches looking at me with his head cocked to one side.

“Oh,” I exclaimed when I realised, “You missed out, didn’t you.” I was even thinking of myself as something that should have been shared equally. I looked into the brown pools of his eyes and he looked back. “Your really smart, aren’t you? Staying hidden like that, and not running off.”

I stood and lifted my dress over my head and walked to the patch of grass near the laundry shed. Here I eased down onto the soft coolness that the shade and grass offered. “Come on then, its your turn.”

The big dingo that had been last in the pecking order had me three times that afternoon, and we were tied twice. The next morning he too was gone.

The next two weeks were sublime. The Kangaroos returned and stayed for three days several days later the dingo pack returned and stayed for five days. Then Steve returned and we’re still married. Those long periods of loneliness no longer happen.


The End.

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