The Ruff Stuff

By Lola Down.

I confide in you, dear reader, as Lo has confided in me. You will recall that in the story from sometime back called ‘Lo Likes it Ruff,’ she confessed to me the following:

“I was young, but I had already discovered how to pleasure myself. One day I had a sleepover at a friend’s house. Because we were up late into the night talking and we didn’t cease when told to, her parents separated us, and I was to sleep on the floor of the living room. It was summer, and it was hot, and I was just wearing a t-shirt and thin pajama bottoms. It was too hot to sleep under the blankets they had given me, so I took them off. I was still too hot, so I took off my PJ bottoms and slept only in the t-shirt. The next morning, really early, before anyone in the house had woken up, I remember having a really, really hot and sexy dream. In it, I came (which isn’t so unusual now, but back then, it had only happened to me a couple of times).

“After I came, the dream continued until I woke up, and I found my friend’s dog – a Great Dane – with his snout stuck in between my legs, lapping up my pussy. I was startled at first, and I pushed him away and sent him out. He must have been the cause of my sex dream! After I had fully woken up and realized what had happened, I looked out the window and saw the dog run around the yard once and then get down on the grass and rub his stomach furiously against the ground. I couldn’t tell from so far away, but I think he made himself cum! Still wet between my legs, I fondled myself some more thinking about my new experience and made myself cum too.”

And then you will recall, my faithful friend, that months later I discovered her secret stash, the K9 files, as I call them. And she came clean about her fantasies involving our four-legged companions just before she came dirty thinking about it.

Well, on this particular evening, I came home after a very long and hard day at the office. In the bedroom, I found Lo lying on her tum in a towel on the bed. She had just showered, and as I walked into the room, finding her scrolling through who-knows-what on her phone, I took a little peek under her plush towel at her bum. “Nice little string,” I said, seeing the thread from her tampon protruding out.

“Thanks. Pull it; I say funny things.”

I laughed despite my exhaustion. “You already say funny things.”

She turned around and took one look at me and said, “Daddy, are you feeling ok? You look terrible.”

“Thanks, Lo. Sorry I don’t look as good as your many fans.”

“Oh Daddy,” she said, sitting up and letting the towel fall by her side, “that’s not what I mean. I mean, you look like you need to get out of those clothes and let me take your mind off your troubles.”

I did as she suggested and lay down next to her. Without saying a word, she grabbed the moisturizing lotion from the nightstand and applied some to her palms like a professional. Then she reached down between my legs and began fondling my flagging member, making it tumescent. She stroked it perfectly, and I moaned and said, “You’re so good at that. How do you know just how to do it?”

I fully expected a story about one of her many lovers, past or present, but instead, she told me the following tale.

“Remember how I told you about the Great Dane from the time I had the sleepover?”

“How could I forget?”

“Well, I never told you the follow-up to that story.”

“Now seems like a perfect time.”

“In the morning, after it happened, I was both excited and totally embarrassed. But I was also curious. My friend had a pool in her back yard, and we were swimming in it – it was a hot summer day. Her dog was walking around the yard, and from our vantage point, I could see its underbelly very clearly as it strutted its stuff. I mentioned something to my friend about the dog. Maybe I asked her if she had had it fixed or not. She looked at me funny and said, ‘No. Did you notice? He’s such a horny beast!’ Or something like that. I must have turned beet red because she followed it up with, ‘Oh my God! What happened?!’ She was very excited and eager to hear. So I told her in hushed whispers in the pool. That must be why water gets me so wet.”

“Water gets everyone wet,” I interjected.

“You know what I mean—wet, wet. Anyhow, after I told her, she was really excited. If he had done anything like that to her, she never revealed it to me. I think she liked having this special knowledge over me, using it against me, almost blackmailing me with it – but I was too young to realize that that was what she was doing.”

“How did she used it against you?”

“The next time I came over, her dog was lying down on the bed in her room. She dared me to touch his crotch. I said, ‘Ew, no!’ But she said that if I didn’t, she’d tell the girls at school what happened. So I did. I grabbed it and rubbed it, and immediately he put his hind leg up in the air to give me better access, and soon after that, he got hard! I had never seen a penis before in real life, and this one was huge!”

“What happened next?” I asked, pretty huge myself at this point.

“Nothing. I got cold feet. But I also got a wet and hungry pussy. I went home and masturbated to the sight like ten times in a row.”

“That was it?”

“No. The next time I came over, she dared or threatened me again. She really got a certain perverse excitement out of it. And I grabbed his cock again. Again it got big in my hands. This time I was curious about what would happen – if I had the power to make him cum. So I stroked it. He began breathing hard and spreading his legs wide. He clearly liked it. I stroked it back and forth for about two or three minutes until he ejaculated all over both of us and her bead spread! It was so hot, but also so messy, and we didn’t know what to do. We had to clean everything up so that no one would know.”

“Did anyone find out?”

“No. We did our best to wash our clothes and get the jizz out of the bedspread. But we learned our lesson. The next time. . .”

“There was a next time?”

“Oh yeah. The next time we did it, we both got naked and put a towel down. She had me stroke him just like before. She said she wanted to see it again. So I did. She was so excited. I think it really turned her on because after that, whenever I came over, we’d go to her room, get naked, and she’d have me do it. She’d masturbate until she came, which turned me on too, and she’d have me stroke off her dog. I got really good at it, and later, when I started dating boys, I discovered that they’re no different from her dog. The same technique works on both. Just like you right now.”

At those words, I came in her hand and on her naked body.

“See,” she said, “that’s just how her doggy did it.”

For more, see our blog

The End.



*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t always mean the flaws in a story are always fixed.

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