The Presentation

By DexJ.

‘God, I’m late! My meeting is about to start!’ I yelled by myself seconds after coming from the bathroom. I hate these 9:50 meetings! It should either be exactly something o’clock or half-past something—nothing else. Whenever I hear someone saying that “It gives people 5 to 10 minutes to be ready”, I call bullshit. Either people forget what time the meeting is supposed to happen, or they are still in the previous meeting. I have a remote meeting starting in 2 minutes, and people expect a video meeting. And did I mention that I am still pretty much naked?

Let’s stop the clock so I can give some context and set the field. I’m Olivia, a 24-year-old user experience specialist in one of those not-to-be-named mid-size corporations. My work is figuring out the biggest problems when using my company’s products. When studies and research are done, I present the findings to everyone so that I do not insult every designer, developer, and engineer who has worked on the project.

They do excellent work, but working so closely with something can make people blind to some obvious errors. Anyway, it is going to be one of those meetings at 9:50.

I am a good-looking woman. I still actively play volleyball on the local team, so I must keep myself in shape. It is not a national-level league but still high enough to be taken seriously. My boobs are nice B-cups, and my butt is so tight that you could bounce a coin off it. Including my womanly assets, I am quite tall, around 180cm, and I weigh 63kg. I also have long brown hair, and I have been said to have a beautiful smile.

For the sake of the story, I should probably mention that I am still technically a virgin. It started from the classic, “I want to keep myself pure for marriage,” but by the end of college, the resolution had been changed to a more fun principle, “I like girls, not boys.” I cannot be categorized as pure in any word’s meaning. But I am still a virgin. I could have cared for it with more penetrative toys, but it hasn’t just come to that.

Anyway, back to earlier this morning, my friend and neighbor Kerri had to leave the town on short notice and, in distress, asked me to take care of his mastiff, Buddy. I wasn’t too excited since the big dog would mean extra effort, but she was quite desperate, so I couldn’t say no. And I like the idea of Kerri needing to return the favor at some point. There is just something naughty about that girl, and I hoped to get a taste. Kerri warned me that Buddy has been rowdy lately, but I assured her I could handle it. She had bigger problems on her plate than worrying about Buddy and me. We had each other’s apartment keys, so I told her that she could come to get Buddy if I were away. I had some things to take care afternoon, so I might need to leave for an hour or so. She was fine with this arrangement.

Well, she wasn’t wrong about Buddy being rowdy. Finalizing my presentation and hiding breakable objects from Buddy’s reach made my morning quite a hassle. I think Buddy’s biggest issue is his size, not his attitude. He is a huge dog. Kerri once told me that he weighs around 80 kg, which makes him way bigger than myself. So even the gentlest push feels intimidating.

It was 9:33, and everything was ready for my “10 o’clock meeting”. I decided to take a break and have tea before the meeting. And that is when everything went to shit. Buddy accidentally bumped into me while I was carrying the teacup. I came crashing down, and I spilled the cup’s contents all over myself. I swore like a sailor when I realized I needed to change and fix my make-up. Buddy looked very sorry and whined. I couldn’t say too mad at him, and it was, after all, my mistake. I patted him on the head and went to the bathroom. I failed to hear the “BING!” reminding me that my meeting would start in 15 minutes in the middle of the commotion.

I would have hurried if I had known that I had to hurry. But I took my time in the bathroom. I undressed and threw the dirty clothes into the washer. The near-boiling tea had burned right through the thin fabric, and cool water from the shower relieved the burning sensation. After a few minutes, I exited the shower, and I applied some lotion to have it healed quicker. The final thing to do at the bathroom, I started to fix my make-up. It was almost fine as it was, so it did not take too long. Now I just need to figure out what to wear. I have been avoiding the laundry day, so the number of different options would not be great.

I came nude from the bathroom and noticed the alarm window of my upcoming meeting. But it was not in 13 minutes, it was in 2. ‘God, I’m late! My meeting is about to start!’ I yelled by myself. My work is difficult, and people rarely want to hear anyone giving criticism about their work, no matter how nicely you try to give it. That means that they will use any excuse to leave, and me being 5 to 10 minutes late will most likely suffice. I had no time to waste, so I made the split-second decision to wear the top from one of my trendy outfits. I could not locate the bottom, but it did not matter since the audience would not see me fully anyway. I just had to fight through this one meeting by being half-naked. To be perfectly honest, the idea gave me a tingling and naughty sensation. And what’s the worst that can happen?

My speakerphone was connected, the video feature activated from a laptop, and I could start the meeting on time.

‘Good morning, Olivia. How are you doing?’ greeted the project manager.

‘Perfect morning Mr. Williams. I am doing almost excellent. A little bit of hassle with my neighbor’s dog this morning. I am very sorry in advance if there is any extra noise from my end.’ I replied as glowingly as I can.

He gave a sincere smile and responded by saying, ‘That is fine, Olivia. I think we all have had our issues with remote working for the past year. And please, call me Aaron. You are soon going to go through all our shortcomings. Let’s at least try to ease the tension a little bit.’

I smiled and nodded when he continued, ‘Good morning, the team as well. As discussed in yesterday’s meeting, the UX department has made the studies with user groups and present the results today. All the data is also available after the presentation. If I understood correctly, Olivia?’

‘Yes, Mr… Aaron. I am more than happy to share the data.’ I confirmed.

‘Excellent. I am now checking from the participant’s list, and I think we have most online. If you do not mind, Olivia, I would like to introduce our topic today briefly. I will start to record now, and the stage should be yours in around 5 minutes.’ said Aaron online.

‘Of course.’ I readily replied.

I muted myself while Aaron continued to go through the topic. Even though we had started, I was still very much aware of being bottomless in this video meeting. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. I knew that I could do something naughty like touching myself if I wanted. But same time, I knew that if I get too comfortable, I might forget the situation and, for example, try to get up for any number of reasons. I just needed to keep it cool until my part was done, and then I could at least close the video connection and get some bottoms.

The one fella who thought that my plan was way too boring was Buddy. He had been lazily walked around the apartment and was now nudging my bare legs with his head. He wanted some attention which I had some trouble giving. I tried casually to scratch his back outside of the screen. But I simply did not have time for him right this very second. I needed to ready myself for the audience.

I was working beside my kitchen table. I usually work from the sofa or my bed, but since I need to look somewhat official during the video call, I rather work from next to a solid table. Working from anywhere else would have probably prevented the upcoming events, but that is way too late now. Due to the open space under the kitchen table, I had not noticed that Buddy had been able to crawl under the table. He clearly wanted my full attention, and he soon had that. I felt his snout invade my private part between my thighs. This alerted me visibly. I panicked and almost fully jumped up until I remembered that I was in a video call without even panties.

‘Is everything alright, Olivia? You jumped like you saw a ghost.’ Aaron said jokingly.

I had to calm myself and sit back down. I forced a smile on my face and replied, ‘The dog I mentioned just surprised me. Nothing serious. Sorry about that, please continue.’ I could not say that a huge mastiff is trying to assault my bare pussy.

‘Very good then. I know that you and your dog must be excited to start, but please bear few more minutes.’ Aaron jested.

‘I’m sure we can manage.’ I joked back while thinking that can we actually manage.

During the whole conversation, I felt Buddy trying to assault me further. I tried to cross my legs, but there was not enough room to do it under the table while Buddy’s head was in the way. If something, it would have only given Buddy a better angle. I then tried to push him, but that just made him push back harder, and I feared that he might just make the whole chair fall backward. I thought about hitting him but as said, Buddy was a big dog, and he might get aggressive. The only thing I could do was to use my hands to prevent further access. It worked but not for long.

I heard Aaron mentioning my name through the speakerphone, and I had to use my hand to unmute myself. The extra room between my legs meant that there was more room for Buddy to maneuver. With only a single hand protecting my pussy lips, I could feel his warm breath at the other side of the hand. His rough snout and warm breath were affecting my most sensitive erogenous zone. Even if I did not admit it, my pussy was starting to react to the assault.

‘So, without further ado, Olivia, would you like to present the findings for us?’ Aaron asked.

Left hand at my cunt and right at my mouse, I replied as calmly as I could, ‘I would be delighted to do it. I contemplated the situation in silence. I could have disconnected the meeting right there with many excuses, but I was sure that I could manage the few slides. After all, it was only 15 minutes.

I opened the presentation and started to go through the items we had listed with the focus groups. It was not my first presentation, so that I could go through the topic with the necessary professionalism. But it was still no doubt the most difficult presentation which I have ever had. I could feel my pussy moisten against my left hand and Buddy trying to get past the said hand to the source of the smell. It wasn’t Buddy’s first time to smell something as alluring as a female in heat, and it had a quite good general idea of where the intoxicating smell is coming from. He knew if he wanted to have a taste, he had to be relentless. That’s how the world works, after all.

‘Sorry to stop you there, Olivia, but are you sure about that 4th point in the presentation?’ asked one of the team members.

‘Our product will not have anything to do with that feature, so I do not believe it is relevant for this case.’ he continued.

I checked the line and noticed the error right away. It was a common copy and paste error. ‘My apologies, you are correct. I will have it fixed after the meeting. Thank you.’ I replied.

Aaron opened his mic and replied, ‘We do not need to rush this through. Feel free to edit the presentation while we are going through it. Knowing my team, they will probably give even more input during the meeting, so we might as well do the corrections right away. If that is fine by you, Olivia, of course?’

I could not refuse, but I really wanted to. ‘Yes, if we have time and you do not mind.’ I spoke.

I would need to use my left hand to fix the error. Trying to type with only my right hand would have been too slow and looked suspicious. I braced myself, lifted the hand between my legs, and felt Buddy pushing right to my wet pussy. In a matter of moments, Buddy was all over my cunt. His tongue was lapping my juices from my labia, and every second or third lick, he would hit my clitoris. This sent shivers through my body. I am proud of how calm I looked on the camera, even though I was being assaulted in a live meeting. It would ruin my career if any of this came out. So, I simply wiped my soaking left hand before starting to modify the PowerPoint presentation. It took few seconds for me to do the changes and push my left hand back between my legs. But I knew I was in trouble. I had started to breathe more heavily, and my face had started to turn red. It was still manageable, but I need to get this presentation done sooner than later.

I was so close to being done with the presentation. I mean, there was only one actual content slide left before the end. And then someone pointed out another correction with my presentation.

‘Olivia, why have your focus group tried to login using that URL? I think that was scrapped months ago and currently only gives you access to a limited number of features,’ a team member explained. I noticed that I had copied the old link and mistyped few lines.

‘Thank you… I will have it fixed right away.’ I said, dread in my mind.

I prepared my resolve and removed my left hand once again. My private parts were once again fully exposed and open for Buddy. His eager tongue tornado quickly shattered all the resolve I had. I wasn’t ready for such a strong reaction from my lower body. I had not realized how aroused and how on the brink of orgasm I was until the rough tongue hit my engorged clitoris. The climax was as powerful as it was instantaneous. Realizing the pending predicament, I tried to hit the big red Leave button, but I misclicked and only muted myself. I did not get the second chance to leave as the huge orgasm hit me like a storm. My whole body was convulsing from cumming so hard. My shaking was so bad that I could not focus on using my computer mouse. I was moaning like crazy, but luckily no one was able to hear me. Since I had my presentation open, my video was also shrinking for the audience with default settings. I just hoped it was minimized by default for everyone.

‘Olivia, it seems that you are muted. Can you still hear us?’ Aaron said from the speakerphone.

He continued, ‘We can see your presentation and your video, but nothing is really happening.’

The climax was mental and physical torture. I knew that I had to get a handle on the matter soon. The line had to be disconnected so that I could regroup. I forced my teary eyes to focus on the screen, and by some sort of miracle, I was able to concentrate enough to be able to leave the meeting. When the screen went blank, I jumped from my desk, immediately away from the horny dog. I had to get away so I can handle the situation. Buddy did not follow me immediately, which was a surprise. But an even bigger surprise was when I saw the chair I had been sitting in was soaked and dripping from my heat. I must’ve been even wetter than I had realized.

‘Fucking bastard!’ I yelled at the dog. But he just kept lapping the juices from the chair even to notice my anger. I dried the few tears from my eyes while watching Buddy. The thought of being orgasmed involuntarily by a stupid dog had shaken me hard. But I did not have time to waste. I had to get back to the meeting right now. I quickly used a hand towel to wipe myself clean and then the fallen chair, which Buddy is licking enthusiastically. He wasn’t happy that I cleaned my pussy juices from the kitchen chair, but once I threw the now moist hand towel away, he leaped right after it.

I sat down again. This time crossing my legs for protection and started to connect back to the meeting. I still felt so hot that I could not dare open the video feature. I had no idea how much the previous event affected my looks, and I was unwilling to figure it out.

‘Hello, sorry, can you hear me?’ I said somewhat cheerily.

‘Yes, welcome back,’ Aaron said.

‘I had some technical difficulties. I am so very sorry. And now it seems that I cannot start the video.’ I tried to sound as apologetic and sincere as possible.

‘Do not worry. We were almost at the end. Can we finalize the modifications from the last slide?’ Aaron asked.

‘Yes, of course. And sorry about this all.’

I was relieved. No one seemed to notice what had happened, and the situation could still be managed. I opened the presentation and did the final modifications with the team.

‘Thank you, Olivia, for the presentation. I hope that you can stay for the next 30 minutes while we are spitballing the improvement ideas.’ Aaron said.

‘I am more than happy to stick around. And if I can help in any way, just ask.’

‘Alright. Now team, please unmute yourself and share the ideas’

One might’ve thought that the chaos would ensue after dozen or so people open their lines, but the next several minutes were a steady stream of information sharing in an orderly fashion.

My focus was mostly on Buddy, who had lost interest in the towel from that part forward. His eyes made me feel unease and remind me what had transpired just several minutes ago. It was so unreal that a dog could do something like that. But it would not happen again. I will make sure of it, I thought by myself. It was like he took that thought as a challenge, and he started to move in my direction. I made sure that my legs were firmly crossed, and there was no way he could reach my pussy again.

Even though the access to my vagina was blocked, it didn’t mean that he would not try. Next few minutes, he poked and pushed his snout against my thighs with no success regarding further penetration. I was fearful at the beginning, but I was sure now that I could handle it. I just need to figure out what to do with the dog and tell Kerri when she gets back. She owes me big time for this. Maybe even intimate-dinner-big level of favor. Maybe even something more exciting, the idea made me giggle in silence.

I resumed focusing on the meeting and even contributed for few points. I did not pay attention to Buddy anymore as he had lost interest. But suddenly, I felt Buddy pushing harder than at any time before. I felt the chair moving backward until it hit the side of the carpet and start collapsing backward. And before I could do anything, I also fell backward hard. If I had prepared for the fall, I would have made back roll with ease. But since I was surprised, that kind of athleticism was way above me. I ended up in “half-roll” or “plow pose,” if you know yoga. My legs extended over my head while my body was somewhat two folded.

Small, disbelieved laughter escaped my lips when I understood what happened. I had a clear view of my glistening pussy above myself. It was still moist from the orgasm I endured a few minutes ago. It looked hot, and I was quite proud of my beautiful pussy. People always think that lesbians do not take care of their body hair, but I have no idea why they think so. I have trimmed my vagina to look as enticing as possible. After all, I love when other girls go down on me. And having groomed nether region makes people want to return. It was a funny thing to think about right now.

In a daze, I felt like that I was middle of something. I started building up momentum to get away from the uncomfortable position I found myself in. But right when I was going to kick myself back up again, I felt pair of hairy forelegs at both sides of my hips when the great dog fell on top of me. I shrieked in surprise. He had jumped from behind my head, and his body was now blocking me from getting back up. His strong forelegs locked my own legs under him. I tried to push him with my legs, but he was like an unmovable stone wall. And if you have ever tried plow pose, you know how helpless I was. You are pretty much like a turtle on its’ shell if you cannot get your legs on the ground.

Then it hit me. The beautiful pussy which I had just admired was now in front of Buddy. Buddy, who had just orally assaulted me to orgasm several minutes ago. In a panic, I tried to cover myself once again with my hands, but less than optimal paw placement kept my hands from reaching my vulnerable pussy. The only thing which I was able to do was to support my strained back with my hands. I shouted in frustration and fear.

The project team heard the commotion, but it was dismissed since everyone knows that there is sometimes the noise in the remote meetings. Little did they know that I was about to be orally raped by the dog for the 2nd time today.

I had a front-row seat for the show. I saw Buddy’s giant tongue lolling at the top of my most intimate area. A drop of his saliva from his tongue hit my labia, and it made me shiver. Buddy did not admire the view for long and started lapping my sensitive pussy lips. I shrieked quite loudly until I remembered that the line was still open. Hopefully, the sounds from my lips were not heard by anyone. I already had a hard time coping with humiliation, but knowing that someone knew about this would have been my end.

Next few minutes, I had to experience sensations that I had never before felt. Sure, as a lesbian, I’ve had my pussy licked quite a few times but never like this. His surprisingly nimble tongue touched all the right places, and it made me squirm under Buddy. I could not admit to myself how good it made me feel, but inadvertently I pushed my cunt against the rough tongue of Buddy. Buddy had started by directly lapping my pussy, and after few minutes, I was extremely wet. I could see how my pussy juices and dog saliva were trickling down on my top wear. It would not take long until my shirt was going to be soaked by our combined juices.

The climax was not sudden this time. I felt it building up long before it was rocking my body. Since I was able to expect it, I was able to fight it. Buddy had changed his strategy during the ordeal. He no longer lapped wildly and directly at my pussy, but instead, he made long and wide licks from the top of my clit to the untouched butthole of mine. Having all those places licked at the same time was driving me nuts. My face had turned bright red from the excitement and having my legs behind my head for few minutes. I was doing my best to keep quiet, but anyone who would have been close by would have understood the meaning of muffled moans coming from my closed mouth. I prayed the God that those moans did not reach the speakerphone.

No matter how much I fought against the orgasm, it was going to come. I found my body shaking against the floor. I tried to calm my body by breathing and squeezing my back with my hands, but nothing helped. The strong feeling emanating from my teased clitoris and labia was overwhelming. The only thing that my pointless struggle had done was the build-up of my sexual frustration. And it was about to be released hard. To muffle my moans further, I had to bite down the soaked shirt. The taste of my heat filled my senses right before I exploded.

I cummed harder than ever before. It was like there was no end to it. Buddy was relentless even when I was convulsing and trashing under his body. He kept his focus, and it kept pushing me further and further down the abyss. The first time, I also experienced female ejaculation. The pent-up orgasm had broken all the valves, and I was now squirting all over Buddy and myself. Buddy, of course, tried to full advantage of this event, but some of the liquid landed on my face to only enhance the feeling of my humiliation.

I was breathing heavily when the orgasm finally subsided. The taste and smell of my own pussy were filling my senses, but I could now think clearly again. I felt every strong lick on my pussy, but it was no longer sending me towards my next orgasm. Due to all convulsions, the licks even hurt a little.

Hearing my name from speakerphone made me focus once again. ‘Olivia, sorry about all the noise from the line. It seems that we might have too many people actively contributing. Did you have any questions or comments regarding what we have discussed?’

I took a deep breath and calmed myself. With much effort, I was able to reply loudly and coherently, ‘No, not at this point. I made notes so I can fix the presentation if we deem it necessary.’

It took all my focus to nail the words while I was still being tortured by Buddy.

‘Fantastic. And are you fine to continue just slightly over time? I checked our calendars, and nothing is blocking us from continuing there.’

I swore in my head. This has sucked beyond everything already. But I wanted to leave a good impression, so I tried to reply ‘Yes, of course…’

Something sticky landed on my face and into my mouth. And it was not my next eruption from my pussy. Even though I had been blocked by the giant mastiff for quite some time, I had not paid attention to its’ loins. I had been too preoccupied with torturing lapping I had been receiving to notice the gigantic cock which the animal was sporting. Small jets of pre-cum were shot from Buddy’s penis all over my shirt, face, and mouth. Not only had I exploded on my face by myself, but now the stupid dog was doing the same thing. I coughed when I tasted the salty and warm liquid.

‘Ok then. Let’s resume the conversation. And please, Olivia, let us know if you have something to ask.’ said Aaron.

‘I will.’ I replied while trying to prevent any further jets of cum from hitting my face by adjusting my legs to block the angle.

You cannot comprehend how bad I felt. It was difficult for my back and legs to remain in this terrible position for as long as I have. I am covered with many disgusting liquids. And I have been now involuntarily brought to climax at least twice by a disgusting animal. I’ve never felt this dirty before, and it was bringing my mood way down. I was able to suppress the sobs, but I could not prevent myself from tearing up. All the while, Buddy kept exploring my most private and sensitive parts, trying to figure out a way to erupt my vulva again. Slowly but surely, it was going to happen again.

But then I was given a lucky break. Buddy wasn’t a sentient being, even though it was clearly a smart animal. He did not understand how lucky it was for him to be positioned like this in the first place. The human female exposing herself like I had didn’t just happen every day. Buddy, simply wanting to readjust himself to reach deeper in my pussy or maybe in my ass, got up and tried to turn around. I felt my legs and hands being freed. Even though my body had gone through hell, I still had enough energy to fall simply. I was in the fetal position instantly, making sure that Buddy could not force himself on my body anymore.

I exhaled. Finally, it’s over. No more. I felt exhausted. A small part of me thought that I was never going to be freed. I knew it was stupid, but your mind plays tricks on you. Especially when something is forcing you painfully and blissfully to climax. I hear Buddy whining in frustration above me. He knew that his prize had escaped him. I did not care; I just needed a moment to catch my breath before my next move. This time I would not leave anything for a chance. I would mute the speakerphone and get proper pants on me. Then I would lock this beast to the bathroom until Kerri would return later in the evening.

It took me few moments to gather myself. I felt the moistness between my inner thighs. I don’t believe I’ve ever been this wet before. I touched my cunt only to find it extremely sensitive. Pleasure and displeasure emanated from my clitoris, so I quickly removed my hand from my pussy lips. ‘No more.’ I said to myself again.

The speakerphone conversation was now focusing on totally different matters, and I had gathered enough strength to get up. So, I decided that this would be the perfect time to end this. My legs shook when I cautiously got up from the carpet. I could feel my heat trickling down my legs when I am forcing my body upwards. When finally standing, I decided to take small steps to protect myself from further assault attempts and keep the balance. I looked in the direction of my rapist, and I saw no kindness in his eyes, nor did I see any maliciousness. He was a dog, after all. I could not forgive him, but I knew it was not his fault.

I saw him coming closer. It was stupid of me to make eye contact with him. But in half panic, I did not want to take my eyes away from him. I did not want any surprises anymore. I began to move in the direction of my computer to mute the speakerphone. I could at least breathe easy, knowing that no one would be listening to me anymore.

Do you remember that chair which had fallen previously? I sure as hell did not. I did not look where I was going. My legs were already weak from the past experienced, and my attention was focused on approaching Buddy. I tripped, and I had no way to keep my balance. I could only do my best to soften my landing.

‘Oh, for fuck sake,’ I said to myself after I had hit the carpet. I mean, what is wrong with this day. Everything goes to shit all the time. Fuck it, I thought and started to prepare myself to get up again. I kicked the chair further in anger, not caring about the noise it might make. Then I turned around and took support with my hands and knees. Slowly I started to get up. Too slowly.

I felt familiar forelegs on my back and sudden increased weight pushing my raised hands back to the carpet. On my hands and knees, I understood very quickly that Buddy was once again making his mischief. Briefly, I was relieved that I did not feel his snout again between my legs. But that brief moment of relaxation did not last for long since I felt something else between my legs. Something which I had never felt before my life was a hard cock that had been waiting to see action for some time now.

Buddy was humping me hard to find the soaking hot pussy of mine. I felt his loins hitting me like a jackhammer. The monster cock was thrusting off-mark from my vaginal opening, but that did not mean that it did not send exciting signals to my brain when it wildly brushed over my labia and clitoris. After the initial shock passed, I tried to get away from the dangerous situation. But the weight of Buddy kept me firmly under him. When I tried to shake him off, he just applied more force on me until I gave up my struggle. I just have to wait for the moment until he gives up, even for a short moment. He gave up when I was on my back before, and he would do it again when he realizes that humans and dogs are not really compatible with each other.

Buddy kept thrusting away even without a chance of penetration. The frantic motion of his cock felt disgusting and thrilling at the same time. My previous arousal was building up again in this bizarre situation. But this time, it was not a nimble tongue lapping me up but a persistent huge cock that was rubbing my vulnerable pussy. And even though I was quite soaked already, Buddy’s cock kept trying to further lubricate me with the pre-cum, which his doggy cock kept jetting off. The amount of pre-cum amazed me. With every thrust, the cum was being shot all over my loins, shirt, and floor. The intoxicating smell of beastly sex confused me.

Even though I was disgusted by the event, I did feel mildly curious about the dick of the dog. I decided to take a look under my body to see how big it really was. Not only that, but my body had tensed up from the second of the mounting, and it was starting to wear me down. Heavy dog on my back did not make the situation any easier. So, this felt like a good time to find a more comfortable position and satisfy my curiosity. I bowed my head down to see between my arms. It took me a moment, but I was able to see the pole of the animal. The cock looked bigger than it was before. Clearly, it had to be only semi-ready the last time I had seen it. Now it was at least 20cm long, probably longer. But the scary part was the girth of it. I am sure that nothing that big could penetrate my virginal cunt. I could not see properly, but the tip of the cock looked pointy and reddish. Maybe if I go lower, I could see better.

I lowered my upper body so I could rest and see from a better angle. This surprised Buddy, and he almost lost his balance. I thought he might actually dismount due to the situation, and I started to ready myself to jump up to get away. However, he was able to poise and readjust himself to the situation. I felt his paws landing further on my back. And I had a perfect visual angle to see how his cock slid off from top of my pussy, withdrew few centimeters, and then it was thrust right through to my vaginal opening.

My lubricated pussy offered no resistance against the brutal invader. Neither did my thin hymen. My virginity was taken in one hard push by an animal. The penetration took my breath away, and I was silently screaming in disbelief. Not only was the experience physically painful, but it was also shocking on a mental level. Never before have I let a male touch me before, and now I can feel a huge cock forcing itself deeper and deeper inside my tight and sensitive pussy. The first thrust was pushed all the way to my cervix, and in a fraction of a second, I was turned from the virgin to a sorry bitch full of doggy cock.

It took the beast inside of me a heartbeat to realize that he had finally found the tight hole he was looking for. It felt like he was savoring the moment when he had finally reached the end of my strained tunnel. I stared without blinking the massive outline of a cock which been shoved inside of me. No matter how full I felt myself, there were still solid 5-7 centimeters of dick being left outside. Realization of the event took a moment from me, but then the moment passed, and Buddy started furiously pumping his member in and out of me. And I could only brace myself and watch while I was being made a complete bitch for a dog on the floor of my home. And all this happening from earshot away of my colleagues.

Thrust by thrust, my hole was being shaped to better accommodate Buddy’s huge cock. It felt like I was being split in two by Buddy. But surprisingly soon, the initial shock and pain were being replaced by shame and arousal. It was a unique sensation. While I was tearing and sobbing, my body had started to accept being fucked, and my loins were sending pleasurable signals to my confused brain. I did not know how to react to my situation. My body had betrayed me a few times already today, but this was starting to be insurmountable. I am a lesbian who is being raped by a dog, and my body accepts that without any consent from me. It was humiliating.

Although I was lucky that I had not screamed my lungs out from the penetration, I now had to work hard to not moan from pleasure or cry from shame. The speakerphone was very near to Buddy and me, so it would be terrible if I opened my mouth even for a brief moment. It was already a miracle that Buddy’s loud panting was not being heard by the project team. I had already dodged the bullet when I was licked to orgasm, but the risks were multiplied by ten this time. There was no way to mute me if I started to scream while being fucked by Buddy. If my moans escaped this room, I would not be able to live with the shame.

My abused body had started to relax while being fucked hard by the animal. The savage thrusting no longer hurt like when my virginity was taken. In fact, I had started unintentionally clamping down my vaginal muscles to enhance the feeling further. Obviously, this was felt by Buddy, who returned the ball by ramping up the speed of his loins. I was subconsciously accepting the pleasure and becoming a degraded bitch, and I was consciously doing my best to ignore the building pleasure and muffle my moans to my hands and carpet.

I figured out my body’s unacceptable behavior when I found myself trying to push my loins against the cock which was raping me. I was shocked by the revelation and a little bit disgusted as well. I did not contemplate this any further since I was interrupted by the next twist. Either by my change of pace due to the shock or by Buddy’s readjustment, his pointy cock had found my cervical opening and was in the process of penetrating further inside of me. The combination of my own lubrication and Buddy’s pre-cum was too much for my tired body, and thus Buddy had found a way to bury the rest of his staff inside of me.

The further penetration sent a new wave of pain and pleasure through my body. I was no longer sure what hurt and what made me enjoy. It was all blurry. The whole cock was now embedded deep inside of me, all the way from my vulva to my womb. The hot jets of pre-cum felt more fantastic than ever, which wasn’t something that I wanted to admit. Buddy did not slow down even after being able to invade deeper into me. And since he was now able to get his full length inside of me, I was able to feel his ball sack hitting my clitoris with every violent thrust. I found myself moaning harder with each slap onto my clit.

In the end, I do not know what the straw was that broke the camel’s back. Was it the feeling of losing control? Was it being dominated and degraded by an animal? Was it the hot shots of pre-cum that were being shot inside of me? Was it simply being fucked like never before? I do not know. But I know that I was brought to the most earth-shattering orgasm I have ever felt before. I could not prevent screaming, so I pushed my face to the carpet to suppress my voice. I had no control over myself while violent convulsions rocked my body. Muscles in my pussy kept massaging the full length of Buddy’s giant cock by squeezing and releasing the grip. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep my nose down while my body was shaking and Buddy fucking me harder and harder.

In the middle of my orgasmic bliss, I felt pressure at the entrance of my pussy. Carefully not to make a noise, I opened my teary eyes and watched the fist-sized ball at the base of cock in horror. I did not know where it came from and what was the purpose of that ball. But the fact was that it was now expanding my poor abused pussy to the breaking point. Just 10 minutes ago, two fingers were the most which had ever violated my purity. Now my pussy was preparing to accommodate a freaking baseball. It was clear that Buddy would force it inside, but it was also clear that it would hurt. I knew that I had to help him and not fight back. I started to fuck back while doing my best to relax. I felt pain, but it was still tolerable. Little by little, the ball was being pushed further, and my pussy kept expanding. When I thought that I could not take any longer, the ball was popped inside of me. A new wave of shame washed over me when I realized that I had been actively and willingly helping Buddy further degrade me.

I saw and most definitely felt the ball swelling further inside me. The outline of the huge ball was visible behind my neatly trimmed pubic hair. Buddy kept fucking me hard but with shorter thrusts. The ball was now stuck inside of me, preventing Buddy from exiting my pussy or from me escaping. The ball kept rubbing my pussy walls inside of me, and it felt stimulating. I had never tried to find my G-spot, but the giant ball had no problems locating it. Since I no longer felt like being split in half by the ball and it was actually enhancing the pleasure tenfold, I climaxed without any warning.

The combination of previous orgasms and newfound G-spot orgasms made me completely forget where I was. When I cummed, I cummed loudly. It did not even come to my mind to muffle myself, so that meant that my colleagues could hear everything online. I did not care, and I was cumming so hard that there was not a single clear thought in my head. My tight pussy was also too much for Buddy, and while I was cumming, he started to unload his semen inside my womb. The unspeakable amount of hot cum filled me, and I felt like bursting. This just further enhanced my climax, and it drove me further heights. My whole body kept helplessly trembling while I was struggling to stay conscious.

I hardly heard the dirty laughter and applause online. When I was cumming like crazy, the project team was having a field day at this event. No one has ever been this humiliated, like ever. Fucked like a bitch by a fucking dog. I would need to change my name when I recovered from the experience. Alright, they might not know that it was a dog who had forced me to cum like a dirty whore, but the audio was damaging enough.

‘Hehe, alright all. You had your fun, guys. Stop it now.’ Aaron said online.

He continued, ‘It was funny the first time you did this at our weekly, but we have guests today.’

I kept moaning the whole time. I tried to stop, but the constant pressure at my G-spot and the feeling of being filled with cum was just too much for me. I could not focus enough.

‘Oh, for fuck sake, people. I muted everyone. Olivia, I am really sorry about this. It seems that some of us have too much free time.’ Aaron said as embarrassed.

‘Olivia? Olivia, can you hear me?’ Aaron asked when I did not reply.

‘Maybe she had to step away for a moment. Well, good for us that she did not need to witness the previous show. Next time it happens, I will make sure that their contract is nullified immediately.’ Aaron concluded.

When I was finally coming back from the groundbreaking orgasm, I was breathing hard. I could hear the conversation in the meeting now better, but I had difficulties focusing on that. I tried to open my eyes, but I had first to wipe the sweat and tears so I could see anything. I also noticed that I had drooled during my climax. The carpet under me was wet from the spit. From the mess under my body, I was able to figure out that I had also squirted again. I checked further and was amazed at how big my tummy was. It took me a second to realize that my enlarged stomach was probably caused by the obnoxious amount of semen inside me. Buddy was still stuck inside of me. It made me wonder how long we would be tied together like this.

‘Alright. Thank you for the meeting. Thank you, Olivia, as well, if you can hear us. We will check all the data you have provided us, and if needed, I will arrange another meeting for us. Hopefully, a meeting with fewer interruptions,’ Aaron said.

I hear people saying thanks and logging off. I could not reply or log out just yet, and I was at the mercy of Buddy, who had his cock still embedded deep inside of my abused pussy. I had to wait until he was ready to dismount.

About 5 minutes later, I felt him trying to pull out. Due to adrenaline wearing off, increased pressure felt painful. He was close to getting out, but the ball must’ve still been too big. But I did not get bored since only a few seconds later I heard someone opening their microphone.

I heard a woman talking with a mischievous voice say, ‘I know what happened during the meeting. I was curious who had no common sense to mute themselves, so I checked the recording. And then the video. I do not know what to do with this information. But I will be in touch, Olivia. Thank you, you just made my day.’

I thought by myself, “Yay… going to be blackmailed by a bitch. Not ideal, but it could be worse I gue…”. My thoughts were interrupted by Buddy, who has had enough for copulation for this day. I felt like being ripped apart when Buddy kept pulling his cock outside of my cunt. I was once again being stretched to my absolute limit when I felt the huge cock being pulled out from me. I heard loud pop when my pussy lost its grip on the invader. A copious amount of cum was released from inside me, and it started to pour down my legs. The smell was intoxicating. I felt a familiar tongue starting to lap the disgusting cum from my pussy. Sudden stimulus triggered me one more time, and I climaxed while soiling the carpet with Buddy’s semen, my own heat, and very little blood from my torn hymen.

When Buddy left my pussy alone, I was mentally and physically done. I struggled to get myself to shower to clean up. The deposited cum kept streaming down the lower end of my body while I walked towards the bathroom. It took me over 30 minutes to clean myself since everything ached. Also, it took me a while to empty my pussy from most of the semen which Buddy had pushed inside of me. I was sure that I couldn’t get everything out in such a short time.

I put the bathrobe on and tried to exit the bathroom. Buddy was already waiting for me outside. He did not exhibit any signs of remorse and was happily wagging his tail when he saw me. I helped him to the bathroom, where he happily came. I then slipped outside and closed him in. It was the only rational thing I could think of. I also blocked the door in case Buddy would be smart enough to open it.

The meeting was still active on my laptop. I was the sole person inside, no surprise there. I shut down the whole computer and went to bed. I was so tired. In fact, I slept the whole day and was only woken up by the doorbell in the evening. “It must be Kerri,” I thought. I did not know what to say. I did not know even what I could say. Everything felt overwhelming.

I opened the door and saw Kerri.

‘Hello, Olivia. Thank you so much for helping Buddy and me. What is wrong?’

I replied, ‘Yeah. Not sure where to start from. We need to talk about Buddy.’ I signaled her to come inside.

She took few steps in and asked, ‘Is everything alright with Buddy?’. Suddenly she stopped and was clearly trying to smell my apartment. My apartment must stink.

Very quietly, she started to repeatedly say ‘No, no, no, no, no, please, no… Say that he did not…’

I do not know how she pieced everything together, but I was going to find out. ‘Yes. Yes, he did.’


The End.


*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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